Projector as program launcher problem

Greetings all!
I'm working on a company project that's incorporating a Flash projector as a launcher/installer. The idea is that a CD-Rom will be placed in your drive, based upon a button click, the projector will determine whether or not a specific program is installed. If the program is installed, then the projector moves onto the next step but if the program is not installed, a 3rd party installer is supposed to launch first to install the necessary program that the included files will need to open up in.
I'm not a high level coder and have been having some trouble finding the right code solution. I'm using AS3 and the final product needs to run in projector.exe form.
Here's the code that's been written so far:
import flash.system.fscommand;
var depoInstalled:Boolean = flash.filesystem.File.exists("C:\\Program Files\\Digital CAT\\audiOdepo.exe");
function testFunc(event:MouseEvent):void {
if (depoInstalled == false){
Here's the error code I get that I am having trouble resolving:
1120: Access of undefined property flash
I can't seem to get the above variable to work but I have tested the rest of the code components seperately and everything else seems to work. If anyone has any suggestions, it would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for taking the time to take a look at this post!

I understand that the file class is for AIR. Thanks for the note. I'm looking for what would be the appropriate class for this particular function through a projector.

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    Kubins I would recommend reviewing your installation log to determine the exact error message.  The Adobe Support Advisor has been discontinued.
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    Hi mahmod alsousi,
    Try this:
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    Mac: Library/Application Support/Adobe
    2) SLStore
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    I uninstalled itunes because I was having launch problems. Now when I try to re install itunes, I hit the download button and it takes me to the thank you page but there is no itunes on my pc.

    Hey Davidl678,
    Thanks for the question. It sounds like you are unable to download the purchases from your purchase history, because iTunes believes the songs to be in your library. It may be necessary to delete the items from your library, then re-download from your purchase history. Before doing so, you may want to take note of which song are available for re-download:
    iTunes 11 for Windows: Delete songs, playlists, or other items
    iTunes 11 for Windows: Download previous purchases from the iTunes Store
    Matt M.

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