Problem with Cyrstal Report viewer in a Windows Form App Franework 4.0

I appear to have a issue with Cyrstal Reports runt-time 13.0.2000.0 in a Windows 7 64 bit environment.
Crystal Report Viewer is not displaying the report but instead is displaying the logon screen with the database name missing.
1.) App is a .net windows form app using 4.0 framework compiled in the visual studio 2010.
Compile machine has the development evironment for crystal report 13.0.2000.0 loaded. Compiled for any CPU.
The Viewer is setup to access the report using oledb conection with sql server using SQL authentication.
The Viewer works great for all enviroments except for windows 7 64 bit.

Set your project for X64 only, and note for 32 bit OS then set it for x86. It's a MSIExec issue and not CR. If MSIExec detects a 64 bit OS but your app is using 32 bits then you'll run into distribution problems.
If you are using MS SQL Server 2008 then you have to install the Client Tools and select the SQL Native 10 driver. MS doesn't support MDAC DB drivers to MS 2008. Search MS's site for more info.
You also need to install the 64 bit Client Tools for this to work on a 64 bit OS's.
If you are using SQL 2005 then you have to use the MS OLE DB Provider for SQL Server, Cr doesn't support the Native driver for 2005.
I use this configuration all the time so it should work.
Also, are you using SP 1? The GAC Assembly version always stay the same, it's the dll version we need to know.

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    You can update the parameters using Crystal Viewer 2008. I had the same problem with the "CHANGE" button being grayed out.
    Go to your Report -> Select Expert -> and now you have three choices: Record, Group, Saved Data. Put your select statement using your parameters in the Saved Data only (remove it from Record if already there).
    It works awesome and even works on dynamic parameters!

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    Thanks for your reply.
    I am on SP 9.
    I moved the block assigning the report source of the ReportViewer to the Page_Init method, but that did not change anything.
    The reports are loaded when the user clicks on a link button specifying the report that they wish to view.  In the click event of the button a method is called to set the LogOnInfo for each table of the reportsource;
    Tables  tables = reportSource.ReportDocument.Database.Tables;
    foreach ( CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine.Table table in tables ) {
    var logonInfo = table.LogOnInfo;
    logonInfo.ConnectionInfo = connectionInfo;
    table.ApplyLogOnInfo( logonInfo );
    Then all the parameters are set;
    crvReportViewer.Visible = true;
    crvReportViewer.ParameterFieldInfo = paramFields;
    crvReportViewer.ParameterFieldInfo.AddRange( equipClassParamFields );
    Session[ "CurrentReportSource" ] = crvReportViewer.ReportSource;
    Then in the Page_Init I assign the ReportSource of the ReportViewer control;
        if (Session["CurrentReportSourceId"] != null)
    crvReportViewer.ReportSource = Session["CurrentReportSource"];
    And in Page_Load;
    if ( Page.IsPostBack ) {
                    ApplicationSettings appSettings = AppConfigSettings.LoadSettings();
    connectionInfo.ServerName = appSettings.PrimarySettings.Server;
    connectionInfo.DatabaseName = appSettings.PrimarySettings.DataSource;
    connectionInfo.UserID = appSettings.PrimarySettings.UserId;
    connectionInfo.Password = appSettings.PrimarySettings.Password;
    startDate.Name = "StartDate";
    endDate.Name = "EndDate";
    trailerNumber.Name = "TrailerNumber";
    location.Name = "LocationId";
    equipClass.Name = "EquipClass";
    When in run this the reports will populate and display the first page but if I try to navigate to another page I get a error;
    Unhandled exception at line 12, column 82761 in http://localhost:63034/aspnet_client/system_web/4_0_30319/crystalreportviewers13/allInOne.js
    0x800a138f - Java Script runtime error: Unable to get property 'length' of undefined or null reference
    And on the screen there is a wait spinner.
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    You can update the parameters using Crystal Viewer 2008. I had the same problem with the "CHANGE" button being grayed out.
    Go to your Report -> Select Expert -> and now you have three choices: Record, Group, Saved Data. Put your select statement using your parameters in the Saved Data only (remove it from Record if already there).
    It works awesome and even works on dynamic parameters!

