Problem solving using recursive datastructures

Where from can I download free problems and solutions on java simple data structures and recursive data structures?

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    my email: [email protected]

    Yeah, he did get a lot of it wrong but oh well, at least he's putting forth some effort. If you need any help alex, just send me a note. Everyone should also look into using Jakarta Ant for even your simple applications, it makes all these little directory issues go away real fast. If you need a generic build.xml file that has nice features, again, just send me a note.

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    Post relates to: Palm TX

    Thanks for reporting your success! 
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    Dear Aryan,
    SELECT  avbeln vkorg audat auart anetwr werks mwsbp INTO
                                           TABLE int_vbak
                                           FROM vbak AS a JOIN vbap AS b
                                           ON avbeln = bvbeln
                                           FOR ALL ENTRIES IN int_auart
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                                           AND   vkorg IN s_vkorg
                                           AND   audat IN s_audat
                                           AND   werks IN s_werks
                                           AND   abgru EQ ' '.
    In your code jsut check entries in for all entries table and values in the fields which you have used in your where condition.
    Hope this will help you to resolve your problem.

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    [ .\config\testDomain\
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    - with nested exception:
    [ .\config\testDomain\
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    Looks the company apple cannot grow if they do not support solving the problems of their existing customers
    Ashok Dhingra

    You are not addressing Apple here. If you have a problem, describe it and someone might be able to help. Just to be sure, the wi-fi on the phone will go off after the phone goes into sleep mode unless it is actively being used. This is a battery saving measure. If you are actively using the internet, and the phone is still awake, then the wi-fi should remain connected.
    What troubleshooting steps have you tried.

  • Problem when using weblogic.jspc from an IDE

    I am trying to call JSPC from an IDE (as part of an Eclipse Builder). To optimize performance I want to avoid to spwan a new process. So I am trying to call weblogic.jspc's main method directly from the IDE. Everything works fine for simple simple pages.
              But when the page refers to a tag library with a tag providing a TagExtraInfo class, weblogic.jspc complains about the class not extending the TagExtraInfo base class although it does:
              Errors encountered while compiling 'D:\vrp-localdeploy\applications\wot\WOT' :
              Translation of /rentalcar/tiles/i18n/CarCapacityView.jsp failed: (line 17): Error in using tag library uri='/tags/i18n' prefix='i18n': For tag 'bundle', extra info class 'org.apache.taglibs.i18n.BundleTEI' does not extend javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagExtraInfo
              I could not figure out what exactly causes the problem. Using exactly the same settings workes just fine.
              Any suggestions?

