ok so i just got a MSI NX8800GT i out it in my ASUS A8V-E-SE motherboard in the PCI-E X16 slot and out in the 6 PIN PCI-E connecter.i out in the MSI DVI to VGA adaptor and when i open my computer the video card fan turns but no screen shows up.why i dont now it get sme so mad like i wanna do this to the monitar
my specs
CPU=AMD athlon 64 3800+
motherboard=ASUS A8V-E-SE
PSU= MAX 450 watt power supply
im using
2 hard drive 1 SATA,1 IDE
1 DVD/RW+CD/RW drive
3 fans
1 PCI firewire card.
some computer lights
well ok guys though im guessing this is not much of a surprise, the powertek lasted 8 whole days! now admittedly the 3870 toxic edition draws a fair amount of power requires 30A on the 12V rail, it should be well within the specs of the PSU as they were listed. it wasnt. its a POS and newegg is refunding my money which is being put towards an antec tq850. i decided im upgrading my mobo to the k9a2 platinum and getting a second 3870, and saying f*** it and getting my phenom 9850. why b/c i friggin can  besides i will then use what i will be trading out to build a rig for my best friend who i owe some money to and who wants a gaming rig rather badly. so bottom line is F**K powertek stick with quality. i know better than to not listen to my own advice and spend the extra money but i went against my own advice and now im out my gaming for a bit, but at least my backup 15$ apevia 420W will run it underclocked and w/o any gaming so i can write this. this same apevia ran my SLI rig with no probs when i had it. i upgraded it asap and kept it around as a backup just in case...glad i did. hope this helps. oh and the biostar TA770 mobo is fantastic, it survived 2 PSU's dying on it in its first week of use. and kept the rest of my parts on line and safe as well.

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  • [nForce] Help with another booting problem with the MSI K7N2

    Ok, I've been reading the threads and tried almost all of the solutions to no avail. Here is the issue...
    While adjusting speed in bios, Upon reboot the system would not display video. Steps taken to solve:
    *Betwwen all changes I unpluged all power from system
    1. Cleared CMOS VIA Jumper, Turned system on, no change
    2. set J10 Jumper to default then restarted, Still no video.
    3. Checked & reseated memory & CPU. Still nothing.
    4. Removed battery for about 30 seconds (Am going to try to remove it for 30 mins when i get a chance tomorrow) still nothing
    At this point i assum the motherboard was bad. I tested botting up with no memory in an attempt to get the warming/error beeps but nothing the system just idles.
    Am i missing something?  Any help suggestions or links to solutions would be greatly appretiated.
    [email protected]

    Sorry, I wasn;t trying to be vague, Was messing with the comp for a couple hours and got fed up. You were right, it was the k7n2. It's not mine it's a friends and wasn't around so i was going by memory. It had been running descent but was never properly installed (software) and was poorly cooled (hardware) so it had overheating restart issues. This is where I come in. I told my friend i would take a look at his computer. It was home built by one of his friends. Te system is fairly basic and the only plug in card used is a agp video card. The computer was working great after i reinstalled the CPU with proper thermal conducting when in BIOS his Athlon 2.6 was set for 1.8 I adjusted it up to the proper setting and he asked if i could bump it further. I attempted but it was unsuccessful and didn't boot. I cleared cmos with the jumper and it booted up again no problem. I stupidly went back in a fiddled around some more with something i shouldn't have because i don't remeber what it was. I belive it was the FSB Speed, but i'm not positive what change cause this particular shutdown. I'm no computer technichian, just a hobbiest. I cleared the Jumper again but this time it dodn't come back and boot. I then looked in the book and found out about jumper 10 (i think) for the SAFE MODE 100mhz boot. I set it as well with no response. I then disconnected the power cable from the PSU and unluged the battery for about half a min or so. cleared teh cmos jumper again, kept the safe mode jumper in safe mode and tried to reboot. It still just hangs. No screen, so Bios check or wrning beeps. It just idles. It revs the hard drive up for about 20sec or so but that is it. I'm going to try the suggestion earlier in the eact oprder giving by osnavi for the reseting cmos. I tried those steps in vvaroius orders 5 or 6 times before giving up.
    Any help is appretiated. Thanks for your responses.

  • Having Problems With The Neo2 ? Read This!!!!

    i just bought a neo2 motherboard, with a p4 2,6 HT and 512 mb Kingston hyper ram ( 2 peaces of 256, else it won't use the dual bandwith :D)
    In the beginning everything seemed fine, until i got some sudden reboots and other vague stuff. I read it could be the SB audigy messing things up. I removed the card and windows Xp pro runs fine now. no more sudden reboots or explorer not resonding crashes.
    But, i still had problems with games crashing. I got reboots. After i set the "automatic reboot after crash" to false, i got blue screens or lock-ups in my games.
    I wondered what it could be. Then i started to put my videocard ( a radeon 9700 pro 128 mb) in agp 4x mode instead of agp 8x! Now my games run without crashes, but benchmarks are not that high. 4780 marks with 3dmark 2003.
    I think i will send msi and Ati a mail concerning this problem. I don't know if it is PSU related. Maybe the videocard demands a little more power in agp 8x mode.
    Well, having probs with you're NEO2 ??
    remove the sb Audigy and turn the agp back to 4 using smartgart ( it's located in you're display settings screen ).
    First i tought it was a PSU related problem, because i swapped my 350 Watt enermax with a Q-tec 400 watt psu. The 400 watt PSU died while i was gaming. Maybe the enermax is the better PSU :D So, it could still be a PSU related problem. Maybe the agp 8x settings demands a lot more from you're psu. Anyway, i'll receive a 550 watt Antec PSU soon, so i can check this out....
    Btw. I cant run the motherboard in anything better than "slow" mode. In all other modes Xp won't boot. I haven't tryed it since the AGP is at 4X, but i don't think it will matter.
    Welcome to the real world NEO :D

