Problem startup_dock dissapeared

Hi I have been having problems for a while now with my G5 and was wondering wether someone could advise appropiately.I have checked the apple forums and tried various things but they don't seem to work.
First on the board is the fact that my dock refuses to appear,I have checked dock prefs and have tried deleting the dock playlist as I read somewhere but no luck.My main problem with this is that I cannot locate the Trash to completely delete it's contents.
So 1. Any suggestions on how to get back my dock and 2. Where do I locate the trash (without going through the dock) ?
My other problem which is worse is the fact that when I try to switch my G5 I get the click sound from the computer switch plus a red light but it doesnt start up !  I found out that my computer would eventually start up by removing the power cord,waiting 10/15mins and then plugging back on the power cord and switching on,but that doesn't look too healthy.
And yet another problem which has added to the list these past days is that sometimes when switched on (mainly working on final cut...original verion) all fans go to the max and the computer freezes forcing me to shut down via the computers main switch,which then I have to un plug the power cord and wait the 10/15mins to switch back on.
Right now I am working back and forth between my G5 and Powerbook on a couple of projects and wouldnt like to have to reinstall system cds until I finish them off,But if you have any suggestions I would be most grateful.
Thanks so much

I get the click sound from the computer switch plus a red light but it doesnt start up !
It sounds as if the PSU is failing.
You are likely living on borrowed time.
At a minimum, blowing all the accumulated dust from the interior of the PSU is needed.
This will help prolong the inevitable.
And yet another problem which has added to the list these past days is that sometimes when switched on (mainly working on final cut...original verion) all fans go to the max and the computer freezes forcing me to shut down
This could be a symptom related to the reason that your Dock doesn't work- you may have severe drive directory damage and repair of the drive is necessary.
At a minimum, boot to the OS install disc and run "Repair Disk" on the boot drive using Disk Utility.
If you have Disk Warrior, that is much better.
I cannot locate the Trash to completely delete it's contents.
Menu Bar/Finder/Empty Trash

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    What happens if you select all and group, do the items still disapear? You can set a layer attribute to not print, but I do not think that is it as the navigator would still display them.
    Check your artboards window to see if you have multiple artboards, that are not needed.
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    Loading pdf.JPG ‏24 KB

    Well, that seems like a definite LabVIEW bug to me.  I just reproduced it (NOT as an executable) with a simple self-contained program.  I've attached a code snippet below.  While it is running I pressed the Tab several times.  Eventually it locks up and closes LV without any notice at all.  It's a very repeatable crash, for what that's worth.
    Certifed LabVIEW Developer

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    Welcome to AD!
    That "Report a Problem" in purchase history is really unreliable. Use this page, instead

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    5. Under Checkbox, also change ISCHECKFORPRODUCTUPDATES to 0
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    I strongly advise you not to consider buying the Lenovo model Flex 2-14 or any Lenovo machines at all.
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    Moderator comment: Post split out of the Knowledgebase and a new topic created. Subject edited to match. Was: Re: New forum feature: Search before posting new topics

    hi Swtess,
    Welcome to the Forums.
    Depending on the SKU, the Flex 2-14 can be powered by either an 802.11AC card and some are onlg b/n (see page 79 of the HMM for more info).
     - Link to picture
    A b/n or b/g/n wireless card will not be able to detect a 5Ghz wireless access point as these type of cards can only detect and connect to a 2.4Ghz band.
    More info:
    Wireless: Determine if Computer Has 5GHz Network Band Capability (Windows)
    Laptop wireless networking options: 1x1 vs 2x2
    As for the battery, this review shows that the battery can up to the following scenarios:
    If you're getting 2hrs during WiFi surfing, try the following:
    1. Set the power plan to Power Saver and screen brightness to minimum.
    2. If you have devices plugged-in to the USB port, temporarily unplug them and observe
    Did someone help you today? Press the star on the left to thank them with a Kudo!
    If you find a post helpful and it answers your question, please mark it as an "Accepted Solution"! This will help the rest of the Community with similar issues identify the verified solution and benefit from it.
    Follow @LenovoForums on Twitter!