    The full stack trace reads as follows:
              Errors encountered while compiling 'D:\vrp-localdeploy\applications\wot\WOT' :
              Translation of /common/include/i18n/ failed: (line 17): Error in using tag library uri='/tags/i18n' prefix='i18n': For tag 'bundle', extra info class 'org.apache.taglibs.i18n.BundleTEI' does not extend javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagExtraInfo
                   at weblogic.jspc.runJspc(
                   at weblogic.jspc.runBodyInternal(
                   at weblogic.jspc.runBody(
                   at weblogic.jspc.main(
              Unfortunately it doesn't really give any real reason - it is a general piece of code in jspc to report problems.
              But I dug a lot bit deeper into the code and realized that the original problem is a ClassCastException in line 1290 of class StandardTagLib, which reads as follows:
                   tagextrainfo = (TagExtraInfo)Beans.instantiate(classloader, s3);
              This looks quite obvious that the class named by s3 simply is no extension of TagExtraInfo, but unfortunately the only class with that name being referenced by the class path does extend this class. I wondered what the problem might be and came up with the following answer:
              The class of the bean instantiated by Beans.instantiate extends a class with the name "javax.servlet.jsp.tagext.TagExtraInfo" which is cast to another class with exactly <b>the same name, but a different class loader</b>. Since neither of the class loaders is parent of the other one, both classes are not considered being the same class although they have the same name. Sounds weird, but exactly this is the problem!
              Where does it come from and why it works fine when the tool is executed in a separate thread or on the console?
              From my understanding the problem is caused in line 395 of the class weblogic.jspc:
                   GenericClassLoader genericclassloader = new GenericClassLoader(classpathclassfinder);
              This line of code creates a class loader not knowing a parent class loader by which the class weblogic.jspc was loaded. All classes weblogic.jspc is using or calling will be loader by either the same or a parent class loader - this is important to understand. Since TagExtraInfo is directly referenced by StandardTagLib one instance of the class object (the object of type class) will be generated and linked when the class StandardTagLib is instantiated for the first time by the class loader which loaded weblogic.jspc (or by its parent). This is consequence which can not be avoided.
              But now look at line 1290 of class StandardTagLib: It explicitly requests the class to be loaded by the GenericClassLoader instantiated in line 395 of the class weblogic.jspc. This class loader, off course, is not aware of the same class just being loaded by another class loader since it has no knowledge of it. It simply creates a fresh copy of the class object, which only differs in the reference to the class loader which created this class object.
              Actually, I figured that the following line of code replacing the upper one, would resolve the problem:
              GenericClassLoader genericclassloader = new GenericClassLoader(classpathclassfinder, this.getClass().getClassLoader());
              Doing this, the GenericClassLoader would know its logical parent by reference and would implicitly - thanks to the implementation of java.lang.ClassLoader - try to find the class using its parent first, would find a valid class, and hence use the same instance of the class object instantiated by the parent class loader. The problem would be solved.
              It works fine in the console or under a running application server, because they will always have the weblogic jar in their system class path. ClassLoaders not having a parent are implied to have the system class loader as their parent - the piece of code does work in this case.
              Under Eclipse this is no option, off course. We would restrain us to exactly this version of the APIs used by the weblogic version in the system class path.
              I was trying to patch this myself by extending weblogic.jspc by my own class to pass on a proper class loader knowing its parent, and I was sort of successful: The problem disappeared. But I can't gain exactly what I am looking for, because the method runJspc with four parameters (around line 447) of weblogic.jspc is private to the class and its public brother always passes true to this method as the fourth parameter - causing jspc to recompile all JSPs instead of just the requested ones.
              Everything refers to WL81SP3.
              That's were I got stuck currently. I have read some postings about this problem in the internet - some dating far back into the history. So, I have the impression that there have been some folks around with the same problem. I think the patch I suggested does not any harm and I could simply use jspc in my builder without any problems.
              Elmar Schwarz

  • WiFi connection problem solved

    My intel iMac and MBA had no problem but iPods 3g and 5g did.  I had an old Netgear router connected and sitting next to my Airport Express.  On a hunch I diconnected the Netgear and created a guest network to replace the one on the Netgear.  PROBLEM SOLVED! 
    Evidently our iPods and boarder's iPhone had problems sorting out the signals and finding the right addresses.  Moving the AE to a higher and slightly more central position also helped.

    Same here on a Vodafone PocketWiFi 2.
    Tried NetworkManager, wicd, wifi-menu but all have the same issue.
    I recently installed Aptosid on another machine and it has the same problem... It also has kernel version 3.9.
    All the live CDs I've tried work, even an Arch CD from May works, though a current install does not.
    I have no problems connecting to another (wpa2 enterprise) network yet can't on this 3G modem.
    I'm hoping this isn't a permanent issue and perhaps an update very soon will fix this.
    It seems the only way to fix this for now is to use an old version of Linux. I'm currently running a virtual machine only for the purpose of Internet sharing, very annoying.

  • Bug fix for Mac book wireless - problem solved!

    Aparantly there is a rather large number of folks out there who've discovered this dillema with wireless not working very well at this point on the Macbook.
    Well, I can attest there is one very good solution out there for this issue. This application called Sonar Theater from includes a bug fix for the wireless connection issues with Macbook in their latest 1.5 release of Sonar Theater.
    I downloaded it, put it into my start up folder and waalaa! problem solved. I've haven't any more issues with dropped wireless since - it's been running constantly for over 2 weeks now.
    I haven't even attempted to touch my router configuration - don't need to.

