Query and timeout

On my BSP application a call a query with RSAQ_REMOTE_QUERY_CALL .... Problem : this function spend 6 minutes... SO I have alway a timeout ...
IS somebody know how to fix this issue ?

<a href="/people/mark.finnern/blog/2003/09/24/bsp-in-depth-confusion-between-stateless-stateful-and-authentication">BSP In-Depth: Confusion between Stateless, Stateful and Authentication</a> does have a sidebar that explains about the different timers that can mess up your application.

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    MCM 2008
    MCSM:Data Platform Charter Member

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    Thanks In advance

    In OBIEE terms the logical query is how you query the BI Server, the Presentation services sends logical SQL to the BI Server, you can also write your own using JDBC , pull from BI Server using ODI etc.
    The BI Server engine takes this logical query and writes (a number of) phyiscal querie(s) to satisfy the logical request, depeninding on how your BMM and Physical layer is setup. There are a number of rules the BI Server evaluates before deciding the most appropriate Physical query to generate, rules include Physical Joins, Aggregate tales / Hierarchy levels and so on.
    Hope this helps,
    Good luck with interview :-)

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    Is BI Publisher desktop (MS Word add-in) a possibility? This would allow you to use MS Word to create your output template (RTF) that would result in a properly formatted PDF. Of course, you'd have to right an updated version of the query without HTML embedded. Just thinking outside of the box.

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    And also click on check option by opening the query in Query designer,as Mr . Arun suggested.
    And if you get any error in checking, see the long message(detail).
    With rgds,
    Anil Kumar Sharma .P

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    Set the following on your af:query component
    SaveQueryMode = hidden
    ModeChangeVisible = false
    This should work for you ..

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                                                                                    thank you

    A/R invoice
    for name UDF:
    SELECT T0.CardName FROM OCRD T0 WHERE T0.CardCode = $[OINV.CardCode]
    for balance UDF:
    SELECT T0.Balance FROM OCRD T0 WHERE T0.CardCode = $[OINV.CardCode]
    A/P invoice
    for name UDF:
    SELECT T0.CardName FROM OCRD T0 WHERE T0.CardCode = $[OPCH.CardCode]
    for balance UDF:
    SELECT T0.Balance FROM OCRD T0 WHERE T0.CardCode = $[OPCH.CardCode]
    OPCH  is the table name, change it to other table.
    save the query and set it to customer code for refresh in A/R invoice
    save the query and set it to Vendor code for refresh in A/P invoice

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    Goto RSA1 and then Transport Connection -> In SAP Transports select Object Types-> Query Elements -> Then select Query->Give Technical name of the query and then select for transfer. In the right side you can choose the components which you wanted to transport.

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    say for example your customer hierarchy is customers grouped under region. You can maintain this region as one of the attribute of customer and you can display this attribute in the report. Indirectly, this will give similar output to that of hierarchy.
    But lot depends on how your hierarchy is formed, before commenting whether it can be moved to master data attributes.

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    tp gc
    version: gc.library (2003.11.03)

    In your Query and Parse step you should see a termination character window. As explained in the help window when you move the mouse over the termination character window, this character terminates the read session. The default is \n or a line feed. When your instrument sends two lines, the first line ends with a line feed and the read stops before the second line is read. Set the term character to none to read the entire line. Your instrument probably requires a termination character at the end of the string you're sending so put the termination character in the command line (i.e. gc\n).

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    Also do you have to set the UDF as type "general", and "link"?
    Please take me thru step?

    oh good - a discussion about whether to use "link" or "image" when having an image connected to a product!!!
    Billy and Suda - We had fun with this one some time ago in a project collecting additional data and images for the customer's products on the market.  As we were ramping up the project, we tried both ways of connecting an image to a product and there was a few drawbacks we found with using the UDF type of "General" and "Image":
    1.  The image was placed directly on the UDF portion on the Item Master - they were working in large TIFF (?) formats and the picture just looked horrible.  The approving manager could not tell if the image should be approved for press or not.  When he double-clicked on the image in the UDF portion it brought up another SAP window that wasn't quite crystal clear.
    2.  The image took up so much room on the UDF portion of the Item Master that the data entry personnel had to constantly scroll down to enter the other data points (color, size, branded promo, mixture, etc - there were about 12 fields).  Talk about being ticked!
    3.  While using the "General" and "Link" it addressed those concerns BUT there was one extra enormous advantage with this General/Link method.  When the image was brought up, it opened up the image automatically in a standard picture editor/manager program.  If they liked what they saw, they continued foward with the approval of the image for press runs.  If they did not like the image, they were able to manipulate the image at the moment and then follow through with approval (time saver for sure!).
    I am sure it all boils down to what the customer requirements are, but some other clients I demoed this to wanted to switch immediately after seeing that!  But definitely something to think about if you are planning on connecting an image to a product...
    Oh and she really is correct, Billy - I have never heard of anyone linking a query to a "link" or "image" type...I don' t know how you would even do that as the "link" or "image" selection leads you directly into the attachment and/or storage path and location...
    take care - Zal

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    We followed below steps Enable Create New Query and Personalize in Check Status
    Go to the role of the user - PFCG - Authorizations - Change authorization data - Cross-application authorization objects - authorizations for Personal Object Work List (POWL) iViews
    Specified the application ID POWL_APPID - SAPSRM_E_CHECKSTATUS
    What should be done to enable define query and personalize for all users.
    We have changed the following settings -
    In activity POWL_CAT - '??' , POWL_LSEL-DISALLOWED - POWL_QUERY - ?? , POWL_RA_AL - ?? , POWL_TABLE - ??.
    With our current settings Create New Query and Personalize in Check Status appear but are disabled (greyed out)
    New Query Button appears but clicking on it produces no output.
    Edited by: Nikhil Malvankar on Sep 12, 2011 5:57 AM

    You could the following to check if the Query still exists in the database:
    Open SQL Management Studio and connect to the SQL Server hosting the ConfigMgr database
    In SQL Managemnt Studio, Expand Database, Expand CM_YourSiteCode
    Expand tables and find the dbo.Queries table
    Right-click the dbo.Queries table and select Select Top 1000 Rows
    See if you can find your "ghost" Query
    Please note - it IS NOT supported
    to make direct changes to ConfigMgr database so I would properly call PSS on this one before you start getting creative.

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    2. select Workflow manager.
    3. Click on EDIT button-->Advanced(Step 1)--->next(step 2)--->next(step 3)---"ERROR"
    This record has already been updated by another user. Please re-query and try again. ORA-06512: at "APPS.FND_SVC_COMP_PARAM_VALS_PKG", line 288 ORA-06512: at line 1

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