Problem with some actions of a page in the ie

the page is built on Studio Creator 2.1 in Fedora 4, when i run in ff work's fine. But, in the ie, some actions doesn't work well: what happens is that all the actions are redirected to another page's application!
i think that it could be javascript incopatibility, for example i have a table component in the page, and when i click on the button(header table) for order rowgroup, i'm redirected to another page.
ie version - 6.0
windows 2000 server
i don't know what to do.

JSP Code
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<jsp:root version="1.2" xmlns:f="" xmlns:h="" xmlns:jsp="" xmlns:ui="">
    < contentType="text/html;charset=UTF-8" pageEncoding="UTF-8"/>
        <ui:page binding="#{tarefa.page1}" id="page1">
            <ui:html binding="#{tarefa.html1}" id="html1">
                <ui:head binding="#{tarefa.head1}" id="head1">
                    <ui:link binding="#{tarefa.link1}" id="link1" url="/resources/stylesheet.css"/>
                <ui:body binding="#{tarefa.body1}" id="body1" style="-rave-layout: grid">
                    <ui:form binding="#{tarefa.form1}" id="form1" target="_self">
                        <div style="height: 126px; left: 72px; top: 24px; position: absolute; width: 702px">
                            <jsp:directive.include file="cabecalho.jspf"/>
                        <div style="left: 72px; top: 558px; position: absolute">
                            <jsp:directive.include file="rodape.jspf"/>
                        <div style="height: 306px; left: 72px; top: 144px; position: absolute; width: 144px">
                            <jsp:directive.include file="menu1.jspf"/>
                        <ui:label binding="#{tarefa.label1}" id="label1" style="left: 220px; top: 150px; position: absolute" text="Cadastro/Manutencao de Tarefas"/>
                        <ui:staticText binding="#{tarefa.staticText1}" id="staticText1" style="left: 240px; top: 170px; position: absolute" text="Data:"/>
                        <ui:staticText binding="#{tarefa.staticText2}" id="staticText2" style="left: 240px; top: 210px; position: absolute" text="S�rie:"/>
                        <ui:staticText binding="#{tarefa.staticText3}" id="staticText3" style="left: 240px; top: 230px; position: absolute" text="Disciplina:"/>
                        <ui:staticText binding="#{tarefa.staticText4}" id="staticText4" style="left: 240px; top: 250px; position: absolute" text="Descricao:"/>
                        <ui:calendar binding="#{tarefa.dtTarefa}" dateFormatPattern="yyyy-MM-dd" id="dtTarefa" style="height: 18px; left: 300px; top: 170px; position: absolute; width: 108px"/>
                        <ui:dropDown binding="#{tarefa.cmbSerie}" converter="#{tarefa.integerConverter1}" id="cmbSerie"
                            items="#{tarefa.serieDataProvider.options[',serie.serie']}" style="height: 18px; left: 300px; top: 210px; position: absolute; width: 198px"/>
                        <ui:dropDown binding="#{tarefa.cmbDisciplina}" converter="#{tarefa.integerConverter2}" id="cmbDisciplina"
                            items="#{tarefa.disciplinaDataProvider.options[',disciplina.disciplina']}" style="height: 18px; left: 300px; top: 230px; position: absolute; width: 198px"/>
                        <ui:textArea binding="#{tarefa.txtDesc}" id="txtDesc" style="height: 36px; left: 300px; top: 250px; position: absolute; width: 200px"/>
                        <ui:button action="#{tarefa.btnNovo_action}" binding="#{tarefa.btnNovo}" id="btnNovo"
                            style="left: 239px; top: 290px; position: absolute" text="Novo"/>
                        <ui:button action="#{tarefa.btnEditar_action}" binding="#{tarefa.btnEditar}" id="btnEditar"
                            style="left: 299px; top: 290px; position: absolute" text="Editar"/>
                        <ui:button action="#{tarefa.btnAtualizar_action}" binding="#{tarefa.btnAtualizar}" id="btnAtualizar"
                            style="left: 359px; top: 290px; position: absolute" text="Atualizar"/>
                        <ui:button action="#{tarefa.btnCancelar_action}" binding="#{tarefa.btnCancelar}" id="btnCancelar"
                            style="left: 439px; top: 290px; position: absolute" text="Cancelar"/>
                        <ui:messageGroup binding="#{tarefa.messageGroup1}" id="messageGroup1" style="height: 88px; left: 522px; top: 180px; position: absolute; width: 250px"/>
                        <ui:hiddenField binding="#{tarefa.op}" id="op"/>
                        <ui:hiddenField binding="#{}" id="id"/>
                        <ui:table augmentTitle="false" binding="#{tarefa.table1}" id="table1" lite="true" paginationControls="true"
                            style="height: 126px; left: 234px; top: 324px; position: absolute" width="540">
