Query Estimated Completion Time

Hello ,
   Good Morning. I recently started supporting new set of databases from different team and I am having the problem of
figuring out how much time Stored procedure is going to take to complete?
Some of the queries take few hours and I am pretty much left in the dark and I don't have historical knowledge of those stored procedures.
I am trying to figure out is there any options available to figure out the estimated completion time for a given query or operation?.
How does other folks solve this problem?
sys.dm_exec_requests DMV's estimated completion time is 0. 
I understand the time to complete a query depends on numerous factors ( CPUS, other running processes, Preemptive/non preemptive mode, blocking, page reads, writes, etc ,etc ).
I am really interested in knowing how other people handle this problem because its new set of databases for me.
Appreciate your help.

Taken from Glenn Berry's excellent SQL Server Diagnostic Queries:
-- Top Cached SPs By Avg Elapsed Time
SELECT TOP(25) p.name AS [SP Name], qs.total_elapsed_time/qs.execution_count AS [avg_elapsed_time],
qs.total_elapsed_time, qs.execution_count, ISNULL(qs.execution_count/DATEDIFF(Second, qs.cached_time,
GETDATE()), 0) AS [Calls/Second], qs.total_worker_time/qs.execution_count AS [AvgWorkerTime],
qs.total_worker_time AS [TotalWorkerTime], qs.cached_time
FROM sys.procedures AS p WITH (NOLOCK)
INNER JOIN sys.dm_exec_procedure_stats AS qs WITH (NOLOCK)
ON p.[object_id] = qs.[object_id]
WHERE qs.database_id = DB_ID()
This will give you an indicator of just how slow, the slowest Stored Procedures are in the Plan Cache.
You can easily tweak the above query to look at all historically executed SPs or filter for just those that you are interested in looking at.
Of course this is all retrospective information. The only way to know for sure how long a given stored procedure is going to take to run, is to run it.
John Sansom | SQL Server MCM
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    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_exec_sql_text(req.sql_handle) as sqltext
    WHERE session_id != @@SPID
    connection_id blocking_session_id wait_type wait_time last_wait_type wait_resource open_transaction_count open_resultset_count transaction_id context_info percent_complete estimated_completion_time cpu_time total_elapsed_time
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    FROM sys.dm_exec_requests WHERE session_id=54
    session_id percent_complete Estimated_finish_time Total_Elapsed_Time_MINS Database_Name command sql_handle
    54 0 NA 39 AFTOOLS SELECT 0x020000006088211F8613526B75F454C7B037FDF904DAB452

    You would need to be a sysadmin on the remote server to see what is going on.
    From your previous message, this will never work.  This will always be slow, you will never be happy using linked server to query this server.  You would be better off creating either transactional replication or some other method of getting that
    table local.

