Problem bei Bridge CC als Standardprogramm definieren unter Win7

Meine neu installierte Adobe Bridge CC lässt sich nicht, nicht wie zuvor bei Adobe Bridge CS6, in meinem Benutzerkonto für Bildmaterial nicht als Standardprogramm über "öffnen mit" definieren. Ungern würde ich mein Benutzerkonto wechseln, da ich die Oberfläche mit der Zeit individualisiert habe. Kann mir jemand bei meinem Problem weiterhelfen?

Habe eine Lösung gefunden: Es liegt an den HiDPI Auflösungen am Macbook Retina. Installiert man "RDM" wird alles korrekt bildschirmfüllend angezeigt. RDM lässt zudem weitere Auflösungen zu, die gar nicht so unsinnig sind (1920er...).
Als positiver Nebeneffekt beschleunigt sich Lightroom dadurch teilweise ENORM!!!

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    Ich habe Photoshop CC und die Bridge CC auf 2 Rechner (Mac, Betr.System Mavericks) installiert.
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    Liebe Grüße und Vielen Dank, wenn Ihr mir helft!

    As things seem to be a bit wonky (highly technical editing term that loosely translates to things going pear-shaped ), I would do a Save_As and increment the Project's name, just to be safe.
    For the cranky Project, this PrPro-Wiki FAQ Entry might be useful.
    Good luck,

  • UHD Monitor zu keine Schriften - besonders bei Bridge

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    Windows 8.1 Programme müssen sich wohl selbst um die richtige Darstellung kümmern.
    Das ist noch sehr in den Kinderschuhen. Es gibt auch eine Zentrale Windows Einstellung. Doch da wird alles viel zu groß.
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    Hat da jemand schon eine Einstellung gefunden?

    es wird mit Photoshop CC 2014.2 nicht besser.
    Willi erzählt da einfach nur nicht nachvollziehbares Zeug, wenn er sagt in 2014.1 oder 2014.2 wäre das anders.
    Ach ja, Windows 8.1 hatte ich ja schon gesagt. Nur dass es sich um die aktuelle CC Version handelt hatte ich vergessen, explizit zu erwähnen. Klar, gibt es auch noch viele ältere Versionen da draußen.
    Aber auch ich hatte wenigstens eine höfliche Antwort auf eine aktuelle Version erwartet. (Weil wenn die es nicht kann, dann kann es die ältere wohl auch noch nicht.)
    Hab eben noch mal Photoshop (2014.2.1) kontrolliert: UI-Schriftgrad steht auf "Groß" und noch größer gibt es nicht. Die Pull-Down Menüs sind groß und lesbar (und passen nicht zum Stil). Der Rest ist sehr klein.
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    Ich hab auch den günstigen SAMSUNG UHD. Glücklicher Weise sehe ich gut genung um das mit Kopf hin und her noch lesen zu können.
    Ich hoffe, dass Adobe das nun wirklich in Angriff nimmt. Ist mir wichtiger als die anderen Funktionen, die ich sowieso nicht nutze.
    @AKonze: Lass Dich von alt eingessenen Flamern nicht vertreiben. Wir bauchen Dich! ;-)

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    Für Hinweise wäre ich sehr dankbar.
    Claus Tropitzsch

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    Ich weiß da echt nicht mehr weiter und bitte um Lösungsvorschläge, lg axelwo

    Dieser Basic I/O fehler ist schwer einzuengen. Meistens sind das Probleme mit dem Deskriptor der Resource. Sind COM1 und COM2 unter MAX sichtbar? Kann man eine VISA session dazu öffnen und einfache befehle testen, wie z. b. "*idn?"? Ansonsten kann es auch was mit der Konfiguration des POrts zu tun haben. Hierzu benutzt man am Besten die Eigenschaftsknoten die mit VISA mitgeliefert werden. Anbei ein Kleines Beispiel, denke das sollte funktionieren:
    Attachments: ‏77 KB

  • Having problems with Bridge shutting down after saving photo in PS Cs5,,,,,,,,,  Also when i attempt to update either PS or bridge get an error message in Adobe application manger "Error loading updater workflow"

    Having problems with Bridge shutting down after saving photo in PS Cs5,,,,,,,,,  Also when i attempt to update either PS or bridge get an error message in Adobe application manger "Error loading updater workflow"

    Sorry for the late reply. My email firewall has become a little over zealous & sent a lot of my emails straight to my junk email folder, so I have only just now discovered your reply in my junk mail folder.
    The only "don't open files exceeding xxx megabytes" instruction I can find in my Prefs, is in the Bridge Prefs for Thumbnails, & mine is set at 1000mb. The biggest files I handle are bigger than 200mb so I should be able to open a few, not just one.
    However, this doesn't explain why I can open a psd format file of 180mb, close it, but then can't open a RAW format file of only 26mb immediately after.
    I can open the RAW file only if I restart my computer - very annoying!
    However, thanks for the advice about the video card & memory.
    So, I'm still stuck as to what the issue is.

