Procdure fails 2nd time executed

I have a procedure (below) that is executed by a WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger. The first time in a session that I push the button, executing the procedure, it's successful, the second time, my form just goes blank and locks up. I've narrowed it down to the query itself "select max(yr) from...", the message before it shows up the second time, but then immediately locks up. Seems like something is being held onto.
Procedure called by the WHEN-BUTTON-PRESSED trigger:
PROCEDURE set_fy_parameter IS
l_yr VARCHAR(4) := NULL; -- NULL doesn't matter, doesn't work either way.
Message('YEAR '||l_yr);
Message('YEAR Set to '||l_yr);

If your procedure does sth else e.g. you said, a query, other than the code you listed in your quest,i.e.,
PROCEDURE set_fy_parameter IS
l_yr VARCHAR(4) := NULL; -- NULL doesn't matter, doesn't work either way.
Message('YEAR '||l_yr);
Message('YEAR Set to '||l_yr);
END; --I believe this code will not 'lock' anything
you may debug it thru stepping in, to see the difference b/w the first and second call.
besides, thru the error, it seems it is likely the version compatible issue too. so use your new version builder to open your 6i form and compile it then see what happens.
--------error ora-06508-------
ORA-06508     PL/SQL: could not find program unit being called
Cause:     An attempt was made to call a stored program that could not be found. The program may have been dropped or incompatibly modified, or have compiled with errors.
Action:     Check that all referenced programs, including their package bodies, exist and are compatible.

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    Saving to the harddisk is the safe and troublefree way. Saving through a network is a known troublemaker.
    Maybe you can reset the network connexion somehow. You may try disconnecting and reconnecting between savings and see whether that solves the issue; at least it may show the nature of the issue.

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    Hi friends,
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    Exception in Connect: IOException while sending message
    Here is the complete code what i had written, It successfully connects using t.connect();
    the problem in t.send();
    output on JBoss Console is :
    Inside Action
    After Transport t = session.getTransport(protocol)
    before t.connect()
    after t.connect()
    Exception in Connect IOException while sending message
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.activation.*;
    import javax.mail.*;
    import javax.mail.internet.*;
    import javax.servlet.http.*;
    import org.apache.struts.action.*;
    public class MsgSend extends Action {
         public ActionForward execute(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request
                   , HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception {
              PrintWriter out = response.getWriter();
              System.out.println("Inside Action");
                String to = request.getParameter("to");
             String bcc = request.getParameter("bcc");
             String cc = request.getParameter("cc");
             String subject = request.getParameter("sub");
             String user = request.getParameter("user");
             //String password = request.getParameter("pass");
             String message = request.getParameter("message");
             String from = user + "" ;
             /*Properties props = System.getProperties();
             props.put("", "");
              MailBean  bean = MailBean.getInstance();          
              Session session = bean.getSession();          
              String protocol = "smtp";
              Transport t = session.getTransport(protocol);
              System.out.println("After Transport t =              session.getTransport(protocol)");
             MimeMessage msg = new MimeMessage(session);
             msg.setFrom(new InternetAddress(from));
             InternetAddress[] address = {new InternetAddress(to)};
             msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.TO, address);
             if(cc != null ){
                   InternetAddress ccAddr[]  = InternetAddress.parse(cc);
                   msg.setRecipients(Message.RecipientType.CC, ccAddr);
              if(bcc != null){
                   InternetAddress bccAddr[] = InternetAddress.parse(bcc);
             // create and fill the first message part
             MimeBodyPart messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
             Multipart multipart = new MimeMultipart();
             Attachment attachment = Attachment.getInstance();
             ArrayList<String> fileList = attachment.getFileNames();
             String parentFolder = null;
             for(String path:fileList){
                  File attachmentFile = new File(path);
                  messageBodyPart = new MimeBodyPart();
                  DataSource source = new FileDataSource(attachmentFile);
                  messageBodyPart.setDataHandler(new DataHandler(source));
                  parentFolder = attachmentFile.getParent();
             // add the Multipart to the message
             // set the Date: header
             msg.setSentDate(new Date());        
             try {
                  System.out.println("before t.connect()");
                   t.connect(bean.getSmtpServer(),bean.getUsername() ,bean.getPassword());
                   System.out.println("after t.connect()");
                   //Error is coming here in this Line.
                   t.sendMessage(msg, msg.getAllRecipients());
                   * System.gc(); will relese the fileHandles, if some resource
                   * still holds it.               
                   System.out.println("before System.gc()");
                   * Deleting All the Files from Attachment Folders.
                  System.out.println("before attachmentFolder");
                  File attachmentFolder = new File(parentFolder);
                  System.out.println("Attachment Folder Name is : "+attachmentFolder.getAbsolutePath());
                       File[] files = attachmentFolder.listFiles();
                       System.out.println("No of Files For Attachments are: "+files.length);
                       boolean deleteResult = false;
                       for(int i=0; i<files.length; i++ ){
                            deleteResult = files.delete();
                        System.out.println(files[i].getName() + " Delete Staus is :"+ deleteResult);
              System.out.println("All attachments Deleted");
              out.print("<result>Mail has been sent successfully</result>");
              } catch (Exception e) {
                   out.print("<result>Mail sending failed</result>");
                   System.out.println("Exception in Connect "+e.getMessage());
              return null;
    Problem only comes, when i send 2nd time or more. What is the problem? Please help me out.
    Thanks for your response in advance. One more thing, Whether to send a mail & receive a mail, we need to create different sessions. one for sending & one for receiving mails.
    Message was edited by:

