Queue viewer Exchange 2013 - risk level?

Hi folks,
does anyone know what the 'risk level' attribute means when I use Get-Queue in Exchange 2013? I didn't find any documentation about that attribute.
Many thanks in advance!

I found a relevant article for your reference:
RiskLevel enumeration
Assigns a risk level to the associated message based on characteristics of the message.
Member name
The associated message is normal   risk.
The associated message is part of   a bulk mailing.
The associated message is high   risk.
The associated message is low   risk.
Hope this helps!
Niko Cheng
TechNet Community Support

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    We seem to be having a problem with some users who are attempting to send e-mails from within the organisation to an external domain. Not all users are affected, and not all outgoing e-mails have this issue.
    Some e-mails get stuck in the submission queue. This is the error message in Last Error : "A storage transient failure has occurred during content conversion."
    Days later, the internal user who send the message gets a #550 4.4.7 QUEUE.Expired; message expired ## NDR.
    We did have some initial configuration issues, but these were fixed more than a week ago :
    - The external FQDN during EHLO was set to the wrong address, now pointing to the correct one.
    - SPF record was updated with new IP adress.
    Here is some additional information on the issue :
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    - Outbound SMTP test ran using Microsoft Remote Connectivity Analyser : Passed with both External (Static) and Smarthost IP.
    - This seems to happen only with emails that have an attachment and that are transfered, but only for the affected users. 
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    - Outgoing e-mail is sent via smarthost. Only one outbound transport rule is active.
    - Using internal DNS server.
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    Thank you for taking the time to read this!

    On Wed, 16 Jan 2013 15:31:14 +0000, Ipigi wrote:
    >Sorry, I often get some terms mixed up when I explain things as our users use the French version of outlook.
    >E-mails are not transferred, but forwarded manually from their outlook. Message format in outlook is set to HTML and not Rich Text when they foward the e-mail.
    Do they forward the message as an attachment?
    >When forwarded internally, this is in the internet headers :
    >Content-Type: application/ms-tnef; name="winmail.dat" Content-Transfer-Encoding: binary
    Within your organization I'm prety sure that messages will use TNEF.
    What does the message contain at the external recipient's side?
    >It really seems to me that Exchange is not converting RTF to Plain Text. The first link you provided states in it's final paragraph that Exchange should be doing this conversion.
    If you can, try creating a mail-enabed Contact for one of the external
    recipients and set the message format on that.
    >If I disabled TNEF as that link suggests, offending messages will get stuck in the submission queue again.
    >I thank you for your help so far. This is not an issue I've had with any previous installations/migrations of Exchange that I have done.
    >Please let me know if you need any additional information.
    Have you tried UNsetting TNEF on the remote domain?
    Set-RemoteDomain Default -TNEFEnabled $null
    That should leave it up to the client to determine the format. It's
    probably not what you're after, but see it makes a difference in the
    Rich Matheisen
    MCSE+I, Exchange MVP
    --- Rich Matheisen MCSE+I, Exchange MVP

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    hi again dear.. :)
    "At first, I would like to say the
    read Receipt is not sent out by the device, it is sent out by the Exchange server. This is how it works and what happens:
    E-mail with request for send
    receipt is received on the Exchange server;
    E-mail is synchronized with Windows Mobile based device using Exchange
    When e-mail is
    read on Windows Mobile based device the read status is synchronized back to the Exchange server;
    The Exchange server creates and sends out the
    Read Receipt when receiving the Read status update from the device;
    The above is how this is implemented and there is no functionality which allows preventing this from occurring on the Mobile device.
    It seems that there is an alternative method to disable RR using transport rules. However, it will at the risk of the filtering out other messages
    with the same subject.
    Towards the third party mobile clients that support RR and DR, you might consider using Flexmail 4.11. It’s impossible to deactivate ActiveSync
    RRs in Exchange server 2007/2010."
    One way to stop read receipts being triggered through client side configuration on the mobile is to use the option "Don't Mark Read on server".
    I have tested this successfully using this option in the TouchDown mail client on Android.
    Not sure if the standard or other mail clients do support this option, TouchDown certainly does and it works.
    The side effect obviously is, that the read status isn't synced back to Exchange anymore:"
    hope now i r clear... one way or the other... you need to send a feed back or define a transport rule... but that again may create problem with the same subject :)
    Regards Shah. MCITP, MCMA, MCTS No claims (try at your own risk)