  • HELP. ............Hi folks hope some one can help me please.Having a problem in Bridge I open my images in ACR,  as I open files in a folder and lets say they are labeled in yellow  they are all going back to  the camera raw default , in other words no ma

    HELP. ............Hi folks hope some one can help me please.Having a problem in Bridge I open my images in ACR,  as I open files in a folder and lets say they are labeled in yellow  they are all going back to  the camera raw default , in other words no matter what work I have done, inc cropping they  all go back to ,as they came out of camera. What on earth is happening? I am on PS CS6. I might point out everything was working normally up to  yesterday, when this first started.
    I recently changed computer to 64bit from 32bit, not sure if this causing  the problem or not. Any help would be appreciated.

    Would you be so kind to rephrase your question with concise, precise information and without any "let's say that" hypotheticals?  Sorry, I can't quite follow you.
    Also please give exact versions of Photoshop CS6 (13.what.what), of Bridge and of your OS.
    If you give complete and detailed information about your setup and the issue at hand, such as your platform (Mac or Win), exact versions of your OS, of Photoshop and of Bridge, machine specs, what troubleshooting steps you have taken so far, what error message(s) you receive, if having issues opening raw files also the exact camera make and model that generated them, etc., someone may be able to help you.
    Please read this FAQ for advice on how to ask your questions correctly for quicker and better answers:

  • Hi I have been having a problem with Bridge in CS4 recently. So uninstalled CS4 and Lightroom 4.4 and reinstalled them on my Desktop PC. When I turned on Bridge through CS4, My thumb nail images disappeared and a thumb nail icon with CR2 appeared. Now som

    Hi I have been having a problem with Bridge in CS4 recently. So uninstalled CS4 and Lightroom 4.4 and reinstalled them on my Desktop PC. When I turned on Bridge through CS4, My thumb nail images disappeared and a thumb nail icon with CR2 appeared. Now some of my images have disappeared from Light room 4.4, but I can find them in CS4 and Bridge now shows some thumb nails as images and some as an icon with CR2. I have spent two weeks going through preferences etc. to find how to resolve my problem. Please can you Help? Meany thanks in advance
      Derek Randall

    I don't use LR and rarely use the bridge so I can not answers about thumbnails in them,  However thumbnails in windows file explorer and windows dialog for CS2 files will only show if you have installed codec into windows that will produce them. Windows does not do CR2 thumbnails on its own. I use FastPictureViewer Codec package for RAW File and PSD files thunbmail support.

  • Problem with Bridge CC Update

    I always get an error message (49).See picture below. But at the same time a had no problems with the update for Photoshop CC 2014. so whats the problem with Bridge CC?

    Hi Robert,
    Please refer to the link below:
    Getting Download Error 49 Bridge Cc