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    (3,'Received','10/30/2014 13:10'),(3,'Logged','10/30/2014 15:10'),(3,'Sent','10/30/2014 16:10'),(3,'Complete','10/30/2014 17:10')
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    from orders WHERE action IN ('Complete','Received')) t
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                     "LEGAL ENTITY",
                     "Legal Entity Description",
                     DECODE(sign("Market_Value"),-1,DeCode(SigN("Recovery"),-1,"Recovery",('-'||"Recovery")), ABS("Recovery")) as "Recovery"
                     le.name "LEGAL ENTITY",
                     le.display_name "Legal Entity Description",
                     mn4.display_name "Cluster",
                     mn3.display_name "Sub_Cluster",
                     bookname.display_name "Account",
                     (SELECT RATING_NAME
                        FROM moody_rating
                       where moody_rating_id = i.moody_rating_id) "Moody_Rating",
                     to_char(to_date(:v_cob_date,'DD-MM-YY'),'YYYYMMDD') "Process_Date",
                     ss.issuer "Merge_Description",
                     PART.MARS_ISSUER "is_id_ic",
                     PART.PARTICIPANT_NAME "is_n",
                     NULL "cusip",
                     NULL "isin",
                     NULL "credit_spread_PV01",
                     NULL "amount",
                     sum(mtmsens.sensitivity_value) "Market_Value",
                     (SELECT distinct cc.CCY
                        FROM legacy_country CC
                       INNER JOIN MARSNODE MN ON CC.countryisocode = MN.NAME
                                             and mn.close_date is null
                                                  AND MNT.NAME = 'COUNTRY'
                                                  and mnt.close_date is null
                       where MN.NODE_ID = part.country_domicile_id
                         and cc.begin_cob_date <= :v_cob_date
                         and cc.end_cob_date > :v_cob_date
                         and rownum < 2) "Currency",
                     'CREDITSPREADMARKETVALUE' "Sensitivity_Type",
                     NULL "maturity_Date",
                     NULL "Exception_Flag",
                     NULL "Base_Security_Id",
                     sum(ss.sensitivity_value) "Recovery"
                     from staging_position sp
                left JOIN position p on (
                                         p.feed_instance_id = sp.feed_instance_id
                                     AND p.feed_row_id = sp.feed_row_id)
                left JOIN staging_instrument si on (si.feed_instance_id =
                                                   sp.feed_instance_id AND
                                                   si.position_key =
                left join book b on (b.book_id = p.book_id and
                                    b.begin_cob_date <= :v_cob_date and
                                    b.end_cob_date > :v_cob_date)
                left join marsnode bk on (b.book_id = bk.node_id and
                                         bk.close_date is null)
                left join marsnode le on (b.leg_ent_id = le.node_id and
                                         le.close_date is null)
                left join marsnode bookname on (bookname.node_id = p.book_id and
                                               bookname.close_date is null)
                left join marsnodelink mnl on p.book_id = mnl.node_id
                                          and :v_bus_org_hier_id =
                                          and mnl.close_date is null
                                          and :v_cob_date >= mnl.begin_cob_date
                                          and :v_cob_date < mnl.end_cob_date
                left join marsnode mn on mn.node_id = mnl.parent_id
                                     and mn.close_date is null
                left join marsnodelink mnl2 on mn.node_id = mnl2.node_id
                                           and :v_bus_org_hier_id =
                                           and mnl2.close_date is null
                                           and :v_cob_date >= mnl2.begin_cob_date
                                           and :v_cob_date < mnl2.end_cob_date
                left join marsnode mn2 on mn2.node_id = mnl2.parent_id
                                      and mn2.close_date is null
                left join marsnodelink mnl3 on mn2.node_id = mnl3.node_id
                                           and :v_bus_org_hier_id =
                                           and mnl3.close_date is null
                                           and :v_cob_date >= mnl3.begin_cob_date
                                           and :v_cob_date < mnl3.end_cob_date
                left join marsnode mn3 on mn3.node_id = mnl3.parent_id
                                      and mn3.close_date is null
                left join marsnodelink mnl4 on mn3.node_id = mnl4.node_id
                                           and :v_bus_org_hier_id =
                                           and mnl4.close_date is null
                                           and :v_cob_date >= mnl4.begin_cob_date
                                           and :v_cob_date < mnl4.end_cob_date
                left join marsnode mn4 on mn4.node_id = mnl4.parent_id
                                      and mn4.close_date is null
              --sensitivity data
                                                    sp.FEED_INSTANCE_ID AND
                                                    ss.FEED_ROW_ID =
              --sensitivity data
                left JOIN STAGING_SENSITIVITY mtmsens ON (mtmsens.FEED_INSTANCE_ID =
                                                         sp.FEED_INSTANCE_ID AND
                                                         mtmsens.FEED_ROW_ID =
                LEFT join xref_domain_value_map XREF on (XREF.Src_Value =
                                                        ss.issuer and
                                                        XREF.close_action_id is null and
                                                        XREF.Begin_Cob_Date <=
                                                        :v_cob_date and
                                                        XREF.End_Cob_Date >
                                                        :v_cob_date AND
                                                        xref.domain_map_id = 601 AND
                                                        xref.source_system_id = 307 AND xref.ISSUE_ID is not null)
                Left join ISSUE i on (i.issue_id = xref.issue_id)
                LEFT join participant PART ON (PART.PARTICIPANT_ID =
                                              XREF.TGT_VALUE and
                                              PART.Close_Action_Id is null and
                                              PART.Begin_Cob_Date <= :v_cob_date and
                                              PART.End_Cob_Date > :v_cob_date)
                left join moody_rating RATING on (rating.moody_rating_id =
               where sp.feed_instance_id in
                     (select fbi.feed_instance_id
                      from   feed_book_status fbi ,
                             feed_instance fi
                      where  fbi.cob_date = :v_cob_date
                      and    fbi.feed_instance_id = fi.feed_instance_id
                      and    fi.feed_id in (
                                           select feed_id from feed_group_xref where feed_group_id in (
                                               select feed_group_id from feed_group where description like 'CDO Feeds')
                                               and close_action_id is null
                 and sp.Feed_Row_Status_Id = 1
                 and ss.sensitivity_type = 'CREDITSPREADDEFAULT'
                 and mtmsens.sensitivity_type = 'MTMVALUE'
                 and le.name='161'
                 group by le.name,
                        bookname.display_name) And the explain plan
    SELECT STATEMENT, GOAL = CHOOSE               Cost=19365     Cardinality=1     Bytes=731
    TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MOODY_RATING     Cost=1     Cardinality=1     Bytes=9
      INDEX UNIQUE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=PK_MOODY_RATING     Cost=0     Cardinality=1     
    HASH UNIQUE               Cost=77     Cardinality=1     Bytes=488
      COUNT STOPKEY                         
       HASH JOIN               Cost=76     Cardinality=1     Bytes=488
        NESTED LOOPS               Cost=68     Cardinality=1     Bytes=460
         HASH JOIN               Cost=66     Cardinality=1     Bytes=450
          HASH JOIN               Cost=59     Cardinality=1     Bytes=412
           NESTED LOOPS               Cost=51     Cardinality=1     Bytes=402
            HASH JOIN               Cost=49     Cardinality=1     Bytes=392
             NESTED LOOPS               Cost=42     Cardinality=1     Bytes=359
              NESTED LOOPS               Cost=40     Cardinality=1     Bytes=349
               NESTED LOOPS               Cost=37     Cardinality=1     Bytes=300
                NESTED LOOPS               Cost=34     Cardinality=1     Bytes=251
                 HASH JOIN               Cost=32     Cardinality=1     Bytes=241
                  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSNODE     Cost=3     Cardinality=1     Bytes=27
                   NESTED LOOPS               Cost=24     Cardinality=1     Bytes=231
                    NESTED LOOPS               Cost=21     Cardinality=1     Bytes=204
