Query Stripping in Web Intelligence

I am unable to see Query Stripping option.
Is it only available for particular database?
What is the use of this?
Please let me know?
Thanks and Regards,
Manjunath N. Jogin

Query Stripping enables you to optimize the query generation automatically.
It improves the performance of the report by sending the stripped query to the connection server.
Each time you refresh a query, Web Intelligence strips the objects which areb not contributing to the report (directly or indirectly) from the report as well as from the SQL Viewer tab. It refreshes only the query that is directly related to the report.
You can get Enable Query Stripping in the Query property.
At the document level , select Enable Query Stripping in the Document Properties tab.
u2022 Query Stripping is applicable only for OLAP database users.
u2022 In a Query Stripping enabled document, if a query filter is used on a Measure object, Web Intelligence does not strip the objects.

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    I have a Bex query (with query Bex version 7.0) I'm connecting with Web Intelligence (4.0) but one of the attributes instead of displaying the description shows only the key, and it is strange because other cubes if given by the conversion.
    I wonder if there is a solution for this or if it is a problem of version 4.0 of Web Intelligence.
    I await your response,

    Whereabouts in the application are you seing this problem?  (in the query panel conditions, in the prompt list of values, or in the table block? )
    also, what do you mean by "and it is strange because other cubes if given by the conversion" ?
    it's worth noting that the "key and text display properties" in the Bex Query Designer do not influence webi.  WebI consumes the global infoobject property from BW RSH1.
    p.s. if you need to understand which features are or are not supported with BI 4.0 tools, please look here: http://www.sdn.sap.com/irj/scn/go/portal/prtroot/docs/library/uuid/d056e1bc-2794-2e10-959e-8779c5623cc5

  • Error when execute a query BW in WEBI

    Hi Gurus,
    I need your help:
    SAP_ABA     700
    SAP_BASIS  700
    PI_BASIS         2005_1_700
    SAP_BW         700
    BI_CONT         703
    SAP GUI 7.10 SP 7
    I run a 3.5 query with bex and all its ok.
    But when i want run the same query in BOE Web Intelligence Rich Client I have an error
    In WEBI: error : WIS 10901 for MDX QUERY
    in BW TR: SM21 : Communication error, CPIC return code 020, SAP return code 456.
    thxxhead   7415  020456     ThRecei    CPIC-Er
    If I just put one masterdata, the query return the list of this MD.
    But when i put 2 MD or one indicators, i have error.
    Thanks for help.

    Hi Ingo,
    In response to your questions:
    - "you did install the SAP Integration Kit?": yes, we did a "server" install. The other options are Desktop and Custom
    - "its not an evaluation key that has expired ?": No, this is not the case
    - "did you check the MDX Parser destination in transaction SM59 ?": Yes, this is working now (SM59 - connection test succesful).
    - "Try a simple BI Query and build a new Web Intelligence report on top (java, dhtml)" We did this, results:
    WebI Rich Client. This worked fine. Report made, refreshes, can add objects, ...
    Web Advanced (JAVA Report panel): we get error - "An error occurred while trying to load the provider for transport sap. Failed to load library mda_sap. System error message: .(WIS 10901)"
    We checked if we didn't miss anything with the server installation of the SAP integration kit, this was not the case. When we chose a "repair install", all options where already installed. What we did do, is install the Fix pack2. Reason: there was a reference to mda_sap.dll in the BusinessObjects Enterprise XI 3.0 FixPack 2 notes. Note: refer to new thread: Cluster Definition transport error - BO XI 3.0 FixPack 2 (Server&Client)
    - We also tried a more advanced query, with prompted filters and calculations.
    WebI Rich Client. same error as before, "The MDX-query <MDX syntax> See RFC trace file or SAP system log for more details. (WIS 10901)"
    Web Advanced (JAVA Report panel): same error as before - "An error occurred while trying to load the provider for transport sap. Failed to load library mda_sap. System error message: .(WIS 10901)"
    Seems we have the same problem as Claudia + an mda_sap issue. We are running out of options here. Any thoughts on this?
    Thanks for your help!

