Problem with JAD file!

Hello all,
I'm having a wee bit of a problem with a mobile app I wrote.
When I port it to my phone via bluetooth it works fine, but when I try to download it using it's JAD file that's when I get into trouble. So I presume its the JAD file that's the problem.
The jar file seems to download fine, but when it finishes downloading it says "*Invalid Application*" and then quits..
Below is my JAD file, any thoughts??
MIDlet-Jar-Size: 128539
MIDlet-1: Box,,com.blah.util.Box
MIDlet-Vendor: Blah Inc.
MIDlet-Name: Blah Box
MIDlet-Icon: /logo.png
MIDlet-Version: 1.0.0
MicroEdition-Configuration: CLDC-1.1
MicroEdition-Profile: MIDP-2.0

Yeah everything matches up!
Could it have something to do with the string encoding? I created the file in ANSI format? Would this have an effect on it?

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    sorry thats the auto reply message from yahoo email.
    i've disabled it now
    thing is, there is no DRO jpg to download from the camera
    its only ARW. so my understanding is when i use DRO setting, the camera makes changes to the ARW than lightroom somehow reads this from the ARW.
    but then sadly reverts it to no DRO settings.
    because i notice if i take normal picture in raw mode its dark but if i apply dro to it, it comes out brighter, yet when i d/l the image from camera to lightroom, which is an ARW - there are no jpgs. lightroom decides to mess it up
    so in reality there is no point in using DRO because when i upload it lightroom removes it.
    is there a way to tell lightroom to preserve the jpg preview as it first sees it.
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    what do i need to do to prevent lightroom from ruining the image? if it was good in the first place.

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              File file = fc.getSelectedFile();
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                   textArea2.append("Local URL:");
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              byte buff[]=new byte[(int)file.length()];
              InputStream fileIn=new FileInputStream(aa);
              String conffile=new String(buff);
              String str1=textArea10.getText();
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         urlConn.setDoOutput (true);
         urlConn.setUseCaches (false);
         printout = new DataOutputStream (urlConn.getOutputStream ());
    String content ="-----------------------------7d11e410e500f2\r\n"+"Content-Disposition: form-data;"+"name=\"upload\"; filename=\""+aa+"\"\r\n"+"Content-Type: application/octet-strem\r\n\r\n\r\n"+conffile+"-----------------------------7d11e410e500f2--\r\n";
    printout.flush ();
    printout.close ();
    Best Regards

    The errors are here:
              byte buff[]=new byte[(int)file.length()];
              InputStream fileIn=new FileInputStream(aa);
              String conffile=new String(buff); (conffile is a String object containing the image)
    and here:
    String content ="-----------------------------7d11e410e500f2\r\n"+"Con
    ent-Disposition: form-data;"+"name=\"upload\";
    printout.writeBytes(content);conffie is sent to the server but
    it's non possible to treat binary data as String!
    Image files must be sent as byte[] NOT as String ......

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    There is an old form , which was not in use from many days.
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      UNAME VARCHAR2(30);
    select user_CD INTO :GLOBAL.USER_ID from apuserma 
    where user_CD = :TI_USER_NAME AND user_PASSWD = :IT_USER_PASSWD
    :global.user_id  := substr(win_api_environment.read_registry('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\system\currentcontrolset\control\computername\computername','computername'),1,10);
    :global.compname := :compname;
      when no_data_found then
      MESSAGE('Incorrect Username or Password.  Please Re-Enter');
      message(' ');
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    Error 201 at line 10, column 28
    identifier 'WIN_API_ENVIRONMENT.READ_REGISTRY' must be declared.
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    Thank You.
    Oracle forms builder 6i.
    Oracle 9i.

    Vijetha wrote:
    I also want to know what is the use of  win_api_environment.read_registry('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\system\currentcontrolset\control\computername\computername','computername') ??
    What does it do??
    If i comment the following line , will it be a problem??
    :global.user_id  := substr(win_api_environment.read_registry('HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\system\currentcontrolset\control\computername\computername','computername'),1,10);
    Because i commented the above line & compiled, so it is not giving any error now.
    So please tell me what win_api_environment.read_registry does??
    it's read windows registry value. So, no problem if you comment it.

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    Welcome to the Support Communities!
    The following information should help you with this:
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  • Problem with URL File download

