Qosmio X300-126 - Replacing defective GPU?

Hi there,
my Qosmio X300-126 stared havign some problems recently and I simply can't use nvidia drivers anymore (may they be provided by toshiba or directly from nvidia. The laptop manages to display something only in "standard VGA mode"
what's more, there are some artefacts on first screen (when you can go into the BIOS setup), so, overzall, it seems that the GPU is, at least, partly damaged (and may be completely dead soon.
I called the toshiba support center, and they told me I had to send them the laptop for a diagnosis, which would cost me 90 (no warranty anymore, since it's over 2 years old) and if the GPU is to be replaced, I'll get a pricing for a new part.
I've been looking on various bourds on the net and all people that experienced similar situation were asked to pay something like 1000 for repairs (which basically means, don't repair and buy another laptop).
I've been repairing PC's for a living for some time, and there are tutorials to open and disassemble these laptops on the net... so I was wondering:
is there any chance that toshiba agrees to sell a part "as is" for me to replace it myself? the part as such costs quite less (I've been given "around 150" price range) and in such case, it would be a possibility to consider rather than simply binning the thingy (or keeping/selling it for parts

toshiba uses specific parts, making anything generic incompatible (so one can't get repair parts from other places on the net
one funny thing, though: toshiba suport told me the vid card was soldered to the mobo (which isn't true...
before spending any money, I just may try the "oven" repair.. putting the part int the oven around 200 in case there's just a bad soldering contact between the GPU and the MXM card... you never know, as it seems the same weakness comes often, maybe is it due to the fact the laptop is moved often, and suffers vibrations etc...
we'll see soon enough :)

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    Hi there, Ive purchased this wonderful laptop last week but have a major concern involving the 9700m GTS,
    When im playing on a game my GPU temperature would reach 95 - 100C / 200 - 215F!
    The other components remain cool at around 40-50C.
    The fan kicks in at 65C and then the heat will slowly rise to the temperature above, The fan does not appear to be running at full speed like it does for a second when you first turn on the laptop maybe at around 70% instead of 100%
    Ive crawled a lot of x300 forums and other users have said their laptop reaches 65C and stays around that temperature for hours,
    I dont have any artifacts or corruption/crashes at these temps but i am concern about the laptops longevity.
    What are other users max temps with this GPU and is there any program i can use to increase the GPUs fan to run 100%
    Thanks in advance.

    So i bought a Qosmio X300 - 130 in February ... Worst Buy EVER . Its been with Toshiba for almost 6 months now with this overheating issue . Its with them for 2 months (atleast there close to there 2 day turnaround time) , gets sent back to me , i send it back after one day , and the loop starts all over again . This loop only started when i actually had to get a technician to my house to show him that i am not lieing and that the laptop actually does go up to those temps and that it does actually shutdown . Seems Toshiba's way of stress testing a graphics card is abit flawed . Running a Benchmark program that comes from Noah's ark doesnt cut it boys
    Seems toshiba doesnt know what the problem is , as the Laptop has a new GPU , New Fans , New HDD , New Graphics Drivers , Updated Bios , New OS and from what i hear , they are now replacing the motherboard . All i want to do is get the thing either swapped out , or just credited so i can go and buy a NON toshiba Gaming laptop . I bought the laptop to replace my Work desktop , and kill 2 birds with one stone (Gaming laptop when i want to game , but mostly there for work) . With the utter useless Service i got from toshiba South Africa , i have since gone out and bought a new desktop so i can atleast keep working . I have to also give toshiba Germany props thou . Took them 5 weeks to send a mail telling toshiba SA how to proceed after having had the laptop for 4 months with no success .
    I run a quite well know PC store in South Africa who supply hardware to the gaming market . Since this incident, I have since pulled the entire range off my shelves and sent it back to my supplier . I cant with a good conscience sell these laptops to my clients even thou i have had a few request for these . Only thing i am glad for is that this is not a clients laptop thats been with them for 6 months and counting .

