Questionable NE (non existant) row in conflict view

In the conflicts view, we have a record which shows up as non existing in the base version. But we know that the row existed (in LIVE) before the child workspace was created, and we know that the row was subsequently updated (not inserted) in LIVE and updated (not inserted) in the child workspace. (We have the history view). Why would the conflict view think that the row didn't exist before?<br>
<br>GR13_M4_2005Q3 1039133 NO
<br>BASE 10391336     NE
<br>LIVE 10391336 NO

This could happen for the following reason. If the update in LIVE workspace overwrites the base version of the row, then the CONF view will report the row as being non existent.  The NE code does not mean that the base row never existed, only that it no longer exists.  Since the base row was overwritten, the CONF view is correctly identifying it as NE.
The row in the LIVE workspace could be overwritten due to the table being versioned with the view_w_overwrite history option or without any history. It is also possible to turn overwrite on at the session level for tables versioned with the view_wo_overwrite option.
This behavior would typically not occur in workspaces that are not continually refreshed(CR). This is because when a non-CR workspace is created, an implicit savepoint in created in the parent workspace which will prevent the base row from being overwritten. This savepoint is not created for CR workspaces. You could also explicitly create a savepoint in the LIVE workspace if you want to prevent this situation from occurring.
If any of the above is not applicable to your case, then I would need more details to determine why this is happening.

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  • SQl question regarding non-existent rows

    I have this sql statement
    select im_status, im_language, count(*)
         from icm_main
         where im_language in ('de','ko','ja','en','es')
         and im_status in ('approved','live','composing')
         group by im_language, im_status
    It works great for rows in teh database. But I don't have any 'DE', 'approved' items. How can I get that query to show me 0 for the count(*)?

    Simple example:
    SQL> select ename, deptno from emp where
      2  ename in ('SMITH','ALLEN','WARD','BONYE');
    ENAME          DEPTNO
    ALLEN              30
    SMITH              20
    WARD               30
    SQL> select p.ename, p.deptno, count(e.ename)
      2  from emp e right join
      3  (
      4   select ename, deptno
      5   from (
      6   select 'SMITH' ename from dual
      7   union all
      8   select 'ALLEN' from dual
      9   union all
    10   select 'WARD' from dual
    11   union all
    12   select 'BONYE' from dual
    13   ) a,
    14   (select 10 deptno from dual
    15    union all
    16    select 20 from dual
    17    union all
    18    select 30 from dual
    19    union all
    20    select 40 from dual
    21   ) b
    22  ) p
    23  on (p.ename = e.ename and p.deptno = e.deptno)
    24  group by p.ename, p.deptno
    25  /
    WARD          10              0
    WARD          20              0
    WARD          30              1
    WARD          40              0
    ALLEN         10              0
    ALLEN         20              0
    ALLEN         30              1
    ALLEN         40              0
    BONYE         10              0
    BONYE         20              0
    BONYE         30              0
    BONYE         40              0
    SMITH         10              0
    SMITH         20              1
    SMITH         30              0
    SMITH         40              0
    16 rows selected.Rgds.

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  • Rollup and Display Non Existing Rows

