PRO*C 8.1.6 on RH7.0 kaput!

Distro: RH7.0
Kernel: 2.4.0-test9
Oracle: 8.1.6
I can't build the sample1.pc demo program, the build dies with a lot of horrible errors from the system header files..
My pscfg.cfg file:
================= pscfg.cfg ===============
My sample1.lis
=============== sample1.lis ===============
Pro*C/C++: Release - Production on Fri Oct 20 22:47:35 2000
(c) Copyright 1999 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Error at line 0, column 0 in file sample1.pc
PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "<eof>" when expecting one of the following
; : an identifier, end-exec, random_terminal
Error at line 0, column 0 in file sample1.pc
PCC-F-02102, Fatal error while doing C preprocessing
Error at line 43, column 9 in file /usr/lib/gcc-lib/i386-redhat-linux/2.96/incl
43 typedef __builtin_va_list __gnuc_va_list;
43 ........1
43 PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "__builtin_va_list" when expecting
one of the following:
auto, char, const, double, enum, float, int, long,
ulong_varchar, OCIBFileLocator OCIBlobLocator,
OCIClobLocator, OCIDateTime, OCIExtProcContext, OCIInterval,
OCIRowid, OCIDate, OCINumber, OCIRaw, OCIString, register,
short, signed, sql_context, sql_cursor, static, struct,
union, unsigned, utext, uvarchar, varchar, void, volatile,
a typedef name,
The symbol "enum," was substituted for "__builtin_va_list" to continue.
Error at line 46, column 5 in file /usr/include/bits/types.h
46 __u_long __val[2];
46 ....1
46 PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "__u_long" when expecting one of th
e following:
char, const, double, enum, float, int, long, ulong_varchar,
OCIBFileLocator OCIBlobLocator, OCIClobLocator, OCIDateTime,
OCIExtProcContext, OCIInterval, OCIRowid, OCIDate, OCINumber,
OCIRaw, OCIString, short, signed, sql_context, sql_cursor,
struct, union, unsigned, utext, uvarchar, varchar, void,
volatile, a typedef name,
The symbol "enum," was substituted for "__u_long" to continue.
Error at line 59, column 9 in file /usr/include/bits/types.h
59 typedef __quad_t *__qaddr_t;
59 ........1
59 PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "__quad_t" when expecting one of th
e following:
auto, char, const, double, enum, float, int, long,
ulong_varchar, OCIBFileLocator OCIBlobLocator,
OCIClobLocator, OCIDateTime, OCIExtProcContext, OCIInterval,
OCIRowid, OCIDate, OCINumber, OCIRaw, OCIString, register,
short, signed, sql_context, sql_cursor, static, struct,
union, unsigned, utext, uvarchar, varchar, void, volatile,
a typedef name,
The symbol "enum," was substituted for "__quad_t" to continue.
Error at line 61, column 9 in file /usr/include/bits/types.h
61 typedef __u_quad_t __dev_t; /* Type of device numbers. */
61 ........1
61 PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "__u_quad_t" when expecting one of
the following:
auto, char, const, double, enum, float, int, long,
ulong_varchar, OCIBFileLocator OCIBlobLocator,
OCIClobLocator, OCIDateTime, OCIExtProcContext, OCIInterval,
OCIRowid, OCIDate, OCINumber, OCIRaw, OCIString, register,
short, signed, sql_context, sql_cursor, static, struct,
union, unsigned, utext, uvarchar, varchar, void, volatile,
a typedef name,
The symbol "enum," was substituted for "__u_quad_t" to continue.
Pro*C/C++: Release - Production on Fri Oct 20 22:47:35 2000
(c) Copyright 1999 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Error at line 62, column 9 in file /usr/include/bits/types.h
62 typedef __u_int __uid_t; /* Type of user identifications
62 ........1
62 PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "__u_int" when expecting one of the
auto, char, const, double, enum, float, int, long,
ulong_varchar, OCIBFileLocator OCI BlobLocator,
OCIClobLocator, OCIDateTime, OCIExtProcContext, OCIInterval,
OCIRowid, OCIDate, OCINumber, OCIRaw, OCIString, register,
short, signed, sql_context, sql_cursor, static, struct,
union, unsigned, utext, uvarchar, varchar, void, volatile,
a typedef name,
The symbol "enum," was substituted for "__u_int" to continue.
Error at line 63, column 9 in file /usr/include/bits/types.h
63 typedef __u_int __gid_t; /* Type of group identification
s. */
63 ........1
63 PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "__u_int" when expecting one of the
auto, char, const, double, enum, float, int, long,
ulong_varchar, OCIBFileLocator OCIBlobLocator,
OCIClobLocator, OCIDateTime, OCIExtProcContext, OCIInterval,
OCIRowid, OCIDate, OCINumber, OCIRaw, OCIString, register,
short, signed, sql_context, sql_cursor, static, struct,
union, unsigned, utext, uvarchar, varchar, void, volatile,
a typedef name,
The symbol "enum," was substituted for "__u_int" to continue.
Error at line 64, column 9 in file /usr/include/bits/types.h
64 typedef __u_long __ino_t; /* Type of file serial numbers.
64 ........1
64 PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "__u_long" when expecting one of th
e following:
auto, char, const, double, enum, float, int, long,
ulong_varchar, OCIBFileLocator OCIBlobLocator,
OCIClobLocator, OCIDateTime, OCIExtProcContext, OCIInterval,
OCIRowid, OCIDate, OCINumber, OCIRaw, OCIString, register,
short, signed, sql_context, sql_cursor, static, struct,
union, unsigned, utext, uvarchar, varchar, void, volatile,
a typedef name,
The symbol "enum," was substituted for "__u_long" to continue.
Error at line 65, column 9 in file /usr/include/bits/types.h
65 typedef __u_int __mode_t; /* Type of file attribute bitma
sks. */
65 ........1
65 PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "__u_int" when expecting one of the
auto, char, const, double, enum, float, int, long,
ulong_varchar, OCIBFileLocator OCIBlobLocator,
OCIClobLocator, OCIDateTime, OCIExtProcContext, OCIInterval,
