Problem Loading Microsoft Sql Serer table data to flat file

Hi Experts,
i am trying to load data from SQL Server table to flat file but its errror out.
I have selected Staging area different form Targert ( I am using SQL Server as my staging area)
knowlegde modue used: IKM SQL to file Append
I reciee the following errror
ODI-1217: Session table to file (124001) fails with return code 7000.
ODI-1226: Step table to file fails after 1 attempt(s).
ODI-1240: Flow table to file fails while performing a Integration operation. This flow loads target table test.
ODI-1227: Task table to file (Integration) fails on the source MICROSOFT_SQL_SERVER connection POS_XSTORE.
Caused By: java.sql.SQLException: Could not read heading rows from file
     at com.sunopsis.jdbc.driver.file.FileResultSet.<init>(
Please help!!!

Have you defined the File Datastore correctly with appropriate delimiter and file properties.
Although the example is for oracle to file , see if this helps you in any way -

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    Please have look.
    In my database 7 - users, Each user with nearly 1500 tables.
    My client wants the data in each table to be availbale in a text file in a human
    readable format like.
    eg: DEPT table
    Deptno,Dname,Location (This line is optional)
    Please help me to solve this.
    Can you suggest any easy way?

    Can you suggest any easy way?What about the answers given in your previous post:
    Tables data into text file
    Use Oracle's SQL Developer. Bring up the table in a
    grid and export it to a .csv file. Then the human
    can open it in Excel.If the OP's numbers are correct (7 users, each with 1500 tables) this does not sound like an easy way to export 10500 tables...
    Message was edited by:

  • Exporting table data into text files

    I got a request to export the data from about 85 tables into 85 text files. I assume that they will want a header row and some delimiter character. This is a process that must run every night by a sql job.
    Obviously I want it to be flexible. Tables could be addede and removed and columns could be added and removed. There will probably be a control table that has the list of tables to export.
    Looked at bcp - but seems that it is command line only?
    SSIS package?
    What other options are there?

