Problem with mysql

I'm trying to develop a simple as3 flash program that passes a collection a variables and returns a result based on the filtered results of a mysql table. Here is my as3 file:
import flash.text.TextField;
import flash.display.MovieClip;
XML.ignoreComments = true;
XML.ignoreProcessingInstructions = true;
var dummy:int = 2;
var dummy1:int = 1;
var dummy2:int = 1;
var dummy3:int = 2;
var test:int = 10;
var dum1:int = 1;
var dowstart:String;
var season:String;
var dowstop:String;
var questions:TextField = new TextField();
questions.textColor = 0xff0000;
questions.x = 30;
questions.y = 20;
questions.autoSize =  TextFieldAutoSize.LEFT ;
questions.text=("\t\t\t" + "PLEASE ENTER OR SELECT YOUR FACILITY'S" + "\n\n\n" + "PEAK LOAD:" + "\t\t\t\t" + "kilowatts" + "\n\n" + "HOURS OF OPERATION:" + "\n\n" + "DAY'S OF OPERATION:" + "\n\n" + "SEASONS OF HIGHEST CONSUMPTION:" + "\n\n\n\t\t\t" + "GIVEN 10 MINUTE NOTICE, YOUR FACILITY COULD" + "\n\n\n" + "COMFORTABLY CURTAIL:" + "\t\t\t\t\t" + "kilowatts" + "\n\n" + "FOR:"  + "\t\t" + "hours" + "\n\n\n\t\t" + "GIVEN 30 MINUTE NOTICE, YOUR FACILITY COULD" + "\n\n\n" + "COMFORTABLY CURTAIL:"+ "\t\t\t\t\t" + "kilowatts"  + "\n\n" + "FOR:"  + "\t\t" + "hours" );
var peak:TextField = new TextField();
peak.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
peak.border = true;
peak.x = 115;
peak.y = 52;
peak.height = 18;
peak.width = 60;
peak.textColor = 0xff0000;
peak.backgroundColor = 0xCCCCCC;
peak.alpha = .1;
peak.background = true;
peak.wordWrap = true;
peak.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, over1)
function over1(e:MouseEvent) {
peak.alpha = .4;
peak.background = true;
peak.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, out1)
function out1(e:MouseEvent) {
peak.background = false;
var starttime:TextField = new TextField();
starttime.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
starttime.border = true;
starttime.x = 175;
starttime.y = 78;
starttime.height = 18;
starttime.width = 20;
starttime.textColor = 0xff0000;
starttime.backgroundColor = 0xCCCCCC;
starttime.alpha = .1;
starttime.text = "9"
starttime.background = true;
starttime.wordWrap = true;
starttime.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, over2)
function over2(e:MouseEvent) {
starttime.alpha = .4;
starttime.background = true;
starttime.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, out2)
function out2(e:MouseEvent) {
starttime.background = false;
var stoptime:TextField = new TextField();
stoptime.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
stoptime.border = true;
stoptime.x = 250;
stoptime.y = 78;
stoptime.height = 18;
stoptime.width = 20;
stoptime.textColor = 0xff0000;
stoptime.backgroundColor = 0xCCCCCC;
stoptime.alpha = .1;
stoptime.text = "5"
stoptime.background = true;
stoptime.wordWrap = true;
stoptime.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, over3)
function over3(e:MouseEvent) {
stoptime.alpha = .4;
stoptime.background = true;
stoptime.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, out3)
function out3(e:MouseEvent) {
stoptime.background = false;
var am1:TextField = new TextField();
am1.border = true;
am1.x = 196;
am1.y = 80;
am1.height = 18;
am1.width = 40;
am1.textColor = 0x00ff00;
am1.alpha = .4;
am1.text = "AM";
am1.wordWrap = true;
am1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, over4)
am1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, out4)
am1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, click4)
function over4(e:MouseEvent) {
am1.alpha = .7;
function out4(e:MouseEvent) {
if (dummy == 2) {
am1.alpha = .8
am1.alpha = .4
function click4(e:MouseEvent) {
if (dummy == 1){
am1.alpha = .9
am1.textColor = 0x00ff00;
pm1.textColor = 0xff0000;
pm1.alpha = .4;
dummy = 2
else if (dummy == 2){
am1.textColor = 0xff0000;
am1.alpha = .4;
dummy = 1
var pm1:TextField = new TextField();
pm1.border = true;
pm1.x = 220;
pm1.y = 80;
pm1.height = 18;
pm1.width = 40;
pm1.textColor = 0xff0000;
pm1.alpha = .4;
pm1.text = "PM";
pm1.wordWrap = true;
pm1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, over5)
pm1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, out5)
pm1.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, click5)
function over5(e:MouseEvent) {
pm1.alpha = .7;
function out5(e:MouseEvent) {
if (dummy1 == 2) {
pm1.alpha = .8
pm1.alpha = .4
function click5(e:MouseEvent) {
if (dummy1 == 1){
pm1.alpha = .9
pm1.textColor = 0x00ff00;
am1.textColor = 0xff0000;
am1.alpha = .4;
dummy1 = 2
else if (dummy1 == 2){
pm1.textColor = 0xff0000;
pm1.alpha = .4;
dummy1 = 1
var am2:TextField = new TextField();
am2.border = true;
am2.x = 272;
am2.y = 80;
am2.height = 18;
am2.width = 40;
am2.textColor = 0xff0000;
am2.alpha = .4;
am2.text = "AM";
am2.wordWrap = true;
am2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, over6)