OCIRowid, OCIDate, OCINumber, OCIRaw, OCIString, register,
short, signed, sql_context, sql_cursor, static, struct,
union, unsigned, utext, uvarchar, varchar, void, volatile,
a typedef name,
The symbol "enum," was substituted for "__u_int" to continue.
Pro*C/C++: Release - Production on Fri Oct 20 22:47:35 2000
(c) Copyright 1999 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Error at line 66, column 9 in file /usr/include/bits/types.h
66 typedef __u_int __nlink_t; /* Type of file link counts. *
66 ........1
66 PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "__u_int" when expecting one of the
auto, char, const, double, enum, float, int, long,
ulong_varchar, OCIBFileLocator OCIBlobLocator,
OCIClobLocator, OCIDateTime, OCIExtProcContext, OCIInterval,
OCIRowid, OCIDate, OCINumber, OCIRaw, OCIString, register,
short, signed, sql_context, sql_cursor, static, struct,
union, unsigned, utext, uvarchar, varchar, void, volatile,
a typedef name,
The symbol "enum," was substituted for "__u_int" to continue.
Error at line 68, column 9 in file /usr/include/bits/types.h
68 typedef __quad_t __loff_t; /* Type of file sizes and offse
ts. */
68 ........1
68 PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "__quad_t" when expecting one of th
e following:
auto, char, const, double, enum, float, int, long,
ulong_varchar, OCIBFileLocator OCIBlobLocator,
OCIClobLocator, OCIDateTime, OCIExtProcContext, OCIInterval,
OCIRowid, OCIDate, OCINumber, OCIRaw, OCIString, register,
short, signed, sql_context, sql_cursor, static, struct,
union, unsigned, utext, uvarchar, varchar, void, volatile,
a typedef name,
The symbol "enum," was substituted for "__quad_t" to continue.
Error at line 71, column 9 in file /usr/include/bits/types.h
71 typedef __u_long __rlim_t; /* Type of resource counts. */
71 ........1
71 PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "__u_long" when expecting one of th
e following:
auto, char, const, double, enum, float, int, long,
ulong_varchar, OCIBFileLocator OCIBlobLocator,
OCIClobLocator, OCIDateTime, OCIExtProcContext, OCIInterval,
OCIRowid, OCIDate, OCINumber, OCIRaw, OCIString, register,
short, signed, sql_context, sql_cursor, static, struct,
union, unsigned, utext, uvarchar, varchar, void, volatile,
a typedef name,
The symbol "enum," was substituted for "__u_long" to continue.
Error at line 72, column 9 in file /usr/include/bits/types.h
72 typedef __u_quad_t __rlim64_t; /* Type of resource counts (LFS
72 ........1
72 PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "__u_quad_t" when expecting one of
the following:
auto, char, const, double, enum, float, int, long,
ulong_varchar, OCIBFileLocator OCIBlobLocator,
OCIClobLocator, OCIDateTime, OCIExtProcContext, OCIInterval,
OCIRowid, OCIDate, OCINumber, OCIRaw, OCIString, register,
short, signed, sql_context, sql_cursor, static, struct,
union, unsigned, utext, uvarchar, varchar, void, volatile,
a typedef name,
The symbol "enum," was substituted for "__u_quad_t" to continue.
Pro*C/C++: Release - Production on Fri Oct 20 22:47:35 2000
(c) Copyright 1999 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Error at line 73, column 9 in file /usr/include/bits/types.h
73 typedef __u_int __id_t; /* General type for ID. */
73 ........1
73 PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "__u_int" when expecting one of the
auto, char, const, double, enum, float, int, long,
ulong_varchar, OCIBFileLocator OCIBlobLocator,
OCIClobLocator, OCIDateTime, OCIExtProcContext, OCIInterval,
OCIRowid, OCIDate, OCINumber, OCIRaw, OCIString, register,
short, signed, sql_context, sql_cursor, static, struct,
union, unsigned, utext, uvarchar, varchar, void, volatile,
a typedef name,
The symbol "enum," was substituted for "__u_int" to continue.
Error at line 117, column 5 in file /usr/include/bits/types.h
117 __fd_mask __fds_bits[__FD_SETSIZE / __NFDBITS];
117 ....1
117 PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "__fd_mask" when expecting one of t
he following:
char, const, double, enum, float, int, long, ulong_varchar,
OCIBFileLocator OCIBlobLocator, OCIClobLocator, OCIDateTime,
OCIExtProcContext, OCIInterval, OCIRowid, OCIDate, OCINumber,
OCIRaw, OCIString, short, signed, sql_context, sql_cursor,
struct, union, unsigned, utext, uvarchar, varchar, void,
volatile, a typedef name,
The symbol "enum," was substituted for "__fd_mask" to continue.
Error at line 136, column 9 in file /usr/include/bits/types.h
136 typedef __quad_t __blkcnt64_t;
136 ........1
136 PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "__quad_t" when expecting one of th
e following:
auto, char, const, double, enum, float, int, long,
ulong_varchar, OCIBFileLocator OCIBlobLocator,
OCIClobLocator, OCIDateTime, OCIExtProcContext, OCIInterval,
OCIRowid, OCIDate, OCINumber, OCIRaw, OCIString, register,
short, signed, sql_context, sql_cursor, static, struct,
union, unsigned, utext, uvarchar, varchar, void, volatile,
a typedef name,
The symbol "enum," was substituted for "__quad_t" to continue.
Error at line 139, column 9 in file /usr/include/bits/types.h
139 typedef __u_long __fsblkcnt_t;
139 ........1
139 PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "__u_long" when expecting one of th
e following:
auto, char, const, double, enum, float, int, long,
ulong_varchar, OCIBFileLocator OCIBlobLocator,
OCIClobLocator, OCIDateTime, OCIExtProcContext, OCIInterval,
OCIRowid, OCIDate, OCINumber, OCIRaw, OCIString, register,
short, signed, sql_context, sql_cursor, static, struct,
union, unsigned, utext, uvarchar, varchar, void, volatile,
a typedef name,
The symbol "enum," was substituted for "__u_long" to continue.
Error at line 140, column 9 in file /usr/include/bits/types.h
140 typedef __u_quad_t __fsblkcnt64_t;
