Probleme Ipad 3

J'ai un Ipad 3 retina et j'ai des problemes pour me connecter avec le bluetooth, pouvez-vous m'aider a régler se probleme
il ne se connecter a rien meme pas avec l'iphone 4 s
Merci d'avance

I have found the answer to my own question. I had created a new iCloud account with my apple ID and this seemed to confuse the synch. I deleted this ID from the ipad and reverted to my account, then synced with iCloud over wifif instead of itunesn hrough hard wire and presto, all my contacts are now on my iPad!

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    Some things to try first:
    1. Turn Off your iPad. Then turn Off (disconnect power cord for 30 seconds or longer) the wireless router & then back On. Now boot your iPad. Hopefully it will see the WiFi.
    2. Go to Settings>Wi-Fi and turn Off. Then while at Settings>Wi-Fi, turn back On and chose a Network.
    3. Change the channel on your wireless router (Auto or Channel 6 is best). Instructions at ork.html
    4. Go into your router security settings and change from WEP to WPA with AES.
    5.  Renew IP Address: (especially if you are droping internet connection)
        •    Launch Settings app
        •    Tap on Wi-Fi
        •    Tap on the blue arrow of the Wi-Fi network that you connect to from the list
        •    In the window that opens, tap on the Renew Lease button
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    Fix For iOS 6 WiFi Problems?
    Did iOS 6 Screw Your Wi-Fi? Here’s How to Fix It
    How To Fix Wi-Fi Connectivity Issue After Upgrading To iOS 6 to-ios-6.html
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    Apple's iOS 6 Wi-Fi problems
    How to Fix a Poor Wi-Fi Signal on Your iPad n-Your-iPad.htm
    iOS Troubleshooting Wi-Fi networks and connections
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    WiFi Connecting/Troubleshooting
    How to Fix: My iPad Won't Connect to WiFi -To-Wi-Fi.htm
    iOS: Connecting to the Internet
    iOS: Recommended settings for Wi-Fi routers and access points
    How to Quickly Fix iPad 3 Wi-Fi Reception Problems
    iPad Wi-Fi Problems: Comprehensive List of Fixes
    Fix iPad Wifi Connection and Signal Issues
    Fix Slow WiFi Issue
    How To Fix iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch Wi-Fi Connectivity Issue
    Unable to Connect After iOS Update - saw this solution on another post.
    Note - When troubleshooting wifi connection problems, don't hold your iPad by hand. There have been a few reports that holding the iPad by hand, seems to attenuate the wifi signal.
    If any of the above solutions work, please post back what solved your problem. It will help others with the same problem.
     Cheers, Tom

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    Hi Ssgtn,
    Contact iTunes Support:

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    There is no problem with my network or my wifi connection.  Both of these devices worked flawlessly until iOS 7.0.3.  Anyone else having the same problem?

    Nope, no WiFi problems with either iOS 7.0.3 or 7.0.4 on an iPhone 5, an iPad 3 and an iPad 4.

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    Some iPad users have been able to revive their dropped iPad. Turn the iPad over and give it a HARD SLAP on the back. May take several slaps.
    dropped iPad
    Apple's Limited Warranty for iPad excludes coverage for damage resulting from accident, disassembly, unauthorized service and unauthorized modifications.
    The warranty will apply to the country of purchase. And if there is a problem needing repair you have to return it to the country of purchase.
    Out-of-Warranty Service
         If you own an iPad that is ineligible for warranty service but is eligible for Out-of-Warranty (OOW) Service, Apple will replace (Apple doesn't repair) your iPad with an iPad that is new or equivalent to new in both performance and reliability for the Out-of-Warranty Service fee listed below. (The replacement will most likely be a refurbished iPad in a brown box, however, it has a new screen, back and battery.)   
    iPad model
    Out-of-Warranty Service Fee
    iPad mini
    iPad 3rd, 4th, Air
    iPad 2, iPad
    A $6.95 shipping fee will be added if service is arranged through Apple and requires shipping. All fees are in US dollars and are subject to local tax.
    Certain damage is ineligible for out-of-warranty service, including catastrophic damage, such as the device separating into multiple pieces, and inoperability caused by unauthorized modifications. However, an iPad that has failed due to contact with liquid may be eligible for out-of-warranty service. See
    Make a Genius Bar Reservation
    You may can get the iPad repaired at 3rd party repair sources for less $, however, any remaining Apple warranty will be voided.
    iCracked - Broken iPhone, iPod or iPad
    iReVamp Electronics Screen Repair ($99)
    iPad Repair & Screen Replacement Services
    RepairZoom iPad Repair
    Mission Repair
    Do It Yourself iPad Repair
     Cheers, Tom