                            <script language="javascript1.2" type="text/javascript"><![CDATA[
/* ----- Functions for Table Preferences Panel ----- */
* Toggle the table preferences panel open or closed
function togglePreferencesPanel() {
  var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
/* ----- Functions for Filter Panel ----- */
* Return true if the filter menu has actually changed,
* so the corresponding event should be allowed to continue.
function filterMenuChanged() {
  var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
  return table.filterMenuChanged();
* Toggle the custom filter panel (if any) open or closed.
function toggleFilterPanel() {
  var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
  return table.toggleTableFilterPanel();
/* ----- Functions for Table Actions ----- */
* Initialize all rows of the table when the state
* of selected rows changes.
function initAllRows() {
  var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
* Set the selected state for the given row groups
* displayed in the table.  This functionality requires
* the 'selectId' of the tableColumn to be set.
* @param rowGroupId HTML element id of the tableRowGroup component
* @param selected Flag indicating whether components should be selected
function selectGroupRows(rowGroupId, selected) {
  var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
  table.selectGroupRows(rowGroupId, selected);
* Disable all table actions if no rows have been selected.
function disableActions() {
  // Determine whether any rows are currently selected
  var table = document.getElementById("form1:table1");
  var disabled = (table.getAllSelectedRowsCount() > 0) ? false : true;
  // Set disabled state for top actions
  // Set disabled state for bottom actions
                            <ui:tableRowGroup binding="#{tarefa.tableRowGroup1}" id="tableRowGroup1" rows="3" sourceData="#{tarefa.tarefaDataProvider1}" sourceVar="currentRow">
                                <ui:tableColumn binding="#{tarefa.tableColumn1}" id="tableColumn1" width="53">
                                    <ui:button action="#{tarefa.button1_action}" binding="#{tarefa.button1}" id="button1" text="#{currentRow.value['']}"/>
                                <ui:tableColumn binding="#{tarefa.tableColumn2}" headerText="Data" id="tableColumn2" sort="" width="177">
                                    <ui:staticText binding="#{tarefa.staticText6}" id="staticText6" text="#{currentRow.value['']}"/>
                                <ui:tableColumn binding="#{tarefa.tableColumn5}" headerText="Descricao" id="tableColumn5" sort="tarefa.descricao" width="189">
                                    <ui:staticText binding="#{tarefa.staticText9}" id="staticText9" text="#{currentRow.value['tarefa.descricao']}"/>
                                <ui:tableColumn binding="#{tarefa.tableColumn6}" headerText="Serie" id="tableColumn6" sort="serie.serie">
                                    <ui:staticText binding="#{tarefa.staticText10}" id="staticText10" text="#{currentRow.value['serie.serie']}"/>
                                <ui:tableColumn binding="#{tarefa.tableColumn7}" headerText="Disciplina" id="tableColumn7" sort="disciplina.disciplina">
                                    <ui:staticText binding="#{tarefa.staticText11}" id="staticText11" text="#{currentRow.value['disciplina.disciplina']}"/>
                                <ui:tableColumn binding="#{tarefa.tableColumn8}" id="tableColumn8">
                                    <ui:button action="#{tarefa.button2_action}" binding="#{tarefa.button2}" id="button2" text="Delete"/>
</jsp:root>java code
package cmsgeracao;
import com.sun.rave.web.ui.appbase.AbstractPageBean;
import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.Body;
import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.Form;
import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.Head;
import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.Html;
import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.Link;
import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.Page;
import javax.faces.FacesException;
import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.Label;
import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.StaticText;
import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.Calendar;
import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.DropDown;
import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.TextArea;
import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.Button;
import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.Table;
import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.TableRowGroup;
import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.TableColumn;
import javax.faces.convert.IntegerConverter;
import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.MessageGroup;