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    DeliveryType Status MessageCount Velocity RiskLevel OutboundIPPool
    SmtpDeliv... Ready  0            0        Normal    0
    SmtpDeliv... Ready  0            0        Normal    0
    SmtpDeliv... Ready  0            0        Normal    0
    SmtpDeliv... Ready  0            0        Normal    0
    SmtpDeliv... Ready  0            0        Normal    0
    SmtpDeliv... Ready  0            0        Normal    0
    SmtpDeliv... Ready  5            0        Normal    0
    SmtpDeliv... Ready  0            0        Normal    0
    SmartHost... Ready  0            0        Normal    0
    SmtpDeliv... Ready  0            0        Normal    0
    SmtpDeliv... Ready  0            0        Normal    0
    SmtpDeliv... Ready  0            0        Normal    0
    SmartHost... Ready  0            0        Normal    0
    SmtpDeliv... Ready  0            0        Normal    0

    Please see below:
    Exchange 2013 measures the rate of messages entering and leaving a queue and stores these values in queue properties. You can use these rates as an indicator of queue and transport server health. The properties are:
    IncomingRate   This property is the rate that messages are entering the queue.
    This value is calculated from the number of messages entering the queue every 5 seconds averaged over the last 60 seconds. The formula can be expressed as (i1+i2+i3+i4+i5+i6)/6,
    where in = the number of incoming messages in 5 seconds.
    OutgoingRate   This property is the rate that messages are leaving the queue.
    This value is calculated from the number of messages leaving the queue every 5 seconds averaged over the last 60 seconds. The formula can be expressed as (o1+o2+o3+o4+o5+o6)/6,
    where on = the number of outgoing messages in 5 seconds.
    Velocity   This property is the drain rate of the queue, and is calculated by subtracting the value of IncomingRate from the value
    If the value of Velocity is greater than 0, messages are leaving the queue faster than they are entering the queue.
    If the value of Velocity is equals 0, messages are leaving the queue as fast as they are entering the queue. This is also the value you'll see when the queue is inactive.
    If the value of Velocity is less than 0, messages are entering the queue faster than they are leaving the queue.
    At a basic level, a positive value of Velocity indicates a healthy queue that's efficiently draining, and a negative value of Velocity indicates a queue that isn't efficiently draining. However, you also
    need to consider the values of the IncomingRate, OutgoingRate, and MessageCount properties, as well as the magnitude of the Velocity value for the queue. For
    example, a queue that has a large negative value of Velocity, a largeMessageCount value, a small OutgoingRate value, and a large IncominRate value are accurate
    indicators that the queue isn't draining properly. However, a queue with a negative Velocity value that's very close to zero that also has very small values for IncomingRate, OutgoingRate,
    andMessageCount doesn't indicate a problem with the queue.

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    Exchange 2013 SP no DAG. A couple of days ago we migrated from one exchange 2013 sp1 server to another exchange 2013 sp1 server. This new server seems to running fine with the exception that the old DB is in the new server's queue viewer:
    New DB is mailbox database and the other DB is the old DB. How do I get the old DB out of the queue. The old exchange server has NOT been removed/uninstalled. We want to keep the old server (powered off) for a couple days to make sure things are working

    How did you remove the old server you migrated from?
    Ed Crowley MVP "There are seldom good technological solutions to behavioral problems."
    We have not removed it as of yet because we want to make sure everything is working correctly before we uninstall exchange.
    @Amy, yes the old DB shows up when running that command. The server that holds that DB is powered off and ECP says it is dismounted.
    Also, it seems this old DB, its message count keeps going up in number. When I suspend that DB, all SMTP mail stops. I dismounted the old DB on the new server and when I try to mount it again on the new server:
    Failed to mount database "Mailbox Database 0119046452". Error: An Active Manager operation failed. Error: The database
    action failed. Error: Operation failed with message: MapiExceptionDatabaseError: Unable to mount database.
    (hr=0x80004005, ec=1108)
    Diagnostic context:
        Lid: 65256
        Lid: 10722   StoreEc: 0x454
        Lid: 1494    ---- Remote Context Beg ----
        Lid: 45120   dwParam: 0x2125B5C
        Lid: 57728   dwParam: 0x2125C08
        Lid: 46144   dwParam: 0x2125C76
        Lid: 34880   dwParam: 0x2125C76
        Lid: 34760   StoreEc: 0xFFFFFB4A
        Lid: 41344   Guid: f73fb9e2-08c8-4ff9-be1c-5f1da4b9c8f1
        Lid: 35200   dwParam: 0x234C
        Lid: 46144   dwParam: 0x2125FD1
        Lid: 34880   dwParam: 0x2125FD1
        Lid: 54472   StoreEc: 0x1388
        Lid: 42184   StoreEc: 0x454
        Lid: 1750    ---- Remote Context End ----
        Lid: 1047    StoreEc: 0x454      [Database: Mailbox Database 0119046452, Server: OLDSERVER.domain.com]
        + CategoryInfo          : InvalidOperation: (Mailbox Database 0119046452:ADObjectId) [Mount-Database], InvalidOper
        + FullyQualifiedErrorId : [Server=NEWSERVER,RequestId=086534c0-9a9b-421b-b7ca-afb27be4aa7b,TimeStamp=11/27/2014 12:4
       7:40 PM] [FailureCategory=Cmdlet-InvalidOperationException] F20EA44B,Microsoft.Exchange.Management.SystemConfigura
        + PSComputerName        : newserver.domain.com

