Problems with Graphics

My instructor is wanting me to use the MVC paradigm. He was telling me that I should be able to put my deal() method in my How can I access paintComponent() from the If I put the deal() method in the, then it is fine. I have been racking my brains all day long with this. Can anyone please take a look and let me know what I am doing wrong?
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
public class NewSolitaireController extends JApplet
     //==========================================applet constructor
     public NewSolitaireController()
         this.setContentPane(new NewSolitaireView());
    }//===========================================end constructor
    //=================================================method main
    public static void main(String[] args)
        JFrame window = new JFrame();
        window.setTitle("Solitaire by EK");
        window.setContentPane(new NewSolitaireView());
    }//======================================================end main
}//=========================================endclass SolitaireProject
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
//import java.util.*;
public class NewSolitaireView extends JPanel //implements MouseListener, MouseMotionListener
     //================================================================instance variables
     private GraphicsPanel boardDisplay_;
     private NewSolitaireModel     gameLogic_ = new NewSolitaireModel();
     private boolean gameOver_ = false;
     int clubPosition = 0;
     int diamondPosition = 0;
     int heartPosition = 0;
     int spadePosition = 0;
     private final int ACES_DIST_BETWEEN_CARDS = 87;
     private final int ACES_DIST_FROM_LEFT = 350;
     private final int ACES_DIST_FROM_TOP = 50;
     private final int ACES_MAX = 611;
     private final int PLAYCARDS_DIST_FROM_LEFT = 175;     
     private final int PLAYCARDS_DIST_FROM_TOP = 175;
     private final int PLAYCARDS_DIST_BETWEEN_COLS = 87;
     private final int PLAYCARDS_DIST_BETWEEN_ROWS_BACKS = 5;
     private final int PLAYCARDS_DIST_BETWEEN_ROWS_FACES = 30;
     private final int PLAYCARDS_MAX = 697;
     private final int PILE_DIST_FROM_LEFT = 50;
     private final int PILE_DIST_FROM_TOP = 50;
     private final int SHOWCARD_DIST_FROM_LEFT = 50;
     private final int SHOWCARD_DIST_FROM_TOP = 175;
     private static final int CARD_WIDTH = 77;                              
     private static final int CARD_HEIGHT = 110;
     private final int CARDS_PER_SUIT = 13;                                   //Suit limit
     private final int CARDS_PER_DECK = 52;                                   //Deck limit
     private int initialX = 0;                                                       //x coord - set from drag
     private int initialY = 0;                                                       //y coord - set from drag
     private int _dragFromX = 0;                                                  //Displacement inside image of mouse press
     private int _dragFromY = 0;                                                  //Displacement inside image of mouse press
     private Card[] _club = new Card[CARDS_PER_SUIT];               //Creates an array of clubs
     private Card[] _diamond = new Card[CARDS_PER_SUIT];          //Creates an array of diamonds
     private Card[] _heart = new Card[CARDS_PER_SUIT];               //Creates an array of hearts
     private Card[] _spade = new Card[CARDS_PER_SUIT];               //Creates an array of spades
     private Card[] _deckFront = new Card[CARDS_PER_DECK];          //Creates an array of cardfronts
     private Card[] _deckBack = new Card[CARDS_PER_DECK];          //Creates an array of cardbacks
     private Card _currentCard = null;                                        //Current draggable card
     //====================================================NewSolitaireView constructor
     public NewSolitaireView()
          String suitC = "c";                    //This is the character in the club image names that will be loaded                    
          String suitD = "d";                    //This is the character in the diamond image names that will be loaded
          String suitH = "h";                    //This is the character in the heart image names that will be loaded
          String suitS = "s";                    //This is the character in the spade image names that will be loaded
          String faces = "a23456789tjqk";     //These are the characters in the face image names that will be loaded
          int crdFrontPosition = 0;
          //=========================================================Read in the clubs
            for(int clubCounter = 0; clubCounter < suitC.length(); clubCounter ++)                    
               for(int face = 0; face < faces.length(); face ++)                    
