PRO*C MAKE 화일의 비밀

작성날짜 : 1995-11-21
Understanding and Modifying Precompiler and OCI Makefiles
Note: This bulletin is also posted under the PCC category (#104220.448).
In order to successfully create a program using the Oracle Precompilers (Pro*C,
Pro*COBOL, Pro*FORTRAN, Pro*Ada, etc.) you need to precompile, compile, and
link your program with the Oracle libraries. On Unix systems, the easiest way
to do this is to use the 'make' utility. Make is a unix command that enables
you to manipulate files automatically. It works by way of a makefile, which is
a file written in a language that 'make' can understand. Oracle provides
makefiles for precompiling, compiling, and linking your programs. They can be
found under the $ORACLE_HOME subdirectory, in
$ORACLE_HOME/proc/demo/ for Pro*C,
$ORACLE_HOME/procob/demo/ for Pro*COBOL,
$ORACLE_HOME/profor/demo/ for Pro*FORTRAN, and
$ORACLE_HOME/proada/demo/ for Pro*Ada.
All of the makefiles are very similar in terms of the macros that they define,
and how they are used. The remainder of this bulletin will use Pro*C and as an example, but the concepts discussed here are also relevant to the
other languages.
This bulletin is divided into 6 sections and two appendecies:
I. How to use for version 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6 of Pro*C
II. How to use for version 2.0 of Pro*C
III. How does work?
IV. Modifying to change the precompile and compile options, and to
add your own libraries
V. Modifying for a program which has more than one source module
VI. How to link OCI programs using or
VII. Some issues about linking
Appendix A. Source code for the multiple module example
Appendix B. List of useful makefile macros
I. How to use for version 1.4, 1.5, and 1.6 of Pro*C
The makefile for these Pro*C versions is set up to create an executable from a
program that is in a single source file. To use it, copy from
$ORACLE_HOME/proc/demo into the directory which contains your source code.
This directory also contains electronic versions of the sample programs found
in the "Pro*C Supplement to the Oracle Precompilers Guide". Once you have
copied into your directory, you can create your executable by just
typing 'make -f <program name>', where <program name> is
the file containing your code, without the .pc extension. For example, if your
code is in my_prog.pc, you would use 'make -f my_prog':
unix$ make -f my_prog
/u02/7016/bin/proc iname=my_prog.pc ireclen=132 oreclen=132 select_error=no
Pro*C: Release - Production on Thu Sep 1 15:09:47 1994
Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1979, 1992. All rights reserved.
Precompiling my_prog.pc
/usr/5bin/cc -I. -O -Bdynamic -L/u02/7016/lib -o my_prog my_prog.c /u02/7016/li
b/libsql.a /u02/7016/lib/osntab.o -lsqlnet -lora /u02/7016/lib/libpls.a -lsqlne
t -lnlsrtl -lcv6 -lcore -lnlsrtl -lcv6 -lcore -lm
The above example was done on a Sun with Oracle and Pro*C
Your output may look a little different if you are on a different unix system.
After running this command, several files should have been created in the
current directory. my_prog.c is the C output from the precompiler.
my_prog.lis is also generated by the precompiler, and is the listing file that
gives you information about the precompilation. The executable will be called
II. How to use for version 2.0 of Pro*C for version 2.0 is much more generic. It is designed to link together
programs that are in multiple modules, without modification. Again, the
makefile itself is found in $ORACLE_HOME/proc/demo, along with the sample
programs. In order to use it for a single module, you would use
'make -f EXE=<program name> OBJS=<program name>.o' (after copying to your own directory). For example:
unix$ make -f EXE=my_prog OBJS=my_prog.o
/u03/oracle7.1/bin/proc iname=my_prog.pc
Pro*C: Release - Production on Thu Sep 1 15:55:26 1994
Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1979, 1994. All rights reserved.
System default option values taken from: /u03/oracle7.1/proc/pmscfg.h
/usr/5bin/cc -I. -O -I/u03/oracle7.1/proc/lib -c my_prog.c
/usr/5bin/cc -Bdynamic -L/u03/oracle7.1/lib -o my_prog my_prog.o -lsql /u03/ora
cle7.1/lib/osntab.o -lsqlnet -lora -lsqlnet -lora -lnlsrtl -lcv6 -lcore -lnls
rtl -lcv6 -lcore `cat /u03/oracle7.1/rdbms/lib/sysliblist`
This will generate the same files as the previous example, plus my_prog.o,
which is an object file containing the compiled form of your code. It is then
linked with the Oracle libraries to create the executable.
III. How does work?
To understand, first we need to go into some details about how a
makefile works. Makefiles are usually made up of two kinds of entries -
targets and macro definitions.
The general format of a target entry is
<target>: <target1> <target2> ... <targetn>
Note that there are TABS, not spaces, before each of the <command> lines.
This entry tells make how to create <target> from <target1> through
<targetn>. To do this, make just needs to execute <command1> through
<commandm>. For example, the target entry
my_prog.c: my_prog.pc
proc iname=my_prog.pc ireclen=132 oreclen=132
tells make that to create my_prog.c, if my_prog.pc exists in the current
directory, it just has to run 'proc iname=my_prog.c'. This target rule will be
applied when 'make -f <makefile> my_prog.c' is issued from the unix prompt.