    I don't see anything obviously wrong in your code. Try adding
    You can use the same Session for sending and for reading.
    A Session just encapsulates your configuration parameters,
    so as long as they're the same for both usages, one Session
    is fine.

  • After 2nd time running a method my app window freezes 7 seocnds,error msg-

    Hello folks,
    first you will surely say is that my server is offline or something with the network is wrong but it is not ;-)
    thats the code:
    Please read my words after the pasted code at the bottom of the page!
    import java.awt.Color;
    import java.awt.Insets;
    import java.awt.event.ActionEvent;
    import java.awt.event.ActionListener;
    import javax.swing.*;
    import javax.naming.ldap.LdapName;
    import javax.naming.ldap.Rdn;
    import java.util.Hashtable;
    import javax.naming.Context;
    import javax.naming.*;
    import java.util.*;
    import javax.swing.BorderFactory;
    public class MainWindow extends JFrame implements ActionListener
           static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; 
           private JLabel newPasswordLB      = new JLabel("Neues Passwort");
         private JLabel newPasswordRepeatLB = new JLabel("Neues Passwort wiederholen");
         private JLabel errorLB = new JLabel("Fehlerstatus:");
         private JLabel benutzerNameLB = new JLabel("Benutzername ausw�hlen:");
         private JPasswordField neuesKennwortPF = new JPasswordField();
         private JPasswordField neuesKennwortWdhPF = new JPasswordField(10);
         //private JLabel fehlerNachrichtLB = new JLabel();
         private JTextField fehlerNachrichtLB = new JTextField();
         private JButton pwBT = new JButton("Setze neues Passwort");     
         private DefaultListModel listModel = new DefaultListModel();
         private JList liste = new JList(listModel);
         private JScrollPane benutzerListeSP = new JScrollPane(liste);
         private JCheckBox kennwortVergebenCB = new JCheckBox("Benutzer vergibt Kennwort bei Neuanmeldung selbst");
         JFrame frame;
         String bla;
         String neuesKennwortTemp;
         String benutzername;     
         String klassengruppe;  // OU=Klassen
         String lehrergruppe;   // OU=Lehrer
         String edvlehrername;  // z.B. "verenabit"
         String schulname;      // z.B. OU=ASR
         String BaseDN=",DC=bodensee,DC=de";
         String adminPassword = "test";
         String adminUser = "cn=administrator,cn=users,dc=bodensee,dc=de";     
         public MainWindow()
             super("LDAP Modification Tool");            
             fehlerNachrichtLB.setBackground(new Color(255,255,255));
             fehlerNachrichtLB.setBorder(BorderFactory.createLineBorder(new Color(155,155,155)));
             neuesKennwortPF.setMargin(new Insets(1, 3, 1, 1));
             neuesKennwortWdhPF.setMargin(new Insets(1, 3, 1, 1));        
             pwBT.setMargin(new Insets(0,0,0,0));     
             fehlerNachrichtLB.setForeground(new Color(100,120,255));          
             listModel.addElement("verena bit");
             listModel.addElement("verena bit");
             listModel.addElement("verena bit");      
          }  /*--------------------------------------- Konstruktor -------------------------------------------*/
          public String schulenameSuchen()
            return "";
          public void edvlehrernameEinlesen()
            edvlehrername = System.getProperty("");      
          public void benutzernameEinlesen()
          int index = liste.getSelectedIndex();
               benutzername = (String) liste.getModel().getElementAt(index);       
               benutzername = "CN=" + benutzername + ",OU=Lehrer,OU=ASR";
          public void neuesKennwortEinlesen()
          neuesKennwortTemp = String.valueOf(neuesKennwortPF.getPassword());          
          public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e)
           char[] neuesKennwortArray = neuesKennwortPF.getPassword();
           char[] neuesKennwortWdhArray = neuesKennwortWdhPF.getPassword();
           if (e.getSource().equals(pwBT))
                     JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame,"Sie m�ssen einen Benutzer ausw�hlen!");
