Question on the jai execution chain

I have an execution chain as follows:
TIFFImage--> wrapnull --> forceComponent --> setLayout -->lookup --> setLayout --> scale --> errordiffusion
where I create my own operator "forceComponent" and implement computeRect() method in it. I found during hte excution of the chain, my computeRect() method was called 27 times. Any reason why this happened?

Just a guess, are you calling the computeRect() in your paint or paintComponent methods?

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    Go to Solution.

    I don't see a big rush to answer this, so I'll give it a shot:
    1. The HT version uses less resources, but only because it is configured with the smallest data types. You should get exactly the same results with the same data types and an Add function. The only difference with the HT version is the ability to specify an output register, and the handshaking signals that account for that delay. IF the add is implemented in a DSP48, the integrated register can result in better timing, but in practice it is usually equivalent to an Add function followed by a feedback node.
    2. The actual delay through an add is proportional to the number of bits, where the critical path is the sequentially computed carry chain. So you could run the last one at the highest clock rate. The FPGA has dedicated fast carry logic, so the difference isn't too significant.
    3. The first one will be VERY slightly smaller and faster, just because you're computing one extra output bit on the second one.
    4. I would expect the speed to depend only on the number of DSP48s used, so the last 3 should be similar. You'd be likely to see different results in practice, though, due to routing differing numbers of bits to registers for the indicators. This assumes you're not taking advantage of any of the pipelining configuration options in the HT Multiply. Those options, and the associated handshaking signals, are really what differentiates the HT versions from the regular numeric functions. They allow you to achieve higher clock rates and throughput at the expense of latency (ie, it will take more clock cycles to produce a valid result but you can get more data through the function in a given amount of time).
    Caveats: All your examples have constant inputs, so the LabVIEW compiler and/or Xilinx tools can and will optimize them to no ops. Small multiplies, multiplies with one constant input, or those just larger than 25x18 may also use some non-DSP48 logic for all or part of the implementation. Note that the HT palettes provide a DSP48E function in case you want control over exactly how a multiply and/or add gets implemented. Placing and routing can result in unexpected behaviors, so estimating timing is much more difficult than simply adding up component delays.

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    Hi Ychinnari,
    According to your description, you comes across an error when you run a report.
    In your scenario, the issue could cause by the Execution Account you have configured in the Reporting Services Configuration Manager is not correct. Please go to Reporting Services Configuration Manager and connect to the report server instance, then open
    the Execution Account page, update the username and password for the execution account, finally, restart the Reporting Services for this instance.
    Since you mentioned you can’t find the log files, please check the server which has reporting server instance installed with this path: C:\Program Files\Microsoft SQL Server\<instance name>\Reporting Services\LogFiles to check the error log.
    If you have any question, please feel free to ask.
    Best regards,
    Qiuyun Yu
    Qiuyun Yu
    TechNet Community Support

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    Why on earth are you ignoring your previous topic about the same question where the answer is already given more than once?

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    > does the client (e.g. clients using CAPI/CAPI2) also check the "Third-Party Root Certification Authorities" X509 store or do the Certs in this logical store also reside (get copied to) the "Third-Party Root Certification Authorities"
    X509 store
    yes. Trusted Root CAs container is an aggregated container for all trusted root CAs (for natively trusted CAs and for Root Certification Program members).
    Vadims Podāns, aka PowerShell CryptoGuy
    My weblog:
    PowerShell PKI Module:
    PowerShell Cmdlet Help Editor
    Check out new: SSL Certificate Verifier
    Check out new:
    PowerShell File Checksum Integrity Verifier tool.

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    REMOTE DN: "ou=People,dc=someotherdomain,dc=com"
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    REMOTE DN: "ou=Some_Subsuffix,ou=People,dc=someotherdomain,dc=com"
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    Hi Blusky ,
    check the below given link.
    Rohit Garg

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    What is the warranty on this laptop?

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    The only recent change to anything was the addition of an Apple TV device, which was set up using the correct login and password.
    Does anyone have any ideas? The iPad has been backed up to the iCloud so presumably it now won't recognize the current iCloud account? So restoring may notbe an option?

Maybe you are looking for

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