    This query produces the results except that I would like to have a final total and overal average (excluding the "No GPA"). Shown as XXX in the output sample. Can this be done in one query or do I need to union for the summary?
    Additionally, if possible, how can I write some statements so that rows that may not exist can be displayed on the output? Example: there are no GPAs in the range of 0.1 thru 0.9. My query results do not show the first two rows, however, the users would like to see these rows displayed regardless of the existence or not.
    GPARange            Count  Avg
    0.1 - 0.6  (F )            0      0.00
    0.7 - 0.9  (D-)            0      0.00
    1.0 - 1.2  (D )            1     
    1.3 - 1.6  (D+)            1    
    1.7 - 1.9  (C-)            4     
    2.0 - 2.2  (C )           20   
    2.3 - 2.6  (C+)           81
    2.7 - 2.9  (B-)          189
    3.0 - 3.2  (B )          387
    3.3 - 3.6  (B+)          452
    3.7 - 4.9  (A )          316
    NO GPA                   271
    TOTAL                   XXXX    X.XX
    SELECT academic_period,
                WHEN ((MBA_GPA)) <= 0.6 then '0.1 - 0.6 (F )'
                WHEN ((MBA_GPA)) <= 0.9 then '0.7 - 0.9 (D-)'
                WHEN ((MBA_GPA)) <= 1.2 then '1.0 - 1.2 (D )'
                WHEN ((MBA_GPA)) <= 1.6 then '1.3 - 1.6 (D+)'
                WHEN ((MBA_GPA)) <= 1.9 then '1.7 - 1.9 (C-)'
                WHEN ((MBA_GPA)) <= 2.2 then '2.0 - 2.2 (C )'
                WHEN ((MBA_GPA)) <= 2.6 then '2.3 - 2.6 (C+)'
                WHEN ((MBA_GPA)) <= 2.9 then '2.7 - 2.9 (B-)'
                WHEN ((MBA_GPA)) <= 3.2 then '3.0 - 3.2 (B )'
                WHEN ((MBA_GPA)) <= 3.6 then '3.3 - 3.6 (B+)'
                WHEN ((MBA_GPA)) >  3.6 then '3.7 - 4.9 (A-)'
                WHEN ((MBA_GPA)) is null then 'No GPA'
                'What Happened'
           END as GPARange,
           count(id), round(avg(mba_gpa),2) AVG_GPA
    FROM gpa_stat
    where stu_population='F'
    and academic_period ='200940'
    GROUP BY  stu_population, 
                WHEN ((MBA_GPA)) <= 0.6 then '0.1 - 0.6 (F )'
                WHEN ((MBA_GPA)) <= 0.9 then '0.7 - 0.9 (D-)'
                WHEN ((MBA_GPA)) <= 1.2 then '1.0 - 1.2 (D )'
                WHEN ((MBA_GPA)) <= 1.6 then '1.3 - 1.6 (D+)'
                WHEN ((MBA_GPA)) <= 1.9 then '1.7 - 1.9 (C-)'
                WHEN ((MBA_GPA)) <= 2.2 then '2.0 - 2.2 (C )'
                WHEN ((MBA_GPA)) <= 2.6 then '2.3 - 2.6 (C+)'
                WHEN ((MBA_GPA)) <= 2.9 then '2.7 - 2.9 (B-)'
                WHEN ((MBA_GPA)) <= 3.2 then '3.0 - 3.2 (B )'
                WHEN ((MBA_GPA)) <= 3.6 then '3.3 - 3.6 (B+)'
                WHEN ((MBA_GPA)) >  3.6 then '3.7 - 4.9 (A-)'
                WHEN ((MBA_GPA)) is null then 'No GPA'
                'What Happened'
    order by 1, 2, 3, 4;

