Public folder replication problem

We have Exchange 2007 and 2010. Now i am about to uninstall 2007.
I have run the script MoveAllReplicas.ps1 so that there is no public folders left on the Exchange 2007. The problem is that one public folder still exists on both 2007 and 2010 and i cannot move it. Why? Is there any other way to remove it from 2007? Goggled
alot on this problem but cannot find a good solution.
Best regards

Can you delete it though? I would open Outlook up, export all the contents of the folder to a pst, then delete the folder and recreate it and import from the pst.
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Similar Messages

  • Public Folder Replication Status Error c105010f

    I am trying to migrate from Exchange 2003 to 2010. I am now moving the replicas. I am not able to open Public Folder Replication where it gives me the error :
    An unexpected, unknown error has occurred. MAPI or an unspecified service
    ID no: 8004010f-0000-00000000
    ID no: c105010f
    I have alreday search and a hotfix is available from the link  but i am not able to apply the hotfix as the system i am running is newer than
    the hotfix requirement. Any solution please help  :(

    I have searched for the error message, and it points to corrupt public folder database for most cases.
    So I would recommend you first try the Eseutil/Isinteg tool to repair the public folder database, for your reference: .
    If it doesn’t work, please per the link below to restore public folder: .

  • Exchange 2010 - public folder replication

    Hi there.
    Exchange 2010 SP3 (CU 8v2).
    We would like to rid of the replication public folder messages.
    Is it safe to delete those folders and they Will be automatically recreated?
    We would like to get rid of those errors before we plan migration of PF to Exchange 2013 PF's.
    with best regards

    To get rid of these warnings, I suggest to Removing and re-adding the replica for the affected public folders. To remove and add replica for server, please use this script:
    RemoveReplicaFromPFRecursive.ps1 –TopPubicFolder <\folder> –Server toRemove <servername>
    AddReplicatoPFRecursive.ps1 –TopPulblicFolder <\folder> -ServerToAdd <servername>
    Note: Scripts are found at %SystemDrive%\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\v14\Scripts. To run a script, type the following in the Exchange Management Shell:
    [PS] C:\>cd $exscripts
    [PS] C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\Scripts>.\ RemoveReplicaFromPFRecursive.ps1
    Best Regards.
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]
    TechNet Community Support

  • Public folder replication 2003 2010 not starting

    I have ran powershell scripts on exchange 2010 to add replicas recursively (a week ago) I then ran moveallreplicas scipt.
    I have checked on 2010 and there are no pf replicas or folders
    I checked 2003 and re-added the 2003 server as a replica server and ran pfdavadmin and verified the replication tab and files were all correct.
    I then ran exfolders on the 2010 server but that shows no data under replicas or replication or file nothing at all.
    I checked the queues on exchange 2003 to make sure the data was not getting backed up but the queues are empty.
    Can someone tell me what troubleshooting technique to try next?
    ***Don't forget to mark helpful or answer***

    Please make sure you connect to a public folder server in Public Folder Management Console.
    And please make sure you have a public folder database in Exchange 2010 and make sure you see the public folder hierarchy. Without hierarchy, the MoveAllReplicas.ps1 script won't do anything because there are no folders in the hierarchy to modify. 
    You can use the Get-PublicFolder -Server <NewServerName> cmdlet to check result.
    Here is a blog about public folder migration to Exchange 2010 which may help you for your reference.
    Best regards,
    Belinda Ma
    TechNet Community Support

  • Exchange 2013 Public Folder BCC Problem

    Hi ,
    I have a mail enabled public folder, it accept mail but it sends a copy of the mail in bcc to a user.
    Can someone please tell me how to remove the bcc address?
    The public folder only has one e-mail address.
    I have run the command "DeliverToMailboxAndForward" $false
    RunspaceId              : 83238470-b8c1-42ec-9228-42403e14df2d
    Timestamp               : 13.06.2014 09:11:27
    ClientIp                :
    ClientHostname          : SERVER1
    ServerIp                :
    ServerHostname          :
    SourceContext           :
    ConnectorId             :
    Source                  : AGENT
    EventId                 : AGENTINFO
    InternalMessageId       : 14710262988876
    MessageId               : <[email protected]>
    Recipients              :
    {[email protected],
    [email protected]}
    RecipientStatus         : {}
    TotalBytes              : 10226
    RecipientCount          : 2
    RelatedRecipientAddress :
    Reference               :
    MessageSubject          : Forwarding BCC Problem
    Sender                  :
    [email protected]
    ReturnPath              :
    prvs=234d3e19e=[email protected]
    Directionality          : Incoming
    TenantId                :
    OriginalClientIp        :
    MessageInfo             :
    MessageLatency          :
    MessageLatencyType      : None
    EventData               : {[CompCost, |ETR=0]}
    Somewhere there is a rule and I cannot for the life of me find it.
    I would really appreciate some help on this one.
    Thanks in advance.