           else if(!Arrays.equals(neuesKennwortArray,neuesKennwortWdhArray))
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame,"Die eingegebenen Kennw�rter sind nicht gleich!");
           else if(neuesKennwortArray.length == 0 || neuesKennwortWdhArray.length == 0)
                JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(frame,"Es wurde kein Kennwort eingegeben!");
                benutzernameEinlesen(); // F�r diesen Benutzer wird das Kennwort ge�ndert
                neuesKennwortEinlesen(); // Dieses Kennwort bekommt der obige Benutzer neu
                edvlehrernameEinlesen(); // Anhand dieses EDV-Lehrers wird die Schule ermittelt wo sich der EDV-Lehrer
                // befindet. Dieser schulname bzw. z.B. OU="ASR" wird als Einstieg genommen, wenn sich der EDV-Lehrer
                // mit dem W2K Server befindet. Somit gibt es nur noch das Unterverzeichnis              
                // Eine Hashtable speichert Schl�ssel/Wert Paare
                Hashtable env = new Hashtable();
                String keystore = "C:/Programme/Java/jre1.6.0_01/lib/security/ZertifikatBerlin";
                // Die Methode put der Klasse Hashtable weist die rechten Werte (Stings hier) einen Schl�ssel zu (verschiedene Kontexte hier)
                env.put(Context.SECURITY_AUTHENTICATION, "simple");
               env.put(Context.SECURITY_PRINCIPAL, adminUser);
                DirContext ctx = new InitialDirContext(env);
                String base = "dc=bodensee,dc=de";
                String filter = "(sAMAccountName=" + edvlehrername + ")";
                String[] attribut = {"distinguishedName"};
                SearchControls kontroller = new SearchControls();
               NamingEnumeration enm =,filter,kontroller);
               String DNkette="";
                    SearchResult resultat = (SearchResult);
                    DNkette = resultat.getNameInNamespace();
                // CN=verena bit,OU=Lehrer,OU=ASR ,DC=bodensee,DC=de
                // index=4      ,index=3  ,index=2,index=1    ,incex=0
                LdapName FullDN = new LdapName(DNkette);
                 for( int i = 0 ; i < FullDN.size() ; i++ )
                // Wert f�r das Kenntwort in der Activev Directory erzeugen
                String neuesKennwort   = "mother"; //neuKennwortPF.getText();
                String neuesKennwortAD = "\"" + neuesKennwort + "\"";
                byte[] newpassword = neuesKennwortAD.getBytes("UTF-16LE");
                // The username to be used for the password change                    
                ModificationItem mods[] = new ModificationItem[1];
                mods[0] = new ModificationItem(DirContext.REPLACE_ATTRIBUTE,new BasicAttribute("unicodePwd", newpassword));
                ctx.modifyAttributes(fehlerNachrichtLB.getText(),mods); */
            catch (Exception er)
            } // if Ende           
          } // actionPerformed Ende    
              public static void main(String args[]) throws NamingException, UnsupportedEncodingException
                 catch (Exception e)     
                 MainWindow Fenster = new MainWindow (); 
           } When I run the application the first time enter twice a password and select a user etc.. to fullfill the if clauses and press the button all is working fine: I get this result:
    CN=verena bit,OU=Lehrer,OU=ASR,DC=bodensee,DC=de
    CN=verena bitthe first line with CN=verena bit etc... I get because of this line:
    System.out.println(resultat.getNameInNamespace());the next 5 Relative DN`s i get because of this code:
    // CN=verena bit,OU=Lehrer,OU=ASR ,DC=bodensee,DC=de
    // index=4 ,index=3 ,index=2,index=1 ,incex=0
    LdapName FullDN = new LdapName(DNkette);
           for( int i = 0 ; i < FullDN.size() ; i++ )
                 }thats all fine, BUT when i hit the button in my application[b] the 2nd time and the above code gets executed my whole app freezes for 7 seconds and i get the error:
    javax.naming.ServiceUnavailableException: rhein:636; socket closedand when i click my button the 3rd time the app runs fine again and the fourth time i click my button the app throws me again the error and freezes ??
    Can someone help?
    another mysterious thing is when i dont use this line of code:
    I get a PartialResultException, but why ?