    user1069723 wrote:
    This query produces the results except that I would like to have a final total and overal average (excluding the "No GPA"). Shown as XXX in the output sample. Can this be done in one query or do I need to union for the summary?Yes, you can do that in one query, using ROLLUP. You don't need a UNION.
    Additionally, if possible, how can I write some statements so that rows that may not exist can be displayed on the output? Example: there are no GPAs in the range of 0.1 thru 0.9. My query results do not show the first two rows, however, the users would like to see these rows displayed regardless of the existence or not.That's exactly what outer joins do: they display data from one table with matching data from a second table, if any matching data is found. The data from the first table is displayed whether or not there is a match. If there is no match, all columns from the second table are NULL. If you want to treat those NULLs as 0's, use NVL, as I did when displayijng the average, below.
    In this problem, what is the first table, the table that has one row per grade range, and will be displayed even if no row in the result set falls into that grade range?
    You ought to have such a table. The information about where the ranges begin and end, what letter grades are associated with each, and so on, is data. Data belongs in tables, not hard-coded into queries. If, next year, they decide to change where the boundary between D+ and C- falls, or to add an A group, an authorized user can make the change to one table. No matter how many queries use grade ranges, no programmer will have to change any query.
    Here's how you might create such a table:
    CREATE TABLE     GPA_Range
    SELECT  0.0 AS low_gpa, 0.7 AS high_gpa, '0.1 - 0.6 (F)'  AS display_txt, 'F'  AS letter_txt     FROM dual     UNION ALL
    SELECT  0.7 AS low_gpa, 1.0 AS high_gpa, '0.7 - 0.9 (D-)' AS display_txt, 'D-' AS letter_txt     FROM dual     UNION ALL
    SELECT  1.0 AS low_gpa, 1.3 AS high_gpa, '1.0 - 1.2 (D)'  AS display_txt, 'D'  AS letter_txt     FROM dual     UNION ALL
    SELECT  1.3 AS low_gpa, 1.7 AS high_gpa, '1.3 - 1.6 (D+)' AS display_txt, 'D+' AS letter_txt     FROM dual     UNION ALL
    SELECT  1.7 AS low_gpa, 2.0 AS high_gpa, '1.7 - 1.9 (C-)' AS display_txt, 'C-' AS letter_txt     FROM dual     UNION ALL
    SELECT  2.0 AS low_gpa, 2.3 AS high_gpa, '2.0 - 2.2 (C)'  AS display_txt, 'C'  AS letter_txt     FROM dual     UNION ALL
    SELECT  2.3 AS low_gpa, 2.7 AS high_gpa, '2.3 - 2.6 (C+)' AS display_txt, 'C+' AS letter_txt     FROM dual     UNION ALL
    SELECT  2.7 AS low_gpa, 3.0 AS high_gpa, '2.7 - 2.9 (B-)' AS display_txt, 'B-' AS letter_txt     FROM dual     UNION ALL
    SELECT  3.0 AS low_gpa, 3.3 AS high_gpa, '3.0 - 3.2 (B)'  AS display_txt, 'B'  AS letter_txt     FROM dual     UNION ALL
    SELECT  3.3 AS low_gpa, 3.7 AS high_gpa, '3.3 - 3.6 (B+)' AS display_txt, 'B+' AS letter_txt     FROM dual     UNION ALL
    SELECT  3.7 AS low_gpa, 999 AS high_gpa, '3.7 - 4.9 (A-)' AS display_txt, 'A-' AS letter_txt     FROM dual     UNION ALL
    SELECT  NULL,            NULL,             'No GPA',                         NULL             FROM dual;As always, document everything, especially non-intuitive or potentially misleading things:
    COMMENT ON COLUMN gpa_range.low_gpa IS 'Lowest numerical grade inside this range.';
    COMMENT ON COLUMN gpa_range.low_gpa IS 'Lowest numerical grade in THE NEXT range.  This value is OUTSIDE of the range';You might prefer to assign impossible low_gpa and high_gpa values (like -2 and -1) to the 'No GPA' row. It's completely arbitrary, non-intutive and potentially confusing, but it would make joining easier.
    If you can't create such a table, you can use a sub-query almost identical to the CREATE TABLE statement above in every query that needs it.
    Here's the main query to do what you requested:
    WITH      interesting_gpa_stat     AS
         SELECT     college
         ,     mba_gpa
         FROM     gpa_stat
         WHERE     stu_population     = 'F'
         AND     academic_period     = '200940'
    ,     all_colleges     AS
         SELECT DISTINCT     college
         FROM             interesting_gpa_stat
    ,        r.display_txt           AS gparange
    ,        COUNT (             AS count
    ,        NVL ( AVG (s.mba_gpa)
                , 0
                )               AS avg
    FROM                all_colleges          c
    CROSS JOIN        gpa_range          r
    LEFT OUTER JOIN        interesting_gpa_stat     s     ON (     =
                                                AND     r.low_gpa     <= s.mba_gpa
                                              AND     r.high_gpa     >  s.mba_gpa
                                  OR (     =
                                     AND     r.low_gpa     IS NULL
                                           AND     s.mba_gpa     IS NULL
                      , r.display_txt
    ,            r.display_txtWithout any sample data and the results you want from that data, I had to make several assumptions.
    For example, I assumed you wanted to have several colleges in the same result set. For each college, there will be one row of output for every grade range in the gpa_range table, regardless of whether any matches are found in the gpa_stat table. It's okay if there happens to be only one college if the result set.
    The query includes a total for each college, and a grand total for the entire result set.
    Any filtering (such as stu_population='F') should be done in the interesting_gpa_stat sub-query. You could get by without this sub-query, but any filtering conditions that would be in the WHERE clause would have to be added to outer-join conditions.
    NULL values are ignored in all aggregate funcitons, so nothing special has to be done to keep rows in the 'No GPA' group from distorting the averages. The NVL function that presents 0 as the average when no grades were found in the other ranges always causes this average to apperar as 0 in the 'No GPA' rows, too. If you would prefer NULL in that column, then put the NVL inside a CASE expression.
    Edited by: Frank Kulash on Jun 28, 2009 5:03 AM