import com.sun.rave.web.ui.component.HiddenField;
import java.util.Date;
import java.util.GregorianCalendar;
import com.sun.rave.web.ui.model.DefaultTableDataProvider;
* <p>Page bean that corresponds to a similarly named JSP page.  This
* class contains component definitions (and initialization code) for
* all components that you have defined on this page, as well as
* lifecycle methods and event handlers where you may add behavior
* to respond to incoming events.</p>
public class tarefa extends AbstractPageBean {
    // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Creator-managed Component Definition">
    private int __placeholder;
     * <p>Automatically managed component initialization.  <strong>WARNING:</strong>
     * This method is automatically generated, so any user-specified code inserted
     * here is subject to being replaced.</p>
    private void _init() throws Exception {
    private Page page1 = new Page();
    public Page getPage1() {
        return page1;
    public void setPage1(Page p) {
        this.page1 = p;
    private Html html1 = new Html();
    public Html getHtml1() {
        return html1;
    public void setHtml1(Html h) {
        this.html1 = h;
    private Head head1 = new Head();
    public Head getHead1() {
        return head1;
    public void setHead1(Head h) {
        this.head1 = h;
    private Link link1 = new Link();
    public Link getLink1() {
        return link1;
    public void setLink1(Link l) {
        this.link1 = l;
    private Body body1 = new Body();
    public Body getBody1() {
        return body1;
    public void setBody1(Body b) {
        this.body1 = b;
    private Form form1 = new Form();
    public Form getForm1() {
        return form1;
    public void setForm1(Form f) {
        this.form1 = f;
    private Label label1 = new Label();
    public Label getLabel1() {
        return label1;
    public void setLabel1(Label l) {
        this.label1 = l;
    private StaticText staticText1 = new StaticText();
    public StaticText getStaticText1() {
        return staticText1;
    public void setStaticText1(StaticText st) {
        this.staticText1 = st;
    private StaticText staticText2 = new StaticText();
    public StaticText getStaticText2() {
        return staticText2;
    public void setStaticText2(StaticText st) {
        this.staticText2 = st;
    private StaticText staticText3 = new StaticText();
    public StaticText getStaticText3() {
        return staticText3;
    public void setStaticText3(StaticText st) {
        this.staticText3 = st;
    private StaticText staticText4 = new StaticText();
    public StaticText getStaticText4() {
        return staticText4;
    public void setStaticText4(StaticText st) {
        this.staticText4 = st;
    private Calendar dtTarefa = new Calendar();
    public Calendar getDtTarefa() {
        return dtTarefa;
    public void setDtTarefa(Calendar c) {
        this.dtTarefa = c;
    private DropDown cmbSerie = new DropDown();
    public DropDown getCmbSerie() {
        return cmbSerie;
    public void setCmbSerie(DropDown dd) {
        this.cmbSerie = dd;
    private DropDown cmbDisciplina = new DropDown();
    public DropDown getCmbDisciplina() {
        return cmbDisciplina;
    public void setCmbDisciplina(DropDown dd) {
        this.cmbDisciplina = dd;
    private TextArea txtDesc = new TextArea();
    public TextArea getTxtDesc() {
        return txtDesc;
    public void setTxtDesc(TextArea ta) {
        this.txtDesc = ta;
    private Button btnNovo = new Button();
    public Button getBtnNovo() {
        return btnNovo;
    public void setBtnNovo(Button b) {
        this.btnNovo = b;
    private Button btnEditar = new Button();
    public Button getBtnEditar() {
        return btnEditar;
    public void setBtnEditar(Button b) {
        this.btnEditar = b;
    private Button btnAtualizar = new Button();
    public Button getBtnAtualizar() {
        return btnAtualizar;
    public void setBtnAtualizar(Button b) {
        this.btnAtualizar = b;
    private Button btnCancelar = new Button();
    public Button getBtnCancelar() {
        return btnCancelar;
    public void setBtnCancelar(Button b) {
        this.btnCancelar = b;
    private CachedRowSetDataProvider disciplinaDataProvider = new CachedRowSetDataProvider();
    public CachedRowSetDataProvider getDisciplinaDataProvider() {
        return disciplinaDataProvider;
    public void setDisciplinaDataProvider(CachedRowSetDataProvider crsdp) {
        this.disciplinaDataProvider = crsdp;
    private IntegerConverter cmbDisciplinaConverter = new IntegerConverter();
    public IntegerConverter getCmbDisciplinaConverter() {
        return cmbDisciplinaConverter;
    public void setCmbDisciplinaConverter(IntegerConverter ic) {
        this.cmbDisciplinaConverter = ic;
    private CachedRowSetDataProvider serieDataProvider = new CachedRowSetDataProvider();
