Query to align data together

Hello All
I have 3 tables say A, B, C
Each contain a column called ID
The number of rows in each table can vary.
I want the output to be like this, so that it aligns the same ids from the 3 tables
in the same row.
Wherever the Id is not present in the table it should be replaced by X
1 1 X
2 X 2
3 3 X
4 4 X
5 X 5
6 6 6
X 7 X
X 8 X
X X 9

Solution 1
Outer joining combined with union
select nvl(to_char(a_id), 'X') aId
     , nvl(to_char(b_id), 'X') bId
     , nvl(to_char(c_id), 'X') cId
  from (select a.id a_id
             , b.id b_id
             , c.id c_id
          from table_a a
             , table_b b
             , table_c c
         where b.id = a.id(+)
           and b.id = c.id(+)
        select a.id
             , b.id
             , c.id
          from table_a a
             , table_b b
             , table_c c
         where a.id = b.id(+)
           and a.id = c.id(+)
        select a.id
             , b.id
             , c.id
          from table_a a
             , table_b b
             , table_c c
         where c.id = b.id(+)
           and c.id = a.id(+))
order by nvl(b_id, nvl(a_id, c_id))Solution 2
A quick and dirty solution which will work as long as
1) the id's of table_a, table_b and table_c are integers
2) the highest id is lower than the number of rows in the user_objects table
select nvl(to_char(a.id), 'X') a_id
     , nvl(to_char(b.id), 'X') b_id
     , nvl(to_char(c.id), 'X') c_id
  from table_a a
     , table_b b
     , table_c c
     , (select rownum fake_id
          from user_objects) obj
where obj.fake_id = a.id(+)
   and obj.fake_id = b.id(+)
   and obj.fake_id = c.id(+)
   and (a.id is not null
        b.id is not null
        c.id is not null)

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    Or maybe
    SQL>  WITH t AS (SELECT TO_DATE ('12-02-09 12:00:00',
                               'DD-MM-YY HH24:MI:SS')
                      'planned activity' activity,
                      'st' start_end,
                      366 HOST
               FROM DUAL
               UNION ALL
               SELECT TO_DATE ('12-02-09 13:10:20',
                               'DD-MM-YY HH24:MI:SS'),
                      'planned activity',
               FROM DUAL
               UNION ALL
               SELECT TO_DATE ('01-04-09 08:30:34',
                               'DD-MM-YY HH24:MI:SS'),
                      'planned activity',
               FROM DUAL
               UNION ALL
               SELECT TO_DATE ('01-04-09 15:00:20',
                               'DD-MM-YY HH24:MI:SS'),
                      'planned activity',
               FROM DUAL
               UNION ALL
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                               'DD-MM-YY HH24:MI:SS'),
                      'unplanned activity',
               FROM DUAL
               UNION ALL
               SELECT TO_DATE ('12-04-09 17:11:04',
                               'DD-MM-YY HH24:MI:SS'),
                      'unplanned activity',
               FROM DUAL
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                               'DD-MM-YY HH24:MI:SS'),
                      'planned activity',
               FROM DUAL
               UNION ALL
               SELECT TO_DATE ('23-05-09 22:15:09',
                               'DD-MM-YY HH24:MI:SS'),
                      'planned activity',
               FROM DUAL)
    SELECT MIN (event_date) startdate,
           MAX (event_date) enddate,
           MAX (activity) reason,
           NUMTODSINTERVAL (MAX (event_date) - MIN (event_date),
    FROM t
    GROUP BY TRUNC (event_date)
    STARTDATE             ENDDATE               REASON             DURATION                                         
    23.05.2009 22:00:11   23.05.2009 22:15:09   planned activity   +00 00:14:57.999999                              
    12.02.2009 12:00:00   12.02.2009 13:10:20   planned activity   +00 01:10:19.999999                              
    01.04.2009 08:30:34   01.04.2009 15:00:20   planned activity   +00 06:29:45.999999                              
    12.04.2009 17:10:45   12.04.2009 17:11:04   unplanned activity +00 00:00:18.999999                              
    4 rows selected.

