Problems using apex_application.g_fxx

I have a SQL Query (updateable report) defined on a page and am using a custom app process to process the rows. I've based my code on posts out here but I'm getting some unusual results. Here's the sql for the report.
when PROP_FLD_LKUP_SEQ_NUM = 29 then
(select nlsn_group_num || ' - ' || nlsn_ctgry_desc from apex_so.nlsn_ctgry where PROPOSAL_FIELD_VALUE = NLSN_CTGRY_NUM)
The report works fine on the page but when I try to process it using the following the values in the corresponding report don't align and is some cases I can't figure out where the values came from. Here's the code from the app process.
:P2_RETURN_MESSAGE := 'This is a test, count = ' || apex_application.g_f01.COUNT;
FOR i IN 1 .. apex_application.g_f01.COUNT
vrow := apex_application.g_f01 (i);
:P2_RETURN_MESSAGE := 'Inside the loop '
|| '. f01->'
|| apex_application.g_f01 (i)
|| '. f02->'
|| apex_application.g_f02 (i)
|| ' / f03->'
|| apex_application.g_f03 (i)
|| ' /f04-> '
|| apex_application.g_f04 (i)
|| ' / f05->'
|| apex_application.g_f05 (i)
|| ' / f06->'
|| apex_application.g_f06 (i)
|| ' / f07->'
|| apex_application.g_f07 (i);
/* || ' / f08>'
|| nvl(apex_application.g_f08 (i), ' ');
|| ' / f09>'
|| nvl(apex_application.g_f09 (i), ' ')
|| ' / f10->'
|| nvl(apex_application.g_f10 (i), ' ')
|| ' / f11->'
|| nvl(apex_application.g_f12 (i), ' ')
|| ' / f12->'
|| nvl(apex_application.g_f12 (i), ' '); */
There are 10 fields being selected in the sql above but if I try to concatenate more than g_f07 I get ora-1403 errors, data not found. None of these columns are null and I can't figure it out.
Anyone have any thoughts?

Hi Bruce,
is it possible that some of the columns are just of display type "Standard report column"? Because those will not save state.
For an explanation of the apex_application.g_fxx array mapping, have a look at
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    Okay, I am at my wits end on this one.
    I'm running Apex 4, and on one of my screens I have a manually created tabular report. For one of the master records, this tabular report returns 12 rows, yet apex_application.g_fxx.count consistently returns 24 as the count. For other master records, this is working correctly however, returning the same number as what is showed on screen.
    I've tried to duplicate it on, but it works correctly there as well.
    I've checked the data table, and there are only twelve rows there, same as what the tabular report shows. I've added in TONS of code to report back what is happening and everything looks fine in the code and processing, but the data that gets saved is out out sync, since it appears that for some reason the xxx.count (for only this one master record) is somehow doubling the count, so the data that gets saved is off. For example, say someone makes a change to the third sub-record, the 'count' suddenly becomes 6, so it saves the changes for the sixth sub-record.
    Has anybody else ever seen this phenomenon and knows what causes it? I've spent three fruitless days trying to track this down so far.
    Bill Ferguson
    A bit of further information.
    In my app, users must list all commodities present at a site first (different screen). They may then go to my Resources screen and input the tonnage and grades of the various commodities present. This ensures that users cannot add tonnage and grade information for a commodity that is not listed as being present at the site.
    So, when they get to the Resources screen, the bottom is all filled out with all of the commodities listed, and they simply have to type in the grade. The users also wnated the ones with information in the grade fields to appear at the top, so I had to add an order by to the query, as follows:
    SELECT a_rec,
      FROM (SELECT rec a_rec,
                   c.commod || ' - (' || code || ')' c_code,
                   grd grade,
                   grd_units grade_units,
                   rec count_order
              FROM    RESOURCE_DETAIL rd
                   RIGHT OUTER JOIN
                      commodity c
                   USING (dep_id, code)
             WHERE (CHILD_KEY = 1028244420100003)  -- actually using a variable here instead of hard-coded values
            SELECT c.line a_rec,
                   c.commod || ' - (' || code || ')' c_code,
                   NULL item,
                   NULL grade,
                   NULL grade_units,
                   NULL child_key,
                   c.line + 200 count_order
              FROM commodity c
             WHERE dep_id = 10282444 -- actually using a variable here instead of hard-coded values
                   AND code NOT IN
                          (SELECT code
                             FROM resource_detail
                            WHERE dep_id = 10282444 AND yr = 2010 AND line = 3)) -- actually using variables here instead of hard-coded values
    ORDER BY import, count_orderNow, on the screen the commodities are listed as:
    But, the code I've added to see what is happening is instead saying the records being processed are in this order:
    I do not have any sort criteria specied in the Report attributes. So, why is the order of processing (for i in 1 .. apex_application.g_f03.count) processing in a different order than what is shown on screen?