    Hi every one i am facing a problem with URL File read Technique
    import java.awt.Color;
    import javax.swing.JFrame;
    import javax.swing.JLabel;
    import javax.swing.JPanel;
    import javax.swing.JProgressBar;
    public class JarDownloader
         boolean isSuccess = false;
         public JarDownloader(String url)
         public boolean isDownloadingSuccess()
              return isSuccess;
         private File deleteExistingFile(String filename)
              File jarf = new File(filename);
              return jarf;
         public static void main(String args[]){
              new JarDownloader("url/filename.extension");
         private void downloadJar(String url)
                   URL jarurl = new URL(url);
                   URLConnection urlc = jarurl.openConnection();
                   InputStream inst = urlc.getInputStream();
                   int totlength = urlc.getContentLength();
                   System.out.println("Total length "+totlength);
                   // If the size is less than 10 kb that means the linkis wrong
                   if(totlength<=10*1024)throw new Exception("Wrong Link");
                   JFrame jw =new JFrame("Livehelp-Download");
                   JPanel jp =new JPanel();
                   JLabel jl = new JLabel("Downloading required file(s)...",JLabel.CENTER);
                   JProgressBar jpbar = new JProgressBar(0,totlength);
                   int readlngth=0;
                   int position=0;
                   byte[] readbytes = new byte[totlength];
                   while(totlength-position > 0)
                        readlngth =,position,totlength-position);
                   File jarf = deleteExistingFile(filename);
                   //FileWriter fwriter=new FileWriter(jarf,true);
                   FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(jarf,true);
                   DataOutputStream dout = new DataOutputStream(fout);
              }catch(Exception ex)
    }From the above code i received the total length of the PAGE content (i.e here url is a file) when i tried to find the size of that file it return -1.
    please help me

    I think the real problem is that you don't check the return value from read (it's probably less than data.length indicating an incomplete read). Isn't there a readFully somewhere?

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    Oh, my website (page in question!) can be found here:
    Thanks in advance for all your valuable help
    Kind regards
    12 G4 Powerbook/Superdrive. (she's named Skates!) Mac OS X (10.4.4)

    It sounds like the server the website/file is hosted on is not identifying the type correctly. As you've seen, different browsers will handle this situation differently.
    Have a read of this article:
    Hope that helps.

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    What kind of problems?
    Have you recently upgraded to iCloud Drive on your iOS devices with iOS 8?
    Be aware, be careful, be prepared for iCloud Drive | TUAW: Apple news, reviews and how-tos since 2004

  • Error: There is a problem with the file and it cannot be copied

    I've been trying to copy (and essentially move) the contents of an NTFS-formatted external HDD to my iMac's internal HDD so I can then format the external HDD to Mac OS Extended. However, when I simply try to drag and drop, I get an error during the transfer that states:
    There is a problem with the file and it cannot be copied.
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    Any ideas on how I can successfully copy a large amount of data (approx. 170GB) from my external HDD to my internal HDD while avoiding this error, so I can ultimately format my external HDD to Mac OS Extended? ANY help is greatly appreciated.

    That's not a good error to see. It indicates something is very wrong. Pulled out of an old programming header file:
    ioErr = -36, /*I/O error (bummers)*/
    If Apple labelled it "bummers," they had a good reason! Unfortunately, that doesn't bode well for you.
    Try running Disk Utility again. Keep repairing over and over until one of two things happens: 1) Disk Utility says no repair was needed, or 2) Disk Utility reports the same error in two sequential repair sessions and is unable to repair it both times.
    If you hit the second case, or if you hit the first but still can't copy files, then you've got two basic options:
    = Buy a third-party disk utility or two and try them. Try TechTool as a first choice.
    = Recover what files you can and write the rest off as gone.
    = Send your drive to a data recovery service and hope they can extract more than you can.
    Of course, none of this is necessary if you have a backup of the contents of that hard drive. (If you don't, this is your learning experience. Once bitten, twice shy, so they say.) Also, regardless of the outcome, once you've got your data or have decided it's gone, you're going to want to wipe that drive completely clean. Reformat the drive with Disk Utility, then when it's done, select the drive in Disk Utility and hit command-i. (Don't select the new volume you just created on that drive, select the drive itself. Mine looks like "232.9 GB Hitachi ..." with the volume name indented underneath.) Look for an item that says S.M.A.R.T. Status, and if it doesn't say Verified, you might as well throw out the drive. Don't trust any more data to it.
    If all appears safe, you can start moving data back onto it. But, as always, make sure you have a backup of everything!

