Processing Workitems from UWL

Dear All
We are in the process of developing a custom recruitment solution which will allows users to raise such requests on EP(MSS) and then route these through an approval hierarchy. We are not using the ISR framework for this.
My problem is with the work item in the UWL. I am currently able to launch the custom (JavaWD) form and also update container elements back into the workitem but have so far been unable to 'Complete' the workitem and continue with the rest of the workflow.
The status being returned by SAP_WAPI_WORKITEM_COMPLETE seems to be incorrect - it is STARTED rather than COMPLETE (?).
Am I missing something? We are ECC5.0 and the portal is EP 7.0.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Hi Ravi,
It should be like, after executing your code in RFC enabled Custom FM, you require to set the status of this Standard Task to COMPLETED using the above mentioned Function module.
I am not so sure what WORKITEM number you are trying to send to this function module as input, is it the workitem number of this standard Task or Workitem number of the Workflow?
That's the reason, I am asking you to test it manually.
Test it manually and check if the control goes to the next step.
<i><b>Raja Sekhar</b></i>

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    Hi All,
    I am working on ESS/MSS workflows...Everything is configured and also workflow is developed...When i try to execute a workitem from UWL to approve a PCR, i am getting a message in the status bar as "work item exucuted(new processing status:"in process"). But it's not launching the SAP transaction for approval.
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    Hi Sunil,
              how r u, i have also same dout i know the configuration steps of UWL but i don't know how to Configuration of Universal worklist and Timesheet application in ESS/MSS to display at manager side....i am new to this ESS and MSS Configuration side.....i request to u could u please tell me the step by step procedure or else if u have any configuration steps which u have already done please send me a mail to my id : [email protected]
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  • Error while running leave request Workitem from UWL

    While running the workitem from UWL in MSS we are getting the following error
    URL call was terminated because the corresponding service is not available
    i.e its is not launching the Web Dynpro application.
    As result I have checked the following :-
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    2) Alias for the portal system has been set to SAP_WebDynpro_XSS and UWL has been registered with this alias.
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    Plus I have also tried the following changes.
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    I am running out of ideas now to correct this. Please help.

    Shakti Parwanda wrote:
    > Problem has been resolved and I have added alias as SAP_ECC_HumanResources in system alias in UWL and Webdynpro Launch system as SAP_WebDynpro_XSS.
    > And, it solved my problem
    Hi Mr. Shakti
    i too have the same problem ,how did u resolved it.
    i applied the note 779075 still same error is comming
    created three system SAP_R3,sap_its_xss, andsap_webdynpro_xss
    through which system i have to register the system
    K Naveen Kishore.

  • Error in opening Workitems from UWL

    Hi All,
    I am trying to open a transaction from the workflow using a dialog task.
    when i execute the workitem from SAP business workplace the task gets execute properly.
    but when i try to run the same task from UWL it opens the SAP easy access screen.
    All my other workitem like leave request approver are getting opened properly from UWL.
    This might be related to some UWL configuration. I searched all the forums there are many similar questions but could not get any answer.
    Umesh Chaudhari.

    Hi ,
    please find the following solution .it will definitely work .
    If you leave configuration is done.
    There was an incorrect data in your system. To do these please follow following process.
    delete this request using
    PTARQ> Delete documents (RPTARQDBDEl)
    Please read the report documentation before
    deleting the request but it should be safe as it is
    a development system.
    Please delete this with the above information or delete all
    the records for the approver.
    After this,, there will be some incorrect workitem in approver inbox.
    You need to clear that also by Tcode - SWWL.
    Also try following
    Can you check if the Pernr used
    has correct information like It0105 etc, also the rules are
    correctly defined.
    For the Employee, First of all check the Period Work Schedule also
    the Quotas of the pernr needs to maintained in 2006, Please do
    this customisation and it should solve the issue.
    Maintain the absence quota in the IT2006 and then try once.
    Also make sure that the Settings in Webmo and PTARQ etc all is done
    The pernr belongs to the a Rule and have absences defined for him.