  • Exchange 2013 queue -shadow redundancy - healthmailbox

    we have two exchange 2013 servers setup in DAG group with witness server.just today I noticed that in the queue viewer I was seeing a nexthopdomain that is my secondary exchange server. never seen that before that I can recall, and now it has 10-20 message count.open up the queue and the from address is healthmailboxdd something something at my domain.comI have seen couple of messages in event log stating the periodic hearbeat between the two exchange servers failed, and "the ehlo properties for client proxy target (second exchange server) did not match while setting up proxy for user healthmailbox@mydomain. The mismatched settings might cause some messages to get rejected. Continue with proxying even though there is a mismatch. The critical non-matching options were maxSize. The non-criticalnon-matching options were"ran constant ping...
    This topic first appeared in the Spiceworks Community

    All messages get copied to the Transport Shadow (if there's one available) before being sent to the mail store. You can use Get-MessageTrackingLog to see this with a test email.

  • Mail only get delivered every 15 min From Exchange 2013 queue

    I have a newly installed Exchange 2013 SP1 on server 2012. I have notice that when I get mail all the mail have the same time Stamp. I use the queue viewer and notice that mail are stuck in the SMTP delivery service. I restart the transport service and
    the mail got delivered. this has now become an un going problem. I have to restart the transport service or wait every 15 min to get mail delivered. I am stuck can I get so help.