                    ImageIcon imgFront = new ImageIcon(faces.charAt(face) + suitC.charAt(clubCounter) + ".gif");
                    Image image = imgFront.getImage();
                    Image scaledImage = image.getScaledInstance(CARD_WIDTH, CARD_HEIGHT, Image.SCALE_FAST);
                    _club[clubPosition ++] = new Card(imgFront, initialX ++, initialY ++);
                    _deckFront[crdFrontPosition ++] = new Card(imgFront, initialX ++, initialY ++);     
          //=======================================================Read in the diamonds
            for(int diamondCounter = 0; diamondCounter < suitD.length(); diamondCounter ++)                    
               for(int face = 0; face < faces.length(); face ++)                    
                    ImageIcon imgFront = new ImageIcon(faces.charAt(face) + suitD.charAt(diamondCounter) + ".gif");
                    Image image = imgFront.getImage();
                    Image scaledImage = image.getScaledInstance(CARD_WIDTH, CARD_HEIGHT, Image.SCALE_FAST);
                    _diamond[diamondPosition ++] = new Card (imgFront, initialX ++, initialY ++);
                    _deckFront[crdFrontPosition ++] = new Card (imgFront, initialX ++, initialY ++);
          //=======================================================Read in the hearts
            for(int heartCounter = 0; heartCounter < suitH.length(); heartCounter ++)                    
               for(int face = 0; face < faces.length(); face ++)                    
                    ImageIcon imgFront = new ImageIcon(faces.charAt(face) + suitH.charAt(heartCounter) + ".gif");
                    Image image = imgFront.getImage();
                    Image scaledImage = image.getScaledInstance(CARD_WIDTH, CARD_HEIGHT, Image.SCALE_FAST);
                    _heart[heartPosition ++] = new Card (imgFront, initialX ++, initialY ++);
                    _deckFront[crdFrontPosition ++] = new Card (imgFront, initialX ++, initialY ++);
          //==========================================================Read in the spades
            for(int spadeCounter = 0; spadeCounter < suitS.length(); spadeCounter ++)                    
               for(int face = 0; face < faces.length(); face ++)                    
                    ImageIcon imgFront = new ImageIcon(faces.charAt(face) + suitS.charAt(spadeCounter) + ".gif");
                    Image image = imgFront.getImage();
                    Image scaledImage = image.getScaledInstance(CARD_WIDTH, CARD_HEIGHT, Image.SCALE_FAST);
                    _spade[spadePosition ++] = new Card (imgFront, initialX ++, initialY ++);
                    _deckFront[crdFrontPosition ++] = new Card (imgFront, initialX ++, initialY ++);
          int crdBackPosition = 0;
          //Load the card back image into an array of 52 cardbacks and resize each cardback
          for(int crdBack = 0; crdBack < CARDS_PER_DECK; crdBack ++)
               ImageIcon imgBack = new ImageIcon("b.gif");
               Image image = imgBack.getImage();
               Image scaledImage = image.getScaledInstance(CARD_WIDTH, CARD_HEIGHT, Image.SCALE_FAST);
               _deckBack[crdBackPosition ++]     = new Card (imgBack, initialX ++, initialY ++);
          //============================================================Create  buttons
      JButton newGameButton = new JButton("New Game");
          JButton exitButton = new JButton("Exit");
          //========================================================Create controlPanel
      JPanel controlPanel = new JPanel();
          //=======================================================Create GraphicsPanel
          boardDisplay_ = new GraphicsPanel();
          //======================================Set the layout and add the components
          //===================================================Add listeners to buttons
          exitButton.addActionListener(new ExitAction());     
          newGameButton.addActionListener(new NewGameAction());                    
     }//==============================================end NewSolitaireView constructor
     class GraphicsPanel extends JPanel //implements MouseListener
          //===================================class GraphicsPanel constructor
          public GraphicsPanel()
               //Initialize graphics
               this.setPreferredSize(new Dimension(850, 500));
          }//=======================================end GraphicsPanel constructor
          //=================================================method paintComponent     
          public void paintComponent(Graphics g)
               super.paintComponent(g);                                   //Required for background.
               for(int position1 = ACES_DIST_FROM_LEFT; position1 <= ACES_MAX; position1 += ACES_DIST_BETWEEN_CARDS)