  • Jabra CLIPPER multiuse problem. (iPad 2, iPhone 3GS)

    I have a three devices Bluetooth receiver "Jabra CLIPPER", iPad 2(4.3.3) and iPhone 3GS(4.3.3).
    Jabra CLIPPER has a "multiuse function". It is connect to between two devices at same time.
    (ex) CLIPPER connect to iPad 2 A2DP and connect to iPhone 3GS HFP.)
    But, I can't connect two devices at same time in any way.
    Jabra supporter explained to me howto below.
    1. Remove clipper bluetooth pairing history on iPhone 3GS, iPad 2
    2. Power off clipper
    3. Power on & pairing mode clipper.
    4. iPad 2 founded "Jabra CLIPPER" and touch to pair & connected. (1st device.)
    5. Power off clipper again. (Disconnected from iPad 2)
    6. Power on & pairing mode clipper again.
    7. iPhone 3GS founded "Jabra CLIPPER" and touch to pair & connected.
    (2nd device.)
    8. Do not Power off clipper & go back to iPad 2 Bluetooth Preference, select again "Jabra CLIPPER".
    9. That's all. You can use two devices at same time.
    But.. I saw a popup messsage "Connection Unsuccessful". iPad 2 (1st device) do not connect "Jabra CLIPPER" again.
    Jabra supporter explained to me again.
    "What may be happening is that the iPhone is taking over the A2DP bluetooth profile, along with the cellphone profiles. The Clipper should connect the A2DP or stereo profile to one device and the rest of bluetooth profiles to another. In this case, the iPhone seems to be taking over all profiles when the pairing is established. In order to connect the Clipper with two different devices one of them must handle the stereo or A2DP profile, and the other will use only the HSP and HFP (cellphone bluetooth profiles)."
    Plz help me..

    Hi tagnee:
    The solution for your problem:
    In order for the Jabra Clipper to be able to pair with both the iPad and iPhone, one has to first pair each device separately with the Jabra Clipper while turning off Bluetooth on the other device. Once pairing on both devices is successful, all you need is to connect both to the Jabra Clipper, and this was when I noticed a few hiccups.
    In order for the Jabra Clipper to be able to connect with both the iPad and the iPhone, one have to first connect the iPad with the Jabra Clipper while turning Bluetooth off on the iPhone. Once connected successfully with the iPad, turn on the Bluetooth on the iPhone and press connect. It doesn't work the other way around, i.e. connecting the iPhone first and then the iPad.
    If one steps out of range of the Bluetooth range of either one of the devices, one has to reconnect both devices all over again.
    I hope this information is helpful.
    Greetings from Chile!

  • Netflix Problem iPad

    Hey there,
    my Netflix App has not been working on my iPad for 2-3 months now. No matter what movie/show I want to watch I always get the message "Cannot play movie. Please try again later". I can watch Netflix on my iPhone and MacBook without any problems.
    Here's what I've tried so far:
    - delete and reinstall the Netflix app
    - reboot my iPad
    - restore my iPad
    - iPad runs the latest iOS update and Netflix update
    I also called Netflix support service. They told me there's nothing they can do to help me and there's probably something wrong with the iPad/iOS. Again: it works perfectly fine on my iPhone.
    Has anyone had the same problem? It's quite annoying
    PS: My iPad also won't play videos in Safari. It used to work without any problems, but suddenly stopped also 2-3 months ago. I just get a crossed play-button (on the exact same websites as before).

    So I have now downloaded the latest Netflix app update and it has not fixed the problem at all. It still says "Cannot play video, connected display is not supported." I downloaded the NBC app and that says "Airplay is not supported." I have not problem playing videos straight from the Safari app or Youtube. Can anyone out there tell me what is wrong. This is super frustrating. It isn't clear to me if this is a Netflix problem or Apple problem since people at either place point to the other company when I talk to them on the phone. It ***** when updates create problems where none existed before.
    Anyone else running into this?
    Anyone found a fix?