am2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, out6)
am2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, click6)
function over6(e:MouseEvent) {
am2.alpha = .7;
function out6(e:MouseEvent) {
if (dummy2 == 2) {
am2.alpha = .8
am2.alpha = .4
function click6(e:MouseEvent) {
if (dummy2 == 1){
am2.alpha = .9
am2.textColor = 0x00ff00;
pm2.textColor = 0xff0000;
pm2.alpha = .4;
dummy2 = 2
else if (dummy2 == 2){
am2.textColor = 0xff0000;
am2.alpha = .4;
dummy2 = 1
var pm2:TextField = new TextField();
pm2.border = true;
pm2.x = 296;
pm2.y = 80;
pm2.height = 18;
pm2.width = 40;
pm2.textColor = 0x00ff00;
pm2.alpha = .4;
pm2.text = "PM";
pm2.wordWrap = true;
pm2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OVER, over7)
pm2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.MOUSE_OUT, out7)
pm2.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, click7)
function over7(e:MouseEvent) {
pm2.alpha = .7;
function out7(e:MouseEvent) {
if (dummy3 == 2) {
pm2.alpha = .8
pm2.alpha = .4
function click7(e:MouseEvent) {
if (dummy3 == 1){
pm2.alpha = .9
pm2.textColor = 0x00ff00;
am2.textColor = 0xff0000;
am2.alpha = .4;
dummy3 = 2
else if (dummy3 == 2){
pm2.textColor = 0xff0000;
pm2.alpha = .4;
dummy3 = 1
var to1:TextField = new TextField();
to1.text = "to";
to1.textColor = 0xff0000;
to1.y = 105;
to1.x = 290;
var myArray:Array = new Array();
for (var i:int = 0; i<10; i++){
   var mc:TextField = new TextField();
mc.x = 160 + 16 * i;
mc.y = 105;
mc.textColor = 0xff0000;
   // then add a reference to it to the array.
myArray[1].text = "S";
myArray[2].text = "M";
myArray[3].text = "T";
myArray[4].text = "W";
myArray[5].text = "T";
myArray[6].text = "F";
myArray[7].text = "S";
var myArray1:Array = new Array();
for (var J:int = 0; J<10; J++){
   var mc1:TextField = new TextField();
mc1.x = 300 + 16 * J;
mc1.y = 105;
mc1.textColor = 0xff0000;
   // then add a reference to it to the array.
myArray1[1].text = "S";
myArray1[2].text = "M";
myArray1[3].text = "T";
myArray1[4].text = "W";
myArray1[5].text = "T";
myArray1[6].text = "F";
myArray1[7].text = "S";
myArray[1].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clicker)
function clicker(e:MouseEvent) {
dowstart = "S";
myArray[1].textColor = 0x00ff00;
myArray[2].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clicker1)
function clicker1(e:MouseEvent) {
dowstart = "M";
myArray[2].textColor = 0x00ff00;
myArray[3].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clicker2)
function clicker2(e:MouseEvent) {
dowstart = "T";
myArray[3].textColor = 0x00ff00;
myArray[4].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clicker3)
function clicker3(e:MouseEvent) {
dowstart = "W";
myArray[4].textColor = 0x00ff00;
myArray[5].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clicker4)
function clicker4(e:MouseEvent) {
dowstart = "TH";
myArray[5].textColor = 0x00ff00;
myArray[6].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clicker5)
function clicker5(e:MouseEvent) {
dowstart = "F";
myArray[6].textColor = 0x00ff00;
myArray[7].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clicker6)
function clicker6(e:MouseEvent) {
dowstart = "SA";
myArray[7].textColor = 0x00ff00;
myArray1[1].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickera)
function clickera(e:MouseEvent) {
dowstop = "S";
myArray1[1].textColor = 0x00ff00;
myArray1[2].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickera1)
function clickera1(e:MouseEvent) {
dowstop = "M";
myArray1[2].textColor = 0x00ff00;
myArray1[3].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickera2)
function clickera2(e:MouseEvent) {
dowstop = "T";
myArray1[3].textColor = 0x00ff00;
myArray1[4].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickera3)
function clickera3(e:MouseEvent) {
dowstop = "W";
myArray1[4].textColor = 0x00ff00;
myArray1[5].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickera4)
function clickera4(e:MouseEvent) {
dowstop = "TH";
myArray1[5].textColor = 0x00ff00;
myArray1[6].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickera5)
function clickera5(e:MouseEvent) {
dowstop = "F";
myArray1[6].textColor = 0x00ff00;
myArray1[7].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickera6)
function clickera6(e:MouseEvent) {
dowstop = "SA";
myArray1[7].textColor = 0x00ff00;
var myArray4:Array = new Array();
for (var M:int = 0; M<4; M++){
   var textli:TextField = new TextField();
textli.x = 280 + 60 * M;
textli.y = 128;
textli.textColor = 0xff0000;
   // then add a reference to it to the array.
myArray4[0].text = "Winter";
myArray4[1].text = "Spring";
myArray4[2].text = "Summer";
myArray4[3].text = "Fall";
myArray4[0].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickerab3)
function clickerab3(e:MouseEvent) {
season = "Winter" + ' ' + season;
myArray4[0].textColor = 0x00ff00;
myArray4[1].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickerab4)