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    Hi everybody. I recently by a Qosmio X300-14C (core 2 Quad Q9000,? 9700 GTS), and during games, the temperature of the GPU increase till 100 C and the game crash.
    So I buy a USB cooler for my X300. Now, the temperature increase ?only? till 96 97C. And there is no crash.
    I try to put the last bios, the last Toshiba GPU driver, the last nvidia GPU driver, the same.
    When I start Vista, without any application, the temp increase till 65C. The fan increase his speed, so the temp goes to 55. The fan stop running faster, and the temp start to increase again.
    During games, the fan made the same noise when the temp is 65C or 95C. So I think the problem is here. There is no increase of the fan speed for very high temp. So only 2 speed: under 65C and over, that?s all.
    I install ntune, but the speed of the fan dont move at all. For the GPU I have 20.000 RPM per minute! Is that right?
    Some people have the same probleme?
    Message was edited by: Esteban_1

    I have the same problem with my Qosmio X300 (PQX32E-04H02WGR). Anytime I'm playing games there is a blackscreen and a tuneloop.
    I wrote a email to the toshiba-service in germany and they told me to make a new installation of windows, to install the new bios 2.1 and the new beta driver from nvidia. Even this all did not solve the problem.
    So I ring up the german hotline and they told me that there is nothing more to do and that they don't know that problem. They sayed I could try playing the games in a reduced resolution and perhaps this could solve the problem!!!??? Yes... I buy a very expensive gamer-notebook to play with it in a reduced resolution - nice idear.
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    We will see...

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    Is it possible the GPU firmware needs to be updated ??
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    > " and the Tempro Alerts say that I need to update my GPU drivers.
    You misunderstood something.
    The Tempro doesnt say you have to update the driver but it has notified you that a new version has been uploaded to the driver page!
    But this does not mean that you have to update it!!!
    Furthermore I visited the Toshiba European driver page and have chosen this driver posted in the Qosmio X300 PQX31E and found this info:
    +You are leaving the Toshiba Website to get the generic beta driver from nVidia.+
    +This driver has not been officially approved by Toshiba and is out of Toshiba warranty.+
    If you want to install such driver then you can do this only at your own risk and you could install it in device manger;
    There you have to choose advanced installation and finally have to point to the place where the driver has been stored on the HDD

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    A quick check of the NVIDIA website revealed that the graphics card of this DTR has CUDA support, since the Qosmio is equipped with;
    Dual NVIDIA® GeForce® 9800M GTS graphics with NVIDIA® SLI® Technology
    The only limiting factor is the Video card driver supplied by Toshiba.
    Q1: Is it possible to get CUDA running on my machine?
    Q2: How?
    Please detail the (a) Toshiba approved method, or (b) Other unsupported method.
    Q3: When will Toshiba release official drivers that support the CUDA framework?
    If they have, where are they for Australia?

    I'm interested in CUDA so I can go about "Developing" programs that use CUDA, not simply to be a casual user as you imply.
    I noted that the current nVidia Drivers are not notebook drivers, so my questions were very deliberately worded..
    +Q1: Is it possible to get CUDA running on my machine?+
    +Q2: How?+
    +Please detail the (a) Toshiba approved method, or (b) Other unsupported method.+
    +Q3: When will Toshiba release official drivers that support the CUDA framework?+
    +If they have, where are they for Australia?+
    From your answer it seems like you are suggesting an unsupported method which would use generic nVidia drivers not designed specifically for the Toshiba. An associate of mine has tried installing these driver's with no real luck, and had to sacrifice the power saver features that come with the bundled drivers. Even so, could you elaborate on which drivers, or offer a link to those drivers you believe appropriate?
    Personally I'd prefer that Toshiba releases its own approved driver update!! Is it out there?

