Problem de restructure

My cube restricting problem occurs in every weekend but not in weekdays.
This is the error this is given my Control-M
ERROR - 111 - Unable to connect to
ERROR - 1042006 - Network error [79]: Unable to connect to [].\
The client timed out waiting to connect to Analytic Services Agent using TCP/\
IP. Check your network connections. Also make sure that server and port values\
are correct.
I can not resolve problem, please anyone help me

Are you sure if your server is running fine over the weekend?
Try to monitor and confirm if all services are up during the restructure time in weekend.

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    Hi All,
    There is a problem faced with the restructuring of the cube.
    Application Name: Sample
    IO Access Mode: Direct I/O
    Operation peformed: Copying of Outline from one server (Development) to other server (QA). Performed verification of the outline & saved. And while closing the outline window, it was asking for the restructure and started restructuring of outline.
    In this case, some exceptional files are created at the log directory & ABNORMAL SHUTDOWN of application is happening.
    Below are the entries in the application log file:
    *Restructuring Database [AtLaunch]*+
    Essbase Internal Logic Error [7333]+
    *Exception error log [E:\Hyperion\logs\essbase\app\Sample\log00011.xcp] is being created...*+
    Exception error log completed E:\Hyperion\logs\essbase\app\Sample\log00011.xcp please contact technical support and provide them with this file+
    Please let me know the below information:
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    2.What is the reason of this kind of error and how to resolve this?
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    Exception error log [E:\Hyperion\logs\essbase\app\Sample\log00011.xcp] is being created...^^^You're on your eleventh crash? Not Good. Get that .xcp file to Oracle Support forthwith.
    FWIW, some people swear by Direct I/O for its performance -- I was burnt, badly, by it in the past and never use it.
    Copying of Outline from one server (Development) to other server (QA). Performed verification of the outline & saved. And while closing the outline window, it was asking for the restructure and started restructuring of outline.^^^You used the Migration Wizard? Did a Save As? Changed the density (my guess if BSO)? You did something that caused Essbase to do a restructure. A simple Save without changes shouldn't require that, I think.
    Cameron Lackpour
    P.S. I have seen saves that do things like change BSO density (depends on whatever bugs your version has) and resulted in massive blocks. When Essbase tried to save -- KABOOM!
    Edited by: CL on Apr 2, 2012 7:51 AM
    Duh, if you're using Direct I/O, it is BSO.

  • Restructure of Database hanging

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    This may be because Essbase is not getting the enough memory required for restructure. Can you unload and reload the application before starting to pdate the dimentions. This will free the memory and should not cause any problem during restructure.Also look into the essbase log if you face the problem again.thanks,- Sandeep

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  • Having multiple problems with script - NTFS Permissions and AD Groups