Targets can be chained together as well. For example if you had the target
my_prog.o: my_prog.c
cc -c my_prog.c
in addition to the one above, then make would be able to create my_prog.o from
my_prog.pc by precompiling and compiling. Note that these two entries could
have been combined into
my_prog.o: my_prog.pc
proc iname=my_prog.pc ireclen=132 oreclen=132
cc -c my_prog.c
which would have the same effect.
There are also some special formats for targets, which don't depend on specific
file names. For example, the following sequence of targets creates an object
file from any .pc file:
.SUFFIXES: .pc .c .o
proc iname=$*.pc ireclen=132 oreclen=132
cc -c $*.c
Note the special syntax here. The .SUFFIXES rule tells make what suffixes
to look for. The .pc.o rule (which has no dependencies) explains how to get
from a .pc file to a .o file. Inside the commands, $* will evaluate to the
filename (without the extension) of whatever file is currently being worked on.
If we put the above example into a file (called and run it, we get:
unix$> make -f my_prog.o
proc iname=my_prog.pc ireclen=132 oreclen=132
Pro*C: Release - Production on Mon Sep 19 15:53:22 1994
Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1979, 1992. All rights reserved.
Precompiling my_prog.pc
cc -c my_prog.c
Notice that $* has been replaced with my_prog in the proc and cc commands.
Also note that we had to type 'my_prog.o' on the command line. This is because
the target rule was '.pc.o:'. If it was just '.pc:', then we wouldn't have
needed the .o extension on the command line. But then make wouldn't know that
this command creates a .o file. Make is smart enough to put together a .pc.c
and a .c.o rule to create a .o file from a .pc file.
The other kind of makefile entry is a macro definition. They usually look
This defines the macro MACRONAME to be macrotext. Whenever make sees
$(MACRONAME) (Note the parenthesis), it will be replaced by macrotext. For
PROFLAGS=ireclen=132 oreclen=132
my_prog.c: my_prog.pc
proc iname=my_prog.pc $(PROFLAGS)
will accomplish the same thing as the first example in this section.
'$(PROFLAGS)' will be replaced by 'ireclen=132 oreclen=132' (without the
Macros can be defined more than once in a makefile. In that case, the
definition that is last (furthest from the start) will be the one used for the
entire file. Previous definitions are ignored.
IV. Modifying to change the precompile and compile options, and to
add your own libraries
NOTE: Be careful of changing too many options, especially the compile and/or
link options. In many cases, changing these to values that are different from
the supplied ones in can cause problems. Contact Worldwide Support if
you have questions about any of the compile or link options used in our default
supplied makefiles.
Consider this section of the makefile for Pro*C 1.5.10:
# General suffix rule to build executables from .pc and .c files.
# Usage :
# make -f USERID=<user/pass> <prog>
# For example to build an executable from a Pro*C source file named 'abc.pc'
# using scott/tiger for the ORACLE account name. The make command line will
# be:
# make -f USERID=scott/tiger abc
# Note: scott/tiger is the default account/password, so that you could
# also use the following command line:
# make -f abc
# The executable will be named 'abc'.
-$(PROC) iname=$*.pc $(PROFLAGS)
@$(ECHO) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $* $*.c $(PROLDLIBS)
@$(ECHO) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $* $*.c $(PROLDLIBS)
These two target rules tell make how to precompile and compile. See the
previous section for details on how these work. When you run the make, what
actually gets executed are the commands under '.pc:'. The first line is the
precompile, and the second is the compile. If you want to change the
precompiler options, change the PROFLAGS macro. By default, it is set by
PROFLAGS=ireclen=132 oreclen=132 select_error=no $(SQLCHECK) $(PROUSER)
If you want to add the option maxopencursors=20, to change the initial size of
the precompiler cache, you would add it to this line:
PROFLAGS=ireclen=132 oreclen=132 select_error=no maxopencursors=20
Note that I have removed the SQLCHECK and PROUSER macros. They are not
defined by default, so they do not evaluate to anything. You can define them
if you like, which can be used to add additional options such as SQLCHECK and
USERID. See the precompiler manual for more information about the available
precompiler options.
Similarly, you can set compile options with CFLAGS and link options with
LDFLAGS. Appendix B lists other macros used by which you may find
In order to add additional libraries to the link, you can add them to the
PROLDLIBS macro. for 1.5.10 (on the Sun) defines this macro as:
LIBSQL and TTLIBS are other macros previously defined. You can add your own
libraries to this macro to add them to the link:
PROLDLIBS= $(LIBSQL) $(TTLIBS) my_lib1.o my_lib2.o
Better results are obtained if you add your own libraries either after or
before the Oracle libraries. Putting your libraries in between LIBSQL and
TTLIBS can cause undefined symbols.
V. Modifying for a program which has more than one source module
Many complicated programs are contained in more than one source module, unlike