                     NESTED LOOPS               Cost=18     Cardinality=1     Bytes=171
                      NESTED LOOPS               Cost=16     Cardinality=1     Bytes=136
                       NESTED LOOPS               Cost=13     Cardinality=1     Bytes=86
                        NESTED LOOPS               Cost=10     Cardinality=1     Bytes=37
                         VIEW     Object owner=MARS          Cost=7     Cardinality=1     Bytes=10
                           CONNECT BY WITH FILTERING                         
                            TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSNODELINK               
                             INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=FKI_15632_PARENT_ID     Cost=3     Cardinality=250     Bytes=2500
                              HASH JOIN               Cost=5     Cardinality=1     Bytes=62
                               TABLE ACCESS FULL     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSHIERARCHY     Cost=2     Cardinality=1     Bytes=27
                               TABLE ACCESS FULL     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSHIERARCHYROOT     Cost=2     Cardinality=5     Bytes=175
                            NESTED LOOPS                         
                             CONNECT BY PUMP                         
                             TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSNODELINK     Cost=7     Cardinality=1     Bytes=39
                              INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=IDX_MNL_HI_PI_NI     Cost=3     Cardinality=4     
                           TABLE ACCESS FULL     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSHIERARCHY     Cost=2     Cardinality=1     Bytes=27
                         TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSNODE     Cost=3     Cardinality=1     Bytes=27
                          INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=PK_MARSNODE     Cost=2     Cardinality=1     
                        TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSNODE     Cost=3     Cardinality=1     Bytes=49
                         INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=PK_MARSNODE     Cost=2     Cardinality=1     
                       TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSNODE     Cost=3     Cardinality=1     Bytes=50
                        INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=PK_MARSNODE     Cost=2     Cardinality=1     
                      TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSNODETYPE     Cost=2     Cardinality=1     Bytes=35
                       INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=PK_MARSNODETYPE     Cost=1     Cardinality=1     
                     TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=NODE_ASSOC     Cost=3     Cardinality=1     Bytes=33
                      INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=PK_NODE_ASSOC     Cost=1     Cardinality=3     
                    INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=PK_MARSNODE     Cost=2     Cardinality=1     
                  VIEW     Object owner=MARS          Cost=7     Cardinality=1     Bytes=10
                    CONNECT BY WITH FILTERING                         
                     TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSNODELINK               
                      INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=FKI_15632_PARENT_ID     Cost=3     Cardinality=250     Bytes=2500
                       HASH JOIN               Cost=5     Cardinality=1     Bytes=62
                        TABLE ACCESS FULL     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSHIERARCHY     Cost=2     Cardinality=1     Bytes=27
                        TABLE ACCESS FULL     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSHIERARCHYROOT     Cost=2     Cardinality=5     Bytes=175
                     NESTED LOOPS                         
                      CONNECT BY PUMP                         
                      TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSNODELINK     Cost=7     Cardinality=1     Bytes=39
                       INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=IDX_MNL_HI_PI_NI     Cost=3     Cardinality=4     
                    TABLE ACCESS FULL     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSHIERARCHY     Cost=2     Cardinality=1     Bytes=27
                 INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=PK_MARSNODE     Cost=2     Cardinality=1     Bytes=10
                TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=NODE_ASSOC     Cost=3     Cardinality=1     Bytes=49
                 INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=PK_NODE_ASSOC     Cost=1     Cardinality=3     
               TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSNODE     Cost=3     Cardinality=1     Bytes=49
                INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=PK_MARSNODE     Cost=2     Cardinality=1     
              INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=PK_MARSNODE     Cost=2     Cardinality=1     Bytes=10
             VIEW     Object owner=MARS          Cost=7     Cardinality=1     Bytes=33
               CONNECT BY WITH FILTERING                         
                TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSNODELINK               
                 INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=FKI_15632_PARENT_ID     Cost=3     Cardinality=250     Bytes=2500
                  HASH JOIN               Cost=5     Cardinality=1     Bytes=62
                   TABLE ACCESS FULL     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSHIERARCHY     Cost=2     Cardinality=1     Bytes=27
                   TABLE ACCESS FULL     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSHIERARCHYROOT     Cost=2     Cardinality=5     Bytes=175
                NESTED LOOPS                         
                 CONNECT BY PUMP                         
                 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSNODELINK     Cost=7     Cardinality=1     Bytes=39
                  INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=IDX_MNL_HI_PI_NI     Cost=3     Cardinality=4     
               TABLE ACCESS FULL     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSHIERARCHY     Cost=2     Cardinality=1     Bytes=27
            INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=PK_MARSNODE     Cost=2     Cardinality=1     Bytes=10
           VIEW     Object owner=MARS          Cost=7     Cardinality=1     Bytes=10
             CONNECT BY WITH FILTERING                         
              TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSNODELINK               
               INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=FKI_15632_PARENT_ID     Cost=3     Cardinality=250     Bytes=2500
                HASH JOIN               Cost=5     Cardinality=1     Bytes=62
                 TABLE ACCESS FULL     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSHIERARCHY     Cost=2     Cardinality=1     Bytes=27
                 TABLE ACCESS FULL     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSHIERARCHYROOT     Cost=2     Cardinality=5     Bytes=175
              NESTED LOOPS                         
               CONNECT BY PUMP                         
               TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSNODELINK     Cost=7     Cardinality=1     Bytes=39
                INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=IDX_MNL_HI_PI_NI     Cost=3     Cardinality=4     
             TABLE ACCESS FULL     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSHIERARCHY     Cost=2     Cardinality=1     Bytes=27
          VIEW     Object owner=MARS          Cost=7     Cardinality=1     Bytes=38
            CONNECT BY WITH FILTERING                         
             TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSNODELINK               
              INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=FKI_15632_PARENT_ID     Cost=3     Cardinality=250     Bytes=2500
               HASH JOIN               Cost=5     Cardinality=1     Bytes=62
                TABLE ACCESS FULL     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSHIERARCHY     Cost=2     Cardinality=1     Bytes=27
                TABLE ACCESS FULL     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSHIERARCHYROOT     Cost=2     Cardinality=5     Bytes=175
             NESTED LOOPS                         
              CONNECT BY PUMP                         
              TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSNODELINK     Cost=7     Cardinality=1     Bytes=57
               INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=IDX_MNL_HI_PI_NI     Cost=3     Cardinality=4     
            TABLE ACCESS FULL     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSHIERARCHY     Cost=2     Cardinality=1     Bytes=36
         INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=PK_MARSNODE     Cost=2     Cardinality=1     Bytes=10
        VIEW     Object owner=MARS          Cost=7     Cardinality=1     Bytes=28
          CONNECT BY WITH FILTERING                         
           TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSNODELINK               
            INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=FKI_15632_PARENT_ID     Cost=3     Cardinality=250     Bytes=2500
             HASH JOIN               Cost=5     Cardinality=1     Bytes=62
              TABLE ACCESS FULL     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSHIERARCHY     Cost=2     Cardinality=1     Bytes=27
