Question in Creating the Rules Composer DC

Hi All,
I am new to Business Rules Management. I am trying to create a new rules composer DC but in the second step , when I am trying to select a software component, it says the software component does not support the selected development component type and am unable to proceed from here.
Please could someone help me out with this.
Thanks & Regards,
Sushanth Hulkod

Hi Sushanth,
   That's odd. In the development 'Development Infrastructure' perspective (Windows -> Open Perspective), select your software component and click on the 'DC Types' tab on the right to make sure 'Rules Composer' is one fo the supported DC types. When you first create a SC all DC are selected for dependencies. Did you uncheck them when you created your SC? Just created a rules composer DC on CE 7.2 SP3 without any problems.

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    Please use the create_entailment API.
    As far as temp tablespace goes, please create a bigfile temp tablespace. You can follow Slide #36 of the
    following document.
    Zhe Wu

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    Hi Uds,
    are you running SOA Suite on a Linux server and not on your PC and just running JDeveloper on your PC?
    If so try creating the repository file specifying a directory on the Linux server.
    For example to:
    So Choose 'File' from drop down menu
    Enter /tmp/sample_repository
    Click on create button
    This should create the file called sample_repository in /tmp on the Linux server.
    Can you tell us what your environment is?
    Regards Cel

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    1) Yes, you'll have to create the database using MySQL.
    2) You sure can once you have the database created with the proper rights assigned to your user. You can put the code anywhere you want but you may want to put it somewhere where it only ran once like on install if you're doing a standalone app.

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    SQL> select mdsys.sdo_tune.estimate_tiling_level('peta','geom',10000,'avg_gid_extent') from dual; For a start, put the table and column name in upper case - Oracle stores object names in capitals in the data dictionary, regardless of the case that was used to create them.

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    Can you post the exact issue and what you really need ?
    Do you want to create a Vocabulary or Rule with the predicate functions?
    Regards, Aboorva Raja R Please remember to mark the replies as answers if they help and unmark them if they provide no help.

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    There is well defined pdf is exist on google. please search and help yourself.
    Use google search term "How to Write a Routine for 0CALDAY in infopackage selections".
    Let me help you how to find it.
    Let me google that for you

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    tell application "Microsoft Excel"
              set hpath to "Macintosh-HD:Users:bg:20f11:Hmwk:graded:"
              set theGrades to open workbook workbook file name "Macintosh-HD:Users:bg:20f11:20f11_grades.xlsx" update links do not update links
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              set theMailbox to "20f11"
              set sn to value of every cell of range "sn"  --sn is student number
    end tell
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              repeat with j from 1 to length of sn
                        set newRule to make new rule at end of rules with properties {name:item j of sn), enabled:false}
                        tell newRule
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                end tell
              end repeat
    end tell

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    Hi jamesla,
    Based on my research, the issue can be caused by a deleted shared data source still exist under the Data Sources list in Report Builder. For more details about this scenario, we can refer to the following thread:
    Since the error message without detail information, we can try to render the report to see the detail error message. Besides, we can try to check it in the log file. The SQL Reporting Services log files are found on the reporting services point server, in
    the folder %programfiles%\Microsoft SQL Server\<SQL Server Instance>\Reporting Services\LogFiles.
    For more information about how to use Microsoft SQL azure as the data source of a report, please see:
    Katherine Xiong
    Katherine Xiong
    TechNet Community Support

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    i want to change my password, somebody is using my ID,i follow the rules but unfortunatly i forgot the answer of safety question what can i do?
    i recieve a mail form apple team showing reset password link but its not opening

    I rang Apple and they could noy help me.
    They are often pretty impatient with these questions.
    You will need to contact iTunes Support for this. Be prepared to supply the answers that you do know, plus some additional personal information that only you will know.
    Start here:
    Click iTunes > iTunes Store > Other iTunes topics and questions. Eventually you get to a point at which you can compose a thoughtfully worded email. Apple will respond via email within a day. Be sure to check your spam folder for this reply.
    Normal business hours apply, so you may have to wait until Monday. They will ask you for more personal information, and then you will have to wait for another reply which will provide instructions for resetting your password as well as answers to the security questions. Good luck!

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    Try the WebCenter forum:
    WebCenter Portal

  • Where is the option "create update rule" in BW 7.3?

    Hi, all.
    We have updated our BI sandbox to BW 7.3. After installing cube 0PT_C01 from the BCT, I realized that infosource 0HR_PT_3 is not linked to the cube. So I was trying to manually create the update rule. But that "create update rule" option is nowhere to be found. Can you please advise?

    Hi jonathan,
    you are implementing time and labour 0PT_C01.
    for that we have only 2 standard data sources
    1 is 0HR_PT_1
    2 is 0HR_PT_2
    in addition to the above data sources we can also use 0HR_PT_3 data source for the info provider 0PT_C01.
    PL check the below link

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    Try these previous discusssions:
    recover answers to security questions: Apple Support Communities
    how do i change apple ID security...: Apple Support Communities

  • My question is, when i bought my sons ipod I created the account with my email, the I purchased an ipod as well and used to same account.  I want him to have his own account so he can't access my itunes money.

    My question is, when I bought my sons ipod I created the account with my emai, then I purchased an ipod as well, so we share an account.  I want him off of my account.  How do you do that, he has his own computer.

    His own password for what? You can only have one password for one account.
    He can use your account for items and he can also use his own account. To purchase items with a different account you go to Settings>Store and sign out and sign into the other account.
    To update apps you have to sign into the account the purchased them.

Maybe you are looking for