  • Error SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED (WIS 00000) in Web Intelligence BO 4.0 SP02

    Hi All,
    I am getting the following error in WebI on BO 4.0: SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED (WIS 00000)
    It is a big data set that I am fetching using a BICS connection from SAP BW BEx Query. There is no documentation available for this error.
    If I remove one of the dimensions u2013 Quarter, it runs fine. But addition of Quarter or Month dimension leads to this error. There are no variables that I have defined in BEx query, though I am using 1 structure.
    I cant use input controls as I need all this data and I query from this superset in my Dashboard.
    Environment: BO 4.0 SP02
    WAS: NW 7.3
    Any ideas would be helpful. Thanks in advance.
    Error Details:
    com.businessobjects.sdk.core.server.CommunicationException$UnexpectedServerException: SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED
         at com.businessobjects.sdk.core.exception.ExceptionBuilder.make(ExceptionBuilder.java:144)
         at com.businessobjects.sdk.core.exception.ExceptionBuilder.make(ExceptionBuilder.java:101)
         at com.businessobjects.sdk.core.server.common.CommonRequestHandler.afterProcessing(CommonRequestHandler.java:127)
         at com.businessobjects.sdk.core.server.internal.AbstractServer.processIt(AbstractServer.java:178)
         at com.businessobjects.sdk.core.server.internal.AbstractServer.process(AbstractServer.java:133)
         at com.businessobjects.sdk.core.server.internal.InstanceServer.process(InstanceServer.java:94)
         at com.sap.sl.sdk.services.util.ServerRequestProcessor.processServerRequest(ServerRequestProcessor.java:49)
         at com.sap.sl.sdk.dataprovider.service.DataProviderServiceImpl.processDataProviderCommand(DataProviderServiceImpl.java:419)
         at com.sap.sl.sdk.dataprovider.service.DataProviderServiceImpl.processDataProviderCommand(DataProviderServiceImpl.java:431)
         at com.sap.sl.sdk.dataprovider.service.DataProviderServiceImpl.run(DataProviderServiceImpl.java:192)
         at com.sap.sl.sdk.workspace.service.WorkspaceServiceImpl.run(WorkspaceServiceImpl.java:346)
         at com.sap.webi.ui.tasks.workflows.RunWorkspaceTask.doIt(RunWorkspaceTask.java:74)
         at com.sap.webi.ui.tasks.workflows.RunWorkspaceTask.doIt(RunWorkspaceTask.java:11)
         at com.sap.webi.toolkit.ui.tasks.WebITask.doInBackground(WebITask.java:113)
         at javax.swing.SwingWorker$1.call(SwingWorker.java:278)
         at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(FutureTask.java:303)
         at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask.run(FutureTask.java:138)
         at javax.swing.SwingWorker.run(SwingWorker.java:317)
         at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.runTask(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:886)
         at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$Worker.run(ThreadPoolExecutor.java:908)
         at java.lang.Thread.run(Thread.java:619)
    Caused by: com.businessobjects.sdk.core.server.ServerException: SIZE_LIMIT_EXCEEDED
         at com.businessobjects.sdk.core.server.common.CommonRequestHandler.newServerException(CommonRequestHandler.java:260)
         at com.businessobjects.sdk.core.server.common.CommonRequestHandler.createAllServerExceptions(CommonRequestHandler.java:238)
         at com.businessobjects.sdk.core.server.common.CommonRequestHandler.afterProcessing(CommonRequestHandler.java:121)
         ... 18 more

    If you BW is 7.x, then you need to be on 7.01 SP06 as a minimum supported version (for BICS - webi integration). Most reference 7.01 customers are on SP09 with 10 in the pipe.
    No, there is no BOBJ setting to resolve this - it's a warning thrown by the BW to indicate that you are requesting too much data. You might even be dumping ST22 cores into BW when this error shows! 
    As i said before -  use mandatory Filters / Variables in Bex , and Query Stripping in webi.  You need to go for a more lean, targetted reporting approach, not crude data extraction.
    Also Note 1593802  in the BW can help performance.
    p.s. for any BICS corrections on the BW side, please search component RA-BI-BICS for available corrections