              TABLE ACCESS FULL     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSHIERARCHYROOT     Cost=2     Cardinality=5     Bytes=175
           NESTED LOOPS                         
            CONNECT BY PUMP                         
            TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSNODELINK     Cost=7     Cardinality=1     Bytes=57
             INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=IDX_MNL_HI_PI_NI     Cost=3     Cardinality=4     
          TABLE ACCESS FULL     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSHIERARCHY     Cost=2     Cardinality=1     Bytes=27
      VIEW     Object owner=MARS          Cost=19365     Cardinality=1     Bytes=731
       HASH GROUP BY               Cost=19365     Cardinality=1     Bytes=1112
        NESTED LOOPS OUTER               Cost=19364     Cardinality=1     Bytes=1112
         NESTED LOOPS OUTER               Cost=19361     Cardinality=1     Bytes=1040
          NESTED LOOPS OUTER               Cost=19361     Cardinality=1     Bytes=1037
           NESTED LOOPS OUTER               Cost=19360     Cardinality=1     Bytes=1019
            NESTED LOOPS OUTER               Cost=19357     Cardinality=1     Bytes=951
             NESTED LOOPS OUTER               Cost=19354     Cardinality=1     Bytes=914
              NESTED LOOPS OUTER               Cost=19351     Cardinality=1     Bytes=877
               NESTED LOOPS OUTER               Cost=19337     Cardinality=1     Bytes=820
                NESTED LOOPS OUTER               Cost=19334     Cardinality=1     Bytes=783
                 NESTED LOOPS OUTER               Cost=19320     Cardinality=1     Bytes=726
                  NESTED LOOPS OUTER               Cost=19317     Cardinality=1     Bytes=707
                   NESTED LOOPS OUTER               Cost=19303     Cardinality=1     Bytes=650
                    NESTED LOOPS OUTER               Cost=19300     Cardinality=1     Bytes=613
                     NESTED LOOPS               Cost=19285     Cardinality=1     Bytes=556
                      NESTED LOOPS               Cost=19280     Cardinality=1     Bytes=443
                       NESTED LOOPS OUTER               Cost=19275     Cardinality=1     Bytes=330
                        HASH JOIN RIGHT SEMI               Cost=17457     Cardinality=1     Bytes=248
                         VIEW     Object owner=SYS     Object name=VW_NSO_1     Cost=1119     Cardinality=30     Bytes=150
                          HASH JOIN               Cost=1119     Cardinality=30     Bytes=2040
                           TABLE ACCESS FULL     Object owner=MARS     Object name=FEED_GROUP     Cost=2     Cardinality=5     Bytes=120
                           HASH JOIN               Cost=1116     Cardinality=1607     Bytes=70708
                            TABLE ACCESS FULL     Object owner=MARS     Object name=FEED_GROUP_XREF     Cost=13     Cardinality=701     Bytes=14721
                            HASH JOIN               Cost=1102     Cardinality=3602     Bytes=82846
                             INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=IDX_FBS_CD_FII_BI     Cost=22     Cardinality=3602     Bytes=46826
                             TABLE ACCESS FULL     Object owner=MARS     Object name=FEED_INSTANCE     Cost=1024     Cardinality=670264     Bytes=6702640
                         NESTED LOOPS               Cost=16337     Cardinality=324     Bytes=78732
                          HASH JOIN               Cost=14324     Cardinality=1977     Bytes=302481
                           NESTED LOOPS OUTER               Cost=11     Cardinality=1     Bytes=114
                            NESTED LOOPS               Cost=8     Cardinality=1     Bytes=95
                             TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSNODE     Cost=5     Cardinality=1     Bytes=59
                              INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=IDX_NODE1     Cost=3     Cardinality=2     
                             TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=BOOK     Cost=3     Cardinality=2     Bytes=72
                              INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=IDX_BOOK_LEI_BCD     Cost=2     Cardinality=4     
                            TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSNODE     Cost=3     Cardinality=1     Bytes=19
                             INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=PK_MARSNODE     Cost=2     Cardinality=1     
                           PARTITION RANGE ALL               Cost=13995     Cardinality=3854299     Bytes=150317661
                            TABLE ACCESS FULL     Object owner=MARS     Object name=POSITION     Cost=13995     Cardinality=3854299     Bytes=150317661
                          PARTITION RANGE ITERATOR               Cost=2     Cardinality=1     Bytes=90
                           PARTITION HASH ITERATOR               Cost=2     Cardinality=1     Bytes=90
                            TABLE ACCESS BY LOCAL INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=STAGING_POSITION     Cost=2     Cardinality=1     Bytes=90
                             INDEX UNIQUE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=PK_STAGINGPOSITON     Cost=1     Cardinality=1     
                        PARTITION HASH ITERATOR               Cost=1819     Cardinality=1     Bytes=82
                         TABLE ACCESS BY LOCAL INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=STAGING_INSTRUMENT     Cost=1819     Cardinality=1     Bytes=82
                          INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=PK_STAGINGINSTRUMENT     Cost=9     Cardinality=2551     
                       PARTITION RANGE ITERATOR               Cost=5     Cardinality=1     Bytes=113
                        PARTITION HASH ITERATOR               Cost=5     Cardinality=1     Bytes=113
                         TABLE ACCESS BY LOCAL INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=STAGING_SENSITIVITY     Cost=5     Cardinality=1     Bytes=113
                          INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=IDX_SENSITIVITY_FEED_ROW_ID     Cost=3     Cardinality=8     
                      PARTITION RANGE ITERATOR               Cost=5     Cardinality=1     Bytes=113
                       PARTITION HASH ITERATOR               Cost=5     Cardinality=1     Bytes=113
                        TABLE ACCESS BY LOCAL INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=STAGING_SENSITIVITY     Cost=5     Cardinality=1     Bytes=113
                         INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=IDX_SENSITIVITY_FEED_ROW_ID     Cost=3     Cardinality=8     
                     TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSNODELINK     Cost=14     Cardinality=1     Bytes=57
                      INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=FKI_15632_NODE_ID     Cost=2     Cardinality=14     
                    TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSNODE     Cost=3     Cardinality=1     Bytes=37
                     INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=PK_MARSNODE     Cost=2     Cardinality=1     
                   TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSNODELINK     Cost=14     Cardinality=1     Bytes=57
                    INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=FKI_15632_NODE_ID     Cost=2     Cardinality=14     
                  TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSNODE     Cost=3     Cardinality=1     Bytes=19
                   INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=PK_MARSNODE     Cost=2     Cardinality=1     
                 TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSNODELINK     Cost=14     Cardinality=1     Bytes=57
                  INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=FKI_15632_NODE_ID     Cost=2     Cardinality=14     
                TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSNODE     Cost=3     Cardinality=1     Bytes=37
                 INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=PK_MARSNODE     Cost=2     Cardinality=1     
               TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSNODELINK     Cost=14     Cardinality=1     Bytes=57
                INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=FKI_15632_NODE_ID     Cost=2     Cardinality=14     
              TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSNODE     Cost=3     Cardinality=1     Bytes=37
               INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=PK_MARSNODE     Cost=2     Cardinality=1     
             TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=MARSNODE     Cost=3     Cardinality=1     Bytes=37
              INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=PK_MARSNODE     Cost=2     Cardinality=1     
            TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=XREF_DOMAIN_VALUE_MAP     Cost=3     Cardinality=1     Bytes=68
             INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=IDX_XDVM_DMI_SV_BCD     Cost=2     Cardinality=1     
           TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=ISSUE     Cost=1     Cardinality=1     Bytes=18
            INDEX UNIQUE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=PK_ISSUE     Cost=0     Cardinality=1     
          INDEX UNIQUE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=PK_MOODY_RATING     Cost=0     Cardinality=1     Bytes=3
         TABLE ACCESS BY INDEX ROWID     Object owner=MARS     Object name=PARTICIPANT     Cost=3     Cardinality=1     Bytes=72
          INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=PK_PARTICIPANT     Cost=2     Cardinality=1     