function clickerab4(e:MouseEvent) {
season = "Spring" + ' '+ season;
myArray4[1].textColor = 0x00ff00;
myArray4[2].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickerab5)
function clickerab5(e:MouseEvent) {
season = "Summer" + ' '+ season;
myArray4[2].textColor = 0x00ff00;
myArray4[3].addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, clickerab6)
function clickerab6(e:MouseEvent) {
season = "Fall"+ ' ' + season;
myArray4[3].textColor = 0x00ff00;
var curt:TextField = new TextField();
curt.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
curt.border = true;
curt.x = 200;
curt.y = 198;
curt.height = 18;
curt.width = 60;
curt.textColor = 0xff0000;
curt.backgroundColor = 0xCCCCCC;
curt.alpha = .1;
curt.background = true;
curt.wordWrap = true;
curt.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, onter)
function onter(e:MouseEvent) {
curt.alpha = .4;
curt.background = true;
curt.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, outterr)
function outterr(e:MouseEvent) {
curt.background = false;
var mincurt:TextField = new TextField();
mincurt.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
mincurt.border = true;
mincurt.x = 65;
mincurt.y = 223;
mincurt.height = 18;
mincurt.width = 20;
mincurt.textColor = 0xff0000;
mincurt.backgroundColor = 0xCCCCCC;
mincurt.alpha = .1;
mincurt.background = true;
mincurt.wordWrap = true;
mincurt.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, oveeee2)
function oveeee2(e:MouseEvent) {
mincurt.alpha = .4;
mincurt.background = true;
mincurt.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, outtttt)
function outtttt(e:MouseEvent) {
mincurt.background = false;
var curter:TextField = new TextField();
curter.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
curter.border = true;
curter.x = 200;
curter.y = 298;
curter.height = 18;
curter.width = 60;
curter.textColor = 0xff0000;
curter.backgroundColor = 0xCCCCCC;
curter.alpha = .1;
curter.background = true;
curter.wordWrap = true;
curter.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, onter1)
function onter1(e:MouseEvent) {
curter.alpha = .4;
curter.background = true;
curter.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, outterr1)
function outterr1(e:MouseEvent) {
curter.background = false;
var mincurter:TextField = new TextField();
mincurter.type = TextFieldType.INPUT;
mincurter.border = true;
mincurter.x = 65;
mincurter.y = 323;
mincurter.height = 18;
mincurter.width = 20;
mincurter.textColor = 0xff0000;
mincurter.backgroundColor = 0xCCCCCC;
mincurter.alpha = .1;
mincurter.background = true;
mincurter.wordWrap = true;
mincurter.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OVER, oveeeeeeee2)
function oveeeeeeee2(e:MouseEvent) {
mincurter.alpha = .4;
mincurter.background = true;
mincurter.addEventListener(MouseEvent.ROLL_OUT, outtterert)
function outtterert(e:MouseEvent) {
mincurter.background = false;
         submit_button.addEventListener(MouseEvent.CLICK, doButton);
function doButton(anEvent:MouseEvent):void
   var myData1:URLRequest = new URLRequest("/phptest.php");
         myData1.method = URLRequestMethod.POST;
         var vars1:URLVariables = new URLVariables(); 
         vars1.peak = test;
  vars1.starttime = starttime.text;
   vars1.stoptime = stoptime.text;
   vars1.ampm1 = dummy;
   vars1.ampm2 = dummy3;
   vars1.dowstart = dowstart;
   vars1.dowstop = dowstop;
   vars1.curt1 = curt.text;
   vars1.mincurt = mincurt.text;
   vars1.curter = curter.text;
   vars1.mincurter = mincurter.text; = vars1;
         var loader1:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
         loader1.dataFormat = URLLoaderDataFormat.VARIABLES;
var externalXML:XML;
var loader2:URLLoader = new URLLoader();
var request:URLRequest = new URLRequest("/phptest.php");
loader2.addEventListener(Event.COMPLETE, onComplete);
function onComplete(event:Event):void
var loader2:URLLoader = as URLLoader;
if (loader2 != null)
externalXML = new XML(;
jon.text = (externalXML.toXMLString());
trace("loader is not a URLLoader!");
  My phptest.php file is:
$test = $_POST['peak'];
$test2 = $_POST['starttime'];
$test3 = $_POST['stoptime'];
$test4 = $_POST['ampm1'];
$test5 = $_POST['ampm2'];
$test6 = $_POST['dowstart'];
$test7 = $_POST['dowstop'];
$test8 = $_POST['curt1'];
$test9 = $_POST['mincurt'];
$test10 = $_POST['curter'];
$test11 = $_POST['mincurter'];
$wow = 1;
$wow1 = 17;
$link = mysql_connect("","brimelowstore","listeriusA1" );
$query = "SELECT * FROM pjm WHERE hour > $wow AND '$test4' < '$test5'";
$results = mysql_query($query);
echo "<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>\n";
$line = mysql_fetch_assoc($results);
echo "expected value:" . array_sum($line)*20/count($line) ;
No value is returned. If I replace with '$test4' and '$test5' with numbers such as 1 and 17, a value is returned. Where am I making a mistake?