  • SFTP MGET of large files fails - connection closed - problem with spool file

    I have a new SFTP job to get files from an FTP Server.  The files are large (80mg, 150mg).  I can get smaller files from the ftp site with no issue, but when attempting the larger files the job completes abnormally after 2 min 1 sec. each time.  I can see the file is created on our local file system with 0 bytes, then when the FTP job fails, the 0 byte file is deleted.
    Is there a limit to how large an ftp file can be in Tidal?  How long an ftp job can run?
    The error in the job audit is Problem with spool file for job XXXX_SFTPGet and an exit code of 127 (whatever that is).
    In the log, the error is that the connection was closed.  I have checked with the ftp host and their logs show that we are disconnecting unexpectedly also.
    Below is an excerpt from the log
    DEBUG [SFTPMessage] 6 Feb 2015 14:17:33.055 : Send : Name=SSH_FXP_STAT,Type=17,RequestID=12
    DEBUG [SSH2Channel] 6 Feb 2015 14:17:33.055 : Transmit 44 bytes
    DEBUG [ChannelDataWindow] 6 Feb 2015 14:17:33.055 : Remote window size decreased to 130808
    DEBUG [PlainSocket] 6 Feb 2015 14:17:33.071 : RepeatCallback received 84 bytes
    DEBUG [SSH2Connection] 6 Feb 2015 14:17:33.071 : ProcessPacket pt=SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA
    DEBUG [SFTPMessageFactory] 6 Feb 2015 14:17:33.071 : Received message (type=105,len=37)
    DEBUG [SFTPMessageStore] 6 Feb 2015 14:17:33.071 : AddMessage(12) - added to store
    DEBUG [SFTPMessage] 6 Feb 2015 14:17:33.071 : Reply : Name=SSH_FXP_ATTRS,Type=105,RequestID=12
    DEBUG [SFTPMessage] 6 Feb 2015 14:17:33.071 : Send : Name=SSH_FXP_OPEN,Type=3,RequestID=13
    DEBUG [SSH2Channel] 6 Feb 2015 14:17:33.071 : Transmit 56 bytes
    DEBUG [ChannelDataWindow] 6 Feb 2015 14:17:33.071 : Remote window size decreased to 130752
    DEBUG [PlainSocket] 6 Feb 2015 14:17:33.087 : RepeatCallback received 52 bytes
    DEBUG [SSH2Connection] 6 Feb 2015 14:17:33.087 : ProcessPacket pt=SSH_MSG_CHANNEL_DATA
    DEBUG [SFTPMessageFactory] 6 Feb 2015 14:17:33.087 : Received message (type=102,len=10)
    DEBUG [SFTPMessageStore] 6 Feb 2015 14:17:33.087 : AddMessage(13) - added to store
    DEBUG [SFTPMessage] 6 Feb 2015 14:17:33.087 : Reply : Name=SSH_FXP_HANDLE,Type=102,RequestID=13
    DEBUG [SFTPMessage] 6 Feb 2015 14:17:33.087 : Send : Name=SSH_FXP_READ,Type=5,RequestID=14
    DEBUG [SSH2Channel] 6 Feb 2015 14:17:33.087 : Transmit 26 bytes
    DEBUG [ChannelDataWindow] 6 Feb 2015 14:17:33.087 : Remote window size decreased to 130726
    DEBUG [PlainSocket] 6 Feb 2015 14:17:33.118 : RepeatCallback received 0 bytes
    DEBUG [SFTPChannelReceiver] 6 Feb 2015 14:17:33.118 : Connection closed:  (code=0)
    ERROR [SFTPMessageStore] 6 Feb 2015 14:17:33.118 : Disconnected unexpectedly ( [errorcode=0])
    ERROR [SFTPMessageStore] 6 Feb 2015 14:17:33.118 : EnterpriseDT.Net.Ftp.Ssh.SFTPException:  [errorcode=0]
    ERROR [SFTPMessageStore] 6 Feb 2015 14:17:33.118 :    at EnterpriseDT.Net.Ftp.Ssh.SFTPMessageStore.CheckState()
    ERROR [SFTPMessageStore] 6 Feb 2015 14:17:33.118 :    at EnterpriseDT.Net.Ftp.Ssh.SFTPMessageStore.GetMessage(Int32 requestId)

    I believe there is a limitation on FTP and what you are seeing is a timeout built into the 3rd party application that tidal uses (I feel like it was hardcoded and it would be a big deal to change but this was before Cisco purchased tidal)  there may have been a tagent.ini setting that tweaks that but I can't find any details.
    We wound up purchasing our own FTP software (ipswitch MOVEit Central & DMZ) because we also had the need to host as well as Get/Put to other FTP sites. It now does all our FTP and internal file delivery activity (we use it's api and call from tidal if we need to trigger inside a workflow)

  • We have a mac laptop and dont have any problems with pdf files but our imac will not open them.  any suggestions

    we have a mac laptop and dont have any problems with pdf files but our imac will not open them.  any suggestions?

    Back up all data.
    In the Finder, select Go ▹ Go to Folder from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-G. Copy the line of text below into the box that opens, and press return:
    /Library/Internet Plug-ins
    From the folder that opens, remove any items that have the letters “PDF” in the name. You may be prompted for your login password. Then quit and relaunch Safari, and test.
    If you still have the issue, repeat with this line:
    ~/Library/Internet Plug-ins
    If you don’t like the results of this procedure, restore the items from the backup you made before you started. Relaunch Safari again.

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    I am having a problem with a file system repository, and setting up user mapping for that repository.
    I have done the following:
    Created a File System Repository
    Created a Network Path
    Created a System (Including the alias)
    Now when I go into User Administration and select my user the is no user mapped systems to select.
    All this system is doing is connecering to a folder on our File System.
    Any help would be great as this is really frustrating!

    I am using EP7 Stack 11 and unfortunately the only options I have are:
    It is currently set to admin, user and does not seem to work!
    Message was edited by:
            Phil Wade

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