    in your explain plan:
    HASH JOIN RIGHT SEMI               Cost=17457     Cardinality=1     Bytes=248
    VIEW     Object owner=SYS     Object name=VW_NSO_1     Cost=1119     Cardinality=30     Bytes=150
    HASH JOIN               Cost=1119     Cardinality=30     Bytes=2040
    TABLE ACCESS FULL     Object owner=MARS     Object name=FEED_GROUP     Cost=2     Cardinality=5     Bytes=120
    HASH JOIN               Cost=1116     Cardinality=1607     Bytes=70708
    TABLE ACCESS FULL     Object owner=MARS     Object name=FEED_GROUP_XREF     Cost=13     Cardinality=701     Bytes=14721
    HASH JOIN               Cost=1102     Cardinality=3602     Bytes=82846
    INDEX RANGE SCAN     Object owner=MARS     Object name=IDX_FBS_CD_FII_BI     Cost=22     Cardinality=3602     Bytes=46826
    TABLE ACCESS FULL     Object owner=MARS     Object name=FEED_INSTANCEThis part has the highest costs (this doesn't always mean it is slow). So this leads me to the WHERE clause where feed_group, feed_group_xref and feed_instance full are used. Maybe this can be improved, although the cardinality is not that high, so a full table can be the best. So the question is can indexes help here?
    Furthermore there is the full table scan on POSITION:
    TABLE ACCESS FULL     Object owner=MARS     Object name=POSITION     Cost=13995     Cardinality=3854299     Bytes=150317661This looks also a large tabel (3 million + records), so is it possible to get this part smaller?
    Herald ten Dam