140 ........1
140 PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "__u_quad_t" when expecting one of
the following:
auto, char, const, double, enum, float, int, long,
ulong_varchar, OCIBFileLocator OCIBlobLocator,
OCIClobLocator, OCIDateTime, OCIExtProcContext, OCIInterval,
OCIRowid, OCIDate, OCINumber, OCIRaw, OCIString, register,
short, signed, sql_context, sql_cursor, static, struct,
union, unsigned, utext, uvarchar, varchar, void, volatile,
a typedef name,
The symbol "enum," was substituted for "__u_quad_t" to continue.
Pro*C/C++: Release - Production on Fri Oct 20 22:47:35 2000
(c) Copyright 1999 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Error at line 143, column 9 in file /usr/include/bits/types.h
143 typedef __u_long __fsfilcnt_t;
143 ........1
143 PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "__u_long" when expecting one of th
e following:
auto, char, const, double, enum, float, int, long,
ulong_varchar, OCIBFileLocator OCIBlobLocator,
OCIClobLocator, OCIDateTime, OCIExtProcContext, OCIInterval,
OCIRowid, OCIDate, OCINumber, OCIRaw, OCIString, register,
short, signed, sql_context, sql_cursor, static, struct,
union, unsigned, utext, uvarchar, varchar, void, volatile,
a typedef name,
The symbol "enum," was substituted for "__u_long" to continue.
Error at line 144, column 9 in file /usr/include/bits/types.h
144 typedef __u_quad_t __fsfilcnt64_t;
144 ........1
144 PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "__u_quad_t" when expecting one of
the following:
auto, char, const, double, enum, float, int, long,
ulong_varchar, OCIBFileLocator OCIBlobLocator,
OCIClobLocator, OCIDateTime, OCIExtProcContext, OCIInterval,
OCIRowid, OCIDate, OCINumber, OCIRaw, OCIString, register,
short, signed, sql_context, sql_cursor, static, struct,
union, unsigned, utext, uvarchar, varchar, void, volatile,
a typedef name,
The symbol "enum," was substituted for "__u_quad_t" to continue.
Error at line 147, column 9 in file /usr/include/bits/types.h
147 typedef __u_quad_t __ino64_t;
147 ........1
147 PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "__u_quad_t" when expecting one of
the following:
auto, char, const, double, enum, float, int, long,
ulong_varchar, OCIBFileLocator OCIBlobLocator,
OCIClobLocator, OCIDateTime, OCIExtProcContext, OCIInterval,
OCIRowid, OCIDate, OCINumber, OCIRaw, OCIString, register,
short, signed, sql_context, sql_cursor, static, struct,
union, unsigned, utext, uvarchar, varchar, void, volatile,
a typedef name,
The symbol "enum," was substituted for "__u_quad_t" to continue.
Error at line 150, column 9 in file /usr/include/bits/types.h
150 typedef __loff_t __off64_t;
150 ........1
150 PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "__loff_t" when expecting one of th
e following:
auto, char, const, double, enum, float, int, long,
ulong_varchar, OCIBFileLocator OCIBlobLocator,
OCIClobLocator, OCIDateTime, OCIExtProcContext, OCIInterval,
OCIRowid, OCIDate, OCINumber, OCIRaw, OCIString, register,
short, signed, sql_context, sql_cursor, static, struct,
union, unsigned, utext, uvarchar, varchar, void, volatile,
a typedef name,
The symbol "enum," was substituted for "__loff_t" to continue.
Error at line 59, column 3 in file /usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h
59 pthreaddescr __c_waiting; /* Threads waiting on this conditi
on */
59 ..1
59 PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "_pthread_descr" when expecting one
of the following:
} char, const, double, enum, float, int, long, ulong_varchar,
OCIBFileLocator OCIBlobLocator, OCIClobLocator, OCIDateTime,
OCIExtProcContext, OCIInterval, OCIRowid, OCIDate, OCINumber,
OCIRaw, OCIString, short, signed, sql_context, sql_cursor,
struct, union, unsigned, utext, uvarchar, varchar, void,
volatile, a typedef name,
The symbol "enum," was substituted for "_pthread_descr" to continue.
Pro*C/C++: Release - Production on Fri Oct 20 22:47:35 2000
(c) Copyright 1999 Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
Error at line 80, column 3 in file /usr/include/bits/pthreadtypes.h
80 pthreaddescr __m_owner; /* Owner thread (if recursive or errc
heck) */
80 ..1
80 PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "_pthread_descr" when expecting one
of the following:
} char, const, double, enum, float, int, long, ulong_varchar,
OCIBFileLocator OCIBlobLocator, OCIClobLocator, OCIDateTime,
OCIExtProcContext, OCIInterval, OCIRowid, OCIDate, OCINumber,
OCIRaw, OCIString, short, signed, sql_context, sql_cursor,
struct, union, unsigned, utext, uvarchar, varchar, void,
volatile, a typedef name,
The symbol "enum," was substituted for "_pthread_descr" to continue.
Error at line 69, column 5 in file /usr/include/wchar.h
69 wint_t __wch;
69 ....1
69 PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "wint_t" when expecting one of the
char, const, double, enum, float, int, long, ulong_varchar,
OCIBFileLocator OCIBlobLocator, OCIClobLocator, OCIDateTime,
OCIExtProcContext, OCIInterval, OCIRowid, OCIDate, OCINumber,
OCIRaw, OCIString, short, signed, sql_context, sql_cursor,
struct, union, unsigned, utext, uvarchar, varchar, void,
volatile, a typedef name,
The symbol "enum," was substituted for "wint_t" to continue.
Error at line 28, column 3 in file /usr/include/_G_config.h
28 __off_t __pos;
28 ..1
28 PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "__off_t" when expecting one of the
char, const, double, enum, float, int, long, ulong_varchar,
OCIBFileLocator OCIBlobLocator, OCIClobLocator, OCIDateTime,
OCIExtProcContext, OCIInterval, OCIRowid, OCIDate, OCINumber,
OCIRaw, OCIString, short, signed, sql_context, sql_cursor,
struct, union, unsigned, utext, uvarchar, varchar, void,
volatile, a typedef name,
Hope some could help..

