Problem after 3.1.3 update! Small spinning ring?

My iPhone now freezes ONLY when I connect it to the computer after updating 3.1.3.
When it freezes, it vibrates twice, and then I have a small spinning RING in the middle, and it just spins and spins until I manually reboot the phone.
This NEVER happened before updating, and I am still able to charge the phone as long as I don't use the computer, but I can't sync or add songs now b/c as soon as I connect it, this spinning ring comes up EVERY time!!!
I have restored the phone like 5 times since upgrading, and still no fix!
Any help??? Suggestions?

Just got off the phone with the senior iphone tech on apple support. My phone was doing the exact same thing and this is what he told me to do to fix it. Make sure that automatic sync is turned off. Go into system preferences, then accounts, and create a new account named iPhone 2 (as an administrator account) and then check the box that sais fast account switching. After that your main account name will show up in the status bar at the top of your computer. Click the name and switch to the iPhone2 account you just made. While in this account open itunes (it act as if you just downloaded itunes, and make sure you don't let it automatically collect your music or anything like that). Once that is done hold the home button on your iphone, while holding the button plug your phone into your computer and keep holding until itunes says that it has detected an iphone in recovery mode. Click ok, then choose update and restore. Once the restore is done, click on the info tab and sync your calendars and contacts only. Once this is done, disconnect your iphone and switch back to your main user account. Open itunes and plug in your phone, click on the iphone under the devices section on the left and and go through the tabs and choose what you want back on your iphone. Do not use your old backup because it more than likely is corrupted. This process worked for me, so let me know if this was any help for you! Sorry for the novel but its kind of a lot of steps. Good luck!

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    My 2011 MBP 13" i7 has had no issues whatsoever after
    10.6.8 update.  However, the process I went through was
    as follows:
        1.  Booted my MBP from a clone on a Firewire drive.
             (hard drives are so cheap these days there is no
              excuse not to have a clone or TM backup)
        2.  Ran a repair disk on the internal drive using
             Disk Warrior.  Disk Utility repair disk will work
             as well.   I use Disk Warrior because I can also
             run a check for corrupt files.
        3.  Repaired permissions on the internal drive.
        4.  Rebooted to internal drive.
        5.  Updated my clone, so that I have a clean system
             to revert to.
        6.  Downloaded the Combo update and ran it.
        7.  After reboot, repaired permissions.
    Now, for those of you who are having slow systems after
    the update, check process monitor to see what is sucking
    up the CPU time.  Then go from there.
    For those of you with system freezing issues, boot in safe
    mode.  If the problems go away, then some driver or process
    is being loaded at normal boot that is causing the problem.
    Also, if you are using any "add ons" to applications such as
    Safari or Mail, disable them, if you can, and see if the issue
    With all this said, yes my MBP is running just fine with 10.6.8,
    but my 2010 Mini has annoying audio issues with the update.
    There may be more on it, but the audio issues are enough
    for me to go back to 10.6.7, since this is part of my
    entertainment system.

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    MacBook 2.0ghz Core Duo (Black)   Mac OS X (10.4.8)  

    i have the same problem after the update. i see some members on the forums suggesting to turn off the wifi security helps, but who wants to give free wifi to there neighbors. with my situation, my router has a settings for "WPA-AES" or "WPA-TKIP." i had my router set for "WPA-AES" before the update, things works fine, after the update i tried to delete the key chain entries of my wifi connection and the preferred network list, which didn't help, but changing my router to be "WPA-TKIP" helped. my connection works normally again, i can reboot, put the macbook to sleep and it reconnects fine.
    hope this might work for you if you have this "TKIP" setting for you wifi router. i have a buffalo WZR-RS-G54 router, btw.
    good luck.
    macbook 2.0ghz, 2g ram, 80g hd Mac OS X (10.4.8)

  • SMS problem after 3.1.2 update

    I am not receiving any text messages after 3.1.2 update, and my phone has become too slow. Can one help please.
    Thank you

    Hello Carolyn,
    Thank you for the warm welcome. As for my problem I did not want to be more specific but here are the gory details : I have 2 iphones. A 3GS with the 3.1.2 software and a regular 3G with the 3.0 software.
    Whenever I plug the 3G, it appears in the 'My Computer' screen. I have access to the camera roll and can transfer my pictures to the computer folder I use for later iTunes transfer, using the Photos tab.
    Now when I plug the 3GS, nothing happens. I checked the autoplay features based on the webpage you sent, and it did not solve the problem. Both phones actually have the same settings, and only the regular 3G works. I am now thinking about trying backup restore and/or factory defaults restore, to see if it fixes the problem.
    What happens to the camera roll in these situations ? Is it included in the backup ? Otherwise I will have to find a way to get them :-/

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    When I put the device on standby It disconnects from the Wifi network, so I don't receive any push notification. Then when I start using the iPad again, the device reconnects immediately to the Wifi.

    Try this  - Reset the iPad by holding down on the Sleep and Home buttons at the same time for about 10-15 seconds until the Apple Logo appears - ignore the red slider - let go of the buttons. (This is equivalent to rebooting your computer.) No data/files will be erased.
     Cheers, Tom

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    Sure would appreciate help!  Thank you!

    settings - general - reset - reset network settings.
    also turn off automatic app updated...

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