                    g.drawRect(position1, ACES_DIST_FROM_TOP, CARD_WIDTH, CARD_HEIGHT);
               for(int position2 = PLAYCARDS_DIST_FROM_LEFT; position2 <= PLAYCARDS_MAX; position2 += PLAYCARDS_DIST_BETWEEN_COLS)
                    g.drawRect(position2, PLAYCARDS_DIST_FROM_TOP, CARD_WIDTH, CARD_HEIGHT);          
               //This is to test the card images, but they are not working
               for(int k = 0; k < 51; k ++)
                    Card c = _deckFront[k];
                    c.image.paintIcon(this, g, c.x, c.y);
          }//=====================================================end paintComponent method
     }//========================================================end class GraphicsPanel
     //======================================================================class Card
     class Card
          javax.swing.ImageIcon image;
          int x;
          int y;
          public Card(javax.swing.ImageIcon image, int x, int y)
               this.image = image;
               this.x = x;
               this.y = y;
     }//=================================================================end class Card
     //===========================================================inner class ExitAction
     class ExitAction implements ActionListener
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
          }//==========================================================end actionPerformed
     }//=======================================================end inner class ExitAction
     //=========================================================inner class NewGameAction
     class NewGameAction implements ActionListener
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
               // g);
          }//===========================================================end actionPerformed
     }//=====================================================end inner class NewGameAction
}//===========================================================end class NewSolitaireView
import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import javax.swing.*;
import javax.swing.event.*;
import java.util.*;
//import javax.swing.ImageIcon.*;
//import java.awt.Image.*;
//import java.awt.Graphics.*;
class NewSolitaireModel
     private NewSolitaireView     gameGUI_ = new NewSolitaireView();
     private final int ACES_DIST_BETWEEN_CARDS = 87;
     private final int ACES_DIST_FROM_LEFT = 350;
     private final int ACES_DIST_FROM_TOP = 50;
     private final int ACES_MAX = 611;
     private final int PLAYCARDS_DIST_FROM_LEFT = 175;     
     private final int PLAYCARDS_DIST_FROM_TOP = 175;
     private final int PLAYCARDS_DIST_BETWEEN_COLS = 87;
     private final int PLAYCARDS_DIST_BETWEEN_ROWS_BACKS = 5;
     private final int PLAYCARDS_DIST_BETWEEN_ROWS_FACES = 30;
     private final int PLAYCARDS_MAX = 697;
     private final int PILE_DIST_FROM_LEFT = 50;
     private final int PILE_DIST_FROM_TOP = 50;
     private final int SHOWCARD_DIST_FROM_LEFT = 50;
     private final int SHOWCARD_DIST_FROM_TOP = 175;     
     private final int FIRST_CARD_AFTER_DEAL = 29;
     private final int CARDS_PER_DECK = 52;                                   //Deck limit
     private Card[] _deckFront = new Card[CARDS_PER_DECK];          //Creates an array of cardfronts
     private Card[] _deckBack = new Card[CARDS_PER_DECK];          //Creates an array of cardbacks
     //===============================================NewSolitaireModel constructor
     public NewSolitaireModel()
     }//==============================================end NewSolitaireModel constructor
     public void deal(Graphics g)
          //================================================Deal the cards for game play
          //=========This is done initially and everytime the new game button is pressed
          //===========================================Uses paintComponent for paintIcon
          //========================Deal the first row of cards (top 7), first 1 face up
          int crd1 = 1;
          int col1 = PLAYCARDS_DIST_FROM_LEFT;
          int fromTop1 = PLAYCARDS_DIST_FROM_TOP;
          Card df = _deckFront[crd1];
          ImageIcon icon;
          //icon.paintIcon(df, g, col1, fromTop1);
          //=========================================================next 6 face down
          crd1 = 2;
          col1 = col1 + PLAYCARDS_DIST_BETWEEN_COLS;
          for(int count = 0; count < 6; count ++)
               Card db = _deckBack[crd1];
               //image.paintIcon(db, g, col1, fromTop1);
               crd1 ++;
               col1 += PLAYCARDS_DIST_BETWEEN_COLS;
          //====================Deal the second row of cards (next 6), first 1 face up
          int crd2 = 8;
          int col2 = 262;