    A really odd thing is also that sometimes the user attribute like "cn" which i do retrieve gets not displayed in my JList when i start the application, but when i close the app and start it again it the JList contains the cn values or not its like a random factor. ???
    Someone told me that the garbage collector is not releasing all memory i used in my application so i have to release the resource explicit ??!! is that right? And how do i have to do this? I have never ever read something about that!

  • Broken Hinges 2nd Time!

    The hinges on my laptop have broken for the 2nd time! Simply opening and closing my laptop. The left side hinge failed closely followed by the right hand side. The first time this happened it was only on the left side and was repaired through the UK reseller (PC world).
    Very frustrating as my warranty has now probably lapsed and this is obviously a design fault judging by the amount of people complaining of the same issues. Is there a modification HP have made or else this is going to continue to happen to lots of users by putting the hinge-load through the flimsy plastic backing.

    Fantastic service from HP, what can I say?  Laptop collected, repaired, delivered back - all within one week.  Thanks very much HP.
    Rosie B_93

  • Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPAppStateQueryJobDefination failed 3 times in a row.

    Hi all,
    I got an log file in SharePoint server which was showing me two warning.
    Fast revocation part of the Execute method of the app upgrade/killbit timer job definition Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPAppStateQueryJobDefinition failed 3 times in a row. This failure requires on-call engineer attention from both SharePoint and
    SharePoint Store teams.
    product: SharePoint Foundation
    Event ID:8333
    The Execute method of job definition Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPAppStateQueryJobDefinition (ID 66bd473c-9b16-4473-8285-a51259c4fc40) threw an exception. More information is included below.  Sorry, we can't seem to connect to the SharePoint
    Store. Try again in a bit.
    product: SharePoint Foundation
    Event ID:6398
    please help me out, it's an urgent 

    Do you have any devices between the SharePoint server and the Internet (even a host-based firewall) blocking outbound TCP/80? SharePoint must be able to connect to the store.
    Trevor Seward
    Follow or contact me at...
    This post is my own opinion and does not necessarily reflect the opinion or view of Microsoft, its employees, or other MVPs.

  • Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPAppStateQueryJobDefinition failed 3 times in a row

    Hi, we have had the following critical error come up on our (SP Server 2013) application server :
    “Fast revocation part of the Execute method of the app upgrade/killbit timer job definition Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPAppStateQueryJobDefinition failed 3 times in a row. This failure
    requires on-call engineer attention from both SharePoint and SharePoint Store teams.” (Task Category is App Deployment)
    This was followed immediately by the following critical error:
    “The Execute method of job definition Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPAppStateQueryJobDefinition (ID 881a2c17-39e5-4e86-89c5-f7e7289ca448) threw an exception. More information is included
    Sorry, we can't seem to connect to the SharePoint Store. Try again in a bit.” (Task Category is Timer)
    I'm not seeing anything in the Central Admin Health Analyzer issues that relate to this - also appears to be the first time is has happened.
    I have had a look online but can’t seem to find anything similar.

