Publication EREC

On publication Data Overview Organizational Unit comes 00000000. But I entered it during creating requisitien. What is reason of it ?

Nicole Geischnek wrote:
> Are you using BSP or WD? Have you saved the requisition data before opening the publication data overview?
> Regards
> Nicole
Hi Nicole
web Dynpro

Similar Messages

  • EREC - Create publication in status 'draft'

    We have installes EHP4 for E-recruiting, and we now see that a publication for a requisition has only statusses possible: released or withdrawn. I know where i can add a status 'draft', but this is not visible in the application. In the former system, without EHP4, we could create a publication with status 'draft' and afterwards we could release it and add dates for the release period.
    Best regards,

    Hi Ruth,
    As far as I know, there is no possible way to revert manually publications from release to draft status; you would need to withdraw and create a new one.
    I will try to explain one scenario :
    1.You have released the publication for a external posting for example.
    2.Now whenever you change the information for a posting you have to change the status of the posting to draft->released. Then withdraw the old publication and republish with new publication
    3.So you might not have republished it again.
    Hope it helps,
    Kind Regards

  • Linking to a document  saved in KM via Job Posting Overview  in EREC 300

    Hello Gurus,
    An attachment was added to a requisition as a part of the normal process of creating a requisition (in EREC 300) . I would now like to access this attachment as a link from within the Job Publication / Posting Instance Overview .  In order to achieve this ,I proceeded as follows:
    1.     I read the Document ID from the table T77RCF_DOCID for the Infotype 5134 and field name 'ATTACHMENT'.
    2.     Next got the attachment URL using the following code
    CALL METHOD cl_hrrcf_hrkwf_storage=>get_url_for_bsp
          doc_id   = l77rcf_docid-docid
          hrobject = ls_req_object
          version  = lv_version
          url      = attachment_url.
    3.     Next I added this URL as a link to my Overview Smartform.
    When I now try to click on this link from within the E-Recruiting ( on the Job Publication Overview) it gives me this error:
    <i><b>SSF error: Decoding not possible</b></i>
    The URL for  the link was found to be:
    What is the best way of reading this custom link (which is stored in the KM)? Please note all standard links (say in the Requisition Overview Smartform and Job Posting Overview Smartform) seems to be working just fine.
    Any idea would be welcome!

    Hi Rajeev,
    The below FM works now, actually when u execute this FM it does not give the whole complete URL , so in the debug mode of FM try to get the the whole URL link with the full 32/64 bit (guid) and then check the url in browser with http protocal , it should work.

  • EREC- Application groups

    I am planning to use Application Group functionality to create a blanket requisition and provide a static link(link created automatically while creating the Application Group) on the company careers website.
    Prospective candidates can apply through this link.
    Once the candidates click on the static link, the Application Wizard will open up. Would this be considered a unregistered candidate? We do not want to accept any unsolicited applications and want all candidates to register, irrespective of whether they are applying through a AG or a posting.
    Would a AG be a good choice for mass hire or a generic requisition be more appropriate for this situation?
    Thought appreciated.

    Hello Sunil,
    I'd like to add something to your initial question first as I think some words are a bit mixed up there. A candidate is always registered. This "unregistered candidate" is a bit misleading. The authorization roles which have the unregistered in their name are simply the roles for the service user which allow to use functions without logging into the syste. The actual candidate has to register to apply. He can do that without application and apply later or he can register with his first application. The only reason why we use the technical application source to difffer the two option is to decide if the candidate should get a new password. With the e-mail verification option in EhP 5 this is mostly obsolete. So "application of new candidate" would have been probably a better naming than "unregistered candidate".
    If an application is an unsolicited one or not is only a question of business process. The SAP standard is designed in a way that AG is used for unsolicited applications but in projects the eRec application is used more "flexible". Important is that unsolicited and unregistered are not the same.
    As mentioned above you can apply several times to the same application group as long as only one application / candidacy is in status "in process" at a time. So as soon as you reject the first application the candidate can apply again. Be aware that this is also possible for applications to requisitions if the publication is still published.
    There is no standard way to prevent multiple applications. You would have to add modifications in the processings which check for existing applications in status "in process" to rerout to the display application view and have them check for other status, too.
    From my experience this question is often raised in implementation projects. But in the every day work it is not of much importance. Only very few people really try to apply several times on the same posting / AG and the ones who really do can always use another account with another e-mail so you won't stop these people anyways.
    Kind Regards