    Before going further, I recommend you check your connection log to find the root cause:
    C:\Program Files\Microsoft\Exchange Server\V15\TransportRoles\Logs\Hub\Connectivity
    For the event 6002 error, you can build a new database and check if the new warning event also indicates the new one:
    If you have any question, please feel free to let me know.
    I look at the log here is a copy I see some attempt to connect and failures. how do I address these Issues
    #Software: Microsoft Exchange Server
    #Log-type: Transport Connectivity Log
    #Date: 2014-04-24T00:00:44.596Z
    #Fields: date-time,session,source,Destination,direction,description
    2014-04-24T00:00:41.024Z,08D12C89C3C82025,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,+,SmtpDeliveryToMailbox e3aa8b34-f225-43c6-9563-a87898a284c6;QueueLength=TQ=1;RN=1;
    2014-04-24T00:00:41.024Z,08D12C89C3C82025,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Xchngsvr
    2014-04-24T00:00:41.024Z,08D12C89C3C82025,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Established connection to Xchngsvr
    2014-04-24T00:00:41.273Z,08D12C89C3C82025,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,-,Messages: 1 Bytes: 19600 ()
    2014-04-24T00:01:01.880Z,08D12C89C3C82026,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,+,DnsConnectorDelivery 807c71be-93cd-407f-bd57-eb0baf9809b3;QueueLength=TQ=1;RN=1;
    2014-04-24T00:01:34.702Z,08D12C89C3C82026,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,>,Failed connection to (TimedOut:0000274C)[TargetHost:browseviewsingle.us:25|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:14|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T00:11:34.702Z][TargetIPAddress:|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:14|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T00:11:34.702Z]
    2014-04-24T00:01:34.702Z,08D12C89C3C82026,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,-,Messages: 0 Bytes: 0 (Retry : Unable to connect)
    2014-04-24T00:05:41.177Z,08D12C89C3C82028,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,+,SmtpDeliveryToMailbox e3aa8b34-f225-43c6-9563-a87898a284c6;QueueLength=TQ=1;RN=1;
    2014-04-24T00:05:46.824Z,08D12C89C3C82028,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Xchngsvr
    2014-04-24T00:05:46.824Z,08D12C89C3C82028,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Established connection to Xchngsvr
    2014-04-24T00:05:47.027Z,08D12C89C3C82028,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,-,Messages: 1 Bytes: 19600 ()
    2014-04-24T00:10:41.283Z,08D12C89C3C8202B,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,+,SmtpDeliveryToMailbox e3aa8b34-f225-43c6-9563-a87898a284c6;QueueLength=TQ=1;RN=1;
    2014-04-24T00:10:41.299Z,08D12C89C3C8202B,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Xchngsvr
    2014-04-24T00:10:41.299Z,08D12C89C3C8202B,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Established connection to Xchngsvr
    2014-04-24T00:10:41.501Z,08D12C89C3C8202B,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,-,Messages: 1 Bytes: 19600 ()
    2014-04-24T00:11:34.696Z,08D12C89C3C82045,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,+,DnsConnectorDelivery 807c71be-93cd-407f-bd57-eb0baf9809b3;QueueLength=TQ=1;RN=1;
    2014-04-24T00:11:55.725Z,08D12C89C3C82045,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,>,Failed connection to (TimedOut:0000274C)[TargetHost:browseviewsingle.us:25|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:15|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T00:21:55.725Z][TargetIPAddress:|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:15|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T00:21:55.725Z]
    2014-04-24T00:11:55.725Z,08D12C89C3C82045,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,-,Messages: 0 Bytes: 0 (Retry : Unable to connect)
    2014-04-24T00:15:41.576Z,08D12C89C3C82047,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,+,SmtpDeliveryToMailbox e3aa8b34-f225-43c6-9563-a87898a284c6;QueueLength=TQ=1;RN=1;
    2014-04-24T00:15:41.951Z,08D12C89C3C82047,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Xchngsvr
    2014-04-24T00:15:41.951Z,08D12C89C3C82047,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Established connection to Xchngsvr
    2014-04-24T00:15:42.154Z,08D12C89C3C82047,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,-,Messages: 1 Bytes: 19600 ()
    2014-04-24T00:21:55.719Z,08D12C89C3C8204A,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,+,DnsConnectorDelivery 807c71be-93cd-407f-bd57-eb0baf9809b3;QueueLength=TQ=1;RN=1;
    2014-04-24T00:22:35.279Z,08D12C89C3C8204A,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,>,Failed connection to (TimedOut:0000274C)[TargetHost:browseviewsingle.us:25|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:16|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T00:32:35.279Z][TargetIPAddress:|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:16|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T00:32:35.279Z]
    2014-04-24T00:22:35.279Z,08D12C89C3C8204A,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,-,Messages: 0 Bytes: 0 (Retry : Unable to connect)
    2014-04-24T00:32:35.273Z,08D12C89C3C8204D,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,+,DnsConnectorDelivery 807c71be-93cd-407f-bd57-eb0baf9809b3;QueueLength=TQ=1;RN=1;
