Publish pages document to mobileme account

I have downloaded a trial version of iWork 09 and wish to use one of their templates to create a website -and publish it on my mobile me site i.e:
Pl tell me if that is feasible.

I think you are barking up the wrong tree.
A word-processing/DTP application is not really a good place to create web sites, unless you want to write the raw code and even there you are better off using a dedicated texteditor.
I suggest you look at:
*Freeway Express* is the most like a DTP tool and creates good websites, quickly.
iWeb ofcourse comes with nice templates that should get you going quickly but creates awfully messy code.

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    You'll need to copy the Pages documents from the old iCloud account to the new one.  To do this, go to from your Mac and sign into the old account.  Launch Pages beta and confirm that your documents are still there.  Assuming they are, select them, then click the gear icon on the menu bar and choose Download Documents and choose the Pages format.  This will download copies of the documents to your Mac.  Drag the downloaded documents to your desktop and double-click on them to extract them from the .zip files.  Next, sign out on and sign back into your new iCloud account.  Launch Pages beta in the new account, then drag and drop the documents from your desktop to the Pages beta window to upload them to the new account.  You can now access the documents from devices signed into your new account.

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    When you 'lost your websites' do you mean you lost the 'Domain' file in your User/Library/Application Support/iWeb folder? iWeb keeps all its information there and if you do not have it you will have to recreate your site from scratch. If this is the case I would most strongly advise not using iWeb - it's not been sold or supported for some time now, and indeed v2 ('08) does not work with Mavericks: v3 may stop working on a future update. There are many other programs for making websites - Everweb is popular and is designed to be very like iWeb, with more facilities.
    If you do have the Domain file then you can publish to any website hosting service as outlined by Old Toad. There is a more detailed description of the process for the two different versions here:
    However if you are going to use iWeb remember that as I said a future system upgrade may very well break it; and you would find it very difficult to update the site by editing the published pages in the absence of being able to use iWeb and the Domain file.

  • New site not publishing. 2 separate MobileMe accounts, iweb sites involved

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    The friends website draft loads in iweb. How is this possible if I am opening iWeb with a totally different account?
    You're not opening iWeb with a toally different account. iWeb opens a file on your computer :
    ~/Library/Application Support/iWeb/domain.sites2
    iWeb publishes to the MobileMe account you entered in the System Prefs.
    The purchase of an iPhone has nothing to do with it.

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    Hi George, welcome to the discussion.
    Have you tried to import the pdf file(s) into iPhoto, and then selected them into a book so they could be printed ?
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    Macworld has a workaround for this that seems to work ok:
    On getting the deleted mail accounts to sync back from iTunes, I had to de-select them first, and then re-select to get them to show up afterwards, but at least I can upload to the correct account now.

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    No.  just tried adding a new entry page with a different theme and it changed the theme for all pages. 
    You could create a new blog with the new theme and link to it from your old blog. Not sure that would be as smooth a transition as you'd like however.

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    MobileMe has been discontinued for over 2 years now.  You'll need to find a new hosting server for your website.
    This may be of help to you: Life After MobileMe.

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    Thank you for any advice you can give! Any suggestions will be MUCH appreciated!!

    Try the following:
    close iWeb.
    delete the iWeb preference file,, that resides in your Home/Library/Preferences folder.
    go to your Home/Library/Caches/ folder and delete its contents.
    launch iWeb and try again.
    If that doesn't help continue with:
    move the domain file from your Home/Library/Application Support/iWeb folder to the Desktop.
    launch iWeb, create a new test site, save the new domain file and close iWeb.
    go to the your Home/Library/Application Support/iWeb folder and delete the new domain file.
    move your original domain file from the Desktop to the iWeb folder.
    launch iWeb and try again.

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    Welcome to the Apple Discussions. Visitors to your business site would have to know the URL of your personal site to be able to access it. If you password protect the personal site they couldn't get in event if they did know the URL.
    Are you going to purchase a domain name for your business site and use it? If so there are some things to know:
    1 - if you use the CNAME method of domain name forwarding the business site will need to the the top site in iWeb.
    Click to view full size
    So when you start building the site move it to the top of the left hand pane in iWeb.
    If you plan on having more than one site with a domain name here is some info you should know:
    Multiple Sites with Domain Name(s) in a Single MobileMe Account
    Here's how to have multiple sites in a single MMe account with one or more sites having a domain name.
    A. All sites are in the same Domain.sites2 files
    1 - only one site can use the CNAME method of domain name forwarding and it must the top site in the left hand pane of iWeb.
    Click to view full size
    2 - the other sites must use URL domain name forwarding which directs the domain name to the site's full MMe URL,, or, if there is no domain name, just MobileMe's full URL.
    B. Each site is in its own Domain.sites2 file.
    Again, only one site can use CNAME forwarding. This presents a problem since CNAME forwarding directs the domain name to the basic MMe account URL: which uses an index.html file in the root folder of the account, iDisk/Web/Sites. Each time a new site is published or an existing site uses the File->Publish Entire Site a new index.html file is created in that root directory, iDisk/Web/Sites folder, directing the browser to that particular site. This file is what the CNAME method uses to find the site it represents.
    Therefore some steps must be taken to assure that the index.html file in the MMe Accounts root directory always points to the correct site. This can be accomplished is three ways.
    1 - don't use the CNAME method. Just use URL forwarding . This, IMO, is the simplest method as it doesn't requre any additional effort on the user once the domain name has been set up.
    2 - use the following method suggested by Wyodor in this topic: Is it possible to have multiple sites when using ur Domain name?
    In iWeb domainfile 1:
    Create a dummy site : _dummy
    with a blank page.
    Create your working site : Whatever
    Add pages
    Publish both Sites to the same same location on the same server.
    Your _dummy site is now the default Site.
    In iWeb domainfile 2:
    Create/Use your CurrentSite.
    Move a page to the top of the Site and back. Publish the Site.
    iWeb will create a new index.html file in the root of the server and from now on CurrentSite is the default site.
    From now on, never move your Whatever Site to the top of the list in the iWeb sidebar and never change the page in the _dummy site.
    Simply do not touch your _dummy ever again. And never forget that.
    3 - use Ethmoid's suggested method in Using two sites - setting one up with separate domain? or republishing the entire site that uses CNAME forwarding. Just making a minor change and publishing the site changes does not create a new index.html file.
    The entire site must be republsihing in order to get that new site.
    Or keep a copy of the CNAME site's index.html file on your Mac and replace it manually in the iDisk/Web/Sites fodler when necessary.
    NOTE: the CNAME method provides a shorter URL: CNAME does not have masking.
    The URL forwarding displays the full MMe URL:
    With domain name masking that will be shortened to: for every page of your site.
    However, with masking visitors will only be able to bookmark and enter at the first page of the site. If a page is refreshed the visitor is taken back to the first page. Also search engines will only be able to index the first page of the site.