    Wanted to post my solution. Ended up using bcp in a PowerShell Script. I was unable to use bcp in SQL because it requires xp_cmdshell and that is not allowed at many of our client sites. So wrote a Powershell script that executes bcp. The ps script
    loops through a table that contains a row for each table/view to export along with many values and switches for the table/view export: export path, include column headers, enclose each field in double quotes, double up embedded double quotes, how to format
    dates, what to return for NULL integers - basically the stuff that is not flexible in bcp. To get this flexibility I created a SQL proc that takes these values as input and creates a view. Then the PS bcp does a SELECT on the view. Many of my tables are
    very wide and bcp has a limit of 4000/8000. Some of my SELECT statements ended up being GT 35k in length. So using a view got around this size limitation.
    Anyway, the view creation and bcp download is really fast. It can download about 4 gb of data in 20 minutes. It can download it faster the 7z can zip it.
    Below is the SQL proc to format the SELECT statement to create the view for bcp (or some other utility like SQLCMD, Invoke-SQLCMD) or SQL query by "SELECT * from v_ExportData". the proc can be used from SQL or PS, or anything that can call a SQL
    Proc and then read a SQL view.
    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM sys.objects WHERE object_id = OBJECT_ID(N'[dbo].[ExportTablesCreateView]') AND type in (N'P', N'PC'))
    DROP PROCEDURE [dbo].[ExportTablesCreateView]
    CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[ExportTablesCreateView]
    Read in a tablename or viewname with parameters and create a view v_ExportTable of the
    data. The view will typically be read by bcp to download SQL table data to flat files.
    bcp does not have the options to include column headers, include fields in double quotes,
    format dates or use '0' for integer NULLS. Also, bcp has a limit of varhar 4000 and
    wider tables could not be directly called by bcp. So create the v_ExportTable and have
    bcp SELECT v_ExportTable instead of the original table or view.
    @pTableName VARCHAR(128) - table or view to create v_ExportTable from
    @pColumnHeader INT =1 - include column headers in the first row
    @pDoubleQuoteFields INT = 1 - put double quotes " around all column values including column headers
    @pDouble_EmbeddedDoubleQuotes INT = 1 - This is usually used with @pDoubleQuoteFields INT = 1. 'ab"c"d would be 'ab""c""d.
    @pNumNULLValue VARCHAR(1) = '0' - NULL number data types will export this value instead of bcp default of ''
    @pDateTimeFormat INT = 121 - DateTime data types will use this format value
    EXEC ExportTablesCreateView 'custname', 1, 1, 1, '0', 121
    @pTableName VARCHAR(128),
    @pColumnHeader INT = 1,
    @pDoubleQuoteFields INT = 1,
    @pDouble_EmbeddedDoubleQuotes INT = 1,
    @pNumNULLValue VARCHAR(1) = '0',
    @pDateTimeFormat INT = 121
    DECLARE @columnname varchar(128)
    DECLARE @columnsize int
    DECLARE @data_type varchar(128)
    DECLARE @HeaderRow nvarchar(max)
    DECLARE @ColumnSelect nvarchar(max)
    DECLARE @SQLSelect nvarchar(max)
    DECLARE @SQLCommand nvarchar(max)
    DECLARE @ReturnCode INT
    DECLARE @Note VARCHAR(500)
    DECLARE db_cursor CURSOR FOR
    SELECT COLUMN_NAME, ISNULL(Character_maximum_length,0), Data_type
    OPEN db_cursor
    FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @ColumnName, @ColumnSize, @Data_type
    SET @HeaderRow = ''
    SET @ColumnSelect = ''
    -- Loop through each of the @pTableColumns to build the SELECT Statement
    -- Put double quotes around each field - example "MARIA","SHARAPOVA"
    IF @pDoubleQuoteFields = 1
    -- Include column headers in the first row - example "FirstName","LastName"
    IF @pColumnHeader = 1
    SET @HeaderRow = @HeaderRow + '''"' + @ColumnName + '"'' as ''' + @columnname + ''','
    -- Unsupported Export data type returns "" - example "",
    IF @Data_Type in ('image', 'varbinary', 'binary', 'timestamp', 'cursor', 'hierarchyid', 'sql_variant', 'xml', 'table', 'spatial Types')
    SET @ColumnSelect = @ColumnSelect + '''""'' as [' + @ColumnName + '],'
    -- Format DateTime data types according to input parameter
    ELSE IF @Data_Type in ('datetime', 'smalldatetime', 'datetime2', 'date', 'datetimeoffset')
    -- example - CASE when [aaa] IS NULL THEN '""' ELSE QUOTENAME(CONVERT(VARCHAR,[aaa], 121), CHAR(34)) END AS [aaa],
    SET @ColumnSelect = @ColumnSelect + 'CASE WHEN [' + @columnname + '] IS NULL THEN ''""'' ELSE QUOTENAME(CONVERT(VARCHAR,[' + @columnname + '],' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,@pDateTimeFormat) + '), CHAR(34)) END AS [' + @ColumnName + '],'
    -- SET Numeric data types with NULL value according to input parameter
    ELSE IF @Data_Type in ('bigint', 'numeric', 'bit', 'smallint', 'decimal', 'smallmoney', 'int', 'tinyint', 'money', 'float', 'real')