the samples. Some of these modules would contain only C functions, and thus
have .c extensions. But the rest would contain embedded SQL as well, and
consequently have .pc extensions. How would you compile and link in a
situation such as this? In the remainder of this section, I present one
This solution uses the following files, which are included in Appendix A:
File Functions Contained in the File Functions Called by this File
main.c main db_connect, print_names,
connect.pc db_connect, db_disconnect, none
print_names.pc print_names none
main.h db_connect, db_disconnect,
print_names, sqlerror (This is the header file)
For Pro*C 2.0, can compile these together by using the EXE and OBJS
macros. The first target in the makefile (which will be executed if you don't
specify a target on the make line) looks like:
build: $(OBJS)
There are also default rules that tell make how to get from a .pc file to a .o
.SUFFIXES: .exe .o .c .pc
$(PROC) $(PROFLAGS) iname=$*.pc
$(PROC) $(PROFLAGS) iname=$*.pc
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(PROCINC) -c $*.c
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(PROCINC) -c $*.c
So you can define the EXE macro to be the name of the executable, and the OBJS
macro to be the object files used. You can either do this in the makefile
itself (and then run it with 'make -f') or, define them on the command
line. To compile the example, use:
make -f EXE=main OBJS="connect.o print_names.o main.o"
Note the double quotes around the object lists. This is to pass the spaces as
part of the macro.
For Pro*C 1.5, consider the following, which should be added to the end of the
OBJECTS=main.o print_names.o connect.o
main: $(OBJECTS)
@$(ECHO) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o main $(OBJECTS) $(PROLDLIBS) \\
main.o: main.c main.h
@$(ECHO) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c main.c
connect.o: connect.pc main.h
@$(ECHO) $(PROC) iname=connect.pc $(PROFLAGS)
@$(ECHO) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c connect.c
print_names.o: print_names.pc main.h
@$(ECHO) $(PROC) iname=print_names.pc $(PROFLAGS)
@$(ECHO) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c print_names.c
If you are not on a Sun as I am, the commands under connect.o and print_names.o
should be the same as those under the '.pc:' target. Under main.o, the command
should be the same as that under '.c:'. Compare the commands given here to
those from my, shown at the beginning of section IV.
Again note that there are TABS, not spaces, before the command lines for
precompilation and compilation, in accordance with the makefile format. With
the above lines added to the end of, we can create the executable by
issuing 'make -f main'. The output I get when running for the first
time (no additional files beyond the original 4 exist) is:
technique /home/csupport/surman/make> make -f main
/usr/5bin/cc -I. -O -c main.c
/u02/7016/bin/proc iname=print_names.pc ireclen=132 oreclen=132 select_error=no
Pro*C: Release - Production on Wed Sep 21 17:37:02 1994
Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1979, 1992. All rights reserved.
Precompiling print_names.pc
/usr/5bin/cc -I. -O -c print_names.c
/u02/7016/bin/proc iname=connect.pc ireclen=132 oreclen=132 select_error=no
Pro*C: Release - Production on Wed Sep 21 17:37:06 1994
Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1979, 1992. All rights reserved.
Precompiling connect.pc
/usr/5bin/cc -I. -O -c connect.c
/usr/5bin/cc -I. -O -o main main.o print_names.o connect.o /u02/7016/lib/libsql
.a /u02/7016/lib/osntab.o -lsqlnet -lora /u02/7016/lib/libpls.a -lsqlnet -lnlsr
tl -lcv6 -lcore -lnlsrtl -lcv6 -lcore -lm -lm
After running as above, a number of additional files are created. The
files connect.lis and print_names.lis are generated by the
precompiler, along with connect.c and print_names.c. Each of the .c
files is then compiled with the '-c' option to create a .o file. So
we get main.o, connect.o, and print_names.o. Finally, the object
files are linked together to form the final executable, which is
called 'main'.
What are all these files? The .c extension signifies a file
containing pure C code. The main program is in main.c to start with.
The .pc extension signifies a file containing C code with embedded
SQL, suitable for precompiling. The precompiler generates the .c file
from the .pc file. The .lis extension signifies a listing file, also
generated by the precompiler. It contains a trace of the
precompilation attempt. Files with the .o extension are library
files. They contain compiled code, and can be linked together into
one executable. Different compilers can generate .o files, created
from source files written in different languages. All of the .o files
can be linked together, regardless of the original source language.
main.h is the header file. This contains external definitions for
the functions referenced by each module. This is necessary so the compiler
will understand the correct prototype for each function. Note that
it is referenced on the target line for each file. This is so
the files are recompiled when the header file is changed.
The linking is done by the final cc command, located under the make
target main:
@$(ECHO) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o main $(OBJECTS) $(PROLDLIBS) \\