  • While running the query how much time it will taken, I want to see the time

    Hi Folks
    I would like to know ... While running the query how much time it will be taken, I want to see the time? in WEBI XI R2.....
    Plz let me know  the answer.......

    Hi Ravi,
    The time a report runs is estimated based on the last time it was run. So you need to run the report once before you can see how long it will take. Also it depends on several factors... the database server could cache some queries so running it a second time immediately after the first time could be quicker. And there is the chance of changing filters to bring back different sets of data.
    You could also schedule a report and then check the scheduled instance's status properties and view how long a report actually ran.
    Good luck

  • Select query running long time

    DB version : 10g
    platform : sunos
    My select sql query running long time (more than 20hrs) .Still running .
    Is there any way to find sql query completion time approximately. (Pending time)
    Also is there any possibilities to increase the speed of sql query (already running) like adding hints.
    Please help me on this .

    Hi Sathish thanks for your reply,
    I have already checked in V$SESSION_LONGOPS .But it's showing TIME_REMAINING -->0
         1099759    1099759 27-JAN-11                    0Any idea ?

  • Estimating Delivery Time

    I am trying to run a formatted search to display a simple estimated delivery time for each line item in my sales order.  My query is as follows:
              WHEN (T0.OnHand - T0.IsCommitted) > 0
                   THEN (DocDate + T0.LeadTime)
              WHEN (T0.OnHand - T0.IsCommitted) <= 0
                   THEN (DocDate + 5 + T0.LeadTime)
    WHERE T0.ItemCode = $[$]
    This query errors out, any ideas?

    Actually, I think we get 1 row with a NULL value. My bet is that we have NULL in T0.LeadTime.
    Try this:
    WHEN (T0.OnHand - T0.IsCommited) > 0
    THEN dateadd(Day, COALESCE(T0.LeadTime,0), GetDate())
    WHEN (T0.OnHand - T0.IsCommited) <= 0
    THEN dateadd(Day, (5 + COALESCE(T0.LeadTime,0)), GetDate())
    WHERE T0.ItemCode = $[$]
    If you want to read more about nulls then check this:

  • STILL Estimating Indexing Time: Spotlight

    Spotlight is STILL "estimating indexing time". It's been doing this for weeks!
    I have 175gb worth of sound effects (which live on an external hard drive) where I'd like to search for files via the Finder or Spotlight. However this "indexing" process is literally taking forever. As it is currently, the Finder or Spotlight is not locating / finder files that are clearly on the drive.
    How can I speed up the indexing process or enable to locating of the files on the external drive?

    I do not think it is true that TM requires Spotlight indexing of the TM (or any other) drive to work. (why should it? everything it needs to know is in the usual disk catalogues, it does not need to see/search the file contents). So you can put the TM drive on the private list in System Prefs/Spotlight and this should stop Spotlight pointlessly indexing the backup drive (which will still have the usual disk catalogues so you can examine it in the Finder or with TM).
    Having said this there is a genuine problem here. My machine works fine with Spotlight and TM and even though it has not been manually excluded Spotlight does not, I believe, index the TM drive anyway, at all events it does not find all the backup near-duplicates of things on the TM drive. I think there is somewhere an invisible setting that ensures this. But on my wife's machine running the same system there was/is endless disk activity whilst Spotlight tries (apparently fruitlessly - the process seems to take forever without completing) to index the TM drive. I have tried excluding the TM drive as above but it still seem to try! One can manually kill the process using Activity Monitor but this may stop all indexing.
    What I really want is direct control of the indexing process (clear include/exclude by drive, say) rather than having it hidden away somewhere - maybe Apple will provide this! I wonder whether indexing a TM drive presents problems because of all the similarly-named backup file copies....