  • Web Intelligence Connection

    Hi All,
    I am new to BOBJ.
    I am getting an error when running a query in BOBJ Web Intelligence.
    failed to execute with the error Unknown error. (WIS 10901)
    I have checked the forum and found it could be measures.
    Please find the detailed error below, which does mention measures.
    Query 1 - Univers3
    A database error occured. The database error text is: The MDX query SELECT  { [Measures].[0084QQU9Q05TUG9R1QC4S9SF2] }  ON COLUMNS , NON EMPTY [0PURCH_ORG].[LEVEL00].MEMBERS ON ROWS FROM [0PUR_C01/REP_20120111095948]  failed to execute with the error Unknown error. (WIS 10901)
    Appreciate all the help on this issue.
    Kind Regards

    Hi James,
    1). Make sure your MDX rfc from BW server is working fine.
    2). Also make sure you have eniugh disk space.
    Please refer to below forums on same error message.
    WIS: 10901 Data source name not found and no default driver specified(ODBC)
    DBDriver failed to load dbd_oci.dll (not a valid Win32)  (WIS 10901)

  • Query Stripping: how to filter a value and display the detail

    We have just upgraded to XI 3.1 SP3.1, and I have done some tests on the query Stripping functionnality. I can see the benefits from a performance point of view if I dragged new characteristics to the report, but I was not able to reproduce one of our key requirements:
    The report displays Sales by Manager, the customer is in the webi query panel but not in the report. So far, thanks to the query stripping option, webi only retrieves the Manager information and not the customer.
    Now, the user wants to see the sales by customer for a particular manager. If I drag and drop the customer, I have the customers for all the managers, and I now have a performance issue.
    I just would like to do as in BEX: Filter and Drill Down.
    I know that I can use the Drill Functionnality of webi, but it is a fixed scenario that you have to define in advance in the universe. It has also the inconvenient to drill only to the key or the description of an object (cannot drill down to the key and description of the customer).
    Any tip to do a "filter and Drill Down" using the query stripping functionnality?
    THank you,

    Drag from output port of dataservice and select "filter data" option. Then if you select "configure element" for filter operator, you can see the fileds.
    The filter conditions for a numeric field is as follows
    Equals 100 - <b>100</b>
    Not equals 100  - <b>not 100</b>
    greater than 100 - <b>100..</b>
    <= 100 - <b>not 100..</b>
    <100 - <b>..100</b>
    I think you got the logic here. the two dots at the end shows greater while dots at the begining shows less than. If the dots are in the middle of two numbers, the filter operator  will return values between the two numbers

  • Unable to edit Web Intelligence query

    We have a Web Intelligence report with multiple queries based on what I believe to be local data sources (text files/excel). The problem that we are having is that we need to make modifications to the report's queries but when we go to edit them we get a message saying "This query cannot be edited". I believe this is happening because "Editable" was deselected in the query properties but cannot be certain.
    The report was created by a contractor who has recently left the company and no longer available to make updates. Is there any way to get back in to edit the query? Is there something else that may be causing the query to not be editable?

    As John said that it is a permission issue. I had same case like that and I resolved my problem with following below steps ( It will be best to logging in as an Administrator account to CMC)
    CMC-> Access Level -> Included Rights -> Application -> Web Intelligence -> Desktop Interface - enable local data providers
    Hope this helps, who are searching same case.

  • Web Intelligence Rich Client Not Cancel Query

    Hi all
    When i do a query in Web Intelligence Rich Client and CANCEL that query appears 3 options, but whit any option nothing happend and the laptop is block and i have to use the commands CTRL + ALT + DEL and finish the process.
    What is the problem and the solution please.