The only new thing here is the -o option. This is an option to the
cc command which tells the compiler the name of the output file. In
this case, it is called 'main'. If no output file is specified, the
compiler usually calls it 'a.out'.
Using this method has the advantage that make will only compile those files
which need to be changed. For example, consider the main target:
main: $(OBJECTS)
@$(ECHO) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) -o main $(OBJECTS) $(PROLDLIBS) \\
Whenever one of $(OBJECTS) (in this case, the object files created
by compilation) has changed, make will run the commands under this
target (in this case, the link command).
What this means is that only those files which have been changed will
be recompiled. If you change print_names.pc (try "touch print_names.pc"
from the unix prompt) and run make, you will get only:
unix$ touch print_names.pc
unix$ make -f main
/u02/7016/bin/proc ireclen=132 oreclen=132 select_error=no iname=print_names.pc
Pro*C: Release - Production on Wed Sep 21 17:48:48 1994
Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1979, 1992. All rights reserved.
Precompiling print_names.pc
/u02/7016/bin/proc iname=print_names.pc ireclen=132 oreclen=132 select_error=no
Pro*C: Release - Production on Wed Sep 21 17:48:50 1994
Copyright (c) Oracle Corporation 1979, 1992. All rights reserved.
Precompiling print_names.pc
/usr/5bin/cc -I. -O -c print_names.c
/usr/5bin/cc -I. -O -o main main.o print_names.o connect.o /u02/7016/lib/libsql
.a /u02/7016/lib/osntab.o -lsqlnet -lora /u02/7016/lib/libpls.a -lsqlnet -lnlsr
tl -lcv6 -lcore -lnlsrtl -lcv6 -lcore -lm -lm
Notice that the only thing that was done here was to precompile and
compile print_names.pc, generating print_names.o. Then, since main
depends on print_names.o, the final cc command (which links the final
executable) was also done. So the same make command will only
recompile those modules which have changed. This can be significant
when linking in many modules, some of which can take a long time to
compile. For more information on the make command, I suggest that you
look at a Unix or make manual. One such book is "Managing Projects
with Make", by Andrew Oram and Steve Talbott.
Note that you can create suffix rules for the for 1.5, similar to the
ones for Pro*C 2.0. By using suffix rules, it is possible to shorten this
example. The commands for each of the .pc files are identical. Rather
than having a separate entry for each one, you can create general
suffix rules that tell make how to create a .o file from a .pc file, for
example. For more information on how to do this, I recommend that you
consult a book or tutorial on make, such as the book referenced above.
VI. How to link OCI programs using or
The libraries used to link OCI programs are very similar to the libraries used
to link Pro*C programs. The main difference is that OCI programs link with
libocic.a, and Pro*C programs link with libsql.a. Both can be found under
$ORACLE_HOME/lib for Oracle7, and $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib for version 6.
For Oracle7, you can use either or to link OCI code. is a makefile found in $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib, and is used mainly for
linking various options into the Oracle RDBMS itself, as well as for linking
the Oracle executables. There are also targets in which will link
the sample OCI programs cdemo1.c through cdemo3.c. Following are these
targets, taken from the for 7.0.16 on Sun:
INCLUDE= -I$(ORACLE_HOME)/rdbms/demo
@if [ "$(NONDEFER)" = "true" -o "$(NONDEFER)" = "TRUE" ] ; then \\
$(ECHO) $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $? $(NDFOPT) $(OCILDLIBS) $(CLIBS); \\
else \\
$(ECHO) $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) -o $@ $? $(OCILDLIBS) $(CLIBS); \\
cdemo1: cdemo1.o
$(CC) -c $(INCLUDE) $(CFLAGS) $*.c
First note the '.c.o' target rule. Note that the INCLUDE macro is here, which
has the -I compiler option to include the directory where the demo header files
are located. The cdemo1 target will execute the MAKEDEMO macro. Based on
whether or not the NONDEFER macro is "true" or "TRUE", the program is linked
either with or without the nondeferred option. Notice that if NONDEFER is true,
then the NDFOPT macro is included in the link. If NONDEFER isn't true, then
NDFOPT isn't included. That's the only difference. If you link with the
nondeferred option, than deferring the parse with the defflg parameter of
oparse() has no effect. See the OCI manual for more information on the
oparse() function and what it does. In most cases, you will want the ability
to defer the parse, and so you wouldn't link with NDFOPT. Other than NDFOPT,
the libraries to link with are OCILDLIBS and CLIBS. So you can use these
macros in your own makefile to link OCI programs. can also be used to link OCI programs. Like, it also defines
OCILDLIBS. The link line would look like the line under the .pc: target used
for Pro*C programs, but would use OCILDLIBS instead of PROLDLIBS:
@$(ECHO) $(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) -o $* $*.c $(OCILDLIBS)
Note that does not link with the nondeferred option. For version 6,
there are no OCI targets in, so you should use as the
template to link OCI programs. For Oracle7, use either or
