Problem when filling Node and Item tables for the metho add_nodes_and_items

Hi Experts,
I am facing problem when filling  Node and Item internal tables for the method add_nodes_and_items.
as i have written the below logic:
  LOOP AT gt_partner INTO wa_partner.
    CLEAR lvs_tc_root.
    l_key = l_key + 1.
    lvs_tc_root-node_key   = l_key. "wa_partner-sndprn.
*  lvs_tc_root-relatkey  = lvf_tc_node_key.
*  lvs_tc_root-relatship = cl_gui_column_tree=>relat_last_child.
    lvs_tc_root-last_hitem = wa_partner-sndprn.
    lvs_tc_root-hidden     = ' '.
    lvs_tc_root-disabled   = ' '.
    lvs_tc_root-isfolder   = 'X'.
    lvs_tc_root-n_image    = icon_folder.
    lvs_tc_root-exp_image  = icon_folder.
    lvs_tc_root-expander   = 'X'.
    APPEND lvs_tc_root TO gvt_tc_node_table.
    CLEAR lvs_tc_root.
    lvs_tc_root-node_key   = 'A'.  "Successfull
    lvs_tc_root-relatkey   = l_key.
    lvs_tc_root-relatship  = cl_gui_column_tree=>relat_last_child.
    lvs_tc_root-last_hitem = wa_partner-sndprn.
    lvs_tc_root-hidden     = ' '.
    lvs_tc_root-disabled   = ' '.
    lvs_tc_root-n_image    = icon_green_light.
    APPEND lvs_tc_root TO gvt_tc_node_table.
    CLEAR lvs_tc_root.
    lvs_tc_root-node_key   = 'B'.  "Errors
    lvs_tc_root-relatkey   = l_key    .
    lvs_tc_root-last_hitem = wa_partner-sndprn.
    lvs_tc_root-hidden     = ' '.
    lvs_tc_root-disabled   = ' '.
    lvs_tc_root-n_image    = icon_red_light.
    APPEND lvs_tc_root TO gvt_tc_node_table.
    CLEAR lvs_tc_root.
    lvs_tc_root-node_key  = 'C'.  "Deleted
    lvs_tc_root-relatkey  = l_key .
    lvs_tc_root-last_hitem = wa_partner-sndprn.
    lvs_tc_root-hidden    = ' '.
    lvs_tc_root-disabled  = ' '.
    lvs_tc_root-n_image   = icon_yellow_light.
    APPEND lvs_tc_root TO gvt_tc_node_table.
*   LOOP AT gt_partner_item INTO wa_partner_item WHERE sndprn = wa_partner-sndprn
    LOOP AT gt_partner INTO wa_partner_item WHERE sndprn = wa_partner-sndprn.
      CLEAR lvs_item.
      lvs_item-node_key   = l_key.
      lvs_item-item_name  = 'Column1'.
      lvs_item-text       = wa_partner-sndprn.
      lvs_item-class      = cl_gui_column_tree=>item_class_text.
      APPEND lvs_item TO gvt_tc_item_table. CLEAR lvs_item.
      lvs_item-node_key   = 'A'.
      lvs_item-item_name  = 'Column1'.
      lvs_item-text       = 'Successful'.
      lvs_item-class      = cl_gui_column_tree=>item_class_text.
      APPEND lvs_item TO gvt_tc_item_table. CLEAR lvs_item.
      lvs_item-node_key   = 'B'.
      lvs_item-item_name  = 'Column1'.
      lvs_item-text       = 'Errors'.
      lvs_item-class      = cl_gui_column_tree=>item_class_text.
      APPEND lvs_item TO gvt_tc_item_table. CLEAR lvs_item.
      lvs_item-node_key   = 'C'.
      lvs_item-item_name  = 'Column1'.
      lvs_item-text       = 'Deleted'.
      lvs_item-class      = cl_gui_column_tree=>item_class_text.
      APPEND lvs_item TO gvt_tc_item_table. CLEAR lvs_item.
  CALL METHOD go_tree->add_nodes_and_items
      node_table                     = gvt_tc_node_table
      item_table                     = gvt_tc_item_table
      item_table_structure_name      = 'MTREEITM'
      failed                         = 1
      cntl_system_error              = 3
      error_in_tables                = 4
      dp_error                       = 5
      table_structure_name_not_found = 6.
If the internal table has more than 1 record getting dump...Runtime Errors         MESSAGE_TYPE_X
Plase let me know how to overcome the problem..
Edited by: RajasekharReddy Nevali on Nov 29, 2010 3:43 PM
Edited by: Neil Gardiner on Nov 30, 2010 12:41 PM