Did you manage to install Oracle8.1.6 on Rh7.0 successfully
withouth any probs???
someone can help me please?
I have installed oracle 8.1.6 on RH7.0 and I encounter a problem
about connection to the DB when I enter a command of
SQL> STARTUP OPEN PFILE=/usr/oracle/dbs/initoralin.ora;
it show error about ORA-24323 : value not allowed
ORA-24323 : value not allowed
ORA-03113 : end-of-file on communiction

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    FYI - The same is true for FlasHelp Pro layout using RH7 and RH8 (which I'm testing). However, in RH8, you can specify the area if you're using WebHelp Pro as primary layout.
    Since I'm not allowed to switch to RH8 at this time because of internal procedures, I want to publish my projects using WebHelp Pro layout in RH7. Is there any way to plug the server area into the project without having to redo the set up every time?

    My guess is that John is facilitating a class as he hasn't yet made an appearance. So maybe near lunchtime but more likely this evening unless he is traveling.
    Just speculating on this but as Colum indicated, areas are new to 8 so I'd be shocked to see them being listed as an option in a patched up 7.
    Cheers... Rick
    Helpful and Handy Links
    RoboHelp Wish Form/Bug Reporting Form
    Begin learning RoboHelp HTML 7 or 8 within the day - $24.95!
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    Installed RH9 trial on Windows XP PC. Then, generated an existing project using RH7 to a new C: drive directory location on the PC using the same name. Renamed the project files in that C:drive directory to a test name and opened the project's .xpj file in RH9.  It converted cleanly. 
    Now, when I go to generate the RH7 original project from the original server directory, I receive:  
    Error: Failed to read from log (file name) .log.... Internal error encountered,  Failed to generate WebHelp Pro.
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    Hi John,
    Thanks for the prompt response.  I am trying to evaluate RH9 / RH Server 9.
    When I generate RH7 projects, I’ve always put the server (RH7 Server) directory reference in the ‘Output Folder and Start Page’ field.  This directory reference is where the compiled output ends up right? In my case, it’s in that field as:
    PBSrobohelp\D$\RoboHelp <file:///
    PBSrobohelp\D$\RoboHelp>  Web Files\PBS Unit Processes Manual.  I’m not aware of a C:Drive local copy of the files. Doesn’t it go out to the server output for the .log file in question?
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    The original RH7 project opens fine in RH7 and the Test RH9 project opens fine in RH9. So I think I have a good test copy.  It’s just that when I point the RH7 original to the Server Output folder (which has its files) it gets the error on generation.  
    We are evaluating RH Server 9 but I haven’t attempted to publish anything to it yet. I’ve stayed  purely on my desktop.  
    Hope this clears it up.
    Jim Dages
    Business Professional Technician III
    University of Colorado, Payroll & Benefit Services
    1800 Grant St, Suite 400
    Denver, CO  80203
    t. 303-860-4230
    f. 303-860-4299
       Please consider the environment before printing this e-mail.
    CONFIDENTIALITY NOTICE - This e-mail transmission, and any documents, files or previous e-mail messages attached to it may contain information that is confidential or legally privileged. If you are not the intended recipient, or a person responsible for delivering it to the intended recipient, you are hereby notified that you must not read this transmission and that any disclosure, copying, printing, distribution or use of any of the information contained in or attached to this transmission is STRICTLY PROHIBITED. If you have received this transmission in error, please immediately notify the sender by telephone or return e-mail and delete the original transmission and its attachments without reading or saving in any manner. Thank you.

  • Issue with unlinked books in WebHelp Pro project TOC - RH7 and RH8

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    By the way, this does NOT happen when I publish using FlashHelp Pro. In FlashHelp, the last topic that was accessed remains in the topic frame if there is no topic linked to the selected book. This is much more acceptable to the user because the topic is not switching.
    I'm assuming that this is a BUG and should be reported!
    NOTE: We're still working in RH7 but plan to publish to RH Server 8 using WebHelp Pro.
    Because I don't expect this to be fixed soon, we have developed a workaround. We are adding a generic but applicable topic for each book/sub-book. This will be our new development standard but it requires going back into 4 different projects to fix the problem. Not the most efficient use of our time as we're swamped with new topic development.

    Yes this is a bug and I'd urge you to report it. You can use this link. The more people that do the greater chance it will be fixed. I have covered the entire problem and the workarounds here.
    Read the RoboColum(n) for a tips,  tricks and musings on the Technical Communication Suite products.

  • RH7.0 oracle 8.1.6 and Pro*c

    Can you help my ?
    I was instaled oracle 8.1.6 on RH7.0
    from standart instalation and I had problem
    with connection to the DB. ( ORA-03113 )
    Then I used HOWTO
    and initialization and connection to the DB was OK.
    After then I set new path for Pro*c in config file
    pcscfg.cfg like this :
    and if I compiled some *.pc file with connecting to the db and when I tried run this program I got results
    ORA-03113 end-of-file on communication channel.
    Question is, How can I set evnironment and
    pcscfg.cfg file for correct connection.
    thanks Martin.
    PS: I am sorry for my english

    I find it,
    mistake is on my side.
    I use bad service name in command
    EXEC SQL CONNECT user IDENTIFIED BY passwd USING servicename

  • RH7 - Custom WebHelp Pro skin custom "Print" button does NOT display in version published to RH Server 8

    I customized a WebHelp Pro skin using the Omega skin as the basis. Everything works fine except the Print button, which I added using the same Action as shown in the BeautifulVista skin's Print button.
    Local Version (C: drive)
    When I generate my help project and view it locally from my C: drive after I accept the warning about viewing locally, I see the Print button.
    However, it does NOT work.  I've attached a graphic that shows the local version and the skin dialog where I set up the action for the Print button.
    RH Server 8 version
    When I view the same project after I publish it to the server, the Print button does NOT display.
    How do I get the Print button to function properly (active printer dialog)?
    If it can't work until it is published that fine but then how do I get it display when I view from server?