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    1. Prompts the user for a corporate division under which a shared folder will be created, and adjusts variables accordingly.
    2. Prompts if the folder will be a global folder or an office/location-specific folder, and makes appropriate adjustments to variables.
    3.  If a global folder, prompts for the name.  If an office/location-specific folder, prompts for each component of the street address, city and state and an optional modifier.  I've prompted for this information in this way because the information
    is used differently later on in the script.
    4.  Verifies the entered information and requests confirmation to proceed.
    5.  Creates the folder.
    6.  Creates an AD OU and/or security group(s).
    7.  Applies appropriate security groups to the new folder and removes undesired permissions.
    Import-Module ActiveDirectory
    $Division = ""
    $DivAbbr = ""
    $OU = ""
    $OUDrive = "AD:\"
    $FolderName = ""
    $OUName = ""
    $GroupName = ""
    $OURoot = "ou=DFS Restructure Testing OU,ou=Pennsylvania Camp Hill 4410 Industrial Park Rd,ou=Locations,ou=Camp Hill,dc=jacobsonco,DC=com"
    $FSRoot = "E:\"
    $FolderPath = ""
    $DefaultFolders = "Archive","Customer Service","Equipment","Inbounds","Management","Outbounds","Processes","Projects","Quality","Reports","Returns","Safety","Schedules","Time Keeping","Training"
    [bool]$Location = 0
    do {
    $userInput = Read-Host "Enter CLS Division: (W)arehousing, (S)taffing, or (P)ackaging"
    Switch ($userInput)
    W {$Division = "Warehousing"; $DivAbbr = "WHSE"; $OU = "ou=Warehousing,"; break}
    S {"Staffing is not yet implemented."; break}
    P {"Packaging is not yet implemented."; break}
    default {"Invalid choice. Please re-enter."; break}
    while ($DivAbbr -eq "")
    write-host ""
    write-host ($Division + " was selected.")
    $FolderPath = $Division + "\"
    write-host ""
    $choice = ""
    do {
    $choice = Read-Host "Will this be a (G)lobal folder or (L)ocation folder?"
    Switch ($choice)
    G {$Location = $false; break}
    L {$Location = $true; $FolderPath = $FolderPath + "Locations\"; $OU = "ou=Locations," + $OU; break}
    default {"Invalid choice. Please re-enter."; $choice = ""; break}
    while ($choice -eq "")
    write-host ""
    write-host ("Location is set to: " + $Location)
    write-host ""
    if ($Location -eq $false) {
    $FolderName = Read-Host "Please enter folder name:"
    $GroupName = $DivAbbr + " " + $FolderName
    } else {
    $input = Read-Host "Please enter two-letter state abbreviation:"
    $FolderName = $FolderName + $input + " "
    $input = Read-Host "Please enter city:"
    $FolderName = $FolderName + $input + " "
    $input = Read-Host "Please enter street address number only:"
    $FolderName = $FolderName + $input
    $GroupName = $DivAbbr + " " + $FolderName
    $FolderName = $FolderName + " "
    $input = Read-Host "Please enter street name:"
    $FolderName = $FolderName + $input
    $input = Read-Host "Please enter any optional information to appear in folder name:"
    if ($input -ne "") {
    $FolderName = $FolderName + " " + $input
    $OUName = $FolderName
    write-host "Path for folder: "$FSRoot$FolderPath$FolderName
    write-host "AD Path: "$OUDrive$OU$OURoot
    write-host "New OU Name: "$OUName
    write-host -NoNewLine "New Security Group names: "$GroupName
    if ($Location -eq $true) { write-host " and "$GroupName" MGMT" }
    $input = Read-Host "Please confirm creation of new site/folder: (Y/N) "
    if ($input -ne "Y") { Exit }
    write-host -NoNewLine "Folder exists: "; Test-Path ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName)
    if (Test-Path ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName)) {
    Write-Host "Folder already exists! Skipping folder creation..."
    } else {
    write-host "Folder does not exist. Creating..."
    new-item -path ($FSRoot + $FolderPath) -name $FolderName -itemtype directory
    Set-Location ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName)
    if ($Location -eq $true) {
    $tempOUName = "ou=" + $OUName + ","
    write-host $OUDrive$tempOUName$OU$OURoot
    write-host -NoNewLine "OU exists: "; Test-Path ($OUDrive + $tempOUName + $OU + $OURoot)
    if (Test-Path ($OUDrive + $tempOUName + $OU + $OURoot)) {
    Write-Host "OU already exists! Skipping OU creation..."
    } else {
    write-host "OU does not exist. Creating..."
    New-ADOrganizationalUnit -Name $OUName -Path ($OU + $OURoot) -ProtectedFromAccidentalDeletion $false
    $GroupNameMGMT = $GroupName + " MGMT"
    if (!(Test-Path ($OUDrive + "CN=" + $GroupName + "," + $tempOUName + $OU + $OURoot))) { write-host "Normal user group does not exist. Creating..."; New-ADGroup -Name $GroupName -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Global -Path ("OU=" + $OUName + "," + $OU + $OURoot)}
    if (!(Test-Path ($OUDrive + "CN=" + $GroupNameMGMT + "," + $tempOUName + $OU + $OURoot))) { write-host "Management user group does not exist. Creating..."; New-ADGroup -Name $GroupNameMGMT -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Global -Path ("OU=" + $OUName + "," + $OU + $OURoot)}
    $FolderACL = get-acl ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName)
    # $FolderACL.Access | where {$_.IdentityReference -eq "BUILTIN\Users"} | %{$FolderACL.RemoveAccessRuleAll($_)}
    $BIUsers = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("BUILTIN\Users")
    $BIUsersSID = $BIUsers.Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier])
    write-host $BIUsersSID.Value
    # out-string -inputObject $BIUsers
    $Ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($BIUsersSID.Value,"ReadAndExecute,AppendData,CreateFiles,Synchronize","ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")
    Set-ACL ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName) $FolderACL
    get-acl ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName) | fl
    $FolderACL = get-acl ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName)
    $ADGroupName = "JACOBSON\" + $GroupName
    $objUser = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount($ADGroupName)
    write-host $ADGroupName
    write-host $objUser.Value
    $Ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($ADGroupName,"ReadAndExecute","ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")
    Out-String -InputObject $ar
    $ADGroupName = "JACOBSON\" + $GroupNameMGMT
    $Ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($ADGroupName, "Modify", "ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")
    Out-String -InputObject $ar
    Set-ACL ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName) $FolderACL
    } else {
    $tempOUName = "cn=" + $GroupName + ","
    write-host $OUDrive$tempOUName$OU$OURoot
    write-host -NoNewLine "Group exists: "; Test-Path ($OUDrive + $tempOUName + $OU + $OURoot)
    if (Test-Path ($OUDrive + $tempOUName + $OU + $OURoot)) {
    Write-Host "Security group already exists! Skipping new security group creation..."
    } else {
    write-host "Security group does not exist. Creating..."
    New-ADGroup -Name $GroupName -GroupCategory Security -GroupScope Global -Path ($OU + $OURoot)
    $FolderACL = get-acl ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName)
    $ADGroupName = "JACOBSON\" + $GroupName
    $Ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($ADGroupName,"Modify","ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")
    $FolderACL.Access | where {$_.IdentityReference -eq "BUILTIN\Users"} | %{$FolderACL.RemoveAccessRuleAll($_)}
    Set-ACL ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName) $FolderACL
    My problems right now are in the assignment/removal of security groups on the newly-created folder, and the problems are two-fold.  Yes, I am running this script as an Administrator.
    First, I am unable to remove the BUILTIN\Users group from the folder when this is an office/location-specific folder.  I've tried to remove the group in several different ways, and none are having any effect.  Oddly, if I type in the lines directly
    into Powershell, they work as expected.  I've tried the following methods:
    $FolderACL = get-acl ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName)
    $FolderACL.Access | where {$_.IdentityReference -eq "BUILTIN\Users"} | %{$FolderACL.RemoveAccessRuleAll($_)}
    Set-ACL ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName) $FolderACL
    $FolderACL = get-acl ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName)
    $BIUsers = New-Object System.Security.Principal.NTAccount("BUILTIN\Users")
    $BIUsersSID = $BIUsers.Translate([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier])
    $Ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($BIUsersSID.Value,"ReadAndExecute,AppendData,CreateFiles,Synchronize","ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")
    Set-ACL ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName) $FolderACL
    In the first case, the script goes through and has no apparent effect because afterwards, I do a get-acl and the BUILTIN\Users group is still there, although when looking through the GUI, inheritance appears to have been broken from the parent folder.
    In the second case, I get the following error message:
    Exception calling "RemoveAccessRuleAll" with "1" argument(s): "Some or all identity references could not be translated."
    At C:\Users\tesdallb\Documents\FileServerBuild.ps1:110 char:5
    +     $FolderACL.RemoveAccessRuleAll($Ar)
    +     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
        + CategoryInfo          : NotSpecified: (:) [], MethodInvocationException
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : IdentityNotMappedException
    This seems strange that the local server is unable to translate the SID of a BUILTIN account.  I've also tried explicitly putting in the BUILTIN\Users SID in place of the variable in the New-Object line, but that gives me the same error.  I've
    also tried the solutions given in this thread: and at this URL: but these solutions also failed to have any effect.
    My second problem is when I try to apply the newly-created security groups, I also will get the "Some or all identity references could not be translated."  I thought I had found a workaround to the problem by adding the -PassThru option to
    the New-ADGroup commands, because it would output the SID of the group after creation, however a few lines later, the server is unable to translate the account to apply the security groups to the folder.
    My first Powershell script has been working well up to this point and now I seem to have hit a showstopper.  Any help is appreciated.

