Query on SQL Developer Connections Tree Does Not Display Objects

Hi Gurus, Could you please clarify on the below. As per the note ID 1458753.1, SQL Developer Connections Tree Does Not Display Objects to user in order to access database objects outside the owned schema/account. ------------------------- By default, and without granting wide privileges such as DBA, a user will only see his or her own objects in the first level object nodes under their connection.  Objects in other schemas must be accessed via the Other Users node under the connection. This is the intended functionality/display in SQL Developer. ------------------------- Is there any other way we can achieve this? Requirement is very common - user A owns all objects and user B granted read/read-write privileges on user A objects. Now user B wants to Display user A objects in the corresponding objects node of SQL developer. Could any one shed some light here? Thanks Venu

First off, there is a dedicated SQL Developer forum where lots of the developers hang out. Those folks are way more knowledgable that we are about the tool.
That said, I have no problem displaying dates. Do you just have a problem with this particular query/ field/ table? Or does it affect all dates? What version of SQL Developer are you using? 1.1 is out now.

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  • SQL Developer tool sometimes does not display data with date type

    run the following query using the sql developer tool -
    select effective_date from table1 where id = 123;
    (the effective_date is stored in the database as date.)
    one record is returned with no date in the filed.
    However, if I change the query to
    select to_char(effective_date, 'mm/dd/yyyy') from table1 where id = 123;
    one record is returned with effective date.
    Thanks for your help.

    First off, there is a dedicated SQL Developer forum where lots of the developers hang out. Those folks are way more knowledgable that we are about the tool.
    That said, I have no problem displaying dates. Do you just have a problem with this particular query/ field/ table? Or does it affect all dates? What version of SQL Developer are you using? 1.1 is out now.

  • Transaction SMOEAC does not display Object type and Object Name options.

    Dear all,
    When I go to transaction SMOEAC system does not display fields Object type and Object Name option instead displays an empty frame allowing only to create new objects.
    System does not allow and display existing objects to edit.
    Most imp with the same ID, I am able to see the existing objects and two fields "Object type" and "Object Name" on different machine. So there is no authorization issue.
    My SAP GUI version where these fields are not visible is 640 Final Release with 6405.5.18.1016 version and Patch level 18.
    My SAP GUI version here these fields are visible is 640 Final Release with 6404.4.14.1012 version and Patch Level 14.
    Any idea what could be the reason?
    Sandeep Parab

    With installation of latest version of SAP GUI 710 final Release resolved my problem.

  • SQL Developer table editor does not show anything (no columns, no data,...)