  • Getting estimated execution time via JDBC

    I have a web application that's meant to query by multiple search criteria, so queries can quickly become too complex. I know that using Resource Manager it is possible to prevent certain queries from running, based on estimated execution time.
    Is there any way to query these time estimates, making them available to the calling application? (before going ahead with execution)

    I am not sure if this is possible in JDBC, the best thing you can do is, get an average execution time for query and use in your application OR do a start time and end time while you are executing the scripts and get the difference.

  • I have replaced my old hard drive with a new SSD drive. Can I restore a complete Time Machine backup

    I have replaced my old hard drive on a MacBook Pro midyear 2010 with a new SSD drive. I have a complete system backup of my old drive in an external hard drive using Time Machine.
    Questions that I would like to get answered.
    1) Can I connect my external hard drive to the macbook pro and use that to boot up my machine by pressing and holding down the Options key? Once booted up successfully, can I use Disk Utility to format the new SSD and then restore the complete time machine backup?
    2) If that is not possible, can I use my old drive which I can connect using a USB adapter and use that to boot up by following the same strategy as listed in Step#1 above?
    3) If neither options are possible, do I need to use a bootable USB drive for Mavericks OS X to boot up the machine,
    I have Mavericks OS X ( 10.9.6) and I do not have a DVD of the OS.
    Any help is appreciated.

    Let me first document the steps that did not work and then I will document the steps that worked.
    1) Replaced the hard drive with SSD.
    2) Connected the original hard drive using a USB adapter to the MacBook to make it behave like an external device.
    3) Powered on the machine and on hearing the chime pressed Command-R to start in recovery mode.
    4) Chose the Disk Utility option to erase and format the SSD. The format chosen was Mac OS Extended Journaled.
    5) Once the formatting was done, then clicked on the "Restore" tab in Disk Utility
    6) In the Source field, dragged my original hard drive from the left pane and placed it in the field
    7) On the destination field, choose the new SSD drive. Clicked on "Restore". Gave me a warning, accepted the warning and the restore was under way.
    8) I had 236 GB to restore so took 3.5 hours before it was done.
    9) Disconnected the external hard drive ( my original internal HDD), shut down the machine and powered on again.
    10) Heard the chime and after that it was a white screen with no Apple logo.
    Was visibly upset and started thinking what my next move will be. Then tried these steps
    1) Again powered off the machine.
    2) Connected my internal HDD once more as an external drive
    3) Powered on and on hearing the chime, pressed Command-R as before
    4) Once the OS X utilities screen popped up, this time chose Install OS X
    5) Erased the contents of SSD once more and reformatted it using Mac OS Extended Journaled.
    6) Installed OS X by following the prompts.
    7) Once the OS was installed, I was presented with an option on how to transfer data to this new Mac
    8) Chose the option to move the data from my original HDD.
    9) Took another 3 hours to move the data.
    10) Removed the original HDD once the transfer was complete, powered down the machine and started it once more.
    11) Booted successfully and all my content is now accessible on the new SSD.
    Moral of the story - It is the spirit that counts.

  • Estimated Start time in notification based on Time defined in Work center

    Following Satish post- I am trying to find solution to the same  problem so i will appreciate any advise.
    When the notification is created ,the estimated start time should be based on priority .This in iteslf is pretty straight & simple. However if the reported time is after work hours or towards the end of work hours or weekends , the estimated start time should be reflected accordingly based on factory calender & work center time schedule.
    In other words the estimated start time should fall within the window of work hours available.
    Presume the the working hours for the Organization are 8:00AM to 5:00 PM & a call comes for service at 4:00 PM. Also say , for high priority the defined response time is 5 hours. In such a instance the estimated start date should be set to next day at 11:00 AM.
    Appreciate your help for the configuration that need to be done

          I think ur talking about notification malfunction start time .. currently it just takes the system date and time by default .. and if you need work center timings i believe first u need the eqpt /F.loc to get the work center data in notificaiton ...
    I think u can get these dates can be modified while saving by using user exit  : QQMA0014 QM/PM/SM: Checks before saving a notification or BADI   IF_EX_NOTIF_EVENT_SAVE , but at the same time the eqpt or F.loc have work center details in master record ...or work center needs to be entered manually in notification ..., pls check up ..

  • Stopping a Query taking more time to execute in runtime in Oracle Forms.

    In the present application one of the oracle form screen is taking long time to execute a query, user wanted an option to stop the query in between and browse the result (whatever has been fetched before stopping the query).
    We have tried three approach.
    1. set max fetch record in form and block level.
    2. set max fetch time in form and block level.
    in above two method does not provide the appropiate solution for us.
    3. the third approach we applied is setting the interaction mode to "NON BLOCKING" at the form level.
    It seems to be worked, while the query took long time to execute, oracle app server prompts an message to press Esc to cancel the query and it a displaying the results fetched upto that point.
    But the drawback is one pressing esc, its killing the session itself. which is causing the entire application to collapse.
    Please suggest if there is any alternative approach for this or how to overcome this perticular scenario.
    This kind of facility is alreday present in TOAD and PL/SQL developer where we can stop an executing query and browse the results fetched upto that point, is the similar facility is avialable in oracle forms ,please suggest.
    Thanks and Regards,
    Edited by: user10673131 on Jun 25, 2009 4:55 AM