    i raised the memory voltage setting in the bios from 2.65 to 2.8 and the agp voltage from 1.5 to 1.7
    Everything seems fine, but games crash back to the desktop now without an error message or the either lockup.
    Whatever i do, i can't make the mobo crash in anything but games!
    Btw. the following message caught my attention, when i ran f1 2002 with directx 8.1. Since i have directx 9, i haven't seen it anymore. Maybe because the ati-drivers are made for directx 9....
    // Watchdog Event Log File
    LogType: Watchdog
    Created: 2003-10-04 02:02:53
    TimeZone: -60 - West-Europa (standaardtijd)
    WindowsVersion: XP
    EventType: 0xEA - Thread Stuck in Device Driver
    // The driver for the display device got stuck in an infinite loop. This
    // usually indicates a problem with the device itself or with the device
    // driver programming the hardware incorrectly. Please check with your
    // display device vendor for any driver updates.
    ShutdownCount: 9
    Shutdown: 0
    EaRecovery: 1
    EventCount: 2
    BreakCount: 2
    BugcheckTriggered: 1
    DebuggerNotPresent: 1
    DriverName: ati2dvag
    EventFlag: 1
    DeviceClass: Display
    DeviceDescription: RADEON 9700 PRO
    HardwareID: PCI\VEN_1002&DEV_4E44&SUBSYS_00021002&REV_00
    Manufacturer: ATI Technologies Inc.
    DriverFixedFileInfo: FEEF04BD 00010000 0006000E 000A18EA 0006000E 000A18EA 0000003F 00000008 00040004 00000003 00000004 00000000 00000000
    DriverCompanyName: ATI Technologies Inc.
    DriverFileDescription: ATI Radeon WindowsNT Display Driver
    DriverInternalName: ati2dvag.dll
    DriverLegalCopyright: Copyright (C) 1998-2002 ATI Technologies Inc.
    DriverOriginalFilename: ati2dvag.dll
    DriverProductName: ATI Radeon Family
    DriverProductVersion: 5.2.3790.2
    I wish i had another videocard to test. My radeon 9700 pro is getting suspicious...
    The real world