  • "Page not found or not available" error when accessing workitem from UWL

    Hi SAP Gurus,
    I encounter a perculiar problem in our portal system, was wondering if any of you guys encounter it before.
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    -ITS 6.2
    -Authentication through LDAP server, the roles in the server are tied to the groups that the LDAP ID is tied to.
    The funny thing is, only this particular user has the problem, other users with the same roles didn't encounter such message. Also, the user do not have problem accessing to other UWL workitems, (eg, leave approval, claims, etc) only the Trips Approval have the problem.
    Anyone have any ideas? Could it be some roles in the R/3 side. Any suggestions?
    As usual, point will be awarded to useful answers.

    Answered for myself.  My situation related to the Credit/Dispute Management application. In my case, a standard task type was also defined for another application.  I had re-prioritize the xml configuration for Credit Manager, and modify the xml to include a system alias within the item configuration.  Now, my item is using the correct configuration and tasks are launching correctly from the UWL.
    - David
    PS - Did not need to do back-end configuration.
    Message was edited by: David Karpman

  • Manually remove workitems from UWL inbox

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    They are of no importance to me.
    I want to remove them from my inbox.
    How do i do that without approving.
    Please help, this is very urgent

    Please clear the entire UWL cache from the UWL administration page. The
    issue will be resolved.
    You have to complete these workitems manually using SWIA transaction.
    In the UWL you can see the Creation date and time for these dummy
    workitems. Execute SWIA transaction for this date and time. In the list
    of Displayed workitems choose the workitem that you want to complete
    and Use 'Complete Manually' button to COMPLETE the workitem.

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    Did you solve this issue?

  • Problem in retriving workitem id from uwl in abap webdynpro

    Curently, I've a problem similar with this post : Problem in retriving workitem id from uwl in abap webdynpro
    But unfortunatelly there is no answer :/
    I've followed this tutorial :
    And I have a problem in my WD Abap. The WI_ID field is empty (initial).
    Here is my XML :
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <!DOCTYPE UWLConfiguration PUBLIC '-//SAP//UWL1.0//EN' 'uwl_configuration.dtd'
    <UWLConfiguration version="1.0">
              <ItemType name="uwl.task.webflow.TS90000087.ED1CLNT100" connector="WebFlowConnector" defaultView="DefaultView" defaultAction="launchWebDynPro" executionMode="default">
                <ItemTypeCriteria systemId="ED1CLNT100" externalType="TS90000087" connector="WebFlowConnector"/>
                   <Action name="launchWebDynPro" groupAction="" handler="SAPWebDynproABAPLauncher" returnToDetailViewAllowed="yes" launchInNewWindow="yes" launchNewWindowFeatures="resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,directories=no">
                        <Property name="WebDynproApplication" value="zps_pnpi"/>
                        <Property name="newWindowFeatures" value="resizable=yes,scrollbars=yes,status=yes,toolbar=no,menubar=no,location=no,directories=no"/>
                        <Property name="DynamicParameter" value="WI_ID1=${item.externalId}"/>
                        <Property name="openInNewWindow" value="yes"/>
                        <Property name="WebDynproNamespace" value="sap"/>
                        <Property name="System" value="ED1CLNT100"/>
                        <Property name="display_order_priority" value="5"/>
                     <Descriptions default=""/>
    Here are the parameter defined in my application :
    WI_ID     000000000000     SWW_WIID
    WI_ID1     ${item.externalId}     STRING
    And, i've made the test with both the WI_ID and the WI_ID1 in the XML but everytime, no value at all.
    Could you please help me ? It's been three days I'm looking for a solution to get my Workitem ID in my Webdynpro ...

    In fact, it's quite strange, I added the menu and toolbar display and I can see that my url contains the data ...
    So ... how is it possible ?
    And the next question, how can I get the full url so I can parse it myself ?