    Does it happen with all users and on all machine and with all reports?
    Bashir Awan

  • WIS 10901 with a Web Intelligence Report based on a BW-Query

    Hello together,
    first the Query had just one variable in the filter for Cal. year / month and everything worked fine. This Query was copied and a second variable for the business devision was added in the filter. On this new Query a universe was created. At the WebI-report there is crosstab (a structure with actual, actual-1, actual-2, budget etc. and 15 measurements from the query) and this one works fine. But at the moment the user put a bar chart with a restricted measurement that was created in the webi-report (like =if(="Actual") then ) the following error occur:
    Query 1 - Key Financials
    Datenbankfehler. Der Datenbankfehlertext lautet: Die MDX-Abfrage SELECT  { .[4M2YQXAGMNCVR5FJQSBC8QK4N] }  ON COLUMNS , NON EMPTY {[0CALMONTH].DEFAULTMEMBER} ON ROWS FROM SAP VARIABLES INCLUDING .[AT] INCLUDING .[201103] konnte nicht ausgeführt werden. Fehler Unbekannter Fehler bei der MDX Ausführung. (WIS 10901) 
    But if I run the same scenario at the Web Intelligence Rich Client it works.
    The MDX-Statement from the mdx.log:
    If I run this statement at MDXTEXT in SAP BW it also works. I also restarted the SIA and checked if all WebI-Servers in the CMC are running and activated.
    If I use the first Query (with just one variable) and put instead of the second variable in the second query a filter in the WebI-report it also works.
    So, does anyone has an idea what's the problem and how to solve it?
    Thanks in advance!

    Hi folks.
    Pepe - Were you able to resolve this error at your end? I have this same error appearing upon trying to 'Run query' in WEBI. Similar situation, in that there was a variable error so i took the variable out...refreshed structure, and deleted obsolete values. Everything parsed okay after that but the error appeared without variable as well.
    Jacques - There are no default values on the BEx side but the error is still occuring.
    Suggestion please.

  • Creating multiple tab reports using the same query in Web intelligence

    Hi All,
    I have created a Universe on a BW Query which has fields as below
    AGE  Depaatment  Gender  Grade
    25       FIN                M            A
    27       LES               F            A+
    60       SWS            M             A++
    Based on this data i have created a WEbi report which shows all of these data under one tab.
    Now i create a new report tab in the same Webi Document by right cliicking the existing report and going to inset report and saving it.
    Similarly i create two more new report tabs.
    in each of these tabs i want to show data only for the concened departments.ie =1st report contains all the departments.
    2nd report contains only finance data, third contains only Les data  and fourth only SWs Data.
    Is it possible to create this report using the same query?

    You should use report filters, not query filters.
    A query filter will affect the entire document. Every report tab that pulls data from that query will be impacted. If you start with a single report, by default it shows the data from the query. If you duplicate that report tab, then it's still attached to the first query. There are various ways to create report filters (input controls, quick filter, invoking the filter area from the toolbar) and a report filter impacts only blocks on that report tab. You can even create block filters by clicking on the block first, then creating your filter.
    This is a fairly confusing bit for folks that are new to Web Intelligence.

  • Query Stripping should not be used when Aggregrate Awareness enabled.

    We are having SAP BO 4.0 and underlying database is Teradata.
    We are using Aggregrate awareness concept and we are having single Universe for our modules which is quite complex consisting of many tables.
    each report we have created seperate queries for each functionality.
    So does query stripping should be enabled/or should not be used when we have agrregrate awareness been used more widely.
    Thanks in advance.

    Hi Gaurav Mang,
    This feature is not available for RDBMS in SAP BO 4.0 but it is available in BO 4.1 for RDBMS Database.Check below links for details

  • Refresh of Data in Xcelsius from Web Intelligence Results

    I am new to the forum but not to Business Objects/Xcelsius.  I attended the SAP Sapphire Event last May and spent time in the Business Objects lab.  Two Product Managers demonstrated how I would be able to refresh the data in an Xcelsius dashboard using Live Office by retreiving results from a Webi document without refreshing the Webi query. 
    For example, my Webi document contains 100,000 result rows.  I want to be able to select a dropdown in my dashboard and have Live Office retreive only a subset of the 100,000 rows.  This being done without having the Webi query being refreshed from the database.  The Webi query would be refreshed nightly.
    The Product Managers advised that this functionality would be available in Service Pack 3 or before.  As of now I cannot find out how to make this work.  Any help or information would be appreciated.  Thanks.