Hi ,
U can undestand the code and one more thing dynamically display record for automcally here i am using root nodes please look at that one Same requiremtn i done previously.
cLEAR item.
  item-node_key = c_nodekey-root.    "partner1
  item-item_name = c_column-column1.
  item-class = cl_gui_column_tree=>item_class_text.
  item-alignment = cl_gui_column_tree=>align_at_top.
  item-font = cl_gui_column_tree=>item_font_prop.
  item-text = 'APPLICATION'.
  item-length = 30.
  APPEND item TO item_table.
  DATA:lv_name TYPE tv_itmname VALUE '1',
       lv_nkey TYPE i,
       lv_nkey2 TYPE i,
       lv_nkey_c TYPE string,
       lv_nkey_c2 TYPE string,
       lv_nkey_c3 TYPE string,
       lv_nkey_c4 TYPE string,
       lv_itmkey TYPE i,
       lv_itmkey_c TYPE string,
************************************************LOOP FOR APPLICATION*********
  LOOP AT i_otypes INTO wa_otypes.
    read table it_appl into wa_appl with key appl = wa_otypes-applic." BINARY SEARCH.
          if sy-subrc = 0.
            lv_apdes = wa_appl-text1.
    lv_nkey_c = sy-tabix.
    CONDENSE lv_nkey_c.
    CONCATENATE 'N' lv_nkey_c INTO lv_nkey_c.
    node-node_key = lv_nkey_c.
    node-relatkey = c_nodekey-root.
    node-relatship = cl_gui_list_tree=>relat_last_child.
    node-isfolder = 'X'.
    APPEND node TO node_table.
    CLEAR item.
    item-node_key = lv_nkey_c.
    item-item_name = c_column-column1.
    item-class = cl_gui_column_tree=>item_class_text.
    item-font = cl_gui_column_tree=>item_font_prop.
    item-text = wa_otypes-APPLIC.
    item-length = 30.
    APPEND item TO item_table.
     CLEAR item.
      item-node_key = lv_nkey_c.
      item-item_name = c_column-column2.
      item-class = cl_gui_column_tree=>item_class_text.
      item-font = cl_gui_column_tree=>item_font_prop.
      item-text = lv_apdes.
      item-length = 30.
      APPEND item TO item_table.
     v_acount = v_acount + 1.
     v_acount1 = v_acount1 + 1.
clear lv_apdes.
*****************************************LOOP FOR ARCHIV OBJECTS***************************
    loop at it_obj into wa_obj where applic = wa_otypes-applic.
      lv_nkey_c2 = SY-TABIX.
      CONDENSE lv_nkey_c2.
      CONCATENATE 'SN' lv_nkey_c2 INTO lv_nkey_c2.
      node-node_key = lv_nkey_c2.
      node-relatkey = lv_nkey_c.
      node-relatship = cl_gui_list_tree=>relat_last_child.
      node-isfolder = 'X'.
      APPEND node TO node_table.
      CLEAR item.
      item-node_key = lv_nkey_c2.
      item-item_name = c_column-column1.
      item-class = cl_gui_column_tree=>item_class_text.
      item-font = cl_gui_column_tree=>item_font_prop.
      item-text = wa_obj-object.
      item-length = 30.
      APPEND item TO item_table.
      CLEAR item.
      item-node_key = lv_nkey_c2.
      item-item_name = c_column-column2.
      item-class = cl_gui_column_tree=>item_class_text.
      item-font = cl_gui_column_tree=>item_font_prop.
      item-text = wa_obj-objtext.
      item-length = 30.
      APPEND item TO item_table.
****count all object for final displaying*******
     v_ocount1 = v_ocount1 + 1.
      LV_STR = LV_STR + 1.
*********************LOOP FOR ARCH OBJECT ALL PROGRAMS*******************************************
  read table it_trdirt into wa_trdirt with key name = wa_prg-reorga_prg BINARY SEARCH.
              if sy-subrc = 0.
              lv_text = wa_trdirt-text.
      data : v_no type sy-tabix.
      v_no = v_no + 1.
      lv_nkey_c3  =  v_no.
      CONDENSE lv_nkey_c3.
      CONCATENATE 'SSN' lv_nkey_c3 INTO lv_nkey_c3.
      node-node_key = lv_nkey_c3.
      node-relatkey = lv_nkey_c2.
      node-relatship = cl_gui_list_tree=>relat_last_child.
      node-isfolder = 'X'.
      NODE-N_image =' '.
      APPEND node TO node_table.
       CLEAR NODE.
      CLEAR item.
      item-node_key = lv_nkey_c3.
      item-item_name = c_column-column1.
      item-class = cl_gui_column_tree=>item_class_text.
      item-font = cl_gui_column_tree=>item_font_prop.
      item-text = 'WRIT'."wa_PRG-REORGA_PRG.
      item-length = 30.
      APPEND item TO item_table.
      CLEAR item.
      item-node_key = lv_nkey_c3.
      item-item_name = c_column-column2.
      item-class = cl_gui_column_tree=>item_class_text.
      item-font = cl_gui_column_tree=>item_font_prop.
      item-text = 'WRITE PROGRAM'."lv_text."'WRITE PROGRAM'.
      item-length = 30.
      APPEND item TO item_table.
       clear lv_text.
************************SSSN NODE***********************
      data : v_no1 type sy-tabix.
      v_no1 = v_no1 + 1.
      lv_nkey_c4  =  v_no1.
      CONDENSE lv_nkey_c4.
      CONCATENATE 'SSSN' lv_nkey_c4 INTO lv_nkey_c4.
      node-node_key = lv_nkey_c4.
      node-relatkey = lv_nkey_c3.
      node-relatship = cl_gui_list_tree=>relat_last_child.
     node-isfolder = 'X'.
      NODE-N_image =' '.
      APPEND node TO node_table.