  • Dead pixel on my Qosmio X300 screen

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    My laptop was fine yesterday. I took it up in its bag, Went with it to the college and I switched on on and I found a dead pixel - Not just one tiny one. it is a small one, about 3 x 3 square on
    1440 x 900 resolution - on the screen. I don't know how it came or what does cause it in first place ?
    I tried to press on it gently many times and then, it was moved to another place. I did that again and It was moved again. I try now, but with no avail. I am really annoyed because I am not buying a quality laptop for such defects, although there is a range of maximum 8 pixel defect that should happened so I am eligible to change the screen. The problem it it annoys me. And I can't find a way to fix it. My laptop is just 7 months old. It is a Qosmio X300-158.
    What could I do ?
    Thanks in advance

    Thanks for your reply.
    I will try to visit them in the nearest time. Well in my case, if I considered that that is not dust and these are dead pixels, then there are 16 pixels of them. I counted them one by one, which is enough to entitle me to replace that monitor. However, I won't complicate things. There is also another problem that I can't leave my laptop for more than 1 day. All my work, designs and assignment are in it. I hope that can be fixed in less than 1 day.
    I think that of it is dust, that shall not take more than 2 hours to fix it, but who knows. I really need to take to them first. !

  • Qosmio X500-126 issues

    <p>Hello!<br /><br />I bought two laptops Toshiba Qosmio X500-126 in 2010 (one for me and one for my boss). <br /><br />The problems began on the first year. <br />One of the laptops (the one of my boss) was literally thrown out as rubbish a year after the purchase. <br /><br />The problems with my laptop started with the registration of the warranty. <br />After several calls to the store and a few hours I was able to register the warranty. <br /><br />My first complaint was about overheating and shutdown (enter date 16.07.2012). The laptop was warming up so much that the fan had melted and separated from the bottom cover at one of the ends. I took the laptop from repair on 23.07.2012 and they made me pay for fixing it. <br /><br />On 01.10.2012 I left the laptop for repair again due to overheating and shutdown problems. The temperature began literally to melt and bend the upper and lower lid ... <br /><br />The lower lid wasdeformed to such an extent that it is separated from the rear side and had trouble with the hinge of the display. Because of the hot air from the fan, the screen bottom began to fade (near to the fan). <br />Moreover, the computer totally refused to work and to turn onagain. <br /><br />At the repair office they replaced the charger, cleaned the laptop and sent me an offer for a new bottom and top cover. They told me the damages were mechanical and I caused them! <br /><br />On 25.02.2013 my laptop refused to turn on again and had to bring it for repair again.<br />They give it back to me with changed charger on 28.02.2013. <br /><br />This time I got blamed for the bad conditions at our office, although there was no other case of a broken only equipment for the last four years except the laptop.<br /><br />On the 30.07.2013 I left the laptop againfor repair. <br />This time I chose another maintenance office that works with Toshiba. The plastic parts of the laptop were so bent and melted that this time no one could say that I&#39;ve broken it. The laptop was heating like a stove... <br /><br />Through the warranty, the bottom cover was replaced, but not the top cover. Its lower part, which is close to the fan and to the display, was also visibly melted.. <br /><br />The repair was completed on the 14.08.2013.<br /><br />A week after I noticed problems with the display. <br /><br />First, I started to get green lines and pixels on the display, and then when one tried starting the computer, the display refused to work.</p><p><br />I left my laptop for repair again &ndash; this was on the 16.10.2013. <br />I definitely regret the choice I made when buying my laptop.... <br />The truth is that I am convinced that the model Toshiba Qosmio x500-126 has some serious problems!<br /><br />Another option is that I&#39;ve got adefective batch?!</p><p>I&#39;m a professional 3D designer and I have never come across such a defective product like this one! Nneither I, nor my colleagues will buy anything made by Toshiba again! </p><p>I hope no one will have my problems! <br />My warranty expires in a month and definitely I won&rsquo;t give a penny for further repairs... <br /><br />I will simply buy a new laptop from another brand.</p><p>MyI only hesitation is whether to shoot video with the deformed Toshiba Qosmio (I&#39;m sure many people will be interested to see how a toshiba computer bought for &euro; 1,750 is a total wreck) or to sell the parts at a lower price to help the people who are caught up in the Qosmio hell... </p><p><br />I feel that in Bulgaria Toshiba&#39;s importer resells defective goods on full price without the knowledge of Toshiba... I&#39;m very disappointed!</p><p><br />There are two photos: <br /><a href="http://pho.to/3zTfz">http://pho.to/3zTfz</a></p><p><br />PS: My laptop serial number is: 4A109347W (if anyone from Toshiba decided to check my case and not to delete this post.)</p>

