Problem after instal of Leopard

Yesterday I installed Leopard on my iMac. Now I seem to be experiencing my Mighty Mouse freezing up when the computer comes out of sleep. I have to do a hard restart to get it back. As long as I don't let the computer sleep, no problems.
I've installed all updates and still have the problem.
Any suggestions/ideas??

Since you already started a new topic here:
Perhaps it would be better if you asked the people who have already given you suggestions there your questions. That way we won't be troubleshooting two slightly different issues in the same thread causing confusion as to who the answer is intended for.
Message was edited by: a brody

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    You "should" not lose anything, Archive and install moves you current items into a folder and then does a clean install of the OS. But, things can go wrong and I would suggest backing up all those things before you do anything else, Did you read through the sticky at the top of the Leopard forum? there might be some blue screen info there.
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    <title edited by host>

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    Hi applecore_eater,
    When Leopard came out, machines were shipping with Tiger for 3-5 months after it's release. So the fact that you bought a machine with Leopard still installed is not uncommon, especially considering we're not even a month into release. Matter of fact, I'd be surprised to see a lot of machines (unless CTO) that are coming with Snow Leopard.
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    Hello and welcome Cassie,
    We'll need a bit more information to be sure of the problem.
    Can you provide:
    1. A more complete description of your Mac? (model, processor, RAM)
    2. A more complete description of the kind of re-installation you performed? (Was it an archive and install?)
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    The probable reason you can't access your iMovie and iDVD projects in a Time Machine backup is that you probably ran TIme Machine - after - installing Snow Leopard. TM is designed to work "within" the OS environment and might not be able to "cross back over" to 10.5. That is just my "working theory" at the moment, others may have more correct information.
    Message was edited by: macnoel

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    Hello sean:
    I am not an expert in iPhoto, but people who post here are:
    To try to address the browser problem, reset Safari and see if that helps. Also, try an alternate browser (I use Firefox that way) to see if the problem is system-wide. Also, there is a Safari forum here:

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    Welcome to Apple Discussions
    Most users who have had a problem opening Office files with the iWork apps after upgrading to Snow Leopard have the problem fixed by updating to the latest versions. For iWork '08 that is Pages 3.0.3 & Numbers 1.0.3. For iWork '09 it's Pages 4.0.2 & Numbers 2.0.2. I don't use Keynote, but it should also be updated. If you're not running the latest versions & Software Update says your software is up to date, make sure the applications are where the installer initially put them. The updaters are very picky. If the location is not where the updater is programmed to look or if the folder doesn't have the name the updater looks for, it will not work. The applications cannot be renamed or moved. They must be in the iWork '08 or iWork '09 folder in Applications. That iWork folder must be named iWork '08 or iWork '09. If it doesn't have the '08 or '09 Software Update won't find them & the updaters won't work.

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    Mike Doolin wrote:
    I think I may have found the fix for this. My MacBook Pro was dying in its sleep every time (after installing Snow Leopard), whether it went to sleep automatically or I used a Hot Corner. I went into System Preferences>Desktop & Screen Saver and changed the screen saver to Flurry, and it works now. I had had it set to a folder containing a single .pct file that I had created.
    Good advice Mike! When in doubt check the ScreenSaver settings.
    Definitely seems that it has a problem with that pic... In my case, selecting any images instead of the default setting (no screensaver) seems to have cured my non waking issue on my early Macbook Pro in Snow Leopard.
    My original problem was that no amount of trackpad input woke it, but the space bar did. The space bar seemed to wake it up with the previous Screen Saver setting. Now trackpad wakes it up (even from total sleep as well as screen saver), too. Might be nice to know about if this is an intended 'feature' as a security trick. Otherwise I consider this a bug.
    My vote is that it's a bug.

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    Hi there ricalimo,
    I would recommend taking a look at the troubleshooting steps in the article below. If the issue is location specific, than you may want to save the article so you can perform troubleshooting when you are experiencing trouble.
    Wi-Fi: How to troubleshoot Wi-Fi connectivity
    -Griff W. 

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    Thank you

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    I suggest visiting the following Apple Support Communities Thread, your problem is similar to the one described there...
    Re: Just installed snow leopard but i can't use mail b/c 3.6 version

Maybe you are looking for

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