  • Error while creating a new account in Publication Registry in OSR

    I faced the following error during the registration of an new account in Publication registry throws the Fatal Error and generates the following log details.
    Please help me out of the problem.
    Error Code: 13001
    Fatal Errrors in account management.Please contact Adminsitartor
    Caused by: javax.xml.messaging.JAXMException: org.systinet.wasp.client.XMLInvoca
    tionException: Exception while processing incoming message message. Unable to re
    ad server response. Server returned status code: 404 (Not found) (Content-type:t
    ext/html; charset=UTF-8):
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Draft//EN">
    <TITLE>Error 404--Not Found</TITLE>
    <BODY bgcolor="white">
    <FONT FACE=Helvetica><BR CLEAR=all>
    <TABLE border=0 cellspacing=5><TR><TD><BR CLEAR=all>
    <FONT FACE="Helvetica" COLOR="black" SIZE="3"><H2>Error 404--Not Found</H2>
    <TABLE border=0 width=100% cellpadding=10><TR><TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=100% BGCOLOR=
    white><FONT FACE="Courier New"><FONT FACE="Helvetica" SIZE="3"><H3>From RFC 2068
    <i>Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1</i>:</H3>
    </FONT><FONT FACE="Helvetica" SIZE="3"><H4>10.4.5 404 Not Found</H4>
    </FONT><P><FONT FACE="Courier New">The server has not found anything matching th
    e Request-URI. No indication is given of whether the condition is temporary or p
    ermanent.</p><p>If the server does not wish to make this information available t
    o the client, the status code 403 (Forbidden) can be used instead. The 410 (Gone
    ) status code SHOULD be used if the server knows, through some internally config
    urable mechanism, that an old resource is permanently unavailable and has no for
    warding address.</FONT></P>
    at org.systinet.uddi.client.UDDIClientProxy.invoke(
    ... 38 more
    Caused by: org.systinet.wasp.client.XMLInvocationException: Exception while proc
    essing incoming message message. Unable to read server response. Server returned
    status code: 404 (Not found) (Content-type:text/html; charset=UTF-8):
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Draft//EN">
    <TITLE>Error 404--Not Found</TITLE>
    <BODY bgcolor="white">
    <FONT FACE=Helvetica><BR CLEAR=all>
    <TABLE border=0 cellspacing=5><TR><TD><BR CLEAR=all>
    <FONT FACE="Helvetica" COLOR="black" SIZE="3"><H2>Error 404--Not Found</H2>
    <TABLE border=0 width=100% cellpadding=10><TR><TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=100% BGCOLOR=
    white><FONT FACE="Courier New"><FONT FACE="Helvetica" SIZE="3"><H3>From RFC 2068
    <i>Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1</i>:</H3>
    </FONT><FONT FACE="Helvetica" SIZE="3"><H4>10.4.5 404 Not Found</H4>
    </FONT><P><FONT FACE="Courier New">The server has not found anything matching th
    e Request-URI. No indication is given of whether the condition is temporary or p
    ermanent.</p><p>If the server does not wish to make this information available t
    o the client, the status code 403 (Forbidden) can be used instead. The 410 (Gone
    ) status code SHOULD be used if the server knows, through some internally config
    urable mechanism, that an old resource is permanently unavailable and has no for
    warding address.</FONT></P>
    at com.systinet.wasp.client.XMLInvocationHelperImpl._receive(XMLInvocati
    at com.systinet.wasp.client.XMLInvocationHelperImpl._receive(XMLInvocati
    at com.systinet.wasp.client.XMLInvocationHelperImpl._call(XMLInvocationH
    ... 39 more
    Caused by: Unable to read server response. Server returned
    status code: 404 (Not found) (Content-type:text/html; charset=UTF-8):
    <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Draft//EN">
    <TITLE>Error 404--Not Found</TITLE>
    <BODY bgcolor="white">
    <FONT FACE=Helvetica><BR CLEAR=all>
    <TABLE border=0 cellspacing=5><TR><TD><BR CLEAR=all>
    <FONT FACE="Helvetica" COLOR="black" SIZE="3"><H2>Error 404--Not Found</H2>
    <TABLE border=0 width=100% cellpadding=10><TR><TD VALIGN=top WIDTH=100% BGCOLOR=
    white><FONT FACE="Courier New"><FONT FACE="Helvetica" SIZE="3"><H3>From RFC 2068
    <i>Hypertext Transfer Protocol -- HTTP/1.1</i>:</H3>
    </FONT><FONT FACE="Helvetica" SIZE="3"><H4>10.4.5 404 Not Found</H4>
    </FONT><P><FONT FACE="Courier New">The server has not found anything matching th
    e Request-URI. No indication is given of whether the condition is temporary or p
    ermanent.</p><p>If the server does not wish to make this information available t
    o the client, the status code 403 (Forbidden) can be used instead. The 410 (Gone
    ) status code SHOULD be used if the server knows, through some internally config
    urable mechanism, that an old resource is permanently unavailable and has no for
