Problem in populating the new field from the extract structure. Kindly help

my requirement a new text field is added on R/3 side and I have to populate
the same field into BW.
In the R/3 a new customization table 'AAA' is created which will have
code - char 3 and
text - char 30.
The code field is added to a table BBB.
The SAP standard generic data source exracts data from the table BBB where in the new code field have been added.
Now I can the see the code field in the extract structure and not in the data source as the filed has selection value 'A' when checked in the ROOSFIELD table.
To populate the value in BW, I will be creating a Generic Master Data text wherein I fetch the values from the table 'AAA' which the fields code and text  and replicate the same in BW.
In the reporting level, the code InfoObject will be selected as display both KEY and TeXT, by doing I can populate the values of TEXT in the reporting.
But to achieve the same I need to add the field code in the ODS but cannot do the same because I am not able to see the field code in the data source.
Kindly let me know how to achieve the same.
Also let me know if there is any alternate solution to populate the text field in BW.
Any Inputs will be appreciated.

> You should get the userdatasources bound to the
> columns and assign the values of the recordset to
> each one and after that use "setLineData" to write in
> the matrix.
> hope it helps
Hi all,
i have created tables (non BO Tables) directly on the SQL-server and want to use recordset to populate a user form matrix.
Is there any workaround to achieve this using non BO tables?
Please provide some sample code since it is a very urgent matter.

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    import java.awt.event.*;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import java.util.ArrayList;
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              f.setSize( 500, 500 );
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              buttonsArr.add( new JButton( "second" ) );
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              ( (JButton) buttonsArr.get( 2 ) ).addActionListener( myListener );
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              public MyListener() {}
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                   System.out.println( "hi!! " + e.getSource() );
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    System.out.println( "hi!! " + ( (JButton) e.getSource() ).getText() );I think the problem is solved..If your need is to know the text of the button, yes.
    In a real-world application, no.
    In a RW application, a typical need is merely to know the "logical role" of the button (i.e., the button that validates the form, regardless of whether its text is "OK" or "Save", "Go",...). Text tends to vary much more than the structure of the UI over time.
    In this case you can get the source's name (+getName()+), which will be the name that you've set to the button at UI construction time. Or you can compare the source for equality with either button ( +if evt.getSource()==okButton) {...}+ ).
    All in all, I think the best solution is: don't use the same ActionListener for more than one action (+i.e.+ don't add the same ActionListener to all your buttons, which leads to a big if-then-else series in your actionPerformed() ).
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    Thank you so much.
    But I need more help specific to my problem.
    Let me describe the same.
    Suppose the PO creation date is 04.07.2007
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    1. Validity from 04.07.2007 validity to 04.07.2007 Netprice = 100.00
    2. Validity from 05.07.2007 validity to 31.12.9999 Netprice = 200.00
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    Below is the code where I'm selecting the data from ekko and ekpo for the contracts data..Can you please add the code snippet to the below attachesd subroutine to get the required data from KONV and KONP so that we can retrieve the correct Netprice.
    FORM select_contracts USING p_s_cebeln LIKE s_cebeln[]
                                p_c_k_bstyp  TYPE ebstyp
                                p_p_bukrs    TYPE bukrs
                                p_p_ekorg    TYPE ekorg
                                p_p_ekgrp    TYPE bkgrp
    *Begin of Mod-004
                                fp_p_cernam   type ty_r_ernam
                               p_p_cernam   TYPE ernam
    *End of Mod-004
                                p_s_werks    LIKE s_werks[]
                                p_s_matnr    LIKE s_matnr[]
                                p_s_lifnr    LIKE s_lifnr[]
                                p_s_val_dt   LIKE s_val_dt[].
        data : l_amount   type BAPICURR_D,   " Net price
               l_waers    TYPE waers,        " Currency Key
               l_eff_amount type BAPICURR_D. " Effective value
          data: l_v_netpr type bprei.
    SELECT  ebeln
              INTO TABLE i_ekko
              FROM ekko
              WHERE    ebeln IN p_s_cebeln
                   AND bstyp EQ p_c_k_bstyp
                   AND bukrs EQ p_p_bukrs
                   AND ekorg EQ p_p_ekorg
                   AND ekgrp EQ p_p_ekgrp
    *Begin of Mod-004
                  AND ernam EQ p_p_cernam
                   AND ernam IN fp_p_cernam
    *End of Mod-004
                   AND lifnr IN p_s_lifnr
                   AND ( kdatb IN p_s_val_dt OR kdate IN p_s_val_dt ).
      IF sy-subrc EQ 0.
    Populates internal table i_ekpo using EKPO table.
        SELECT   ebeln
                   INTO TABLE i_ekpo
                   FROM ekpo
                   FOR ALL ENTRIES IN i_ekko
                   WHERE ebeln = i_ekko-ebeln
                     and aedat = i_ekko-aedat
                     AND werks IN p_s_werks
                     AND matnr IN p_s_matnr.
    LOOP AT i_ekpo INTO rec_ekpo.
          MOVE rec_ekpo-ebeln  TO rec_contr-ebeln.
          MOVE rec_ekpo-ebelp  TO rec_contr-ebelp.
          MOVE rec_ekpo-loekz  TO rec_contr-loekz.
          MOVE rec_ekpo-txz01  TO rec_contr-txz01.
          MOVE rec_ekpo-matnr  TO rec_contr-matnr.
          MOVE rec_ekpo-werks  TO rec_contr-werks.
          MOVE rec_ekpo-ktmng  TO rec_contr-ktmng.
          MOVE rec_ekpo-menge  TO rec_contr-menge.
          MOVE rec_ekpo-meins  TO rec_contr-meins.
          MOVE rec_ekpo-bprme  TO rec_contr-bprme.
         MOVE rec_ekpo-netpr  TO rec_contr-netpr.
         move l_v_netpr        TO rec_contr-netpr.
          read table i_ekko into rec_ekko with key
                           ebeln = rec_ekpo-ebeln.
            l_waers =  rec_ekko-waers.
        currency              =  l_waers
        amount_internal       =  rec_contr-netpr
       AMOUNT_EXTERNAL       =  l_amount.
                rec_contr-netpr = l_amount.
          MOVE rec_ekpo-peinh  TO rec_contr-peinh.
          MOVE rec_ekpo-webaz  TO rec_contr-webaz.
          MOVE rec_ekpo-mwskz  TO rec_contr-mwskz.
          MOVE rec_ekpo-uebto  TO rec_contr-uebto.
          MOVE rec_ekpo-untto  TO rec_contr-untto.
          MOVE rec_ekpo-erekz  TO rec_contr-erekz.
          MOVE rec_ekpo-pstyp  TO rec_contr-pstyp.
          MOVE rec_ekpo-knttp  TO rec_contr-knttp.
          MOVE rec_ekpo-repos  TO rec_contr-repos.
          MOVE rec_ekpo-webre  TO rec_contr-webre.
          MOVE rec_ekpo-konnr  TO rec_contr-konnr.
          MOVE rec_ekpo-ktpnr  TO rec_contr-ktpnr.
          MOVE rec_ekpo-ean11  TO rec_contr-ean11.
          MOVE rec_ekpo-effwr  TO rec_contr-effwr.
          currency              =  l_waers
          amount_internal       =  rec_contr-effwr
          AMOUNT_EXTERNAL       =  l_eff_amount.
               rec_contr-effwr = l_eff_amount.
          MOVE rec_ekpo-xersy  TO rec_contr-xersy.
          APPEND rec_contr TO i_contr.
          CLEAR: rec_ekpo,rec_contr.
          CLEAR : rec_ekko,l_amount, l_eff_amount,l_waers.
    Modifying i_contr using i_ekko.
        SORT i_ekko BY ebeln.
        LOOP AT i_contr INTO rec_contr.
          READ TABLE i_ekko INTO rec_ekko WITH KEY
                              ebeln = rec_contr-ebeln
                              BINARY SEARCH.
          MOVE rec_ekko-bukrs  TO  rec_contr-bukrs.
          MOVE rec_ekko-bstyp  TO  rec_contr-bstyp.
          MOVE rec_ekko-aedat  TO  rec_contr-aedat.
          MOVE rec_ekko-ernam  TO  rec_contr-ernam.
          MOVE rec_ekko-lifnr  TO  rec_contr-lifnr.
          MOVE rec_ekko-zterm  TO  rec_contr-zterm.
          MOVE rec_ekko-ekorg  TO  rec_contr-ekorg.
          MOVE rec_ekko-ekgrp  TO  rec_contr-ekgrp.
          MOVE rec_ekko-waers  TO  rec_contr-waers.
          MOVE rec_ekko-wkurs  TO  rec_contr-wkurs.
          MOVE rec_ekko-kdatb  TO  rec_contr-kdatb.
          MOVE rec_ekko-kdate  TO  rec_contr-kdate.
          MOVE rec_ekko-inco1  TO  rec_contr-inco1.
          MODIFY i_contr FROM rec_contr.
      REFRESH: i_ekko,
      CLEAR  : rec_ekko,
    ENDFORM.      "select_contracts