    Hi there
    Have you tried editing your Window Definition?
    Click View > Pods > Project Setup
    Cheers... Rick
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  • RH7 not saving or generating Webhelp

    Have been using RH7 since November 2007 and presently have 4
    projects active. OS is Windows XP Pro running MS Office 2007.
    Approx 1 week ago RH suddenly stopped saving my Word docs and as a
    consequence of this, will not allow Webhelp generation.
    Looking at other forums I am not the only user encountering
    this problem but nobody seems to have a definitive answer. I have
    tried all of the suggestions posted as follows:
    - Repair RH7
    - Repair Office 2007
    - Uninstall RH7
    - Re-install RH7
    All to no result
    RH7 was installed AFTER Office 2007 (which was one of the
    suggested reasons for the problem)
    In short, I am getting desperate

    Hi Peter. Thanks for getting back to me. I'll answer your
    questions and tell you where I'm at...
    I have alerted Adobe to this. Can you run without Live Messenger
    for a short while just as a test. Doubt that is it but we need to
    rule out all possibilities.
    Tried that (saw the post on anything that might be touching
    Word could cause the problem). I actually stopped running every
    single thing--sidebar, IE, Outlook, Messenger, Defender, everything
    in the task bar. Didn't help.
    Does it drop out if you close RH and immediately re-open it?
    Do you have any Office 2003 components on your PC? Running or
    Not as far as I can tell. Here's all my MS OS/software stats:
    - Windows Vista Enterprise version 6.0 (Build 6000) patched
    to the latest level, including all optional updates from
    - Office 2007 Enterprise (Word itself is at: Word 2007
    version 12.0.6212.1000 SP1 MSO (12.0.6213.1000),
    - Windows Live Messenger 2008, version 8.5.1302.1018.
    - Visual SourceSafe 2005 version 8.0.50727.42
    - Visual Studio 2005 version 9.0.21022.8 RTM
    - .NET Framework version 3.5
    - IE 7 version 7.0.6000.16575
    Have you installed Vista SR1?
    No, but I do have all the latest patches from the Update
    Where I am now:
    After trying all the things I saw online, to no avail, and
    discovering you can't write a macro to programmatically load the
    Dll (you can load Wll files...), I uninstalled Robo & Office
    completely, and scrubbed the registry by hand, followed by a
    shutown/pause to clear all memory. Then, I followed the last bit of
    advice I saw, I installed RoboHelp FIRST, then Office 2007.
    RoboHelp is CURRENTLY working, though I haven't touched a
    single "Word Option" yet and I have a couple of the harder tasks to
    put through the paces.
    I do need to turn off/on a few options, such as AutoCorrect
    (off), but I will not touch the save/convert/open options this
    time. (I had made my standard options settings, but changed them
    back when I was troublshooting, to no avail.) I will be switching
    an option at a time, in case there is a spurious side effect that
    hoses Robo. (If I find such a beastie, I'll be letting you know...
    /grin/.) If this goes well, I will be
    stripping/scrubbing/re-installing my co-worker's system this
    afternoon with the same procedure and seeing if I can get the same
    results. I will let you know. The co-worker did NOT touch any
    options, so it's just install order on his machine (he's not
    running IE or Messenger while in Robo and still experiencing these
    I did not expect this to work--it makes little to no sense to
    have the install order have such a dramatic effect on the ability
    to retain a COM add-in registration. I only tried it out of due
    diligence. Go figure. :)
    I'll let you know the results. Let me know if you need any
    more specifics to help feed Adobe information.
    ~~dmarie (volt)

  • Upgrading: RH7 separate product or Tech Comms Suite

    Hi Everybody,
    I'm at a point now where I'm looking to upgrade to RH7. I
    also need a copy of Captivate due to some deadlines that have been
    set against me. These are the main two products I'm looking at.
    What I really want to know is who, on this forum, have upgraded to
    RH7 as a separate product and who has delved in to the Tech Comms
    Suite? Are there any gotchas?
    I already have RH X5, which was an upgrade of an upgrade, and
    Framemaker 6.0, which I haven't actually had a reason to use since
    I joined the company. However, I was wondering if it's worth
    upgrading to the Tech Comms Suite based on the Framemaker 6.0
    product. What I can't find on the website is how does this upgrade
    work? Would I receive a brand new version of RH7, CP3 and Acrobat3D
    and an upgrade version of Framemaker 8?
    The offer of all these products in one suite seems too good
    to be true. What happens when just one product is upgraded? What
    happens if I then decide that I have no use whatsoever for
    Framemaker? Are all the products in the Tech Comms Suite full and
    proper versions? So many questions... I searched for answers but
    couldn't find any other posts relating to this, so if there is a
    discussion going on elsewhere then please do point me in that
    Can anyone help me make my mind up? Thanks!