  • Problem with Bridge CS4 reading/editing XMP metadata added in Bridge CS6

    Please excuse me if this is a dumb/obvious question. I did try searching the forums for similar problems and didn't find anything that seemed to speak to my issue.
    I'm having a problem where Bridge CS4 won't read/edit xmp metadata (specifically, keywords and descriptions in the IPTC panel) that I have entered using CS6. it will read some files, not others. The files are all .mp4s. Of these files, I can read/edit IPTC panel metadata for some of them in Bridge CS4; I can add metadata for all of them in CS6. I see no particular pattern in these files to explain what is and isn't read/editable in CS4.
    My question is whether this is a compatibility issue between different versions of CS (in this instance, CS4 and CS6). i know it's a tired refrain to blame software when it could easily be user error, in which case I'd be frankly delighted to know what i'm doing wrong. Please bear with me as I give a few more details.
    I'm using macs. I've tried this on multiple systems - for instance, on a mac pro 3 which for some reason has both CS4 and CS6 installed, i can add and edit keywords using CS6, but not when using CS4. Again, in CS4, some .mp4 files read/edit, others do not.
    Bridge CS4 blames the files and tells me that the selected file cannot store xmp metadata, and that the properties cannot be modified. To be specific, in the metadata panel it says "this property cannot be modified"; in the keyword panel, it says, "This file (zzz.mp4) cannot store xmp metadata. No changes will occur." This seems odd, because I'm able to add xmp metadata for the same files in CS6 on the same computer, and other computers. I know this problem would disappear if all our computers were using CS6 (or CC), but unfortunately that's not a possibility at the moment. Some of them only have CS4.
    Computer details (not an exhaustive list, but two instances): mac pro 3.1 running snow leopard, 16GB memory; macbook pro 4.1 running snow leopard, 4GB memory; adobe bridge cs6 ( and cs4 (
    Things I have tried:
    Permissions - the files are set to read/write for everyone. Given that I can add/edit metadata in CS6, it doesn't seem to be a permission issue.
    Purging the cache - other users seem to have had problems adding metadata in Bridge CS4 where purging the cache for affected files solved the problem. Didn't work in this instance.
    Upgrading all affected computers to CS6/CC is beyond my control. I need to figure out why CS4 won't let me read/add/edit xmp metadata, if only for the sake of understanding the broader implications for interoperability.
    Any helpful suggestions would be much appreciated.

    adobe bridge cs6 ( and cs4 (
    Without having experience with mp4 files and metadata my observation is that you certainly have not updated Bridge CS6 ( should be and I believe also not the latest version of CS4, can't imaging this also stayed at .0.0 so first try to update both.
    And if CS4 can read the data of some files it should be capable of reading them all. Be sure to have the files completely cached first, can take a while.
    Other things to try in CS4 is refresh preferences (hold down option key while restarting Bridge and choose reset prefs).
    And also check for hidden cache files using menu view/show hidden files. Sometimes those cache files can be troublesome between versions.
    If purge cache did not work and reset prefs also failed consider to also delete Bridge plist file and Bridge cache file manual (from user library)

  • Urgent! Problems with bridge JDBC-ODBC

    I have found out that JDBC-ODBC bridge in JDK 1.4.1 don't works fine, because, if you want to store text largest 254 characters in a field type text in one record of a Access database's table, it generate a SQLError, I have tried with EasySoft JDBC_ODBC and it works, with it I could store text fields largest than 254 characters, but I have new problems, EasySoft bridge is not free, and don't let store nulls in fields type Date [with PreparedStatement x, x.setDate(theDate)] (raise a SQLError), in the other hand, JDKs bridge do it. Somebody knows if exists JDCB-ODBC free drivers more suitables than JDK's includes, or if exists upgrades?
    Is very urgent!, Thanks a lot
    (Sorry, my english is very poor)

    I have tried it, Is there where I found the EasySoft's JDBC-ODBC driver, but the result is: one problems out, yes, now with this driver I can store String largest 254 characters in fields type MEMO of a table in Access Database, but two new problems, 1st. is a trial version, (requiere paid), and 2nd. don't let store nulls in fields type Date when JDKs JDBC-ODBC bridge lets, and the aplication needs leave this fields blanks.
    Any other idea?

  • New pc with windows 8.1, downloaded and installed cs5,no problem open bridge and cs5, but can't read raw file , try to update, can't complete or failed updating, please help

    new pc with windows 8.1, downloaded and installed cs5,no problem open bridge and cs5, but can't read raw file , try to update, can't complete or failed updating, please help

    Sounds like you somehow got the mac version.
    Download the windows 6.7 camera raw update from this link:
    Adobe - Photoshop : For Windows : Camera Raw 6.7 Update

  • Problem with Bridge CC

    When I open my cr2 files in bridge cc they are opened in CS6 instead of in CC as before. I have recently uninstaled CS5 which I never use. Also when I open my jpeg files in bridge and photshop cc they are opened in another program. Please does anyone have a solution to this

    Thanks for the prompt reply. This seems to have solved the problem.
    Ursprungligt meddelande----
    Från: [email protected]
    Datum: 2013-12-01 01:24
    Till: "norman_nichols"<[email protected]>
    Ärende: problem with Bridge CC
    Re: problem with Bridge CC created by Curt Y in Bridge General Discussion - View the full discussion
    By uninstalling the previous version you have fouled up the file association.  You can try the manual method of preferences/file type assoications and changing the default.  If this does not work there are other ways that involve more work.
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