    Hi Arie,
    This was a strange one to track down. I wound up adding all kinds of logging statements in my code, writing things out to a table while processing, counts, which record, etc., and suddenly it dawne don me that everything was being processed in alphabetical order by commodity name, even though the screen display was by two other fields. I played around with different 'order by' settings, but the processing somehow was always by the commodity name. I have no idea where it was getting that 'directive', but nothing I could figure out changed it.
    So to recap, in case I didn't explain it well enough above, this is a manually created tabular form, with a 'regular' form above it (master-datail). I use the apex_item.text, etc. constructs to create the tabular form, and then in my 'proceses' I'm using the normal apex_application.g_fxx array to perform the processing. While the screen display from the tabular report shows everything with an order by of two columns, the processing always was done ordered by a diffierent, no-specified column.
    Changing my report definition to use the same 'order by' as the processing seemed to be working fixed the problem, though I have no idea where it was getting the 'order by' from to overwrite what was being on screen. I'm not sure if this is a bug or not, I vaguely remember Scott Spadafore commenting about this behaviour a long, long time back, but I can't find the post. It was probably back in the 2.x days.
    I also have no idea what is causing the array to somehow double for some records and not on others. In this particular case, the record I had on screen only had 7 commodities, but when I printed the result of apex_application.g_fxx.count, it always showed 14, even though on, when I tried to re-create the problem, it worked correctly and only reported 7. Most records in my database that I tested this on worked correctly, reporting the correct number of commodities, but occasionally I'd run across one where the number was doubled. I don't know if there is some internal table Apex uses that I could truncate (like possibly wwv_flow_collection_members?) where possisbly this type of information be kept. The only thing I can think of is that somewhere these counts are stored in a collection and it is populated with data from a real old incarnation, and during processing it stumbles across these old records and uses the old values. It doesn't seem like a realistic possibility, but it about the only explanation I can think of.
    Bill Ferguson

  • Use APEX_APPLICATION in an application process called by a javascript

    I have a page that is split into two; Top portion is a form, and the bottom part is a tabular form of a collection. Currently, if I enter information into the form and the collection and then submit the collection (to save the data to the collection) it erases the information in the form (since submitting for the form is separate). The same thing happens when I attempt to delete certain rows from the collection.
    My solution to this problem was to use javascript to call an application process (that way the page isn't completely refreshed, only the collection portion). However, I can't seem to get the apex package APEX_APPLICATION to work correctly as an application process (works fine as a process on submit as a page process).
    Below is the way I use apex_application for saving:
    for x in 1..apex_application.g_f03.COUNT
    apex_collection.update_member_attribute (p_collection_name=> 'SPECIES_COLLECTION',
    p_seq => apex_application.g_f03(x),
    p_attr_number => 8,
    p_attr_value => apex_application.g_f08(x));
    apex_collection.update_member_attribute (p_collection_name=> 'SPECIES_COLLECTION',
    p_seq => apex_application.g_f03(x),
    p_attr_number => 9,
    p_attr_value => apex_application.g_f09(x));
    apex_collection.update_member_attribute (p_collection_name=> 'SPECIES_COLLECTION',
    p_seq => apex_application.g_f03(x),
    p_attr_number => 10,
    p_attr_value => apex_application.g_f10(x));
    apex_collection.update_member_attribute (p_collection_name=> 'SPECIES_COLLECTION',
    p_seq => apex_application.g_f03(x),
    p_attr_number => 11,
    p_attr_value => apex_application.g_f11(x));
    apex_collection.update_member_attribute (p_collection_name=> 'SPECIES_COLLECTION',
    p_seq => apex_application.g_f03(x),
    p_attr_number => 12,
    p_attr_value => apex_application.g_f12(x));
    end loop;
    Below is the code I use for deleting certain elements from the collection:
    FOR ii IN 1 .. apex_application.g_f01.COUNT -- checkbox
    apex_collection.delete_member (p_collection_name => 'SPECIES_COLLECTION',
    p_seq => apex_application.g_f01(ii)
    Below is the javascript I attempted to use for application process for submitting:
    function addToCollection()
    var get =
    new htmldb_Get(null,&APP_ID.,'APPLICATION_PROCESS=submitLandings',0);
    gReturn = get.get();
    get = null;

    Your requirement is quite similar to what I have here:
    Using apex_application.g_fxx will not work in the way you originaly planed to do that since an application process can't see it.
    What you can do is to use an application process to update the collection at the moment you enter your data. Apply for an account (see login page of my demo application) and you may see how I solved it in my example.
    Denes Kubicek