i didn't go through all your code (and i'm not sure anyone will go through all that in a forum) but at the end i see two calls to a php file.  which is the problematic call and where are you adding the variables that need to be sent to your urlloader?

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    This happens to be an Oracle forum.
    Oracle is not akin to MySQL in any fashion.
    Please use Google to find a MySQL forum.
    Sybrand Bakker
    Senior Oracle DBA

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    Huh? DAOs abstract your data access layer away from the specific underlying implementation.
    Unless you fancy writing an HQL implementation that can liaise with flat files (or whatever you're swapping it for) there's no way you can just swap Hibernate out for something else otherwise.
    Whereas if you put Hibernate behind a decent set of DAOs you can easily do this. So they don't have much in common. It's true that you can generate DAOs using Hibernate, but that's (a) not the same thing and (b) not a great idea.

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    INNER JOIN tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_societa ON tbl_tesserati.idtbl_tesserati = tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_societa.id_tesserato
    INNER JOIN tbl_cariche ON      tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_societa.id_carica = tbl_cariche.idtbl_cariche
    INNER JOIN tbl_qualifiche ON      tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_societa.id_qualifica = tbl_qualifiche.idtbl_qualifiche
    INNER JOIN tbl_discipline ON      tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_societa.id_disciplina = tbl_discipline.idtbl_discipline
    INNER JOIN tbl_societa ON      tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_societa.id_societa = tbl_societa.idtbl_societa
    LEFT JOIN tbl_province ON tbl_societa.provincia_sede_sociale = tbl_province.idtbl_province
    LEFT JOIN tbl_comuni ON tbl_societa.comune_sede_sociale = tbl_comuni.idtbl_comuni
    LEFT JOIN tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_praticate ON tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_praticate.tessera_id=
    LEFT JOIN tbl_discipline_praticate ON tbl_discipline_praticate.idtbl_disciplina_praticate=tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_praticate.disciplina_praticata_id
    tbl_tesserati.cognome LIKE ?
    AND tbl_tesserati.nome LIKE ?
    AND tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_societa.id_societa LIKE ?
    AND tbl_tesserati.idtbl_tesserati LIKE ?
    AND tbl_cariche.idtbl_cariche LIKE ?
    AND tbl_qualifiche.idtbl_qualifiche LIKE ?
    AND tbl_tesserati.data_nascita >= ?
    AND tbl_tesserati.data_nascita<= ?
    AND tbl_discipline.idtbl_discipline LIKE ?
    AND codice_affiliazione LIKE ?
    AND tbl_societa.denominazione LIKE ?
    AND YEAR(tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_societa.data_scadenza) LIKE ?
    AND (tbl_province.nome LIKE ? OR tbl_province.nome IS NULL)
    AND ( tbl_comuni.nome LIKE ? OR tbl_comuni.nome IS NULL)
    The tbl_tesserati.data_nascita is a mysql date field.
    The click event handler code for the "Details" Button is:
    public String btnModificaTesserato_action() {
                TableRowDataProvider rowData= (TableRowDataProvider)getBean("currentRowTesserati");
            } catch(Exception ex) {
                log("errore nella query",ex);
            return "dettaglioTesseratoSocieta";
        }When i run the project and open the page the table is correctly rendered and populated with some rows. But when i click on details button nothing happens, the page is simply reloaded.
    If i set a breakpoint in the code line   TableRowDataProvider rowData= (TableRowDataProvider)getBean("currentRowTesserati");the debbuger does not stop the code execution ! As if the button was never clicked!
    I tried to modify the source query to :
    SELECT tbl_tesserati.idtbl_tesserati idTesserato,
    FROM tbl_tesserati
    INNER JOIN tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_societa ON tbl_tesserati.idtbl_tesserati = tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_societa.id_tesserato
    INNER JOIN tbl_cariche ON      tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_societa.id_carica = tbl_cariche.idtbl_cariche
    INNER JOIN tbl_qualifiche ON      tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_societa.id_qualifica = tbl_qualifiche.idtbl_qualifiche
    INNER JOIN tbl_discipline ON      tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_societa.id_disciplina = tbl_discipline.idtbl_discipline
    INNER JOIN tbl_societa ON      tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_societa.id_societa = tbl_societa.idtbl_societa
    LEFT JOIN tbl_province ON tbl_societa.provincia_sede_sociale = tbl_province.idtbl_province
    LEFT JOIN tbl_comuni ON tbl_societa.comune_sede_sociale = tbl_comuni.idtbl_comuni
    LEFT JOIN tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_praticate ON tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_praticate.tessera_id=
    LEFT JOIN tbl_discipline_praticate ON tbl_discipline_praticate.idtbl_disciplina_praticate=tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_praticate.disciplina_praticata_id
    tbl_tesserati.cognome LIKE ?
    AND tbl_tesserati.nome LIKE ?
    AND tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_societa.id_societa LIKE ?
    AND tbl_tesserati.idtbl_tesserati LIKE ?
    AND tbl_cariche.idtbl_cariche LIKE ?
    AND tbl_qualifiche.idtbl_qualifiche LIKE ?
    AND tbl_tesserati.data_nascita >= ?
    OR tbl_tesserati.data_nascita<= ?
    AND tbl_discipline.idtbl_discipline LIKE ?
    AND codice_affiliazione LIKE ?
    AND tbl_societa.denominazione LIKE ?
    AND YEAR(tbl_rel_tesserato_discipline_societa.data_scadenza) LIKE ?
    AND (tbl_province.nome LIKE ? OR tbl_province.nome IS NULL)
    AND ( tbl_comuni.nome LIKE ? OR tbl_comuni.nome IS NULL)
    Using this query everything works well !! The click handler works and the debugger too !!
    I changed only the AND in OR !!!
    I also tried to change mysql-x-x-connector driver but without solving my problem.
    Can someone help me ?