       CLEAR NODE.
      CLEAR item.
      item-node_key = lv_nkey_c4.
      item-item_name = c_column-column1.
      item-class = cl_gui_column_tree=>item_class_text.
      item-font = cl_gui_column_tree=>item_font_prop.
      item-text = wa_PRG-REORGA_PRG.
      item-length = 30.
      APPEND item TO item_table.
      CLEAR item.
      item-node_key = lv_nkey_c4.
      item-item_name = c_column-column2.
      item-class = cl_gui_column_tree=>item_class_text.
      item-font = cl_gui_column_tree=>item_font_prop.
      item-text = lv_text."'WRITE PROGRAM'.
      item-length = 30.
      APPEND item TO item_table.
        clear lv_text.
*******COUNT TYPE WRITE PROGRAMS****************
      V_WCOUNT = V_WCOUNT + 1.
CLEAR item.
      item-node_key = lv_nkey_c3.
      item-item_name = c_column-column3.
      item-class = cl_gui_column_tree=>item_class_text.
      item-font = cl_gui_column_tree=>item_font_prop.
      item-text = V_WCOUNT."lv_text."'WRITE PROGRAM'.
      item-length = 30.
      APPEND item TO item_table.
read table it_trdirt into wa_trdirt with key name = wa_prg-retrie_prg.
              if sy-subrc = 0.
              lv_text = wa_trdirt-text.
     CLEAR:item, NODE, lv_nkey_c3.
      v_no = v_no + 1.
      lv_nkey_c3  =  v_no.
      CONDENSE lv_nkey_c3.
      CONCATENATE 'SSN' lv_nkey_c3 INTO lv_nkey_c3.
      node-node_key = lv_nkey_c3.
      node-relatkey = lv_nkey_c2.
      node-relatship = cl_gui_list_tree=>relat_last_child.
      node-isfolder = 'X'.
      APPEND node TO node_table.
      CLEAR item.
      item-node_key = lv_nkey_c3.
      item-item_name = c_column-column1.
      item-class = cl_gui_column_tree=>item_class_text.
      item-font = cl_gui_column_tree=>item_font_prop.
      item-text = 'successful'."wa_PRG-RETRIE_PRG.
      item-length = 30.
      APPEND item TO item_table.
      CLEAR item.
      item-node_key = lv_nkey_c3.
      item-item_name = c_column-column2.
      item-class = cl_gui_column_tree=>item_class_text.
      item-font = cl_gui_column_tree=>item_font_prop.
      item-text = 'sucessful PROGRAM'.
      item-length = 60.
      APPEND item TO item_table.
*********************************SSSN NODE*******************************
     data : v_no1 type sy-tabix.
      v_no1 = v_no1 + 1.
      lv_nkey_c4  =  v_no1.
      CONDENSE lv_nkey_c4.
      CONCATENATE 'SSSN' lv_nkey_c4 INTO lv_nkey_c4.
      node-node_key = lv_nkey_c4.
      node-relatkey = lv_nkey_c3.
      node-relatship = cl_gui_list_tree=>relat_last_child.
     node-isfolder = 'X'.
      NODE-N_image =' '.
      APPEND node TO node_table.
       CLEAR NODE.
      CLEAR item.
      item-node_key = lv_nkey_c4.
      item-item_name = c_column-column1.
      item-class = cl_gui_column_tree=>item_class_text.
      item-font = cl_gui_column_tree=>item_font_prop.
      item-text = wa_PRG-RETRIE_PRG.
      item-length = 30.
      APPEND item TO item_table.
      CLEAR item.
      item-node_key = lv_nkey_c4.
      item-item_name = c_column-column2.
      item-class = cl_gui_column_tree=>item_class_text.
      item-font = cl_gui_column_tree=>item_font_prop.
      item-text = lv_text."'WRITE PROGRAM'.
      item-length = 30.
      APPEND item TO item_table.
        clear lv_text.
**********COUNT THE RELOADPR*******************
          V_WCOUNT = V_WCOUNT + 1.
CLEAR item.
      item-node_key = lv_nkey_c3.
      item-item_name = c_column-column3.
      item-class = cl_gui_column_tree=>item_class_text.
      item-font = cl_gui_column_tree=>item_font_prop.
      item-text = V_WCOUNT."lv_text."'WRITE PROGRAM'.
      item-length = 30.
      APPEND item TO item_table.
read table it_trdirt into wa_trdirt with key name = wa_prg-delete_prg.
              if sy-subrc = 0.
              lv_text = wa_trdirt-text.
     CLEAR:item, NODE, lv_nkey_c3.
      v_no = v_no + 1.
      lv_nkey_c3  =  v_no.
      CONDENSE lv_nkey_c3.
      CONCATENATE 'SSN' lv_nkey_c3 INTO lv_nkey_c3.
      node-node_key = lv_nkey_c3.
      node-relatkey = lv_nkey_c2.
      node-relatship = cl_gui_list_tree=>relat_last_child.
      node-isfolder = 'X'.
      APPEND node TO node_table.
      CLEAR item.
      item-node_key = lv_nkey_c3.
      item-item_name = c_column-column1.
      item-class = cl_gui_column_tree=>item_class_text.
      item-font = cl_gui_column_tree=>item_font_prop.
      item-text = 'DELETE'."wa_PRG-DELETE_PRG.
      item-length = 30.
      APPEND item TO item_table.
      CLEAR item.
      item-node_key = lv_nkey_c3.
      item-item_name = c_column-column2.
      item-class = cl_gui_column_tree=>item_class_text.
      item-font = cl_gui_column_tree=>item_font_prop.
      item-text = 'NAME OF DELETE PROGRAM'.
      item-length = 60.
      APPEND item TO item_table.
     data : v_no1 type sy-tabix.
      v_no1 = v_no1 + 1.
      lv_nkey_c4  =  v_no1.