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    It will be helpful if you provide a snapshot of the output.
    Also provide the version of the DLL 'CrystalDecisions.CrystalReports.Engine'

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    Visual Studio Premium 2012.
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    Entering page number works fine to view that page Request.Form parameters sample for that (change page from page 3 to page 5):
    __CRYSTALSTATEviewer:{"0":{"rptViewLabel":"Ana Rapor", "gpTreeCurrentExpandedPaths":{}, "vCtxt":"/wEXAwUVSXNMYXN0UGFnZU51bWJlcktub3duZwUOTGFzdFBhZ2VOdW1iZXICBQUKUGFnZU51bWJlcgIC", "pageNum":2}, "common":{"width":"100%", "Height":"100%", "enableDrillDown":true, "drillDownTarget":"_self", "printMode":"Pdf", "displayToolbar":true, "pageToTreeRatio":6, "pdfOCP":true, "promptingType":"html", 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    __CALLBACKPARAM:{"tb":"gototext", "text":"5"}
    Try to view New Page does not work. Request.Form parameters sample for that (try change page from page 2 to page 3):
    __CRYSTALSTATEviewer:{"0":{"rptViewLabel":"Ana Rapor", "gpTreeCurrentExpandedPaths":{}, "vCtxt":"/wEXAwUVSXNMYXN0UGFnZU51bWJlcktub3duZwUOTGFzdFBhZ2VOdW1iZXICBQUKUGFnZU51bWJlcgIC", "pageNum":2}, "common":{"width":"100%", "Height":"100%", "enableDrillDown":true, "drillDownTarget":"_self", "printMode":"Pdf", "displayToolbar":true, "pageToTreeRatio":6, "pdfOCP":true, "promptingType":"html", 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"isOptionalPrompt":false, "allowNullValue":false, "defaultValues":[], "defaultDisplayType":1}, {"paramName":"pOrderBy", "description":"Order By", "valueDataType":"n", "value":[2], "allowCustomValue":true, "allowMultiValue":false, "allowRangeValue":false, "allowDiscreteValue":true, "isEditable":true, "usage":25, "isDataFetching":false, "attributes":{"IsDCP":false}, "isOptionalPrompt":false, "allowNullValue":false, "defaultValues":[], "defaultDisplayType":1}], "paramOpts":{"numberFormat":{"groupSeperator":".", "decimalSeperator":","}, "dateFormat":"d.M.yyyy", "timeFormat":"H:mm:ss", "dateTimeFormat":"d.M.yyyy H:mm:ss", "booleanFormat":{"true":"True", "false":"False"}, "maxNumParameterDefaultValues":"200", "canOpenAdvancedDialog":true}, "zoom":100, "zoomFromUI":false, "lastRefresh":"9.7.2014 17:47:04"}, "curViewId":"0"}
    text_viewer_toptoolbar_selectPg:2 / 5

  • Problem with the crystal viewer

    Hi there,
    I have a problem with thw crystal viewer. I have reports developped in Crystal XI that run in within the "CrystalDecision.Windows.Forms.CrystalReportViewer" object. On all computer client everything works fin except on one of them. When the print button is pressed, it gave a "Object reference not set to an instance of an object" error. Since this error is raised by the "Crystal report windows form viewer" preview window i have no idea why this occured. We tried to uninstall the viewer and reinstall it without chance.
    The only thing i can tell is that this client use a "HP deskjet 3420 series" printer. that's the only difference there is on this computer. Anyone as an idea?