  • How to get the workitem id from UWL

    HI All,
               I have developed a workflow and   starting this workflow from webdynpro abap.I integrated that task in SWFVISU
    transaction  to trigger the webdynpro from UWL up to now its working fine.
    but now the problem is i need to get the WI_ID of the particular workitem (which i clicked on UWL to trigger my webdynpro application).
    Thank you,
    Harsha P

    Thank you very much for your quick response
      Please guide me to complete this
    1.  I have created parameter type DYNPRO in SWFVISU transaction and i have created a application parameter in my webdnypro
         application also even though i cannot get the workitem id in to  my default method of my WD component window 
         So could you please send us any document links regarding this issue
    Thank you,
    Harsha p

  • Weird problem in reading workitem id into java WD application from UWL

    Hi All,
    We are trying to read the workitem id of the current workitem into the java web dynpro application when executing from UWL. For this we are using the following statement
    <b>String workItemID = WDWebContextAdapter. getWebContextAdapter(). getRequestParameter("wi_id");</b>
    We are trying to read the workitem and pass this workitem to an RFC which will read various container elements in the workitem and display it in the JWD screen.
    Now when i click on the workitem for the first time it is opening the JWD application with all blank values (If i put external debugging i can see in the RFC i can see that the worktiem id remains 00000000).
    Now i go back to the UWL and once again click on the same workitem for the second time. This time it opens the form with right container data in all the fields(If i put external debugging i can see that the correct workitem id is getting passed to the RFC)
    Now i go back to the UWL and click on the same workitem once again it opens the same blank form  now (Once again in external debugging i can see workitem as 00000000).
    This happens alternatively on every click. i,e first time everything is empty (workitem id not passed to RFC) and second time all data retrieved properly (workitem id passed to RFC) and third time again everything is empty and fourth time everything populated properly and so on......
    I am not sure why this happens on every alternate click. Has anyone faced such a problem? Please help me out in solving this issue.
    We are in NW2004 SP12.
    Prasath N

    Hi Raja,
    Thanks for your reply.
    I have tried this code already once in our test systems (NW2004S). It is working fine there. But our client system is on NW2004 and this code does not get recoginized here.
    And the latest thing i have found is this works fine if i open this using my Mozilla Firefox browser (version i.e. it opens the form with data on every click. But in older versions of firefox and internet explorer it works only on alternate click. I am wondering if this can happen based on the browser versions!!!
    If nothing materializes i am also planning to try to make this Application as an iview and try launching it from UWL (may be there i can pass the workitem id as a dynamic parameter).
    Prasath N

  • Open UWL workitem from outlook mail

    Hello friends,
    I have a requirement to execute/open workitem of UWL, which should open from outlook...
    I have searched for the same in sdn forum and SAP-WUG, but was unsuccessful to find the exact solution...
    I have used 3 technique to achive the requirement, but they are not working and also don't know it is a right approach or not..
    1) Maintained the UWL url in SWNCONFIG-> General setting -> INBOX_LINK_URL
    2) Configured setting as suggested for Extended notification and UWL in link
    3) Maintained link in SWNCONFIG-> General setting -> WD_HOST and WG_HOST
    For getting the UWL workitem link in Outlook wich program needs to be executed --> 1) RSWUWFML2  OR  2) SWN_SELSEN ?
    I am not sure the requirement is possible or not...
    If it is possible then please suggest the right approach and the techniques I have tried are correct or not?
    Thanks and Regards,

    Dear Karri,
    I am very new to workflow. So I don't know why and where webdynpro application is used in my senario... And I will be very obliged to bare with me if I don't understand any terminology of workflow.
    I would like to share my complete senario with you.
    I have a existing workflow on "COURSE BOOKING" which is already working on production perfectly. And the manager is approving it on UWL for it.
    Now the requirement was given like this... I was told that manager has to search the workitem in UWL and had do refresh many time. So they asked me to provide a link or attachment of UWL's workitem directly in notification mail, so that he only needs to click on that link or attachment and required workitem in UWL will open and he/she could make decision.
          The requirement is very similary to the notification mail generted by program RSWUWFML2, which has 3 attachements and among them 1 is of Execute Workitem, which open up SAP R/3 inbox's workitem directly. Means he doesn't need to search in SBWP...
          So here in my case instead of SAP R/3 inbox workitem, he should open Portal UWL's workitem directly.
    Now I come to your question about "webdynpro application launches workitem". I don't know where the webdynpro application comes into the picture...
    Please guide...
    Thanks & Regards,

  • How to remove Forward/Resubmit options from UWL workitems

    Hi Folks,
    I have a requirement to remove Forward/Resubmit options from UWL workitems of the Hover menu.
    Can anyone let me know how to do it ?