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    Thanks & regards,

    Try this:
    Select *
    SELECT T0.[DocNum] as #,t0.cardcode as C, t0.docdate
    WHERE T0.[DocStatus] = 'o' and T0.[DocDate]  = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), DATEADD(s,-1,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,getdate())-1,0)),10) OR T0.[DocDate]  = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), DATEADD(s,-1,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,getdate())-2,0)),10) or T0.[DocDate]  = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), DATEADD(s,-1,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,getdate())-3,0)),10) or T0.[DocDate]  = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), DATEADD(s,-1,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,getdate())-4,0)),10) or T0.[DocDate]  = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), DATEADD(s,-1,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,getdate())-5,0)),10) or T0.[DocDate]  = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), DATEADD(s,-1,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,getdate())-6,0)),10) or T0.[DocDate]  = CONVERT(VARCHAR(10), DATEADD(s,-1,DATEADD(mm, DATEDIFF(m,0,getdate())-7,0)),10)
    group by t0.cardcode,docdate,T0.[DocNum]) S
    (count(#) for c in([cvt01],[cvt02],[cvt03],[cvt04],[cvt05],[cvt06],[cvt07],[cvt08],[cvt12])) P
    Note: Replace Cvt01,02...with your customer code.
    Thanks & Regards,

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    Do you want to combine data from multiple Excel Files in the same folder path into one table? If I understand correct, we can add a custom column to import the data.
    After we getting a list of files with their path, the Query Editor window will activate to show you a table containing a record for each file in the chosen directory. These will provide our function with the needed FilePath and FileName parameters. 
    Function sample: File name([Folder path],[Field name]
    For more detailed steps, please see the article:
    Please Note: Since the web site is not hosted by Microsoft, the link may change without notice. Microsoft does not guarantee the accuracy of this information.
    George Zhao
    TechNet Community Support
    It's recommended to download and install
    Configuration Analyzer Tool (OffCAT), which is developed by Microsoft Support teams. Once the tool is installed, you can run it at any time to scan for hundreds of known issues in Office

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    Numbers can store pdfs pages or clippings but does not directly open pdf files.  To get the bank statement into Numbers as a table I would open the bank statment in Preview (or Skim) or some pdf viewer.
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    Nehal Jain

    Hello Nehal -
    Try adding a UNION ALL to your parameter dataset query like
    Just check accordingly. I ll revert again based on this , got a priority now.
    Happy to help! Thanks. Regards and good Wishes, Deepak. http://deepaksqlmsbusinessintelligence.blogspot.com/

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    1013033[Thu Oct 22 09:08:17
    2009]server name/application name/database name/user name/Error91013033)
    ReportWriter exit abnormally
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    Hyperion System 9 BI+ Analytic Administration Services Build 2
    Web Analysis
    Thanks in advance for your help.

    And also click on check option by opening the query in Query designer,as Mr . Arun suggested.
    And if you get any error in checking, see the long message(detail).
    With rgds,
    Anil Kumar Sharma .P

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    We have been using a query to read data from a custom view which used to work perfectly. Now the program sits at that select query forever. We are able to extract same data from se16. Not sure what could be the problem.
    Thanks in advance.

    Have a look at the Table Index for the tables involved in the View... I think there is some change in the Indexes.. (Add / Remove / Change)
    Amol Lohade

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    Hi Friends,
    When I execute a query fon Master Data Characteristic infoObject ( 0BPARTNER ) from BEx Analyzer I got the below error. 0BPARTNER contains 15 attributes. I am getting the below error only for this query. Rest all other queries are working good with the same BEx Analyzer.
    <b>An error occured in the communication with the BW Server.
    Due to this connection has to be closed.</b>
    <b>Detailed Description:
    The system is configured incorrectly.</b>
    Please tell me what could be the problem? How to overcome this?

    Hi Arun,
    Before the execution of query I did that. And it was ' Query is Correct'.
    Any more ideas?

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    hai  everybody
    how to use a query in matrix data retrive...
    pls ..

    If u have created a UDT to store the data then U can retrive the data through recordset.
    oRecordset.doquery("SQL Statement")
    If u have taken the DB Data source to Manipulate then
    then type
    U can retrive the data through DB Data source.

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    i have a query regarding the data type for fetcing records from multiple ODS tables.
    if i have 2 table with a same column name then in the datatype under parent row node i cant add 2 nodes with the same name.
    can any one help with some suggestion.

    Hi Mudit,
    One option would be to go as mentioned by Padamja , prefxing the table name to the column name or another would be to use the AS keyoword in your SQL statement.
    AS is used to rename the column name when data is being selected from your DB.
    So, the query  Select ename as empname from emptable will return the data with column name as empname.