    Hi Ben,
    Try moving that printer to another PC and install the print driver. If it fails there it's likely a driver issue. HP and Cr has a history of problems. Mostly it's HP drivers returning the wrong memory structure size.
    If you can find someone who is using Windows XP and Windows 2003 and see if either work. Or possibly plug the printer ina print server and see if that works.
    Next option is if you wrote the software you are running run it in debug mode and see if it captures anything when printing. If did not write it then ask the person who did to test it also.
    Next option if you want to dig deeper into the cause is go to Windows site and download a program called DebugDiag. Run this program and set it to capture crashes. It will generate a dump file which can be analyzed. It should tell you which API or function caused the crash.
    Thank you

  • The problem with forecast reports in SCOM 2012 after integration with VMM 2012

    I have problem with forecast reports in SCOM 2012 after integration with VMM 2012. All other reports (not forecasting) works fine. For example, report “Host Group Forecasting” don’t work. The report is generated, but I have error: “Subreport
    could not be shown”. I find only errors in SQL Server Reporting logs like this:
    library!ReportServer_0-13!1758!06/26/2012-18:26:23:: i INFO: RenderForNewSession('/Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.2012.Reports/Microsoft.SystemCenter.VirtualMachineManager.2012.Report.ForecastHostGroup')
    processing!ReportServer_0-13!1758!06/26/2012-18:26:28:: e ERROR: Throwing Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessingException: , Microsoft.ReportingServices.ReportProcessing.ReportProcessingException: Не удалось выполнить
    запрос для набора данных "DiskSpaceUsageForecasting". ---> Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.AdomdErrorResponseException: Execution of the managed stored procedure GetTimeSeriesForecast failed with the following error: Exception has been thrown by
    the target of an invocation..
    Query (5, 58) Parser: The syntax for '6' is incorrect.
       at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.AdomdConnection.XmlaClientProvider.Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.IExecuteProvider.ExecuteTabular(CommandBehavior behavior, ICommandContentProvider contentProvider,
    AdomdPropertyCollection commandProperties, IDataParameterCollection parameters)
       at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.AdomdCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
       at Microsoft.AnalysisServices.AdomdClient.AdomdCommand.System.Data.IDbCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
       at Microsoft.ReportingServices.DataExtensions.AdoMdCommand.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior behavior)
       at Microsoft.ReportingServices.OnDemandProcessing.RuntimeDataSet.RunEmbeddedQuery(Boolean& readerExtensionsSupported, Boolean& readerFieldProperties, List`1 queryParams, Object[] paramValues)
       --- End of inner exception stack trace ---;
    The Russian string “Не удалось
    выполнить запрос для набора данных "DiskSpaceUsageForecasting"” is translated to “Could not execute query for data set "DiskSpaceUsageForecasting"”.
    I have clean installation SCOM 2012 RU1, VMM 2012 RU1. Integration SCOM with VMM work fine.
    SQL collation for all SQL DB instances (SCOM and VMM and SCOM reporting) – “SQL_Latin1_General_CP1_CI_AS”
    SQL Analysis service: SQL collation – “Latin1_General” ; language for the server – English (United States)
    I think the problem in regional settings. By my opinion there are two possible mistakes:
    SQL collation  for all SQL DB instances. May be need use “Latin1_General_CI_AS”
    as provided by
    Need change regional setting. Question is for what (OS regional setting, SQL Analysis service settings,…) ?