    Thanks for sharing your experience with us.
    Its really pity that you had such problems with your notebook. :(
    Hardware problems are really annoying and I can understand your very well.
    You said the notebook has been taken for the repair again so lets hope it will be fixed properly this time
    Ive got two Toshiba notebooks.
    Both have been running properly all the time. But of A210 shut-off automatically some month ago.
    I disassembled the notebook (warranty was not valid anymore) and cleaned the fans.
    The cooling modules were really dirty and I removed a lot of dust.
    I renewed also the thermal grease. Since then the unit run properly. No shut down anymore.
    However, good luck mate and hopefully the agents will be able to fix the hardware problems.

  • Qosmio X300-13O - Black screen on startup

    Hi, I have a problem with my Qosmio X300-13O.
    When I turn on the computer the screen is black, I can hear the windows starting up but I can't see a thing. I've figured that when I remove the battery and plug in the power cable the computer works fine. So my question is: Is it a batterys fault or computer fault?
    How can I fix it (working without battery doesn't count)?
    I'l add that i still have a warranty (I bought my X300 on may this year).

    Hi buddy,
    Have you tried an external monitor on the notebook? Maybe the internal display is faulty and so you can work with an external monitor.
    However, for me it sounds like a hardware issue and I think the internal display should be replaced but an authorized service provider (technician) can check this and exchange the hardware.
    If your notebook is under warranty, the repair should be for free! :)

  • Qosmio X300-11W: Need an CD/DVD-RW Part Number?

    Hi all,
    I am currently refurbishing a X300-11W and I need to know the optical drive part number to find a replacement.
    Any ideas? Or know where I can buy a cheap replacement in the uk?

    As far as I know you can find an list of compatible ODDs in the Qosmio X300 user manual.
    Did you check it?
    Furthermore you can order all compatible parts from an Toshiba ASP (authorized service provider) available in your country.

  • Qosmio X500-126 Shuts down

    I have a TOSHIBA Qosmio X500-126 bought 01.07.2010 warranty expired 30.06.2013
    On 25.05.2013 I experienced a problem wile playing a new generation game. My PC turned off. I thought i was over heating but i continued to shutdown each time i played Heavy PC games on High-Ultra Graphic settings.
    On date 28.05.2013 i sent it to get serviced. They switched one of my PC-cooling fans and returned it to me.
    The computer worked for about a week than the same problem started again.
    On date 13.06.2013 i sent it back again. The employees switched a fan again (i don't know if it was the same fan or a different one) and returned it to me.
    This time the Computer worked till 09.07.2013 when I set it back for a Stuck WIFI switch they fixed it and returned it to me.
    The PC continued to work properly till date 07.08.2013 when the problem of shutting down started again. This time the employees only did diagnosis. And i know a diagnosis will not fix the problem currently i am using the computer to only what movies and browse the internet. Because no mater what PC game i try running the PC just shuts down, no matter the Graphic settings.
    PS: I am quite dissented in the service.
    Message was edited by: Kanartikin