    public CachedRowSetDataProvider getSerieDataProvider() {
        return serieDataProvider;
    public void setSerieDataProvider(CachedRowSetDataProvider crsdp) {
        this.serieDataProvider = crsdp;
    private IntegerConverter cmbSerieConverter = new IntegerConverter();
    public IntegerConverter getCmbSerieConverter() {
        return cmbSerieConverter;
    public void setCmbSerieConverter(IntegerConverter ic) {
        this.cmbSerieConverter = ic;
    private IntegerConverter integerConverter2 = new IntegerConverter();
    public IntegerConverter getIntegerConverter2() {
        return integerConverter2;
    public void setIntegerConverter2(IntegerConverter ic) {
        this.integerConverter2 = ic;
    private CachedRowSetDataProvider tarefaDataProvider = new CachedRowSetDataProvider();
    public CachedRowSetDataProvider getTarefaDataProvider() {
        return tarefaDataProvider;
    public void setTarefaDataProvider(CachedRowSetDataProvider crsdp) {
        this.tarefaDataProvider = crsdp;
    private MessageGroup messageGroup1 = new MessageGroup();
    public MessageGroup getMessageGroup1() {
        return messageGroup1;
    public void setMessageGroup1(MessageGroup mg) {
        this.messageGroup1 = mg;
    private IntegerConverter integerConverter1 = new IntegerConverter();
    public IntegerConverter getIntegerConverter1() {
        return integerConverter1;
    public void setIntegerConverter1(IntegerConverter ic) {
        this.integerConverter1 = ic;
    private HiddenField op = new HiddenField();
    public HiddenField getOp() {
        return op;
    public void setOp(HiddenField hf) {
        this.op = hf;
    private HiddenField id = new HiddenField();
    public HiddenField getId() {
        return id;
    public void setId(HiddenField hf) { = hf;
    private Table table1 = new Table();
    public Table getTable1() {
        return table1;
    public void setTable1(Table t) {
        this.table1 = t;
    private TableRowGroup tableRowGroup1 = new TableRowGroup();
    public TableRowGroup getTableRowGroup1() {
        return tableRowGroup1;
    public void setTableRowGroup1(TableRowGroup trg) {
        this.tableRowGroup1 = trg;
    private CachedRowSetDataProvider tarefaDataProvider1 = new CachedRowSetDataProvider();
    public CachedRowSetDataProvider getTarefaDataProvider1() {
        return tarefaDataProvider1;
    public void setTarefaDataProvider1(CachedRowSetDataProvider crsdp) {
        this.tarefaDataProvider1 = crsdp;
    private TableColumn tableColumn1 = new TableColumn();
    public TableColumn getTableColumn1() {
        return tableColumn1;
    public void setTableColumn1(TableColumn tc) {
        this.tableColumn1 = tc;
    private TableColumn tableColumn2 = new TableColumn();
    public TableColumn getTableColumn2() {
        return tableColumn2;
    public void setTableColumn2(TableColumn tc) {
        this.tableColumn2 = tc;
    private StaticText staticText6 = new StaticText();
    public StaticText getStaticText6() {
        return staticText6;
    public void setStaticText6(StaticText st) {
        this.staticText6 = st;
    private TableColumn tableColumn5 = new TableColumn();
    public TableColumn getTableColumn5() {
        return tableColumn5;
    public void setTableColumn5(TableColumn tc) {
        this.tableColumn5 = tc;
    private StaticText staticText9 = new StaticText();
    public StaticText getStaticText9() {
        return staticText9;
    public void setStaticText9(StaticText st) {
        this.staticText9 = st;
    private TableColumn tableColumn6 = new TableColumn();
    public TableColumn getTableColumn6() {
        return tableColumn6;
    public void setTableColumn6(TableColumn tc) {
        this.tableColumn6 = tc;
    private StaticText staticText10 = new StaticText();
    public StaticText getStaticText10() {
        return staticText10;
    public void setStaticText10(StaticText st) {
        this.staticText10 = st;
    private TableColumn tableColumn7 = new TableColumn();
    public TableColumn getTableColumn7() {
        return tableColumn7;
    public void setTableColumn7(TableColumn tc) {
        this.tableColumn7 = tc;
    private StaticText staticText11 = new StaticText();
    public StaticText getStaticText11() {
        return staticText11;
    public void setStaticText11(StaticText st) {
        this.staticText11 = st;
    private Button button1 = new Button();
    public Button getButton1() {
        return button1;
    public void setButton1(Button b) {
        this.button1 = b;
    private TableColumn tableColumn8 = new TableColumn();
    public TableColumn getTableColumn8() {
        return tableColumn8;
    public void setTableColumn8(TableColumn tc) {
        this.tableColumn8 = tc;
    private Button button2 = new Button();
    public Button getButton2() {
        return button2;
