Project topics

can anyone plzz send me some project titles in java
application sw
web related
system programming any please?

I am sorry that your google is broken.

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    I think I'm the one causing the problem - I don't think I
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    You might also do a quick search on the General
    Info/HTMLHelp/RH for HTML forums for "merged .chm" - you might
    recognize a symptom in someone's post that I didn't catch.
    Good luck,

  • Excluding project topics when publishing to CHM

    Using RH 9.
    I read the post "unwanted topics in search results" and am still confused.
    Even though a project topic is not in ToC or referenced by ToC, it still shows up in index and search results in CHM file.
    Do i have to specifically create a "conditional build expression" that will identify and exclude these topics?
    If so, why is that? it seems like it defeats the point of creating a ToC.

    Not everyone wants all the topics in the TOC. I once had a project of around 12,000 topics where many were just for one field. I only wanted the screen level topics in the TOC. Can you imagine a TOC with 12,000 topics.
    I also needed all the topics to be searchable. I have seen other authoring tools that do force you to put every topic in the TOC. No thank you.
    You seem to have topics that you don't want in the output so yes you do have to exclude them with a build tag. In the Topic List you can multi-select topics and apply a tag.
    See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

  • Applying Style Sheets to all Project Topics

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    I want all topics to use the same style sheet.
    Is there any way to apply a Style to all Project Topics?

    Welcome to the forum.
    Go to the topic list and select all topics, then right click and select Properties. You can assign the new CSS there. Any style names in your topics not included in the new CSS will of course be broken and need to be assigned to whatever style you choose.
    See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

  • Merged Project - Can you share images between multiple projects/topics without images actually copied into each project?

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  • Robohelp 8: Child Project topics not displaying in the topic pane

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    I am working on a Robohelp 8 merged help with four child projects. The child project I added last (which appears as Child 2 on the ToC) displays fine in the ToC pane. However, none of the Child 2 topics display in the Topics pane.
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    I have cleared the MergedHelp folder and recompiled a few times, but w/o any change. Child 1, 3 and 4 topics display in the topics pane, but not Child 2 topics.
    Would appreciate any pointers.

    Try deleting the child from the TOC and readding it. If that does not work, can you post an image of what you are seeing. You can do so via the camera toolbar icon.
    Read the RoboColum(n) for a tips, tricks and musings on the Technical Communication Suite products.
    Follow the RoboColum(n) on Twitter

  • Need a good project topic

    hello every 1...
    i need help deciding a good java based project for my final year..
    ppl im actually looking for ideas to do a university based java project, but i cant really decide on the i would be really obliged if any 1 could give me ideas or could provide me some good project titles.
    thank nywy.

    Try writing a java IDE.
    You can write it in Java Swing itself (ala IntelliJ, Together etc) and the great thing is it can be as complicated as you like.
    the very basics would be a simple text editor that highlights jave keywords.
    More complicated is refactoring options, (e.g. rename method) as you have to think of an appropriate structure to store code in so you can check all references.
    There are so many IDE's out there, you can analyse them and choose the best feautes to implement.
    Your project write up would compare your product to the comemrcial ones.

  • Need a suitable project topic

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    This project i am undertaking as part of my course studies that include IP.
    Any suggestions are welcome

    Care to narrow it down a little? I'm not even sure
    what you mean by 'IP'. TCP/IP? Intellectual
    Property?I'm betting on "Independent Project".

  • Problem with images disappearing from project

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    Hi there
    Certainly it won't hurt anything to add the images to baggage files, but I'd be shocked to find that solves the problem.
    If an image has been used in RoboHelp, it should be present in the project. End of story. The fact they seem to be disappearing seems to suggest that maybe something has gone awry with folder naming or image naming or the project in general.
    So what version and flavor of RoboHelp are you using?
    RoboHelp 10, RoboHelp 9, RoboHelp 8, etc.
    RoboHelp HTML, RoboHelp for Word
    Cheers... Rick

  • Opening merged WebHelp projects

    I currently have a project that I just converted to WebHelp (stand-alone, not merged). In addition, I have another projected that I converted; this is used as a "merged" project and is merged into one mentioned previously.
    When I am in the stand-alone project and attempt to click a link to open a topic in the merged project, I am getting a second TOC. My there a way to prevent a second TOC from appearing and just have the merged project topic appear in the frame like those from the "original" project?
    Please see attached screen shot for a better idea of what I am referring to.
    Thanks in advance for the assistance!