  • Apex_application.g_fXX and collection problem

    Hello all!
    In the midst of writing my second apex application, it appears I need to use apex_application functionality to meet my requirements and am seeking assistance.
    I have a table/report with a column link (item_id) and a second column (as a text field) (there are more columns displayed), but I think they are irrelevant to this situation) populated with a value QTY (c002) from a collection where c001 = item_id. What I'm attempting to do is allow someone to enter a qty in the c002 text field, apply the qty change to the collection and reload the page displaying the new quantity value in the report when the column link (image) is selected (page redirects to itself).
    Since it appears that column links are not a SUBMIT, I've put my collection update plsql in a before header process. According to the debug output, this collection insert is executed long before the rendering of the report.
    This is my report plsql;
    l_query varchar2(4000) := '';
    l_query := 'select i.INVENTORY_ID, col.c002, ql.QUANTITY_AVAILABLE, i.STRAIN_CODE, i.STRAIN_NAME, i.GENOTYPE, i.AGE, i.SEX, ql.ROOM_NUMBER from SM_INVENTORY i, SM_QUANTITY_LOCATION ql, apex_collections col where ql.STRAIN_ID = i.STRAIN_ID(+) and col.collection_name (+)= ''ORDER'' and col.c001 (+)= i.INVENTORY_ID';
    This is my update collection plsql (I don't have the insert part yet, but my collection already contains values);
    declare col_item_count number;
    col_seq number;
    item_id number;
    qty number;
    if apex_collection.collection_exists('ORDER') = FALSE then
    apex_collection.create_collection( p_collection_name => 'ORDER');
    end if;
    for i in 1..apex_application.g_f01.count
    item_id := apex_application.g_f01(i);
    qty := apex_application.g_f02(i);
    select count(c001),seq_id into col_item_count, col_seq
    from apex_collections
    where c001 = item_id
    and collection_name = 'ORDER';
    group by c001, seq_id;
    if col_item_count > 0 then
    p_collection_name => 'ORDER',
    p_seq             => col_seq,
    p_c001 => item_id,
    p_c002 => qty);
    end if;
    end loop;
    Given all this, my collection entry is not updated with the new value of c002 displayed in my report text field.
    Be advised, I've not found documentation about the apex_application package of sufficient detail to allow me to comprehend exactly what gets put into the apex_application.g_fXX values or when, but based on what I've gathered from examples/blogs, I think it contains the report in the currently rendered page, but I honestly don't know.
    Given my assumptions, I'm expecting apex_application.g_f01(1) would be the first row item_id of my report and apex_application.g_f01(2) would be the first row c002 (qty from my collection) of my report. If this is correct, I would expect this would work.
    What might I have missed?
    PS. Honestly, is this methodology the only/easiest way to get my requirement/functionality to work? Is there an easier way?

    OK, tried this - not yet successful. This is what I've got.
    Classic report loaded by;
    l_query varchar2(4000) := '';
    l_query := 'select i.INVENTORY_ID, i.INVENTORY_ID inv_id_hold, col.c002, ql.QUANTITY_AVAILABLE, i.STRAIN_CODE, i.STRAIN_NAME, i.GENOTYPE, i.AGE, i.SEX, ql.ROOM_NUMBER from SM_INVENTORY i, SM_QUANTITY_LOCATION ql, apex_collections col where ql.STRAIN_ID = i.STRAIN_ID(+) and col.collection_name (+)= ''ORDER'' and col.c001 (+)= i.INVENTORY_ID';
    Created a "SAVE" button.
    Set up column inv_id_hold as a hidden tab form element and col.c002 as a text field tab form element (item_id and qty respectively). These should now be available as apex_application.g_f01 and apex_application.g_f02 (right?).
    I have this post submit plsql in a process conditioned to the "SAVE" button.
    declare col_item_count number;
    col_seq number;
    item_id number;
    qty number;
    if apex_collection.collection_exists('ORDER') = FALSE then
    apex_collection.create_collection( p_collection_name => 'ORDER');
    end if;
    for i in 1..apex_application.g_f01.count
    item_id := apex_application.g_f01(i);
    qty := apex_application.g_f02(i);
    select count(c001),seq_id into col_item_count, col_seq
    from apex_collections
    where c001 = apex_application.g_f01(i)
    and collection_name = 'ORDER';
    --group by c001, seq_id;*
    if col_item_count > 0 then
    p_collection_name => 'ORDER',
    p_seq             => col_seq,
    p_c001 => item_id,
    p_c002 => qty);
    p_collection_name => 'ORDER',
    p_c001 => item_id,
    p_c002 => qty);
    end if;
    end loop;
    When I enter something in my qty column and press SAVE, I get "ORA-01403: no data found" being thrown by the plsql process (per debug). Since everything is going on "under the hood" and there is no step debugger in apex, I'm not able to see/understand the process in action and determine where the problem is occurring.
    I got the idea for all of this here - which is the shopping cart page of the online store application. But I'm trying to get the quantity edit portion to work on the inventory listing (so a customer can add items to an order simply by providing qty input for a particular line item(s) and saving).
    Any advice?
    Can you write an order processing system in apex that uses a collection to store line items?

  • Apex_application.g_fxx.count Question (problem?)

    Do the apex_application.g_fxx variables need to be shown on the page (region) in order for apex_application.g_fxx.count to return a non-zero value?
    I'm trying to figure out why I spent a day trying to get something to work, and it seems like this is what it was, though I'm not quite sure.
    In my report region, I have a column that when shown, my process works correctly, where a loop that has the form of:
    This performs the statements within the loop.
    However, if that column is not shown (under Report attributes, unclick the Show box), then the process does not seem to execute the statements inside the loop.
    The only thing I can think of is that when it's marked as not shown, then the COUNT has no value, even though it seems like it should. Does COUNT only return the count of displayable items in the column, so if it's not shown, it's zero?
    It also may be how the report region is defined as well I suppose. It seems like ApEx should understand it okay, but who knows. It's simply a join of two inline views, so I can pre-populate the region with values from another table if this table didn't have any entries.
    This is Apex One of these days I'll get caught up enough to upgrade to 3.0.
    Bill Ferguson