    Hi, I upgraded SQL developer yesterday to the latest version. Now I don't see anything any more in the datagrid, columns, constraints, etc ...
    Connection is OK, in the explorer (to the left) I see tables and columns, in the datagrid (table properties) I don't see anything.
    Here is the contents of the about box
    Many thanks
    Oracle SQL Developer
    Build MAIN-64.45
    Copyright © 2005,2009 Oracle. All Rights Reserved.
    IDE Version:
    Product ID: oracle.sqldeveloper
    Product Version:
    Component     Version
    =========     =======
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    Oracle IDE
    Versioning Support
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    Name     Identifier     Version     Status
    ====     ==========     =======     ======
    Check For Updates     oracle.ide.webupdate     Loaded
    Code Editor     oracle.ide.ceditor     Loaded
    Database Connection Support     oracle.jdeveloper.db.connection     Loaded
    Database Object Explorers     oracle.ide.db.explorer     Loaded
    Database UI     oracle.ide.db     Loaded
    Diff/Merge     oracle.ide.diffmerge     Loaded
    Extended IDE Platform     oracle.javacore     Loaded
    External Tools     oracle.ide.externaltools     Loaded
    File Support     oracle.ide.files     Loaded
    File System Navigator     oracle.sqldeveloper.filenavigator     Loaded
    Help System     oracle.ide.help     Loaded
    History Support     oracle.jdeveloper.history     Loaded
    Import/Export Support     oracle.ide.importexport     Loaded
    Index Migrator support     oracle.ideimpl.indexing-migrator     Loaded
    JDeveloper Runner     oracle.jdeveloper.runner     Loaded
    Log Window     oracle.ide.log     Loaded
    Mac OS X Adapter     oracle.ideimpl.apple     Loaded
    Navigator     oracle.ide.navigator     Loaded
    Object Gallery     oracle.ide.gallery     Loaded
    Object Viewer     oracle.sqldeveloper.oviewer     Loaded
    Oracle Data Modeler Reports     oracle.sqldeveloper.datamodeler_reports     Loaded
    Oracle Database Browser     oracle.sqldeveloper.thirdparty.browsers     Loaded
    Oracle IDE     oracle.ide     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer     oracle.sqldeveloper     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer Data Modeler Viewer     oracle.datamodeler     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer Extras     oracle.sqldeveloper.extras     Loaded
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    Oracle SQL Developer Migrations - Antlr3 Translation Core     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.translation.core_antlr3     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer Migrations - DB2     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.db2     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer Migrations - Microsoft Access     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.msaccess     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer Migrations - MySQL     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.mysql     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer Migrations - SQLServer     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.sqlserver     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer Migrations - Sybase     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.sybase     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer Migrations - Teradata     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.teradata     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer Migrations - Translation Core     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.translation.core     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer Migrations - Translation Db2     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.translation.db2     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer Migrations - Translation UI     oracle.sqldeveloper.migration.translation.gui     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer Reports     oracle.sqldeveloper.report     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer SearchBar     oracle.sqldeveloper.searchbar     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer TimesTen     oracle.sqldeveloper.timesten     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer Unit Test     oracle.sqldeveloper.unit_test     Loaded
    Oracle SQL Developer Worksheet     oracle.sqldeveloper.worksheet     Loaded
    Oracle XML Schema Support     oracle.sqldeveloper.xmlschema     Loaded
    PROBE Debugger     oracle.jdeveloper.db.debug.probe     Loaded
    Peek     oracle.ide.peek     Loaded
    Persistent Storage     oracle.ide.persistence     Loaded
    QuickDiff     oracle.ide.quickdiff     Loaded
    Replace With     oracle.ide.replace     Loaded
    Runner     oracle.ide.runner     Loaded
    Snippet Window     oracle.sqldeveloper.snippet     Loaded
    Sql Monitoring Project     oracle.sqldeveloper.sqlmonitor     Loaded
    Tuning     oracle.sqldeveloper.tuning     Loaded
    User Extensions Support     oracle.sqldeveloper.userextensions     Loaded
    VHV     oracle.ide.vhv     Loaded
    Versioning Support     oracle.jdeveloper.vcs     Loaded
    Versioning Support for Subversion     oracle.jdeveloper.subversion     Loaded
    Virtual File System     oracle.ide.vfs     Loaded
    Web Browser and Proxy     oracle.ide.webbrowser     Loaded
    oracle.ide.indexing     oracle.ide.indexing     Loaded

    Yes this was clean directory (I reinstalled twice already). I'm using Oracle Database 10g express edition and also Oracle 10g Standard Edition (same problem for both databases).
    In the messages log I get:
    oracle.dbtools.raptor.oviewer.table.GridDataEditor java.lang.NumberFormatException.forInputString(NumberFormatException.java:48)
    ... and then each time I switch table:
    oracle.ide.model.IdeSubject Exception while updating observer[8]: Editor5

  • SQL Developer 3.2 does not show warnings

    In SQL developer 3.2, I am trying to compilie package. After compilation it shows following message in script output
    PACKAGE BODY package_name_pkg compiled
    Warning: execution completed with warning
    Everytime I need to use 'SHOW ERRORS' command to see all above warnings.
    Is there any other way to see these warnings without using show errors ?

    Yes, you need to use the Procedure Editor.

  • Tree does not display, Chrome detects script errors. Bug or my error?