  • Best practice for update/insert on existing/non existing rows

    In an application I want to check if a row exists and if yes I want to update the row and if not I want to insert the row.
    Currently I have something like this:
    select *
    into v_ps_abcana
    from ps_abcana
    where typ = p_typ
    and bsw_nr = p_bsw_nr
    and datum = v_akt_date
    for update;
    when no_data_found then
    v_update := false;
    when others then
    raise e_error_return;
    if v_update = false
    /* insert new row */
    /* update locked row */
    end if;
    The problem is that the FOR UPDATE lock has no effect for inserts. So if another session executes this part exactly the same time then there will be two rows inserted.
    What is the best way to avoid this?

    for me the 1st solution is the most efficient one.
    in your 2nd solution it seems to me that you're gonna create a dummy table that will serve as a traffic cop. well that possible but not the proper and clean approach for your requirement. you're absolutely complicating your life where in fact Oracle can do it all for you.
    First thing that you have to consider is your database design. This should somehow corresponds to the business rule and don't just let the program to do it on that level leaving the database vulnerable to data integrity issue such as direct data access. In your particular example, there's no way you can assure that there'll be no duplicate records in the table.
    this is just an advice when designing solution: Don't use a "Mickey Mouse" approach on your design!

  • Insert only non-existing row

    Hi All,
    I want to insert this row into the target table only when this row is not already exist. This is easy in SQL, but not sure how to achieve it in OWB.

    what do u want to do if the row is already available? If u want to update then just use insert/update in the tgt table properties. If there needs to be no update then do an outer jin with the tgt as source and pick out the rows that is coming from the source with tgt key cols as NULL and just do an insert into the tgt table.

  • When selecting a row from a view with a nested table I want just ONE entry returned

    Does a nested table in a view "EXPLODE" all values ALWAYS no matter the where clause for the nested table?
    I want to select ONE row from a view that has columns defined as TYPE which are PL/SQL TABLES OF other tables.
    when I specify a WHERE clause for my query it gives me the column "EXPLODED" with the values that mathc my WHERE clause at the end of the select.
    I dont want the "EXPLODED" nested table to show just the entry that matches my WHERE clause. Here is some more info:
    My select statement:
    SQL> select * from si_a31_per_vw v, TABLE(v.current_allergies) a where a.alg_seq
    AAAHQPAAMAAAAfxAAA N00000 771 223774444 20 GREGG
    CADILLAC 12-MAY-69 M R3
    E06 11-JUN-02 H N
    05-JAN-00 Y Y
    353535 USS SPAWAR
    L, NULL)
    *******Notice the allergy entry of 75, Strawberries, 13-JUN-02 at the
    end. This is what I want not all the other exploded data.
    SQL> desc si_a31_per_vw
    Name Null? Type
    ........ Omitted uneeded previous column desc because of metalink
    character limit but the view is bigger then this.......
    SQL> desc si_allergy_tab
    si_allergy_tab TABLE OF SI_ALLERGY_TYPE
    Name Null? Type
    SQL> desc si_allergy_type
    Name Null? Type