    My first post was deleted, but I will continue to publish the experience not only in this forum but also all over the internet! It is unacceptable to delete the opinion of your customers! Even my story is developing for a few days!
    I bought two laptops Toshiba Qosmio X500-126 in 2010 (one for me and one for my boss). The problems began on the first year. One of the laptops (the one of my boss) was literally thrown out as rubbish a year after the purchase.
    The problems with my laptop started with the registration of the warranty. After several calls to the store and a few hours I was able to register the warranty.
    My first complaint was about overheating and shutdown (enter date 16.07.2012). The laptop was warming up so much that the fan had melted and separated from the bottom cover at one of the end s. I took the laptop from repair on 23.07.2012 and they made me pay for fixing it.
    On 01.10.2012 I left the laptop for repair again due to overheating and shutdown problems . The temperature began literally to melt and bend the upper and lower lid ... The lower lid was deformed to such an extent that it is separated from the rear side and had trouble with the hinge of the display. Because of the hot air from the fan, the screen bottom began to fade (near to the fan). Moreover , the computer totally refused to work and to turn on again. At the repair office they replaced the charger, cleaned the laptop and sent me an offer for a new bottom and top cover . They told me the damages were mechanical and I caused them !
    On 25.02.2013 my laptop refused to turn on again and had to bring it for repair again. They give it back to me with changed charger on 28.02.2013. This time I got blamed for the bad conditions at our office, although there was no other case of a broken only equipment for the last four years except the laptop.
    On the 30.07.2013 I left the laptop again for repair . This time I chose another maintenance office that works with Toshiba. The plastic parts of the laptop were so bent and melted that this time no one could say that I've broken it . The laptop was heating like a stove... Through the warranty, the bottom cover was replaced , but not the top cover. Its lower part, which is close to the fan and to the display, was also visibly melted.. The repair was completed on the 14.08.2013.

  • Qosmio X300 - Crashes while playing Call of Duty

    I bought Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 2 couple days ago and when I play the game for like 30-60 min, my screen turns black, and my sound freezes; starting to sound like a chainsaw.
    I've downloaded the latest graphic driver, but it didnt help. Anyone have a clue of what I can do?
    I run a Qosmio X300 32bit Vista Intel Core 2 Duo Cpu T9600 @ 2,80 GHZ, 4GB RAM the game runs fine, but its starting to get annoying to turn off and on my computer every half an our to play the game.
    Any help would be appreticated.
    Regards Blood$urge ;)

    Could you please update me on this issue (X300-15G)? I have same issue here.
    Nvidia crashed Nwn2 with the supported out of date driver, so updated to a newer version 195.62, but the gpu went above 100C and laptop auto switched off to prevent damage.
    So then I used a large fan in my room directed on the laptop, I had to wear sweater as to not to catch flu, not joking, but this way the game never crashed (tested through about 24 hours including 8-hour non-stop) and laptop never switched off. I dont want to do this though. and I know that unsuported drivers are to be used on one's own risk, but I thought I bought a gaming computer, so you see I need to do something to play...
    Older driver crashed nwn2, crashed civ4 if I set antialias, showed texture artifacts in homm4 etc, so you see supported driver is useless for playing - at least older - games on win7 x64. It is extremely out of date.
    I will try a full recovery from scratch someday (actually I donot think it will fix anything regarding mentioned games), but until then please inform me if there is a better fix.
    Btw, In my oppininon it is not fair from toshiba that it does not release up-to-date nvidia drivers for X300 series, since supposedly this is a gaming laptop.

  • Qosmio X300-14N - BSOD if I play games and can't update display driver

    Hi every one,
    I bought a Qosmio X300-14N last week in France.
    But every time I try to play a game ---almost every game--- I got a nmlddmkm problem with a "video driver has stopped responding and has been recovered" message
    I try to update my display driver, but any one I found on the Nv site cannot be installed. Even the link from the Toshiba support.
    Then I thought this could be a temperature problem, I download a Nvidia system monitor and try to check the problem, but this made it even worse, every time I double clicked the monitor short cut leads me to a Blue Screen...
    I am now completely mad with this computer. Hoping some one can help?
    By the way Im using Vista 64
    this is my system
    Processor: Intel(R) Core(TM)2 Quad CPU Q9000 @ 2.00GHz (4 CPUs), ~2.0GHz
    Memory: 4gb ram
    graohic card:2*geforce9800m gts 512mb