    I was hoping to stay with strictly Powershell, but unless I can find a Powershell solution, I may resort to ICACLS.
    As for the problems with my groups not being translatable right after creating them, I think I have solved this problem by using the -Server parameter on all my New-ADGroup commands and this example code seems to have gotten around the translation problem,
    again utilizing the -Server parameter on the Get-ADGroup command:
    get-acl ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName) | fl
    $FolderACL = get-acl ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName)
    # Add the new normal users group to the folder with Read and Execute permissions
    $GroupSID = Get-ADGroup -Identity $GroupName -Server | Select-Object -ExpandProperty SID
    $SIDIdentity = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($GroupSID)
    $Ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($SIDIdentity,"ReadAndExecute","ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")
    # Add the management users group to the folder with Modify permissions
    $GroupMGMTSID = Get-ADGroup -Identity $GroupNameMGMT -Server | Select-Object -ExpandProperty SID
    $SIDIdentity = New-Object System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier($GroupMGMTSID)
    $Ar = New-Object System.Security.AccessControl.FileSystemAccessRule($SIDIdentity, "Modify", "ContainerInherit, ObjectInherit", "None", "Allow")
    Set-ACL ($FSRoot + $FolderPath + $FolderName) $FolderACL
    Going this route seems to ensure that the Domain Controller I'm creating my groups on is the same one that I'm querying for the group's SID to use in the FileSystemAccessRule.  It's been working fairly consistently.
    Still having issues with the translation of the BUILTIN\Users group, though. 

  • Multiple DimBuilds w/Only One Restructure in MaxL?

    I am doing a series of dimension builds via load rules (v7.1.5). In this case I am building this entire dimension from scratch every time, but I want to preserve data, because there is forecast and plan data in this cube, not just actuals. My problem is this: In order to build completely from scracth, my first dimbuild load rule has "Remove Unspecified" turned ON. But that that dimbuild does not include all the level 0 members I will end up adding to this dimension by the end of this process. And I cannot find a way to delay Essbase from performing the restructure until the last dimbuild. I have tried using the "suppress verification" option in MaxL's import dimension command, but it doesn't accomplish this. I cannot find anything in the MaxL docs that refers to this and no one I work with has an answer. There has to be a way to do this, doesn't there? Otherwise I will have to abandon this "build from scratch" methodology and just leave old, dead members lying around in this dimension until they are removed manually.<BR><BR>Thanks,<BR><BR>James

    James:<BR><BR>What's important here is that ALL of the dimension build happen in the same IMPORT statement, as follows:<BR><BR>import database sample.basic dimensions <BR><b>from server text data_file 'genref' using server rules_file 'genref' suppress verification, <BR>from server text data_file 'level' using server rules_file 'level' suppress verification, <BR>from server text data_file 'time' using server rules_file 'time' suppress verification </b><BR>preserve all data on error append to 'C:\Hyperion\EAS\eas\client\dataload.err';<BR><BR>This is the only way that the suppression works.<BR>