    You'll find that it is more to do with the way MySql deals with dates than anything else! Depending on how your date field is setup, then try using a BETWEEN statement for those 2 lines in your first query e.g.
    AND ( tbl_tesserati.data_nascita BETWEEN ? AND ?)
    The date column needs to be in the ISO format to work. If you examine your second query output, you might discover that the output is only going to refer to one parameter (probably the OR one). Did you manage to view the output logs from the application server? You would have got an idea from there with a message like stating a conversion error'.
    Alternatively, you could try using the to_days() function and convert it directly to a number which would be a lot easier to deal with. For example:
    AND to_days(tbl_tesserati.data_nascita >= ? )
    AND to_days( tbl_tesserati.data_nascita<= ? )
    Or try the BETWEEN version with to_days() and see what you get.
    More info about date formatting (v5) here:
    Before I forget, sometimes you may need to treat dates as Strings rather 'Long' as you did.
    As a matter of interest, did you try your query in a different piece of software?
    If my queries are a little more complicated, I tend to try MySql queries out in the free MySql query browser and also double check in another to verify certain issues. I found it easier to develop SQL in a seperate program then import the final version to JSC making the required modifications for parameters.
    Message was edited by:

  • Strange problem with MySQL database

    I'm totally puzzled by a strange error occurring with PHP/MySQL on my website... I hope someone has got an idea of what's going on and can let me know.
    In short, I have a MySQL database set up on the remote server where the website is hosted. Some pages of my website access this database with PHP.
    If the website is viewed with a browser in Windows (Firefox), it works well, the database data appear on the pages.
    If the website is viewed with a browser on Mac OS (Firefox, Safari), it doesn't work: the database isn't accessed, I get no error, just everything on the page below my PHP code is missing.
    I've attached two screenshots to show this. The website URL is:
    The pages were this occurs are: the home page (index.php and alternative index2.php), the Abous us/News page and the About us/News/Archives page.
    I really don't get where my mistake is. I would like to keep the remote server connexion details outside the root folder, but I guess that if there is no solution to this problem, then I'll have to move it back (I think it might have worked like that).
    Thanks in advance for any comment,
    More details
    I'm using DW CS4 on Windows XP emulated via VMware on Mac OS 10.5 (don't ask why, I wasn't given any choice). I've set up a localhost server on XP via XAMP and the news database is also there.
    Because I'm currently flipping often between the testing server and the remote server, I quickly got fed up to change all the time the connexion mode to the database (localhost or remote server) and have to resynchronise the files each time. Hence I decided to automate a bit the way the database is connected to.
    1. These 4 HTML pages with PHP code have got the below two lines when the PHP code starts:
    $pathpfx = "../.."; // see mysqlconnexion.php
    2. mysqlconnexion.php (see code below) calls a "connexion" file (in PHP) depending on the value of one parameter ($conxchoice). If $conxchoice = 1, the "connexion" file on the localhost is called. If $conxchoice = 2, the "connexion" file on the remote server is called. I've stored the appropriate version of mysqlconnexion.php on the localhost and the remote server (and I have checked it a million of times, they're in the right place).
    // This code is called by and therefore included in the code of some PHP pages,
    // independently of where the pages are located within the website folder.
    // - Connexion to local server: I couldn't get the function include_once to work
    //   with a relative path, hence the use of an absolute path.
    // - Connexion to host server: I couldn't get the function include_once to work
    //   with an absolute path, hence the use of a relative path. This leads to the
    //   following problem: the path of conxsrv.php needs to be adapted to the
    //   position of the calling PHP page within the website, in order for
    //   conxsrv.php to be found on the server (it is located outside the website
    //   root folder). The variable $pathpfx is used for this purpose.
    $conxchoice = 2; // connect to 1 = testing server, 2 = host server
    // Connexion to database
    if ( $conxchoice == 1 )
    { include_once('C:\xampp\htdocs\CERC\assets_testing_server_only\conxloc.php'); }
    if ( $conxchoice == 2 )
    { include_once("$pathpfx/cgi-bin/sqlconx/conxsrv.php"); }
    I would guess that a first hint of solution lies in the comment block, but I've really tried everything I could think of to work with relative path/absolute path respectively, unsuccessfully.
    3. The "connexion" file looks like:
    # FileName="Connection_php_mysql.htm"
    # Type="MYSQL"
    # HTTP="true"
    $hostname_conx = "aaa";
    $database_conx = "bbb";
    $username_conx = "ccc";
    $password_conx = "ddd";
    $conx = mysql_pconnect($hostname_conx, $username_conx, $password_conx) or trigger_error(mysql_error(),E_USER_ERROR);
    With aaa, bbb, ccc and ddd the appropriate value depending on the file. The # lines were introduced by DW when these files were created (I've then changed the variable names and moved the files to another place).

