Problems with Photosnart printers

I have had 3 repeat 3 Photosmart Printera and each one has broken to the point I have had taken  all to be repaired . Unfortunately, NOT one has worth what it cost me to fix it. What are the chances of getting 3 bad printers?  Are your Photosmart always poorly made?Does HP make a printer that is actually works for longer than a year? What would you recommend as a realiable printer made by Hp? Also do you give discounts to loyal customers who have continued to purchase even when the product has not had any improvement over the years?
Please help. Thank You- Shone

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I work on behalf of HP
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    Hi Jason,
    Before going further, sorry for the late response.
    >>If I create a test account and login to the same PC as a student that doesn't get the printers it works fine for about 9-10 logins and then it starts happening to the test account. Its like the problem takes a few logins to occur
    Based on the description, after the issue occurs, please log out the users, log in again, and then run the command
    gpresult/h gpreport.html to collect group policy result to check if the group policy settings still apply correctly.
    Besides, what printers do we use? For this involves third party hardware product, and in order to better troubleshoot the issue, we can also contact vendor company to see if they have some suggestions for this issue.
    Best regards,
    Frank Shen

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    Hi Jason,
    Before going further, sorry for the late response.
    >>If I create a test account and login to the same PC as a student that doesn't get the printers it works fine for about 9-10 logins and then it starts happening to the test account. Its like the problem takes a few logins to occur
    Based on the description, after the issue occurs, please log out the users, log in again, and then run the command
    gpresult/h gpreport.html to collect group policy result to check if the group policy settings still apply correctly.
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    Best regards,
    Frank Shen

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    Thank you
    This question was solved.
    View Solution.

    Hi @Martin1982,
    Thank you for taking the time to answer my questions, I do appreciate it.
    Please set a manual IP address and manual DNS servers for the printer.  The steps can be found in the Printer Does Not Maintain Wireless Connection document.  It is Solution Three.  For the Primary DNS Server please use and for the Alternate DNS server please use  These are Level3’s public DNS servers.
    Please let me know the outcome.
    Please click on the Thumbs Up on the right to say “Thanks” for helping!
    Please click “Accept as Solution ” on the post that solves your issue to help others find the solution.
    I work on behalf of HP

  • Problems with Ricoh printers.

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    Shot in the dark here. If you're not using SMB Discovery on the ON100, you might consider turning that off. Shouldn't be an issue since it's a printer but the perfect set of circumstances might trigger some sort of security protocol or preventative measure on the Ricoh to self preserve. Another option might be to turn off the NetBIOS Discovery in the ON100. Though this will deminish the value of OnPlus it might help in troubleshooting down the root cause if it does remedy it. Both can be turned off by drilling into the ON100 for the site in OnPlus, selecting Device Options and unchecking the respective boxees. For troubleshooting purposes I would recommend doing one at a time.  If you're not using the SMB Discovery, I would recommend turning it off by default to prevent getting security failures on Windows devices with the source of ON100.
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    2. Choose File > Print.
    3. Click the Advanced button.
    4. Check "let printer determine colors"
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    The Java Script hasn't changed in 2 years. It was developed by an Adobe Partner. Adobe Reader and Acrobat have changed.
    I'll try to step through the script but haven't had much luck in past.
    Here are the lines that Reader likely is throwing the error:
    if ( bCloseNoSave )  oDoc.closeDoc({bNoSave:true});
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    Post Author: Nataly
    CA Forum: Crystal Reports
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    8 GB DDR3
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  • Problems with Epson printers :(

    Hi folks,
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    Everything worked fine before Christmas.
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    error:/library/printers/EPSON/InkJetPrinter2/Filter/ MacOS/rastertoescpll failed
    Is that a driver error?
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    oh, and of course I need to print some things for clients.