    public void setButton2(Button b) {
        this.button2 = b;
    // </editor-fold>
     * <p>Construct a new Page bean instance.</p>
    public tarefa() {
     * <p>Return a reference to the scoped data bean.</p>
    protected SessionBean1 getSessionBean1() {
        return (SessionBean1)getBean("SessionBean1");
     * <p>Return a reference to the scoped data bean.</p>
    protected ApplicationBean1 getApplicationBean1() {
        return (ApplicationBean1)getBean("ApplicationBean1");
     * <p>Return a reference to the scoped data bean.</p>
    protected RequestBean1 getRequestBean1() {
        return (RequestBean1)getBean("RequestBean1");
     * <p>Callback method that is called whenever a page is navigated to,
     * either directly via a URL, or indirectly via page navigation.
     * Customize this method to acquire resources that will be needed
     * for event handlers and lifecycle methods, whether or not this
     * page is performing post back processing.</p>
     * <p>Note that, if the current request is a postback, the property
     * values of the components do <strong>not</strong> represent any
     * values submitted with this request.  Instead, they represent the
     * property values that were saved for this view when it was rendered.</p>
    public void init() {
        // Perform initializations inherited from our superclass
        // Perform application initialization that must complete
        // *before* managed components are initialized
        // TODO - add your own initialiation code here
        // <editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Creator-managed Component Initialization">
        // Initialize automatically managed components
        // *Note* - this logic should NOT be modified
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log("tarefa Initialization Failure", e);
            throw e instanceof FacesException ? (FacesException) e: new FacesException(e);
        // </editor-fold>
        // Perform application initialization that must complete
        // *after* managed components are initialized
        // TODO - add your own initialization code here
     * <p>Callback method that is called after the component tree has been
     * restored, but before any event processing takes place.  This method
     * will <strong>only</strong> be called on a postback request that
     * is processing a form submit.  Customize this method to allocate
     * resources that will be required in your event handlers.</p>
    public void preprocess() {
     * <p>Callback method that is called just before rendering takes place.
     * This method will <strong>only</strong> be called for the page that
     * will actually be rendered (and not, for example, on a page that
     * handled a postback and then navigated to a different page).  Customize
     * this method to allocate resources that will be required for rendering
     * this page.</p>
    public void prerender() {
     * <p>Callback method that is called after rendering is completed for
     * this request, if <code>init()</code> was called (regardless of whether
     * or not this was the page that was actually rendered).  Customize this
     * method to release resources acquired in the <code>init()</code>,
     * <code>preprocess()</code>, or <code>prerender()</code> methods (or
     * acquired during execution of an event handler).</p>
    public void destroy() {
     public void lockForm(){
    public void unlockForm(){
    public void initialForm(){
        java.util.Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(2006,1,1);
        Date dt = new Date();
    public void novoTarefa(){
    public String button1_action() {
            RowKey rk = tableRowGroup1.getRowKey();
        }catch(Exception e){
            log("Erro ao deletar", e);
        }catch(Exception e){
            log("Erro ao deletar");
        return null;
    public String btnNovo_action() {
        }catch(Exception e){
            log("Erro ao clicar em NOVO");
        return null;
     public void novaTarefa(){
    public String btnEditar_action() {
        }catch(Exception e){
            log("Erro ao clicar em NOVO");
        return null;
    public String button2_action() {
            RowKey rk = tableRowGroup1.getRowKey();
        }catch(Exception e){
            log("Erro ao deletar", e);
        }catch(Exception e){
            log("Erro ao setar FORM");
        return null;
    public void novoRegistro(){
        Integer id=new Integer(0);
        try {
            RowKey rk = tarefaDataProvider.appendRow();
        } catch (Exception ex) {
            log("Error Description", ex);
    public void atualizaRegistro(){
            RowKey rk = tarefaDataProvider.findFirst("",id.getText());
        }catch(Exception ex){
            log("Error ao atualizar Noticia",ex);
    public String btnAtualizar_action() {