    Hi Chaitanya,
    If you want to remove forward and resubmit actions for all the UWL items, it should be simple.
    Open the UWL iview and look for a property called "List of UWL actions to exclude".
    In that property enter the values "followUp" and "forward" separated by a comma.
    followUp - Resubmit
    forward - Forward
    This should remove the two actions for all the UWL items.
    Here is a help link with more info:
    [UWL Action to Exclude|]
    If you want to remove these options for selected UWL items only, refer to this forum:
    [post|Exclude Actions from UWL using XML;

  • Portal Runtime Error when opening Webflow workitem in UWL

    I have recently configured the UWL to pick up workitems from SAP workflow on a background system. The workitems are appearing OK in the Task folder. However, when I try to open a workitem by double-clicking on it, I get the following error:
    Portal Runtime Error
    An Exception occurred while processing your request. Send the exception ID to your portal administrator.
    Exception ID: 05:33_30/09/10_0010_24209150
    Refer to the log file for details about this exception.
    NB. This only seems to happen for items that would be shown via the SAP GUI (E.g. a Confirming a task completion or user decision). The workitem runs OK if it is for a task that is visualised as a Web Dynpro app and specified in transaction SWFVISU.
    I have not configured Delta Refresh options in the Workflow Administrator so do not know if this is a possible reason (I assumed that this would not cause a problem and would simply mean that refreshes only occur once every 60 seconds). Any help would be greatly appreciated. I am fairly new to Portal & UWL I would also be grateful if someone could tell where I can find the relevant log files referenced in the original error.

    Hey Simon,
    Welcome to UWL :).  Portal Runtime Errors in UWL don't always signify that there is a UWL issue.  This could be a permissions problem, etc.  I'm not sure what version of the portal that you are using.  But here is a little trick for you when checking can enter in the following: irj/servlet/prt/portal/prtroot/
    and check the log file with the id that was given in the error.
    Exception ID: 05:33_30/09/10_0010_24209150 is your exception id.  Search for the log files in the default trace and see what the exact error message is.  If you can post this here it would be great.
    The log files can be found in the following location:
    or by entering the URL that I mentioned above.
    Please let me know in the next reply what the portal version is:
    You can get this information by doing the following:
    a. log on to the portal
    b. backspace out the irj/portal section of the URL
    c. click enter.
    d. You are now at the J2EE administration page.
    e. Next, click on the system information link
    f. Please click on the all components link
    g. Please attach this information to the message.
    I am interested mostly in the UWLJWF component but if you can attach the full software component info to this post that would be great...
    Please note, that note number 1133821 is an important note that is needed in the UWL.  Did you maintain your RFC destination accordingly?
    Here is some additional information to help you too since you are new to UWL:
    [UWL Wiki|]
    [UWL Forums|SAP Enterprise Portal: Application Integration;
    [Business Task Management|]
    [Using Universal Worklist|]
    [JavaDocs UWL API|]
    I hope that you find this information useful!
    Best Regards,
    Beth Maben
    EP - Senior Support Consultant
    AGS Primary Support, Business Suite & Technology
    Please see the UWL Wiki @  ***