  • How do I create a MobileMe account to publish my site if Apple no longer offers new MobileMe members?

    I don't have a MobileMe account and I click to create but I can't, probably because they came up with iCloud.

    In your case, MobileMe is no longer an option.  For current MobileMe users, they are just several months away from it not being an option for them either.  iWeb will still publish using FTP.  There are several 3rd party web hosting options catering to iWeb users but most hosts will work just fine.  But some design elements are only available to MobileMe users.
    iWeb is a beautiful and easy way to publish but there are a few things to consider;
    1.  There are many other non-Apple options that do this sort of thing much MUCH better.  It's been a few years since Apple gave it a significant update.
    2.  Unless Apple reverses itself, iWeb, while still functional, is basically end-of-life.  It never made the transition to the Mac App Store which is now the only retailer for future iLife products.

  • I am writing a book to be published.  how to i get my pages documents to PDF or JPG or something else that is at least 224 pixels per inch?

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    Hello Barbara,
    > i have text written in Pages and these need to be at least 224 ppi.
    i also have photo collages that were created in Pages and also need to be at least 224 ppi.
    the book has about 60 pages of photo collages and about 30 pages of text.
    If you want to print using a digital press or an offset lithographic press at high resolution, then you typography is resolution independent but your photography is not. In other words, you must embed into your Pages document the images in the resolution that is right for rendering in the high resolution raster image processor.
    Raster image processors will as a rule of thumb produce good quality detail if you embed photographs with 300 dot per inch resolution. Because raster image processors differ in how they reproduce detail, and because this information is generally not public a rule of thumb principle is applied in preparing the page description for printing.
    By default, if you use colour transparency in your work, the system graphics service will detect this and save out PDF 1.4 automatically. However, not all raster image processors have PDF frontends that accept PDF 1.4. For this reason, there is a fallback which you must set up yourself.
    If the receiving raster image processor does not have a PDF frontend that accepts PDF 1.4, you have to manually enter the resolution at which the transparency will be rendered. The system graphics service will then render the resolution for you and save out what it technically termed a 'flattended PDF'.
    Alternatively, if you don't want to work with the Apple ColorSync Utility yourself, you can send your PDF 1.4 with resolution independent transparency to a prepress operator who will then use specialised software to render the resolution for the specifics of the service he or she is selling you.
    If you want to work with the prepress interface in system graphics services, then below is a link to summary on setting up the ColorSync Utility for ISO 15930-3:2002 PDF/X-3. This passes prepress preflight testing in Adobe Acrobat Professional 6.0.1 (the first version that tested for PDF/X-3).

  • HT1338 I am looking to publish a web site I created in iWeb to another hosting provider.  I have never published this site to MobileMe nor do I have a MobileMe account

    I am looking to publish a web site I created in iWeb to another hosting provider.  I have never published this site to MobileMe nor do I have a MobileMe account.  Can someone please help me?

    Hi Larry, no experience with iWeb, (which is ending soon), but what kind of files & folders does it make locally?
    You need a Wb Hosting service & an ftp client, if you need more info reply with that & what kind of files/folders it made.

  • Publish without a mobileme account

    Can I create a web site with iWeb and publish it to a web hosting service? Or do I need a mobileme account?

    See towards the end of _this video tutorial_.

  • Publish separate sites to one MobileMe account?

    I manage several sites from my laptop, which runs iWeb '08. I have just started using iWeb '09 on my desktop at work, and absolutely love it - not to mention that my work computer doesn't freeze up whenever I try to work on complicated sites. I would like to publish the sites I'm working on at work to my MobileMe account, which my other iWeb '08 sites are published on. If the sites have different names, will that be a problem? Or if I publish will it only put up the sites from my work computer and delete everything else? This is terribly confusing. I would like to keep everything up until replacement sites are made, and this would solve my problem so immensely! Any input you have would be huge!

    Perhaps I was not clear in my first post...
    I have one MobileMe (.mac) account, which I currently have five sites hosted on. These sites were built in iWeb '08. I have had no problems with hosting multiple sites on MobileMe, so I'm not sure what you mean when you say that this is not possible.
    I have built a sixth site in iWeb '09 on a different computer than my other five sites are built/stored on. I would like to publish this site to my MobileMe account as well - just add it to the roster, if you like. It has a different name than my other sites, so presumably if I sign into my MobileMe account on that computer, it would publish the site alongside the others, correct? I just don't want to publish this new site and for some reason have it delete the other five sites already being hosted.

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