    It must be because of the way you are linking to the target topic.
    From another project it needs to be something like [path]index.htm#[path]targettopic.htm.
    See for RoboHelp and Authoring tips

  • Is there any way to limit search hits to only the topics found in the TOC?

    Hi. I'm interested in creating multiple TOCs for a project. Included will be TOCs that only have a subset of the project topics and books. Is there a way to restrict searching to only those topics and books that occur in the TOC?

    Hi there
    There are a couple of ways to accomplish this goal.
    The long way around is to select all the topics that are not in the TOC and look at their properties. On the General tab is an option to exclude the topic from any content being found in the search.
    Note that with this method, the topic won't be found even if another topic links to it.
    The other way is to look at the Single Source Layout options. For WebHelp, it will be found by first clicking to expand the Content Categories area, then clicking to select the category. Once you do this, there should be an option to "Exclude Unreferenced Topics from Output".
    Note that using this method, if another topic links to the unwanted topic, it has then been referenced and will still be found via search.
    Hope this helps... Rick

  • Suggestions for mini project

    I'm doing my 3rd CSE,
    can anyone suggest me on taking up a mini project
    suggest me a topic for mini project
    topic that implement current technology
    my areas of interest are
    java, web technology, Security, Data structures, DBMS
    Thank you

    Here's an idea: search before asking.
    Good luck.

  • Command or Canvas Events for Recording ?? Please Help..

    Hi I am Abhijith I am a total newbie to the j2me world, And I am learning it now,
    My project topic is "Bluetooth Walkie Talkie " , And I am trying my best and putting
    all my efforts to code incrementally by learning , Before I could implement bluetooth,
    I thought let me complete the recording The audio and playing part first,
    The recording and playing of audio is working fine , But i would like to do it a real manner as Real Walkie talkie does, I want to record audio ONLY when the Key is being
    pressed , and when its released it should exit the player hence saving the recorded file,
    (Actually i dont want to save it in future,i would be sending the bytearray though the bluetooth , but for now , I want the Current module to be ready)
    I tried my best searching online to implement my requirement but the couldnot find
    such events I found Canva's KEYPRESS, KEYRELEASE , etc events but they dint not
    serve my purpose, Let me clearly tell where I am stuck , After the midlet starts(by launching it) then i would like to press a key( keypressed say No 5) for certain
    amount of time and the audio should be recorded only for the keypressed duration ,
    after I release , it should stop recording and save as a wav file .
    Whats happening is When i keep the key pressed , The midlet asks whether to allow
    the recording , for this purpose when I release key the control is going out, and
    i am not able to achieve the needed , I am posting the code here, Please Help me.
    I am not asking for the complete spoon feeding or ready made code, But as a beginner
    I need help from you all to learn and implement it.(at least it should satisfy me,i would feel i have learnt something then)
    Here below is my code ( i AM using WTK 2.5 )
    import javax.microedition.midlet.*;
    import javax.microedition.lcdui.*;
    import java.util.*;
    public class Key extends MIDlet{
      private Display  display;
      private KeyCodeCanvas canvas;
      public Key(){
        display = Display.getDisplay(this);
        canvas  = new KeyCodeCanvas(this);
      protected void startApp(){
      protected void pauseApp(){}
      protected void destroyApp( boolean unconditional ){
    class KeyCodeCanvas extends Canvas implements CommandListener{
      private Command exit;
         public StringItem message ;
         private Player player;
         private byte[] recordedAudioArray = null;
      private String keyValue = null;
      private Key midlet;
         Thread t = null;
         private String eventType = null;
      public KeyCodeCanvas(Key midlet){
        this.midlet = midlet;
        exit = new Command("Exit", Command.EXIT, 1);
      protected void paint(Graphics g){
          g.setColor(255, 0, 0);
          g.fillRect(0, 0, getWidth(), getHeight());
        if (keyValue != null){
          g.setColor(0, 0, 255);
           g.drawString(keyValue + eventType+message, getWidth() / 2, getHeight() / 2,
         Graphics.TOP | Graphics.HCENTER);
      public void commandAction(Command c, Displayable d){
        String label = c.getLabel();
      protected void keyPressed(int keyCode){
         eventType = "pressed";
        keyValue = getKeyName(keyCode);
      public void keyReleased(int keyCode)
                eventType = "released";
                keyValue = getKeyName(keyCode);
           catch (Exception e)
      public void keyRepeated(int keyCode)
           eventType = "repeated";
           keyValue = getKeyName(keyCode);
                Thread t1 = new Thread()
                     public void run()
                               player = Manager.createPlayer("capture://audio?encoding=pcm");
                               RecordControl rc = (RecordControl)player.getControl("RecordControl");
                               ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
                               eventType = "Recording";
                               message.setText("Recording Done!");
                               recordedAudioArray = output.toByteArray();
                          catch (Exception e)
                }; t1.start();
           catch (Exception e)
         //Runnable r1 = new Runnable()
         //    public void run()
         //        try
         //            System.out.print(" here 1");
         //            message.setText(" here 1 ");
         //            player = Manager.createPlayer("capture://audio?encoding=pcm");
         //            player.realize();
         //            RecordControl rc = (RecordControl)player.getControl("RecordControl");
         //            ByteArrayOutputStream output = new ByteArrayOutputStream();
         //            rc.setRecordStream(output);
         //            rc.startRecord();
         //            player.start();
         //            eventType = "Recording";
         //            message.setText("Recording...");
         //            Thread.sleep(5000);
         //            message.setText("Recording Done!");
         //            rc.commit();
         //            recordedAudioArray = output.toByteArray();
         //            player.close();
         //        catch (Exception e)
    }I am really sorry at the end I messed with the code and its altered a Lot, But hope the
    logic Will is clear which is my requirement . I know the code for recording and
    playing is not complete as said, i Messed around a working code and tried adding Canavs
    for keyrepeat method,tried putting a thread around , AT last totally messed,
    I tried working on this for two days but couldn't be successfull , Please Help me!!
    The control goes out when midlet asks whether to allow recording ,
    I thank you anticipation ...
    -Abhijith Rao