  • Update firmware 7610 Supernova

    Hi Everybody.
    This is my first post here. I bought a 7610 Supernova November 2008, since then I've been having a problem with restoring setting. There are a lot of people complaing about it. But the point is, the firmware I had was V04.82 RM-354 and in Feb/2009 I update the device throu NSU to firmware V05.20 RM-354, I thought my problems will dissapear... What the surprise, my restoring setting still the same and now my A2DP star to fail.I use this device to listen music using a bluetooth headset and was very fine til update. Does someone knows how to downgrade the firmware? Does someone had the same experience? I conect Nokia Care and still waiting an answer, but if everyone that has the same problem conect Nokia Care Service, for sure they have to listen their costumers, I suppouse...

    shayesta wrote:
     then type *#7370# (it will format your phone)
    That will not work on a 7610 supernova as it is a series 40 phone, not an S60 smartphone.
    The firmware may be able to be downgraded at a nokia care point.  They may also be able to help with the other issues without downgrading.
    Care points/service centres and repair info:
    UK • Europe • Asia-Pacific • USA •
    Canada • Middle East and Africa
    Elsewhere: Click here, select your country, go to the support section, then select repair.

  • Doubt about migrating from exchange 5.5 to Java Enterprise Communication

    Hi all,
    I guest this is the proper forum to make this question if not sorry for the disturbs.
    Currently we're using exchange server 5.5 as mail server, now my boss want to migrate the mail server and is my moment to change to a real mail server "messaging Server".
    Main problem here is the migration process, I've looked for info in "" and I've found several documentation about this migration process, but the best I've found is the document about SGMT toolkit.
    If this toolkit is free a big part of my problems will dissapear.
    Therefore here are my questions:
    * Is the SGMT toolkit free?, if not anyone knows about the cost?
    * Just in case SGMT is too expensive, anyone knows about a different way to migrate the exchange mails to Messaging Server? (any url or doc will be welcome)
    Thanks in advance for your help.
    Kind Regards

    As far as I know, SGMT toolkit itself is free, but you must attend a training session to get it, and that training is not free.
    You have to contact your sun salesperson to get it.
    There are a variety of free IMAP tools available to migrate messages, if you either know or can change user passwords.
    If your users can be trusted, you can have them use IMAP to migrate their own mail.
    I don't know Exchange, at all, but if it can export mailboxes to unix format, Messaging Server can accept that with "imsimport".

  • Rich forms stop loading half way through

    Hi, I have already posted this in the getting started forum
    but it didn't get any response, thought I might try here too to see
    if anyone here can help.
    I am having a few problems with my testing server (CF 7.02
    developer version) that I am hoping someone can shed some light on
    for me. I am having two issues which may be related, one
    (Administrator) is not really a problem for me, but as they may be
    related I thought I'd mention both. I'm sure when I get them sorted
    out the solution will be obvious, but right now I just seem to have
    a mental block on where I should be looking to resolve it.
    The machine is running Apache on Windows Xp, the webroot is
    Basic cf pages are running fine (all images etc appear as
    expected), but when I go to view administrator using the link under
    programs (Start button) it looks for it at
    localhost/CFIDE/administrator/index.cfm and gives a "file not
    found" error. If I add /public/ to the address administrator opens
    but all images are broken (the images are being looked for at
    localhost/CFIDE/administrator instead of
    localhost/public/CFIDE/administrator). As I said, this isn't really
    a big deal, but may be a symptom of the problem that is causing my
    other issue.
    I am starting to play with Rich forms, and while the files I
    have created work on the production server at our host, I had not
    been able to get them working on my testing server (just gave me a
    blank space instead of the form). I managed to improve the
    situation this morning by changing CFAdministrators 'Default CFFORM
    ScriptSrc Directory' setting from /CFIDE/scripts/ to
    /public/CFIDE/scripts/. Unfortunately, that wasn't the whole
    problem though as now my rich forms start to load but never seem to
    complete that process. The timer icon remains on the cursor
    indefinately and some parts of the form (stuff within cfitem tags,
    as well as any data in datagrids coming from queries) does not
    appear. Actual form fields/buttons etc do appear though. The fact
    that the timer stays there and the progress of loading the flash
    form seems to stop suggests to me that it is looking for something
    that it can't find, and therefore may be related to the path
    problems I seem to have.
    So it seems when I installed CF I didn't tell it where to
    look for web files correctly. As I said, I'm sure I should know
    this, but can't for the life of me think of where I should be able
    to tell cf where the web root is. I am hoping when I do all of my
    rich form problems will dissapear (as well as allowing me to see
    the CF Adminstrator pages in all their glory with images instead of
    boxes with broken icons).
    Any help or advice would be appreciated.

    Please see the reply in your
    Started thread

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