          int fromTop2 = fromTop1 + PLAYCARDS_DIST_BETWEEN_ROWS_BACKS;
          df = _deckFront[crd2];
          //df.image.paintIcon(this, g, col2, fromTop2);
          //==========================================================next 5 face down
          crd2 = 9;
          col2 = col2 + PLAYCARDS_DIST_BETWEEN_COLS;
          for(int count = 0; count < 5; count ++)
               Card db = _deckBack[crd2];
               //db.image.paintIcon(this, g, col2, fromTop2);
               crd2 ++;
               col2 += PLAYCARDS_DIST_BETWEEN_COLS;
          //======================Deal the third row of cards (next 5), first 1 face up
          int crd3 = 14;
          int col3 = 349;
          int fromTop3 = fromTop2 + PLAYCARDS_DIST_BETWEEN_ROWS_BACKS;
          df = _deckFront[crd3];
          //df.image.paintIcon(this, g, col3, fromTop3);
          //==========================================================next 4 face down
          crd3 = 15;
          col3 = col3 + PLAYCARDS_DIST_BETWEEN_COLS;
          for(int count = 0; count < 4; count ++)
               Card db = _deckBack[crd3];
               //db.image.paintIcon(this, g, col3, fromTop3);
               crd3 ++;
               col3 += PLAYCARDS_DIST_BETWEEN_COLS;
          //===================Deal the fourth row of cards (next 4), first 1 face up 
          int crd4 = 19;
          int col4 = 436;
          int fromTop4 = fromTop3 + PLAYCARDS_DIST_BETWEEN_ROWS_BACKS;
          df = _deckFront[crd4];
          //df.image.paintIcon(this, g, col4, fromTop4);
          //========================================================next 3 face down
          crd4 = 20;
          col4 = col4 + PLAYCARDS_DIST_BETWEEN_COLS;
          for(int count = 0; count < 3; count ++)
               Card db = _deckBack[crd4];
               //db.image.paintIcon(this, g, col4, fromTop4);
               crd4 ++;
               col4 += PLAYCARDS_DIST_BETWEEN_COLS;
          //====================Deal the fifth row of cards (next 3), first 1 face up
          int crd5 = 23;
          int col5 = 523;
          int fromTop5 = fromTop4 + PLAYCARDS_DIST_BETWEEN_ROWS_BACKS;
          df = _deckFront[crd5];
          //df.image.paintIcon(this, g, col5, fromTop5);
          //==========================================================next 2 face down
          crd5 = 24;
          col5 = col5 + PLAYCARDS_DIST_BETWEEN_COLS;
          for(int count = 0; count < 2; count ++)
               Card db = _deckBack[crd5];
               //db.image.paintIcon(this, g, col5, fromTop5);
               crd5 ++;
               col5 += PLAYCARDS_DIST_BETWEEN_COLS;
          //====================Deal the sixth row of cards (next 2), first 1 face up
          int crd6 = 26;
          int col6 = 610;
          int fromTop6 = fromTop5 + PLAYCARDS_DIST_BETWEEN_ROWS_BACKS;
          df = _deckFront[crd6];
          //df.image.paintIcon(this, g, col6, fromTop6);
          //==================================================second 1 face down
          crd6 = 27;
          col6 = col6 + PLAYCARDS_DIST_BETWEEN_COLS;
          for(int count = 0; count < 1; count ++)
               Card db = _deckBack[crd6];
               //db.image.paintIcon(this, g, col6, fromTop6);
               crd6 ++;
               col6 += PLAYCARDS_DIST_BETWEEN_COLS;
          //====================Deal the seventh row of cards (next 1) face up           
          int crd7 = 28;
          int col7 = 697;
          int fromTop7 = fromTop6 + PLAYCARDS_DIST_BETWEEN_ROWS_BACKS;
          df = _deckFront[crd7];
          //df.image.paintIcon(this, g, col7, fromTop7);
          //=============Put the undealt cards in the upper left stack to use for game play
          for(int playCard = FIRST_CARD_AFTER_DEAL; playCard < CARDS_PER_DECK; playCard ++)
               Card db = _deckBack[playCard];
               //db.image.paintIcon(this, g, PILE_DIST_FROM_LEFT, PILE_DIST_FROM_TOP);
     }//============================================================end method deal
     //=============================================================method displayImage
     private void displayImage(int k)
          //Graphics g = getGraphics();
     //=================================================================method shuffle
     public void shuffle()
          Random rgen = new Random(); // Random number generator
          // Shuffle by exchanging each element randomly
          for (int i = 0; i < CARDS_PER_DECK; i ++)
               int randomPosition = rgen.nextInt(CARDS_PER_DECK);
               Card temp = _deckFront;
               _deckFront[i] = _deckFront[randomPosition];
               _deckFront[randomPosition] = temp;
     }//===============================================================end method shuffle               
}//=============================================end class NewSolitaireModel