  • Dense Restructure 1070020 Out of disk space. Can't create new data file

    During a Dense Restructure we receive: Error(1070020) Out of disk space. Cannot create a new [Data] file.
    Essbase 6.5.3 32-bit
    Windows 2003 32bit w/16GB RAM
    Database is on E: drive with 660GB space total, database is ~220GB.
    All cubes are unlimited
    Tried restoring from backup same problem.
    Over years and years the database is never recalculated, never exported and imported, never verified. Only new data loaded and dense restructured.
    Towards the end of a dense restructure (about 89 pan files through about 101 2GB pag files), getting an error: Error(1070020) Out of disk space. Cannot create a new [Data] file.
    There are still several hundred GB of free space available, and we can write to this free space outside of the essbase application within windows.
    The server's file system is consistent, defragmented, and can prove use of additional space. Hard drive controller and system does not report any "hardware issues".
    Essbase.cfg file
    ; The following entry specifies the full path to JVM.DLL.
    JvmModuleLocation C:\Hyperion\Essbase\java\jre13\bin\hotspot\jvm.dll
    ;This statement loads the essldap.dll as a valid authentication module
    ;AuthenticationModule LDAP essldap.dll x
    ;These settings are here to deal with error 1040004
    NETDELAY 1600
    App log
    [Sat Oct 17 13:59:32 2009]Local/removedfrompost/removedfrompost/admin/Info(1007044)
    Restructuring Database [removedfrompost]
    [Sat Oct 17 15:48:42 2009]Local/removedfrompost/removedfrompost/admin/Error(1070020)
    Out of disk space. Cannot create a new [Data] file. [adIndNewFile] aborted
    [Sat Oct 17 15:48:42 2009]Local/removedfrompost///Info(1008108)
    Essbase Internal Logic Error [7333]
    [Sat Oct 17 15:48:42 2009]Local/removedfrompost///Info(1008106)
    Exception error log [C:\HYPERION\ESSBASE\app\removedfrompost\log00002.xcp] is being created...
    Assertion Failure - id=7333 condition='((!( dbp )->bFatalError))'
    - line 11260 in file datbuffm.c
    - arguments [0] [0] [0] [0]
    Additional log info from database start to restructure failure
    Starting Essbase Server - Application [removedfrompost]
    Loaded and initialized JVM module
    Reading Application Definition For [removedfrompost]
    Reading Database Definition For [removedfrompost]
    Reading Database Definition For [TempOO]
    Reading Database Definition For [WTD]
    Reading Database Mapping For [removedfrompost]
    Writing Application Definition For [removedfrompost]
    Writing Database Definition For [removedfrompost]
    Writing Database Definition For [TempOO]
    Writing Database Definition For [WTD]
    Writing Database Mapping For [removedfrompost]
    Waiting for Login Requests
    Received Command [Load Database]
    Writing Parameters For Database [removedfrompost]
    Reading Parameters For Database [removedfrompost]
    Reading Outline For Database [removedfrompost]
    Declared Dimension Sizes = [289 125 2 11649 168329 1294 622 985 544 210 80 2016 11 9 9 8 8 1 1 6 1 3 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 77 2 65 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 260 4 3018 52 6 39 4 1577 6 ]
    Actual Dimension Sizes = [289 119 1 1293 134423 1294 622 985 544 210 80 2016 11 9 9 8 8 1 1 6 1 3 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 77 2 65 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 260 4 3018 52 6 39 4 1577 5 ]
    The number of Dynamic Calc Non-Store Members = [80 37 0 257 67 ]
    The number of Dynamic Calc Store Members = [0 0 0 0 0 ]
    The logical block size is [34391]
    Maximum Declared Blocks is [1960864521] with data block size of [72250]
    Maximum Actual Possible Blocks is [173808939] with data block size of [17138]
    Formula for member [4 WK Avg Total Sls U] will be executed in [CELL] mode
    Formula for member [Loc Cnt] will be executed in [CELL] mode
    Formula for member [OH Str Cnt] will be executed in [CELL] mode
    Formula for member [Current Rtl] will be executed in [CELL] mode
    Essbase needs to retrieve [1017] Essbase Kernel blocks in order to calculate the top dynamically-calculated block.
    The Dyn.Calc.Cache for database [removedfrompost] can hold a maximum of [76] blocks.
    The Dyn.Calc.Cache for database [removedfrompost], when full, will result in [allocation from non-Dyn.Calc.Cache memory].
    Writing Parameters For Database [removedfrompost]
    Reading Parameters For Database [removedfrompost]
    Unable to determine the amount of virtual memory available on the system
    Index cache size ==> [1048576] bytes, [128] index pages.
    Index page size ==> [8192] bytes.
    Using buffered I/O for the index and data files.
    Using waited I/O for the index and data files.
    Unable to determine the amount of virtual memory available on the system
    Reading Data File Free Space Information For Database [removedfrompost]...
    Data cache size ==> [3145728] bytes, [22] data pages
    Data file cache size ==> [0] bytes, [0] data file pages
    Missing Database Config File [C:\HYPERION\ESSBASE\APP\removedfrompost\removedfrompost\removedfrompost.cfg], Query logging disabled
    Received Command [Get Database Volumes]
    Received Command [Load Database]
    Writing Parameters For Database [TempOO]
    Reading Parameters For Database [TempOO]
    Reading Outline For Database [TempOO]
    Declared Dimension Sizes = [277 16 2 1023 139047 ]
    Actual Dimension Sizes = [277 16 1 1022 138887 ]
    The number of Dynamic Calc Non-Store Members = [68 3 0 0 0 ]
    The number of Dynamic Calc Store Members = [0 0 0 0 0 ]
    The logical block size is [4432]
    Maximum Declared Blocks is [142245081] with data block size of [8864]
    Maximum Actual Possible Blocks is [141942514] with data block size of [2717]
    Essbase needs to retrieve [1] Essbase Kernel blocks in order to calculate the top dynamically-calculated block.
    The Dyn.Calc.Cache for database [TempOO] can hold a maximum of [591] blocks.
    The Dyn.Calc.Cache for database [TempOO], when full, will result in [allocation from non-Dyn.Calc.Cache memory].
    Writing Parameters For Database [TempOO]
    Reading Parameters For Database [TempOO]
    Unable to determine the amount of virtual memory available on the system
    Index cache size ==> [1048576] bytes, [128] index pages.
    Index page size ==> [8192] bytes.
    Using buffered I/O for the index and data files.
    Using waited I/O for the index and data files.
    Unable to determine the amount of virtual memory available on the system
    Reading Data File Free Space Information For Database [TempOO]...
    Data cache size ==> [3145728] bytes, [144] data pages
    Data file cache size ==> [0] bytes, [0] data file pages
    Missing Database Config File [C:\HYPERION\ESSBASE\APP\removedfrompost\TempOO\TempOO.cfg], Query logging disabled
    Received Command [Get Database Volumes]
    Received Command [Load Database]
    Writing Parameters For Database [WTD]
    Reading Parameters For Database [WTD]
    Reading Outline For Database [WTD]
    Declared Dimension Sizes = [2 105 2 11649 158778 1279 609 971 531 208 78 2017 11 9 9 1 1 1 1 6 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 77 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 260 3 2954 52 6 39 4 1581 6 ]
    Actual Dimension Sizes = [1 99 1 1293 127722 1279 609 971 531 208 78 2017 11 9 9 1 1 1 1 6 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 77 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 260 3 2954 52 6 39 4 1581 5 ]
    The number of Dynamic Calc Non-Store Members = [0 29 0 257 57 ]
    The number of Dynamic Calc Store Members = [0 0 0 0 0 ]
    The logical block size is [99]
    Maximum Declared Blocks is [1849604922] with data block size of [420]
    Maximum Actual Possible Blocks is [165144546] with data block size of [70]
    Formula for member [Loc Cnt] will be executed in [CELL] mode
    Formula for member [OH Str Cnt] will be executed in [CELL] mode
    Formula for member [Current Rtl] will be executed in [CELL] mode
    Essbase needs to retrieve [1017] Essbase Kernel blocks in order to calculate the top dynamically-calculated block.
    The Dyn.Calc.Cache for database [WTD] can hold a maximum of [26479] blocks.
    The Dyn.Calc.Cache for database [WTD], when full, will result in [allocation from non-Dyn.Calc.Cache memory].
    Writing Parameters For Database [WTD]
    Reading Parameters For Database [WTD]
    Unable to determine the amount of virtual memory available on the system
    Index cache size ==> [1048576] bytes, [128] index pages.
    Index page size ==> [8192] bytes.
    Using buffered I/O for the index and data files.
    Using waited I/O for the index and data files.
    Unable to determine the amount of virtual memory available on the system
    Reading Data File Free Space Information For Database [WTD]...
    Data cache size ==> [3145728] bytes, [5617] data pages
    Data file cache size ==> [0] bytes, [0] data file pages
    Missing Database Config File [C:\HYPERION\ESSBASE\APP\removedfrompost\WTD\WTD.cfg], Query logging disabled
    Received Command [Get Database Volumes]
    Received Command [Set Database State]
    Writing Parameters For Database [removedfrompost]
    Writing Parameters For Database [removedfrompost]
    Received Command [Get Database State]
    Received Command [Get Database Info]
    Received Command [Set Database State]
    Writing Parameters For Database [TempOO]
    Writing Parameters For Database [TempOO]
    Received Command [Get Database State]
    Received Command [Get Database Info]
    Received Command [Set Database State]
    Writing Parameters For Database [WTD]
    Writing Parameters For Database [WTD]
    Received Command [Get Database State]
    Received Command [Get Database Info]
    Received Command [SetApplicationState]
    Writing Application Definition For [removedfrompost]
    Writing Database Definition For [removedfrompost]
    Writing Database Definition For [TempOO]
    Writing Database Definition For [WTD]
    Writing Database Mapping For [removedfrompost]
    User [admin] set active on database [removedfrompost]
    Clear Active on User [admin] Instance [1]
    User [admin] set active on database [removedfrompost]
    Received Command [Restructure] from user [admin]
    Reading Parameters For Database [Drxxxxxx]
    Reading Outline For Database [Drxxxxxx]
    Reading Outline Transaction For Database [Drxxxxxx]
    Declared Dimension Sizes = [289 126 2 11649 168329 1294 622 985 544 210 80 2016 11 9 9 8 8 1 1 6 1 3 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 77 2 65 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 260 4 3018 52 6 39 4 1577 6 ]
    Actual Dimension Sizes = [289 120 1 1293 134423 1294 622 985 544 210 80 2016 11 9 9 8 8 1 1 6 1 3 1 2 2 1 2 1 2 77 2 65 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 260 4 3018 52 6 39 4 1577 5 ]
    The number of Dynamic Calc Non-Store Members = [80 37 0 257 67 ]
    The number of Dynamic Calc Store Members = [0 0 0 0 0 ]
    The logical block size is [34680]
    Maximum Declared Blocks is [1960864521] with data block size of [72828]
    Maximum Actual Possible Blocks is [173808939] with data block size of [17347]
    Formula for member [4 WK Avg Total Sls U] will be executed in [CELL] mode
    Formula for member [Loc Cnt] will be executed in [CELL] mode
    Formula for member [OH Str Cnt] will be executed in [CELL] mode
    Formula for member [Current Rtl] will be executed in [CELL] mode
    Essbase needs to retrieve [1017] Essbase Kernel blocks in order to calculate the top dynamically-calculated block.
    The Dyn.Calc.Cache for database [Drxxxxxx] can hold a maximum of [75] blocks.
    The Dyn.Calc.Cache for database [Drxxxxxx], when full, will result in [allocation from non-Dyn.Calc.Cache memory].
    Reading Parameters For Database [Drxxxxxx]
    Unable to determine the amount of virtual memory available on the system
    Index cache size ==> [1048576] bytes, [128] index pages.
    Index page size ==> [8192] bytes.
    Using buffered I/O for the index and data files.
    Using waited I/O for the index and data files.
    Unable to determine the amount of virtual memory available on the system
    Data cache size ==> [3145728] bytes, [22] data pages
    Data file cache size ==> [0] bytes, [0] data file pages
    Performing transaction recovery for database [Drxxxxxx] following an abnormal termination of the server.
    Restructuring Database [removedfrompost]
    Out of disk space. Cannot create a new [Data] file. [adIndNewFile] aborted
    Essbase Internal Logic Error [7333]
    Exception error log [C:\HYPERION\ESSBASE\app\removedfrompost\log00002.xcp] is being created...
    Exception error log completed -- please contact technical support and provide them with this file