    Hello Friend,
    You query will definitely take more time or even fail in PROD,becuase the way it is written. Here are my few observations, may be it can help :-
    1. XLA_AR_INV_AEL_SL_V XLA_AEL_SL_V : Never use a view inside such a long query , becuase View is just a window to the records.
    and when used to join other table records, then all those tables which are used to create a view also becomes part of joining conition.
    First of all please check if you really need this view. I guess you are using to check if the records have been created as Journal entries or not ?
    Please check the possbility of finding it through other AR tables.
    2. Remove _ALL tables instead use the corresponding org specific views (if you are in 11i ) or the sysnonymns ( in R12 )
    For example : For ra_cust_trx_types_all use ra_cust_trx_types.
    This will ensure that the query will execute only for those ORG_IDs which are assigned to that responsibility.
    3. Check with the DBA whether the GATHER SCHEMA STATS have been run atleast for ONT and RA tables.
    You can also check the same using
    If the tables are not analyzed , the CBO will not be able to tune your query.
    4. Try to remove the DISTINCT keyword. This is the MAJOR reason for this problem.
    5. If its a report , try to separate the logic in separate queries ( using a procedure ) and then populate the whole data in custom table, and use this custom table for generating the
    Neeraj Shrivastava
    [email protected]
    Edited by: user9352949 on Oct 1, 2010 8:02 PM
    Edited by: user9352949 on Oct 1, 2010 8:03 PM

  • Why update query takes  long time ?

    Hello everyone;
    My update query takes long time.  In  emp  ( self testing) just  having 2 records.
    when i issue update query , it takes long time;
    SQL> select  *  from  emp;
          2   rose              mca                  22000   calacutta                   9999999999
          1   sona             msc                  17280    pune                          9999999999
    Elapsed: 00:00:00.05
    SQL> update emp set esalary=12000 where eid='1';
    update emp set esalary=12000 where eid='1'
    * ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation
    Elapsed: 00:01:11.72
    SQL> update emp set esalary=15000;
    update emp set esalary=15000
      * ERROR at line 1:
    ORA-01013: user requested cancel of current operation
    Elapsed: 00:02:22.27

    Hi  BCV;
    Thanks for your reply but it doesn't provide output,  please  see   this.
    SQL> update emp set esalary=15000;
    ........... Lock already occured.
    >> trying to trace  >>
    SQL> select HOLDING_SESSION from dba_blockers;
    SQL> select sid , username, event from v$session where username='HR';
       144   HR    SQL*Net message from client
       151   HR    enq: TX - row lock contention
       159   HR    SQL*Net message from client
    >> It  does n 't  provide  clear output about  transaction lock >>
    SQL> SELECT username, v$lock.SID, TRUNC (id1 / POWER (2, 16)) rbs,
      2  BITAND (id1, TO_NUMBER ('ffff', 'xxxx')) + 0 slot, id2 seq, lmode,
      3  request
      4  FROM v$lock, v$session
      5  WHERE v$lock.TYPE = 'TX'
      6  AND v$lock.SID = v$session.SID
      7  AND v$session.username = USER;
      no rows selected
    SQL> select MACHINE from v$session where sid = :sid;
    SP2-0552: Bind variable "SID" not declared.

  • Select Query Takes more time

    Hi All,
    I have cloned KSB1 tcode to custom one as required by business.
    Below query takes more time than excepted.
    Here V_DB_TABLE = COVP.
    Values in Where clause are as follows
    OBNJR in ( KSBB010000001224  BT  KSBB012157221571)
    GJAHR in blank
    VERSN in '000'
    WRTTP in '04' and '11'
    all others are blank
    VT_VAR_COND = ( CPUDT BETWEEN '20091201' and '20091208' )
                        FROM (V_DB_TABLE)                             
                        WHERE LEDNR = '00'                            
                        AND   OBJNR IN LR_OBJNR                       
                        AND   GJAHR IN GR_GJAHR                       
                        AND   VERSN IN GR_VERSN                       
                        AND   WRTTP IN GR_WRTTP                       
                        AND   KSTAR IN LR_KSTAR                       
                        AND   PERIO IN GR_PERIO                       
                        AND   BUDAT IN GR_BUDAT                       
                        AND   PAROB IN GR_PAROB                       
                        AND   (VT_VAR_COND).    
    Checked in table for this condition it has only 92 entries.
    But when i execute program takes long time as 3 Hrs.
    Could any one help me on this

    >1.Dont use SELECT/ENDSELECT instead use INTO TABLE addition .
    > 2.Avoid using corresponding addition.create a type and reference it.
    > If the select is going for dump beacause of storage limitations ,then use Cursors.
    you got three large NOs .... all three recommendations are wrong!
    The SE16 test is going in the right direction ... but what was filled. Nobody knows!!!!
    Select options:
    Did you ever try to trace the SE16?  The generic statement has for every field an in-condition!
    Without the information what was actually filled, nobody can say something there
    are at least 2**n  combinations possible!
    Use ST05 for SE16 and check actual statement plus explain!

Maybe you are looking for