    Well, my question has actually not been answered yet but the problem, as strangely as it appeared, has now disappeared. Best but scariest of all, I didn't do anything. Weird.
    Hope it never comes back,

  • Problem with mysql dirver loading

    hello friends ,
    iam using Mysql of 4.1 version and the MysqlConnector 3.0..4
    when i execute a program with the command
    java -classpath .;/root/8/20/mysql-connector-java-3.0.14-production/mysql-connector-java-3.0.14-production-bin.jar
    it gives the error as
    bash: /root/8/20/mysql-connector-java-3.0.14-production/mysql-connector-java-3.0.14-production-bin.jar: Permission denied
    so what permisssons should i have iam loged in as root iam using redhat linux 9.0
    so how to execute that one
    with regards
    rama kanth

    $ chmod 755 /root/8/20/mysql-connector-java-3.0.14-production/mysql-connector-java-3.0.14-production-bin.jar
    This is not a java problem though...

  • Problems with datagrid from FXP, I did something, but I got problems with mysql...

    Good night My name is Michel.
    Right!, I have a challenge to myself. that is to relearn flash builder, I have a few years without touching it or anything.
    But I still have the ease of get these new things added.
    Going straight to the point, as I am Brazilian, some things from the file will be in Portuguese, I hope you can help me! I appreciate it. Well, I'm creating a Datagrid, this Datagrid was done in FXP, and imported into the FB, I did some workarounds and got where I wanted, only that there are problems.
    the scheme is this:
    MySQL database = NoticiasService
    Connected by Zend / PHP.
    Everything right until here.
    I have the file main.mxml> DatalistSinspebNoticias.mxml> DatalistSinspebNoticiasRepeatedItemSkin.mxml - just here.
    I will not make a closed file (FXP), because my file is just a mess and only I understand the way it was organized.
    The problem is:
    The datagrid is infinite, I want to limit it to eight items repeated.
    The link does not work with "TextConverter" to "HTML"
    FB lives showing me glitches.
    then I will initiate an implementation of other applications, such as adding data to the DB, and Update DB. Thanks Folks!
    Main.mxml ------------------------------------------------------------------------->
    <?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
    <s:Application xmlns:ATE=""
                                     width="100%" height="100%" backgroundColor="#FFFFFF" preloaderChromeColor="#FFFFFF"
                                     fc:previewHeight="380" fc:previewWidth="430">
              <fx:Style source="Main.css"/>
                                  protected function list1_creationCompleteHandler(event:FlexEvent):void
                                            getAllNoticiasResult.token = noticiasService.getAllNoticias();
                        <s:CallResponder id="getAllNoticiasResult"/>
                        <noticiasservice:NoticiasService id="noticiasService" showBusyCursor="true"/>
              <fx:DesignLayer d:id="2" d:userLabel="Layer 1">
                        <s:List id="list1" x="10" y="8"
                                            skinClass="components.DataListSinspebNoticias" labelField="conteudo_nt">
                                  <s:AsyncListView list="{getAllNoticiasResult.lastResult}"/>
    DatalistSinspebNoticias.mxml ------------------------------------------------------------------------->
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:Skin xmlns:s="library://"
                        width="407" height="374">
                        <s:State name="normal"/>
                        <s:State name="disabled"/>
              <s:DataGroup id="dataGroup" x="0" y="0" width="407" height="353" clipAndEnableScrolling="true"
                                             height.normal="374" buttonMode.normal="true">
                                  <s:VerticalLayout gap="1"/>
    DatalistSinspebNoticiasRepeatedItemSkin.mxml ------------------------------------------------------------------------->
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <s:ItemRenderer xmlns:s="library://"
                                            width="402" height="39" autoDrawBackground="false">
                                  import flashx.textLayout.conversion.ConversionType;
                                  import flashx.textLayout.conversion.TextConverter;
                        <s:State name="normal"/>
                        <s:State name="hovered"/>
                        <s:State name="selected"/>
              <s:Rect x="5" y="3" width="78" height="32">
                                  <s:SolidColor color="#01557C"/>
                                  <s:SolidColorStroke caps="none" color="#96F2FF" joints="miter" miterLimit="4" weight="2"/>
              <s:Rect d:id="3" x="85.5" y="0.5" width="315" height="37" flm:variant="1"
                                  x.hovered="86" y.hovered="1">
                                  <s:LinearGradient x="157.5" y="0" scaleX="32" rotation="90">
                                            <s:GradientEntry ratio="0" color="#FFFFFF"/>
                                            <s:GradientEntry ratio="0.488676" color="#E0EEF9"/>
                                            <s:GradientEntry ratio="1" color="#D6E9F7"/>
                                  <s:SolidColorStroke caps="none" color="#666666" joints="miter" miterLimit="4" weight="1"
                                                                                    color.hovered="#999999" weight.hovered="2"
              <s:Rect d:userLabel="Item Highlight Rectangle" x="5" y="0" width="396" height="33" alpha="0">
                                  <s:SolidColor color="0xCED7EE"/>
              <s:RichText  x="20" y="12" width="48" height="14" ai:aa="2"
                                            color="#FFFFFF" columnCount="1" fontFamily="Myriad Pro" fontSize="14" kerning="on"
                                            tabStops="S0" text="{data.datada_nt}" flm:variant="2" whiteSpaceCollapse="preserve"/>
              <s:RichText x="89.95" y="8" width="309" height="24" ai:aa="2" color="#000000" columnCount="1"
                                            fontFamily="Arial Narrow" fontSize="11" kerning="on"
                                            tabStops="S0 S50 S100 S150 S200 S250 S300"
                                            textFlow="{TextConverter.importToFlow(data.conteudo_nt, TextConverter.TEXT_FIELD_HTML_FORMAT)}"
                                            flm:variant="3" whiteSpaceCollapse="preserve"
                                            buttonMode.normal="false" lineThrough.normal="false">
                                  <s:GlowFilter alpha="1.0" blurX="0" blurY="0" color="#000000" inner="false"
                                                                  knockout="false" quality="2" strength="1"/>
              <s:Path includeIn="hovered" x="0.35" y="12.35" data="M 12.40 7.15 L 0.03 14.29 0.03 0.01 Z ">
                                  <s:SolidColorStroke caps="none" color="#666666" joints="miter" miterLimit="4" weight="1"/>
                                  <s:LinearGradient rotation="90">
                                            <s:GradientEntry color="#FFFFFF" ratio="0"/>
                                            <s:GradientEntry color="#E0EEF9" ratio="0.488676"/>
                                            <s:GradientEntry color="#D6E9F7" ratio="1"/>

