Problem in Workbook

Hi all,
I have the following scenario in my worksheet.
The thing here is that Row1,Row2 and Row3 come from one query and Row4, Row5,...Rown come from another query ,Also, the number of rows in the second query are based on a condition , so there is a possibility where in i can get no results based on the condition as well..
My question is,  is there any possibility to shift the total3 row dynamically upwards or downwards based on the number of rows in query2 ?? Please let me know if there is any option in excel or any script for the same.
Thanks and Regards

   What you need to do is add code in Excel. In Excel click ALT + F11 to open VBA Editor.
Then if you see a Module section there should be  SAPBEX ( in 3.x). If not you can always add a module and name it What ever you want.
The SAPBEX should have the following in there
Sub SAPBEXonRefresh(queryID As String, resultArea As Range)
End Sub
If not again you can paste the above lines.
Now in this procedure you can add your code.
Sub SAPBEXonRefresh(queryID As String, resultArea As Range)
    Dim lRow As Long
    Dim sAddress As String
    sAddress = resultArea.Address
    lrow = 14  'Default Row if there is no Data returned.
    If Right$(queryID, 4) = "0002" Then ' Check if the Second Query has been refreshed.
        If InStr(sAddress, ":") > 0 Then ' If the Address has more than 1 Row
            lRow = Right$(sAddress, Len(sAddress) - InStrRev(sAddress, "$"))   'Get the Last Row from the Range.
        End If
    End If
    MsgBox lRow      'Show the Last Row from Second Query.
End Sub
Here I have displayed where the last row of my Second Query is.  What you can do is add some rows to the counter and use it for your total Line.
Hope this helps.

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    You can use the Project Manager for archiving Projects,
    or you can simply copy your .prproj file
    along with all of the project's associated media files.

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    check if your user has personalized the variables, because they won't show up if he refreshes. you have to call up the variable screen explicitly by using the option from the menu and then you can change the personalization setting.

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    Any helps would be greatly appreciated and highest reward points.
    Best regards,

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    I think you are having problem with milti provider and Query .
    For mulitprovider , i think in the role which you said that the user is having
    S_RS_MPRO will be missing.
    Aslo check under S_RS_ICUBE whether the user is having access to the particular cube.
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    Aslo check the same under S_RS_COMP.
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    *pls avod point if you find it usefull

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    A couple of thoughts come to mind. Firstly, you are on the base, buggy version of Discoverer. You need to upgrade to or and then apply the latest cumultaive patch. The upgrade is free so you should do it.
    Secondly, 5,500 workbooks is a lot of workbooks and to me it sounds like you need to do some sort of cleanup.
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    Best wishes

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    Try changing the ItemClassDelay parameter in your pref.txt file on the server.
    Rod West

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    I am trying to insert 2 queries in a wrokbook but it overwrites and only 1 query is getting inserted.
    Please advise.

    Open the Query.
    In the Analysis tool bar in the bex analyser -->  tools icon --> 'Copy WorkSheet'. 
    You will get another worksheet with the standard bex options like filter tab, information tab etc.  Rename it as required.
    Go to design mode and click on the properties of the Analysis grid in the new worksheet.
    Create a new data provider and Assign the second query to the new data provider.
    Save the workbook.

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    Please help!!

    Hi Palo,
    Thanks for the reply,
    I then tried with CTS xxx3 customized CTS, which was created by BASIS to insert the workbook in Browser in the specific Roles according to authorizations, LOG says CTS successful but workbook didn’t turn up in testing.
    Message was edited by: Gujjula Shashidhar Reddy

  • Problems in Broadcasting BEx Workbook through email

    Dear All,
    I am having this problem for quite some time now i have also searched SDN for related articles but to no avail kindly help me out anyone plss plss; i am having problems broadcasting workbooks via email; i get the following error:
    Microsoft Visual Basic
    Run-Time error'91':
    Object Variable or with block Variable not set
    then i get this error
    Precalculation failed: E Exception from HRESULT: 0x800A9C68.
    and the broadcasting fails. I tried to test my precalculation server and thru txn RSPRECADMIN i am able to email my workbook, it works fine.
    Can anyone pls help me out here. Helpful answers will be duly awarded.Thanx

    Thanx Edward i upgraded my precalc. server to latest version and now am able to broadcast my workbook; but theres still a small problem; the workbook gets emailed but i receive the following errors:
    Trace Started as: 2/21/2011 11:48:36 AM* 
      ListSeparator: , 
      ExcelVersion: 11.0 
      AddinVersion: 7100.3.701.1352 
    2/21/2011 11:50:27 AM---- ectionLostException: RFC debugging only possible w 
      th dialog user. 
      at rontendUpdate(Boolean iNewThread, Boolean iDoNotRe 
      at ation.FrontendUpdate(Boolean iNewThread, Boolean i 
      RFC debugging only possible with dialog user. 
      at rontendUpdate(Boolean iNewThread, Boolean iDoNotRe 
      at ation.FrontendUpdate(Boolean iNewThread, Boolean i 
      Application Not Refreshed 
      Result: False 
      End of MenuRefreshPrecalc 
      Precalclulation in thread 4 failed. 
      Packages completed on server 28-. Remaining packages: 28- 
      Precalculation server queue updated: Server BIPRECALC setting C0A8074A0E6C4D620A9501D700000000  
    Cannot precalculate workbook H3UG6516GWPRC5NKNDBO33XRQ
    Any idea what might be causing this. Thanx for your prompt reply.

  • Problem in EP when executing a workbook

    Hi all,
    in the Enterprise Portal I get this error message:
    The specified class not found
    RELEASE 710
    COMPONENT NI (network interface)
    VERSION 39
    RC -1
    MODULE ninti.c
    LINE 938
    DETAIL NiPGetServByName: 'sapmsBAD' not found
    SYSTEM CALL getaddrinfo
    ERRNO 10109
    ERRNO TEXT WSATYPE_NOT_FOUND: The specified class was not found.
    I like to start a workbook designed in SAP BEx Analyzer from the EP... there is only the problem with workbooks; web templates and queries are working fine.
    THX a lot,

    1.     Install SAPGUI
    2.     saplogon.ini  : Give administrative access to User for saplogon.ini
    Location C:\WINDOWS
    3.     Configure the SAP system with ( Application Server , System Id , System Number )
    4.     Services :  Path for services :  C:\WINDOWS\system32\drivers\etc
    Add following entry at the top in the services
    Sapdp<System Number>  3206/tcp
    e.g.  If System Number = 06
              sapdp06  3206/tcp

  • Authority experts:: Problems with storing workbooks into the role menue

    during upgrade from BW 3.5 to BW 7.0 we got the problem, that workbooks cannot be stored into the role menue.
    Trace ST01 and RSECADMIN hasn't send any authority warnings.
    The workbooks are stored in the role menu (PCFG). We cann't find them by searching with the
    query designer.
    This are the entries we made in the roles:
    ACTVT = *,
    ACT_GROUP = Menu-Role
    TCD = RRMX
    (We took notice of the new analysis authoritation )
    Thanks in advance.
    Peggy Nosek

    goto the particular role in PFCG and check whether you are able to see the workbook. You can see the workbook in query designer. Open BEx analyzer and use the open workbook option to search for workbooks. The search is case sensitive. If you do not see any roles assigned through BEx anayzser, run a trace in RSECADMIN with your user id.

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