    -- example - CASE when [aaa] IS NULL THEN '"0"' ELSE QUOTENAME([aaa], CHAR(34)) END AS [aaa],
    SET @ColumnSelect = @ColumnSelect + 'CASE WHEN [' + @columnname + '] IS NULL THEN ''"' + @pNumNULLValue + '"'' ELSE QUOTENAME([' + @columnname + '], CHAR(34)) END AS [' + @ColumnName + '],'
    -- Double embedded double quotes - example "abc"d"ed" to "abc""d""ed". Only applicible for character data types.
    IF @pDouble_EmbeddedDoubleQuotes = 1
    -- example - CASE when [aaa] IS NULL THEN '""' ELSE '"' + REPLACE([aaa],'"','""') + '"' END AS [aaa],
    SET @ColumnSelect = @ColumnSelect + 'CASE WHEN [' + @ColumnName + '] IS NULL THEN ''""'' ELSE ''"'' + REPLACE([' + @ColumnName + '],''"'',''""'') + ''"'' END AS [' + @ColumnName + '],'
    -- DO NOT PUT Double embedded double quotes - example "abc"d"ed" unchanged to "abc"d"ed"
    -- example - CASE when [aaa] IS NULL THEN '""' ELSE '"' + [aaa] + '"' END AS [aaa],
    SET @ColumnSelect = @ColumnSelect + 'CASE WHEN [' + @ColumnName + '] IS NULL THEN ''""'' ELSE ''"'' + [' + @ColumnName + '] + ''"'' END AS [' + @ColumnName + '],'
    -- DO NOT PUT double quotes around each field - example MARIA,SHARAPOVA
    -- Include column headers in the first row - example "FirstName","LastName"
    IF @pColumnHeader = 1
    SET @HeaderRow = @HeaderRow + '''' + @ColumnName + ''' as ''' + @columnname + ''','
    -- Unsupported Export data type returns '' - example '',
    IF @Data_Type in ('image', 'varbinary', 'binary', 'timestamp', 'cursor', 'hierarchyid', 'sql_variant', 'xml', 'table', 'spatial Types')
    SET @ColumnSelect = @ColumnSelect + ''''' as [' + @ColumnName + '],'
    -- Format DateTime data types according to input parameter
    ELSE IF @Data_Type in ('datetime', 'smalldatetime', 'datetime2','date', 'datetimeoffset')
    -- example - CASE when [aaa] IS NULL THEN '''' ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR,[aaa], 121) END AS [aaa],
    SET @ColumnSelect = @ColumnSelect + 'CASE WHEN [' + @columnname + '] IS NULL THEN '''' ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR,[' + @columnname + '],' + CONVERT(VARCHAR,@pDateTimeFormat) + ') END AS [' + @ColumnName + '],'
    -- SET Numeric data types with NULL value according to input parameter
    ELSE IF @Data_Type in ('bigint', 'numeric', 'bit', 'smallint', 'decimal', 'smallmoney', 'int', 'tinyint', 'money', 'float', 'real')
    -- example - CASE when [aaa] IS NULL THEN '"0"' ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR, [aaa]) END AS [aaa],
    SET @ColumnSelect = @ColumnSelect + 'CASE WHEN [' + @columnname + '] IS NULL THEN ''' + @pNumNULLValue + ''' ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR,[' + @columnname + ']) END AS [' + @ColumnName + '],'
    -- Double embedded double quotes - example "abc"d"ed" to "abc""d""ed". Only applicible for character data types.
    IF @pDouble_EmbeddedDoubleQuotes = 1
    -- example - CASE when [aaa] IS NULL THEN '' ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR,REPLACE([aaa],'"','""')) END AS [aaa],
    SET @ColumnSelect = @ColumnSelect + 'CASE WHEN [' + @columnname + '] IS NULL THEN '''' ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR,REPLACE([' + @columnname + '],''"'',''""'')) END AS [' + @ColumnName + '],'
    -- example - CASE when [aaa] IS NULL THEN '' ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR,[aaa]) END AS [aaa],
    SET @ColumnSelect = @ColumnSelect + 'CASE WHEN [' + @columnname + '] IS NULL THEN '''' ELSE CONVERT(VARCHAR,[' + @columnname + ']) END AS [' + @ColumnName + '],'
    FETCH NEXT FROM db_cursor INTO @ColumnName, @ColumnSize, @Data_Type
    RETURN (1)
    CLOSE db_cursor
    DEALLOCATE db_cursor
    -- remove last comma
    IF @pColumnHeader = 1
    SET @HeaderRow = SUBSTRING(@HeaderRow , 1, LEN(@HeaderRow ) - 1)
    SET @ColumnSelect = SUBSTRING(@ColumnSelect, 1, LEN(@ColumnSelect) - 1)
    -- Put on the finishing touches on the SELECT
    IF @pColumnHeader = 1
    SET @SQLSelect = 'SELECT ' + @HeaderRow + ' UNION ALL ' +
    'SELECT ' + @ColumnSelect + ' FROM [' + @pTableName + ']'
    SET @SQLSelect = 'SELECT ' + @ColumnSelect + ' FROM [' + @pTableName + ']'
    ---- diagnostics
    ---- PRINT truncates at 4k or 8k, not sure, my tables have many colummns
    --PRINT @SQLSelect
    --DECLARE @END varchar(max) = RIGHT(@SQLSelect, 3000)
    --PRINT @end
    --EXECUTE sp_executesql @SQLSelect
    -- drop view if exists -- using view because some tables are very wide. one of my tables had a 33k select statement
    SET @SQLCommand = '
    IF EXISTS (SELECT * FROM SYS.views WHERE name = ''v_ExportTable'')
    DROP VIEW v_ExportTable
    EXECUTE @ReturnCode = sp_executesql @SQLCommand
    IF @returncode = 1
    RETURN (1)
    -- create the view
    SET @SQLCommand = '
    CREATE VIEW v_ExportTable AS ' + @SQLSelect
    -- diagnostics
    --print @sqlcommand
    EXECUTE @ReturnCode = sp_executesql @SQLCommand
    IF @returncode = 1
    RETURN (1)
    RETURN (1)
    RETURN (0)
    END -- CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[ExportTablesCreateView]