    Hi, we have had the following critical error come up on our (SP Server 2013) application server :
    “Fast revocation part of the Execute method of the app upgrade/killbit timer job definition Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPAppStateQueryJobDefinition failed 3 times in a row. This failure
    requires on-call engineer attention from both SharePoint and SharePoint Store teams.” (Task Category is App Deployment)
    This was followed immediately by the following critical error:
    “The Execute method of job definition Microsoft.SharePoint.Administration.SPAppStateQueryJobDefinition (ID 881a2c17-39e5-4e86-89c5-f7e7289ca448) threw an exception. More information is included
    Sorry, we can't seem to connect to the SharePoint Store. Try again in a bit.” (Task Category is Timer)
    I'm not seeing anything in the Central Admin Health Analyzer issues that relate to this - also appears to be the first time is has happened.
    I have had a look online but can’t seem to find anything similar.
    If these errors are occurring around 3am and the server does not have access to the Internet, the cause could be the Customer Experience Improvement Program (CEIP) failing to contact the CEIP servers.  Disable CEIP at the farm level in  CA->System
    Settings->Configure Privacy Options. 
    Also, disable this in each web application including the SharePoint Central Admin web application. 
    Then, just to make sure, disable the CEIP Data Collection timer job.  With the June CU the problem may recur even with the CEIP options disabled in CA.
    Credit for this find goes to
    Ian Ankers's SharePoint Blog post. 

  • Iv downloaded the 0845 wizard from the App Store. Registered my details and it has been working. But for some reason it won't let me log in and keep saying failed every time I try to use it. Iv deleted and re-downloaded the app and it still says the same?

    Iv downloaded the 0845 wizard from the App Store. Registered my details and it has been working. But for some reason it won't let me log in and keep saying failed every time I try to use it. Iv deleted and re-downloaded the app and it still says the same?

    I would say to start by looking on their web site... unfortunately, that appears to be dead.
    Based on the horrible ratings on the App Store (1 star for the current version), I'm not surprised it doesn't work well.

  • Firefox will not start; new profile fixes it for 1 time, then 2nd time its back to broken

    Windows 7 x64, ff3.6.8
    ff3 will not run, clicking on .exe will not begin any app in taskmanager. the most i get is when clicking ff3 from the taskbar in win7 it will flash as if it is trying to do something, but nothing happens and the flashing stops.
    uninstalled ff3.6.5; reinstalled 3.6.8, still same issue.
    i created a new profile and started ff3, ff3 started & i got to a generic home page. i closed ff3, copied my bookmark file from the default profile to the new profile, restarted ff3, same problem as in the beginning.
    i created a new profile & again it starts up, but when i close out, even without copying the bookmarks over (i was assuming that was the corrupted file), it will not run the 2nd time.
    i have done this for 7 profiles and all of them work the first time, but none will work after that even without copying any profile information from the original default profile.
    in addition i cut all the profiles out of the profile folder and cc'd to another location on another drive thinking that'd prevent the default from corrupting the other files, nothing.
    brief history(sorry for the long post)
    I ran a windows update prior to leaving on vacation, shut the PC down & when I came back the pc wouldnt boot. reset my bios to default and finally got back into windows & it finished the update.
    when i got back in, ff3 was giving me problems and kept hanging up for some reason. so i hard reset & tried to implement my OC profile in bios. i was not able to get back into windows w/ my OC profile again, so i again went back to default bios.
    ever since then ff3 will not work. ie8 works fine, no viruses reported thru mse, i cant figure it out!
    any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks.

    well i kinda fixed it i spose...
    i deleted everything in appdata under mozilla & macromedia and deleted the plugins folder from my installation folder for ff3. uninstalled ff3, reinstalled ff3. now everything works fine. just have to redo my bookmarks & settings.
    sorry to waste anyone's time...but hopefully if someone else has the problem, now they can fix it. peace.