I would have deal() in the model. I think that's where it belongs, because deal() should probably be distributing the cards in some random manner into some container (abstractly speaking). The view can then get the cards from that container when it's notified that the deal() happened...
public class DeckModel {
   private List listeners = new ArrayList();
   private List available = new ArrayList();
   private List played = new ArrayList();
   public void deal() {
      // take all cards, shuffle them, put them into "available"
      fireCardsShuffled();// listeners can then get from available and display them however
   public void play(Card c) {
   public void fireCardsPlayed(Card c) {
      // notifiy listeners
      for(int x = 0; x < listeners.size(); x++) {
         ((DeckListener)listeners.get(x)).cardPlayed(new DeckEvent(this, c));
   public void fireCardsShuffled() {
      // notifiy listeners
      for(int x = 0; x < listeners.size(); x++) {
         ((DeckListener)listeners.get(x)).cardsShuffled(new DeckEvent(this, null));
   public void addDeckListener(DeckListener dl) {
       listeners.add(dl); // maybe have a remove method.
// deck listener, implemented by the view.
public interface DeckListener {
   public void cardsShuffled(DeckEvent de);
   public void cardPlayed(DeckEvent de);
}Something along those lines.

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    What I will do too, is to try a Windows 7 from another disc, a Home version 32 bit. I hope this can get the problem fixed.
    The main issue is that I bought this computer from Germany (From a store on eBay) and came with DOS. I will have to return it to the seller, I assume, if the rest fails to show any improvements.
    Thank you for your reply and any more suggestions are welcome.

  • Satellite P100-387: Problems with graphics mode swithing on new nVidia

    *Looking for help!*
    _I have recently installed nVidia drivers from toshiba site (84.00) and since than my system has severe problems with changing graphical modes when starting applications in pre-determined mode (such as 800x600)._
    This problem affects my son mostly, as all older games are trying to run in 'Full screen mode' that fails to initialise properly.
    Also I have noticed that in dxdiag the option about DirecrDraw settings shows that it is completely not supported by my graphic card acceleration.
    Any ideas on how to resolve the problem desperately needed.
    Relevant nformation:
    Graphic card - nVidia GeForce GO 7600 driver: 6.14.0010.8400
    System Memory - 3MB
    O/S - Win XP Professional 5.1 build 2600

    Have you installed the latest BIOS?
    You could try reverting back to the original driver, it should be in C:\TOSAPINS. Or just Rollback the driver in Device Manager. Or revert back to a previous System Restore Point.