    If you haven't done so search Google, Yahoo, etc- the exact error message your seeing. This problem isn't unique to Toshiba, but more so seems to be an issue directly with Nvidia. I have tried all the canned responses, download this, update that and patch everything I could find. Still, the issue still exisits. After about 9mths of off and on problems, at the advice of Toshiba I dropped it off at the local certified repair center. They worked on the thing for 3-4wks and were unable to repair. They went as far as to replace the video card, and mainboard.
    After receiveing my un-fixed Qosmio from the repair center I called Toshiba- they informed me that I would have to send it directly to them as to be evaluated by one of there engineers. Basically the answer at this point is don't waste your time on it- ship it directly to them.

  • Qosmio X300 - Can't write disk after firmware update

    I have a serious proble. After a firmware-update for my pioneer dvd-drive I can't write anything anymore on disks.
    I really need some help there

    I just received my new drive and installed it on my Qosmio x300 13E.
    It is a LG GBW-T10N drive and it works perfectly. The included software allows me in combination with the newest driver for the nvidia gforce x9800 graphic controller to upscale films to a full HD resolution.
    It is absolutely amazing. I just had to try it with a normal dvd and I had a full HD entertainment on my flat screen tv.
    The replacement of the broken drive was easy. You simply need to loosen one screw on the bottom of the notebook and then you simply pill it out.
    If anyone wants to do it too, I can give accurate advice for it.

  • Need advice on buying a Qosmio G20-126

    Hi everybody,
    I was just passing by a local electronics shop in a mall when I found a Toshiba Qosmio G20-126 on sell for $ 1361.47. And those are the specifications for the laptop:
    Processor: Intel Pentium Centrino M770 / 2.13 GHz Data Bus Speed: 533 MHz, 2MB Cache memory
    Ram: 2 x 512 MB DDR II SDRAM - 533 MHz
    Storage: 2X Hard Drive: 100 GB - Serial ATA-150 - 5400 rpm
    CD-ROM: DVD±RW (+R double layer) / DVD-RAM
    Card Reader Type: 5 in 1 card reader, Blue Tooth, IR, Remote Control
    Display Screen: 17" TFT active matrix, Max Resolution: 1440 x 900 ( WXGA+), Colour support: 24-bit (16.7 million colours), TruBrite
    Video card: 128 MB NVIDIA GeForce Go 6600 - PCI Express x16
    I have a LG-P1 laptop and That??s is specifications:
    Processor: Intel Core Duo L2400 1.83 GHz ( Dual-Core ), 2MB Cache Memory
    Ram: 512 MB DDR II SDRAM - 667 MHz - PC2-5300
    Stroge: 80 GB - 4200 rpm
    CD-ROM: Double Layer DVD-Writer
    Display Screen: 15.4" TFT active matrix 1280 x 800 ( WXGA )
    Card Reader 5 in 1, Bluesoul, A Fingerprint Reader, 5.1 CH sound, SRS sound.
    Video Card: ATI Mobility Radeon X1400 (256 MB)
    Now, the sell??s man told me that all the parts in the G20 are dedicated and exactly similar to desktop parts. Meaning, that I can upgrade the laptop normally as if I am upgrading a Desktop (Processor, Sound Card, Video Card, Ram). Is that True? And If so, Can I Replace my CD-ROM with a H-DVD one as well? Finally Do you recommend me to buy the G20 or stick with my P1 and why?
    Please help, I waiting for your replays.