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    Please Help.
    Again problems with Apex4.2, SkillBuilders Modal Page plugin, IE9 and HTML5 theme (Blue Respensive).
    1. The problem is that all the popup windows display 100% of the width
    2. After opens a popup window change the width of the parent window forms.
    This happens only in IE9 browser.
    In other browsers, the popup window only much larger than the form that is opened.
    I can not change the size of the window.

    I changed the component level settings to use a fixed height and width (I adjusted edit, you still need to adjust create). You can try adjusting this some because the modal page should adjust a bit.
    Then I added this CSS to the Inline CSS of the modal page:
    section.uMessageRegion{position: static; !important;}
    Let me know how this works for you.

  • Problems with some PDF files

    I have problems with some PDF files. After clicking on link to the file Safari shows me insted of normal document (which is working on Windows) hashes, numbers etc like it was a problem with coding or something. First I was using Preview, I though that maybe installing Acrobat Reader with plugins will solve the problem, but ofcourse it didn't. Did somebody has this same problem?

    Back up all data.
    Please triple-click anywhere in the line below on this page to select it:
    defaults delete -app Safari WebKitOmitPDFSupport
    Copy the selected text to the Clipboard by pressing the key combination command-C.
    Quit Safari. Launch the built-in Terminal application in any of the following ways:
    ☞ Enter the first few letters of its name into a Spotlight search. Select it in the results (it should be at the top.)
    ☞ In the Finder, select Go ▹ Utilities from the menu bar, or press the key combination shift-command-U. The application is in the folder that opens.
    ☞ Open LaunchPad. Click Utilities, then Terminal in the icon grid.
    Paste into the Terminal window by pressing the key combination command-V. I've tested these instructions only with the Safari web browser. If you use another browser, you may have to press the return key after pasting.
    Wait for a new line ending in a dollar sign (“$”) to appear below what you entered. You can then quit Terminal. Test.

  • Problems with some fonts, need help!

    Hi everyone,
    Recently I need to create some documents in Pages and I found some problems with some of the fonts. Apparently some fonts when the font size is increased the spacing between characters gets reduced and ooks very weird.
    I've tried all type of configs in pages and i'm really clueless what this is.
    Can anyone please give me some pointers?
    Thank you in advanced,

    This leaves several files instaled. Among them are the preferences files. If you re-install with existing preferences files, these one aren't replaced by new, clean, ones.
    Right, uninstalling the application does not necessarily uninstall its preferences. (Indeed, previous InDesign and QuarkXPress betas had the problem that they preserved the older preferences when the newer betas were installed which could lead to crashes.)
    Arguably, system software has to have smart install / uninstall so that all the files installed by an application are removed, but then what about fonts and / or profiles installed with the application, which some other application may be using as a resource.
    I don't know, but the word 'simple' and the word 'software' don't seem ever to be synonyms .

  • I have an ipad mini 1st gen 64 gb (wifi only) and i have problem with some of my apps. These apps have lags when you play with them for a few seconds the apps are having lags are call of duty strike team, gta San Andreas and nfs most wanted.pleas help me

    I have an ipad mini 1st gen 64 gb (wifi only) and i have problem with some of my apps. These apps have lags when you play with them for a few seconds the apps are having lags are call of duty strike team, gta San Andreas and nfs most wanted.pleas help me

    I'm going to guess videos buffer for a while also...
    Two possibilities, one is you should close apps on the iPad, the other is your internet speed is not able to handle the demands of a high speed device.
    To close apps:   Double click home button, swipe up to close the apps.
    To solve internet problem, contact your provider.   Basic internet is not enough for video games and movies.   Your router may be old and slow.