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    How can I sync my new iPad with my itunes account on my 4 yr old macbook? I plugged the iPad in once and all music synced. The 2nd time it said update needed. Macbook says no update available.

    " how can I sync my iphone to my mac book without losing all the music and pictures on it?"
    You cannot.  Copy everything you want form the old computer to the new one, then sync it.
    it basically says you have to erase your iphone to sync to a new itunes!
    Correct Iphone will sync, or manually manage, with one and only one computer/library at a time. Syncing, or manually managing, to another will indeed erase the current content.

  • Brand new ideapad u300s going into depot for 2nd time in in less than a month

    I can't seem to get any help on the phone, all I get told is send the unit in.  I ask to speak to a supervisor and you tell me they will call back in 24-48 hours; it's been a week.  I call back and ask to speak to a supervisor and you tell me it's the weekend and none are available, maybe we can have one call you back later.  This is considered lenovo support.  
    I bought a computer for my wife's birthday, an ideapad u300s, and the first week everything is working great.  However, the LCD turns out to be faulty.  So we send it in to the depot thinking no big deal they'll fix it immediately and send it back to us. However,  the computer sat in the depot for over a month and we heard nothing.  We called tech support and asked a for a refund or a new unit but, basically, we were just transferred, told a supervisor would call us - which they did not -  and given the standard answer that they would prioritize our situation.  Finally,  it's repaired and in the mail.
    We receive the computer everything seems fine, then my wife notices that it doesn't recognize the a/c adapter so the battery is now drained and we can't do anything.  We call lenovo again they tell us send it in, I ask for them to send someone here since last time I called you tried to sell me an extra warranty after I've only had the computer for a week.  Lenovo tells me that's impossible if you want someone to come onsite we have to pay for it.  Fine I give up I am tired of dealing with you over the phone I am sending the computer back for a 2nd time.  
    My wife has used the computer all of about 2 weeks and her birthday was in late March.  
    I cannot understand how you can operate like this; I've never experienced such poor customer support and general apathetic attitude of your phone reps.  
    Simply put, I will never buy another Lenovo product again; I am sure you don't care though if it's anything like your phone support.

    It depends on how critical your connection is. Business customers get a much faster repair time, and are given priority over residential customers, and will pay compensation on some of their SLAs.
    If you do not mind being without service for three to seven days, then the residential service should be fine, otherwise you should be on a business package, with a proper SLA (Service Level Agreement).
    Its not simply the amount of usage you make of the service.
    The residential service is aimed at the general public, who use it for web browsing, e-mail, gaming, and streaming services like YouTube.
    You can get advise on this forum from other residential customers, but they are not going to be able to fix your faults, as this is only a customer to customer forum.
    The firmware issue is discussed on a number of threads on the  forum. Alternative VHDSL modem/routers are also suggested.
    There are some useful help pages here, for BT Broadband customers only, on my personal website.
    BT Broadband customers - help with broadband, WiFi, networking, e-mail and phones.

  • Songs dont even show up on my ipod anymore 2nd time happening

    I have a 4th generation ipod with color that shows the photo
    My ipod had recently somehow got rid of all my songs the first time i didnt kno how but by the 2nd time i had all my songs on there and i just plugged it into my computer last night to charge, there was songs on it before i plugged it in but in the morning when i check on it there was no songs left at all.
    I have zero songs, and about 7gb of free space left? wth is wrong with my ipod?

    Kingnitro wrote:
    I went to search for a song on my iphone 6+ the other day, it doesnt even show up on my song list!  Yet on my Mac Mini I open up my Itunes, its there and it plays right away!   What is wrong?
    The song is not on your iPhone.
    See this ->

  • In ST03 , how can i see the Query name, user id,how many times executed the

    HI Experts,
    In ST03 , how can i see the Query name, user id,how many times executed the query.
    these details how do i get from the above transaction.
    EX:-if there is one report name X,I want to know how many users had executed X report today,weekly,monthly.
    ex:-query userid total number of execution
    sales order 0000555 5 times
    custmer 05855 2 times
    fast reply will be appreciated,

    Look here:
    Also check these:
    Hope this helps..

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