  • IPhoto syncing problems iPad

    I am having trouble syncing my iPad with my iPhoto library. When I try and sync through iTunes only selected photos seem to be synced, i.e. if I choose to sync a specific event not all the photos from the event are synced. For example, a recent event has 44 photos in it and when I sync only about 12 appear on the iPad. If I choose to sync more events the same thing happens. Some events most photos seem to be there and in others some are missing. All the photos are jpgs so my understanding is there should be no problem. Interestingly, if I take the photos and put them in a folder and sync the folder only - not through iPhoto on sync - all the photos come over (obviously not grouped in events). This to me suggests it is something to do with iPhoto indexing. I created the iPhoto databases and thumbnails index but this did not help. I have read that deleting the 'iPod Photo Cache" can help with this, so deleted that - but still no joy. I have read somewhere that the index file in iPhoto has limit (256mb or something) - i have 10,000 photos in my library so maybe this is the problem. I am not trying to sync all the photos just some events so space on the iPad (32GB) cannot be a problem. Please help? Bernie

    Just checking to make sure that you did follow this procedure .... I copied this from one of my other posts and I'm merely double checking that you did restart the iPad after you tried this ....
    Follow the instructions here to delete the iPod Photo cache and see if that helps.
    iTunes: Photo sync creates iPod Photo Cache folder
    Restart your iPad. Press and hold the Sleep/Wake button until the red slider appears. Slide your finger across the slider to turn off iPad. To turn iPad back on, press and hold the Sleep/Wake until the Apple logo appears.
    Now try syncing.
    I have seen posters with more photos than you are trying to sync have success with this procedure so I don't think that the number of photos is the problem. You stated that creating a new folder and syncing the photos works that way so that proves to me that it isn't the number of photos that is causing the issue.
    The only other suggestions I can think of are to create new names for the events using the same photos and try syncing that way. The other suggestion would be to delete your backup and try to the sync the photos.

  • Battery problem iPad 4

    I need help my iPad 4 have a problem battery.

    The only help we can provide is:
    Get a battery monitor/charge utility and see if it helps
    Take it to the store; batteries non-serviceable.

  • Problema ipad, va in freeze con video

    Salve io ho un problema con l'ipad 16gb wifi, durante la visione di video di youtube, sia dall'applicazione "youtube" sia con safari, l'ipad si blocca, va in freeze. e devo intervenire con un Hard Reset.
    Ho notato che lo fa guardando video anche dall'applicazione skytg24.
    Solo guardando i video si blocca.
    Ho spedito in assistenza l'ipad, ed ora mi contattano dicendomi che non c'è niente che non va nell'ipad e che funziona tutto.
    Ma che test hanno fatto per non accorgersi del problema?
    ora mi tengo l'ipad che non ha la possibilità di vedere video su youtube?
    mi sembra un controsenso.

    Ho avuto lo stesso problema e dopo la risistemazione ed il ristabilimento del iPad varie volte, lo ho fatto sostituire al deposito di Apple. Se potete fare sostituire il iPad, quello sarà voi migliore opzione.
    Speri che questo aiuti.

  • Audio problems iPad 2

    Ever since my iPad 2 OS was upgraded to 7.0.2 I've been having audio problems. Is there a fix yet?

    (A) Reset iPad
    Hold down the Sleep/Wake button and the Home button at the same time for at least ten seconds, until the Apple logo appears
    (B) Swipe upwards from bottom of screen to launch Control Center. Make sure sound is not muted (tap the little bell)

  • Safari problem iPad 3

    My wife and I both have the iPad 3. When surfing the web we have issues with safari occasionally failing to completly load a page. We often have to reload the content multiple times to get it to display.  Is this a known issue or am I looking at a bandwidth problem? I have had no other issues with wireless and our iPhones do NOT exhibit this behavior.

    We just switched to a cable modem with airport extreme router. Needed to also add a wifi extender due to stupid phone company putting modem in the basement! Now everything working really fast o wifi network ( MacBooks, PC and laptops). iPads hanging and taking forever to load pages in safari. Interestingly, on 3G connection pages load fine. However I installed another browser. Atomic Web Browser and now pages load in seconds on wifi connected iPads. So definitely a Safari issue.
    Hope this helps

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