  • Ssis - import data from flat file to table (sql server 2012)

    i have create a ssis for importing data from flat file to table in sql server 2012.
    but i got the below error for some column in data flow task.
    error: cannot processed because than one code page (950 and 1252)
    anyone helps~

    The issue occurs because the source flat file uses ANSI/OEM – Tranditional Chinese Big5 encoding. When processing the source file, the flat file connection manager uses code page 950 for the columns. Because SQL Server uses code page to perform conversions
    between non-Unicode data and Unicode data, the data in the code page 950 based input columns cannot be loaded to code page 1252 based destination columns. To resolve the issue, you need to load the data into a SQL Server destination table that includes Unicode
    columns (nchar or nvarchar), and convert the input columns to Unicode columns via Data Conversion or the Advanced Editor for the Flat File Source at the same time.
    Another option that may not be that practical is to create a new database based on the Chinese_Taiwan_Stroke_BIN collation, and load the data to non-Unicode columns directly.
    Mike Yin
    TechNet Community Support

  • Writing a stored procedure to import SQL Server table data into a Oracle table

    As a new DBA I have been tasked with writing a stored procedure to import SQL Server table data into an Oracle table. I have been given many suggestions on how to do it from SQL Server but I I just need to write a stored procedure to run it from the Oracle side. Suggestions/guidance on where to start would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!
    I started to write it based on what I have but I know this is not correct :/
    # Here is the select statement for the data source in SQL Server...
      FROM data_source_table_name
    #It loads data into the table in Oracle....   
    Insert into oracle_destination_table_name (

    CREATE TABLE statements would have been better as MS-SQL and Oracle don't have the same data types.
    OUR_DATE, OUR_TIME will (most likely) be ONE column in Oracle.
    Personally, I'd just load the data over a database link:
    insert into oracle_destination_table_name ( <column list> )
    select ... <transform data here>
    from data_source_table@mssql_db_link
    As far as creating the database link from Oracle to MS-SQL ... that is for somebody else to answer.
    (most likely you'll need to use an ODBC driver)
    If the data from MS-SQL is in a CSV file, just use and external table.
    same concept:
    insert into oracle_destination_table_name ( <column list> )
    select ... <transform data here>
    from data_source_external_table

  • Loading transaction data from flat file to SNP order series objects

    I am an BW developer and i need to provide data to my SNP team.
    Can you please let me know more about <b>loading transaction data (sales order, purchase order, etc.,) from external systems into order based SNP objects/structure</b>. there is a 3rd party tool called webconnect that gets data from external systems and can give data in flat file or in database tables what ever required format we want.
    I know we can use BAPI's, but dont know how. can you please send any <b>sample ABAP program code that calls BAPI to read flat file and write to SNP order series objects</b>.
    Please let me know ASAP, how to get data from flat file into SNP order based objects, with options and I will be very grateful.
    thanks in advance

    Please go through the following links:
    Hope this helps...
    Assign points if helpful..:)