    I'm creating a Tree page for first time, so I don't know how it's done. Following instructions and using the Tree wizard. SQL query works as SQL command. Using Application Express
    Region title appears, but nothing else. With Google Chrome browser, I right click on the page to inspect element. The HTML code including data I expect is in the page.
    When I look at the Scripts in the inspect panel, there is a script named 'f'. That's all. It's got the HTML for my page.
    My tree identifier seems to be: 'tree3343403320392902'.
    In the script I find:
    *var l3343403320392902Data = [*                Followed by a llong string of attributes for ID, Data, Titles, Tooltips, etc.
    -->This is where the's a big red message: "<font color="red">Uncaught SyntaxError: Unexpected token ;</font>"
    At the end the HTML is:
    *(function(){apex.widget.tree.init("tree3343403320392902", apex.widget.tree.cTreeTypes, l3343403320392902Data,"classic","Person Query","S","");})();*
    -->The big red message here is: " <font color="red">f:114Uncaught ReferenceError:l3343403320392902Data is not defined</font>"
    Same problem in IE8. I have screen shot and text file of the html.

    Could it be bug 9946779 that is fixed on ?
    Edited by: jarola on Jan 15, 2011 11:33 AM
    Sorry, that bug is fixed already on My mistake

  • SQL Developer Blocked and is not allowed to connect to database ORA-200001

    SQL Developer Blocked and is not allowed to connect to database gives ORA-200001.
    i found on net that DBA can write triggers which can deny connection to database from certain appplication.
    so i want a way to change application name so that when it connects to database
    the V$SESSION will have different value (other than SQL Developer) in column PROGRAM and/or MODULE (which i think is used by dba to restrict the connection).
    one more way is
    i am using jdbc url to connect to database
    in java we can change properties of connection to change the PROGRAM in V$SESSION.
    but i am not java expert so dont know how and where to make the changes
    either way my aim is to connect to database such that V$SESSION will have different value (other than "SQL Developer") in column PROGRAM and/or MODULE

    This is not system configration or credential issue.
    This is a check which is put DBA using logon trigger
    to check certain user loging in using certain application.
    only some users using particular username are getting this error when they try to logon using oracle sql developer
    the same users when uses different username(some generic user names created to access database) to access the same database then they are able to login.
    similarly if they login using SQL navigator they are able to login with both their own and the generic user name
    more over of all the database instances this is only happening on some of the instances and all of them are development instances.
    following will help you understand
    X | X | DB1 | Oracle Sql Developer | Blocked
    X | G(Genric) | DB1 | Oracle Sql Developer | Login Success
    X | X | DB1 | Sql Navigator/SqlPLus | Login Success
    X | G(Genric) | DB1 | Sql Navigator/SqlPLus | Login Success
    X | X | DB2 | Oracle Sql Developer | Login Success
    X | G(Genric) | DB2 | Oracle Sql Developer | Login Success
    X | X | DB2 | Sql Navigator/SqlPLus | Login Success
    X | G(Genric) | DB2 | Sql Navigator/SqlPLus | Login Success
    I just want to bypass this check which i think uses V$SESSION and columns PROGRAM and/or MODULE to check the application used by particular user.
    if i can override these values some where in oracle sql developer before loging in the DB then i can clearly pass this check and login to database.
    Edited by: user13430736 on Jun 21, 2011 4:05 AM
    Edited by: user13430736 on Jun 21, 2011 4:12 AM

  • Partial(?) SQL Developer Connection

    Here are the symptoms:
    Can only connect to SQL Express as SYS (or SYSTEM)
    When using TNS, no schemas show in Network Alias dropdown
    No developer-created tables (in SQL Express) can be viewed in SQL Developer connection
    Using local machine (laptop)
    OS: Windows 7
    SQL Developer 4
    I have a feeling I'm just missing something in configuration or set-up, but am not sure. Since I cannot create a full connection to a database using Developer, it's not useful to me and I would like to use it. Because the Network Alias dropdown isn't showing me anything, I'm wondering if anything is wrong with my SQL Express installation.
    Any help will be greatly appreciated.