    warding address.</FONT></P>
    at com.systinet.wasp.soap.MessageSourceImpl.init(
    at com.systinet.wasp.soap.MessageSourceFactoryImpl.getMessageSource(Mess
    at com.systinet.wasp.client.XMLInvocationHelperImpl._receive(XMLInvocati
    ... 44 more
    ERROR: com.systinet.uddi.webui.WebUIRawService - Web Framework exception
    EXCEPTION: com.systinet.uddi.webui.WebUIException: (18003) UDDI error occurred.
    javax.servlet.ServletException: com.systinet.uddi.webui.WebUIException: (18003)
    UDDI error occurred.
    at com.systinet.webfw.servlet.WebFilterChain.doFilter(WebFilterChain.jav
    at com.systinet.webfw.servlet.WebFilterChain.doFilter(WebFilterChain.jav
    at com.systinet.webfw.WebRawService.process(
    at com.idoox.wasp.server.adaptor.RawAdaptorImpl.dispatch(RawAdaptorImpl.
    at com.idoox.wasp.server.AdaptorTemplate.doDispatch(
    at com.idoox.wasp.server.AdaptorTemplate.dispatch(
    at com.idoox.wasp.server.ServiceConnector.dispatch(
    at com.systinet.wasp.ServiceManagerImpl.dispatchRequest(ServiceManagerIm
    at com.systinet.wasp.ServiceManagerImpl.dispatch(
    at com.systinet.wasp.ServiceManagerImpl$DispatcherConnHandler.handlePost
    at com.systinet.transport.servlet.server.Servlet.doPost(Unknown Source)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(StubSecuri
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(ServletStubImpl.jav
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(ServletStubImpl.jav
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ServletInvocationActio
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ServletInvocationActio
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(WebAppS
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.execute(WebAppServletC
    Caused by: com.systinet.uddi.webui.WebUIException: (18003) UDDI error occurred.
    at com.systinet.uddi.webui.component.account.CreateAccount.process(Creat
    at com.systinet.webfw.TaskDispatcher.processComponent(TaskDispatcher.jav
    at com.systinet.webfw.WebRawService.service(
    at com.systinet.webfw.servlet.WebFilterChain.doFilter(WebFilterChain.jav
    ... 26 more
    Caused by: org.systinet.uddi.account.AccountException: Fatal error occurs in acc
    ount management. For help please contact the administrator of the registry.
    at com.systinet.uddi.account.InterceptorProxy.invoke(InterceptorProxy.ja
    at $Proxy208.save_userAccount(Unknown Source)
    at com.systinet.uddi.account.AccountApiImpl.save_userAccount(AccountApiI
    at com.systinet.uddi.webui.component.account.CreateAccount.process(Creat
    ... 29 more
    ERROR: com.systinet.uddi.webui.WebUIRawService - ===============================
    ERROR: com.systinet.uddi.webui.WebUIRawService -
    EXCEPTION: Fatal error occurs in account management. For help please contact th
    e administrator of the registry.
    org.systinet.uddi.account.AccountException: Fatal error occurs in account manage
    ment. For help please contact the administrator of the registry.
    at com.systinet.uddi.account.InterceptorProxy.invoke(InterceptorProxy.ja
    at $Proxy208.save_userAccount(Unknown Source)
    at com.systinet.uddi.account.AccountApiImpl.save_userAccount(AccountApiI
    at com.systinet.uddi.webui.component.account.CreateAccount.process(Creat
    at com.systinet.webfw.TaskDispatcher.processComponent(TaskDispatcher.jav
    at com.systinet.webfw.WebRawService.service(
    at com.systinet.webfw.servlet.WebFilterChain.doFilter(WebFilterChain.jav
    at com.systinet.webfw.servlet.WebFilterChain.doFilter(WebFilterChain.jav
    at com.systinet.webfw.WebRawService.process(
    at com.idoox.wasp.server.adaptor.RawAdaptorImpl.dispatch(RawAdaptorImpl.
    at com.idoox.wasp.server.AdaptorTemplate.doDispatch(
    at com.idoox.wasp.server.AdaptorTemplate.dispatch(
    at com.idoox.wasp.server.ServiceConnector.dispatch(
    at com.systinet.wasp.ServiceManagerImpl.dispatchRequest(ServiceManagerIm
    at com.systinet.wasp.ServiceManagerImpl.dispatch(
    at com.systinet.wasp.ServiceManagerImpl$DispatcherConnHandler.handlePost
    at com.systinet.transport.servlet.server.Servlet.doPost(Unknown Source)
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at javax.servlet.http.HttpServlet.service(
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper$
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.StubSecurityHelper.invokeServlet(StubSecuri
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(ServletStubImpl.jav
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.ServletStubImpl.execute(ServletStubImpl.jav
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ServletInvocationActio
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext$ServletInvocationActio
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.securedExecute(WebAppS
    at weblogic.servlet.internal.WebAppServletContext.execute(WebAppServletC

