Procee varient tcode

Hi gurus
i am create process variant in process chains(RAPC)
my problem is i want to delete process can i delete the process there any tcode for this..

You can delete all variants (or select some of them to be deleted) by deleting whole process chain and then you will get pop up window saying "Also Delete Dependent Processes ?".
Here y can select from list any variants to be deleted.
Edited by: Andrey Uryukin on May 5, 2010 5:29 PM

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    simplest is to use fm VIEW_MAINTENANCE_CALL and fill table DBA_SELLIST
    -> have a look here: Re: manipulating table maintenance dialog
    Also You can define any number of view variants for an existing view. The view variants do not have their own generated maintenance dialogs, they use the base view. The view variants can differ from their base view by different selection conditions and a different field selection.
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    If these links helped you, please reward points to me.
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    Hi Sri,
    I also got the same error .We have resolved it thru Changing the  include ZXBI1U08 . The code select * into table idberchz_1 should be  replaced with select * into CORRESPONDING FIELDS OF table idberchz_1.
    Hope this will Help you.
    Thanks & Regards,
    Radharaman Haldar

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    You can create variants for transaction using transaction variants. That is meant to simplify these kinda scenarios.
    The tcode for transaction variants is SHD0. You can create variants as you wish. It is simple only. No coding required. Just take SHD0. Give your transaction name.
    Then press create variant.
    It will guide you.
    Renjith Michael.

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    Long text for the first error----
         Message no. >0083
         You cannot make an entry in field Base Unit of Measure (due to th
         status specification you made in the G/L account master record fo
    System Response
         Error message
         Delete the value you entered in field Base Unit of Measure.
    Long text for the second error-----
    Invoicing of invoicing unit (account 4) terminated
         Message no. EB007
         Invoicing of the invoicing unit (grouping of documents to be invoiced in
         the system) for the specified account could not be performed correctly.
         The reasons can be found in the previous lines of the log.
         You can find a list of documents which form the corresponding invoicing
         unit at the end.
         Look at the previous lines of the log and correct the errors specified
    Please guide me....

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    i am working on Tcode  SHD0 . i m stuking on screen varient . and transaction varient . so let me know how could i use this  tcode in a proper way .
    chandra shekhar singh

    Follow step by step process for SHDO:
    Go to transaction SHD0. 
    Enter the transaction code MM01. Now click on button CREATE.
    Following information message would appear:
    Click Enter to proceed. 
    Now the MM01 transaction would appear. 
    Select the required Industry sector and Material Type and press ENTER. Following popup would appear: 
    Now make the modifications as shown below: 
    Click on u201CExit and Saveu201D. 
    Following popup would appear:
    Click Enter to proceed. Following screen would appear:
    Save your entries and go back to the main screen.
    Now enter the transaction variant name and click on Change button as shown below:
    Now click on Insert Row. 
    Enter the name of the screen variant created earlier or use F4 help to select the value:
    Now click on Goto à Create Variant Transaction 
    Enter the values as shown above. Click on Enter. The following SE93 transaction would appear: 
    The name of the Transaction Variant is automatically proposed. Save your entries. 
    Now go to Transaction ZMM01 and check your transaction variant:
    You can observe that the field Industry sector and Material type default to the value we have given earlier and are output enabled only.
    This i have copied from my Documents in which i have screen shots for the images also...Unfortunately it did not copied above.
    But still if you follow above instructions, it will work.

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    there r 2 options -
    1)Either go to Se93 and create a new tcode and give ur variant name there..
    2) u can create a small report program and submit the report (for tcode KSB1) with ur default variant like this demo code -
    c_report like sy-repid value
    c_variant like VARID-VARIANT value 'YOUR_VARIANT'.
    submit (c_report) using selection-set c_variante.
    reward if helpfull

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    Of course Points will b rewarded.

    Hey Mr. Ravi,
    Thanx for your reply, but my question is
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    Thank you.

  • Varient

    What is varient ?