VII. Some issues about linking
Most unix linkers are one-pass. This means that the linker will only examine
the symbols in your executable once. Because of this, several of the Oracle
libraries need to be included more than once to resolve all of the symbols.
This is because the libraries are mutually referencial - functions in one
library call functions in another, and the second library in turn calls
functions in the first library. As a result, it is not recommended that you
change the order of the libraries in the link. If you add your own libraries,
add them either before or after the Oracle libraries. Don't put them between
Oracle libraries on the link line. The Oracle libraries would be PROLDLIBS for
Pro*C programs, and OCILDLIBS for OCI programs. If you use a utility such as
'nmake', you should be aware of how that differs from 'make', as well. Macro
processing can be different between the two utilities.
You should also be aware that the specific Oracle libraries used vary between
operating systems and Oracle versions. If you upgrade the precompiler and the
database, chances are that the libraries necessary will also change. So you
may have to change any existing makefiles. Always use the that ships
with the precompiler as a guide to which libraries are necessary.
There are two different ways to specify a library to be included in the link.
One is to fully qualify the name of the library (such as /u02/7016/lib/libsql.a
in the above example). Another is to use the -l option. If you specify a
library (such as -lnlsrtl) this tells the linker to look for a library called
libnlsrtl.a in the library search path. To add directories to the library
search path, use the -L option. For example, the LDFLAGS macro should contain
-L$(ORACLE_HOME)/lib. This tells the linker to look in this directory to find
libraries specified with -l. Some of the Oracle libraries are fully qualified,
and some are included with -L and -l. Both have the same effect.
You can create your own libraries by using the 'ar' unix command. This utility
allows you to archive several .o object files into one .a library archive.
Consult your unix man pages on 'ar' for more information on this command and
how to use it.
Appendix A: Source code for the multiple module example
Here are the files used in this example:
**** FILE main.h ****
extern void sqlerror();
extern void connect();
extern void print_names();
extern void disconnect();
*** FILE main.c ****
#include <stdio.h>
#include "main.h"
void main() {                                                                 
int dept;
printf("Hello There!\
printf("Now connecting...\
connect("scott", "tiger");
printf("Enter dept no: ");
scanf("%d", &dept);
**** FILE connect.pc ****
#include <stdio.h>
#include "main.h"
EXEC SQL include sqlca;
void connect(username, password)
char *username;                                                                
char *password;  {                                                             
EXEC SQL begin declare section;
VARCHAR un[20];
VARCHAR pw[20];
EXEC SQL end declare section;
strcpy(un.arr, username);
un.len = strlen(un.arr);
strcpy(pw.arr, password);
pw.len = strlen(pw.arr);
EXEC SQL whenever sqlerror do sqlerror();
EXEC SQL connect :un identified by :pw;
void disconnect() {                                                           
EXEC SQL commit work release;
void sqlerror() {                                                              
printf("SQL error!!\
EXEC SQL whenever sqlerror continue;
printf("% .70s \
EXEC SQL rollback release;
**** FILE print_names.pc ****
#include <stdio.h>
#include "main.h"
EXEC SQL include sqlca;
EXEC SQL begin declare section;
VARCHAR ename[20];
EXEC SQL end declare section;
void print_names(dept)
EXEC SQL begin declare section;
int dept;
EXEC SQL end declare section; {                                               
EXEC SQL whenever sqlerror do sqlerror();
select ename
from emp
where deptno = :dept;
EXEC SQL OPEN emp_cursor;
EXEC SQL whenever not found goto done_loop;
printf("Employees in dept %d:\
", dept);
for (;;) {                                                                   
EXEC SQL fetch emp_cursor into :ename;
ename.arr[ename.len] = '\\0';
", ename.arr);
EXEC SQL CLOSE emp_cursor;
Appendix B. List of useful makefile macros
Note that many of these macros are defined, but not all of them. for
Pro*C 2.0, for example, uses PROFLAGS in the precompile targets, but does not
define it.
PROFLAGS: options to be passed to the precompiler, such as ireclen or
CFLAGS: options to be passed to the compiler, such as -I or -O
LDFLAGS: options to be passed to the linker, such as -L
CC (or RCC): the C compiler (/usr/5bin/cc for Sun)
PROC: the precompiler ($ORACLE_HOME/bin/proc)
LIBHOME: directory in which to find the Oracle libs ($ORACLE_HOME/lib for
Oracle7, $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/lib for version 6)
LIBxxx: Oracle library libxxx.a fully qualified (such as LIBSQL, equal to
LLIBxxx: Oracle library libxxx.a, using -l (such as LLIBCORE, equal to
PROLDLIBS: Oracle libraries necessary to link (defined in terms of other
OCILDLIBS: Oracle libraries necessary to link programs using the Oracle
Call Interfaces (OCI) (also defined in terms of other macros)