    My apologies. I have been told that the developer forum was the incorrect place to ask help for this problem. So I marked it as answered (by direction, presumably by the moderator). In the response, I was told to pose the question in the general area, which is what I thought I was doing.
    No need to apologize - we are trying to get you to the right forum for your question.
    You said you are using sql developer 4 and pPart of what you said was this:
    When using TNS, no schemas show in Network Alias dropdown
    Oracle doesn't have any such 'Network Alias dropdown' - and 'schemas' would NOT be in a TNSNAMES.ORA file: that file has SIDs or SERVICE_IDs and is normally used with an OCI Oracle client installation. Is that dropdown something on the connection dialog in sql developer?
    And when you connect as one user you won't see any tables or objects for other users unless you open the 'Other Uses' tree.
    You don't need a TNSNAMES.ORA file to connect if you use 'BASIC' as the connection type.

  • CM14 BI Publisher - modifying an existing Data Model, the Graphic View in Query Builder does not display

    I am trying to edit the default forms/reports that come with CM14, trying to edit the data model, data set, (to get to the old Infomaker style graphic view) , the Query model does not display (error the list of tables is too long..) Oracle tell me the limit is 60,  there are not 60 tables referenced in any CM report.
    Does this Query builder view work at all on any report?
    (bigger question, we are moving from CM12, should we move to CM13 which works with infomaker?)
    Paul L

    Kurt, thanks for your replies.
    A couple of notes/clarifications.
    1.     You are correct that BI works better in Firefox--I have observed issues with the BI display when using IE.  I would recommend using Firefox too.
    2.     You are correct about the way to get to the Query Builder to see a graphical view of data tables.  There are basically two issues with this that I mentioned, but will re-iterate:
    a.  If you have an EXISTING query in the data set, then click the "Query Builder" button, this will remove the existing query that's there, it will NOT display the existing query in the query builder.  Query Builder works only to create a NEW query from scratch.
    b.  Query builder is limited to selecting 60 fields max in your query.  If you are creating a large report with many tables, you may find that 60 fields is not enough.  For that you will have to work in the SQL edit screen rather than using the query builder.
    I would impress on anyone developing CM14 reports that they become familiar with the database schema and relationships to avoid problems when developing your BI reports.  You should be able to find the tables and joins documentation in the knowledgebase.

  • Oracle Database 10 g/ SQL Developer connection problem

    I hope you can help me further. now wants to learn Oracle, Oracle Database 10g Enterprise have
    Edition instaled (successful), and wants to connect to SQL Developer but unfortunately was not working.
    I get this error:
    Status: Failure - Test failed: Listener refused the connection with the followong error:ORA-12505, TNS: listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor.
    Thank you for your understanding!

    881920 wrote:
    I hope you can help me further. now wants to learn Oracle, Oracle Database 10g Enterprise have
    Edition instaled (successful), and wants to connect to SQL Developer but unfortunately was not working.
    I get this error:
    Status: Failure - Test failed: Listener refused the connection with the followong error:ORA-12505, TNS: listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor.
    Thank you for your understanding!welcome to the forum,
    what is your operating system name and version?
    $lsnrctl status
    if the listener is down
    start the listener
    $lsnrctl start
    also check the database is up and running.
    and try to connect with correct username,password,role (normal or sysdba) hostname or IP, port number, SID or service name.
    Good Luck.

  • SCVMM 2008 R2 - "The SQL Server service account does not have permission to access Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS)."

    I know this question has been asked before, but never for R2, that I can tell, and the posted fixes aren't working. I have just installed SCVMM 2008 R2 on a Windows Server 2008 R2 server, using a remote SQL 2008 SP1 database. When I attempt to connect to SCVMM, I get the following error:
    "The SQL Server service account does not have permission to access Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS).
    Ensure that the SQL Server service is running under a domain account or a computer account that has permission to access AD DS. For more information, see "Some applications and APIs require access to authorization information on account objects" in the Microsoft Knowledge Base at http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkId=121054.
    ID: 2607"
    What I've seen online is that this is usually becuase the domain account SCVMM is running as does not have the proper permissions on the SQL database. Here's what I've confirmed:
    1) My SCVMM service account is a local admin on the SCVMM server
    2) My SCVMM service account is a dbowner on the SCVMM database in SQL
    3) My SQL service account is a dbowner on the SCVMM database in SQL
    4) My SQL service account is a domain user (even made it a domain admin, just in case, and it still "doesn't have access to AD DS," which is obviously untrue)
    5) Neither service account is locked out
    Has anyone run in to this? It says in Technet that remote SQL 2008 is supported, as long as the SQL management studio is installed to the SCVMM server, and I installed and patched before I began the SCVMM installation. I just don't know what else to try - I have no errors in event logs, no issues during the installation itself...
    Andrew Topp