  • I just updated my latest java but the update is causing problems with some externale devices. So i would like to uninstall this latest java update and get back the previous one. That should solve to problems with my external device

    i just updated my latest java but the update is causing problems with some external devices. So i would like to uninstall this latest java update and get back the previous one. That should solve to problems with my external device.
    Is this possible and how do i do that?
    Anyone who responds thanks for that!
    I am running
    Hardware Overview:
      Model Name:          Mac Pro
      Model Identifier:          MacPro1,1
      Processor Name:          Dual-Core Intel Xeon
      Processor Speed:          2,66 GHz
      Number of Processors:          2
      Total Number of Cores:          4
      L2 Cache (per Processor):          4 MB
      Memory:          6 GB
      Bus Speed:          1,33 GHz
      Boot ROM Version:          MP11.005D.B00
      SMC Version (system):          1.7f10
      Serial Number (system):          CK7XXXXXXGP
      Hardware UUID:          00000000-0000-1000-8000-0017F20F82F0
    System Software Overview:
      System Version:          Mac OS X 10.7.5 (11G63)
      Kernel Version:          Darwin 11.4.2
      Boot Volume:          Macintosh HD(2)
      Boot Mode:          Normal
      Computer Name:          Mac Pro van Juko de Vries
      User Name:          Juko de Vries (jukodevries)
      Secure Virtual Memory:          Enabled
      64-bit Kernel and Extensions:          No
      Time since boot:          11 days 20:39
    Message was edited by Host

    Java 6 you can't as Apple maintains it, and Java 7 you could if you uninstall it and Oracle provides the earlier version which they likely won't his last update fixed 37 remote exploits.
    Java broken some software here and there, all you'll have to do is wait for a update from the other parties.

  • My iphone 3g wont load all comments from online newspaper. when I touch the "load more comments" button the little spinning spiral appears then nothing happens. Anyone else have this problem with some online newspapers?

    My iphone 3g wont load all comments from online newspaper. when I touch the "load more comments" button the little spinning spiral appears then nothing happens. Anyone else have this problem with some online newspapers?


  • I have problem with some gosts on the side of the display !?

    I have problem with some gosts on the side of the display !? and I want to make a back up of my mac and to take it to the store for the problem I gut !

    Hello, it sounds a bit like this common problem, do get it fixed...

  • HT1391 How can I get a full history of our purchases?  We had some problems with some downloads since 5/25/12.We were charged for items that said "Free"? Help

    How can I get a full history of our purchases?  We had some problems with some downloads since 5/25/12.We were charged for items that said "Free"? Help

    iTunes Store menu > View My Account...
    Sign in and select "See All" in Purchase History.
    You can only see them in "batches" of ten. As far as I know there is no way to obtain a comprehensive summary.
    The prices are tabulated in that list. If they were supposed to be free, and they show that you were charged, then click the arrow next to the suspect purchases and click "report a problem".

  • Problem with some Video Content not able to be shown. no Plug in for it

    I am getting a Problem with some News Sites Articles Video Content not being able to be shown, BBC, YAHOO,etc I am getting the message/has content of Mime type Audio/x -pn-RealAudio-Plug in Because you dont have plug in for this mime type it cant be displayed. Also I am getting a Message Url not Valid
    Help Please. Thanking You
    I .Mac 17   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   intel core 2 duo

    Did you install Real Player (free version)?
    Okay, so here's a question from a new to mac guy. Many issues on old PC with real player and Media Player not getting along. Eventually had to delete real player and had to reinstall windows. I would like to avoid third party software if possible and stick with Quicktime. How do I install the mime plug in without installing Real Player?
    17" iMac   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   intel duo
    17" iMac   Mac OS X (10.4.8)   intel duo

  • Problem with some files with Adobe Audition 3.0

    Hello everybody, I have a problem with some files. For example, when I open a .mp3 file, it says "The selected file it's not a supported file type". Instead, with other .mp3 files all works fine. What should I do? Thanks for the attention.

    I strongly suggest - in fact this is probably the only thing you can do at this point - that you have a look at the FAQ here, and do exactly what it says.

  • TS1702 I have developed a problem with some of th apps that connect and the throws you out of the games losing. Life or they won't connect at all can anyone offer a suggestion to solve problem

    I have developed a problem with some of my games apps - it closes the app and therefore less life's - it is not all games yangy suggestions


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