    Oh man, wasnt I clear enough? Its a little bit annoying, two people already told you:
    You cannot upgrade ANYTHING on that machine. NOTHING!
    You can just put more RAM into it. But thats the end of line. No VGA, no CPU etc...
    And if the vga card is REALLY dedicated, then where would you try to get another if no one excepting toshiba provides just 1 model of that vga especially for that machine.
    You have to dig it that a notebook is ABSOLUTELY NO DESKTOP and is NOT UPGRADEBLE.
    That means no replacing of parts like in a desktop.
    Sorry for my rough words, but I thought it was clear and I am not writing in chinese. :)

  • Re: Qosmio F50-126 - Freezes when on battery power

    *hey everyone*
    I bought my Qosmio F50-126 couple of months ago with 3 year international warranty. There is something about the notebook which really irritates me--- *THE FREEEZEE*.
    I have noticed that when I am watching a video on any player and any format, the whole computer freeezess *for 1 or 3 seconds and resumes* by itself *But the interesting thing is that it ONLY happens when running on battery*. It runns like a dream when running on ac with battery being charged. *IT INCREDIBLY annoying*
    When your into the movie and lights are off and your in ur comfly warm bed. The WHOLE computer freezes with the audio jittering. It only happens for 1 or 2 seconds but it occurance is *COMPLETLY RANDOM.* If the laptop is in the mood of watching the movie it only freezes 2 or 3 times but sometimes it just get on my nerve.
    I disabled my kaspersky and other random process runing. Please help me!
    *Just for the note: It only happens the freeze only happens when running on battery*. Oh- hope this help
    I notices that my HDD light on the notebook doesnt blink that often when on battery and playing the video so its not the load time the reason... also...SAME RESULT WHEN I RUN ON HIGH PERFORMACE, BALANCED or power saver---actually powersaver is *_THE WORST.... BYE... PLESE HELP ME OR MY LIFE IS DOOM_*

    hey-- i'm amazed with the quick reply.. thank you.. okay back to the notebook
    Yes, i did install nvidia driver from there website, 9700M GTS driver. The lastest one there is. You are correct about the heating problem but i believe its with all the qosmio because after reading a thread on it about the GPU temperature, i think it normal which it shouldnt be. Like, when doing normal work, the gpu temps hovers around 60 C but when playing game,, max it reached was 105 C when ruinnin the game at max performancel. Forexample, farcry 2 when on ultra high runs smooth with the gpu temp around 101 but when everythikng low,, back to 'normal' temp 60. But the gpu temp isnt mine concern. My concern is the freeze. So you mentioned about Toshiba Display Driver and i will give it a test and see if makes any differnce. I hope it does but i'm afraid it might downgrade my graphic power frame rates but i will still give it a go and see if it makes any diference. Also, sometimes, my display driver stops working, the nvidia website downloaded driver.
    And final answer to the second post,,, umm..i dont remember,, its just these few days its getting on my nerve and decided to post a thread on the internet.
    hope this helppp... so..im goin to toshiba driver and download the display driver and see if that make a differnce.i hope it does..
    bytheway... only thing i dont understand is why doesnt it freeze my runin on ac?

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    Windows 7 came out today and I saw a good review of improved pen input so I thought I would install it on my Pavilion tx 2000 which I have had running Vista Home Premium since June 2008. Upgrade installation succeeded, except I was told to delete the

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    Hi The requirement here is to determine the correct sales org for the employee logged in when creating an activity (a customer visit). We know that all employees will belong to one sales org. On this basis, in the organisational data determination I

  • First Mac

    Hi I am going to buy a Mac with my own money, although I know my parents will help me if the price gets to high. I am going to be using some photo editing and video editing programs and iWork. I also want to be able to play minecraft and portal 2 fla

  • Forced data plan

    I'm eligible for a new phone in Jan 2010. I currently have 4 Samsung Alias 2's on a family plan. The Alias 2 phone is listed as a free upgrade, so I figured I'd get 4 more of them. But, now it lists a requirement to purchase a data plan for each Alia

  • Can anyone help me with a tagging problem?

    I have the latest version of ITunes on my Windows 7 machine. The problem I am having is as follows, I tag a song on my IPod and it shows up in the playlist as it should. When I go to buy it however, it won't purchase. Can someone please help me solve