    That answer was very unhelpful fr33m4n. The individual mentions that they've received the error that points to the KB article. I currently receive the same error -- there seems to be no resolution. I've run the Microsoft VBS script to add TAUG to the WAAG
    as suggested by 331951, and that made absolutely no difference.
    1) My SCVMM service account is a local admin on the SCVMM server
    2) My SCVMM service account is a dbowner on the SCVMM database in SQL
    3) My SQL service account is a dbowner on the SCVMM database in SQL
    4) My SQL service account is a domain user (even made it a domain admin, just in case, and it still
    "doesn't have access to AD DS," which is obviously untrue)
    The user is also a member of WAAG, the machines have delegated authority to each other. Is there any other solution?

  • SQL Developer Connection to SQL Server

    could some body help in connection sql developer connection to sql server 2005 please?

    Setting Up SQL Developer for MS SQL SERVER 2000
    1) Install/Extract SQL Developer 1.2.1 in C:\Program Files\Oracle
         Making the {$sqldevhome} = C:\Program Files\Oracle\sqldeveloper
    2) Obtain the JDBC SQL SERVER Pluggin (jtds-1.2.2-dist.zip) from:
    3) Unzip jtds-1.2.2-dist.zip
         Creates:      jtds-1.2.2.jar
    4) Copy the jtds-1.2.2.jar into:
    {$sqldevhome}\jlib Directory.
    5) Copy the the ntlmauth.dll dll in the \x86\SSO subdir into:
    6) In SQL Developer:
         Got Menu "Tools"
                   - Preferences...
                   Expand the "[+] Database
                   Choose "Third Party JDBC Drivers"
                   Click "Add Entry"
                   Then Browse for your copy of "{$sqldevhome}\jlib\jtds-1.2.2.jar"
                   Note: Use the jar filename, not its parent directory for entry.
    7) Restart SQL Developer and try your SQL Server 2000 Connection

  • Connection Server does not start

    Hello guys,
    The Connection Server does not start anymore.
    When I always try to start it returns me a failed status and shows me that the server is considered failed because it has stopped 5 time(s) in 60 minute(s).
    It's a BOE XI 3.1 SP2 with IK 3.1 SP2 installed on a Windows 2003 Server.
    BO XI database is on a SQL Server and all tables are there and seems to be OK
    The log file for the connectserver via trace is below :
    2010/01/28 19:06:43.339|>>| | | 4524|4528| |||||||||||||||TraceLog::Admin: logdir ('C:/Program Files/Business Objects/BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0/Logging/')
    2010/01/28 19:06:43.339|>>| | | 4524|4528| |||||||||||||||TraceLog::Admin: update ()
    2010/01/28 19:06:43.339|==| | | 4524|4528| |||||||||||||||TraceBridge::Initialize: pullable set to 1
    2010/01/28 19:06:43.339|==| | | 4524|4528| |||||||||||||||TraceLog state:
    // device_info
    // process        (process#pid)   = ConnectionServer#4524
    // device         (name#deviceid) = ConnectionServer#MainDevice
    // pull/push      (pullable)      = Pull
    // pull mode settings
    //   configfile   (ini)           = C:\Program Files\Business Objects\BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0\Logging\logConfig\BO_trace.ini
    //   every ... s  (period)        = 60
    // config
    active        = true;
    severity      = 'W';
    importance    = '<<';
    keep          = true;
    always_close  = false;
    log_dir       = "C:/Program Files/Business Objects/BusinessObjects Enterprise 12.0/Logging/";
    2010/01/28 19:06:43.402|==| | | 4524|4528| |||||||||||||||SIServerController:run: Fail to initialize or uninitialize.  Reason is The root server reported an error Unknown.:
    2010/01/28 19:06:43.402|==| | | 4524|4544| |||||||||||||||SIServiceStopThread::run: SIServiceStopThread::run exited
    2010/01/28 19:06:43.402|==| | | 4524|4528| |||||||||||||||CsContainer::uninitialize
    2010/01/28 19:06:43.402|==| | | 4524|4528| |||||||||||||||TransientObjectMonitor stopMonitor()...
    .\siserver.cpp:974: TraceLog message 11
    2010/01/28 19:06:43.402|>>|A| | 4524|4528| |||||||||||||||assert failure: (.\siserver.cpp:974). (false : SIServerController::run: Unknown exception caught in server's uninitialization function).
    Any help please?!
    thank you very much.