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    i dont understand why should it be mandatory to fill the company code on r/3 side while initialisation!!
    But even if it is mandatory, u have to do one by one init runs on R/3 side for all company codes that you need.
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    When you want to fill the setup tables first you need to delete setup tables to avoid the duplicate entires in setup tables ( you can delete the setup tables by using t.code LBWG with application no is 02)
    In your case, the data souce is 2LIS_02_SCL for purchasing.
    when you want to delete the setup tables by using t.code LBWG with 02 application no it will delete all the purchasing related data from all the data sources like
    Before the deletion of setup tables you need to clear the delta Queues and stop the V3 jobs, which loads the data to Delta Queues (RSA7) and Update tables(LBWQ).
    you need to run the V3  jobs manually by using LBWE > Job control > and schedule the jobs until the delta queues will get 0 records. that means no data will be available in RSA7 and LBWQ
    go to SM37 to see the jobs LIS-BW-VB_APPLICATION_02,
    once the delta queues gets 0 records by running V3 Jobs manullay.
    Then remove the released state jobs > remove from schedule means delete the jobs in LBWE > Go to job control > you can delete the released jobs.
    Becuase No postings to be done in application tables, while running setuptable filling you should take some down time to fill the setup tables.( OLI*BW)  *=Application number.
    Once you clear the Queues and delete the v3 jobs, then you need to fill the setup tables after deletion of setup tables.
    once you fill the setup tables , by running intialization to BW side the delta Queue is formed for the data source in R3 side
    Now the postings can be done in R3 side, so you need schedule back the V3 jobs, which you already delted from LBWE to load the data from application tables to RSA7 or LBWQ.
    I hope this may help yoou.
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    Edited by: Rambabu velanati on Jun 9, 2010 4:52 PM