    The following says how to restore from backup.
    iOS: How to back up
    If you go to iTunes>Preferences>Devices you can see if you have an iTunes backup. You need one dated before or the exact time you started the restore.

  • Problem with Mysql DataBase

    hi all,
    I am new to this topic,so could any one please help me on this problem.
    How to Connect MySQL database with java ,
    I am getting errors with Driver and data source.
    which ODBC data source (user DSN,system DSN or file DSN ....)
    So please help me how to set the driver settings and how to connect it.
    If you have any example ....
    please post it

    sorry! this is the right one..
    import java.sql.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class MYSQL
    String url = "jdbc:mysql:databaseName";
    Connection con = DriverManager.getConnection (url, "loginID", "password");
    Statement stmt = con.createStatement();
    ResultSet rs = stmt.executeQuery("SELECT * from javatest");
    while( {
    int pid = rs.getInt(1);
    String name = rs.getString(2);
    String address = rs.getString(3);
    String city = rs.getString(4);
    String state = rs.getString(5);
    String zip = rs.getString(6);
    String email = rs.getString(7);

  • Jdbc connectivity problem with mySql

    Could anyone plz help me in solving this problem-
    there are total 3 databases on our site. 2 are old and the 3rd one we created after we installed the new version of mysql(4.1) . Now, we can connect thru over jsp pages to the old databases but when we connect it to the new (3rd ) one it throws the following exception-
    �Java.sql.SQLException: Due to underlying Exception : ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException.44 Server connection failure during transaction. Attempted reconnect 3 times. Giving up �
    Though the data in the new database is same as in the first database becoz it was just created for testing purpose.
    Is this issue anything to do with the privleges in mysql .plz help........

    is this problem related to privleges as i just checked my phpAdmin and there i found this warning-
    �Warning: Your privilege table structure seem to be older than this MySQL version!
    Please run the script mysql_fix_privilege_tables that should be included in your MySQL server distribution to solve this problem! �
    plz HELP

  • Problems with mysql after update to php 5.3

    Hi everyone,
    I know I am not the only one having trouble with that upgrade but so far I still have some issues.
    I have read the news about the update and the wiki. I use apache, php, mysql and phpmyadmin.
    After the update, I installed php-apache, php-mcrypt and used php.ini.pacnew to do my new configuration.
    Everything works fine except mysql.
    I have a weird problem that is that I can access and do whatever I want to databases with phpmyadmin but as soon as I try to connect to the mysql database with php code then my browser tells me that the page can't be loaded and that "the connection terminated unexpectedly". What is the problem ? Am I the only one in this situation ?
    Thanks for your time !