    Hi Patrick,
    I suppose I also should have stated that this is a manually generated report region, using the apex_application.[item_type] syntax, where I have to specify the array (item) number. I just tested with Firebug, and if I change the number of the second column to 22, it's shown as f22 instead of f02.
    g_f16 was the next to the last column, though the one after it is a hidden column (apex_application.hidden).
    My report region is such, that g_f03 andg f16 are the only columns I can verify will actually have some data in it, as I force a value into gf16 if the second half of my union is selecting null values, so I could get around the null sorting problem (NULLS LAST didn't work, even on 10gR2, so I'm doing something else wrong).
    Anyway, I can use the values of the columns, whether they are displayed or not, it's just that apex_application.g_f16.COUNT always returned a zero when the column was hidden, even though it consisted of an array of 5 values. Trying to track it down I was able send the value of the column to a logging table, so I was able to see that I was getting the values, just not the count of values.
    Bill Ferguson

  • [Solved] Reference apex_application.g_fXX in "execute immediate" statement

    I created a dynamically generated tabular form - the number of columns is not known in advanced. Each cell of the form is a text item generated with apex_item.text().
    I want to write an after-submit process that saves the values from the form into a database table. In this process I already know how many columns there are in the report so I want to do the following:
    --for each row...
    for i in 1..apex_application.g_f01.count loop
      -- and for each column in that row (number of columns is in v_col_count)
      for j in 1..v_col_count loop
        -- get the value of text item
        v_query := 'select apex_application.g_f0' || j || '(' || i || ')' || ' from dual';
        execute immediate v_query into v_value;
        -- now do some DML with v_value
      end loop;
    end loop;The problem is that I get an error: ORA-06553: PLS-221: 'G_Fxx' is not a procedure or is undefined where xx is the number from the generated query.
    My question is - am I doing something wrong or is is just not possible to reference apex_application.g_fxx in "execute immediate"? Will I have to manually check for all 50 possibilites of apex_application.g_fxx? Is there another way?

    Well now I know what was wrong and what you were trying to tell me - apex_application.g_fxx is not visible in "plain" SQL. And now I also have a solution to this problem. The point is to wrap the select statement with begin - end block so that the statement is rendered as pl/sql:
    --for each row...
    for i in 1..apex_application.g_f01.count loop
      -- and for each column in that row (number of columns is in v_col_count)
      for j in 1..v_col_count loop
        -- get the value of text item
        v_query := 'begin select apex_application.g_f0' || j || '(:i)' || ' into :x from dual; end;';
        execute immediate v_query using i, out v_value;
        -- now do some DML with v_value
      end loop;
    end loop;This works great :).

  • Use apex_application.g_unrecoverable_error := TRUE; and apex_collection.truncate_collection doesn't work

    I'm trying to print pdf using JasperReports Integration. I need to do an INSERT then clean all the page items(including the apex_collection.truncate_collection for truncate the collection)  and print with the Jasper call(all in one button).
    The Insert works, and i can perfectlly print too, but the clean page items and the truncate collection doesn't.
    Please HELP! its really urgent!!
    Ricardo Capuz

    Hi Nicolette, i'm really new on Apex, sorry for the bad explanation.
    First, thank for your answer, my apex version is 4.2.2.
    I'm sure that the insert works perfect, cause i checked with the database.
    i used apex_application.g_unrecoverable_error := true; because is the code that bring the people of JasperReportsIntegration and I tried to comment it but without it, the print doesn't work.
    My problem is when I use the g_unrecoverable_error the printPDF works perfect but apex does not truncate the collection or clean the fields neither.
    I have an invoicing application, i want to click on "generate invoice" and do the insert, print pdf and refresh the page, so that when the user finish to print the invoice, the invoicing application is clean for make another invoice.
    Here's the code of the print pdf....
               l_blob        BLOB;
               l_mime_type   VARCHAR2 (100 char);
               l_proc varchar2(100) := 'get report as blob, then show';
               l_additional_parameters varchar2(32767);
          l_additional_parameters := 'USUARIO_CODIGO=' || apex_util.url_encode(:APP_USER);
          l_additional_parameters := l_additional_parameters||'&PRESUPUESTO_NUMERO='||apex_util.url_encode(:PRESUPUESTO_ID);
          xlog (l_proc, 'url (orig):' || 'http://Servidor-New:8181/JasperReportsIntegration/report');
       -- generate the report and return in BLOB
      xlib_jasperreports.set_report_url ('http://Servidor-New:8181/JasperReportsIntegration/report');
                                       p_rep_name => '&JASPER_HOME./PRESUPUESTO_CNO',
                                       p_rep_format => 'pdf',
                                       p_data_source => '&JASPER_HOME.',
                                       p_rep_locale => 'es_ES',
                                       p_additional_params => l_additional_parameters,
                                       p_out_blob            => l_blob,
                                       p_out_mime_type       => l_mime_type
       -- set mime header and filename
       OWA_UTIL.mime_header (ccontent_type      => l_mime_type,
                             bclose_header      => TRUE);
       -- send Content-Disposition and suggest a file name for saving
       htp.p('Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="'|| 'Presupuesto.pdf' ||'"');
       -- set content length
       HTP.p ('Content-length: ' || DBMS_LOB.getlength (l_blob));
       -- download the file and display in browser
       WPG_DOCLOAD.download_file (l_blob);
       -- release resources
       DBMS_LOB.freetemporary (l_blob);
       -- stop rendering of APEX page
      apex_application.g_unrecoverable_error := TRUE;
    /* apex_application.stop_apex_engine;                               -------I PROVE WITH THIS ONE AND IT DOESN'T WORK
       apex_util.redirect_url (                                      --------IF I SET THE BUFFER RESET TO TRUE, IT CLEAN THE FIELDS BUT DON'T PRINT AND IF I SET TO FALSE IT PRINT BUT DON'T CLEAN THE FIELDS.
    p_url => 'f?p=&APP_ID.:30:' || :SESSION,
                              p_reset_htp_buffer => true ); */
        -- Limpieza de ITEMS collection
    apex_collection.truncate_collection(p_collection_name => 'ITEMS');  -----I TRIED TO PUT THIS PART UPPER THAN THE g_unrecoverable_erro BUT IS THE SAME THING.
    :P30_NOMB_AP_PACIENTE:=' ';
    :P30_RIF_RESP_PAGO:=' ';
    :P30_NOMBRE_RESP_PAGO:=' ';
          xlog (l_proc, SQLERRM, 'ERROR');
    I really aprecciate your help. Thank you Nicolette!!!
    Ricardo Capuz