Robert B     gin (self) (guest) wrote:
: Robert B     gin (guest) wrote:
: : Since I've last posted, I've installed RedHat 5.2 and
: : Slackware!
: : (btw, what a breeze - Hat's off to RH! very nice install!).
: : I've then installed oracle, have managed to setup
: : so I can connect via sqlplus to my remote database (on
: : But now I have Pro*C linker problems with:
: : make -f build OBJS=test.o exe=test
: : (blah,blah,blah)
: : /usr/lib/crt1.o(.text+0x36): undefined reference to `main'
: : make: *** [build] Error 1
: : Does anybody out there have a similar problem?
: : Rob
: Duh! forget it... (EXE has to be caps... RTFM)
: (cryptic error message though?)
: works great!!!
Could you please tell me where I can get file
for Linux (RedHat)?

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    Steven L. Gotz wrote:
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    The audience would, too.

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    And how are the customers accessing the PDFs?
    What devices are they using?
    What program or apps with versions are they using?
    I this age of other then PDF eBooks formats and reader program and apss for computers and mobile devices for these formats I would look at creating the books in one or more of the eBook formats.
    Google Chrome and FireFox both have their own version of a PDF reader plug-in and they are well known to be less capable than Adobe Reader. It is possible to configure these products to use Adobe Reader.

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    Repair disk permissions.
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    Deleted the key called selfhealingfilename in SHinit.xml.
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    Please try following steps:
    1. Repair your current Acrobat installation
    a. Launch Acrobat
    b. Go to Help->Repair Acrobat Installation
    c. Check all the components and press Continue
    Missing components will be repaired
    2. Now, update your Acrobat.
    Go to Help->Check for updates
    Update your Acrobat to latest version i.e. 942
    3. Again , Launch Acrobat. Acrobat would ask credentials for the first time.
    4. Quit Acrobat and launch Acorbat again. Acrobat should not ask for credentials now and for all subsequent launches . Please reply if you see a different behavior.

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    I would take it in if the start up sound is different than the other Macbooks you've had.
    Too few people here seem to have a new i5 yet and if its a big problem you want
    it seen by Apple ASAP if it needs a replacement laptop.
    thats what I would do.

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    I have the same problem after just having my logic board replaced.
    Here is what the log recorded....
    9/27/10 9:57:58 PM kernel hibernate image path: /var/vm/sleepimage
    9/27/10 9:57:58 PM kernel sizeof(IOHibernateImageHeader) == 512
    9/27/10 9:57:58 PM kernel Opened file /var/vm/sleepimage, size 4294967296, partition base 0xc805000, maxio 400000
    9/27/10 9:57:58 PM kernel hibernate image major 14, minor 2, blocksize 512, pollers 5
    9/27/10 9:57:58 PM kernel hibernateallocpages flags 00000000, gobbling 0 pages
    9/27/10 9:57:58 PM kernel AirPort: Link Down on en1. Reason 1 (Unspecified).
    9/27/10 9:57:58 PM configd[14] network configuration changed.
    9/27/10 9:58:00 PM kernel AppleYukon2: 00000000,47d12000 sky2 - HardwareNotResponding, marking offline
    9/27/10 9:58:00 PM kernel System SafeSleep
    9/27/10 9:58:00 PM kernel hibernatepage_listsetall start
    9/27/10 9:58:00 PM kernel hibernatepage_listsetall time: 207 ms
    9/27/10 9:58:00 PM kernel pages 562038, wire 91802, act 107548, inact 24, spec 90, zf 0, throt 0, could discard act 44110 inact 100896 purgeable 9962 spec 207606
    9/27/10 9:58:00 PM kernel hibernatepage_listsetall found pageCount 199464
    9/27/10 9:58:00 PM kernel IOHibernatePollerOpen, mlget_interruptsenabled 0
    9/27/10 9:58:00 PM kernel IOHibernatePollerOpen(0)
    9/27/10 9:58:00 PM kernel writing 197868 pages
    9/27/10 9:58:00 PM kernel image1Size 247805952
    9/27/10 9:58:00 PM kernel PMStats: Hibernate write took 15966 ms
    9/27/10 9:58:00 PM kernel all time: 15966 ms, comp time: 1326 ms, deco time: 0 ms,
    9/27/10 9:58:00 PM kernel image 507706368, uncompressed 810799104 (197949), compressed 500398848 (61%), sum1 2c0f7a54, sum2 8f089b96
    9/27/10 9:58:00 PM kernel hibernatewriteimage done(0)
    9/27/10 9:58:00 PM kernel sleep
    9/27/10 10:01:55 PM SyncServer[479] [110f30] |SyncServer|Warning| Refreshing watchdog because of a calendar time change alert.
    9/27/10 10:01:55 PM kernel Wake reason = EC LID0 FRWR
    9/27/10 10:01:55 PM kernel System Wake
    9/27/10 10:01:55 PM kernel Previous Sleep Cause: 0
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    9/27/10 10:01:59 PM ntpd[26] unable to create socket on en1 (13) for fe80::21e:52ff:fe76:1d0e#123
    9/27/10 10:02:11 PM ntpd[26] time reset +0.505758 s

  • MacBook Pro 13" makes crackling noise

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    Thank you.