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    Hi anatuta, 
    Thanks for visiting Apple Support Communities. 
    It sounds like you are trying to upgrade your Mac to a newer version of OS X, after completing a fresh install of Snow Leopard. 
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    You may find the steps in this article helpful with finding the items:
    Mac App Store: Finding your purchased apps - Apple Support
    If you do not see the items in the Purchased section, they may be hidden:
    Hide and unhide purchases in the Mac App Store - Apple Support
    All the best,

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    I think you can follow the same procedure.  After completion of setup table filling you can check the result in RSA3.
    In case of UM, you will have the provision to load data based on specific Company codes, but if you don't have any such requirement then you can simply fill setup tables.
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    Delete some stuff to make room on the device.
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    Shipped Quantity of Product (normally zero)
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    Please find below the some of tables and fields for the PO. But from your query hope you are refering some other PO.
    Table : EKPO
    KTMNG - Target Qty
    MENGE - Open Qty
    WEPOS - Goods Receipt
    LEWED - Latest GR date
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    Header_field1 Header_field2 Item_table(with all the items for this header record)
    Header_field1 Header_field2 Item_table(with all the items for this header record)
    I am not sure how to use a table for this scenario (Should It be a nested table?).
    Please provide me some ideas.

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    I made some changes and have the following now. Can you please let me know how I can achieve page break for every BP_NUMBER.
    I have a nested table like the one below.
    Main table u2013 Has header and Items information. Every header record has some header information like BP number, name and all line items for that BP in a nested table .
    BP_NUMBER     BP_NAME           IT_ITEMS(Items table)
    BP_NUMBER     BP_NAME           IT_ITEMS
    BP_NUMBER     BP_NAME           IT_ITEMS
    To display this information I created the following
    Subform1 u2013 overflow u2013bound to $record.IT_HEADER.DATA[*] u2013 (Repeat sub form for
    |                                             each data item)
    |->Header sub form u2013 Positioned
    |     |
    |     |-> Text Field u2013 bound to BP_NUMBER
    |->Item sub form -
         |->Item Table u2013 bound to IT_ITEMS
              |->Data u2013 bound to IT_ITEMS.DATA[*] u2013(Repeat row for each data item)
    In the output BP number in the first record of IT_HEADER gets displayed and then all the Item records in IT_ITEMS for that BP get displayed. This is repeated all the records in IT_HEADER which is perfectly fine.
    Please provide me some suggestions to solve the following issues I am having
    1.     I need a page break between records of IT_HEADER. I want the new subform1 for the next header record to start in a new page. I tried conditional break option, on the only field BP number in header sub form. I have two master pages and two body pages. All the above information is in master page 2 and body page 2.  I am also not sure what to select in the TO section of the conditional break screen.
    2.     When there is an overflow in IT_ITEMS I need the Header sub form to be shown in the next page too.

  • Dynamically changing node and items properties in CL_GUI_COLUMN_TREE.

    Hello ABAP experts ,
                                            I am printing a tree with cl_gui_column_tree in which there are two checkboxes. i want to give radiobutton effect to these check boxes. i want to update second checkbox if first is ticked and vice versa . is it possible to do so ? i also have seen the standard control examples but it does not contain this functionality. I want the method that will update the node and item and how to build the tables for it . Please response wether this is possible or not.  My code is below..
        " this method handles the checkbox_change event of the tree
        " control instance
    which method should be used here in order to update the nodes and items?

    perhaps this helps:
    MESSAGE node_key TYPE 'S' display like 'E'. " display in "command line"
    MESSAGE node_key TYPE 'I' display like 'E'. " display in popup
    moreover perhaps the F1 Doku for "message" helps ?