    Can you explain what do you mean by the following?
    "PL/SQL tables (a.k.a. Index-by tables) cannot be used as the basis for columns and/or attributes"There are three kinds of collections:
    (NTB) Nested Tables
    (VAR) Varrying Arrays
    (IBT) Index-by Tables (the collection formerly known as "PL/SQL tables")
    NTB (and VAR) can be defined as persistent user defined data types, and can be used in table DDL (columns) and other user defined type specifications (attributes).
    SQL> CREATE TABLE my_table ( id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, ints my_ntb );
    SQL> CREATE TYPE my_object AS OBJECT ( id INTEGER, ints my_ntb );
    /IBT are declared inside stored procedures only and have slightly different syntax from NTB. Only variables in stored procedures can be based on IBT declarations.
       TYPE my_ibt IS TABLE OF INTEGER INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;  -- now you see why they are called Index-by Tables
       my_ibt_var my_ibt;
    END;That sums up the significant differences as it relates to how they are declared and where they can be referenced.
    How are they the same?
    NTB and VAR can also be (non-persistently) declared in stored procedures like IBTs.
    Why would you then ever use IBTs?
    IBTs are significantly easier to work with, since you don't have to instantiate or extend them as you do with NTB and VAR, or
    Many other highly valuable PL/SQL programs make use of them, so you have to keep your code integrated/consistent.
    There's a lot more to be said, but I think this answers the question posed by Sri.

  • What is NON-EXISTENT object_type?

    Can anybody explain what is NON-EXISTENT object_type. I see this type of objects sometimes when I do select * from dba_objects.

    As a simple demonstration:
    SQL> create or replace view my_objects
    2 as
    3 select * from user_objects
    4 ;
    View created.
    SQL> select
    2 referenced_owner,
    3 referenced_type,
    4 referenced_name
    5 from
    6 user_dependencies
    7 where
    8 name = 'MY_OBJECTS'
    9 ;
    At present the view my_objects refers to the public synonym user_objects, thence to the sys-owned view user_objects because there is no local object called user_objects.
    If I now create something called user_objects, the view has to be invalidated and recompiled to reference that object.
    To ensure that the invalidation occurs, the database needs to know that a local user_objects is currently non-existent - hence the row in view user_dependencies (based on table sys.dependency$).
    This is Oracle 9i, in 10g the row for the sys view does not appear.
    P.S. Is there any way to use a fixed format for code in this system ? It's not obvious from the edit box.
    Jonathan Lewis

  • I purchased 2 itunes ecards and they were not received and I am unable to edit them.  support is non existent!!  Any ideas how I can cancel these since they weren't received?

    I ordered two itunes cards tonight and my granddaughter didn't receive either of them!
    I was unable to obtain online support of any kind.
    The gift view will not allow me to edit the gift, delte or change it. 
    Any ideas how I can delete these from my account?  Itunes support is non-existent!!

    She's checked the spam folder on her email account as well as the inbox ? You should also be able to try resending it (and double-check the email address) :
    If you can't then contact iTunes Support : - click on Contact iTunes Store Support on the right-hand side of the page, then Purchases, Billing & Redemption

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    Thanks very much for a prompt reply!  Much appreciated. Unfortunately, that's exactly the page I was on. And I used both Firefox and Safari and got the same page, with the same nothing...
    As this forum doesn't allow attachments, I'll cut and paste the page here (there's not much):
    Keep learning
    Whether you're new or a pro, we're always making Photoshop better.
    Learn more with these tutorials.
    Get support
    Have any questions? Visit the Learn & Support area for help.
    That's all that's on the page.  No buttons, URLs, menus… nothing.  And just to confirm, the URL  is as you gave:
    Something's fishy...

  • How to distinguish individual rows in a view?

    As well known, we can use rowid to distinguish individual rows in a table. However, who know how to distinguish individual rows in a view? For there are not rowid in a view.

    I'm not sure I usnderstand your question, or at least I hope I don't.
    We do not use ROWID to distinguish rows in a table: we use unique iodentifiers, that is primary keys. A primary key is stable across the lifetime of a record: a rowid is guaranteed only for the lifetime of a transaction, and then only if we have locked that row.
    From this it follows, we should so design our views that each row in the view has a column, or combination of columns, that uniquely identify it.
    Cheers, APC

  • Slow/Non-existent LTE Service in Soho/NYC

    I have an iPhone5 and work at Broome and Sixth Avenue in Soho NYC. When I initially switched from AT&T to Verizon last year I was getting slow but decent 4G/LTE speeds at work. but for the past 3 months service has been non-existent all day indoors. When I turn off LTE service on my phone and go to 4G it is about 10 times faster.
    My questions are:
    Why doesn't the phone automatically switch over to 3G when there is no LTE service?
    And why do I get for bars and the LTE indicator when the service is so slow I cannot even run a speedtest or connect to any apps' servers?