  • Problems with graphics card with CS5

    I am working a freelace gig using a G5 computer with Lion.
    When using CS5 photoshop there seems to be a problem using
    Mode/Index/Custom when using the eyedropper to select colors.
    I use the work around "key command" which is totally anoying.
    There is also a bug with the color picker/eydropper within the documents.
    I read that this has to do with the graphics card.
    Which graphics card do I need to resolve this issue?

    There are known issues/limitations with graphics cards in earlier machines.
    Known issues | Adobe on Mac OS 10.7 Lion
    Tested video cards | Photoshop CS5 - Adobe
    We need to know specific about your Mac Pro (not a G5).
    Click on "About This Mac" from the  in the menu bar, then "More Information" followed by "System Report".
    Tell us what is said for Model Identifier under Hardware Overview, and then what is entered for Video Card under Hardware/Graphics-Displays

  • Problems with graphics card (GPU)

    I'm having problems with the graphics card (GPU) in my 2010 MB Pro leading to screen distortions.  It seems similar to the problems described here: aphics-issues
    Unfortunately, my machine is not eligible under the class-action suit (and well out of warranty).   Is anyone else dealing with this and how did you fix it? 
    - marc

    What was updated? Care to pastebin your pacman.log so we might actually know what went wrong? Also, in the future, naming a thread "update broke <package>" is not very helpful. Something like "OpenGL-dependant programs fail to run after updating <the package you think to be most relevant>" would be much more helpful and likely garner you many more people willing and able to help.
    All the best,

  • Problem with graphic card

    Hello!.I have a problem with my notebook .So i know that when I bought my notebook it had a AMD HD 3450 graphic card but in dx diag it shows that I hava a Mobile intel(R) 4 Series Express Chipset Family and I dont know why.Could you please tell me why it doesen't recognize the amd graphic or at least if intel is better than amd ,and if it is could you tell me the intel model please.
    Reply asap. Thank you!
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Hello @CrazyWolf ,
    To get your issue more exposure I would suggest posting it in the commercial forums since this is a commercial product. You can do this at Commercial Forums.
    Even though this is a Commercial product, the Switchable Graphics feature allows you to switch between using the Intel graphics and a discrete graphics controller like AMD in a computer. For example, you can switch between the enhanced battery life of the Intel graphics while running on laptop battery power and the performance capabilities of the discrete graphics controller while the laptop is plugged into AC power. Your Notebook will automatically switch to the Intel graphics if the computer changes to battery power, or it can switch to the discrete graphics if the computer is plugged into AC power. Some computers use third party software to do the switch.
    I hope this help explain this.
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the bottom to say “Thanks” for helping!

  • G62-b45em problem with graphic card

    First of all, my english is not so good, sorry about that.
    I'm using Windows 8.
    I have a problem with my graphic card, it just wont start. I mean the ATI Radeon, you can see here witch exactly.
    I downloaded the driver from this page, but I think it wont match. 
    Here is also a screenshot with the error that i found in Device Manager. If you need more information that i can provide to you just tell me.
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Hello Nocar.  I understand you're having some trouble getting your video driver to work properly in Windows 8.
    This error means that the device cannot start due to not having the proper driver.  I searched and there does not seem to be an official driver for this hardware.  However, a lot of users have reported success with installing the Windows 7 drivers in compatibility mode.  You should take a look at this thread which a colleague of mine posted.  It covers a possible fix for getting switchable graphics to work in Windows 8. 
    I hope the thread is helpful.  Let me know the result.  
    Have a great afternoon!
    Please click the white star under my name to give me Kudos as a way to say "Thanks!"
    Click the "Accept as Solution" button if I resolve your issue.

  • Problems with graphics after Boot Camp upgrade (from 3.1 to 3.2)

    Right, today I upgraded Boot Camp (the first time I used iTunes on Windows so thats way I never did the upgrade before) from 3.1 to 3.2 and after the installation my screen went blank/black. After restarting iMac it the screen appeared but in 1024x768 resolution and without working graphic drivers.
    I tried many different options to update the ATI HD 4850 driver, but none of them worked. It always says that there is some problem with it, but it also is up to date every time I try to update it manually for the drivers which comes with 10.12 Catalyst.
    I spend several hours trying to solve it, but I just can't and I really don't know what to do next.