  • Problem in converting table data into CSV file

    Hi All,
    In my Process i need to convert my error table data into csv file,my data is converted as csv file by using OdisqlUnload function,but the column headers are not converted,i use another procedure for converting column headers but iam getting below error ...
    com.sunopsis.sql.SnpsMissingParametersException: Missing parameter string.find, string.find
    SQL: import string import java.sql as sql import java.lang as lang import re sourceConnection = odiRef.getJDBCConnection("SRC") output_write=open('C:/Oracle/Middleware/Oracle_ODI2/oracledi/pro/PRO.txt','r+') myStmt = sourceConnection.createStatement() my_query = "select * FROM E$_LOCAL_F0911Z1" my_query=my_query.upper() if string.find(my_query, '*') > 0: myRs = myStmt.executeQuery(my_query) md=myRs.getMetaData() collect=[] i=1 while (i <= md.getColumnCount()): collect.append(md.getColumnName(i)) i += 1 header=','.join(map(string.strip, collect)) elif string.find(my_query,'||') > 0: header = my_query[7:string.find(my_query, 'FROM')].replace("||','||",',') else: header = my_query[7:string.find(my_query, 'FROM')] print header output_write.write (header+'\n'+old) sourceConnection.close() output_write.close()
    And i used below code for converting.......
    import string
    import java.sql as sql
    import java.lang as lang
    import re
    sourceConnection = odiRef.getJDBCConnection("SRC")
    myStmt = sourceConnection.createStatement()
    my_query = "select FROM E$_COMPANY"*
    *if string.find(my_query, '*') > 0:*
    *myRs = myStmt.executeQuery(my_query)*
    *while (i <= md.getColumnCount()):*
    *i += 1*
    *header=','.join(map(string.strip, collect))*
    *elif string.find(my_query,'||') > 0:*
    *header = my_query[7:string.find(my_query, 'FROM')].replace("||','||",',')*
    *header = my_query[7:string.find(my_query, 'FROM')]*
    *print header*
    *output_write.write (header+'\n'+old)*
    Any one can you help regarding this
    Edited by: 30021986 on Oct 1, 2012 6:04 PM

    This may not be an option for you but in pinch you may want to consider outputing your data to an MS Spreadsheet, then saving it as a CSV. It's somewhat of a cumbersome process, but it will get you by for now.
    You will need to change your content type to application/
    <% response.setContentType("application/"); %>

  • To get the table data into a file in pl/sql developer

    i have table with 90k rows, i want to get the table data into a file like excel....
    i executed the select statement it shows only 5k rows because of buffer problem.
    can u please help me any alternative way to get the table data into a file.
    using cursors like that

    Really? excel for 90K rows :)
    face/desk/floor/"Hi and sorry neighbours below, it's me again"
    Err, I see you point, thanks Dang, I completely missed the 90k recs part, I must be getting old or modern ;)
    can u please help me any alternative way to get the table data into a file.You can always dump a query to a file, check these:
    How to create Excel file (scroll down when necessary)
    Depending on your database version ( the result of: select * from v$version; ) you might have some other options.

  • Problem with Emailing the Internal table data as an excel attachment

    Hi Friends,
    I am facing problem with Emailing an internal table data as an excel file. I am using standard function module "SO_NEW_DOCUMENT_ATT_SEND_API1" which is using SOLI structure can have record with 255 character length. But my Internal table having each record means after concatenating all the fields it is going to be morethan 450 characters. so i t is not displaying all the data in excel file.
    Can somebody help me if there is any other function module or any other way that i need to follow.
    thanks for help

    You must use the the :
    CL_ABAP_CHAR_UTILITIES=>HORIZONTAL_TAB as a field seperator and
    CL_ABAP_CHAR_UTILITIES=>CR_LF as a record seperator.
    Check this example:
    Naimesh Patel

  • Loading data from flat file to table

    I am using OWB 10g R2. I have to develop a map which loads data from flat file to table.
    1. I have created a .csv file.
    2. Import that into OWB by Module Wizard.
    3. I have created one external table, which use the .csv file.
    After that what I have to do for successfully loading the data into table.

    Hi Sanjoy
    You can building a mapping to move the data from somewhere to somewhere else. More specifically;
    1. create a mapping
    2. add external table to mapping
    3. add table to mapping for target (it can be unbound)
    4. map from external table ingroup to target table ingroup (all columns will be mapped)
    5. if target table was unbound right click on target table and click create and bind
    This is a basic mapping you can have for this scenario. There is a post here which does something like this, but it will create a File to Table mapping which will use SQLLoader.

  • Loading data from flat file...