  • Problems with the Proxy Programme--Please help

    Hi All,
    I have written a simple proxy server in the form of a servlet. I changed the proxy config of my browser to connect to this servlet hosted on the default context(http://localhost:8080) of the Tomcat 5.0.25 . Well , this servlet internally connects to the proxy of the corporate LAN . The logic that I have applied is as follows. The servlet gets the request from the client (ie the browser in this case) , extracts the headers and contents from the request, sets them to a new request that it forms and finally send this new request to the proxy. When the proxy responds, the servlet collects the response headers and contents adn writes them in its response. To sum up , this servlet transparently carries the requests and responses between the client(browser) and the corporate LAN proxy. Now the problem is this. Let's say , now I am accessing browser sends a request to my servlet with the following headers as they are extracted by my servlet.
    ProxyServer:::>posting request
    ProxyServer:::>headerValue::> headerName = accept : headerValue=*/*
    ProxyServer:::>headerValue::> headerName = referer : headerValue=
    ProxyServer:::>headerValue::> headerName = accept-language : headerValue=en-us
    ProxyServer:::>headerValue::> headerName = proxy-connection : headerValue=Keep-Alive
    ProxyServer:::>headerValue::> headerName = user-agent : headerValue=Mozilla/4.0 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.0; UB1.4_IE6.0_SP1; .NET CLR 1.0.3705; .NET CLR 1.1.4322)
    ProxyServer:::>headerValue::> headerName = host :
    ProxyServer:::>headerValue::> headerName = cookie : headerValue=PREF=ID=1be27c0a74f198ca:TM=1082058853:LM=1082058853:S=bu6ORrygzm8AUkm8
    I set these headers into a new connection opened to the proxy and post a fresh request to the proxy,which, in turn responds with the following headers.
    ProxyServer:::>posted request successfully
    ProxyServer:::>writing response
    ProxyServer:::>writeResponse-->headerName = Proxy-Connection : headerValue = [close]
    ProxyServer:::>writeResponse-->headerName = Content-Length : headerValue = [257]
    ProxyServer:::>writeResponse-->headerName = Date : headerValue = [Tue, 13 Jul 2004 14:01:40 GMT]
    ProxyServer:::>writeResponse-->headerName = Content-Type : headerValue = [text/html]
    ProxyServer:::>writeResponse-->headerName = Server : headerValue = [NetCache appliance (NetApp/5.5R2)]
    ProxyServer:::>writeResponse-->headerName = Proxy-Authenticate : headerValue = [Basic realm="Charlotte - napxyclt2"]
    ProxyServer:::>writeResponse-->headerName = null : headerValue = [HTTP/1.1 407 Proxy Authentication Required]
    ProxyServer:::>writeResponse exiting
    ProxyServer:::>wrote response successfully
    I write these headers back to the client. According to what I was thinking, the client ie the browser would open a new dialog box asking for username/password owing to the presence of the "Proxy-Authenticate " header. But it does not happen that way. Rather the browser stops responsding and displays a blank page. Does anyone know why it happens this way? I am pasting the server prog below for everybody's reference.
    package server.proxy;
    //import all servlet related classes
    import javax.servlet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import server.resources.*;
    //My Proxy server --->Currently it is very simplea and relies on
    //other proxy servers of an already connected network.
    public class ProxyServer extends HttpServlet
    //stores the resource bundle
    private ServerResBundle resBundle = null;
    //checks for the mode of operation
    private boolean proxySet = false;
    private String proxy = null;
    //storing the original System out/err etc
    private PrintStream sysOutOrig = null;
    private PrintStream sysErrOrig = null;
    private InputStream sysInOrig = null;
    //initialise certain features that are required later
    public void init() throws ServletException
    //initialise the resource bundle
    System.out.println("ProxyServer:::>res bundle init");
    //set the mode of operation
    System.out.println("ProxyServer:::>mode set");
    //set the system out and err --System.setOut etc
    System.out.println("ProxyServer:::>in/out/err set");
    }//End try
    catch(Exception e)
    System.out.println("Exception in init..."+(e.getMessage()));
    throw new ServletException(e);
    catch(Throwable e)
    System.out.println("Irrecoverable Error...");
    throw new ServletException(e);
    }//End init
    //method to init the resource bundle;
    private void initResBundle()
    this.resBundle = ServerResBundle.getBundle();
    //method to set the mode of the server--proxy or direct
    private void setMode()
    //read the target proxy property from the bundle and
    //if it is set,take that URL
    String temp = (String)(this.resBundle.getResource(ResKeys.PROXY_SERVER));
    if ( (temp != null) && (temp.length() > 0) )
    this.proxySet = true;
    this.proxy = temp;
    temp = null;
    //method to set the system out and err etc
    private void setSystemOutErr() throws Exception
    //keep a copy of the original system out and error
    this.sysOutOrig = System.out;
    this.sysErrOrig = System.err;
    //read the options adn if they are set, take the values directly
    String newOutStr = (String)(this.resBundle.getResource(ResKeys.SYSTEM_OUT));
    String newErrStr = (String)(this.resBundle.getResource(ResKeys.SYSTEM_ERR));
    if ((newOutStr != null) && (newOutStr.length() > 0))
    System.setOut(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(new File(newOutStr),true),true));
    }//End if
    if ((newErrStr != null) && (newErrStr.length() > 0))
    System.setErr(new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(new File(newErrStr),true),true));
    }//End if
    catch(Exception e)
    //restore the stuff
    //this is where the proxy functionalities will be embedded
    public void service(HttpServletRequest req,HttpServletResponse resp)
    throws ServletException,
    //conenction URL
    URL target = null;
    //conenction to the remote object
    URLConnection targetConn = null;
    //stores the OOS and the OIS
    ObjectOutputStream oos = null;
    ObjectInputStream ois = null;
    //check for the mode of operation
    if (proxySet)
    URLConnection objects go through two phases: first they are created, then they are connected.
    After being created, and before being connected, various options can be specified
    (e.g., doInput and UseCaches). After connecting, it is an error to try to set them.
    Operations that depend on being connected, like getContentLength, will implicitly perform the connection,
    if necessary.
    //for the URL to the proxy
    target=new URL(this.proxy);
    //conenct to the proxy
    targetConn = target.openConnection();
    //set the details of the connectuon
    // If true, this URL is being examined in a context in which it makes sense to allow user interactions such as popping up an authentication dialog. If false, then no user interaction is allowed
    //connect to the remote object
    // targetConn.connect();//call this only when all the request properties are set
    System.out.println("ProxyServer:::>posting request");
    //post the received request to the URL
    System.out.println("ProxyServer:::>posted request successfully");
    System.out.println("ProxyServer:::>writing response");
    //receive the response
    //write the received response to the client
    System.out.println("ProxyServer:::>wrote response successfully");
    }//End if
    //currently this functionality is not supported
    throw new ServletException(
    }//End try
    catch(Exception e)
    if(e instanceof ServletException)
    throw (ServletException)e;
    if (e instanceof IOException)
    throw (IOException)e;
    //wrap it up in ServletException
    throw new ServletException(e);
    //method to write the response back to the client
    private void writeResponse(URLConnection targetConn,HttpServletResponse resp)
    throws ServletException
    //get all the header fields from the response connection and set them to the
    //response of the servlet
    Map headerFields = null;
    Iterator headerFieldEntries = null;
    Map.Entry header = null;
    //stores the input stream to the conn
    BufferedReader brConn = null;
    //stores the writer to the response
    PrintWriter prResp = null;
    //checks if the proxy authentication needed or not
    boolean proxyAuthReqd = false;
    //juste ensuring that the proxy authentication is reset
    proxyAuthReqd = false;
    if( (targetConn != null) && (resp != null) )
    //Returns an unmodifiable Map of the header fields.
    //The Map keys are Strings that represent the response-header field names.
    //Each Map value is an unmodifiable List of Strings that represents the corresponding
    //field values
    headerFields = targetConn.getHeaderFields();
    //Returns a set view of the mappings contained in this map
    Set temp = headerFields.entrySet();
    //Returns an iterator over the elements in this set
    headerFieldEntries = temp.iterator();
    if (headerFieldEntries != null)
    while (headerFieldEntries.hasNext())
    Object tempHeader =;
    if (tempHeader instanceof Map.Entry)
    header = (Map.Entry)tempHeader;
    Object headerName = header.getKey();
    Object headerValue=header.getValue();
    System.out.println("ProxyServer:::>writeResponse-->headerName = "+headerName+" : headerValue = "+headerValue);
    //do not select the key-value pair if both the key adn the value are null
    if ( ( headerName == null) && (headerValue == null) )
    if (headerValue != null)
    List headerValList = null;
    if (headerValue instanceof List)
    headerValList = (List)headerValue;
    if(headerValList != null)
    for (int i=0;i<headerValList.size();i++)
    Object headerValueStr = headerValList.get(i);
    if (headerValueStr instanceof String)
    //note that the header-key can not be null for addHeader
    //I have made this temporary provision to make the programme work.
    resp.addHeader(( (headerName==null)? ("null_header"+i) :(String)headerName),
    //check if the proxy authentication required or not
    if (((String)headerValueStr).
    indexOf(resp.SC_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED+"") != -1)
    System.out.println("ProxyServer:::>writeResponse-->proxy auth needed");
    //proxy authentication is needed
    proxyAuthReqd = true;
    }//Ednd of
    else if (headerValueStr == null)
    resp.addHeader(( (headerName==null)? null :(String)headerName),
    }//End for
    }//End if
    }//End if
    }//End while
    }//End if
    //get the writer to the client
    prResp = resp.getWriter();
    //juste test a simple header
    System.out.println("Proxy-Authenticate = "+(resp.containsHeader("Proxy-Authenticate")));
    //if the proxy asks you for authentication,pass on the same to the client
    //from whom you have received the request.When this flag is true,the connection
    //is closed by the remotehost adn hence any attempt to open in input steram
    //results in an error ie IOException
    if (!proxyAuthReqd)
    //now get the content adn write it to the response too
    brConn = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(
    String tempStr = null;
    while ((tempStr = brConn.readLine())!=null)
    }//End while
    //close the connections
    }//End if
    prResp.println("Proxy Authentication needed...");
    //close the streams
    }//End if
    System.out.println("ProxyServer:::>writeResponse exiting\n");
    }//End try
    catch(Exception e)
    throw new ServletException(e);
    //method to post request to the internet
    private void postRequest(URLConnection targetConn,HttpServletRequest req)
    throws ServletException
    //extract the header parameters and the body content from the incoming request
    //and set them to the new connection
    Enumeration reqHeaders = null;
    //reads the incoming request's content
    BufferedReader brReqRd = null;
    PrintWriter prResWt = null;
    //stores temp header names and values
    String headerName = null;
    String headerValue = null;
    if( (targetConn != null) && (req != null) )
    reqHeaders = req.getHeaderNames();
    //extract a header adn set it to the new connection
    while (reqHeaders.hasMoreElements())
    headerName = (String)(reqHeaders.nextElement());
    headerValue = req.getHeader(headerName);
    System.out.println("ProxyServer:::>headerValue::> headerName = "+headerName+" : headerValue="+headerValue);
    //establis the actual connection
    //calling this method bfore the above loop results in IllegalStateException
    //NOTE : try reading from and writing into OIS and OOS respectively
    //now read the contents and write them to the connection
    // brReqRd = req.getReader(); //this hangs for some reason
    brReqRd = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(req.getInputStream()));
    System.out.println("Got the reader..brReqRd = "+brReqRd);
    if (brReqRd != null)
    String temp = null;
    //establish the printwriter
    // prResWt = new PrintWriter(targetConn.getOutputStream(),true);
    prResWt = new PrintWriter(targetConn.getOutputStream());
    System.out.println("trying to read in a loop from brReqRd.. ready="+(brReqRd.ready()));
    while( (brReqRd.ready()) && ((temp=brReqRd.readLine()) != null) )
    System.out.println("In while::>temp = "+temp);
    }//Emd while
    //close the streams adn go back
    }//End outer if
    System.out.println("ProxyServer:::>postRequest exiting\n");
    }//End try
    catch(Exception e)
    throw new ServletException(e);

