Q: Hidden clustered jmx execute functionality?

In my dev environment I have a cluster of two servers plus a node manager.
I have deployed an ear to the cluster using the console. The ear has a
servlet that registers an MBean.
The interesting thing is that with a third party MC4j JMX utility I can
execute a JMX method on serverA and somehow WebLogic 8.1SP3 replicates
calling this method on serverB.
I can verify this because MC4J shows an attribute has changed on serverB but
I never called the JMX method on serverB.
I've Google'd and read the WLS docs and haven't found this described so I'm
not sure what the limitations are.
Any pointers to documentation or comments on this behaviour would be most
welcome. It seems too good to be true, and I'm likely missing something if
I can't find documentation about such a powerful feature.

Hello Mark,
It indeed seems too good to be true. Perhaps its a bug, or shall I call it a feature :-).
I will try to reproduce this on my environment and see if I can reproduce.

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    Please try converting the standadrd-delivered scenario RPT0, then check
    out the things.
    Also problem may be that your function code names contain
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    Best regards,
    G. Leurs

    Hi john,
    I am also facing hte same issue.
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    If I interpret that correctly, it would be NW CE 7.11 SP6.  I was not aware that SP6 had been released yet, but I am pretty sure that the installation instructions for MII 12.1.8 will specify SP5 as the version to use.  MII and NW versions really do need to align correctly.  This may be the cause of the JRA problems you are experiencing.
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    Good luck!
    Edited by: Michael Appleby on Mar 10, 2011 8:26 PM

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    Hi Catherine ,
    The function module uses assorted tables in import parameters and hence can not be tested as others.
    SAP provides a report CRM_ORDER_READ to test the function module.

  • Execute function before layout display

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    Hi Marc,
    The planning function is supposed to do that i.e. based on certain other variables change the data in the layout. After the data is locked obviously there should not be any changes.
    What I was trying to achieve is somehow to be able to access the Planning Folder even though the pre-function is run. Else we would have to go with the way you suggested i.e. create either a separate folder or create a separate layout with no Planning Functions attached. The issue becomes the user has to first get the error message.. realise that the data is locked and then go to another layout / folder.

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    First of all those errors look more related to HBR, though if it worked before I would restart services then log into the planning app and then try again.
    Have you tried a different form as well one without an ampersand &.

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    Please tell me
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    CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION sp_get_stocks(v_price IN NUMBER)
    RETURN types.ref_cursor
    stock_cursor types.ref_cursor;
    OPEN stock_cursor FOR
    SELECT ric,price,updated FROM stock_prices
    WHERE price < v_price;
    RETURN stock_cursor;
    SQL> exec :results := sp_get_stocks(20.0)
    PL/SQL procedure successfully completed.
    Message was edited by:

  • Error msg: Unable to execute function 'OBSOLETE' successfully

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    Hi Sanjay,
    Firstly please always tell us which release you are using.
    Secondly, check the Outcomes tab of your wait for event step - you may have turned on the obsolete outcome accidentally.

  • Error "Unable to execute function. (USER_ID=1087)"

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    "Unable to execute function. (USER_ID=1087)"
    Edited by: Twenty4billy on Sep 13, 2012 6:30 PM
    Edited by: Twenty4billy on Sep 13, 2012 6:30 PM

    Please post the details of the application release, database version and OS.
    I got the error message when I access the R12 login link. I tried to restart the application but it doesn't help. Do anybody know how to fix it? Thanks.
    "Unable to execute function. (USER_ID=1087)"
    EdmondWas this working before? If yes, any changes been done recently?
    Can you find any details about the error in Apache log files?
    Any errors in the database log file?
    Please run AutoConfig and make sure it completes successfully.

  • Web Interface - "Execute function before displaying the layout" issue

    Hi Experts,
    In my project we have converted some BPS planning folder to Web interface. The steps are as below:
    1) Open the BPS planning folder using upspm. Copy the web interface as Web Enabled folder.
    2) Generate the web interface by clicking on go to --> Generate web interface
    3) Run transaction bps_wb. Open the web interface. Then generate web interface again
    4) Run the web interface by clicking on 'Display perview'
    5) In the web interface there are some some functions which get executed before displaying the layout.
    6) For such functions, push button gets created.
    7) I have set the visible property of such push button as false.
    8) Most of the time, when I am running the web interface, it
    is getting executed successfully.
    9) Some times, the web interface is not displaying the layouts successfully.In such cases I have observed that "Execute function before displaying the layout" is not working. Due to this some values like Fiscal Year is not getting set. So, the layout is not getting displayed.
    10) I understand that it may be due to compilation error.
    For example, I might have made some changes in the web interface. It must be saved and web interface must be regenerated before I diplay the interface again. Can you please help me in understanding the reason of this problem.
    11) Can you please help me understand the cause of point no 9. Is it a non-issue? What may be the reason that "Execute function before displaying the layout" does not work every time.

    Will a function that runs, before the data gets saved, work for you? You can configure such a function to run before the save command behind the save button you create in the planning application.

  • IW32-Do not execute function reset required

    We have done Do not execute function by mistake in service order IW32 and so the order has been closed.
    Can you please tell us how to reset the Do no execute function in iw32

    if you set the do not execute the sys status is usually
    if that is the case you cannot reopen it
    create a new order by copying this one
    write a quick ABAP to remove the status NCMP for the order from the back end tables (not a good practice from audit perspective)

  • Not Photoshop screen for executing functions

    I have dowloaded Photoshop CC on a trial basis but can't seem to execute anything other than the tutorials.  I don't get the screen from which to execute functions.  what have I done wrong?
    Message was edited by: Brett N

    A trial version of Photoshop is fully functional, there isn't anything that is restricted. What screen are you looking for? What functions are you trying to execute? Generally, the functions in Photoshop are executed from the Menu bar, the tools panel, or the other panels (Layers, Actions, History, etc). There is no screen for running functions. Unless you are refering to the Photoshop UI itself.
    But you mention that you are able to run tutorials. What tutorials would those be? Photoshop doesn't come with any. Perhaps you have something other than Photoshop installed?

  • Short Dump while executing function module "IDOC_INPUT"

    Dear Friends,
    We are trying to execute the function module "IODC_INPUT" and getting a short dump.
    Basically the scnario is that we are trying to change an IDOC through transaction WE19 and then we execute the same by pressing tab "STANDARD INBOUND".
    But as soon as we press this button we get the short dump. whereas if I process the IDOC by pressing tab "Inbound Function Module" , there is no error and we are able to process the idoc successfully.
    Request you to please guide why this problem is there and what is the resolution for the same.
    Lalit Kabra

    Hi Nazeer,
    Thanks a lot for quick response.
    We are getting the dump with error ""Type "IDOC_DATA_CRYPTION" is unknown"". We just pressed the button STANDARD INBOUND and it gave us the error.
    Even when I execute this FM stand alone then just after pressing F8, it gives me Dump instead of the selction screen of the Function module.
    I tried running this FM on my IDES system and there I can see the selction screen and there is no dump.
    To me it seems that I need to do some settings so that this fm can be executed sucessfully.
    Request you to please help and guide me.
    Lalit Kabra

Maybe you are looking for