    Hello Charles,
    WebIntelligence Input Controls are a way to enhance and customize user experience with report filters, they are therefore based on report filters and the feature is more focused on user interface & experience rather than exposition outside web intelligence.
    Anyway, AFAIK, report filters are not available from Live Office report parts, you can only filter content with prompts, which requires the document to be refresh from the database, which has a direct impact on performance and scalability for consumers.
    However, if you are with WebIntelligence XI 3.1 SP2 you have the alternative to publish from WebI Rich Client, report elements (any table or chart) as web services (called BI Services).
    This tool is based on Qaaws technology, and share some of its features (main being that is uses the same Xcelsius Data Manager connection), it exposes a large part of WebI interactions to external consumers (esp. Xcelsius) : report filters, drill, prompts.
    Besides this tool provides a set of call input parameters to tune web service consumption for best performance and scalability, enabling to leverage WebI document management features like scehduling, publishing and refresh, so consumers can balance performance with real-time data.
    More information is available from WebIntelligence Rich Client user documentation from section sharing webi content with other web applications.
    I recommend you install the latest fix pack (SP2.5 and above), as some initial fixes were required to ensure full compatibility with Xcelsius.
    Hope that helps,

  • Date data from Web Intelligence Report not equal to Date from Source

    I am creating a Web intelligence report based on a BEx query. I have a field called 'Date' that I am bringing over from the BEx query. It has a format of MM/DD/YYYY. When I view the 'Date' in Web Intelligence, it is displaying as 1/1/70. For example, in the BEx Query, 'Date' = 11/01/2011. In Crystal Reports, it is showing up as 1/1/70 as the only date. The source field contains more than 1 date.  I'm not sure what's going on. I am using the 14.0.0 (2010) version of the Web Intelligence through the BusinessObject Launch Pad.
    Please help!

    The patches for SAP BusinessObjects BI4.0 are accumulative.  This means you can download the latest patch (for the Support Package that you have installed) and it will have all the patch fixes
    It looks like older patches are being removed from the sites & only the most recent patch or patches are available since they are accumulative
    I believe Patch 2.15 should now be available, but anything later than Patch 2.6 should help you in this instance
    I hope this helps

  • Problem with Dates in the Web Intelligence

    Hello Everyone,
    I am facing a problem with the Web Intelligence Report, in the universe there is a Date field (L01 Date and L01 Date Key). In the report Web Intelligence when i use L01 Date Key it works fine (like 10/07/2010), but when i use L01 Date it shows a Strange Date like 31/12/69. I´ve already tried out with another infocube and query, but the value is the same (31/12/69).
    Does anybody have any idea ?
    Edited by: Jordan Silva on Jun 10, 2010 10:08 PM
    Edited by: Jordan Silva on Jun 10, 2010 10:09 PM

    The problem is coming because L01 field contains summary data of L01 filed and L01 key field contain actual value of that field.
    so date field cant be summarize so that's why you are getting an error. Please check with some non date field. hope it will work perfectly fine.

  • Query Stripping not working properly when using variable in the report

    We have issue with WEBI document that have query stripping enable.
    Once the query stripping enabled there is no data return in the report.
    We have investigate on the problem, the query stripping function are notable to retrieve objects that indirectly used in the report
    as we have
    many variable in the reports.
    Var1 = object1 + object2
    Var2 = Object3 + Object4
    Var3 = Var1 + Var2
    Var4 = Object1 + Object2 + Object3 + Object4
    If we use only Var3 in the report, the object1,2,3,and 4 will not be
    But if we are using Var4 in the report, the object1,2,3,and 4 will be
    retrieve properly.
    Please let me know is it a by-design behavior, if yes please share points on it

    Hi Amit,
    Thank you for response, however i already had alook on that VIdeo and it tells us about the basic enabling of query stripping.
    But my question is when we have a Variable in a report which is dependent on the other two variables it gives me #error so is it by design or not.

Maybe you are looking for