    To avoid all these things as a best practice
    we didn't allow dense restructure on the cubes size>30 GB
    As an altrnative, we will export the level0 data, clear the DB, and load the new data. After that aggregate the cube to store the data at all the consolidation levels.

  • Problem Accessing Instantiated Objects

    I'm sorry for the long code that follows. Am hoping that someone can point out some ideas for how to structure this properly. Following my instructor's cookie requirements, the first panel two user inputed balances and an interest rate. Two objects are instantiated, one for each balance, in a seperate class. The results of 12 months of savings are then displayed in the 2nd panel. There is then the required option to change the interest rate. When modified, it should show the new interests and balances for the original balances instead.
    I successfully got the first set of interests and new balances, and thought, "sweet! I'm home free now!"
    Because God himself hates me, this is of course not the case. It's not recognizing the objects in the second event, which is modifying the interest rate.
    I'm not sure how I can restructure this so that the objects which are instantiated using user input can be accessible by both events. If anybody can suffer through looking at all this junk and has some ideas (or even just some general advice on how to manipulate objects), I'd appreciate it.
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.awt.*;
    import java.awt.event.*;
    import java.text.DecimalFormat;
    public class SavingsTest extends JFrame
        private JLabel balanceLabel, dollaSign, balanceLabel2, dollaSign2, percentSign, rateLabel;
        private JTextField balanceField, balanceField2, rateField;
        private JTextArea displayArea;
        private JButton submitButton, modifyButton;
        private String cBalance1S, cBalance2S, intRateS;
        private double cBalance1, cBalance2, intRate, oldBalance1, oldBalance2;
        // Constructor creates frame
        public SavingsTest ()
            super( "Savings Calculator" );
            Container container = getContentPane();
            JPanel mainPanel = new JPanel();
            mainPanel.setLayout(new FlowLayout());
    *          INPUT PANEL        *
            JPanel inputPanel = new JPanel();
            inputPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500,250));         
      //      inputPanel.setBackground(Color.white);       
                          BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Enter Data"),
            // Consumer 1 Balance Components
            balanceLabel = new JLabel ("Enter Customer 1 balance:"); 
            dollaSign = new JLabel ("$ "); 
            balanceField = new JTextField(10);
            // Consumer 2 Balance Components
            balanceLabel2 = new JLabel ("Enter Customer 2 balance:"); 
            dollaSign2 = new JLabel ("$ "); 
            balanceField2 = new JTextField(10);
        // Interest Rate Components      
            rateLabel = new JLabel ("Enter annual rate :"); 
            percentSign = new JLabel ("% "); 
            rateField = new JTextField(10);
         // Submit Button Component
            submitButton = new JButton("SUBMIT");
            submitButton.setBounds(215, 185, 80, 30);
    *          DISPLAY PANEL      *
            JPanel displayPanel = new JPanel();
            displayPanel.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(500,375));        
                          BorderFactory.createTitledBorder("Monthly Interest & Balances"),
            // Modify Interest Rate Button Component
            modifyButton = new JButton("Modify Rate");
            modifyButton.setEnabled( false );       
            modifyButton.setBounds(215, 25, 80, 30);
            // Display Area Component
            displayArea = new JTextArea(); 
    *         MAIN PANEL           *
            container.add( mainPanel);      
            setSize(630, 700);
            setVisible( true );  
    *     SUBMIT BUTTON EVENT               *
              new ActionListener()
         { // Open ActionListener
              public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
         } // Close ActionListener
    *          MODIFY BUTTON EVENT          *
              new ActionListener()
         { // Open ActionListener
              public void actionPerformed (ActionEvent e)
         } // Close ActionListener
        }  // End Constructor
    public static void main ( String args[] )
          SavingsTest initiate = new SavingsTest();
          initiate.setDefaultCloseOperation( JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE );
       private void getInput()
                // Get values from fields and assign to Strings
                cBalance1S = balanceField.getText();
                cBalance2S = balanceField2.getText();
                intRateS = rateField.getText();
                // Parse Strings to doubles, etc
                cBalance1 = Double.parseDouble(cBalance1S);           
                cBalance2 = Double.parseDouble(cBalance2S);
                intRate = Double.parseDouble(intRateS);           
                intRate = intRate * .01;
                oldBalance1 = cBalance1;
                oldBalance2 = cBalance2;
                submitButton.setEnabled( false );
                modifyButton.setEnabled( true );
                SavingsAccount account1 = new SavingsAccount(cBalance1, intRate);
                SavingsAccount account2 = new SavingsAccount(cBalance2, intRate);              
                displayArea.append("\t         Account 1\t\t         Account 2\n");
                DecimalFormat twoDigits = new DecimalFormat( "0.00");
                // Calculate Interests & Balances, then display
                for (int i = 1; i <13; i++)
                    double interest1 = account1.calculateMonthlyInterest ();
                    double interest2 = account2.calculateMonthlyInterest ();
                    double newBalance1 = account1.calculateNewBalance(interest1);
                    double newBalance2 = account2.calculateNewBalance(interest2);
                    displayArea.append("Month " + i + ":\t" + twoDigits.format(interest1)
                    + "\t" + twoDigits.format(newBalance1) + "\t" +
                    twoDigits.format(interest2) + "\t" + twoDigits.format(newBalance2)
                    + "\n");
       private void modifyInput()
         intRateS = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(" Enter new annual rate: ");       
            intRate = Double.parseDouble(intRateS);
                displayArea.append("\t         Account 1\t\t         Account 2\n");
                DecimalFormat twoDigits = new DecimalFormat( "0.00");
                // Calculate Interests & Balances, then display
                for (int i = 1; i <13; i++)
                    double interest1 = account1.calculateMonthlyInterest ();
                    double interest2 = account2.calculateMonthlyInterest ();
                    double newBalance1 = account1.calculateNewBalance(interest1);
                    double newBalance2 = account2.calculateNewBalance(interest2);
                    displayArea.append("Month " + i + ":\t" + twoDigits.format(interest1)
                    + "\t" + twoDigits.format(newBalance1) + "\t" +
                    twoDigits.format(interest2) + "\t" + twoDigits.format(newBalance2)
                    + "\n");