  • Creation of a generic extractor and data source for the FAGLFLEXA table

    Hi All,
    Need to create a generic extractor and data source for the FAGLFLEXA table to support AR reporting. This table contains the necessary profit center information to perform LOB reporting against the AR data.
    Please advice on how to do this.
    Regards, Vishal

    Hi Vishal,
    Its seems a simple a work out.
    1.Go to RSO2 & choose the relevant option ie. whether you want to create Transactional DS, Master Data DS or Text DS.
    2. Name it accordingly & then create.
    3. Give description to it & then give table name FAGLFLEXA.
    4. Save it & activate. If you need it to be delta enabled then click over Delta & you can choose accordingly.
    If you still face some problem then do mail me at [email protected]
    Assign points if helpful

  • Hi i have a problem when i want to buy gem for clash of clans can u help me plz?

    Hi i have a problem when i want to buy gem for clash of clans can u help me plz?

    What happens when you try to buy them ?
    If you are getting a message to contact iTunes support then you can do so via this page and ask them why the message is appearing (these are user-to-user forums, we won't know why) : - click on Contact iTunes Store Support on the right-hand side of the page
    If it's a different problem ... ?

  • Opportunity Header and Item tables

    I am looking at the keys on the Opportunity Header and Item table which are GUIDs.
    I have the following scenario.
    1. My source table contains the Opportunity Header GUID
    2. My target table requires all the fields from the source table and some Opportunity Header and Item attributes
    I can write WHERE clause logic for my Opportunity Header attributes
    For my Opportunity item attributes I was going to introduce a count - this is not possible with Item GUID unless a part of the GUID is incremental for each line by 1 or there is a maintained field otherwise as part of the Opportunity Item which is a number representation for each line.
    Can someone advise

    In the CRMD_ORDERADM_H table you have the Opportunity GUID as well as the Object ID which is the opportunity id.  In the CRMD_ORDERADM_I table, you have the GUID and also the NUMBER_INT which is the item number.  See if you can use the item number.

  • Ratio between Fact table and Dimention table for a Infocube

    Hi All,
    How can we reduce the Ratio between Fact table and Dimention table for a Infocube below 20%.??
    please give suggestions

    Reduce Ratio??
    The Ratios are dependent on the Fact Table, and the Dimension table that is modeled for your Cube.
    You cannot change ratio individually, but can set the Line Item Dimension , provided you have only one char object is taking much space and bulky with much percentage, based on your requirement. You can always use fine tuning objects.
    Please be more specific while posting, to get right help from sdn.
    Hope it helps

  • Regarding the inbuilt log and audit tables for APEX 4.1

    When we acces the Administrator login then we can view various logs like the sql commands that have been recently fired,user list for a workspace,access to each application.Where are these data stored and fetched.Also could we get the inbuilt audit and log table for APEX 4.1 ?
    Thanks and Regards

    Please update your forum profile with a real handle instead of "935203".
    When we acces the Administrator login then we can view various logs like the sql commands that have been recently fired,user list for a workspace,access to each application.Where are these data stored and fetched.Also could we get the inbuilt audit and log table for APEX 4.1 ? This information is available through APEX views. See:
    <li>APEX views: Home > Application Builder > Application > Utilities > Application Express Views
    <li>Monitoring Activity Within a Workspace
    <li>Creating Custom Activity Reports Using APEX_ACTIVITY_LOG
    Note that the underlying logs are purged on a regular basis, so for the long term you need to copy the data to your own tables, as Martin handily suggests here.

  • Relation between BKPF and EKBE table for reversing document?

    Is there any relation between BKPF and EKBE table for reversing document when STBLG is blank in BKPF.
    How to differentiate Old Accounting document / Reverse document / New document when in BKPF-STBLG is blank for all three document and BKPF-XBLNR are same for all.

    Hi Varun,
    Table Document no (BKPF-BELNR) is link between Material document no (EKBE-BELNR). If you are looking for validating Material reversal document then please use following logic for your requirement.
    Material Document (MBLNR) & Material Document Year (MJAHR). Pass material document (MBLNR) to MSEG-SMBLN to read MSEG-MBLNR with MSEG-MJAHR to MSEG-SJAHR, if record found delete both the documents i.e. MSEG-SMBLN & MSEG-MBLNR (donu2019t consider these documents in the logic) and display Material Document No. (MSEG-MBLNR)

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