    2014-04-24T00:33:15.084Z,08D12C89C3C8204D,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,>,Failed connection to (TimedOut:0000274C)[TargetHost:browseviewsingle.us:25|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:17|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T00:43:15.084Z][TargetIPAddress:|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:17|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T00:43:15.084Z]
    2014-04-24T00:33:15.084Z,08D12C89C3C8204D,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,-,Messages: 0 Bytes: 0 (Retry : Unable to connect)
    2014-04-24T00:43:15.078Z,08D12C89C3C82050,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,+,DnsConnectorDelivery 807c71be-93cd-407f-bd57-eb0baf9809b3;QueueLength=TQ=1;RN=1;
    2014-04-24T00:43:53.921Z,08D12C89C3C82050,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,>,Failed connection to (TimedOut:0000274C)[TargetHost:browseviewsingle.us:25|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:18|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T00:53:53.921Z][TargetIPAddress:|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:18|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T00:53:53.921Z]
    2014-04-24T00:43:53.921Z,08D12C89C3C82050,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,-,Messages: 0 Bytes: 0 (Retry : Unable to connect)
    2014-04-24T00:53:53.915Z,08D12C89C3C82053,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,+,DnsConnectorDelivery 807c71be-93cd-407f-bd57-eb0baf9809b3;QueueLength=TQ=1;RN=1;
    2014-04-24T00:54:32.727Z,08D12C89C3C82053,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,>,Failed connection to (TimedOut:0000274C)[TargetHost:browseviewsingle.us:25|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:19|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T01:04:32.727Z][TargetIPAddress:|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:19|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T01:04:32.727Z]
    2014-04-24T00:54:32.727Z,08D12C89C3C82053,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,-,Messages: 0 Bytes: 0 (Retry : Unable to connect)
    2014-04-24T01:04:32.721Z,08D12C89C3C82054,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,+,DnsConnectorDelivery 807c71be-93cd-407f-bd57-eb0baf9809b3;QueueLength=TQ=1;RN=1;
    2014-04-24T01:05:23.857Z,08D12C89C3C82054,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,>,Failed connection to (TimedOut:0000274C)[TargetHost:browseviewsingle.us:25|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:20|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T01:15:23.857Z][TargetIPAddress:|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:20|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T01:15:23.857Z]
    2014-04-24T01:05:23.857Z,08D12C89C3C82054,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,-,Messages: 0 Bytes: 0 (Retry : Unable to connect)
    2014-04-24T01:15:23.851Z,08D12C89C3C82055,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,+,DnsConnectorDelivery 807c71be-93cd-407f-bd57-eb0baf9809b3;QueueLength=TQ=1;RN=1;
    2014-04-24T01:15:50.713Z,08D12C89C3C82055,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,>,Failed connection to (TimedOut:0000274C)[TargetHost:browseviewsingle.us:25|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:21|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T01:25:50.713Z][TargetIPAddress:|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:21|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T01:25:50.713Z]
    2014-04-24T01:15:50.713Z,08D12C89C3C82055,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,-,Messages: 0 Bytes: 0 (Retry : Unable to connect)
    2014-04-24T01:25:50.707Z,08D12C89C3C82056,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,+,DnsConnectorDelivery 807c71be-93cd-407f-bd57-eb0baf9809b3;QueueLength=TQ=1;RN=1;
    2014-04-24T01:26:24.231Z,08D12C89C3C82056,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,>,Failed connection to (TimedOut:0000274C)[TargetHost:browseviewsingle.us:25|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:22|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T01:36:24.231Z][TargetIPAddress:|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:22|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T01:36:24.231Z]
    2014-04-24T01:26:24.231Z,08D12C89C3C82056,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,-,Messages: 0 Bytes: 0 (Retry : Unable to connect)
    2014-04-24T01:36:24.225Z,08D12C89C3C82057,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,+,DnsConnectorDelivery 807c71be-93cd-407f-bd57-eb0baf9809b3;QueueLength=TQ=1;RN=1;
    2014-04-24T01:37:04.176Z,08D12C89C3C82057,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,>,Failed connection to (TimedOut:0000274C)[TargetHost:browseviewsingle.us:25|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:23|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T01:47:04.176Z][TargetIPAddress:|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:23|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T01:47:04.176Z]
    2014-04-24T01:37:04.176Z,08D12C89C3C82057,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,-,Messages: 0 Bytes: 0 (Retry : Unable to connect)
