PS CS3 Help Application Missing

When I try to access Photoshop Help from the menu bar, I receive the following message: "Could not find the Adobe Help application. You may need to re-install the application and the Help component." Since my AI CS3 help has been malfunctioning too, I am thinking the two are interrelated? So where do I find the Help Application to re-install? Does it mean reinstalling CS3 and going through the activation process again? Ugh!...just needed to vent for a moment!
I really do love Adobe.
I really do love Adobe.
I really do love Adobe.
Dual 2 GHz Power PC G5, 4G RAM

Make sure you updated the Adobe Help Viewer to version 1.1.

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    I just got the same message. I downloaded an Expander 2009 .dmg from and it installed just fine - give that a shot.

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    What are your system language settings, in which language do you install and in which language do you run Photoshop? If there's a mismatch, Help will not launch even if it sits somewhere on the disc. In any case, you can find all help files online at, often with updated info and user comments.

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    Which Linux version and what hardware do you have?
    If you have an older Linux version then you may be missing the required libraries for Firefox 3 versions.
    See - Firefox 3.6 System Requirements

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    Janisue Rigel 
    In a message dated 8/8/2010 4:14:37 P.M. Central Daylight Time, 
    [email protected] writes:
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    EDIT: on the message that pops up says "Layer Style" on top.

    What are your system language settings, in which language do you install and in which language do you run Photoshop? If there's a mismatch, Help will not launch even if it sits somewhere on the disc. In any case, you can find all help files online at, often with updated info and user comments.

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    Cheers - Chris

    Hi Chris,
    Sorry for the trouble you are having, and thanks for letting us know. The steps below should get you up and running (and update you to the latest Community Help AIR app which has some new features and improved functionality.
    Uninstall the previous version of  Adobe Help
    Windows:  use the Add or remove Programs utitlity
    Macintosh:  Remove and trash the application from the Applications > Adobe  folder
    Delete the following directory: 
    Windows:  %appdata%/chc.4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1
    Macintosh:USER  NAME (home) > Library > Preferences >  chc.4875E02D9FB21EE389F73B8D1702B320485DF8CE.1
    IMPORTANT:  Empty the Trash or Recycling Band to ensure proper removal of all files
    Manually  update the application at:
    The above  solution is also available as Technical Support document here:

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    i have the latest firware!
    what could be causing this!

    I have the same problem - no in any applications or using the Help application itself.
    Of possible interest ?>: is a 'help folder' I have with a name displayed in the Help application as 4x boxes.
    Using: -Menu -Tools -Utilities -Help
    ...I have an odd looking file listed at the end (after 'ZipManager' & before '3-D ringing tones'). The name is displaying as 4 x boxes - presumably non display characters ?>
    Is this folder on all N95s ? (i.e even those with a working Help) ?
    Anyone know how/where to locate this folder ?

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    To open a document you must have installed an Android application for it. The file is downloaded but can be opened with Firefox, but with the specific app from Android.
    Try installing a documents app and for sure it will work.

  • New update for Community Help application - version 3.5 now available

    Hi: just a quick announcement that the engineering team has released version 3.5 of the Adobe Community Help application.  This update is a very significant release that directly addresses a lot of the feedback that we’ve been hearing from the community.  The most significant changes include:
    Tabbed Browsing
    Ability to open multiple pages   from multiple sources simultaneously
    Ability to bookmark your   favorite URLs; note: we prepopulate a set of suggested bookmarks for you   based on the products you have installed.  Users can of course   add/edit/delete any bookmarks that they choose and can organize them via   folders, etc.
    Search/Browse History
    Ability to view previous pages   browsed or search results (including previously used filter options, search   collections, online/offline search status, refinements, and more).
    Flash Platform ASLR
    Ensures developers  only   have to download one copy of the ASR and not separate, multiple copies for   Flash vs. Flex, etc. 
    Revamped local content   download workflow
    The entire local content   download workflow has been reworked!  We have removed the pop-up dialog   box and moved the “content update” notification to the footer of the app as   well as the homescreen.  This ensures an uninterrupted workflow for   users who simply want to access content first and foremost.
    Performance improvements
    The team has worked especially   hard on improving the start-up and browsing performance by consolidating a   number of disparate server calls into a single initialization service that is   only performed at launch.  This enables us to cache a number of assets   and reduce network calls/dependencies.
    Silent application updates
    Similar to the changes in the   local content download experience, we have also revamped the update   experience for the application itself!  Going forward, app updates will   be downloaded in the background without interruption to the user workflow.
    Set-and-forget search options
    Search options are now sticky   from session to session – for example, if you check the Search Adobe   Reference check box for  Photoshop, the CHC will remember those options   the next time you open the app. This applies to refinements too.
    Much more!!
    Minimize to sytem tray (for PC   users only); upgrade to Flex 4.1 and AIR 2.5; and many, many other   enhancements, fixes, etc.!
    Note: many of these features were part of our earlier 3.4 release – as some of you know, we had to pull down that release shortly after launch due to server/hardware issues. So only a few users were able to update at the time.  CHC 3.5 is now a general release that will support all users and has been extensively tested to ensure robust performance and stability.
    To update your app, simply open the Community Help application from your hard disc or visit our download page on
    Please leave your comments/feedback here in this forum -- and feel free to spread the word!

