Purchasing Complete CC 1 yr, after 12 hrs still process screen, do I need to do it again or will it duplicate?

Hi, I am trying to purchase Complete CC package for one year. The screen says do not reload or back or it will duplicate… 12 hours later it still says that!!
Ive had to reload, there are no emails or any sign that anything has been processed, and I can't see a contact number to call to make sure???

Magnus65 please contact our support team at http://adobe.ly/19llvMN to verify your order.

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    Chris, I certainly don't mind additional questions and postings.
    I believe there are many issues with Apple Loops and Logic that need to be resolved and people need to be aware of that. Unfortunately, in opposite to the old "german" version of Logic , there's no lifetime tech support, you can't even call and ask the question after 60 days , which isn't right for a professional software of this level, especially considering the fact that many things still remain vague in Logic even for developers and tech support people!( believe me, I've called and asked!)
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    Message was edited by: Moderator

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    Setting Lightroom's preview size to larger than screen resolution is guaranteed to slow things down. I have a dual monitor system whith Lightroom showing the loupe on one screen and the grid on the other. The screen sizes are 1920x1080 and 2560x1440. Following your practice for previews would bring my system to a crawl and I have an entry level workstation.All my previews are of standard 1024x768 in size. The only delays in viewing come when Lightroom is asked to display an image where there is no preview. Once the preview has been created, browsing is near instantaneous.
    I beg to differ! The reason is that a preview can be used for any size, which is smaller than that of the preview. Scaling down a preview can be done with little or not loss in quality compared to getting the full resulution and scale that down. Scaling up is not possible.
    In your case, you will not use the previews of 1024x768 at all for full screen display. Instead you will force L3 to create bigger previews the first time you open the photo. You could try this by generating the standard previews for new imported photos before you start browsing. Then try to browse. You will probably get the "Loading" message, which indicates that the preview was not used and another one with higher resolution will be made. Then try the same experiment, setting the size of the standard preview to 2048. If, and only if, the size of your display area is not more than 2048 pixels wide and you display a photo in lanscape orientation, you will be able to browse without delay after generating the standard previews.
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    "Try Disk Utility
    1. Insert the Mac OS X Install disc, then restart the computer while holding the C key.
    2. When your computer finishes starting up from the disc, choose Disk Utility from the Installer menu at top of the screen. (In Mac OS X 10.4 or later, you must select your language first.)
    *Important: Do not click Continue in the first screen of the Installer. If you do, you must restart from the disc again to access Disk Utility.*
    3. Click the First Aid tab.
    4. Select your Mac OS X volume.
    5. Click Repair Disk, (not Repair Permissions). Disk Utility checks and repairs the disk."
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    Rysz wrote:
    To retain your playlists, artwork, play counts, etc, you need to move the entire iTunes folder, not just the music files..
    After that just select the new folder location in iTunes> Advanced settings.
    Hold Option and launch iTunes.
    Select Choose library and select the iTunes folder.
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    send problem to Apple.
    How to report an issue with Your iTunes Store purchase
    iTunes Purchase Problems: How to Report a Problem to iTunes Support
     Cheers, Tom

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    Just installed Mac OS X 10.8.5  on a Mac Pro 2010 platform. 
    The App Store shows there is an upgrade, so I click the download button. 
    After about 2 hrs the process stops and an  Error (102) appears on the screen. 
    Any idea what goes wrong? 

    ahstephen wrote:
    Thank you for the response.
    The upgrade I'm interested is for OS X  v.10.8.5...
    ...The App Store page shows 2 different upgrades:   
    Mountain Lion  (10.8.5)  Software Upgrade,  and
    Yosemite FREE upgrade
    If the App Store is showing 10.8.5 as an update, what do you currently have installed? The final update to Mountain Lion was 10.8.5, and since the basic OS installation of Mountain Lion is no longer offered in the App Store, that would suggest you're currently at an earlier version of Mountain Lion - 10.8.x where x=less than 5. If that's the case, I'd suggest getting the 10.8.5 update. There is also a Supplemental Update for 10.8.5 and that may be what the App Store is offering.

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