    2014-04-24T01:47:04.170Z,08D12C89C3C82058,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,+,DnsConnectorDelivery 807c71be-93cd-407f-bd57-eb0baf9809b3;QueueLength=TQ=1;RN=1;
    2014-04-24T01:47:25.229Z,08D12C89C3C82058,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,>,Failed connection to (TimedOut:0000274C)[TargetHost:browseviewsingle.us:25|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:24|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T01:57:25.229Z][TargetIPAddress:|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:24|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T01:57:25.229Z]
    2014-04-24T01:47:25.229Z,08D12C89C3C82058,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,-,Messages: 0 Bytes: 0 (Retry : Unable to connect)
    2014-04-24T01:57:25.223Z,08D12C89C3C82066,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,+,DnsConnectorDelivery 807c71be-93cd-407f-bd57-eb0baf9809b3;QueueLength=TQ=1;RN=1;
    2014-04-24T01:57:58.513Z,08D12C89C3C82066,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,>,Failed connection to (TimedOut:0000274C)[TargetHost:browseviewsingle.us:25|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:25|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T02:07:58.513Z][TargetIPAddress:|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:25|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T02:07:58.513Z]
    2014-04-24T01:57:58.513Z,08D12C89C3C82066,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,-,Messages: 0 Bytes: 0 (Retry : Unable to connect)
    2014-04-24T02:07:58.507Z,08D12C89C3C82069,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,+,DnsConnectorDelivery 807c71be-93cd-407f-bd57-eb0baf9809b3;QueueLength=TQ=1;RN=1;
    2014-04-24T02:08:19.691Z,08D12C89C3C82069,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,>,Failed connection to (TimedOut:0000274C)[TargetHost:browseviewsingle.us:25|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:26|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T02:18:19.691Z][TargetIPAddress:|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:26|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T02:18:19.691Z]
    2014-04-24T02:08:19.691Z,08D12C89C3C82069,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,-,Messages: 0 Bytes: 0 (Retry : Unable to connect)
    2014-04-24T02:18:19.685Z,08D12C89C3C8206C,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,+,DnsConnectorDelivery 807c71be-93cd-407f-bd57-eb0baf9809b3;QueueLength=TQ=1;RN=1;
    2014-04-24T02:18:59.137Z,08D12C89C3C8206C,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,>,Failed connection to (TimedOut:0000274C)[TargetHost:browseviewsingle.us:25|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:27|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T02:28:59.137Z][TargetIPAddress:|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:27|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T02:28:59.137Z]
    2014-04-24T02:18:59.137Z,08D12C89C3C8206C,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,-,Messages: 0 Bytes: 0 (Retry : Unable to connect)
    2014-04-24T02:20:49.193Z,08D12C89C3C8206F,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,+,SmtpDeliveryToMailbox e3aa8b34-f225-43c6-9563-a87898a284c6;QueueLength=TQ=1;RN=1;
    2014-04-24T02:20:49.333Z,08D12C89C3C8206F,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Xchngsvr
    2014-04-24T02:20:49.333Z,08D12C89C3C8206F,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Established connection to Xchngsvr
    2014-04-24T02:20:49.567Z,08D12C89C3C8206F,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,-,Messages: 1 Bytes: 19600 ()
    2014-04-24T02:25:43.262Z,08D12C89C3C82072,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,+,SmtpDeliveryToMailbox e3aa8b34-f225-43c6-9563-a87898a284c6;QueueLength=TQ=1;RN=1;
    2014-04-24T02:25:43.277Z,08D12C89C3C82072,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Xchngsvr
    2014-04-24T02:25:43.277Z,08D12C89C3C82072,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Established connection to Xchngsvr
    2014-04-24T02:25:43.480Z,08D12C89C3C82072,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,-,Messages: 1 Bytes: 19600 ()
    2014-04-24T02:28:59.131Z,08D12C89C3C82075,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,+,DnsConnectorDelivery 807c71be-93cd-407f-bd57-eb0baf9809b3;QueueLength=TQ=1;RN=1;
    2014-04-24T02:29:31.656Z,08D12C89C3C82075,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,>,Failed connection to (TimedOut:0000274C)[TargetHost:browseviewsingle.us:25|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:28|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T02:39:31.656Z][TargetIPAddress:|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:28|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T02:39:31.656Z]
    2014-04-24T02:29:31.656Z,08D12C89C3C82075,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,-,Messages: 0 Bytes: 0 (Retry : Unable to connect)
    2014-04-24T02:30:03.370Z,08D12C89C3C82076,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,+,SmtpDeliveryToMailbox e3aa8b34-f225-43c6-9563-a87898a284c6;QueueLength=TQ=1;RN=1;
    2014-04-24T02:30:15.507Z,08D12C89C3C82076,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Xchngsvr
    2014-04-24T02:30:15.507Z,08D12C89C3C82076,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Established connection to Xchngsvr