    Midlet asking whether to allow the recording are typical permissions prompts specified by MIDP security policy. You need to sign the MIDlet and give it proper permissions.
    Problems like this were discussed in an older thread at WTK forum: *[MIDlet keeps asking for permission.|]* According to one of the posters in the thread, +"...I got it to work on the emulator by setting the permission to 'manufacturer'. It runs smoothly without annoying questions..."+
    If you're interested, check documentation and tutorials on MIDP security policy for more details.
    For events to record audio only when the key is being pressed, consider GameCanvas API, method getKeyStates.
    I am not certain though if doing it this way is a good idea. I doubt that phone users have same habits as those of walkie-talkies; for them it might be indeed more comfortable to use single simple key presses to start and finish recording.

  • Best practice for image inserts

    I am planning to create new webhelp topics and edit existing
    topics in my project. Is it the best practice to place graphics
    files in the same folder as the HTML input files?

    I personally have always avoided the use of folders, maybe
    because most of my projects were large merged projects, which
    already contain multiple project "folders." Also, renaming/deleting
    these beasties later on can be a bear, as evidenced by many
    angst-ridden threads in this forum.
    Let RH place them in its own "virtual" Images folder and
    leave it at that. you feel lucky?
    By the way, best practice (at least mine) is to name
    everything (projects, topics, graphics) with no spaces, very brief,
    and possibly with 2- to 3-character prefixes to more easily
    identify them (possibly application features, for example). Such
    as: sa_user_cfg.gif for a screenshot of the User Configuration
    window for System Administration.
    Good luck,

  • Best practice for image resolution

    Although my source images files are high quality and look great in photoshop etc when they are viewed within a folio on the iPad the image quality drops. I'm using JPEG high when creating the folio but it still looks pretty blurry. It's OK, but nowhere near as sharp as i feel it could be.
    There seems to be something going during the conversion process that reduces the quality.
    Given that I have some nice, sharp hi-res masters, how should I be putting them in the folios to maximise image quality. I tried creating the folio at the highest quality and there was no difference. I've resaved the images at the size that they will appear in the folio.
    (*bangs head against the wall*)

    I personally have always avoided the use of folders, maybe
    because most of my projects were large merged projects, which
    already contain multiple project "folders." Also, renaming/deleting
    these beasties later on can be a bear, as evidenced by many
    angst-ridden threads in this forum.
    Let RH place them in its own "virtual" Images folder and
    leave it at that. you feel lucky?
    By the way, best practice (at least mine) is to name
    everything (projects, topics, graphics) with no spaces, very brief,
    and possibly with 2- to 3-character prefixes to more easily
    identify them (possibly application features, for example). Such
    as: sa_user_cfg.gif for a screenshot of the User Configuration
    window for System Administration.
    Good luck,

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