    Grant yourself Owner role on the folder, and you should then be able to use Outlook to see if there are any folder rules associated with it.  Also look at your transport rules to see if there's one that's based on that recipient address.
    Ed Crowley MVP "There are seldom good technological solutions to behavioral problems."

  • Public Folder Replication Issues 2k7 to 2k10

    Ater migrating all mailboxes from our old Exchange 2k7 server to 2k10, not i have to get rid of the public folder.
    I asked a similar question some months ago, but now i have another new problem.
    First off, i have add the 2k10 server to the replicas with the commands:
    \AddReplicaToPFRecursive.ps1 -server 2k7server -TopPublicFolder "\" -Servertoadd 2k10server
    .\AddReplicatoPFRecursive.ps1 -TopPublicFolder "\Non_IPM_Subtree" -Servertoadd 2k10server
    Update-PublicFolderHierarchy -Server 2k10server
    Get-PublicFolderStatistics -resultsize unlimited | update-publicfolder -Server 2k10server
    After done this some months ago, i have the Hierarchy replicated on the 2k10server and i can see all the folder and subfolders, but with no content. After waiting some days, i got some content replicated,
    2GB more or less, and the public folder on the 2k7 server is around 40GB
    I have been researching waht could happen, checking permissions, connectors... but cant see were the problem is.
    When i laung the public folder update cmdlet on the powershell, i can see on the mail queue, that both server are sending each other emails, from one public folder to the other one. But the thing, is that this emails subject are:
    - Backfill Request
    - Status
    But i dont get any "content" or "folder content" email, so, the content of the public folders are not replicating.
    Im lost at the moment i have no more ideas, and i thing i have searched whole google trying everything... im also thinking on exporting the content to a pst and move it... :S:S
    Could some one have any tip or workaround form i can continue searching?

    Come back and mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.
    I'm marking the reply as answer as there has been no update for a couple of days.
    If you come back to find it doesn't work for you, please reply to us and unmark the answer.
    Cara Chen
    TechNet Community Support

  • Exchange 2013 Public Folder Migration Problem

    Hi All,
    Wonder if any of you can assist with a public folder issue I am having with Exchange 2013. We have migrated from Exchange 2010 to 2013.
    I have followed the guide for public folder migration here
    Everything went fine and as per the document - except I had to use the "largeitemlimit" parameter to get the public folder migration to complete.
    We tested the public folder migration by adding content to public folders and creating public folders and it all appeared to be OK, we completed the migration and removed our old public folder databases from Exchange 2010.
    However we noticed later that users cannot CREATE folders in SOME public folders. It appears from some testing that any folder that does not lie in the first public folder mailbox, end users cannot create public folders.  Administrators can create them
    fine from the ECP - just not from outlook.
    It also appears some users cannot see some folders that they have permissions to.
    Can anyone assist with some ideas to resolve ?

    Are you able to create the Folder in OWA?
    Gulab Prasad,
    Technology Consultant
    Check out CodeTwo’s tools for Exchange admins   
    Note: Posts are provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.
    it is not functionally possible to create Public Folders in OWA user interface in Exchange 2013!.... From admin ECP it works fine!
    My Bad, that's what I was trying to say.
    Testing the same thing in the LAB, should have some update tomorrow morning.
    Gulab Prasad,
    Technology Consultant
    Check out CodeTwo’s tools for Exchange admins   
    Note: Posts are provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.

  • Exchange 2013 Public Folder Replication

    Can someone share some doc which has information on how Public folder hierarchy is replicated from Primary Public folder mailbox to Secondary public folder mailbox?
    Also would like to know, can we have replica of public folder content in two different Public folder mailboxes?

    To update the Public Folder Hierarchy, here is the link:
    To move a public folder to a different public folder mailbox, please check the following link:
    Public folder content is stored in the public folder mailbox but isn’t replicated across multiple public folders mailboxes.
    Here is a link for more details about Public Folder:
    Best regards.

