Proximity senson not working, call barring ativated bu deactivated already at settings

Can anybody help me? When i make a phone call my screen turns black even though i did not put the phone next to my eat et therefor i can cancel calls. Secondly i cannot make call or text, i cannot make any successfull calls because it says my call barring is enabled, but call barring is currently diabled at the settings.

Test your device with this app
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"I'd rather be hated for who I am, than loved for who I am not." Kurt Cobain (1967-1994)

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    Leslie8120 wrote:
    Radishface wrote:
    Recently, my Z10 hasdeveloped a very strange problem: light and proximity sensors would not work on the device. My Z10 no longer auto-dims the screen, and the screen stays on during calls. According to BBVE, light and proximity services are both listed as unavailable, and tests could not be carried out for them. Restarting the device seems to fix the problem temporarily. I am completely out of ideas what to do next, since this issue is very annoying. So far, I have tried:
    Performed hard reset
    Performed OS reload via BB Link
    Used an autoloader to load developer OS
    Did a battery pull
    Did a security wipe
    I spent a lot of time looking for a solution to this problem, and seems like it is relatively widespread issue - even affecting new devices like Passport. Any assitance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
    Did this problem occur suddenly or have you donwloaded any apps (android port) before the problem started ?
    Hi there!
    This problem occured suddenly, during normal operation. I don't have any Android apps installed. I even got the same issue right after I reloaded the OS and after the factory reset. Very strange.

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    Is this a software or hardware releated problem? And does there exist any fix to it?
    Thanks for your help in advance.
    Best regards.

    Leslie8120 wrote:
    Radishface wrote:
    Recently, my Z10 hasdeveloped a very strange problem: light and proximity sensors would not work on the device. My Z10 no longer auto-dims the screen, and the screen stays on during calls. According to BBVE, light and proximity services are both listed as unavailable, and tests could not be carried out for them. Restarting the device seems to fix the problem temporarily. I am completely out of ideas what to do next, since this issue is very annoying. So far, I have tried:
    Performed hard reset
    Performed OS reload via BB Link
    Used an autoloader to load developer OS
    Did a battery pull
    Did a security wipe
    I spent a lot of time looking for a solution to this problem, and seems like it is relatively widespread issue - even affecting new devices like Passport. Any assitance would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.
    Did this problem occur suddenly or have you donwloaded any apps (android port) before the problem started ?
    Hi there!
    This problem occured suddenly, during normal operation. I don't have any Android apps installed. I even got the same issue right after I reloaded the OS and after the factory reset. Very strange.

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    Apple, as I said, does not repair your iPhone. All hardware service issues are handled by replacing the unit. So they can't handle the home-button issue without also addressing the issue of the cracked screen, for which they'll almost certainly charge you. But you can make an appointment at an Apple Store or call Apple tech support and plead your case.

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    hi sar not working UAE to INDIA  mobiles call i nied help 

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    Guess it's a hardware failure. Still if anyone has any suggestions, i will appreciate much.
    Thanks in advance.

    I've had the same problem. The screen won't blank during a call (like the proximity sensor isn't detecting my face/finger/hand). I keep hanging up on people with my ear. I've taken to locking my screen before putting it to my ear but anytime I get another call / text / voicemail / calendar notification / alarm while i'm on the phone (which happens a lot still) it lights the screen up again and makes it where i'm able to hang up with my ear.
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    TLDR: Factory reset, replacement devices don't fix the problem. It's a firmware bug. I'm on my 3rd 920 with the same issue. Extraordinarily frustrating.

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