Publish to quicktim .mov

I'm currently using flash 8 and need to publish my movie to a
quicktime movie file. unfortuently its saying that you need to use
flash player 5 or version previous. Also I'm using transparent
gradients, so when I do try to publish the movie it says that flash
player 5 doesn't support the enhanced fill. Is there a way in flash
8 to export a quicktime movie? What do I need to change about the
gradients to get them to export?

teterec wrote:
> I'm currently using flash 8 and need to publish my movie
to a quicktime movie
> file. unfortuently its saying that you need to use flash
player 5 or version
> previous. Also I'm using transparent gradients, so when
I do try to publish the
> movie it says that flash player 5 doesn't support the
enhanced fill. Is there a
> way in flash 8 to export a quicktime movie? What do I
need to change about the
> gradients to get them to export?
there is no way to use new features while exporting to older
version, you need to
compromise on that to make the file flash 5 compatible.
The gradient tho should not be a problem, perhaps there is
something else you use ... ?
Best Regards
If you want to mail me - DO NOT LAUGH AT MY ADDRESS

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    what kind of quicktime do you need? there are 2:
    1. a flash track in quicktime
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    --> Adobe Certified Expert
    WAMER wrote:
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    I suspect your ISP is serving you an older "cached" file instead of the new "fresh" one. More common overseas than here in the U.S. and some ISP's are worse than others.
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    Smart move to get QT Pro! It will now be possible to do this:
    When exporting From iMovie or Final Cut, the expert settings choices can be daunting to understand. Here's a simple solution. Whenever you find a QT video online that has the download arrow (down facing arrow) at the far right of the play time line and you're impressed by the quality you see, once the movie has fully loaded, click on that arrow.
    With QT Pro you'll see a drop down menu appear that offers 'Save as Source' or 'Save as QuickTime Movie'. Usually either choice gives you the same type of file. Save to your desktop . Then open and play. As the movie plays, go to the Quicktime menu at the top of your screen and choose from 'Window' ...Show Movie Info. Eureka! There are almost all the settings used to create that movie
    To keep a photo record of this movies settings (if you don't keep the movie) line the player and the info window side to side and do a Apple key+Shift +4 targeted picture snap. Store the pic you just created in an iPhoto folder labeled 'QT Info Pics' as a later reference. In fact, Apple key+ Shift + 4 (targeted) or Apple key + Shift + 3 (Full Screen capture) used with 'Get Info' windows and iPhoto storage is a great quick & easy record keeping system.
    Have fun!
    PS Been to Memphis, loved it. Irmla Thomas has a great CD called My Heart's In Memphis
    PSS Once dragged to an iWeb page you can alter the physical size (reasonable amount) of your movie while file size stays the same.

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    There is a Mac Version of Adobe Acrobat which does this. There was a hiatus when there was some incompatibility between the MacOS, QuickTime and Adobe Acrobat of the time, but as far as I know, everything works fine today.
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    You have to create a QTL file that opens the QT movie in the player. Based on the settings it opens in Full Screen.
    You may want to read this:
    [QuitTime Tutorials and more|>
    [Launching QuickTime Player from a Text Link | al-11.html]
    An alternative is to publish your movies to Vimeo and embed the movie in your page. These movies can play full screen.
    Or use DivX of Flash Video.
    Samples here:

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    how large is the video and if you publish - does it still have the same horrible quality?
    you might considering exporting as flash (loads faster) and integrating that into your iweb site using post-editing:

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    Message was edited by: Erik Naso

    No, this isn't a rookie thing. I believe the problem lies within the new quicktime update, the last one did the same thing. However, this is a frustrating problem, but my suggestion is to wait a few days, and see if apple picks up on the problem and releases a fix.
    DON'T UNINSTALL QUICKTIME USING PACIFIST!!! I tried that and had to reinstall my operating system. I don't know why, but it is not advisable.

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    I had the same problem and figured it out. I had a FLA from the office and took it home to work on. At the office I was exporting to a folder on the staging server and had my SWF and HTML Publish settings set up that way. At home I tried to export the same FLA to quicktime (along came the aforementioned error). I made a folder on my local drive, set my publish settings for my SWF and HTML to export there, published, and low and behold, I was able to export to Quicktime. Problem solved.

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    When exporting a movie from iMovie, there is an option for the export to make the export iPhone compatible, or iPhone and Apple TV compatible, etc. Did you select a size for the export that included being iPhone compatible?
    Copied from this link.
    Video formats supported: H.264 video, up to 1.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second, Low-Complexity version of the H.264 Baseline Profile with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats; H.264 video, up to 2.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second, Baseline Profile up to Level 3.0 with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats; MPEG-4 video, up to 2.5 Mbps, 640 by 480 pixels, 30 frames per second, Simple Profile with AAC-LC audio up to 160 Kbps, 48kHz, stereo audio in .m4v, .mp4, and .mov file formats.

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    Cleaner had this function years ago - why can't I find it in Compressor?
    How can I make Compressor my one stop shop to compress as a H264 quicktime file, with fast start - compressed header, flatten for playback on all computers, and disable the end-users ability to save my quicktime file through the drop down in the player.
    Any help would be appreciated! Thank you!

    iWeb doesn't write the html page code until the file is published and you would have to hand edit those files to add some code.
    iWeb also uses special javascript to load QuickTime browser plug-in (and your file) and you would need to edit them to add.
    The "old" html method is to add the kioskmode="true" tags and that same code can be added to the .js file made by iWeb. It stops "Pro" users from having the "Save" menu.
    Since I don't have iWeb on my Mac mini, and I haven't looked very hard at the javascript code made by it, I don't have your answer.
    iWeb 2 does include a QuickTime Inspector that can set some parameters but I don't know its options.

  • Batch Exporting Quicktime mov

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    quicktime. i don't want to /publish/ to quicktime (i can do that
    easily, but the results are poor), but rather use file>export. i
    can't seem to find any documentation at all that shows how this is
    done, and i don't see any 'click the menu' objects for this.
    there's an exportSWF command that works well, but not an exportMOV
    or anything of the sort. is there a way short of applescript of
    doing this?
    failing that, is the flash interface open to applescript at
    all? that'd be ugly, but possibly doable i suppose.

    For anyone who is interested:
    In case you are using Flash CC you can use the following javascript command from the Flash-Java-API
    // exportVideo( fileURI [, convertInAdobeMediaEncoder] [, transparent] [, stopAtFrame] [, stopAtFrameOrTime] )
    fl.getDocumentDOM().exportVideo("file:///C|/myProject/"); l
    If not then you have the same problem that I had. In this case the only solution I found so far is to use an interface like autoIt to automatize the buttons and shortcuts you have to press:
    This is quite dirty, and you probably need an extra render machine to run it, as you cannot interact with the mouse or keyboard, without distubing the process.

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    QuickTime can open Flash (.swf) files that are "published" as version 5, or lower. Newer versions of Flash can still create these files.
    You'll also need to "Enable Flash" in the QuickTime Player to view these Flash tracks. This is new to QT 7.1.3 when Flash was disabled for security issues.

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    moving, but they cannot see the movie (no screen to show the
    animation). What did I do wrong? How can I fix it?
    Thank you very much....

    Ok if the uninstall/reinstall did not fix this, I would try this in a test user account on the computer to see if it is a user specific issue (I suspect that it is.) If it is a user specific issue I would drag the quicktime preference file to the desktop and restart the computer, then try it again.
    Open finder, click on your home folder, click on Library, click on preferences, drag these to the desktop:
    restart the computer, and these will be recreated anew in the library

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