    2014-04-24T02:30:15.772Z,08D12C89C3C82076,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,-,Messages: 1 Bytes: 108649 ()
    2014-04-24T02:30:43.321Z,08D12C89C3C82078,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,+,SmtpDeliveryToMailbox e3aa8b34-f225-43c6-9563-a87898a284c6;QueueLength=TQ=1;RN=1;
    2014-04-24T02:30:43.321Z,08D12C89C3C82078,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Xchngsvr
    2014-04-24T02:30:43.321Z,08D12C89C3C82078,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Established connection to Xchngsvr
    2014-04-24T02:30:43.524Z,08D12C89C3C82078,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,-,Messages: 1 Bytes: 19600 ()
    2014-04-24T02:35:55.486Z,08D12C89C3C8207C,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,+,SmtpDeliveryToMailbox e3aa8b34-f225-43c6-9563-a87898a284c6;QueueLength=TQ=1;RN=1;
    2014-04-24T02:36:01.273Z,08D12C89C3C8207C,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Xchngsvr
    2014-04-24T02:36:01.273Z,08D12C89C3C8207C,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Established connection to Xchngsvr
    2014-04-24T02:36:01.585Z,08D12C89C3C8207C,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,-,Messages: 1 Bytes: 19600 ()
    2014-04-24T02:39:31.650Z,08D12C89C3C8207D,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,+,DnsConnectorDelivery 807c71be-93cd-407f-bd57-eb0baf9809b3;QueueLength=TQ=1;RN=1;
    2014-04-24T02:40:10.057Z,08D12C89C3C8207D,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,>,Failed connection to (TimedOut:0000274C)[TargetHost:browseviewsingle.us:25|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:29|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T02:50:10.057Z][TargetIPAddress:|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:29|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T02:50:10.057Z]
    2014-04-24T02:40:10.057Z,08D12C89C3C8207D,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,-,Messages: 0 Bytes: 0 (Retry : Unable to connect)
    2014-04-24T02:40:43.565Z,08D12C89C3C8207F,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,+,SmtpDeliveryToMailbox e3aa8b34-f225-43c6-9563-a87898a284c6;QueueLength=TQ=1;RN=1;
    2014-04-24T02:40:43.580Z,08D12C89C3C8207F,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Xchngsvr
    2014-04-24T02:40:43.580Z,08D12C89C3C8207F,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Established connection to Xchngsvr
    2014-04-24T02:40:43.814Z,08D12C89C3C8207F,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,-,Messages: 1 Bytes: 19600 ()
    2014-04-24T02:45:43.765Z,08D12C89C3C82083,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,+,SmtpDeliveryToMailbox e3aa8b34-f225-43c6-9563-a87898a284c6;QueueLength=TQ=1;RN=1;
    2014-04-24T02:45:43.780Z,08D12C89C3C82083,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Xchngsvr
    2014-04-24T02:45:43.796Z,08D12C89C3C82083,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Established connection to Xchngsvr
    2014-04-24T02:45:44.030Z,08D12C89C3C82083,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,-,Messages: 1 Bytes: 19600 ()
    2014-04-24T02:50:10.051Z,08D12C89C3C82085,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,+,DnsConnectorDelivery 807c71be-93cd-407f-bd57-eb0baf9809b3;QueueLength=TQ=1;RN=1;
    2014-04-24T02:50:43.918Z,08D12C89C3C82087,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,+,SmtpDeliveryToMailbox e3aa8b34-f225-43c6-9563-a87898a284c6;QueueLength=TQ=1;RN=1;
    2014-04-24T02:50:43.964Z,08D12C89C3C82087,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Xchngsvr
    2014-04-24T02:50:43.964Z,08D12C89C3C82087,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Established connection to Xchngsvr
    2014-04-24T02:50:44.167Z,08D12C89C3C82087,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,-,Messages: 1 Bytes: 19600 ()
    2014-04-24T02:50:49.019Z,08D12C89C3C82085,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,>,Failed connection to (TimedOut:0000274C)[TargetHost:browseviewsingle.us:25|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:30|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T03:00:49.019Z][TargetIPAddress:|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:30|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T03:00:49.019Z]
    2014-04-24T02:50:49.019Z,08D12C89C3C82085,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,-,Messages: 0 Bytes: 0 (Retry : Unable to connect)
    2014-04-24T02:55:43.883Z,08D12C89C3C8208A,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,+,SmtpDeliveryToMailbox e3aa8b34-f225-43c6-9563-a87898a284c6;QueueLength=TQ=1;RN=1;
    2014-04-24T02:55:43.899Z,08D12C89C3C8208A,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Xchngsvr
    2014-04-24T02:55:43.899Z,08D12C89C3C8208A,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Established connection to Xchngsvr
    2014-04-24T02:55:44.133Z,08D12C89C3C8208A,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,-,Messages: 1 Bytes: 19600 ()
    2014-04-24T02:56:13.648Z,08D12C89C3C8208D,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,+,SmtpDeliveryToMailbox e3aa8b34-f225-43c6-9563-a87898a284c6;QueueLength=TQ=1;RN=1;
    2014-04-24T02:56:31.993Z,08D12C89C3C8208D,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Xchngsvr
    2014-04-24T02:56:31.993Z,08D12C89C3C8208D,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Established connection to Xchngsvr