    Welcome to the better life of Macs. I am using Sonar Theater too and it's been working very well for me. In fact, I'm getting hooked on just texting a message to my Mac book to fire up user sessions now. I think if you give the Mac Book some time however, you'll find that there really is no comparison to PC's. Your life overall is going to just keep getting better as you dig in to the resources available to new Mac users.
    I'm sure it seems confusing to PC users at first, but here's how to set up any application as part of your startup sequence. It really is extremely easy and simple compared to the PC world. Oh and by the way, in reality, Mac users refer to this as your login sequence. So, at login time, you can do a multitude of different things for each user account you might want to set up. Naturally, you can choose to share or not share applications and data between these user accounts on your Mac too....
    Mac OS X 10.3 or later
    1. Log in as the user who wishes to have a login item or as an admin user.
    2. Choose System Preferences from the Apple menu.
    3. Choose Accounts from the View menu.
    4. Click the name of the user.
    5. Click the Startup Items button
    6. Click the "Add {+}" button.
    The item you selected will automatically open the next time you log in.
    there are several ways to get good info from the apple community on tips and tricks as well. you should just try the apple os x web,
    happy mac-ing!

  • Problem while using trigger from line of 6534

    I have faced some problems while using triggering with 6534. They are listed below. Please provide solution me.
    1. ) i was using pattern input with triggering(buffered) in which i am using the example given in library buffered pattern
    Now i am using port 0 to take input. From line 0 of port 2 i want to generate a pulse which can trigger the operation & start acquisition. For that i am using write to single . My DPULL is open so bydefault the line will be at low level & by vi i will make it high which will trigger the operation.
    In normal condition if we use write to a single it will write the given status on that line within a fraction of second and abort execution. But when i am usin
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    Now if start the write to a single to give start trigger, nether it triggered the operation,nor it abort execution of single line write vi.When time out occured in triggered vi, then both vis stopped simultaneously. Why this happened?
    2.) Similar problem i faced when i wanted to perform the change Port 0 is configured for input.Line 1 to 7 are fixed with some status by connecting them to Vcc or GND. I have connected port 0 line 0 with port 2 line 0. So when i change status of line 0 of port 2 change detection should be occured o port 0. i am changing the status of line 0 of port 2 by write to a single But here i faced same problem as first that it was not writing to port 0 line 0. And bo
    th process stopped when time limit occured in change detection vi.
    So what can be the problem? Please help me.

    Hi Vishal,
    1) You should check to see that when you are writting a static 1 to line 0 you see a pulse high. You should also make sure that you wire this line to the STARTTRIG for group 0.
    2) If you solve question 1 you will also have question 2 solved.
    It might be helpful to create a program that configures both programs (pattern I/O on port 0 and static I/O on port 2) in the same program and then starts both groups. I would do a little testing to see exactly what signals you do or do not see.

  • Problem while using h:selectOneMenu tag

    Hello All,
    I am facing a problem while using the <h:selectOneMenu in my JSP.
    My requirement is as below,
    I am having a list of manager in the select box.
    User will select any of the manager and click a command link to assign the manager.
    On click of this command link backerbean method should be invoked.
    My problem is,
    I am able to display the list box without any problem.
    But Once I select any value from the list box the command link is not working.
    That is click on the command link is not invoking the backer bean method.
    My code look as below,
    <h:selectOneMenu value="#pc_EmployeeDetailsView.assignedMgrPositionId}" id="assignedMgrPositionId" style="width: 170px">
    <f:selectItems value="#{pc_EmployeeDetailsView.managerList}" />
    <td><h:commandLink action="#pc_EmployeeDetailsView.assignManager}" onmousedown="setEditAction('assign');">
    <h:outputText value="Assign"></h:outputText>
    </h:commandLink></td>Backer Bean
         SelectItem managerSelectItem =  new SelectItem("0","Select Manager");
         ArrayList managerSelectItemList = new ArrayList(); 
         int managerListSize = managerSearchList.size();
         for (int i=0; i<managerListSize; i++) {
              Employee manager = (Employee) managerSearchList.get(i);
              managerSelectItem =  new SelectItem(StringUtils.isNotEmpty(manager.getOrgInfo().getPositionNumber())?manager.getOrgInfo().getPositionNumber():"",StringUtils.isNotEmpty(manager.getFullDisplayName())?manager.getFullDisplayName():"");
         setManagerList(managerSelectItemList);Please help me on this.
    Thanks In Advance

    I have solved this problem by putting the list in portlet session and allowing the get method to get the SelectItem from the session

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