    I believe I did indeed state was not being recognized.I didn't see it. But then, I didn't read all your code either. That's not me (or paul) being an asshole--it's just too much code.
    Besides in the content of my post, if I were a
    gambling woman, I'd wager it's probably within that
    code which you went through so much trouble to make
    sure everybody knows you aren't reading. He wasn't doing that for anybody's benefit but your own. That is a lot of code to read. Pasting in the exact error message the compiler gave you would have made it a lot easier for someone to help you. Yawmark waas very kind, but in general, if you want help here, you should post details about what the problem is. "Not recognizing objects" means next to nothing, but the actual error message tells us a lot. In fact, you should take a stab at reading it yourself. Error messages are your friends. They tell you pretty precisely what was wrong and where.
    It says
    exactly where the objects are unrecognizable. It's
    even in big, red, pretty letters.The compiler gave you a lot more detail than that. You didn't indicate which objects.
    But why make posts which make coherent sense when you
    could just make an ass of yourself without all that
    silly reading.Paul's comments were intended to goad you into posting something that would make it easier for people to help you.
    For example, complaining that there's too much code
    (having seen only half the code at that), It doesn't matter if that was only 0.001% of your code. It's too much to post here for that problem. It's understandable that you wouldn't know that, as you're new here, but copping an attitude instead of accepting the constructive criticism doesn't really accomplish anything.
    The only thing lending itself to the idea that God
    hates me is the fact that he let some idiot such as
    yourself wonder into this thread. There are some
    brilliant, wonderful, kind, and very helpful people on
    these forums to which I am eternally grateful. Then I
    guess there's also you.Actually, paulcw helps a lot of people here. Like most of us, he gets annoyed sometimes at poorly constructed questions.
    I hope that you won't take the above as a personal attack. It's not intended that way. It's intended to be constructive criticism.

  • Problem with two databases

    Hi, In a single application i have two databases.I am building & loading Database1 at the same time From Analyser (reporting tool) when i try to access data from database2 i am getting login errors. once the database1 loading and building is complete then i dont have any problem logging to the reporing tool.Any help is appreciated!Thanks.

    It sounds as if you are doing a build on a dense dimension. A dense build triggers a dense restructure. A dense restructure will cause Essbase to refuse to accept commands from all users for the duration of the restructure. I don't think copying Database 2 to a different Application would help, but I could be wrong. Can somebody comment?Verify on what dimension type the build is taking place. If it is not a dense dimension, I'm not sure what the problem would be.Tim

  • MDS Customization Problem with multiple root components

    Oracle JDeveloper and WebLogic Server Version:
    I am using Oracle MDS Customization class with the following classes:
    Based on these classes I am moving UI components
    <f:facet name="center">
    <af:region />
    into another component thanks to the MDS.
    Once I do the movement and persist, I receive the following waning message:
    *<RegionRenderer> <encodeAll> The region component with id: pt1:r1:0:pt2:r1:0:r1 has detected a page fragment with multiple root components. Fragments with more than one root component may not display correctly in a region and may have a negative impact on performance. It is recommended that you restructure the page fragment to have a single root component.*
    When I run the application in Oracle JDeveloper, it work fine, but when I deploy it on WebLogic Server Version: it is not working.
    I receive the same warning message on the server and in JDeveloper.
    I think that MDS makes a copy of the components that I move because of that it says me that "a page fragment with multiple root components"
    The problem is not because of duplication any of the tags <af:document> <f:view><f:form> <html> <head> <body>
    After the movement and persistence, I also call the FacesContext to reset its view root with the following code:
    FacesContext context =FacesContext.getCurrentInstance();
    String currentView = context.getViewRoot().getViewId();
    ViewHandler vh = context.getApplication().getViewHandler();
    UIViewRoot x = vh.createView(context, currentView);
    The idea is that the entire JSF tree to be rebuild on entering page with aim to clear previously drag and drop settings.
    Do you know how I can overcome the problem on the server WebLogic Server Version:
    This worked on Oracle JDeveloper and now the problem is with Oracle JDeveloper

    what the error means is that you have more than one node under the jsp:root node of the fragment. Say the content of your fragment is
    <af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl1">
    Then this is okay
    if you have
    <af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl1">
    <af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl2">
    <af:panelGroupLayout id="pgl1">
    <af:commandButton id="cb1"/>
    Then these mean duplicated root components. The JDeveloper IDE flags this as Warnings (Structure Window) when selecting the page fragment

  • Problem with library and vault

    I would like to know how to take all photos out of Aperture and start over.
    When I upgraded to V.3, I think I set things up incorrectly. I had a vault but now there is no vault and I now have folders that appear under Projects & Albums that indicate Aperture Vault, Aperture Vault (1) and Aperture Vault (2). I did not make these folders. There are duplicates of photos in "Aperture Vault and Aperture Vault (1)" folders. I had used an external drive for the vault with V2 and now there is a Aperture Vault on the external drive and also on the internal drive and also an Aperture Library on both the internal and external drives. In the Vault and Vault (1) folders there are folders with the same names but different numbers of photos in the projects. I just would really like to start over and import my photos again; I don't really care about adjustments at this point, only the masters.