  • Problem using File sharing  in a small office network

    I have a problem using File sharing on an Imac and Macbook Pro.
    My office has a small network running Windows Small office file server 2003. I have one Windows 2000 PC connected to it and 3 Macs, an 2.4 gHz Intel iMac running Leopard 10.5.6 , a MBP running the same and a Mac Mini running 10.5.
    From the Finder Shared window of the Mac Mini, I can see all the computers on the network. It also used to be the case for the iMac, but the MBP could never see the Windows PC’s, not the server or the Win2000. This wasn’t a big problem as I was communicating between the Macs and using the shared printer on the iMac.
    On Monday Jan 19 the iMac was suddenly unavailable to the other 2 Macs. It was working normally on the Friday. The iMac can access the Mac Mini and copy files to it. The Mac Mini can see the iMac but cannot access it. Even trying to connect as, ends in a failed connection. I have tried rebooting, turning File sharing off and then on again to no avail.
    The iMac now also cannot see the Windows PC’s which it previously could.
    To get files from the MBP for printing, I now copy it to the Mac Mini and acces the folder from the iMac, a very tedious procedure. I don’t know why this happened and am scared that the Mac Mini is going to do the same thing.
    All three computers are also running VMware 2.0 with Windows XP pro, and from VMware the server is visible on all the computers.
    Any help will be much appreciated, I live in a small town in South Africa and the local computer suppliers have no knowledge of the Macs.
    I think that the problem with the iMac may have started after a software upgrade to 10.5.6 but I am not entirely sure.
    Thank you

    Well, you're current method sounds pretty good. But if you want to user a file server, hey go ahead.
    What you want to do when you centralize project files is to keep track of which one is the newest and becareful not to overwrite files with the same name. So you either have to set up individual spaces on the server (separate AFP/FTP folders maybe), or you'll need to run a file checkout service.
    The individual space is cheaper, but it's not much of a difference from backing up to the network drive. Since you have Gigabit connections, you might even opt to save ALL the user files on the server instead of just the project files.
    If you want to run a file checkout service, there's two approaches. You can run a service that can host any kind of file, or you can run a version control system for each kind of application (Photoshop, Word, etc.). Please notice, that as you read further and further along, the methods become more and more expensive and complicated. Once you get to this point, it will be necessary to purchase or build software in addition to the Mac OS X Server package.

  • Huge problem using apple mail while sending email to a group...

    Hey - I am quite confused... apple mail has huge problems using groups with about 150 addresses when writing and sending an email... the writing of emails is nearly impossible. Once the group name is inserted in the addressline (address book in iCloud!), apple mail uses nearly 100% CPU and further writing is nearly impossible. When sending such an email, all addresses are suddenly visible - though the box is NOT checked and the addresses should be hidden... what can I do? I use this feature (sending mails to groups) on a daily basis and cannot accept visible addresses...
    Greetings and sorry for inconvenient english...

    How about next time you send to the group, cc yourself, or include yourself in the group. Then receive the email on the iphone, you can "reply all" in order to send to the group. If you use an imap account, you can make a new folder, call it something like "groups", and save different group emails there for the next time you need to "reply all".

  • Hi. I am just about to move from the UK to Kuwait. Will I have any problems using my iPhone 4 and able to join a local carrier using this device please?

    Hi. I am just about to move from the UK to Kuwait. Will I have any problems using my iPhone 4 and able to join a local carrier using this device please?

    If your phone is locked to a particular carrier, you must contact them to request they unlock it. Once they've taken care of that and you've followed the instructions to complete the unlock process, you will be able to use the phone elsewhere.