    It look two ways either you dont have permission to write any new thing to that file or might file is got corrupted.
    Please check for the permission to that file.

  • Unable to create publication item for remote database using db link

    The mobile repository is in instance A.
    I have to access and sync data from a table in remote database instance B.
    I have run the consolidator_rmt.sql script in instance B under schema_B. I have created a private fixed user db link in instance A under schema_A to access schema_B's tables. I then created a synonym test_B for table test_B in schema_B using the DB link.
    While creating publication item for test_B using MDW, the column list for test_B appears blank. Has anyone encountered this problem and what is the solution.
    Thanks for your help.

    Hello Pruthvi ,
    See these threads
    Uninstalling MaxDB
    Work process Ended.

  • Failure of a single article prevents the distribution of all articles in a publication to a subscriber

    We have a SQL Server 2012 R2 SP2 environment and Transactional Replication configured with 1 instance publishing all tables in a database via a single publication (circa 150 articles in the one publication). We have a separate distribution instance,
    and a third subscription instance. All articles in the publication are configured to copy all data, with no advanced filtering configured. It is also noted that Alerts were not configured in Replication Monitor.
    We had an issue whereby, inexplicably, a table on the subscriber vanished (I use this term because I could not find any record in the log file of a DELETE statement being issued against that table - regrettably I wasn't in the position to query the distribution
    database for any such commands either).
    In Replication monitor we saw that the article for the table in question was failing, but no others.
    The issue was that no other articles were being replicated to the subscriber, and this was evident via stalled rowcounts on the subscriber database, but increasing rowcounts on the publishing database.
    When we removed the offending article from the publication, all other articles started getting applied to the subscriber database - and we could observe both publication and subscription rowcounts increasing in lockstep.
    My questions are:
    1) in a single publication with many articles, are the articles applied to the subscription in a single batch - meaning that if a discreet transaction for one article fails, that all other articles will be rolled back with this transaction until it
    is cleared.
    2) Why would Replication Monitor not start showing widespread warnings for every other table (article) that was not successfully being replicated to the subscriber?
    3) Aside from configuring alerts in Replication Monitor (which has happened already) and a bespoke rowcount checking 'monitor', how could Transactional Replication be configured so that the failure of the publication of an obscure article doesn't fail all
    articles --> I note that creating multiple publications with smaller number of articles would limit the exposure, but from what I've observed, this would only limit the exposure to those articles in the same publication.
    Many thnaks

    1) they could be - it all depends on the batch size.
    2) I suspect because the distribution agent applies the changes serially, ie one article after another in the order the changes occurred on the publisher. So if it fails on one table it will not continue until this error is leared.
    3) use the continue on data consistency error profile, or put your problem article in its own publication.
    looking for a book on SQL Server 2008 Administration? looking for a book on SQL Server 2008 Full-Text Search?