    I am actually experiencing a problem where I cant load data from a flat file into a table. I have actually reverse engineered the flat file into ODI. But the thing is I don't know how to load the data that is reversed into a RDBMS table. Added, I don't know how create this RDBMS table form within ODI to be reflected on the DB. Added, don't know how to load the data from the flat file onto this table without having to add the columns in order to map between the flat file and the table.
    In conclusion, I need to know how to create an RDBMS table from within ODI on the database. And how to automatically map the flat file to the DB table and load the data into the DB table.

    Hi Hossam,
    We can used ODI procedure to create table in the DB.
    Make sure you keep the column name in the table name same as the column name in FLAT FILE so that it can automatically map the column.
    and regarding Loading data from FLAT File i.e. our source table is FLAT FILE till ODI we need to manually insert the datastore since the file system cannot be reversed.
    Please let me know Hossam if i can assis you further.
    Thanks and Regards,

  • Can we cleanse and transform data at flat file or external table level?

    I have some data that I want to cleanse and transform. I don't want to cleanse it after i populate the external table, I want to get done with it at flat file level or while populating the external table. Can we cleanse and transform data at flat file or external table level through Oracle or OWB 11.2? Is it possible to run a conditional load (i.e. having a where clause or if-else-then) for an external table? Can we call oracle functions for an external table at the time of creation?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Oleg,
    Thanks a lot for the clarification. :)
    So is there a way that I can clease the data within the text file through Oracle or OWB? I have datatype mismatches in the data and most of my data is getting rejected because of that. The way I can think of, for solving this problem, is to create the external table with all fields with datatype varchar and then cleansing the data. But it doesn't seem very effecient plus it will get very complicated because I have almost 80-90 fields.
    Any help?
    Thanks and regards,

  • Internal table data to XML file.

    Hi All,
    May I know how can we convert the internal table data to xml file?

    Re: Convert XML to internal Table
       Go through the link..u should be able to solve the problem..

  • How to download internal table data to .xlsx file ?

    Hello All,
    I am using SAP ECC 6.0. I need to download internal table data to .xlsx file.
    I tried GUI_DOWNLOAD, all the data are getting transferred to the .xlsx file, but while opening I am getting the below error.
    Excel cannot open the file "download.xlsx" because file format or file extension is not valid. Verify that the file has not been corrupted and that the file extension matches the format of the file.
    Though Microsoft office 2007 is installed in my system.
    Please help <removed by moderator>.
    Edited by: Thomas Zloch on Oct 24, 2011 10:55 AM

    Please find the below code to download data into excel file.
      DATA: ld_filename TYPE string,
            ld_path TYPE string,
            ld_fullpath TYPE string,
            ld_result TYPE i.
    Display save dialog window
      CALL METHOD cl_gui_frontend_services=>file_save_dialog
         window_title      = ' '
          default_file_name = 'accountsdata'
          INITIAL_DIRECTORY = 'c:\temp\'
          filename          = ld_filename
          path              = ld_path
          fullpath          = ld_fullpath
          user_action       = ld_result.
    Check user did not cancel request
      CHECK ld_result EQ '0'.
            filename         = ld_fullpath
            filetype         = 'ASC'
          APPEND           = 'X'
            write_field_separator = 'X'
            data_tab         = it_datatab[]     "need to declare and populate
            file_open_error  = 1
            file_write_error = 2
            OTHERS           = 3.
    Thanks and Regards

  • Data source doesn't show porper data while flat file data loading

    Hi Experts,
    I am trying to load data from flat file for info object 0GL_ACCOUNT. I have created an application component and data source.
    My question is after loading text data in the corresponding data source, it shows only few characters of the actual data.
    For Ex. in my original data i have G/L account name "Comp Hardware Purchase" but after loading into the data source it shows only "Comp Hardwa".
    I want to show the whole name "Comp Hardware Purchase ".  I know there is some text length problem but i couldn't find it. What steps i need to follow?
    Please help.
    Full points will be given to the useful answers ****
    Thanks and Regards,
    Niranjan Chechani

    HI Niranjan,
    Go to your data source and check whether the field and infoobject are having the same lenght. If the infoobject lenght is less than your field lenght wihc is coming from Flat file then such issue occur.
    Search for your flatfile datasource and and doubel clik on the datasource and check the fileds tabs, there you will have the mapping or you can also check your Transfer or Update rules of  the target.

Maybe you are looking for

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