  • Using work managers to process WorkItems in a message driven bean

    Hi, I'm trying to get to grips with using a work manager (in 10.3) to process WorkItems concurrently, with the whole process being triggered by a JMS message. I've got everything working using the default work manager but I'm having problems switching over to using a work manager that I've created myself, using annotations to provide the resource ref.
    My current setup, using the default work manager, is (roughly) this:
    @MessageDriven(mappedName = "jms/tsrd.DependencyWorker", activationConfig = {
            @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "connectionFactoryJndiName", propertyValue = "jms/connectionFactory"),
            @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "ejbName", propertyValue = "tsrd.DependencyWorker"),
            @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "destinationJndiName", propertyValue = "jms/tsrd.DependencyWorker"),
            @ActivationConfigProperty(propertyName = "destinationType", propertyValue = "javax.jms.Queue") })
    public class DependencyWorker implements MessageListener {
        private WorkManager workManager;
        @Resource(name = "taskExecutor")
        public void setWorkManager(final WorkManager workManager) {
            this.workManager = workManager;
        public void doOperation(final WorkflowControlMessage msg) throws Exception {
             Work myWork = new ...
             workManager.schedule(myWork, listener);
    }With my spring config including this bean:
    <bean id="taskExecutor" class="org.springframework.scheduling.commonj.WorkManagerTaskExecutor">
        <property name="workManagerName" value="wm/default"/>
        <property name="resourceRef" value="true"/>
    </bean>And this works fine: when the JMS message is received I send a load of WorkItems to the default work manager and they get processed.
    Now what I'd like to do is change the spring config to this:
    <bean id="taskExecutor" class="org.springframework.scheduling.commonj.WorkManagerTaskExecutor">
        <property name="workManagerName" value="wm/MyWorkManager"/>
        <property name="resourceRef" value="true"/>
    </bean>Where I've already created MyWorkManager as a global work manager for the server, and it's visible on the admin server for the deployment.
    From the examples I've seen I know I need to add a resource ref for the MDB so that it can lookup the work manager using JNDI. We mainly use annotations, so I'd like to just be able to add this line to the MDB:
    @Resource(name = "MyWorkManager", type =, authenticationType = Resource.AuthenticationType.CONTAINER, shareable = true)But when I try that my server refuses to start:
    Unable to deploy EJB: DependencyWorker from tsrd-mdb.jar:
    [EJB:011026]The EJB container failed while creating the java:/comp/env namespace for this EJB deployment.
    weblogic.deployment.EnvironmentException: [EJB:010176]The resource-env-ref 'MyWorkManager' declared in the ejb-jar.xml descriptor or annotation has no JNDI name mapped to it. The resource-ref must be mapped to a JNDI name using the resource-description element of the weblogic-ejb-jar.xml descriptor or corresponding annotation.So is there a way to fully configure my work manager just using the @Resource annotation, or do I need to add a weblogic-ejb.jar.xml file and put some specific config in there? Presumably if I do need to add an xml file then I'd need to put something like this in it?
    </wls:weblogic-enterprise-bean>Am I also right in thinking that I don't need to add a dispatch policy to the MDB specifying MyWorkManager, because I don't actually want to dispatch the MDB to that manager, I just want the manager to be available to the MDB.

    Hi, so I've added a weblogic-ejb.jar.xml file with a reference to the JNDI name of the work manager:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    <wls:weblogic-ejb-jar xmlns:wls="" xmlns:xsi="" xsi:schemaLocation="">
    </wls:weblogic-ejb-jar>But I still get exactly the same error when I try to start my server. The example you referred to kind of cryptically suggests that adding a plan.xml suddenly fixed everything, but what am I missing here that actually hooks the work manager up to JNDI? am I getting these problems because I'm using annotations, or are people not supposed to access work managers in this way?
    Edited by: 806682 on 05-Nov-2010 08:57

  • Attachments from Workflow to ABAP Webdynpro launched from UWL

    Hi All,
    You might have seen a recent post from me for sending attachments from ABAP Webdynpro to Workflow.
    I could do that by just calling SAP_WAPI_ATTACHMENT_ADD. I didnt have to create an instance of the SOFM object
    by passing the ATT_ID from this function module.
    Now the next task of the workflow which is sent to UWL, automatically carries the attachements in the Workitem.
    I didnt do binding from workflow container to Task container. (I dont know how!!)
    But I need to get those attachments on my ABAP Webdynpro after it is launched from UWL.
    For this I am using SAP_WAPI_GET_ATTACHEMENTS. But this FM is giving me the BOR reference.
    How do use this to get the attachments displayed on my Webdynpro as links?

    Hi Debabra,
    I have similar requirement where I want to add new attachment from Webdynpro abap to workflow and again next level want to view it in UWL in another Webdynpro abap from workflow.
    I am trying to attach the document from Webdynpro to Workflow I used FM SAP_WAPI_ATTACHMENT_ADD and looks like it attached in workflow.
    Can you please tell  how the second part was solved where I want to attach document from workflow to Webdynpro abap

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