    You did not post the entire screenshot of your Library Inspector, but I suspect I know what's going on.  Is the "Vault" a blue folder, as well as the "Vault(1)"? 
    I also have a top-level folder called "SimpleDrive Vault", which was the name of an Aperture 2 vault which I had to restore. (I had the unfortunately coincidence of a hard drive going bad the day I was intended to install Aperture 3.  I got a new hard drive, installed Ap 3, and then restored the Ap 2 library to start.)  When restoring your vault, Aperture may just create a new top-level folder with your vault name underneath it.  There is nothing wrong with it.  It is not your vault.  It is a folder with your vault name.  You can choose to restructure everything (I.e., drag and drop stuff wherever you want), although you may have duplicates. 
    I imagine that the duplicates are part of the problem you are trying to solve.  However, there is no way around it.  To "start over", as you asked, you will necessary have to send every photo outside of Aperture, duplicates included, and them import them.  I.e., you will have duplicates no matter what.
    To answer your question specifically, the best way to "start over" in your case is probably to "relocate Masters" for every photo in your library to a location of your choosing, trash your library (which would then contain only your project structure, and not any photos), and then create a new library and reimport your photos.  Keep in mind what I stated above, though.  You will just end up with a new library with the same structure as the old library.

  • Scrollbar problem - any ideas?

    I know another scrollbar problem...ive read the posts but cant solve it. Anyone got any ideas?
    got a program called Map which draws a map (using paint()) of a web site. I can get it to work but often there are so many links they go off the page.I need a scrollbar.
    In main i set up a frame: JFrame frame=new JFrame("M");
    Then set up scrollbar: JScrollPane cf = new JScrollPane();
    cf.setHorizontalScrollBarPolicy (JScrollPane.HORIZONTAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS );
    cf.setVerticalScrollBarPolicy(JScrollPane.VERTICAL_SCROLLBAR_ALWAYS );
    Then add scrollbar to frame: frame.getContentPane().add(cf);
    Then add Map() - my main prog: cf.add(new Map());
    (Map constructor calls repaint() - paint method draws to screen. main program extends JComponent)
    All i get is a blank (grey frame) with a scrollbar :) ...doesnt show Map - paint
    I can ignore scrollbar and use a container instead -
    Container c=frame.getContentPane()
    then set its layout : c.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    and add Map() to it : add(new Mapper(),BorderLayout.CENTER);
    It works fine - but i need a scrollbar...
    Thanks for your time&help

    Hers the code for my main Mapper program (which is loaded first) and the Scan program(below).I know the structures all over the place+thats the problem. I would like a scrollbar. Also everytime i scan a new window opens, it would be good if only 1 ever opened.Ive been fiddling for days and am lost.Can anyone sort it out? I think the codes ok, just needs restructuring...
    The main Mapper program :
    package project.e;
    import javax.swing.*;import java.awt.*;import java.awt.geom.*;import java.awt.event.*;
    import*;import*;import java.lang.Math.*;import java.util.*;
    public class Mapper extends JComponent{
    static int w = 1000;
    static int h = 1000;
    static String [] Lnks = new String [5000]; //Lnks
    public Mapper()
    { repaint();}
    public void paint(Graphics g){
    Graphics2D g2D=(Graphics2D)g;
    Toolkit tk = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit();
    Image img = tk.getImage("c:/windows/desktop/project/e/wirecube.gif"); //setup images
    Image rimg = tk.getImage("c:/windows/desktop/project/e/bwirecube.gif");
    int ww=(w/2);int hh=(h/2);
    g2D.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.PLAIN,12));
    g2D.drawString("Web Page Scanned : ",10,50); g2D.drawString(Scan.url,120,50);
    g2D.drawString("Total Links Found : ",10,100); g2D.drawString(String.valueOf(Scan.x),120,100);
    g2D.drawImage(rimg,ww-88,50,this); g2D.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.PLAIN,12));
    int a=w/5;
    int up=0;
    int lx=0;
    for (int i=0;i<(Scan.x);i++){ //loop - drawing all (5 per line)
    if (lx==5){g2D.translate((-ww-ww),100);lx=0;} //every 5 times
    g2D.drawImage(img,0,0,this); //img
    g2D.setFont(new Font("Times New Roman", Font.PLAIN,12));
    g2D.drawString(Lnks[up],ww-ww,hh-hh-10); //URL
    if ({g2D.drawString(Scan.IorE[up],ww-ww,hh-hh-25);}lx=lx+1;up=up+1;}}
    public static void main(final String [] args){          
    JFrame frame=new JFrame("Mapper"); //frame setup
    JMenu menu = new JMenu("Menu");
    JMenuItem scan = new JMenuItem("Scan");
    scan.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){Scan.main(args);}});
    //call Scan
    JMenuItem downloadLink = new JMenuItem("download-Link");
    downloadLink.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){GetLink.main(args);}});
    JMenuItem downloadImage = new JMenuItem("download-Image");
    downloadImage.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){GetImage.main(args);}});
    JMenuItem Quit = new JMenuItem("Quit");
    Quit.addActionListener(new ActionListener(){
    public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e){System.exit(0);}});
    JMenuBar menuBar = new JMenuBar();
    Container c = frame.getContentPane();
    c.setLayout(new BorderLayout());
    c.add(new Mapper());
    c.setBackground(new Color(0,0,0));
    Scan :
    package project.e;
    import java.awt.*;import java.awt.geom.*;import java.awt.event.*;import javax.swing.*;import javax.swing.text.*;import javax.swing.text.html.*;import*;import*;
    public class Scan{
    static String [] Links = new String[5000]; //array of links
    static String [] IorE = new String[5000]; //array - Internal or External
    static int x = 0; //length
    static String url = new String(); //url
    static String type = new String(); //link/image
    static boolean tl;
    static String l = new String("links");
    static String i = new String("images");
    public static void main(String [] args){
    Links = new String[5000]; //need to repeat ini. for rescanning
    IorE = new String[5000];
    x = 0;
    url = new String();
    type = new String();
    EditorKit kit = new HTMLEditorKit();
    Document doc = kit.createDefaultDocument();
    type = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"Please enter file type to scan for - links / images ");
    url = JOptionPane.showInputDialog(null,"Please enter URL"); //get url (var.) to map - dialog box
    Reader rd = getReader(url); // Create a reader on the HTML content, doc, 0); // Parse the HTML.
    ElementIterator it = new ElementIterator(doc);
    javax.swing.text.Element elem;
    while ((elem = != null){  
    if (type.equals(l))
    tl =true;
    //int bol = url.indexOf(".com");
    SimpleAttributeSet s = (SimpleAttributeSet)
    if (s != null)
    String tmp = Links[x].substring(0,1);
    if (! tmp.equals("h")){
    if (! tmp.equals("/"))
    {Links[x]="/"+Links[x];}} //if string doesnt start with h or /                                    //then add a / to start
    if (Links[x].startsWith("/")){System.out.println("Internal Link");IorE[x]="Internal Link";} //if starts with / then internal
    if (Links[x].startsWith(url)){System.out.println("Internal Link");IorE[x]="Internal Link";} //else if starts with url then internal
    String tmp3 = url.substring(11); //else if contains url - (http://www.) eg. then internal
    int b=0;
    if (b>0){System.out.println("Internal Link");IorE[x]=("Internal Link");}
    else{System.out.println("External Link");IorE[x]=("External Link");}}} //else must be external (doesnt start with / or url or contain middle bit of url)
    System.out.print("Link : ");
    if (type.equals(i))
    if ( elem.getName().equals( HTML.Tag.IMG.toString() ) ){
    Links[x] = String.valueOf(elem.getAttributes().getAttribute( HTML.Attribute.SRC ));
    System.out.print("Image : ");
    }catch(Exception e){e.printStackTrace();}
    static Reader getReader(String u) throws IOException{
    if (u.startsWith("http:")){
    // Retrieve from Internet
    URLConnection con = new URL(u).openConnection();
    return new InputStreamReader(con.getInputStream());}else{
    // Retrieve from file.
    return new FileReader(u);
    Also got 2 extra - GetImage & GetLinks...they just go away and do there own painting required so cool.The probelms is between Mapper+Scan...
    Thanks for your time&help