  • Public Folder Replication Issue

    During Exchange 2003 existence two Public folders databases were installed in 2 Exchange 2010 servers and they are replication without any issues. After that Exchange 2003 server were cleaned up.
    Now we are planning to replicate this existing 2010 public folders to another Exchange 2010 server in another site but in same Exchange Organization. In this scenario, I added the replica in one of the folders and used script to replicate in all recursive folders.
    But yet the 3rd server in other site is not replicating. So to trouble shoot I tried to use Exfolders. But I struck with other error in this below url.
    Now I will come to my question. Will this solution will really work because I could not find any Microsoft confirmed article for this. Please confirm. 
    Though Exchange 2003 is no more, will it hinder the cleanup in future. Or will it be a block stone in future for any of the upgrades or cleanup activity. 
    Note: We already have Exchange 2013 installed in same Exchange Organization. Instead of delete, I tried renaming the CN=Server but it failed. So I doubt even will I be able to delete it. But it is next problem.
    Regards, Ghouse

    Adding the replica will start the replication (Assuming mail flow between 2 sites are working)
    No, you won't have any issue removing exchange 2010, given you don't come across with any other issues ;)
    What is your concern?
    Gulab Prasad
    Technology Consultant
    Blog:    Twitter:
       Check out CodeTwo’s tools for Exchange admins
    Note: Posts are provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.

  • Replication of Public Folder data from Exchange Sp1 to Exchange SP2

    I have one Exch 2010 SP1 server and I am migrating to another Exch 2010 SP2 server.  I am looking to migrate the old public folder data to a newer public folder database on the SP2 server.  I have gone into Public Folder Management and added the
    new server as a replication partner in properties of the folder, under "Replicate content to these public folder databases".  After doing this, I don't see any replication occurring from the 2 servers.  I turned on diagnostic logging on
    both and I don't see any errors being created, just seem like nothing is happening. 
    What should I look for to troubleshoot this further?
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi JoeyC,
    From your description, I would like to clarify the following things for troubleshooting:
    1. Make sure that Mail flow is working between two servers.
    2. Please refer to the following article to confirm that the configuration is right.
    Configure Public Folder Replication
    What's more, here is an article about scripts to move public folders to a different database or server for your reference.
    Move Public Folder Content from One Public Folder Database to Another Public Folder Database
    Hope it helps.
    Best regards,
    Amy Wang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Public Folder migration (2010 - 2010) replication issues

    Hi all,
    I'm currently migrating from one exchange 2010 SP2, to another exchange 2010 SP2 server, and all is complete apart from damn public folders.
    Via EMS I ran
    .\AddRelicaToPFRecursive.sp1 -TopPublicFolder "\" -ServerToAdd "NewEXC10"
    And I left exchange a day or so to chug along through the 1GB of public folders. I went to check the replication by running
    Get-PublicFolder -Recurse | fl Name, Replicas
    And I get:
    Replicas: <>
    Name: All Public Folders
    Replicas: <Old PFDB. New PFDB>
    Name: Meeting rooms
    Replicas: <Old PFDB>
    Name: Company Contacts
    Replicas: <Old PFDB>
    and this goes on for every sub folder under the public folders. I also tried 
    Get-PublicFolderStatistics -Server "OLDEXCH10"
    Get-PublicFolderStatistics -Server "NEWEXCH10"
    So I could get the item counts, in case everything had copied over but is not showing folder structure.I get
    Name ItemCount
    All Public Folders 0
    Meeting Rooms 137
    Company Contacts 43
    Name ItemCount
    All Public Folders 0
    I've not gotten any errors in the event log, and attempted to initate the replication again, but with the same results. Can any one please help?
    Many thanks,

    To troubleshoot this issue more efficiently, I need to clarify one thing.
    Did you delete an Exchange 2003 server before?
    If you had uninstalled the legacy Exchange server, please check if there is an empty Servers container under the administrative group container. If it is there, please remove the empty servers container to check the result.
    If you didn't remove Exchange 2003 server in your organization, you can check the following suggestions.
    Please check if the mail flow between two servers was working fine.
    From the output of ruing the Get-PublicFolder -Recurse | fl Name, Replicas cmdlet, I noticed that the public folder Meeting rooms and Company Contacts didn't have replicas on the New PFDB. You can add the New PFDB to the replica list via Public Folder Management
    After that, please set the public folder replication schedule to Always Run.
    Did you update the public folder content using the Update-PublicFolder cmdlet? If not, please run this command to check the result.
    If the issue persists, please increase the Diagnostic Logging Level for MSExchangeIS\9001 Public to Expert to check if there is any related errors to narrow down the issue.
    Best regards,
    Belinda Ma
    TechNet Community Support