  • Problem using integrated WLS in jDeveloper

    Hey there,
    I got a problem using the integrated WLS from the jDeveloper
    After trying to deploy an ADF Web Application on the integrated WLS, I get the following log message:
    +[Waiting for the domain to finish building...]+
    +[11:26:04 AM] Creating Integrated Weblogic domain...+
    +[11:28:13 AM] Extending Integrated Weblogic domain...+
    +[11:30:06 AM] Integrated Weblogic domain processing completed successfully.+
    *** Using HTTP port 7101 ***
    *** Using SSL port 7102 ***
    +[waiting for the server to complete its initialization...]+
    JAVA Memory arguments: -Xms256m -Xmx512m -XX:CompileThreshold=8000 -XX:PermSize=128m  -XX:MaxPermSize=512m
    WLS Start Mode=Development
    +*  To start WebLogic Server, use a username and   *+
    +*  password assigned to an admin-level user.  For *+
    +*  server administration, use the WebLogic Server *+
    +*  console at http://hostname:port/console        *+
    starting weblogic with Java version:
    java version "1.6.0_29"
    Java(TM) SE Runtime Environment (build 1.6.0_29-b11)
    Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM (build 20.4-b02, mixed mode)
    Starting WLS with line:
    +/home/robin/bin/wls/jdk160_29/bin/java -client -Xms256m -Xmx512m -XX:CompileThreshold=8000 -XX:PermSize=128m -XX:MaxPermSize=512m -Dweblogic.Name=DefaultServer -Dhttp.proxyPort=80 -Dhttp.nonProxyHosts=localhost|localhost.localdomain||::1|MUELLER-BADY-GENTOO|MUELLER-BADY-GENTOO -Dhttps.proxyPort=80 -Doracle.jdeveloper.adrs=true -Dweblogic.nodemanager.ServiceEnabled=true -Xverify:none -Djava.endorsed.dirs=/home/robin/bin/wls/jdk160_29/jre/lib/endorsed:/home/robin/bin/wls/wlserver_12.1/endorsed -da -Dplatform.home=/home/robin/bin/wls/wlserver_12.1 -Dwls.home=/home/robin/bin/wls/wlserver_12.1/server -Dweblogic.home=/home/robin/bin/wls/wlserver_12.1/server -Dcommon.components.home=/home/robin/bin/wls/oracle_common -Djrf.version=11.1.1 -Dorg.apache.commons.logging.Log=org.apache.commons.logging.impl.Jdk14Logger -Ddomain.home=/home/robin/.jdeveloper/system11. -Djrockit.optfile=/home/robin/bin/wls/oracle_common/modules/oracle.jrf_11.1.1/jrocket_optfile.txt -Doracle.server.config.dir=/home/robin/.jdeveloper/system11. -Doracle.domain.config.dir=/home/robin/.jdeveloper/system11. -Digf.arisidbeans.carmlloc=/home/robin/.jdeveloper/system11. -Digf.arisidstack.home=/home/robin/.jdeveloper/system11. -Dweblogic.alternateTypesDirectory=/home/robin/bin/wls/oracle_common/modules/oracle.ossoiap_11.1.1,/home/robin/bin/wls/oracle_common/modules/oracle.oamprovider_11.1.1 -Dweblogic.jdbc.remoteEnabled=false -Dwsm.repository.path=/home/robin/.jdeveloper/system11. -Dwlw.iterativeDev= -Dwlw.testConsole= -Dwlw.logErrorsToConsole= -Dweblogic.ext.dirs=/home/robin/bin/wls/patch_wls1211/profiles/default/sysext_manifest_classpath:/home/robin/bin/wls/patch_oepe100/profiles/default/sysext_manifest_classpath:/home/robin/bin/wls/patch_ocp371/profiles/default/sysext_manifest_classpath weblogic.Server+
    +<Feb 10, 2012 11:30:09 AM CET> <Info> <Security> <BEA-090905> <Disabling CryptoJ JCE Provider self-integrity check for better startup performance. To enable this check, specify>+
    +<Feb 10, 2012 11:30:10 AM CET> <Info> <Security> <BEA-090906> <Changing the default Random Number Generator in RSA CryptoJ from ECDRBG to FIPS186PRNG. To disable this change, specify>+
    +<Feb 10, 2012 11:30:11 AM CET> <Info> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000377> <Starting WebLogic Server with Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM Version 20.4-b02 from Sun Microsystems Inc..>+
    +<Feb 10, 2012 11:30:12 AM CET> <Info> <Management> <BEA-141107> <Version: WebLogic Server Wed Dec 7 08:40:57 PST 2011 1445491 >+
    +<Feb 10, 2012 11:30:15 AM CET> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365> <Server state changed to STARTING.>+
    +<Feb 10, 2012 11:30:15 AM CET> <Info> <WorkManager> <BEA-002900> <Initializing self-tuning thread pool.>+
    +<Feb 10, 2012 11:30:15 AM CET> <Notice> <Log Management> <BEA-170019> <The server log file /home/robin/.jdeveloper/system11. is opened. All server side log events will be written to this file.>+
    Feb 10, 2012 11:30:24 AM saveKeyStore