    Hi Mark!
    I need to install latest Adobe Community Help silently to our corporate desktops. Are there any command-line syntax to do this and where I can download installer package?

  • When downloading pdf files the acrobat reader is not in the group of "Choose Helper Application" programs.

    No matter what I try I can never get the Acrobat Reader to be added to the group of "Choose Helper Application" programs available in that window when downloading a pdf. I always have to browse to the Acrobat reader and select it that way.
    I have enabled Acrobat in the add-ons manager, but that has not solved the problem.
    In the options > applications menu I've selected use Acrobat Reader for pdf files but that doesn't work and furthermore doesn't seem to stick. That is, sometimes when I check that menu later the selection has reverted to "always ask".
    I'm using Firefox 32 on Windows 7. I have used Firefox on XP for years and never had this problem.

    Here are some screen shots to backup my claims.

  • InDesign CS3 Help Menu opens constantly

    The InDesign CS3 Help Menu opens constantly every time I click anywhere in a document to do anything.
    Such as draw a box, insert type, anything. It virtually renders the program unuseable. I click to make an addition to a doc, travel up to the help menu to close it, do my thing, then repeat for the next action. Reinstalling has not stopped this. I cannot disable the Help Menu (which would be a fine solution BTW). I cannot afford to upgrade to CS4 right now. I am not sure that would stop it anyway. Photoshop, Illustrator, no other program in the CS3 suite exhibits this behavior. Anybody got any ideas? I recently recreated my whole OS and all programs on a new hard drive out of necessity. InDesign was doing this before that rebuild, and it does it now (after the reinstall). CS3 was reinstalled clean. That did solve a serial # issue with Acrobat where it wouldn't launch. I didn't transfer anything from the old hard drive except e-mail and internet settings.
    Mac Pro Quad
    Leopard 10.5.7
    4 gigs ram
    2 terrabytes internal hard drive space (four drives).
    Thanks for any help in advance, I appreciate your time.

    Are you using the default keyboard shortcut set or a custom one? Also, are you using any special mouse, keyboard or tablet input devices?
    Try going to Edit->Keyboard Shortcuts->Help menu Product Area and see what the default Help shortcut is. Perhaps it has been set to something crazy like "mouse click". You may just set the Keyboard Shortcuts back to [Default] set and see if that does the trick too.
    Alternatively, something either software or hardware related in your setup is frequently triggering that event, which may be the case if you have a non-apple kbd, mouse etc installed.

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    I've update recently my N95 with new software release 20.0.015, but the problem with help application is not resolved...The problem is the following: when I try to open HELP I receive the error message MEMORY FULL, but my free RAM is 23/24 MB and the free memory on the device is 112 MB. Can you help me to resolve this problem?

    I have the same problem - no in any applications or using the Help application itself.
    Of possible interest ?>: is a 'help folder' I have with a name displayed in the Help application as 4x boxes.
    Using: -Menu -Tools -Utilities -Help
    ...I have an odd looking file listed at the end (after 'ZipManager' & before '3-D ringing tones'). The name is displaying as 4 x boxes - presumably non display characters ?>
    Is this folder on all N95s ? (i.e even those with a working Help) ?
    Anyone know how/where to locate this folder ?

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