  • Public Folder Deletion/Removal and Replication

    Hi All
    I have a single DAG with 3 Members with all roles on each server, each has a Public Folder and is replicated, ie; PF1, PF2 & PF3
    the edb on PF1 has grown very large compared to the other 2 almost out of freespace (whitespace issue i think), so I plan to remove it whilst leaving PF2 & PF3 intact, then i need to re-replicate to an newly created PF1 so i'm back
    to having all 3 servers replicating the public folder DB
    I plan to point everyone to PF2 as they are currently split between PF1 & PF2 along with the DBs.
    Can someone guide me through the process, I've looked at Removing public folders but nothing gives me a good guide in my scenario ?

    Based on my understanding, you want to remove PF1, however you didn't want to interrupt the clients from accessing public folders, so you would like these users to access PF2. If I misunderstood your concern, please let me know.
    Before you delete PF1, please specify PF2 for mailbox databases on the Mailbox server where this PF1 reside. After you recreate a new PF and configure Public Folder Replication, you can specify this new PF for mailbox databases to get it back when all data
    have been replicated.
    Here is an article about how to change the default Public Folder Database for a Mailbox Database for your reference.
    Change the Default Public Folder Database for a Mailbox Database
    Hope this helps.
    Best regards,
    Belinda Ma
    TechNet Community Support

  • When sending e-mail messages to a mail-enabled public folder that have been replicated from old Exchange Server 2000/2003/2007, Exchange Server 2010 environment mails are rejected with NDR.

    Hi, I would like to share with you issue that I’ve solved regarding mail-enabled PF that migrated from Exchange 2000/2003/2007 to 2010, I’ve searched & contacted my MVP leader – there’s no official KB regarding this issue right
    now, so I’m posting here in order to share this among others.
    Note: There’s article(s) that talked about PF replication from Exch2000/2003/2007 to 2010 – this is the same issue as well.
    E-mail messages that been sent to mail-enabled public folder in Exchange Server 2010 environment rejected with the following NDR:
    “#< #5.2.0 smtp;554 5.2.0 STOREDRV.Deliver.Exception:ObjectNotFoundException; Failed to process message due to a permanent exception with message The Active Directory user wasn’t found. ObjectNotFoundException: The Active Directory
    user wasn’t found.> #SMTP#”
    Sometimes Exchange Server 2010 is documented as well Event ID 1020 on the Event Viewer with this information:
    “Log Name: Application
    Source: MSExchange Store Driver
    Event ID: 1020
    Level: Error
    The store driver couldn’t deliver the public folder replication message "Hierarchy ([email protected])" because the following error occurred: The Active Directory user wasn't found.”
    In an environment where Microsoft Exchange Server 2000 or Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 previously existed, and all those servers have been removed, there is a chance that an Administrative Group (First Administrative Group or another custom Administrative
    Group) remains with a Servers container, but no servers inside it.
    During replication, when the Exchange 2010 Store Driver sees the empty Servers container in Active Directory, it's expecting a System Attendant object inside the container and when it is not found the error occurs.
    To work around the issue, delete the empty Servers container. This can't be done through Exchange System Manager. Use the ADSI Edit tool to remove it using the following steps:
    Warning If you use the ADSI Edit snap-in, the LDP utility, or any other LDAP version 3 client, and you incorrectly modify the attributes of Active Directory objects, you can cause serious problems. These problems may require you to reinstall Microsoft Windows
    2003 Server, Microsoft Windows Server 2008, Microsoft Exchange 2010 Server or both Windows and Exchange. Microsoft cannot guarantee that problems that occur if you incorrectly modify Active Directory object attributes can be solved. Modify these attributes
    at your own risk.
    Start the ADSI Edit MMC Snap-in. Click Start, then
    Run, and type adsiedit.msc, and then click OK.
    Connect & Expand the Configuration Container [], and then expand
    Expand CN=Services, and then CN=Microsoft Exchange, and then expand
    You will see an empty Administrative Group. Expand the
    Expand CN=Servers.
    Verify there are no server objects listed under the
    CN=Servers container.
    Right click on the empty CN=Servers container and choose
    Verify the modification, and try to send again the E-mail to the mail-enabled public folder.
    Applies to
    Exchange Server 2010, Standard Edition
    Exchange Server 2010, Enterprise Edition
    Netanel Ben-Shushan, MCSA/E, MCTS, MCITP, Windows Expert-IT Pro MVP. IT Consultant & Trainer | Website (Hebrew): | IT Services: | Weblog (Hebrew):
    | E-mail: [email protected]