    Hi serlank ,
    Thanks for your reply. Well , I initially I thought of not pasting the code,as it was too long. But I could not help it,as I thought I must show in code what I exactly meant. That's why I followed a description of my problem with the code. You could probably have copied the code and pasted it in one of your favourite editors to take a look at it. Did you,by any chance, try to read it on the browser? And as regards reposting the same message, I can say that I did it as I felt the subject was not quite appropriate in the first posting and I was not sure as to how I could delete/alter the posting. I am not asking for a code-fix,but some suggestions from some one who might ever have come across such a thing.Anyway, lemme know if you have any idea on it. Thanks...

  • ITunes won't upgrade to10.5. Error message "There is a problem with the Windows installer package. Contact the package vendor". I need help.

    iTunes won't upgrade to10.5. I'm on 10.1.17.
    When installing 10.5 it terminates with an error message "There is a problem with the Windows  installer package. Contact the package vendor".
    It does not provide an error code or details/description to further troubleshoot. As a result I can't upgrade my Apple devices to leverage the cloud.
    Any smarts out there who could help?
    Using PC Win-7 w/IE 7 (should that matter)
    Thanks much

    I know there's a million threads like this, but I thought I'd record my experience.  I, too, was having the original poster's error when I tried to update iTunes on Windows XP.  I think I was stuck on 10. 
    I solved it by un-installing iTunes and every other Apple app.  I discovered that Apple Software Update would not un-install as its MSI file could not be found.  I used the "Windows Install Cleanup" tool from Microsoft to remove Apple Software Update from the list of installed programs.  Google "kb290301" for a Microsoft page that includes a download link for it.  After that, I was able to install a fresh copy of iTunes 10.5.2.
    I'm not sure why this app's folder and MSI were missing from my computer.  I had once used Laplink PC Mover to move everything from my old computer to this one, and perhaps it missed a bit.