    I have the same problem (Connection Server does not start).
    I'am under BOXI R2 SP6 (unix) and i have this error in my log when i want to start ConnectionServer :
    Timestamp       ProcessID       ThreadID        Message
    [Fri May  7 07:37:09 2010]      31154   1103673168      Log: level=3 cat=1 msg=35100 p=ConnectionServer started
    [Fri May  7 07:37:09 2010]      31154   1103673168      trace message: SIServerController::run: Before initialize
    [Fri May  7 07:37:09 2010]      31154   1103673168      (sidaemon.cpp:416): trace message: SUNIXDaemon::init: starting
    [Fri May  7 07:37:09 2010]      31154   1103673168      trace message: SUNIXDaemon::init: redirecting stdio to /dev/null
    [Fri May  7 07:37:09 2010]      31154   1103673168      (sidaemon.cpp:209): trace message: installing fg terminiation handler
    [Fri May  7 07:37:09 2010]      31154   1103673168      (sidaemon.cpp:220): trace message: installing abnormal sys handler
    [Fri May  7 07:37:09 2010]      31154   1103673168      (sidaemon.cpp:506): trace message: SUNIXDaemon::init: finished
    [Fri May  7 07:37:09 2010]      31154   1103673168      Log: level=0 cat=14 msg=35101 p=The root server reported an error Unknown.
    [Fri May  7 07:37:09 2010]      31154   1103673168      trace message: SIServerController:run: Fail to initialize or uninitialize.  Reason is The root server reported an error Un
    [Fri May  7 07:37:09 2010]      31154   1103673168      trace message: CsContainer::uninitialize
    [Fri May  7 07:37:09 2010]      31154   1103673168      trace message: TransientObjectMonitor stopMonitor()...
    [Fri May  7 07:37:09 2010]      31154   1103673168      Log: level=0 cat=14 msg=35101 p=The root server reported an error Internal Error. (Reason: Unknown exception caught in ser
    [Fri May  7 07:37:09 2010]      31154   1103673168      assert failure: (siserver.cpp:953). (false : SIServerController::run: Unknown exception caught in server's uninitializatio
    n function
    [Fri May  7 07:37:09 2010]      31154   1103673168      Log: level=3 cat=1 msg=35100 p=ConnectionServer stopped
    Any idea ?

  • SQL*Plus COPY command does not work

    SQL*Plus COPY command does not work in SQL Developer. I am using SQL Developer 1.5.1 on Windows XP.
    copy from <source_db_connection> to <target_db_connection> create <target_tab_name> using select * from <source_tab_name>
    Does it work on different versions of SQL Developer ?
    Anyone had any success in trying COPY command in SQL Developer?
    Thanks in advance.

    While it hasn't been updated for v1.5, this page lists the supported SQL*Plus commands. COPY is explicitly listed as not supported.

  • How sql developer connects to a oracle database

    I wonder how sql developer connects to a oracle database. does it use oracle client like Toad?
    How does it make the connection with oracle server?

    924164 wrote:
    I wonder how sql developer connects to a oracle database. does it use oracle client like Toad?
    How does it make the connection with oracle server?
    SameeraWelcome to OTN
    From Left side Tab click on (+) New Connection. Then at the window give a connection name,User name,Password.
    Then provide Host Name, Port and SID
    Click on Test button and then save or connect.
    Hope this will help you

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