    Take advantage of your warranty and have Apple check it.

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    Is this a mini DVD-R, burned directly in a camcorder? If it is, Do Not Attempt To Put It In Your Macbook Pro's Optical Drive!!!.
    Mini disks cannot be read by your Superdrive, and they will get stuck in it, perhaps damaging it in the process. Apple will not cover any such damage.
    Disk Utility will image, then produce as many copies as you like. But, doing so with a mini disk will require that you use an external, tray-loading drive capable of handling the mini disk. Of course, you can use your Superdrive as long as the disk is full-sized. With the disk mounted, select it in Disk Utility and click the "New Image" icon in the Toolbar. You need to create a "DVD/CD Master" image.

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    Keep at the Genius Bar.
    For one, you have a default 1 year warranty, which you do not want to let expire.
    For another, that chine is a critical part of the system, that for some is an annoyance but at least it sticks around.
    At some point, they have to either fix it or give you another (at least in my opinion they will eventually have to give me on that chimes).
    Make a very good clone before you go back in.  CarbonCopyClone ($40 download).  You will need to clone it back onto a new system eventually, I suspect.

  • Soundtrack Pro crashes make it unusable?

    First post....
    Just purchased STP 1.1 after displaying impressively at NAB. Unfortunately, STP experiences consistent crashes in a variety of droplet actions that applied EQ and Noise effects, (even after preference trashing). Applies the effects, then crashes during the 'save' process. The first crash made the original file unusable.
    The error message when activating the corrupted QT file:
    "Quicktime does not undertand this file (-2048)."
    Does anyone know what this means, and is there anyway of retrieving the corrupted file, given this error code (other than re-capture)?
    Any help is greatly appreciated, for I'll have to rent DVCPRO50 deck to re-capture the lost file...
    After reading other posts about these random crashes, I can't afford the risk of using this product until Apple gets it right.
    Too bad...great potential.
    G5 Dual2   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   1.2TB Raid Array, 6.5GB Mem, Radeon XT800 Video Card, Decklink Extreme

    This script worked fine on all files up to the 3+ min file.
    Simon, thx again
    property type_list : {"AIFC", "AIFF", "MPG3", "MooV", "NeXT", "Sd2f", "WAVE"}
    property extension_list : {"aif", "aiff", "mp3", "m4a", "sdII", "mov", "au", "wav"}
    on run
    set myFile to choose file with prompt "Please Pick a File" of type type_list default location (path to desktop) without invisibles and multiple selections allowed
    on error errText number errNum
    if (errNum is equal to -128) then
    end if
    end try
    end run
    on loadFiles(this_file)
    repeat with one_item in this_file
    my processFile(one_item)
    end repeat
    end loadFiles
    on open these_items
    repeat with i from 1 to the count of these_items
    set this_item to (item i of these_items)
    set the item_info to info for this_item
    if folder of the item_info is true then
    else if (alias of the item_info is false and the file type of the item_info is in the type_list) or (the name extension of the item_info is in the extension_list) then
    end if
    end repeat
    end open
    on processFile(this_file)
    with timeout of 600 seconds
    tell application "Soundtrack Pro"
    open this_file
    end tell
    tell application "Soundtrack Pro"
    tell front audio file document
    close saving no
    end tell
    end tell
    on error errMsg number errNum
    display dialog errMsg & "/" & errNum buttons {"OK"} default button 1
    return "error"
    end try
    end timeout
    end processFile
    on process()
    with timeout of 600 seconds
    tell application "Soundtrack Pro"
    tell front audio file document
    set theEntireDuration to the duration
    make new effect action at after last action with properties {position:0.0, duration:theEntireDuration, enabled:true, name:"Apple:Channel EQ", preset state:"<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"UTF-8\"?><!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC \"-//Apple Computer//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN\" \"\"><plist version=\"1.0\"><dict> <key>data</key> <data> AAAAwAABAQAAAAAqRU1BR1BQU1QAAADsAAAAAAAAAABB8AAAQQAAAD81wo8/gAAAQvQA AECAAAA/TMzMP4AAAEMcAABA0AAAPp64UjAAABD+gAAQCAAAD81wo8/gAAARJEAADA AAA/NcKPP4AAAEVawAAAAAAAPzXCjz+AAABGEuAAQNAAAD81wo8AAAAARoTQAEAAAAA/ NcKPQEAAAAAAAABBIAAAAAAAAAAAAABAQAAAQAAAAAAAAABBIAAA </data> <key>manufacturer</key> <integer>1162690887</integer> <key>name</key> <string>Untitled</string> <key>subtype</key> <integer>236</integer> <key>type</key> <integer>1635083896</integer> <key>version</key> <integer>0</integer></dict></plist>"}
    end tell
    end tell
    on error errMsg number errNum
    display dialog errMsg & "/" & errNum buttons {"OK"} default button 1
    return "error"
    end try
    end timeout
    end process
    on processfolder(thisfolder)
    set these_items to list folder this_folder without invisibles
    repeat with i from 1 to the count of these_items
    set this_item to alias ((this_folder as text) & (item i of these_items))
    set the item_info to info for this_item
    if folder of the item_info is true then
    else if (alias of the item_info is false and the file type of the item_info is in the type_list) or (the name extension of the item_info is in the extension_list) then
    end if
    end repeat
    end process_folder
    G5 Dual2   Mac OS X (10.4.6)   1.2TB Raid Array, 6.5GB Mem, Radeon XT800 Video Card, Decklink Extreme