  • Problem updating RH8 with Windows 7

    I've been using RH8 with XP, but I got a new Windows 7 machine last week so I had to do a fresh install of RH8. I got through the install with no problems and the un-updated version of RH seems to work OK, but I need to apply both the 8.0.1 and 8.0.2 updates.
    I attempted to run the install for 8.0.1 from the Adobe installer and though it seemed to go too fast, I received a message that the install was finished. However, when I tried to install 8.0.2, it said that I had to install 8.0.1 first, so apparently that install hadn't worked after all.
    I downloaded 8.0.1 directly from the Adobe support center and tried to install it that way, but it dies directly after choosing the install language (English). I've restarted several times, restored the computer to a point before my first attempt in hopes of getting a clean try, etc. All to no avail.
    I typically use RoboHelp HTML and the unpatched version is working, but I really need the 8.0.2 patch because I'm concerned about the integrity of the links and folders as the project grows. I'm at my wits end as far as what to do next (reinstall the whole thing?).
    I would really appreciate any suggestions as to what to try next.

    Hi Peter, I'll file your RevoUninstaller tip for next time...and I hope all is well on that side of the pond!
    My problem appears to be with the semantics of the installer.
    When ran the 8.0.1 updater, I was presented with a dialog that only allowed me to remove program and all related components. (uncomfortable phrasing, but refers simply to the updater, not RoboHelp itself)
    Once I ran the "uninstall" on 8.0.1, I was able to run the "install" successfully.
    This was also the case for the 8.0.2 update and the Captivate 5 update
    restructure the offending dialog to explain why a user might get the uninstall option, and explain that only the update will be uninstalled.
    I'll certainly be writing a blog post and also posting at!

  • Member movement problem

    <p>Hi all,</p><p> </p><p>I have a situation. If any one of you can provide me a bettersolution, then I will be really thankful to you.</p><p> </p><p>The problem is,</p><p> </p><p>Every week I am getting a dimension structure in flat files.Now, there is a possibility that a member, which was assigned to aparent in last week, is now assigned to another parent this week.In short, the member is moved from one place to another place inoutline. The member can be moved from one level to another levelalso. The member will remain within a same dimension, but itchanges its parent. Not all members do that every week, but I willfind certain movements once in a week. And this thing is happeningin two dimensions out of nine. One has nearly 1000 members, andother has around 9000 members.  The requirement is - if amember moves, I will have to restructure entire database accordingto the latest relation of that member. In Essbase last 5 years ofdata will be stored. So every time, this restructuring will have tochange entire 5 years of data.</p><p> </p><p>We are on analysis stage, so I am looking for some kind ofstrategy to handle this situation. I have an idea for this, but Iwant to know if any one you have this kind of situation before? Andif yes, how did you design the application?</p><p> </p><p>Thanks in advance,</p><p> </p><p>Hyperion_user</p>

    One possible solution is to use Dynamic Calc members in those two dimensions for all parents. If this results in any parent with a large number (more than 100) children, some optimization changes would be needed, but otherwise, your only issues are likely to be retrieval performance and aggregation/formula issues (two pass, etc.).<BR><BR>The other possible solution is to schedule a routine process based on a "restructure type" script, which exports the data, clears the database, reloads, and recalcs from scratch. Note that some performace gains can be felt here if you do the first two steps prior to your dimbuild with the new file. i.e.:<BR><BR>- Export Level 0/Input data<BR>- Clear the database<BR>- Do the dimbuilds for your two dimensions using the new data file<BR>- Load the export file<BR>- Load the new data file<BR>- Calc the cube<BR><BR>The above process seems convoluted, but can actually take less time than simply loading the new file and recalculating the cube (for a few reasons, but this note is already long enough).<BR><BR>Either way, good luck <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"><BR><BR>-Doug<BR>

  • Urgent : XI BPm Performance Problem

    Hy All,
    we have following big performance problem with BPM Scenario.
    Of the inbound site we can get at the same time more than 10000 messages that have to be read from BPM queue. The BPm execution time in strongly affected and slowly. Could anyone tell me how to improve the performance (parallel queue execution.....).
    I hope in your help.
    Thank's a lot

    Hi Mattia,
    see for improving performace, you need to restructure your BPM process....if you want your input messgae to be processed in different queues, this is not possible  if all your message are of same message type as then XI uses the same queue for all your see in your scenario if BPM is really needed or you can do your scenario without BPM.......
    Rajeev Gupta
    Message was edited by:
            RAJEEV GUPTA

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