    WARNING: Failed to save farm keystore. Reason {0}
    Feb 10, 2012 11:30:24 AM createKeyStore
    WARNING: Failed to save farm keystore. Reason {0} JPS-06513: Failed to save farm keystore. Reason
    +     at
    +     at
    +     at<init>(
    +     at<init>(
    +     at
    +     at
    +     at
    +     at
    +     at
    +     at
    +     at
    +     at$
    +     at$
    +     at Method)+
    +     at
    +     at<init>(
    +     at<init>(
    +     at<init>(
    +     at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)+
    +     at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
    +     at sun.reflect.DelegatingConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
    +     at java.lang.reflect.Constructor.newInstance(
    +     at java.lang.Class.newInstance0(
    +     at java.lang.Class.newInstance(
    +     at
    +     at
    +     at
    +     at
    +     at
    +     at
    +     at
    +<Feb 10, 2012 11:30:24 AM CET> <Error> <Security> <BEA-090892> <The loading of OPSS java security policy provider failed due to exception, see the exception stack trace or the server log file for root cause. If still see no obvious cause, enable the debug flag to get more information. Error message: [PolicyUtil] Exception while getting default policy Provider>+
    +<Feb 10, 2012 11:30:24 AM CET> <Critical> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000386> <Server subsystem failed. Reason: The loading of OPSS java security policy provider failed due to exception, see the exception stack trace or the server log file for root cause. If still see no obvious cause, enable the debug flag to get more information. Error message: [PolicyUtil] Exception while getting default policy Provider+ The loading of OPSS java security policy provider failed due to exception, see the exception stack trace or the server log file for root cause. If still see no obvious cause, enable the debug flag to get more information. Error message: [PolicyUtil] Exception while getting default policy Provider+
    +     at
    +     at
    +     at
    +     at
    +     at
    +     Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace+
    +Caused By: [PolicyUtil] Exception while getting default policy Provider+
    +     at<init>(
    +     at<init>(
    +     at<init>(
    +     at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)+
    +     at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance(
    +     Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace+
    +Caused By: [PolicyUtil] Exception while getting default policy Provider+
    +     at
    +     at<init>(
    +     at<init>(
    +     at<init>(
    +     at sun.reflect.NativeConstructorAccessorImpl.newInstance0(Native Method)+
    +     Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace+
    +Caused By: [PolicyUtil] Unable to obtain default JPS Context!+
    +     at Method)+
    +     at
    +     at<init>(
    +     at<init>(
    +     at<init>(
    +     Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace+
    +Caused By: [PolicyUtil] Unable to obtain default JPS Context!+
    +     at$
    +     at$
    +     at Method)+
    +     at
    +     at<init>(
    +     Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace+
    Caused By: JPS-06513: Failed to save farm keystore. Reason
    +     at
    +     at
    +     at<init>(
    +     at<init>(
    +     at
    +     Truncated. see log file for complete stacktrace+
    +<Feb 10, 2012 11:30:24 AM CET> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365> <Server state changed to FAILED.>+
    +<Feb 10, 2012 11:30:24 AM CET> <Error> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000383> <A critical service failed. The server will shut itself down.>+
    +<Feb 10, 2012 11:30:24 AM CET> <Notice> <WebLogicServer> <BEA-000365> <Server state changed to FORCE_SHUTTING_DOWN.>+
    Process exited.
    After that, I tried setting permissions for the cwallet.sso file to ugo+rwx, but this leads to the same problems as mentioned above.
    My second try was to setup an external WLS 12c, but it seems to be not yet possible to connect to a WLS 12c from within jDeveloper.
    Do you have any ideas ?
    Thank you in advance for your help.

