Purchasing AppleCare+ in another country

Hi, does anyone know if I buy a iPhone 6 in the UK, could I purchase AppleCare + in the USA a couple of weeks later? I think the only stipulation I can see is that you have to let them inspect the phone, show proof of purchase & it has to be within 30 days of purchase - all this I can meet. I am hoping to receive my phone just before I fly to the USA on holiday, and thought I would take up this offer as it is about £17 cheaper in the USA. Thanks in advance!

you can only buy AppleCare + in the country of purchase of iPhone within 60 days and is ONLY valid in the country of purchase of iPhone

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    This is not possible...
    See this discussion,
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    AppleCare is world-wide on any product where Apple provides warranty support for the product. Some countries that have only third-party service providers sometimes balk at honoring AppleCare from another country (though they shouldn') but it shouldn't be a problem in Canada. It's just registering a plan that somethings has glitches; Apple recommends purchasing AppleCare in the country in which you live.
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    mamasue60 wrote:
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