    Sounds like you are looking in the wrong Administrative Group container which is why you are seeing your Exchange 2010 servers in there.
    When you install Exchange 2003 only you will see a container named by default as "CN=First Administrative Group" container. But this could be named anything if you changed the Organization Name on the installation when you installed the first
    Exchange 2003 server into the domain/forest. 
    You will notice that when you install Exchange 2010 part of the AD setup is to create a new configuration container and is named by default "CN=First Administrative Group (FYDIBOHF23SPDLT)".
    So it sounds like you are not looking in the right location within ADSIEdit. 
    You may find the following article also helpful for this issue which is the same resolution:
    I recommend though that you ensure your Exchange 2003 servers are fully uninstalled or no longer present in your environment before you go deleting the Servers container though.. The following Microsoft article will help with this:

  • Publc Folder Replication woes

    We have an Exchange 2010 SP1 environment.  The original public folder database was setup to replicate to one database.  A new database was setup to migrate data away from the original.  This database is on a separate server.  Today, the
    new database gets the mail for mail enabled public folders.  It does not, however, have any items from the original.  Both databases are configured in all public folders as replicas.  This arrangement has been ongoing for two weeks.  The
    event log show messages sent from the original.  The event log on the new server, shows messages from the old being processed on the new. 
    Any information regarding how to kick item replication between the two would be appreciated. 
    Thanks very much,

    Hi StaleyPC,
    According to your description, I understand that something wrong with public folder replication with error “0x20”.
    Firstly, I want to double confirm whether configure  properly setting, for your reference:
    Secondly, please try to test mail flow between two servers. Because public folders are replicated through hidden email messages.
    To narrow down the problem, we can then send an email to the public folder to see if it updates properly.
    If mail flow is working properly, please look at the Application and System logs. A log entry will often point to the source of the problem without requiring you to manually troubleshoot it.
    Please post related event log, it’s more helpful for further troubleshooting.
    Additional, I find an article about Public Folder Replication and Troubleshooing, please refer to:
    Best Regards,
    Allen Wang

  • Move Mailbox database and Public Folder database from VMwar RDM drive to VMware VMFS/VMDK Drive

    Good Afternoon,
    So I have 1 DAG with 3 mailbox server (1 physical and 2 Virtual (vmware)).  The Vmware server Mailbox and Public folder databases/logs are currently on RDM drive.  I need to get rid of the RDM drives and use VMFS/Vmdk drives for mailbox and public
    folder databases.  I was thinking 3 options:
    1- Introduce new VM Members into DAG and simply give these new VMs VMFS/VMDK drives, add servers into DAG and have DAG replicate databases to new server.  I really don't want to do this.
    2-On current VM, delete RDM drive along with database, add VMFS/VMDK drive replacement and have the DAG copy database.
    3- On current VM, suspend replication, copy database/logs in temp location, delete the RDM drive, create the VMFS/VMDK drive, copy the database and logs to new drive, enable replication.  Do the same for public folder database/logs, but not sure how
    to stop/start replications, since its not in DAG?
    I'm looking for solution that will take least amount of time.  Option 3 seems best solution, but not sure if there any gotchas.. What are you thought??
    Thanks in advance for you help

        Take the database offline means stop replications to the the passive mailbox server?
    Also, what is procedure to take public folder offline.  We have public folder replicated on all 3 servers.
    Hi cuttabutta,
    Yes, take the database offline on the passive server can stop replication from primary server.
    you can also take the public folder database offline to stop replication.
    In addition, you can refer to the following article to configure public folder replication:
    Best regards,
    Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help, and unmark the answers if they provide no help. If you have feedback for TechNet Support, contact [email protected]
    Niko Cheng
    TechNet Community Support

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