    After debugging the WLS Initialisation with jdb, I recognized that there was some trouble with dependent libraries.
    In the end, I solved my problem by using another OS (Ubuntu 11.10) for development. There, the WLS works out of the box, even with 64-Bit libraries.
    Thank you for your help.

  • SAP Crystal Reports data source connection problem using sap business one

    I m facing a problem regarding: SAP Crystal Reports data source connection problem using sap business one
    I am trying to create a Crystal report but when I try to configure a new connection it does not work.
    I select Sap Business One data source and try to complete the information required to connection but it does not list my companies databases, what is the problem?
    Our Current SAP related software details are as follows:
    OS: Windows Server 2008
    SAP B1 Version: SAP B1 9 (902001) Patch 9
    SAP Crystal Report Version: RTM
    Database: MS SQL Server 2008 R2
    I have also added some screenshots of the issues.
    Please have a look and let me know if you have any questions or any further clarifications.
    I m eagerly waiting for a quick and positive reply.

    There is problem with SAP Business One date source.
    I had faced same problem, I used OLEDB Data-source, and it worked fine for me.
    So, try to use OLEDB.
    Amrut Sabnis.

  • Calendar Server 3.5: Problem using user's ID with uniuser -mod command

    When there are two users who have the same Common Name (CN) in LDAP but
    different User ID's (uid
    field), I have a problem using the uid
    field as an argument to
    uniuser -mod in Netscape Calendar
    Server (NCS) 3.5. For example, there may be two users, User1 and User2, who
    both have the CN "John Smith."<BR>
    uid: jsmith2
    sn: Smith
    givenname: John
    nscalxitemid: 10001:00314
    uid: jsmith
    sn: Smith
    givenname: John
    nscalxitemid: 10001:00213
    Let's say I want to change the value for nsCalOrgUnit2
    for User1 to "jsmith." In NCS 4.0,
    I can specify the uid as
    an argument to uniuser -mod
    . However, in NCS 3.5, if I specify the
    uid as an argument to
    uniuser -mod, the entry
    for the user does not get changed.<BR>
    <B>Calendar Server 4.0</B><BR>
    %uniuser -mod "ID=00314" -m "OU2=jsmith/OU3=People" -n 10001
    uniuser: modified "Smith, John"<BR>
    (The LDAP entry for User1 also reflects this change.)
    <B>Calendar Server 3.5</B><BR>
    %uniuser -mod "ID=00314" "OU2=jsmith/OU3=People" 10001
    uniuser: no need to modify "Smith,John"<BR>
    (The LDAP entry for User1 does not reflect the change.)<BR>
    %uniuser -mod "S=Smith/G=John/ID=00314" "OU2=jsmith/OU3=People"
    uniuser: no need to modify "Smith,John"<BR>
    (The LDAP entry for User1 does not reflect the change.)<BR>
    If I use the command uniuser -mod "S=Smith/G=John"
    "OU2=jsmith/OU3=People" 10001
    in NCS 3.5, the script will change the entry of the first "John Smith" in the
    database and will cause the LDAP entry for this user to be updated as well.
    However, the entry modified may or may not be the correct one. So, in
    NCS 3.5, is there a way to specify a particular uid
    to ensure that the correct LDAP entry
    is modified?
    To modify a user's information using the uid
    field in Calendar Server 3.5, change
    the user.ini file. The
    following steps show how to change a user's information by modifying the
    .ini file:<BR>
    <LI>Open the user.ini
    file, which is in the path /users/unison/misc/user.ini
    <LI>Add a section containing the desired changes. For example,<BR>
    OU2 = jsmith<BR>
    OU3 = People<BR>
    <LI>Run uniuser with
    the following options:<BR>
    % uniuser -mod "ID=00314" -s Test 10001

    It turns out to be a problem with the user Keychain. It has some weird entry that was sending the wrong password. I delete all entries to the server and that corrected the problem

  • Problem using a conditional suppress in a cross-tab ?

    is there a problem using a conditional suppress in a cross-tab on a row  or summarized field  in crystal XI?
    I am using the following conditional suppress on a summarized field and its rows
             If {@SortCode}=4 then true;
    Sortcode is a group sorting formula field
    the summarized field is a formula field as well.
    All of the summarized fields are suppressed although the cross- tab performs correctly on @Sortcode  and the summarized field when not using the condition        
    it seems to me to be a reporting flow issue although i've included "whileprintingrecords" and "evaluateafter" with no success.
    i have also moved the cross-tab from the report header to group header and applied a conditional suppress on the group header through section expert.
    this supresses the group i dont want but includes grand totals for each group and also varys the number of columns
    i can't filter on sortcode because one of the grand total calculations requires those records and a subreport or second cross-tab does not contain the same number of columns
    the cross-tab is necessary as a client may have columns spanning one to many pages
    thanks for your help

    Hi I have a similar problem,
    I have an clock in solution, where i have some dates with data such as, various entries for a date eg, 01/11/2010 1hr, 01/11/2010 3 hrs etc, 03/11/2010 2hrs , 05/11/2010 4.5hrs, 05/11/2010 4 hrs so i need total for each day and highlight only those days, where total is less than 4.5, including days which donu2019t have records eg 02/11/2010 & 04/11/2010, I summarise in totals using a cross tab, to get summarised output for each day as,
    01/11/2010    4
    03/11/2010    2
    05/11/2010    8.5
    in order to get the dates which didnu2019t have records, i added a dataset from Excel spreadsheet where i just have a sequential dates for the year , and use record selection to select only those dates in range which i need to display, so the result i get
    01/11/2010    4
    02/11/2010    0
    03/11/2010    2
    04/11/2010    0
    05/11/2010    8.5
    so far so good, all using cross tab, now i want to suppress rows which have total > 4.5 so the result should be
    01/11/2010    4
    02/11/2010    0
    03/11/2010    2
    04/11/2010    0
    How can i do that?

  • Could not complete the command because of a problem using the Adobe Color Engine

    Hi all
    This bizarrely started this morning - completely out of the blue - and I've no idea why.
    Setup: Mac 10.8.2 / Creative Suite Premium PhotoShop CS5 extended (patched to 12.04)
    Am working on images exported from LightRoom 4 (16bit A3 Pro Photo RGB PSDs) in PhotoShop CS5.
    As part of my image grading process I have a PhotoShop Action that does the following: copy layer to new document (document respects all of copied layer settings) > Image > Adjustments > HDR toning > apply a certain HDR preset > copy to resultant image back to original doc > set opacity as 40%.
    Totally out of the blue, after having this action for about 2 months, this morning I start getting a warning dialog of "Could not complete the command because of a problem using the Adobe Color Engine" and the action fails. The failure seems to take place at the 'make document' part of the action and seems to somehow be related to the contents of the clipboard.
    I've tried trashing and re-creating the action. It works first time out fine and then - on the next image - errors again.
    At present I can only safely carry out the work 'manually' by completing all the actions myself.
    I can think of no settings that have changed and the OS hasn't been updated in a while.
    I have found one other thread on a similar problem in PhotoShop Elements, but no definitive solution.
    Any help appreciated as I have a shedload of stuff to process.
    Best wishes

    OK: trash of prefs didn't work. Tried thrice. Re-created orig action. same problem.
    Your 'Image > Duplicate' suggestion does seem to work. If I use that in a new action as the method for creating the HDR version doc (instead of 'Select > Copy > New > Paste), it seems to work.
    Will try that out this afternoon, but for now: WIN!
    Many thanks for the suggestion!

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