  • EREC: From MSS Requisition request is not coming in Recruter UWL.

    hello everyone,
    we are creating Requisition request in MSS. But Request is not reaching Recruter UWL.
    We tried to find so many ways to solve this problem. We got to know that there is problem in workflow.
    we are getting follwoing error.
    Object CL_HRASR00_WF_COMPONENTS method DATAMAPPING cannot be executed
    we tried to resolve follwoing error but no success.
    finally we got reason behind this issue, workflow is using one standard auth table "t5asrauthmethod"
    with follwoing parameters
    Content Type= p
    Content Group =
    and there is no entry corresponding to this, and finally we are getting error.
    please let me know which authorization object or role we have to add so that we should nt get this error.
    Thanks in advance
    jayesh Talreja

    Hello jayesh Talreja,
    I checked up in our standard system, there this entries were maintained, So please maintain the same as below:
    Client Appl.   Activity                                        Auth_Method
    004   EREC        A                                                      3
    004   EREC        D                                                      2
    004   EREC        P                                                      3
    004   EREC        R                                                      3
    004   EREC        S                                                      3
    004   EREC        W                                                      3
    004   EREC        X                                                      3
    This should be helpful.
    Best Regards,

  • Erec - leaving action deleted internal candidate email address not working

    Good morning
    We have the following situation:
    1. A person was made a leaver in HR with future leaving date.
    2. Decision was made that the person could actually stay so the leaving action was deleted in HR.
    3. In erec in SU01 person still showing as role RCF_INT however the email address (produced from IT105 subtype 0010 in HR) was blank and his Alias field populated with his employee number ie: as if he was a leaver still.
    4. I have manually updated the email address in erec for his internal email address - this did not let him apply for an internal job. I then deleted it in IT105 in HR and then recreated it in IT105 - this has gone across to Erec however he still cannot apply and the Alias field is still being populated.
    So erec is behaving as if he is part internal and part external! How can I stop the Alias field being populated for him and how can I then get the email address to work?
    many thanks

    Hi Nicole
    Thank you. The order of events was as follows:
    a. On 25.01.11 a leaving action was done to start 01.04.11
    b. A decision made in March that the individual could stay however the leaving action was not deleted until 08.04.11
    c. This meant that he became a leaver in erec and due to subsequently deleting the leaving action he has reverted to INT_CAND (which is what we want).
    I have managed to get the email address to work by deleting the IT105 subtype 0010 in HR, I then recreated it in HR and it has PFAL'd over to erecruitment so the user is now able to apply for jobs.
    However the Alias field is still populated and the user has an additional employee number in erecuitment. Are you able to advise how the alias field can be depopulated?
    Many thanks

  • I get error message: "An error occurred with the  publication of album...Authentication with server failed...whenever I open a facebook file in my iPhoto. In each file, most of my photos have disappeared. What do I need to do?

    I get error message: "An error occurred with the  publication of album...Authentication with server failed. Please check your login and password information" whenever I open a facebook file in my iPhoto. In each file, most of my photos have disappeared. I am hoping I can retrieve these "lost" files. What do I need to do?

    Message was edited by: leroydouglas
    better yet, try this solution:

  • Publication slow performance issue in BO 4.0 SP04 WebI

    Publication of a report is taking around 4 hours in BO 4.0 sp04 WEBI and failing some times.
    same publication is taking around 1 hour in BO 3.1.
    More  details about existing publication setup:
    publication with many dynamic recipients and the destination is shared file system,format excel sheets.
    Normal report refresh is taking around 5 to 10 minutes.
    Known issue:
    We were trying to upgrade to newer versions to BO 4.0 SP08 but there was a problem during upgradation
    Several errors such as could not open file: <install
    dir>\InstallData\InstallCache\<package name> were found in the setup
    After trying to find this file, we discovered that the InstallCache
    directory only contained 1 subfolder and this issue throwing an errors while upgrading to later versions.
    Is there any way to fix publication issue in BO 4.0 Sp04 publication slow perforce with out up-gradation to SP08?
    For up-gradation BO 4.0 SP04 to SP08  how to handle above mentioned installation cache issue?