    Right, I managed to fix it by updating the software manually, but selecting to choose from the list and I had to install the mobility drivers.

  • Problem with graphical distortations

    Hi i have a new imac with the the following config:-
      Modellnamn:          iMac
      Modellidentifierare:          iMac12,2
      Processornamn:          Intel Core i7
      Processorhastighet:          3,4 GHz
      Antal processorer:          1
      Totalt antal kärnor:          4
      L2-cache (per kärna):          256 K
      L3-cache:          8 MB
      Minne:          16 GB
      Boot ROM-version:          IM121.0047.B0A
      SMC-version (system):          1.72f2
    It has 16GB ram and a 256GB SSD and Mac OS 10.7 as well.
    Anyway iam having problems with the graphical menus and certain applications, the grey ribbon bar
    at the top of t.e.x Safari the text is barley visable and quite distorted, iam not sure whats causing this
    , if i reboot its okay for a while then it starts distorting again.
    Anyone any ideas ?
    Regards Craig

    HI is this a know issue then ?, it ***** because i havent had the machine that long, and i have not seen any articles about problems with the graphics adapters in this model.

  • MSI GX623 -618XEU problem with graphics HD4670

    OS: Windows 7 32bit
    Proizvođač : MSI
    Model : Intel Mobile Core 2 Duo P8400  @ 2.26GHz
    Chipset : Intel PM45
    Processor : Intel Core 2 Duo 2.26Ghz
    Graphics Card : ATI Mobility RADEON HD4670 512MB
    RAM : 4GB
    Sometimes when i play games in middle of game my screen goes black, game sound continue for about 2-3 sec and than system freeze and i can hear "trrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr" sound on my speakers. Sound will continue until I hand reset it.
    I think the problem is with graphics card, I trier using MSI Win7 x32 drivers and new ATI drivers. Also I many times re-install Windows system and problem still persist.
    Why is this happening?
    What can be a solution to my problem?
    Please help

    Thank you for answer darkhawk-
    My Guaranty Policy passed. So I tried next things. I opened back panel of notebook and left it open (for better airflow), also i am using cooling pad under my laptop.
    Than I create log of my temperatures with AIDA64 during playing  games and its from 82 to 86C (gpu 600Mhz gpumemory 800Mhz) while when I am in windows idle and graphics drop speed to 255Mhz its 54-58C.  CPU is about 70C during games.
    Are these normal temps? (room temperature about 22C coz winter)
    I noticed that now it can be hours while glitch is to happen (playing Planetside 2). While before it happend very fast.
    Can this be only because temperature?
    What is everything I can do to bring down the temperature of the graphics card in GX623 laptop?

  • Problems with graphics drivers

    Hello, I tried to install new drivers to my Ati 6770m (2gb) and there is a problem with almost every driver. For example the newest ati catalyst 14.5 beta.  When the driver is installed, I can't switch to the resolution higher than 1024x768. Ati catalyst control centre is not installed or I there is an error message saying, that the driver is not installed correctly so the control centre can't open. Sometimes the system crashes to the blue screen and I have to reboot. I see this problem with various drivers. The only driver, that is working for me is Ati Catalyst 13.10 mobility beta. And with this driver there's a lot of graphic problems with GTA V. I see squares on all objects in distance when dx11 and AA is turned on. It is unplayable with this driver. Please help.   

    Hey @Tommy2220 ,
    Thanks for the additional information. If you uninstall all that you have in the graphic drivers section of the Device manager, including the drivers that are present. Restart the Notebook, and download from here. You will only need AMD/Intel Switchable High-Definition (HD) Graphics Driver, it includes everything you will need.
    You can also find them , here is a link to the HP Support Assistant if you need it. Just download and run the application and it will help with the software and drivers on your system.
    Hope this helps you out.
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” if you feel my post solved your issue, it will help others find the solution.
    Click the “Kudos, Thumbs Up" on the bottom to say “Thanks” for helping!

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