    Error: Subreport could not be shown
    Opening a report for Client Security might result in the following error being displayed in one or more areas of the report: "Error: Subreport could not be shown."
    There are two possible reasons for this error:
    1. Wrong location   The reporting server is pointing to the wrong computer running SQL Server or a SQL Server instance.
    2. Insufficient permissions   The account configured (in SQL Server Reporting Services) to connect to the reporting database does not have appropriate permissions for the database.
    To determine which reason is causing the error, attempt to directly open the subreport reporting the error, by clicking the name of the subreport.
    If the reporting server is pointing to a wrong location, the report displays an error similar to the following: 
    Error message
    An error has occurred during report processing.
    Cannot create a connection to data source 'SystemCenterReporting'. Cannot open database "SystemCenterReporting" requested by the login. The login failed. Login failed for user username.
    To verify the correct SQL Server computer and instance path
    In Report Manager, navigate to the report generating the error and click the Properties tab.
    Click Data Sources and under a Shared data source, note the path.
    Open the reporting Web site. If you chose the default virtual directory for reports, the URL is: http://hostname/Reports/
    If you chose to secure the viewing of reports with HTTPS, the URL is: https://hostname/Reports/
    Click SCDW.
    In the Connection type list, ensure that Microsoft SQL Server is selected.
    In the Connection string box, ensure that the correct SQL Server computer and instance name are entered.
    A period (.) denotes the local computer.
    If the account has insufficient permissions, the report displays an error similar to the following: 
    Error message
    An error has occurred during report processing. (rsProcessingAborted) Query execution failed for data set 'DSDashboardComputersTrend'. (rsErrorExecutingCommand) EXECUTE permission denied on object 'prSAS_UX_DashboardComputersTrend', database 'SystemCenterReporting',
    schema 'dbo'.
    To determine if you are experiencing the SQL Server permissions issue
    Open the reporting Web site. If you chose the default virtual directory for reports, the URL is:http://hostname/Reportserver/
    If you chose to secure the viewing of reports with HTTPS, the URL is:https://hostname/Reportserver/
    Click Microsoft Operations Manager Reporting, click Microsoft Forefront Client Security, and scroll to DashboardComputersTrend.
    Click DashboardComputersTrend.
    If you are experiencing a SQL Server permissions issue, an error similar to the preceding error appears.
    To grant permissions to the SQL Server computer
    1. In Report Manager, click SCDW and note the account in the Connect using section. This is the account under which the database is contacted.
    2. On the server with the System Center Reporting database, start SQL Server Management Studio.
    3. In the tree, expand Security, and then expand Logins. Do one of the following:
    If the user account is listed, right-click the account, click Properties, and then go to step 5.
    If the user account is not listed, right-click Logins and choose New Login.
    4. In the Login name box, enter the user account (domain\username).
    5. In the Login Properties dialog box, click User Mapping, and then under Users mapped to this login, select the System Center Reporting check box.
    6. Under Database role membership for: System Center Reporting, select the db_owner check box, and then click OK.
    Yog Li
    TechNet Community Support

  • Problem in crystal report viewer control's toolbar "export"button using SSL

    I would like to ask. My project is using BO XI Release 2 and VS-Studio 2005. Initially my project doesn't use SSL... At that time when i view the report with crystal report viewer control and can export (using built-in toolbar "export button"). Now project is using SSL and canu2019t export the error is
    u201CInternet Explorer cannot download file from server.
    Internet Explorer was not able to open this Internet site. The requested site is either unavailable or cannot be found. Please try again later.u201D
    Actually this error can solve "Cache-control" change to "no-cache". But I donu2019t know in crystal reportu2026
    Anyone can help ???

    In Internet Explorer, go to Tools -> Internet Options -> Advanced and ensure "Do not save encrypted pages to disk" is unchecked.
    Default is to have that option checked. 
    It was considered a IE security issue that IE saves all content to temp disk location unencrypted, even those pages served by HTTPS (for example, let's say you use HTTPS to download your bank info, and it's stored to temp disk for someone else to retrieve later).  So more recent versions of IE implemented that option setting.
    How that option setting works is strange - it downloads the file, saves to disk, then deletes the copy from the disk immediately, before passing it to the application responsible for the MIME type.  So the application tries to open a directory path to a non-existing file.
    Issue is specific to IE, and it's not something you can control via the SDK.
    Ted Ueda

  • Solution Center problem with HP Office Jet J4550 and windows 7 (64bit)

    Hello All,
    I have a problem. I have the Solution Center and a HP Office Jet J4550 and windows 7 (64bit). When ever I open the solution center, the solution center says " HP office jet J4550 series disconnected" When I open HP document manager, I can access the printer.  Additionally, when I run the HP Print Diagnostic Utility 4.0, it sees the printer, no issues. I can print test pages. No issues. I downloaded the latest driver from the HP site (OJJ4500_Full_13, 299,359KB) Your insight is appreciated.
    Thank you
    Roy B