    The second question - you have "service" as in you are connected, but Verizon has had capacity issues with LTE in NYC for quite some time now (and have not made any noticable improvements in at least the past year apparently), so you will constantly see disconnects or slow speeds....
    Some related open threads for midtown, but apparently downtown and soho are suffering now as well (look at the "support" discussed in these threads as well...sadly, nothing to brag about to your friends on other carriers in NYC)
    Just a hunch - if a VZ rep responds to your post, you will get a response similar to the following:
    "What's your zip code? Let me investigate the issue.  We want you to have great LTE speeds.  Have you ever had a trouble ticket open?"    Then once you supply the information, it will go unanswered or you will be told that they either a) see no issues with the area, or b) acknowledge capacity issues, but can't tell you of any upcoming improvements.
    Sorry, probably not the response you were looking for...but it's the unfortunately sad state of VZW in NYC these days.

  • AppleWorks 6 won't launch -invalid/non existent path

    Appleworks 6 was working fine until a few days ago, now it will not launch--just jumps once or twice, and then nothing. Console log says, "launch failed because the application path is invalid or non-existent" Now I can't open my work-related documents at all. Please help!

    Hi, Barry,
    Thank you for your reply--I tried your suggestions--and it did not work.
    I can open saved documents in TextEdit, but not at all in AppleWorks6. Cannot access anything at all, including templates in AppleWorks6. I followed the threads and tried other suggestions, and Nothing!.
    I can see AppleWorks in finder, with all necessary folders in a row (I didn't move any), but when I try to open AppleWorks, it's as if it didn't exist at all. Plus, lots of documents won't even open in Adobe reader, either--and I used to be able to, before.
    I am so behind my work--do I have to dig out my typewriter?
    I appreciate your help.
    Thank you.

  • Extra monitor w/laptop in office, when out of office how do I prevent Firefox from displaying on the non-existant 2nd screen?

    When I am out of my office using my laptop, upon launching Firefox, it displays all of the tabs from the previous session on the non-existent extra monitor which is set up as a screen extention for when I am in my office. All of the other programs that I park on the extra monitor (Outlook for example) display on the laptop's screen when the extra monitor is not attached. Is this a bug? Or, must I not save my open tabs when exiting Firefox if I am going to use the laptop w/o the monitor?

    Thanks for your suggestion. I sort of came to that conclusion as I was typing the original question. However if there is anyone out there who has a solution that is not dependent on my remembering to do something before I exit Firefox, it will be welcomed.

  • Application hangs for non existing value

    At the DB level I tried to query non existing value from the table, query came out with "no rows selected" . But when I try to do the same from front end, application hangs! I just checked in the statspack report it shows like query is taking more cpu time to execute. what could be the reason for this?
    when I join the v$session,v$sql to get the currently running query on database, it shows the query which try to execute from the application as active.
    why it is hanging in application and why not in DB?
    can any one brief me on this regard? why does application hangs for non exsting value?
    With Regards

    At the DB level I tried to query non existing value from the table, query came out with "no rows selected" . But when I try to do the same from front end, application hangs! I just checked in the statspack report it shows like query is taking more cpu time to execute. what could be the reason for this?
    when I join the v$session,v$sql to get the currently running query on database, it shows the query which try to execute from the application as active.
    why it is hanging in application and why not in DB?
    can any one brief me on this regard? why does application hangs for non exsting value?
    With Regards

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    I am applying for a USDA Direct loan.  I took the homebuyers class on 6/27/15 then on 7/6/15 I had my individual counseling session and the home buyer guy said I should be approved for 200K by USDA and that I should start looking for houses.  I got a

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    Hello, I am trying to authenticate whit kerberos, but I keep on running in to the same problem. kinit and other kerberos utils work. But when I am trying to authenticat whit my own java code I get a preauthentication error: ***Trace: [java] default e

  • Why won't Firefox open Yahoo mail or Craigslist correctly; it's corrupted.

    For some reason I got a bug or something in my computer and these two sites (that I know of) won't open correctly, they are corrupted. Something like this happened before, but worse where I couldn't open the browser. I went to Internet Explorer and I