PrintJob orientation issue

hi all, I have problem with print job
myPrintJob.orientation = PrintJobOrientation.LANDSCAPE;
it returns error:
1059: Property is read-only.
i use flash player 11.4
I checked adobe docs and it says that this property is read-only in AIR 1.0  (
Runtime Versions:
Flash Player 9 - read only, AIR 1.0 - read only, AIR 2 - read-write
) .html
any solution about this issue ??

it also says orientation is read-write in air 2 or better.  fp 11.4 is not air 2 or better.

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    Hi BabalooToo,
    Thank you for using Apple Support Communities.
    If your iPhone becomes unresponsive, there are some troubleshooting steps I'd like you to follow through outlined below.  As far as your "iCloud sync," what exactly is the issue you're experiencing?
    If a single application is not responding or stops responding when it opens, you can force it to close.
    If the device is unresponsive or if certain controls aren't working as expected, restart your device.
    If the device remains unresponsive or does not turn on (or power on), reset your device.
    If there is no video or if the screen remains black, verify that the device has enough charge to turn on:
    If you are using an iPad, ensure that it's connected to the USB Power Adapter supplied with the device.
    Let it charge for at least twenty minutes, then see if it starts normally.
    If there is no image on the screen, press the Sleep/Wake button to attempt to wake the device.
    If the screen displays a red battery icon, continue charging the device until the battery is fully charged. Learn more about charging iPhone and iPod touch, or iPad.
    If the above steps do not resolve the issue, or the if the screen remains black or shows a persistent Apple logo, try restoring with iTunes:
    Connect the device to your computer and open iTunes.
    If the device appears in iTunes, select and click Restore on the Summary pane. Learn more about restoring iOS software.
    If the device doesn't appear in iTunes, try to force the device into recovery mode, and then restore it.
    If the above steps do not resolve the issue, contact Apple.
    iOS: Not responding or does not turn on - Apple Support
    Take care,
    Alex H.

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    I'd like to help, but for the life of me, I can't make out what you're saying.
    Try again?

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    down votefavorite 
    We found that your app does not comply with the Apple iOS Human Interface Guidelines, as required by the App Store Review Guidelines.
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    <aspectRatio>landscape</aspectRatio>  <autoOrients>false</autoOrients>

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    They have givebn rejection number
    10.6: Apple and our customers place a high value on simple, refined, creative, well thought through interfaces. They take more work but are worth it. Apple sets a high bar. If your user interface is complex or less than very good it may be rejected
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    They given me rejection screenshot:
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    Try quitting iPhoto and trashing your iPhoto preferences file ("your username" ==> library ==> preferences ==> when you launch iPhoto a new default one will be created - reset any user preferences you have changed and repoint iPhoto to the library if you have moved it

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    Take the picture while holding your phone as such that the volume buttons face downward.

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    Last edited by supercow (2010-07-08 17:20:11)

    Digital cameras create images that aren't rotated as such -- as plain images they're always in landscape format. If your camera has an orientation sensor, it will merely hint at the intended orientation by setting the exif orientation value in the jpeg file (instead of really rotating the image and creating a jpeg with a portrait format).
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    To make a real portrait jpeg, you have to really rotate it and adjust the exif orientation accordingly, which is what effectively happens if you use digikam in the way you describe it. So that's not a workaround, but required to make sure that all programs display the images in the desired format, and not just those that are smart enough to honor the exif orientation.
    See the jpegexiforient and jpegautotran programs for an explanation and an alternative way to rotate images based on their exif orientation value.
    Last edited by hbekel (2010-07-07 21:55:00)

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    Please ignore, I have finally found the problem.
    I was initializing the UIView in my ViewController with the CGRect defined when in Portrait (bounds). So when I turned the device to go into landscape it was still using a portrait frame.
    I'm now initializing the UIView with: CGRect appFrameLandscape = CGRectMake(0, 0, 480, 320);

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    dave crabbe

    You think right.
    The problem with Pages not retaining print setup in templates has vexed users here for some time.
    Personally I'd use *Address Book* to print the envelopes, it is quite sophisticated.
    Check out the many features in Address Book's Print dialogue box:
    *Over-printing Pages with Address Book data* > *Format inside Address Book's print dialogue* s+book&mforum=iworktipsntrick
    Also: +book&mforum=iworktipsntrick

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    I have used the following which forces the app to load in landscape but upside-down:
    stage.autoOrients = true;
    It is then no orientable.
    Any help would be appreciated

    Have you tried setting autoOrients parameter in app xml file to true?

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    And sorry that this could be quite elementary question.

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    Have you tried restarting or resetting your iPad?
    Restart: Press On/Off button until the Slide to Power Off slider appears, select Slide to Power Off and, after the iPad shuts down, then press the On/Off button until the Apple logo appears.
    Reset: Press the Home and On/Off buttons at the same time and hold them until the Apple logo appears (about 10 seconds). Ignore the "Slide to power off"

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    How to please? And THANK YOU!

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    Have you tried a Reset...
    Press the sleep/wake button & home button at the same time, keep pressing until you see the Apple logo, then release the buttons...
    iPhone Reset

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