    I have a similar problem with the J4580 and my new Windows 7 64-bit laptop.  HP Solution Center says that the printer is disconnected.  Furthermore, it can print some documents (short ones), but it was unable to print a 1-page 5MB pdf file.  The printer truncated the page after printing just the top 10%.   The printer is OK with my wife's Windows 7 32-bit laptop.
    I've seen many other people complain about similar problems in this and other forums.  Apparently the driver for J4500 printers is not compatible with Windows 7 64-bit.  Can HP please provide an updated driver or patch?

  • Problem with Local DCs View in NWDS 7.0

    I' ve got a problem with Local DCs view in NWDS: None of the standard-DCs (BI_MMR, BI_UDI, CAF a.s.o.) can be expanded and show their content. I already reinstalled IDE, but without success.
    Has anybody got an idea?
    Thanks a lot in advance!

    This is due to some files missed in Local development.
    Let me know Are you able to see <b>.confdef, .syncdb</b> and <b>buildvariant.config </b> files under Local Developement.
    If you are not able to see, UnInstall your NWDS, Remove Local developement under .dtc folder, then Re-Install NWDS.
    Hope this will help you.
    Thanks & Regards

  • Problem with Local DCs View in NWDS

    I' ve got a problem with Local DCs view in NWDS: None of the standard-DCs (BI_MMR, BI_UDI, CAF a.s.o.) can be expanded and show their content. I already reinstalled IDE, but without success.
    Has anybody got an idea?
    Thanks a lot in advance!

    Your setup might be incomplete: The SAR file extraction creates very long paths on your filesystem. If you do not extract to the rootfolder of disk, chances are the paths become too long and the installation exits, without any warning.
    If this is not the cause of your problem, check if the .dcdef files for the local DCs (plugin if I'm correct) were copied during installation.

  • Problem with two monitors while using Photoshop, windows move from 2nd screen to 1st screen.

    Problem with two monitors while using Photoshop, windows move from 2nd screen to 1st screen.
    I saved a new workspace and it did not help.
    No problem before I went to Maverick.

    I found the fix, go to System Preferences and open Mission Control and uncheck the box to keep monitors as they were (When switching to an application...........)

  • Problem with pdf chrome viewer and javascript

    I have a problem with chrome pdf viewer. We have created a form with acrobat 9 pro, this form contains a javascript. When the form is printed or saved the javascript checks that all the mandatiry fields are completed and displays a message if some fields are uncompleted. The chrome pdf viewer doesn't display the warning message when the form is saved, and doesn't display the check box included in the warning message pop up to confirm that the user accepts to print the form. The control is correct with FF et IE
    Thanks for your help

    There are many PDF viewers. Adobe's, third party downloads, things that come with systems (Apple Preview, Microsoft 8 Reader), things built into browsers (Chrome, Firefox...) Adobe's software understands the full set of JavaScript. Some ignoresJavaScript altogether. Some do selected JavaScript. This is a bit of a mess, but nothing can be done about it EXCEPT that you can demand your users use Adobe Reader. Whether they actually will depends on how important your needs are to them.

  • Problems with a report generated as PDF

    I am having a problem with my report when it is generated as a PDF file from the reports server. A space is added soon after the letter w in all the words where there is letter w; for example, the word awake appears as aw ke, will appears as w ill, etc. Does anyone know how to fix this problem? I am using Reports 11g. Thanks.

    In layout change the font (Redo font) thru menu option (Not Font) Format -> Font >Western.
    This may solve your problem...
    user8655468 wrote:
    I am having a problem with my report when it is generated as a PDF file from the reports server. A space is added soon after the letter w in all the words where there is letter w; for example, the word awake appears as aw ke, will appears as w ill, etc. Does anyone know how to fix this problem? I am using Reports 11g. Thanks.

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