    Originally posted by:
    Hi Everybody,
    I'm at a point now where I'm looking to upgrade to RH7. I
    also need a copy of Captivate due to some deadlines that have been
    set against me.
    Unless you have some pre-existing experience with Captivate,
    you may find it hard to get all the way up to speed on that product
    quickly. You may want to look at subscribing to for a
    month and taking their on-line course. It's Captivate 2, but I'm
    still finding it useful (as a total Captivate newbie).
    These are the main two products I'm looking at. What I really
    want to know is who, on this forum, have upgraded to RH7 as a
    separate product and who has delved in to the Tech Comms Suite? Are
    there any gotchas?
    I already have RH X5, which was an upgrade of an upgrade, and
    Framemaker 6.0, which I haven't actually had a reason to use since
    I joined the company. However, I was wondering if it's worth
    upgrading to the Tech Comms Suite based on the Framemaker 6.0
    As with RandiWrite, I upgraded from RoboHelp X5 (alone; I
    didn't have any of the other products in the suite though I have
    CS3 including Acrobat Pro) to TCS. I called Adobe Support for
    confirmation that I was eligible before buying the product, and
    they advised that I was. I had no trouble at all installing the
    What I can't find on the website is how does this upgrade
    work? Would I receive a brand new version of RH7, CP3 and Acrobat3D
    and an upgrade version of Framemaker 8?
    Essentially you just get a full install package with the
    whole TC suite on it. I opted for the download from the Adobe store
    rather than the boxed version since it was slightly cheaper and I
    was impatient to get it. (Also, they don't deliver to PO Boxes
    which is the only way I could get delivery since I'm seldom in one
    place long enough for a courier to find me.) I think that the
    install procedure checks that you have the existing programs on
    there, then away it goes and puts the new ones on as well. It
    didn't remove X5 on my computer; I could do that myself without,
    I'm pretty sure, any untoward effect on version 7; I just haven't
    bothered yet.
    I seem to recall that when I upgraded to PhotoShop CS3 I had
    CS2 on one of my two computers but not the other. (I think it was
    on my notebook but not my desktop.) I was able to install CS3 on
    the desktop without having to install CS2 first; as I recall, it
    asked me for some kind of identifying code first to verify that I
    was already a licenced owner of CS2. (Sorry to be so vague, it was
    a while ago now.) My point is that Adobe has its act together (in
    my experience) at letting you do upgrades from older packages.
    HOWEVER, RoboHelp X5wasn't an Adobe product at the time and doing
    the upgrade without having the X5 package installed may be more
    problematic. This is academic in your case since it IS installed.
    The offer of all these products in one suite seems too good
    to be true.
    It's true; this isn't Microsoft we're talking about here.
    What happens when just one product is upgraded?
    You pay less, but you get less. But that's ONLY if it's ONE
    product. Indeed, I found that it would have been more expensive (in
    Australia at least, I don't know about the UK) for me to upgrade to
    RH7 and buy Captivate than it was to upgrade to TCS. It's not dumb
    marketing on Adobe's part, it's actually rather smart. By giving
    you that value, it gets you to use more of their products (and lets
    face it, while no software is perfect Adobe's is pretty good), and
    consequently hooks you in for future versions. I know that RH has
    imperfections, but I do love it. Same with Acrobat Pro.
    What happens if I then decide that I have no use whatsoever
    for Framemaker?
    I don't, but I don't care. I may play with it at some point,
    but the short version is that I still got the products that I DID
    want (RH7 and Captivate) cheaper than buying them separately and if
    anything else wants to come along for the ride I'll find it a room
    on my hard disk.
    Are all the products in the Tech Comms Suite full and proper
    They are indeed. You can take them out in public or to a nice
    restaurant and have no fear that they'll cause you embarrassment.
    So many questions... I searched for answers but couldn't find
    any other posts relating to this, so if there is a discussion going
    on elsewhere then please do point me in that direction.
    Can anyone help me make my mind up? Thanks!
    Go for it. You'll love it. 8^>

  • $$PlaceHolder$$ in  RH7 HTML output

    Help!. We have recently upgraded from RH6 to RH7 (as part of
    Adobe Tech Comm Suite). Opening a RH6 project with RH7 all seems OK
    (topics, template, TOC, etc.) until I try closing and/or saving a
    topic. At this point -even if I've made no changes to the topic nor
    to the template- I am noticed that changes have been made to the
    header and footer and I am prompted to "apply the modification" to
    either "all the topics created from the template" or "only to the
    current topic". No matter what option I choose, every time I work
    with the same topic/s I have to repeat the whole process. Then,
    when I generate the HTML output, the text "$$PlaceHolder$$" appears
    instead of the header and footer. All the other features (Topic
    contents, TOC, Glossary, Browse sequences) are displayed properly.
    Note that header and footer look OK in Preview mode!
    About configurations: I have unistalled RH 6 before
    installing RH7; RH7 is version 7.01.001; my OS is Windows XP Pro
    (2002 with SP2).
    I don't know what to do other than going back to RH6. Please

    We have the same issue... the auto-update Date field in the
    footer causes the template warning message in RH 7. We have never
    had this problem before (all the way back to RoboHelp 9 and X5).
    Colum, you wrote:
    A template is just standard text that can be applied to a
    Well, that's partly true. A template is used to enforce
    headers, footers, and styles. Standard text, not included in a
    header and footer is only good once--if the template's body
    changes, that doesn't get pushed to topics (unless the standard
    text is included in a snippet); header and footer changes are
    pushed. So, I guess my point is that the templates are used to
    enforce a "corporate look". If you alter that look or delete
    standard text/variables, then you should be prompted with the
    warning. I'd imagine that for many authors, these warnings come as
    a surprise in RH 7. The content of the template really hasn't
    changed, just the value of a variable.

  • Is RH7 client compatible with X4 server ?

    I am evaluating RH7 (client version) to see whether we should
    upgrade from X5. So far, I am very happy with the new features
    especially being able to open more than one topic at a time.
    We create a combination of WebHelp Pro and HTML Help
    projects. Currently, we publish our WebHelp Pro projects to the X3
    server version on a Windows 2000 operating system. I find that,
    when I open a project that I generated with RH7, the bookmarked
    text does not open. Also, some topics appear with the message: Page
    cannot be found. I'm assuming that the problem is that we are
    publishing a RH7 project to an X3 server version on a Windows 2000
    operating system
    We have the X4 server version, but we haven't installed it
    because of the Windows 2000 operating system. If we upgrade to
    Windows 2003, can we use RH7 (client version) with the X4 server
    version? Or, do we need to purchase RoboHelp Server 7?