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    third how do i do this.
    i am really lost at this point.
    can anyone give me tips in how to approach this

    It can be one using Adobe Acrobat Designer which is packaged
    with Acrobat
    Professional Pro 7. It uses all XML to create and populate
    If you had the time, you can also create <cfdocument
    type="pdf"> to have
    them ready and just pass the info to it so it autogenerates
    the PDF on the

  • Query based on date partition

    I am trying to output only a successful job during the past 24 hrs of each day. If there is job that has an outcome of a success and a failure within the last
    24 hrs for each day, I want to only output the successful one. If there are no success for the same job, I will output the last attempted failed job.
    Here are my columns:
    current output:
    JOB_ID     JOBDATE               GROUP     PATH          OUTCOME          FAILED     LEVEL     ASSET
    3400908     7/27/2012 10:01:18 AM     polA     target1          Success          0     incr     clone1
    3400907     7/27/2012 10:01:09 AM     polA     target1          Failed          0     incr     clone1
    3389180     7/23/2012 10:01:14 AM     polA     target1          Failed          1     incr     clone1
    3374713     7/23/2012 10:01:03 AM     polA     target1          Success          0     incr     clone1
    3374712     7/22/2012 11:24:32 AM     polA     target1          Success          0     Full     clone1
    3367074     7/22/2012 11:24:00 AM     polA     target1          Failed          1     Full     clone1
    3167074     7/21/2012 10:01:13 AM     polA     target1          Success          0     incr     clone1
    336074     7/21/2012 10:01:08 AM     polA     target1          Success          0     incr     clone1
    desired output:
    JOB_ID     JOBDATE               GROUP     PATH          OUTCOME          FAILED     LEVEL     ASSET
    3400908     7/27/2012 10:01:18 AM     polA     target1          Success          0     incr     clone1
    3374713     7/23/2012 10:01:03 AM     polA     target1          Success          0     incr     clone1
    3374712     7/22/2012 11:24:32 AM     polA     target1          Success          0     Full     clone1
    3167074     7/21/2012 10:01:13 AM     polA     target1          Success          0     incr     clone1
    Here is a code I am trying to use without success:
    select *
       (selectjob_id, jobdate, group, path, outcome, Failed, level, asset,
              ROW_NUMBER() OVER(PARTITION BY group, path, asset ORDER BY jobdate desc) as rn
                   from job_table where jobdate between trunc(jobdate) and trunc(jobdate) -1 )
       where rn = 1
       order by jobdate desc;Thanks,

    Hi, Abe,
    You're on the right track, using ROW_NUMBER to assign numbers, and picking only #1 in the main query. The main thing you're missing is the PARTITION BY clause.
    You want to assign a #1 for each distinct combination of group_id, path, asset and calendar day , right?
    Then you need to PARTITION BY group_id, path, asset and calendar day . I think you realized that when you named this thread "Query Based *on date partition* ".
    The next thing is the analytic ORDER BY clause. To see which row in each partition gets assigned #1, you need to order the rows by outcome ('Success' first, then 'Failed'), and after that, by jobdate (latest jobdate first, which is DESCending order).
    If so, this is what you want:
    WITH     got_r_num     AS
         SELECT  j.*     -- or list columns wanted
         ,     ROW_NUMBER () OVER ( PARTITION BY  group_id     -- GROUP is not a good column name
                                   ,                    path
                             ,             asset
                             ,             TRUNC (jobdate)
                                   ORDER BY          CASE  outcome
                                                 WHEN  'Succcess'
                                         THEN  1
                                         ELSE  2
                             ,             jobdate     DESC
                           )      AS r_num
         FROM    job_table  j
         WHERE     outcome     IN ('Success', 'Failed')
    --     AND     ...     -- Any other filtering, if needed
    SELECT     *       -- or list all columns except r_num
    FROM     got_r_num
    WHERE     r_num     = 1
    ;If you'd care to post CREATE TABLE and INSERT statements for the sample data, then I could test it.
    It looks like you posted multiple copies of this thread.  I'll bet that's not your fault; this site can cause that.  Even though it's not your fault, please mark all the duplicate versions of this thread as "Answered" right away, and continue in this thread if necessary.
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Jul 28, 2012 11:47 PM
    This site is flakier than I thought! I did see at least 3 copies of this same thread earlier, but I don't see them now.

  • Select Query Based on date condition

    Hi ,
    Is it Possible.
    i want to run select query based on date condition.
    if the date between 01-jan-01 and 01-jan-05 then
    select * from table1;
    if the date between 02-jan-05 and 01-jan-08 then
    select * from table2;
    Becaz i have data in 2 diffrent tables , based on the date condition i wnt to run the select statement to diffrent tables.
    i dont want plsql here Just SQL needed.
    Edited by: infant_raj on May 5, 2009 11:48 PM

    Helo Kanish,
    this is not the one i was asking..
    wht i mean was .
    i use bind variable to get date while running the select statement , once i get the date then i want to choose any one of the table to run select query.
    select col1,col2 from table1 where date between only if 01-jan-01 and 01-jan-05;
    select col1,col2 from table2 where date between only if 02-jan-05 and 01-jan-08;
    Run any one of the two . not all

Maybe you are looking for

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