  • ITS 6.20 SP18 Problem with the top bar menus

    Hello Henning,
    we're using ITS 6.20 SP18 and experience a problem with the top bar menus in the SAPGUI for HTML (Enjoy Design) in both MSIE 6 and Moz Firefox 1.0.4.
    When clicking the dropdown menus in the top bar the menu simply won't open. This only occurs in all of our homegrown (Z*) services when dropping into SAPGUI for HTML (ITS is in mixed mode). However - When running service WEBGUI seperately (via ...scripts/wgate/WEBGUI/! ) the menus work funnily enough.
    This worked fine prior to the upgrade. Is there a new service parameter that I need to set? Have you got any more documentation? I checked out any related SAPNet notes on the SP18 documentation sheet, but couldn't find anything related.
    Kind regards,

    > There is no known problem regarding ITS 6.20 PL 18
    > and the menu at this time. Please provide an example
    > for a service file (.srvc) of one of your Z
    > services and also the global.srvc.
    <u>These are the <b>global.srvc</b> settings</u>
    ~client  010
    ~clientcert  1
    ~cookies  1
    ~hostsecure  xxxxxxxxx
    ~hostunsecure  xxxxxxxxx
    ~logingroup  ZZZZZZZZ
    ~menu2002  0
    ~messageserver  xxxxxxxx.xx.xx.xx
    ~multiinstanceservices  1
    ~portsecure  443
    ~portunsecure  80
    ~runtimemode  pm
    ~systemname  XXX
    ~systemnumber  00
    ~theme  99
    ~timeout  120
    ~urlarchive  /scripts/sapawl.dll
    ~urlimage  /sap/its/graphics
    ~urlmime  /sap/its/mimes
    ~usertimeout  1
    ~webgui_theme  99
    ~xgateway  sapdiag
    ~xgateways  sapxgadm,sapdiag,sapxgwfc,sapxginet,sapxgbc,sapextauth
    ~rfctimeout     10
    ~noheaderokcode  1
    ~http_use_compression  1
    ~http_compress_level  7
    ~mysapcomnosso1cookie  1
    <u>These are the service settings for one of our <b>Z* services</b>:</u>
    ~AUTOSCROLL     0
    ~COOKIES     1
    ~POPUPS     1
    ~STYLE     DHTML
    ~TRANSACTION     Zxxxxx
    ~WEBGUI_POPUPS     1
    ~WEBGUI_THEME     99
    Kind regards,

  • What's with the MSI support?

    I bought a MSI-K8N Platinum about 6 weeks ago and since that day I've had nothing but trouble with my wireless network. As I'm not one of those who gives up instantly I figured that I might solve the (what seems to be software)-problems on my own or at worst with the guidance of MSI:s cunning support. It seems that I was severly mistaken though.. I've posted in two threads in this very forum without any answer and I've mailed the MSI support concerning my issue without any luck. Now it seems that my hard work has payed off with a mainboard that it's too late to reship and with an useless wireless network that cost me another 200$ of my hard earned student-salary.
    When can I hope to get an answer to my questions? Or any response at all for that sake?
    Here's links to the threads concerning this issue:
    Furthermore I'm still waiting for the support to contact me. I would very much like to get to use my high-end equipment before it's yesterdays news...
    Sorry if this thread makes me come of as a b**ch, but it seems that I'm not getting attention with this matter of mine. I'm sure the support and this forum is an excellent node for other concerns.
    // Klab0

    In Reply to syar 2003:
    I've already had my wireless network for a while and it (still) works perfectly with my old Abit m0b0. It consists of a D-link DWL-G520, D-link DWL-G650 and a D-link DI-624 accesspoint.
    In Reply in general:
    I've tried with belkin for my workstation but it seems to be in conflict with my other D-link products. Hence I don't want to mix network brands because as you say, they usually has quite poor compability, and for another thing I would like to be able to use the "boost"-functions available when using all D-link Etreme G products (Extended range and "108Mbs"). It seems quite odd to me that pretty much every D-link product except my DWL-G520 is supported by my mainboard, and since I know for a fact that there's nothing wrong with the card I'm led to beleive that the problem has something to do with my software configuration.
    Problem specifics:
    I've updated to the latest mainboard and ethernet drivers for my mainboard, I have NOT installed digicell though since I figured it would be messy with two separate programs trying to configure my wireless network. I've deactivated the firewire, GbLAN and ethernet in the BIOS without any result. I've tried with the PCI-card in PCI-slot 5 and 4 (the orange one optimized for wireless networks and the one next to it.) The system seems to find the card with the right drivers and it seems to work perfectly except for one thing: I can't achieve contact with the acesspoint.
    In one of the threads i hijacked the person who made the thread said that he solved the problem, so I'm still hoping to work this thing out somehow. What I'm really wondering is if there's some basic mistake (a BIOS-setting etc) that often comes up as a problem for lamers like me when setting up a wireless network with this mainboard. I will try with the MSI wireless PCI-card that came with the mainboard if I can't solve it with my existing DWL-G520, but it is really a pain in the a** since I suppose it will only lead to compabilityproblems with the acesspoint instead.
    If anyone has a slightest clue, please don't hesitate to mention it. It might as well be something very basic that has been overlooked. Thanks guys.