    This has appeared before, and the solutions offered didn't always work.
    The one that did work for one user was this (substituting your model for what's shown below):
    Make sure that you have completely removed the Stylus Photo RX580 driver, then install the new driver from System Update:
    1. Power off the printer
    2. Open System Pref. and Print/Fax
    3. Highlight the RX580 printer
    4. Click on the ""-"" sign
    5. Close Print and Fax
    6. Open your Mac's Hard Drive
    7. Open the Library Folder
    8. Open Printer and delete the EPSON Folder
    9. Open the PPDs folder find the Epson Stylus Photo RX580.gz and delete the file
    10. Close the PPD and the Printer folder
    ->11. In the Library folder, open the Caches Folder
    ->12. Delete the Epson folder
    ->13. Restart the Mac
    14. Power on the printer
    15. Click on the Apple Icon and System Update
    16. Follow the directions to install the new driver
    Hope this helps.

  • I have problems with my printers in network (spanish)

    Hola, quisiera poner este post en inglés pero no lo escribo muy bien. He buscado foros en español pero no los he encontrado. Si alguien sabe leer español y puede ayudarme se lo agradeceria enormemente. No importa si la respuesta me la da en inglés, ya que si puedo leerlo
    El problema es el siguiente:
    Resulta que tengo mi mac con sistema Mac OS X 10.4.5 dentro de una red windows. Toda la red esta conectada a un router. Tengos dos impresoras: una Canon IR 600 y una Epson R320. La primera es una impresora de red, esta conectada directamente al router, la segunda la tengo conectada a una Pc.
    Pense que poder imprimir en cualquiera de estas dos impresoras iba a ser sencillo, pero no lo ha sido.
    Por favor ayudenme paso a paso con lo que debo hacer. He hecho de todo pero no encuentro solución.
    iMac G4   Mac OS X (10.4.5)  

    Hi, you can dragNdrop the wireless listings, drag youir main one to the top of the list..L

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    MacBook Pro Mac OS X (10.5.4) Using Epson CX11-NF printer

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  • Cannot print a pdf doc. No problem with others

    Hello, I have a Canon MX860 wireless printer. I can print anything EXCEPT pdf docs. I had this same problem with other printers connected to my MacBook Pro. Any suggestions?

    I think we need to know what Sibleyfam is using as a PDF reader. I have had difficulties printing PDFs using Adobe Reader to various HP LaserJets but if I open the files using Preview they print without any problem at all. Right-click or Control-click on the PDF icon and select the Open With option... then slide across to the available applications and select Preview... if, of course, the document was opening in Adobe Reader previously. If it won't print from Preview it could be a postscript error generated by a bad font in the PDF. Opening the file in Photoshop or similar so you are, effectively, rasterizing the font data may solve the problem if a dodgy font is the issue. Converting the file to Postscript should also produce the same fix though I just 'printed' a PDF as a .ps file and the text was still selectable making me think that the font problem (if it is this) will not disappear after the conversion.
    I hope this helps eliminate something even if it doesn't solve your problem.

  • Wireless printing problems with Asus router RT-N56U and HP8500

    Neew MacBookPro with Lion. Also have HP 8500a 909a printer hooked up to an Asus router RT-N56U Google search indicates MANY problems with HP printers being used with wireless Mac, even with Airport. Of course we know HP is one of the worse customer support companies on earth,, so I came here in hopes to find a solution. I updated my mac and firmware for router. The Mac doesn't find any printers wirelessly at all. If I hook up with a cable it works fine.. Thanks

    I own the RT-N56U (best router on the market hands-down), along with an HP LaserJet 1320, however it's connected via USB to my computer instead of the router. While it's true that HP don't have a terrific support record for Mac drivers in fairness it may be the Asus router causing the problem; if you Google "Asus RT-N56U" and "mac os x print server", you'll find complaints similar to yours from other users. From what I understand this is partly dependent on your printer and whether it supports network printing, and partly on compliance with the Asus router firmware. I Googled what appears to be a possible solution to configuring the Asus print server, however I haven't yet tested this myself:

Maybe you are looking for