Prints as a postage stamp when should be normal size!

The first page prints normal size, then each subsequent page is the size of a postage stamp.  I am using Reader 9.4.1.  Can anyone help me out?

Possibly the printer driver is doing a misinterpretation of data it gets from Reader.
Try the option "print as image" under Print > Advanced.

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    You could try, adding another printer, but instead of using the native HP 1022 Printer , use the drivers from the old printer (the one that is working)  for example, go to (this is Win XP version)
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    Here is the Print UI from Acorbat Pro version 8.1.1:

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    fuzzynormal wrote:
    I could never be a tech support person.
    Now you understand what happened to me!
    As for holding your breath, it will take about 10 minutes before the connection to your yahoo mailbox engages.
    Make it so!

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    You probably ended up purchasing a Mac OS X 10.6.3 DVD. I have posted previously about this. I will edit this once I find the post again.
    10.6.3 is incompatible with the Mac Pro you are using. You must install the version that came with your computer or newer. (Yours came with 10.6.4)
    If you do not have the original discs:
    There is another way to do this that I just remembered when one of my co-workers asked me if I had a 10.6.6 disc.
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    Boot to Install Disc in OLDER.
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    Go ahead and install Mac OS X.
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    Once it has booted and you have logged in: run software update and update to the latest version of the OS. Once you have finished updating, shutdown the computer. Unplug the firewire cable. Turn off NEW, then turn it back on. It should work properly.

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    I am currently replying to this as it shows in the iChat Community.
    I have asked the Hosts to move it to Snow Leopard  (you should not lose contact with it through any email links you get)
    I also don't do Wirelss printing so I can't actaully help either.
    10:01 PM      Friday; July 29, 2011
    Please, if posting Logs, do not post any Log info after the line "Binary Images for iChat"
     G4/1GhzDual MDD (Leopard 10.5.8)
     MacBookPro 2Gb( 10.6.8)
     Mac OS X (10.6.8),
    "Limit the Logs to the Bits above Binary Images."  No, Seriously

  • Printing Documents w/ Markups & Stamps

    Is there a way to set my documents so that when another person views them they will print the way I want regardless of the print setting the receiving party has?
    Example, I may have numerous markups and/or stamps on a contract. My client, doesn't know how to properly use the print with Markups or Stamps setting in the printer properties. They open the document and print it without paying close attention to the screen version and what they see on paper doesn't show any of my work.
    Another issue related to this is that I will create a pdf and then send it through a service that I have which allows me to fax online, but has not printer property settings. The party on the other end does not see any of my Markups or stamps because the software sending the fax doesn't have a setting for how it is sent.
    Additionally, let's say that I cover over something like an old price or dated policy by creating a white box over it with no visible lines. How do I lock down the edits so that someone on the receiving end is not able to click on my white box and delete it or even know it is there for that matter?
    The only way I have found so far is to print out and scan the document back into my hard drive and then send it to them. This is a lot of extra seemingly unnecessary work. Surely there is a way to lock in my edits.
    Brad Brusenhan

    Try the links below. John TeSelle has written a tutorial, and includes a javascript to add the "flatten" command to Acrobat's drop down menu.
    His website:

  • Print Templates print preview window closes unexpectly when printing document

    This is a cross posting from Internet Explorer Web Development after a suggestion that this forum would be a better location. See
    I have raised an issue through Connect for this:, but I would like some more visibility of the issue as my customers thought my application was closing when
    they printed a document.  I also don't know if an issue in Connect gets any priority support via MSDN, but this forum does.
    This looks to me like a problem in the IE Print Templates startDoc API call, but if there is a more appropriate forum to raise this issue in please let me know.
    In the application where I use print templates, the window closing is not in it self a problem because the Javascript that is calling startDoc also closes the Print Preview window when the print is finished.
    The fact that the application looses focus and can be hidden by the windows of other applications when the Print Preview window is closed by startDoc is the issue noticed by our customers, so I need a fix preferably, or a work around at a pinch.
    Details of the issue reproduced below.
    When using IE Print Templates, the startDoc function is causing the print preview window to close.  This behaviour started with IE9, and is still present with IE11.
    When an application is using print templates (see for print functionality, this has the effect of causing the application to become hidden by any other application window once printing from the print preview window has started.  It is
    actually this behaviour that started me looking at this issue as the users thought the hosting application had closed.
    Print Templates are not accessible by using IE as a web browser, but only when using the WebBrowser Control to embed IE in an application.  The reference for this feature is available from this url:
    and a sample Microsoft application that demonstrates the use of Print Templates can be used to demonstrate the problem (required for the reproduction steps).  The application is available via this article and searching for "download spiffy".
    Steps to reproduce the problem:
    To see the full effect of the issue, first ensure there is a window from another application (like Windows Explorer) that will cover the sample applications window if brought to the foreground (making the Windows Explorer window full screen works).
    Start the sample application (and ensure that the full screen Window Explorer is the next application to activate).
    Then in the drop down box in the top right corner of the UI select Template8.htm.
    Click the Print Preview button that is just below the drop down box (this will open a new Print Preview window).
    In the new window click the Print… button (this will open a Print dialog).
    Click the Print button at the bottom of the Print dialog.
    The Print dialog closes (expected) and then the Print Preview window also closes (not expected), however the document is still printed successfully.
    When the Print Preview windows is closed unexpectedly, the Windows Explorer window is brought to the foreground (obscuring the sample applications window).
    If you reselect the sample application and click the Print Preview button again, the Print Preview dialog is not displayed unless you restart the application (this looks to be a symptom of the same issue, not a separate problem).
    To see that the Print Preview window appears to be closed by the startDoc call, use the resource editor in Visual Studio (the exe can be opened directly by File | Open | File…) to edit the HTML resource "TEMPLATE8.HTM" (I found I needed to delete
    it and add it back in for the change to stick), find the startDoc call and add two alerts, one on the line before and one on the line after.  When IE is accessing the template, it is being done using the name of the executable (so do not rename the modified
    version of printtemplates.exe, make the changes to a copy in a different directory if you don't want to change the original).  Start the modified version of the application and follow the same steps as in the reproduction.  This time, after clicking
    the Print button in the Print dialog, the dialog will close, the first alert will pop up, then the Print Preview window will close, then
    the second alert will pop up.
    Thank you,

    Hi Shu,
    I have noticed that the print templates API is listed as part of the Legacy APIs. 
    Is this just because it hasn't changed or is not new?  Or does this mean that it is no longer maintained and may be removed (or at least deprecated) at some point in the future? 
    It would good to know if we should start planning for the implementation of a different method of printing.
    I understand that the sample application is no longer maintained, but I also think that the Print Template API that it uses has not changed, and so should still work (and it does mostly).
    If the Print Preview window was being closed as a result of using the Print dialog (and if it had behaved the same way with IE8) I would be willing to go with the by design argument.  
    I have found that the Print Preview window is not closed until startDoc is called, and it closes before control is returned from the startDoc function. 
    Just as part of investigating and try to find a workaround, if I call window.close(), any alert calls made no longer display the alert window after the close call. 
    Alert still functions after startDoc has closed the window however. 
    The is not the sort of consistent behaviour I would expect from something that is by design. 
    Also while investigating, I found that calling startDoc after calling window.close() results in an exception with the error code -2147467259 (0x80004005), this is probably quite normal and expected, but does indicate that the Web Browser Control should
    not be closed till after printing.
    I had found that old thread, and I had concluded it was the same issue, but it was also aimed at different aspect of the problem (which I see in the sample application, but not my application). 
    The visible issue I have is that my users think the application has been closed because after clicking print (on the Print dialog) the application gets hidden by other windows from other applications. 
    This aspect affects the sample in the same manner and so it was a convenient way to demonstrate the problem.
    If IE connect do not look at this issue any time soon, do I have any other avenues to resolve this issue?
    Thank you,

  • Postage stamp effect from the Show Me flash movie on Elements home page

    The Elements home page on has a little flash movie labeled Show Me that demos some of the nifty new features of version 4.0. In the Enhance section of this movie, right after the liquify/stained glass demo, the picture is cropped using a postage stamp effect. The demo seems to indicate that the selection and cropping are done at the same time, with whatever tool was used. I found a post about using the Custom Shape Tool's Objects.Stamp1/2 shape to create a postage stamp effect, but this demo shows it to be much simpler.
    Any ideas on which tool was used in this demo movie?

    From the video it looks like they are using the postage stamp custom shape as the base of a clipping group (the family group photo is on a layer above a blank layer and is grouped with it -- when the lower layer filled with a black postage stamp custom shape the portions of the grouped layer that intersect the shape become visible). I don't have PSE4, so I can't say what they are doing for sure.
    Bob Warren

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