  • My Satellite Pro M70 makes a little "bip"

    Hi all !!!!
    I have a Satellite Pro M70. Make one little "bip" intermittently (30 min more or less, between "bips") is not battery sound. Without battery sound occurs too.
    We change Motherboar and its happen again.
    What can I do to fix this?
    Thx for help!

    >What can I do to fix this?
    First of it would be necessary to localize the beep sound source
    My idea is that the sound would come from BIOS. Possibly its a kind of warning sound
    But as I said above, its necessary to check the notebook precisely to ensure what this beep sound means exactly.

  • Laserjet Pro m177fw makes loud clicking noise and then is stuck initializing, won't print

    Had this printer delivered today, it looks awesome, but when I turn it on, it has a loud clicking noise (like something trying to turn, but not grabbing a gear or something inside, this happens immediately upon turning it on, and then it's stuck in Initializing.  If I go into the home button and go to system settings, then reports then configuration report, I get a big green check.  I did notice that on the right most menu item, there is a yellow warning, and it doesn't seem to be able to get the detail on the ink levels of the colours.  I took out the ink cartridge and looked at it and it doesn't look like there is something to pull out to activate the cartridge (there was in my really old HP Laser jet).
    What am I missing on setup?  I've read the instructions twice and also hard powered off the printer by pulling the plug and waiting a minute to plug it back in.  Same thing occurs, thanks!
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Please follow these steps to take the cartridges out.
    Touch the Icon and indicated on the pic.
    It will come up with a screen which looks like this
    Touch on the black cartridge icon and it will display " moving black cartridge to front".
    Now open the cartridge door and remove the black toner.
    Close the door and touch the cyan and it will move it to the front and you will have to open the door again and take the cyan out, close the door again and repert the process for magenta and yellow.
    And when you want to reinstall them the same steps have to be repeated.
    Do let me know the results
    Although I am an HP employee, I am speaking for myself and not for HP.
    *Say thanks by clicking the "Kudos! Star" which is on the left*
    Make it easier for other people to find solutions, by marking my answer with "Accept as Solution" if it solves your issue.

  • HT1420 how can i erase my brother's apple ID details from a macbook pro and make it recognize my apple ID

    Pls I need help?
    1. my brother has given me his mac book but it has failed to recognise my details. His apple ID keepds popping up and it would not recognise mine.
    2. i want to make mine so that i can sync my iphone and ipad with it.
    How do I go about it?
    Thank you

    You need to delete and redownload iPhoto. His Apple ID is stored inside it.

  • Acrobat 6.0 Pro PDF Maker & CutePDF

    Hi there,
    I have Acrobat 6.0 Professional installed on my computer (Windows XP). I recently had CutePDF installed on my system as well. Since this, my Acrobat PDF Maker will not create a PDF (from Excel 2002) as it used to. It freezes up part way through the conversion.
    Any way to get Acrobat to make me PDFs without removing CutePDF?

    You need to go through and see where the bottleneck is. It may be simplest to do a repair in the control panel.
    If you want to check, start by printing to the Adobe PDF printer. If that does not work, try a print to file and then open the file in Distiller. If the 2 part process works, then you likely have a problem with AcroTray not running. Simply be sure it is in your startup menu. You can also simply start it from the Distiller folder.

  • Macbook pro retina makes me very angry and sad

    I order mbp retina online on Jun 11
    then I recieved it on Jun 18 !
    unfortunaely, when I opened the box and checked the computer, I suddenly found that there was a screw loosen.
    what a terribly bad quality it was!!! I applied for return and replacement, the customer service told me that I need to wait a few weeks to get new one
    oh my god!

    what a terribly bad quality it was!!!
    I don't know if a loose screw would qualify as "terribly bad quality".
    I applied for return and replacement, the customer service told me that I need to wait a few weeks to get new one
    oh my god!
    I'm not really sure what to say about this.  If they don't have them, they can't ship them to you.  The fact that they are willing to ship you a new one for a loose screw should make you happy.  If you want to buy a new one, there is a 3-4 week wait.  They can't magically get you something that isn't available.  You can certainly use the one you have until they can get you a new one.

Maybe you are looking for