  • Problem with the agent console created in the ESSO-Logon Manager 64 bits

    When I use the installer that I created in the console ESSO-Logon Manager for 32-bit, this I install it on the client side and when I synchronize with the console-Logon Manager ESSO brings me and I can see the agent all the templates I configured.
    I have a problem with the agent console created in the Logon Manager ESSO-64bit.
    When I use this installer on the client stations and then by the agent does not envision the applications that I have configured in the console.
    This causes you can not do single sign on to applications that I have configured in the client stations
    To generate this installer use the source name: ESSO-LMx64.msi
    Can someone please help me with this problem, this only happens when I use the msi installer on 64-bit client stations.

    Jackson_Bill wrote:
    What IDE are you using and what platform?Read first.
    Moh Bob wrote:
    I'm using J2ME platform SDK 3.0

  • Getting error and cannot download itunes.  says there is a problem with the windows installer package. a program required for the install to be complete could not be run.  any ideas?

    getting an error downloading itunes 64bit for windows 7.  says there is a problem with the windows installer package.  a program required for the install to be complete could not be run.  any ideas?  i uninstalled it last night when it would not open.

    Just in case, let's try a standalone AppleSoftwareUpdate.msi install.
    Download and save a copy of the iTunesSetup.exe (or iTunes64setup.exe) installer file to your hard drive:
    Download and install the free trial version of WinRAR:
    Right-click the iTunesSetup.exe, and select "Extract to iTunesSetup". WinRAR will expand the contents of the file into a folder called "iTunesSetup".
    Go into the folder and doubleclick the AppleSoftwareUpdate.msi to do a standalone ASU install.
    (If it offers you the choice to remove or repair, choose "Remove", and if the uninstall goes through successfully, see if you can reinstall by doubleclicking the AppleSoftwareUpdate.msi again.)
    Does it install (or uninstall and then reinstall) properly for you? If not, what error message do you get? (Precise text, please.)

  • [TV@Master] problem with the remote MS 8606

    My remote was working fine with the MSIPVR WinDVR ver 2 and drivers that came with the card. But it had problem with the reception and channel sorting so i downloaded the new drivers ver and MSIPVR ver 3 for Ms 8606 from the msi website. The reception has greatly improved but the remote has stoped working.I replaced the batteries but it still doesn't work.

    is the WinCinema Manager program running? (look in notification area of taskbar - by clock)

  • Help with the MSI 645 Ultra!

     I've got a very frusturating problem. I just bought the MSI 645 ultra mobo to upgrade my system, along with a brand new P4 2.0 GHZ processor and 512 mb DDR ram to go onto the board. My problem is as follows: The computer is not booting up. No OS, no BIOS, no nothing. When I turn the power on and hit the switch, all the hardware in the case starts up and sounds fine... but the screen remains blank. All four lights on the little diagnostic tool/usb port thingy that came with the board stay red, which, according to the manual, indicates a problem with the processor.
    The processor is either bad (highly unlikely with it being an Intel chip) or for some reason its not working with the mobo. So, heres my question: Does an Intel P4 2.0 GHZ Northwood processor work with the MSI 645 Ultra?
    Under the list of supported speeds, 2.0 ghz is not listed ?( . Can anyone tell me whats going on here?

    Originally posted by Confused_Bystander
     I've got a very frusturating problem. I just bought the MSI 645 ultra mobo to upgrade my system, along with a brand new P4 2.0 GHZ processor and 512 mb DDR ram to go onto the board. My problem is as follows: The computer is not booting up. No OS, no BIOS, no nothing. When I turn the power on and hit the switch, all the hardware in the case starts up and sounds fine... but the screen remains blank. All four lights on the little diagnostic tool/usb port thingy that came with the board stay red, which, according to the manual, indicates a problem with the processor.
    The processor is either bad (highly unlikely with it being an Intel chip) or for some reason its not working with the mobo. So, heres my question: Does an Intel P4 2.0 GHZ Northwood processor work with the MSI 645 Ultra?
    Under the list of supported speeds, 2.0 ghz is not listed ?( . Can anyone tell me whats going on here?
    ANy beep?

  • Problems with a MSI K8N

    So yeah I just bought alot of computer parts including this motherboard. I have my computer area downstairs in my house but I have a spare monitor in my room. After I finished installing everything I pluged the case into the wall and hooked it up. I proceeded to turn the power on and noticed the "NEO PLATNIUM" on the screen I figured everything was working so I turned the power off not thinking it would mess the bios up and took it downstairs and pluged it in again with my real monitor and computer set up. I tried to power it on again and it shut off in like 5-10 seconds I proceeded doing this about 4 times everytime it shut off so I took it back up stairs to see if something became unplugged. From then on I couldnt even get it to turn back on. My case showed a green light but when I pushed power It didnt work. I tried clearing the cmos with no success. I'm hoping somehow you guys will know what to do.
    Thanks for you time.

