Question Mark and No External Boot

I have a G4 12-inch Powerbook that I bought refurbished from the online Apple Store almost exactly a year ago. I am running the most current operating system and have installed all update. This evening I used it on battery for three hours with no problem. I went to dinner for 20 minutes. I plugged it in and woke it up from sleep. It began to make a humming noise, and vibrating under my left wrist. I restarted it except it would not turn back on.
Since then, I have tried to boot from my system software on CD, my back-up on my FireWire drive, and my HardDrive. Booting on the option key recognizes none of these. I also tried Cmdopt+pr.
I never know how far it will boot- sometimes it doesn't past the grey screen, sometimes I get the apple without the spinning circle, sometimes I get it with it, and once it got to the blue background with the apple and the progress bar (the progress bar did not fill). Sometimes it will take me to the flashing question-mark-file-folder. But as long as it’s on it is always making the unhealthy vibrating noise on the left size of the mouse.
What should I try next?

Welcome to Apple Discussions, theprincessofmars.
The noise you are hearing seems to be coming from the hard drive. If that is the case, then the problem you are encountering is usually because of a failed hard drive. The flashing question mark/folder icon also indicates that a bootable OS cannot be found. These two symptoms are the biggest clues to a failed/failing hard drive.
However, I find it unusual that you cannot restart from the original installer CD. Did you restart with the 'C' key pressed down all the time? It is also strange that you cannot restart from your FireWire backup. Does the FW drive contain a fully bootable backup? Have you been able to restart from the backup previously? Normally, even if the internal hard drive has failed, it is still possible to restart from CD or a FW drive (containing a bootable system).
That said, a failed internal hard drive would be the first thing I would look into as the prime culprit. Therefore, a replacement hard drive may be next option. If the PowerBook is still under warranty then I would contact Apple.
15 1.25G/12 1G PBs, Mac minis, iBooks G3/G4,   Mac OS X (10.4.3)   Cube, TAMs, iPods 2G/4G, iPs, AEBS, AX

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    Click here and follow the instructions. If the computer was running Mac OS X 10.6.8 or earlier and you reach the third set of steps, insert a Mac OS X install disk.

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    To be more specific, the computer is not finding a valid system when it starts up. This may result from the hard drive's physical mechanism failing, or the system on the drive being corrupted in some way.
    Repairing permissions is not likely to fix this issue. Instead I would suggest booting from the system install DVD, running Disk Utility, selecting your hard drive's partition and select *Repair Disk*.
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    The Question Mark folder implies that your MacBook can't find a System Folder to boot from. It doesn't mean the drive is bad.
    Are you holding down the C key while booting? Make sure the MacBook is shut down. Now, press the power button, hold down the C key and insert the restore disk all at the same time. Keep holding down the C key until you see the Apple logo on the screen, then let go. You should see an Installer window, select English. DO not proceed with any installation.. do this. From the Menu Bar, click Utilities/Startup Disk. When that window opens, select MacintoshHD 10.x.x and click the Restart button. That will boot your Mac back up from the hard disk, not the restore disk. If this works, don't forget to eject your restore disk and store it in a safe place.
    More help for the question mark:
    Message was edited by: Carolyn Samit

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    I suggest you get 9.2.  You need to install the same or later version of the OS.  One some computer the shipped version has extra drivers.  The drivers will not be in the official release in this case 9.1.  They would be in 9.2.
    Mac OS 9.1 (Mac OS ROM 7.5.1) and Mac OS X 10.0.4 (4P13)
    *blinking question mark*
    The blinking question mark means that your mac firmware could not find a valid operating system
    on one of your disk volumes.
    Somethings to do to resolve the blinking question mark.
    Try holding down the option key then power on.  This brings up the startup manager.  Click on your hd. Click on right arrow key.
    You need to figure out the level of your firmware before installing 10.2 or greater. ( The PC name for firmware is BIOS. ) Installing 10.2 with a down level firmware will most likely make your iMac unusable and difficult to fix.
    What is firmware?
    The firmware software receives control when you poweron your machine.  It does some hardware testing and some hardware configuration then passes control to your version of Mac OS.   It reside on a PROM ( program read only memory ) chip on the logic board.
    Figuring out what level of firmware you have?
    Open Firmware, boot into Open Firmware.
    Power on your iMac while holding down command+option+o+f
    The first output line contains the firmware level. Mine reads:
    Apple PowerMac4,1 4.1.9f1 BootRom built on 09/14/01 at 13.18.04
    Copyright 1994-2001 Apple Computer Inc.
    On my machine, I have 4.1.9f1.
    What firmware do you need?
    For a slot loading iMac, this article indicates that you need to be running 9.1 or later version of Mac OS Classic.
    "The iMac Firmware Update 4.1.9 will only run on iMac computers with lot-loading CD or DVD drives running Mac OS 9.1 or later from a local drive. If you are using Mac OS X you must boot from a local Mac OS 9.1 or later writeable partition (not a CD, or network disk) prior to following the update instructions."
    You can download the Mac OS 9 updates from the Apple site.

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    There isn't anything you can do for there. If you have a 2012 MBA your solid state drive has probably failed (mine did two weeks ago). I wasn't able to get into safe mode or do anything with it. I installed the OS onto a USB to get onto the machine properly, but I couldn't get into the hard drive.
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    were would be the place to find the original system install CD.
    Ideally, your friend:
    My Friend gave me his Old Imac G5
    The Apple Store may have original system install discs but I would be surprised since no Apple Store in the US that I know of sells them any longer.
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    Hi love, I had this problem last october. When I bought my Mac it was an ex-display model with a new hard drive (August 2004). Last October 2006 I restarted my mac only for it to come up with the flashy finder folder / question mark. I was told that this means the Mac can't access the OS - apparently (not gospel!) this means that either your OS is being a bum or your hard drive has died, meaning that your mac can't access the OS 'cos obviously it's stored on your hard drive. I'm not sure how much of that is correct, however when I sent it off for repair, it came back with a new hard drive. I'd also like to say at this point that the Hardware test disk said my Hard Drive was OK but that when I connected my Mac to another Mac via firewire to try and retreive my data it could not access the hard disk.
    Sorry to break the bad news to you but it's very very likely you'll need a new hard drive. I am suffering at the moment 'cos my hard drive died again about 3 weeks ago, I got it back 10 days ago and it's gone again now. I have a week before I finish my degree and all my assignments were on there! (Naturally the ones I'd done this week hadn't been backed up yet!)
    Good luck with your Mac, let us know how it goes

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    this started happening about three days ago. the day it started, i got up, checked my email, and then shut the computer down. but then i saw the soft light flashing on the closed laptop that tells me that it is still on. so i figured that i hadn't completed the shut down process all the way. i opened the laptop and almost knocked it off the perch it was on. i grabbed it in time to prevent it from falling, but in the process i mashed some buttons with my thumb. when i turned on the computer, it briefly flashed the desktop and then went dark and started flashing the icons as i described above.
    i am in japan right now, so getting ahold of apple in the states is somewhat difficult. any amount of help is very much appreciated. i've already tried a full shutdown by taking the battery out and holding down the power button for 5 seconds, as described on the apple website. this didn't work. i'm not sure which version of OS i have, but i'm pretty sure it is at least 10.0. i got the computer last year right as tiger was coming out.

    also, the power icon on the power button is not showing any light, and it wasn't showing any light for a day or so before this event happened.

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    can you explain how you type those characters ? Is there anything written in the top right corner of your device ? like ES or EN ?
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