    Variants allow you to save sets of input values for programs that you often start with the same selections. You can use them for any programs
    Whenever you start a program in which selection screens are defined, the system displays a set of input fields for database-specific and program-specific selections. To select a certain set of data, you enter an appropriate range of values.
    e.g you can define variants for Tcode like ME21n Me51n to reduce the database search
    go though this link u will get a better idea abt it

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    or while creating sales order how system determine that it is a varient sales order.?
    Please give me the solution for this.

    Assuming the preceding activities to be done, for Variant configuration.
    Create Condition Record using TCode VK11 - Enter VA00 (Condition) (For Std RVA001 Pricing Procedure) - enter variant give the rates accordingly and create the sales order.
    Activate the variant configuration in Sales Document make the above effective or in use.
    To Do so:
    SPRO --> IMG --> SD --> Sales --> Sales Document --> Sales Document Header
    Select Doc. type, say OR. Double Click.
    Enter Variant in Field: Variant.
    Best Reagrds,

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    Hello, I'm not familiar with process orders, nevertheless try trx "KGI4" for collective order processing.

  • User specific transaction varient

    Dear all,
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    Good point. I think if you use an exit you can vary the call depending on User/User Group. However, that requires an ABAPer.
    To do it yourself you could just create a copy of your transaction.
    Assign the original transaction to the majority but not the single User. Assign the copy to the single User and apply a screen variant.
    Edit > ABAPer could do via call to function module RS_HDSYS_SET_SC_VARIANT
    Edited by: Nick Whitehurst on Apr 1, 2010 10:59 AM

  • Varients

    hi experts
    what is transaction varients
    what is the tcode to maintain transaction varients

    Transaction variants simplify transaction flow by:
    Inserting default values in fields
    Changing the ready for input status of fields
    Hiding various screen elements and menu functions, or even entire screens
    Adjusting table control settings
    When you create a transaction variant, you run through the transaction in a special mode. In this mode, you decide which elements you no longer need in your transaction and which values should be inserted where. If you choose to hide an entire screen, the system will no longer display that screen in the transaction and will proceed on to the next screen in the series. You can also adjust table control settings and determine the width of columns and the order in which you want them displayed. In tabstrips, you can suppress tabs that you no longer need by setting them to invisible.
    You may also create as many variants for a transaction as you desire. One of these variants can be defined as a standard variant. This variant is then valid across all clients. You may also assign different variants to specific users.
    This is done using variant transactions. Variant transactions are then placed in those users’ user menus instead of the standard transaction.
    Transaction code for   Transaction Variants is SHD0

  • Save push button in varient.

    Hello experts,
                I have a pushbutton on my selection screen. When i will click on that button then only i can enter
    the values in other paramtere. After entering all values i will save it in varient. When i will call that varient for next time
    push button will not be pressed( i should have to press it manually) How i can save the pressed push button in varient.

    Go to Tcode SHD0 to create a transaction variant that active your paramenters. Then go to SE93 to create a new transaction Type Trasaction Variant, enter your old transaction and variant. Then save.
    Hope it help.


    using any transation -say MCSI the layout variant is not saved .
    every time out of total five columns say i require only 3 colums i check on the variant and shift the unwanted two items to the right column.
    once try to save the layout the varient is not saved.
    illustration is given below:
    columns as visible before :
    sales org  -    billed qty  - billed qty value - excise duty -cess--
    s tax    -
    total value
    columns required :
    sales org  -    billed qty  --- billed qty value
    so i hide the balance colums to get desired info.
    then to save varient i move to tab in header >> click on GO TO then click VARIENT then click SAVE AS VARIENT . but it does not save as all components under VARIENT tab are greyed out ie. GET , DISPLAY , DELETE or SAVE AS VARIENT.
    similar problems are face in many other standard t codes also.
    sap ecc 6.0
    database oracle10
    os aix5.2
    vikram - joshi

    Then please check with your ABAPer, there must be a transaction variant that has been created for these transactions which is thereby directly going into the variant screen when you are executing the tcode.
    There is a function module which can be inserted, which can directly take the user into the variant screen.

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