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    good luck

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    Are the data values wildy different? i.e. Completely wrong, or are they off due to rounding?
    I would start with member formulas and make sure that any in the BSO cube have been re-created in the ASO cube.
    I guess, also double check that the level 0 export loaded, with no rejects.

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    I created an APPEND STRUCTURE with the NAME1 field in the table RFPOS and through the transaction FIBF an Event that calls a Function and move the Name of Customer or Supplier according to the transactions FBL5N or FBL1N.
    This field, NAME1, should appear in these transactions when the user choices the hidden fields through the Change Layout button. But this field doesn't appear...
    I debbuged the Function Module and the data have been moved. (It works...)
    Please, someone did it before and could help me to solve it?
    Why doesn't the Field NAME1 appear? What could I do??
    Thanks a lot!
    Marcos Fernando Dotta

    The new fields have to be appended in the structure RFPOSX too, and then you need to run the program RFPOSXEXTEND in order to add the new fields in layout structure RFPOSXEXT

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    Thanks in advance!

    If the terminal is INSIDE the event structure, you'll always get the new value. It will NOT be read until the event case executes, at which point the terminal contains the new value. (If the terminal is outside the event structure, and the wire goes inside the event structure, you'll get a stale value when the event for that terminal triggers. This is expected from the dataflow.)
    Put the terminals inside the proper event case, you'll be fine!
    LabVIEW Champion . Do more with less code and in less time .

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    Hi Tamas,
    I checked the mentioned form and, as this table is setted as TABLEROW and some of its cells are static, is not possible to change the column size in the layout or even though changing it directly in the XML file, cell by cell. I was trying it.
    For example, choose the Cell6 of TABLEROW[0] and click on tab 'XML Source'. You will see this statement:
    <draw colSpan="3" h="16.3166mm" name="Cell7" w="22.225mm">
    You can try to change the value 'colSpan' according to your requirement.
    This table size is not modifiable because it was developed to it.
    I believe that Diego's suggestion can help in this case, if you are having problems to print the entire table on the page.
    Lucas Comassetto.

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    Did you run the installer for the driver from the downloads folder?
    Is the printer wifi or wired?
    Are you certain the printer has joined the wifi network if its wireless?
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