    If it did Liz I'd suggest it is wrong. Just like once you'd
    upgraded a RH6 project to RH7 you can not go back, because of the
    changes to the HTML code and the Unicode support, if you have RH7
    only RH Server 7 can be used for WebHelp Pro output as only that
    version understands the underlying HTML and Unicode support. I did
    check this recently with Adobe before responding to a similar query
    from another user.

  • RH7 Published output missing TOC

    I recently upgraded from x5 to RH7 with Server 7.
    I generate WebHelp Pro content.
    There are some topics in my project that are flagged "Version
    2" and a few lines at the text level are also flagged "Version 2".
    None of the TOC books are flagged with any build tags.
    When I generate the project with the coniditional build tag
    set to "Not Verion 2" (meaning it should generate all topics and
    content that is not flagged version 2) -the generated output shows
    the TOC - and then if I take it all the way to the publish step -
    the published output does not show the TOC .
    If I generate and publish with the conditional build tag
    "Version 2" (basically meaning it should include all content) -
    then I can see the TOC in the generated and published output.
    (Side note: I also have build takes for Online and Print -
    but these are rarely used and do not seem to be involved in the
    problem described above.)
    I am viewing the output in IE7 - but since I can see the TOC
    in the generated output and not in the published output - I think
    the problem is not with the browser.....

    To resolve the problem I went through each topic and turned
    off the Topic-Level Build Tag - then republished. I did this until
    I found the file that was preventing the TOC from displaying. Then
    I replaced that file.

  • RH7 - connection error when try to access RoboHelp Server 8 from Pod menu

    I'm using RoboHelp 7 with WebHelp Pro layout to publish my project(s) to RoboHelp Server 8.  I've got RHServer 8 set up and can view the Admin window when I access the server.
    However, locally when I open my project in RH7, I get a "Connection to Server Failed" message below when I select View > Pods >  RoboHelp Server and then click "Connect Now" on the RoboHelp Server tab.
    Connection to Server Failed - The server you entered in the Properties dialog for the primary layout cannot be contacted. Please verify the spelling or contact your system administrator to verify the server is running.
    This makes no sense because I'm able to view the project published to the server via File > View Primary Layout from Server.
    I'm also able to publish my updated project files to the server without a problem.
    FYI - I'm still testing RoboHelp 8 and when I select the RoboHelp Server option indicated above, I am able to view the Admin window prompts in RH8 on the RoboHelp Server tab.
    So why can I see the Admin function in RH8 but not in RH7?

    Glad that somebody else too got this problem. Well, as I had mentioned in my previous posting too, I think there are some procedures in the package, dbms_lob, like the writeappend, createtemporary etc.. which is not found in my dbms_lob.sql file, I am using 8.0.5, but I found these procedures in the 8i, I think it is becos of that.
    By the way if anybody got this solution and got any workaround, please help me too.
    I am still waiting for the solution to that.

  • My copy of RH7 has gone goofy...

    Hi everyone--
    I had been using a trial copy of RH7, and it had been working
    FINE. I bought a license, then when I entered my new serial number,
    it started misbehaving. Two things I have found so far are as
    (1) A newly created project will not open. In RH7 I created
    a new HTML Help project. I saw the status messages as new files
    were generated, but when it got to the point of actually opening
    the project, RH7 hung. The title bar went "Not Responding" and I
    had to kill the program. All files appear to have been created.
    Subsequent attempts to open this project repeat this behavior i.e.
    RH hanging and going Not Responding.
    However... while still in trial mode (before I got my serial
    number), creating a new project worked perfectly. Also, after
    entering the serial number, I went back to that same project to
    keep working, and it opened just fine. The problem area seems to be
    only that a project newly created after entering a serial number
    cannot open.
    (2) Cannot insert an image using the Insert Image dialog. I
    click the Insert Image icon, follow the dialog to navigate and
    select the image, click OK and go back to the Insert Image dialog
    -- there IS NO image selected, and "(No preview)" shows in the
    image preview area.
    I tried this several times, in different topics and with
    different images. I can manually enter the IMG tag just fine in the
    HTML code. Also, if the image has already been used elsewhere in
    the project, I can successfully select it from the "Images in
    Project Folders" nav tree. What seems to be broken is selecting an
    image from the Browse button next to the Image name field at the
    top of the dialog.
    Have these issues been seen by anyone else, either in a fresh
    copy of RH7 or a trial version that got a serial number?
    I checked for patches; found none.
    I have not yet tried uninstalling, then reinstalling the
    download file I got with my purchase (corporate purchasing obtained
    a fresh copy of the software) - but will do so after checking for
    replies here.
    My PC has Windows XP SP2, if that matters.
    Thanks for any tips or insight...