    Hey man, I feel your pain, and I feel obligated to post this because of the way everybody else is treating the problem.
    Let me point this out to everybody:
    This guy knows what he's doing, he isn't doing anything stupid.  This IS a problem with this MSI board.  How do I know?  Because my computer setup is doing the exact same thing.  I've been through 2 boards and 3 CPU's now.  My setup worked fine for 2 weeks, then one day it just stopped working.  It turns on for 5 seconds, then just turns itself off.  It does not post.  D-Bracket claims it is a bad or badly seated CPU.  It lies.  I just put in a brand new working CPU today, and i'm getting the same issue.  It IS the motherboard.  Now I just have to get it fixed from MSI somehow.  I feel comforted knowing i'm not the only one with this problem.  I just replied to some other guys post about having this issue.
    I just posted my issue on another motherboard, but I will post it here as well for you all to read so that you know this issue is more widespread than it may seem.
    Boy, what a ride this has been so far.
    Let me briefly explain the issue. Got a the motherboard and a XP64 3200+ from, etc. Plug it all together - nothing. I've built plenty of systems, and i've built several using thet MSI K8N board, also. I discover that the RAM is bad and the motherboard is also bad. Repeat as necessary several times.
    Long story short, I'm on CPU #3 and Mobo #2, soon to be #3.
    The 1st CPU was returned because a friend was working on the system and pulled the heatsink off and the CPU stuck to the bottom of the heatsink and some of the pins got bent/broke. (This is due to the poor design of the heatsink holder on the MSI board. There is WAY too much surface area between the heatsink and the CPU for the heatsink to be enclosed how it is on this board.. trying to pull them apart like that is just impossible. It can't be done. It has to be at an angle. . Only way).
    Now, after we got the motherboard RMA'd and bought a new CPU, everything worked fine and dandy.
    Two weeks later, one day the system just won't boot. There is no video signal at all. The problem is that when the system turns on, it runs for about 7 seconds.. all the fans turn on, etc. and then it just turns itself off.
    I've tried different power supplies, i've tried only with the CPU, Mobo, and RAM, and hell, i've even tried it without the RAM. I've tried it out of the case, to check for shorts. Nothing. I've checked the power switch to be sure it isn't being stuck on, it's not. There is no reason, whatsoever for the computer to do this. The Diagnosis LED Lights show all 4 red which means badly seated or damaged CPU. Ok. So I RMA the CPU. I just get it back today, and we're on the 3rd CPU now. Plugged it all together.. brand new CPU. The old one obviously didn't work or else they wouldn't have RMA'd this one to us. They should have tested this one first too, I think.
    The computer turns on, lights fans etc. come on, and 7 seconds later the computer shuts down. There are no BIOS beep codes, no video signals, NOTHING.
    This really only leaves me with one conclusion - the motherboard is bad. There are only 2 choices, CPU or Motherboard, and the CPU is brand new.. and the problem was the same with the last one ... common denomonator is the motherboard. Now its been so long waiting for the RMA on the CPU and everything ... plus the 2 weeks that this motherboard worked, that newegg probably won't take back the motherboard. My only real options is to send it to MSI for repair or something.
    This is a very sad day. The only thing I can think would have happened is that the motherboard had some kind of voltage issue to the CPU.. maybe some kind of electric jolt that damaged the CPU socket and the CPU itself so that now nothing works. I'm most afraid that the motherboard is damaging the CPU's.. and that this new one we just put in could be damaged from the motherboard also.
    These things are expensive... I can't afford for all this to keep going. I've easily spent $150 - $200 doing RMA's for all this ****. It's just ****ing rediculous. I should win an award for most computer problems.
    Before I start freaking out about this even more, let me get to the point of this post.
    Has anybody else experienced something like this? Specifically with this board? With something else? What the hell can I do about this, or is my only option the motherboard.. as far as I can tell.. it can't be anything else.

  • Problem with 8800GT + MSI G31TM-P21

    For a while now, I've been using an 8800GT + MSI G31TM-P21 as a secondary gaming system. This has been working admirably for a few months. Lately though, I've moved the board to a new case+PSU, have changed out the RAM and added a new hard drive. Now, I'm starting to have problems. The system will boot with the 8800GT + WinXP, but is sluggish and crashes (usually a crash to desktop instead of a complete lockup) within 5 minutes of launching a 3d game. The 8800GT works fine in another system - it stood up fine to an extended gaming session on a different P35 board. I loaded Win8 just for testing purposes, and the display driver crashed just doing desktop operations. I also ran Memtest86+ for about 12 hours on the RAM with no failures. The head scratcher is that an even more ancient Radeon X1800 GTO seems to work fine with the MSI board. System config is below:
    MSI G31TM-P21 (not sure about BIOS rev)
    Intel Pentium Dual-core E5500 @ 2.8GHz
    2x2GB Kingston Value RAM 800MHz DDR2 (dual channel)
    2x7200RPM drives and one 5000+ RPM "Green" drive
    Windows XP SP3 32-bit
    Arrow "500w MAX" PSU
    A bit more about the PSU - it's a cheap, older model with a 20-pin power connector. As I understand it (and I could be wrong) the extra 4 pins just power the PCIe video card, which are unnecessary since the video card has a power cable all its own. This setup worked fine in my old case, with an even older PSU. I guess my next step would be to resurrect my old 300w PSU and see if it works properly, but I wanted to see if anyone else had any ideas before I tear my case apart. BTW, there is no overclocking going on anywhere in this setup...
    UPDATE: Took a closer look at the old PSU, and it was an Allied/Apex 300 watt with (get this) 10 amps on the +12v rail. Nonetheless the 8800GT seemed to work fine on it. The "new" PSU has 17 amps on the +12v rail.