    Here it is, that's the error log of httpd:
    [Sun Sep 27 17:25:07 2009] [notice] child pid 2006 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
    [Sun Sep 27 19:40:32 2009] [error] [client] File does not exist: /srv/http/favicon.ico
    [Sun Sep 27 19:40:36 2009] [error] [client] File does not exist: /srv/http/favicon.ico
    [Sun Sep 27 19:40:37 2009] [error] [client] PHP Warning:  date(): It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. You are *required* to use the date.timezone setting or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected 'Europe/Berlin' for 'CEST/2.0/DST' instead in /home/yms/projects/homepage/yms/index.php on line 60, referer: http://localhost/~yms/
    [Sun Sep 27 19:40:37 2009] [error] [client] PHP Warning:  date(): It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. You are *required* to use the date.timezone setting or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected 'Europe/Berlin' for 'CEST/2.0/DST' instead in /home/yms/projects/homepage/yms/index.php on line 73, referer: http://localhost/~yms/
    [Sun Sep 27 19:40:37 2009] [error] [client] PHP Warning:  date(): It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. You are *required* to use the date.timezone setting or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected 'Europe/Berlin' for 'CEST/2.0/DST' instead in /home/yms/projects/homepage/yms/index.php on line 60, referer: http://localhost/~yms/
    [Sun Sep 27 19:40:37 2009] [error] [client] PHP Warning:  date(): It is not safe to rely on the system's timezone settings. You are *required* to use the date.timezone setting or the date_default_timezone_set() function. In case you used any of those methods and you are still getting this warning, you most likely misspelled the timezone identifier. We selected 'Europe/Berlin' for 'CEST/2.0/DST' instead in /home/yms/projects/homepage/yms/index.php on line 73, referer: http://localhost/~yms/
    [Sun Sep 27 19:40:37 2009] [error] [client] File does not exist: /srv/http/favicon.ico
    [Sun Sep 27 19:40:38 2009] [notice] child pid 2003 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
    [Sun Sep 27 19:40:38 2009] [notice] child pid 2577 exit signal Segmentation fault (11)
    And that's the access log in case it is useful: - - [27/Sep/2009:19:40:32 +0200] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 788 - - [27/Sep/2009:19:40:32 +0200] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 1085 - - [27/Sep/2009:19:40:32 +0200] "GET /icons/blank.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 148 - - [27/Sep/2009:19:40:32 +0200] "GET /icons/folder.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 225 - - [27/Sep/2009:19:40:36 +0200] "GET /~yms HTTP/1.1" 301 368 - - [27/Sep/2009:19:40:36 +0200] "GET /~yms/ HTTP/1.1" 200 1150 - - [27/Sep/2009:19:40:36 +0200] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 1085 - - [27/Sep/2009:19:40:36 +0200] "GET /icons/back.gif HTTP/1.1" 200 216 - - [27/Sep/2009:19:40:37 +0200] "GET /favicon.ico HTTP/1.1" 404 1085
    And thanks for trying to help me ;-)

  • Now a problem with MySQL

    They told me that i might find a solution for my problem here.
    here is the problem:-
    Thank u

    The path to the mysqlsecureinstallation script is probably hidden away in /usr/local/mysql/bin. Still, you shouldn't be running any kind of public MySQL server from your Mac. You don't need to bother with that script.

  • Problem with mySQL and Java

    I have a quite annoying problem.....!
    I use the getText() method to extract characters from a textfield pass them as a string and then using an INSERT store them in the database. When i am entering in the textfield something like the word - Java - everything is ok. When i am entering something like - Java Deceloper's Guide - the connection with the database fails.....!!! I have found that the problem is with the use of the apostrophe ( ' )!!
    Anyway to ovecome this???
    Thanx in advance!

    Thanx again!
    It worked!!!!
    By the way this was quite a stupid (i think) issue with JDBC, nevermind.

  • SQL Query problems with Mysql - possible Java bug

    I have a query that works fine on mysql, but does not work in my jsp page.... my db connection and all that jazz is fine.
    select somefields from table order by (integerfield / doublefield)
    two notes... the query works without the order by. And the query works with the order by when I'm working directly with the db. Any ideas? This is driving me nuts!!!!

    Nevermind, just a dumb mistake... finally figured it out.

  • Problem with MySQL - WLS61:General error: select command denied to user: '' for table 'finess'

    I've been trying to adapt and deploy an enterprise appliaction developped and deployed
    before under JBoss.
    My database is MySQL and I use Together Control Center for development and hot deployment.
    After having modified a lot of things (the seamless protability seems always sor
    far :), now I get some strange error when deploying from withing Together Control
    Center 6.0:
    WLS61:General error: select command denied to user: '[email protected]' for table
    Off course the user foo has all possible and imaginable rights.
    Does anybody have an idea on how to get around it ?

    Found the answer... email that went to junk mail. Hope this helps others!
    Hello Subscription User,
     Thanks for choosing ClearDB for your database needs. We appreciate your business and 
     your interest in our services. Our commitment to all of our customers is that we 
     provide a high quality of service on all of our database systems. Part of that 
     commitment includes the enforcement of database size quotas in order to ensure 
     the highest quality of service for our customers.
     As such, we're sending you this automated message regarding one of your databases:
     Database: wp____
     Tier/Plan: Mercury
     Tier size quota: 20 MB
     This database has either reached or has exceeded its maximum allowed size for the 
     'Mercury' plan/tier that it currently belongs to. As such, our systems were forced to 
     place a read-only lock on it. We kindly encourage you to upgrade your database 
     to a larger tier/plan so that we can restore write privileges and enable complete 
     access to it from your account.
     If you feel that you have received this notification in error, please feel free 
     to contact us by replying to this email along with information that you feel may 
     assist us in assessing the situation with your database.
     Thanks again for choosing ClearDB,
     The ClearDB Team

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