    Testing results.
    Oh boy, where to begin.... I do think I've found a bug or
    two, actually, in the problems I've reported here.
    Before I started testing, I uninstalled RH7, uninstalled X5
    (making sure I had a copy saved of the v502 update!), and cleaned
    up anything robo I could find in the registry. (The support case I
    opened told me what registry items to clean up.) Then installed RH7
    again from the newer version of the install files supplied to me by
    my corporate software contact.
    The "create new project and RH goes Not Responding" problem.
    I can create this at will, or avoid it at will. Either in
    trial mode or with the serial number entered.
    The difference is whether I create the new project on my C:
    drive or on a mapped server drive. (A departmental policy is
    that we don't do work on our C: drive, all "official" copies of
    project work is stored on our server, which is backed up
    regularly... So at the time I first posted, I hadn't tried C:.)
    Wondering if the filepath might be a problem, I tried short folder
    names, long folder names, 7 levels of nested subfolders, spaces or
    no spaces in the folder names, 100+characters total for the
    filepath, etc... on both C: and mapped drives. And consistently I
    found that I can always create a new project just fine on the C:
    drive, but when creating to a mapped drive RH hangs.
    When RH does hang in this case, I noticed that only 46 files
    are getting created, not the usual 49. The missing ones are:
    -- Flash Help Pro.ssl
    -- Flash Help.ssl
    -- Microsoft HTML Help.ssl
    So that sums up that issue. It's not exactly an acceptable
    problem (and X5 didn't do this), but it can be worked around by
    creating a project on C: then copying it over to a mapped drive to
    continue working.
    The "browse to select image file not retaining file name"
    This one is weird. Originally it seemed that the problem was
    specific to certain files. I don't know what made those particular
    images any different from the other couple dozen I'd been playing
    with, other than they are screen captures all created on a certain
    date, on another PC, by another writer. Oh, and their file names
    are the longest of all my images.
    But.. long file names? That gave me an idea. I copied the
    files and gave them shorter names, and then the problem went away.
    Hmm. I started moving my test projects around to different
    locations. C drive or mapped drive on a server. Short vs. long
    folder name locations, nested levels of subfolders or not --
    And it turns out that there seems to be a maximum number of
    characters in the physical filepath to the image plus the image's
    file name itself where the Select Image File dialog poops out. 120
    characters, to be exact.
    No matter that the IMG tag is a relative reference to where
    the topic file is... Apparently, however the Select Image dialog is
    coded, it must be using a physical reference when navigating to
    find a file. And if the filepath + image file name exceeds 120
    characters, it can't bring back the file name to the Insert Image
    I don't know if this is a bug or an intended feature (after
    all, 120 characters is quite long!!)... but it certainly can affect
    the portability of a project.
    So that sums up the "insert image" issue.
    While going back and forth between projects on C: drive
    locations and mapped drive locations, I noticed that the Insert
    Image dialog does not always give you the "right" project directory
    at first. Rather, it remembers the location of the last image you
    added, even if that was in a different project and even if RH had
    been closed since the last time you added an image. RH X5 is still
    off my pc so at the moment I can't check to see if this was prior
    behavior as well. So I have to remember to always pull down the
    "Look in" dropdown (in the Select Image File dialog) to verify
    where my dialog is 'pointing to' before I select an image to add.
    Hope these posts have been an interesting read, and if anyone
    else does see these same problems or wants to test them out for
    yourself, I'd like to hear from you!

  • Installing Soundtrack Pro (v 1.0) on MacBook Pro

    Hello all,
    I'd like to use Installing Soundtrack Pro (v 1.0) on my MacBook Pro with OS 10.6.8.
    I've used the install disc to install it and got a "Successfully installed" message, and I've used Software Update to find and install updates. But Soundtrack Pro will not open.
    By the way, I am the registered owner of this software. It was included with my Final Cut Studio upgrade.
    Can anyone tell me, please, should this version of Soundtrack Pro run on this MacBook Pro with this OS? Does Quicktime Pro have to be present prior to opening? Or is this software just not going to run on an Intel Mac?
    Thank you for your help.
    in Baltimore

    <BLOCKQUOTE><font size="1" face="Verdana, Arial">quote:</font><HR>Originally posted by bjornbak:
    Trying to install iAS 9 v. 1.0.2 on a RH 7.0 gives the following error when I run ./runInstaller:
    Initalizing Java Virtual Machine from /tmp/OraInstall0/jre/bin/jre. Please wait...
    SIGSERV received at bfffdfd4 in /tmp/OraInstall0/jre/lib/linux/native_threads/ Processing terminated
    Writing stack trace to javacore1016.txt ... OK
    It's a upgraded RH 7.0 with all the RedHat recommended bug and security fixes.
    I've tried the glibc-2.1 trick, but it doesn't help.
    Can anyone help? I can send a copy of the stack trace if it helps.
    Christian Bjxrnbak<HR></BLOCKQUOTE>
    If you applied all recommended patches from redhat you probably use glibc 2.2-9.
    However jre 1.1.8 doesn't work with this version of glibc. Downgrade to glibc 2.1.92-something (the original version supplied with RH7.0) and OUI will work.
    Arnout Koot.

  • RH7 WebHelp doesn't do Fields??

    Hi -
    I was just reading the RH7 documentation (we're still
    evaluating apps) and I found something that I need clarification
    I'm pretty sure that WebHelp is the output we need to use
    because no files or DLLs can be stored on the users computer while
    they fill out this online form. Maybe I have it wrong that
    Microsoft HTML Help projects do just that - compile the Help docs
    and install them on the users hard drive.
    So then there is this definition in RH7 docs...
    "Field level help - ...Briefly describes a field. A users
    accesses it by clicking a question-mark icon, then clicking a field
    in a dialog box.
    Then there is this shocker...
    WebHelp, WebHelp Pro, FlashHelp and FlashHelp Pro do not
    support field-level Help."
    I assumed we could put little question marks near form fields
    for the user to click and get some kind of "popups" with Help
    content. But this says WebHelp won't do that.
    Is there another way to get the same field level interaction
    using WebHelp? What am I misunderstanding here?
    TIA some input.

    Hi, Josh.
    Good news! Yes you CAN have field level help in Webhelp et
    There seems to be a lot of confusion about the type of help
    and the type of application that's being supported. The "shocker"
    phrase you quoted was properly alerting you to the fact that
    "What's this field level help" (a format created by Microsoft) is
    generally thought of for use with the old WinHelp and MS HTML Help
    (.chm) files that support *desktop applications*. So the
    documentation was just trying to distinguish between that kind of
    field level technique vs the field level help for *web
    applications* that WebHelp/Flashelp absolutely supports.
    FIeld level help with WebHelp is actually very easy. I have
    an example on my website and also wrote an article about it on the
    Adobe Developer Connection.
    Also to be clear, no DLLs or other files are required to be
    installed on a user's local computer fo WebHelp CSH help. I don't
    know where this idea could have come from?
    To see a very brief sample of field level help working with
    WebHelp check out my site:
    It describes using RoboHelp's WebHelp API but there are many
    ways in which field level help can be called depending on what
    development environment the programmers are using.
    (Note that the blue links could just as easily be
    questionmark icons.)

Maybe you are looking for