    To get a good performance, you need proper server sizing and configuration in CMC. Follow the guidelines available in sap documentation to ensure the sizing is appropriate.
    You can have a dedicated APS for publication and allocate enough memory to it and then test the same. For details:

  • BO 4.0 Webi + BW connection + publications

    We are starting to roll out 4.0 and I am trying to publish a Webi using the publsihing functions.  I have a webi which contains 3 separate Bex queries all with a unique characteristic "Rep".  The report is all reps with a filter control to limit what is viewed.  I am trying to tie this a Rep Profile list of names so only a single Rep worth of data is delivered via PDF to an inbox.  So far it fails to generate the query and run the report.  Given this is not a universe and thus no profile targets can be defined, I am having little success at online documentation.  Any adivce here?  Profile values link directly to filter values? when defined in the publication?  I have tried the Rep Name  ie Joe Smith ..also "Joe Smith"  also ="Joe Smith" 
    what am I missing here?
    I am a newbie for sure...

    Just to close this out... found the following..:
    Webi has 3 queries with 1 merged dimension.  call it Name
    In the Publication, set to profile value..
    set query2,name to profile value,,,set
    doesn't work
    Set fine.
    Personalization doesnt appear to know how to handle merged dimensions well.
    It also has a problem if the Webi has a Report Filter of Name on it when saved and used in the Publication. 
    To get around the large size of this report, I saved and view as structure only, place a report filter on it, refresh with data and view...but don't save so the Webi used is without a filter.
    Publications in general I am finding very dicey..any changes..I end up deleting and making a new one with the new parameters.
    but hey...I got it working...

  • I have created a data module in s1000d application of framemaker 10.While publishing it in publication module it says"File does not exist".

    1- I have created a data module in s1000d application of framemaker 10.While publishing it in publication module it says”File does not exist”.
    2- Does FrameMaker 10 supports s1000d 4.1 ?

    See's almost second nature to you now,
    editing those js files! I TOLD you you could do it!
    Mark, it's EERIE that you should say this to me today because this is exactly what I have been thinking! I can put a song on a page with one eye shut now, and I can zip around those files pretty well (except for the recent fiasco where I didn't even look at the right folder). I also notice that the level of my writing is sounding more technical and familiar with digital world jargon. I remember how you told me I could do it, and you were right. You all were right and I feel more knowledgeable and at a point where I suspect that I can take steps on my own. HTML is a strange land, but just being able to edit that .js file and FIND it by navigating for it in Text Edit has made me feel much more competent.
    Before iWeb I didn't realize what Text Edit was for. I used it to take quick fast short notes. I never understood that concept of "opening something up in so and so application." The first time I clicked OPEN in Text Edit, and I saw all those danged files staring at me with beady eyes, I wanted to throw a white hanky and run for the hills. Not any more!
    Lorna in Southern California

  • How to list the parameters that have been used when running a publication

    I am trying to run a publication on a crystal report, when I look at the instance, I can see the report title, the status of the instance , run by ... but not the parameter that I have put in the prompt.
    However when I create the Publication base on a crystal report, I do have the opportunity to set a specific  parameter ..
    Now if I go to the same crystal report that has been embeded in my publication and schedule it , afterwards when looking at the history, I can see
    - the status instance, run by who, the report title and the parameter ...
    Any idea is welcome
    thank you

    Hi Petra,
    Please try to check the table OICQ7 with KNUMV from VBAK.

  • How to clear BO Publication Job output files

    Hi Everyone,
    We have BO Publication Job which triggers mails to users with excel attachment. Around 500+ mails with attachments gets generated. Is there a way to clean up these already generated instances. When i checked in File store\Output folder i could see the instances. But these are scattered in different folders and all are not in one folder for particular publication run date.
    My Question is
    1. How can i delete instances that generated for that particular Publication on a particular day.
    2. If i delete those instances will there be any impact.
    Thanks in Advance.

    Hi Shankar,
    -You can Login to CMC – go to Instance Manager and filter the Publication as per day and time and then delete the instances.
    -You can also set a limit for instances on the publication.
    1.Right click on the publication
    2.Select Limits
    3.Check the option "Delete excess instances when there are more than N
    instances of an object"
    4.Set the value.
    You can also refer to Note 2077255 - How do instance limits work in Business Intelligence
    platform 4.x

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    hi all, I am creating a Times Tables (1 x 1, 3 x 5 etc...). I am having trouble with the setting up the procedures. In this case the user must select between 1 - 4. 1 = multiplication 2 = divide 3 = add 4 = subtract I am using If / else statemtents t

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