     That $25 Arrow 500W with +12V~17A is a joke. Any decent 500W PSU should have at least +12V~30A. I wouldn't trust that thing any further that I could throw it and at my age that's not very far. Even a Corsair 3 year old VX450W that I have has +12V~33A. You need minimum of +12V~26A for system with that graphics card to begin with, see the chart here: You're lucky that PSU you had before worked at all in your system.
     Get a Corsair PSU, a CX430W V2 +12V~28A would do but better would be the CX500 V2 +12V~34A. Even more power would be needed if you intend to upgrade to later and greater more power hungry VGA card any time soon.. See the Corsairs here:
      >> Corsair PSU @ newegg <<

  • Multiple Issues with the MSI board...

    This is my first experience with the MSI board and so far its not very smooth... I have this MSI NEO 2 standard board My specs are
    P4 2.8C
    256 MB (single module) DDR 400 RAM. (TWIN MOS)
    Geforce Ti4200..
    80 GB Maxtor SATA
    WIth WINDOWS XP HOME Edition..
    i have done no overclocking and the problems are..
    1. First of all it takes lot of time to show the first screen... like the vga card screen comes after 4 seconds.
    2. Some time i press the power button and when the system is detecting the hard disk and CDROM it gives error message like DRAM timings are too tight. i have check the BIOS setting and everything is normal and there is no overclocking and RAM is rated to run at 400 MHz.. although not a great brand but not a bad one either..
    3. Sometime just before loading the operating system it gives an error message that No boot sector found.. insert a Bootable floppy or CDROM.. and when i restart it start going on as usual..
    So wot are the causes of these problem .. i think mainboard is the main culprit... i have scanned my system with 2 anti virus and there is no virus..
    any suggestions..?

    Originally posted by Eddio1
    I've been reading the posts here for about a week and I decided to finally ask for some assistance.  Just picked up the MSI 865PE Neo2-V from BZBOYZ.COM and 1Gb generic matched Elixir 512's and I've tried dozens of bios settings as posted here.  I was finally able to install 2003 ent. server and if I'm lucky, it will get past the 2003 splash screen to a login screen, I'll log in, then put it to work (you know browse some heavily populated folders) it freezes and a reset is necessary.  Now, I cant even get past the splash screen.  I must have booted 200 times with every bios combination and I'm tired of doing fresh installs and experiencing the same system freeze issues.  I've been in the IT business and built dozens of boxes in the past and never had such problems (using bios failsafe defaults no less!) getting an OS to install and run in a reasonably stable fashion.  Mobos these days are extremely frustrating!  I'm going to pick up some Corsair twinx RAM and hopefully this will resolve.  Any ideas would be greatly appreciated in advance of more waiting and RMAing the RAM I have for some Corsair.  Do you think I'm on the right track because I'm gonna be really pissed if new RAM doesn't do the trick.
    Bios settings:
    Bus mastering enabled
    Configured RAM manually in bios 3-4-4-7-8 (tried PSD to no avail)
    Disabled dynamic o/c
    Disabled spread spectrum
    Normal speed
    HT enabled
    All other settings bios setup defaults
    MoBO specs:
    MSI 865PE Neo2-V latest bios: Version  5.4   Update date 2004-7-5
    P4 3.2 Prescott
    400 FSB
    1Gb Elixir PC3200 RAM (I suspect this cheap RAM is the issue)
    Memtest says it runs at 3-3-3-8
    I configured it manually in bios (per some previous posts) to run 3-4-4-7 (only way to get a boot)
    Native for SATA/ATA
    PS-Enermax EG365P-VE FCA-3.3V-32A, +5-32A, +12-26A
    ATI Radeon 8500 64MB
    Seagate SCSI Cheetah-36Gb 15K 160Mb/s
    Seagate SCSI Barracuda-73Gb 10K 160Mb/s
    Adaptec 29160N
    Boot to Adaptec then floppy then CD
    HI check my previous thread, entitled problem after udate of xp, or look for threads with name on  Sounds like a similar problem.

  • I just order 8 calendars from iPhoto and they came to me fine. Now I need to order two more but when I go thru the process I get a message  saying:unable to assemble calendar. There is a probleme with the photo with the file name"(Null)"   more........ .

    Would someone be able to explain to me the following issue with Iphoto?
    I ordered 8 same calendars for my soccer team and received them fine. Although a couple of pictures on it are a little off (out of focus). I need to order two more of the same calendars but when I go thru the process ireceive an error message saying:
    "Unable to to assemble  calendar" There is a problem with the photo with the file name "(Null)" The full resolution version of this photo either cannot be located or is corrupt. Please replace this photo or delete it from your calendar.
    How can  I fine this "corrupt" photo? How did it go thru with the first batch of calendars but won't go thru now?
    Thank you for your help.   

    Apply the two fixes below in order as needed:
    Fix #1
    Launch iPhoto with the Command+Option keys held down and rebuild the library.
    Since only one option can be run at a time start
    with Option #4 and then #1 as needed.
    Fix #2
    Using iPhoto Library Manager  to Rebuild Your iPhoto Library
    1 - download iPhoto Library Manager and launch.
    2 - click on the Add Library button, navigate to your Home/Pictures folder and select your iPhoto Library folder.
    3 - Now that the library is listed in the left hand pane of iPLM, click on your library and go to the File ➙ Rebuild Library menu option.
    4 - In the next  window name the new library and select the location you want it to be placed.
    5 - Click on the Create button.
    Note: This creates a new library based on the LIbraryData.xml file in the library and will recover Events, Albums, keywords, titles and comments.  However, books, calendars, cards and slideshows will be lost. The original library will be left untouched for further attempts at fixing the problem or in case the rebuilt library is not satisfactory.

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