    2014-04-24T02:56:32.258Z,08D12C89C3C8208D,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,-,Messages: 1 Bytes: 36581 ()
    2014-04-24T03:00:43.974Z,08D12C89C3C8208F,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,+,SmtpDeliveryToMailbox e3aa8b34-f225-43c6-9563-a87898a284c6;QueueLength=TQ=1;RN=1;
    2014-04-24T03:00:43.974Z,08D12C89C3C8208F,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Xchngsvr
    2014-04-24T03:00:43.974Z,08D12C89C3C8208F,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Established connection to Xchngsvr
    2014-04-24T03:00:44.224Z,08D12C89C3C8208F,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,-,Messages: 1 Bytes: 19600 ()
    2014-04-24T03:00:49.013Z,08D12C89C3C82091,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,+,DnsConnectorDelivery 807c71be-93cd-407f-bd57-eb0baf9809b3;QueueLength=TQ=1;RN=1;
    2014-04-24T03:01:10.041Z,08D12C89C3C82091,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,>,Failed connection to (TimedOut:0000274C)[TargetHost:browseviewsingle.us:25|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:31|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T03:11:10.041Z][TargetIPAddress:|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:31|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T03:11:10.041Z]
    2014-04-24T03:01:10.041Z,08D12C89C3C82091,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,-,Messages: 0 Bytes: 0 (Retry : Unable to connect)
    2014-04-24T03:05:44.002Z,08D12C89C3C82094,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,+,SmtpDeliveryToMailbox e3aa8b34-f225-43c6-9563-a87898a284c6;QueueLength=TQ=1;RN=1;
    2014-04-24T03:05:44.065Z,08D12C89C3C82094,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Xchngsvr[]
    2014-04-24T03:05:45.079Z,08D12C89C3C82094,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Failed connection to (ConnectionRefused:0000274D)[TargetHost:Xchngsvr:475|NotMarkedUnhealthy|ActiveConnectionCount:2][TargetIPAddress:|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:1|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T03:06:45.079Z]
    2014-04-24T03:05:45.079Z,08D12C89C3C82094,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,-,Messages: 0 Bytes: 0 (Retry : Unable to connect)
    2014-04-24T03:05:48.308Z,08D12C89C3C82095,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,+,SmtpDeliveryToMailbox e3aa8b34-f225-43c6-9563-a87898a284c6;QueueLength=TQ=1;RN=1;
    2014-04-24T03:05:48.308Z,08D12C89C3C82095,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Xchngsvr[]
    2014-04-24T03:05:49.353Z,08D12C89C3C82095,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Failed connection to (ConnectionRefused:0000274D)[TargetHost:Xchngsvr:475|NotMarkedUnhealthy|ActiveConnectionCount:2][TargetIPAddress:|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:1|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T03:06:45.079Z]
    2014-04-24T03:05:49.353Z,08D12C89C3C82095,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,-,Messages: 0 Bytes: 0 (Retry : Unable to connect)
    2014-04-24T03:10:49.350Z,08D12C89C3C82097,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,+,SmtpDeliveryToMailbox e3aa8b34-f225-43c6-9563-a87898a284c6;QueueLength=TQ=3;RN=3;
    2014-04-24T03:10:49.381Z,08D12C89C3C82097,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Xchngsvr[]
    2014-04-24T03:10:50.411Z,08D12C89C3C82097,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Failed connection to (ConnectionRefused:0000274D)[TargetHost:Xchngsvr:475|NotMarkedUnhealthy|ActiveConnectionCount:2][TargetIPAddress:|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:2|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T03:11:50.411Z]
    2014-04-24T03:10:50.411Z,08D12C89C3C82097,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,-,Messages: 0 Bytes: 0 (Retry : Unable to connect)
    2014-04-24T03:11:10.035Z,08D12C89C3C82098,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,+,DnsConnectorDelivery 807c71be-93cd-407f-bd57-eb0baf9809b3;QueueLength=TQ=1;RN=1;
    2014-04-24T03:11:36.976Z,08D12C89C3C82098,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,>,Failed connection to (TimedOut:0000274C)[TargetHost:browseviewsingle.us:25|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:32|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T03:21:36.976Z][TargetIPAddress:|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:32|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T03:21:36.976Z]
    2014-04-24T03:11:36.976Z,08D12C89C3C82098,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,-,Messages: 0 Bytes: 0 (Retry : Unable to connect)
    2014-04-24T03:15:50.408Z,08D12C89C3C8209A,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,+,SmtpDeliveryToMailbox e3aa8b34-f225-43c6-9563-a87898a284c6;QueueLength=TQ=4;RN=4;
    2014-04-24T03:15:50.408Z,08D12C89C3C8209A,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Xchngsvr[]
    2014-04-24T03:15:51.422Z,08D12C89C3C8209A,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Failed connection to (ConnectionRefused:0000274D)[TargetHost:Xchngsvr:475|NotMarkedUnhealthy|ActiveConnectionCount:2][TargetIPAddress:|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:3|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T03:16:51.422Z]
    2014-04-24T03:15:51.422Z,08D12C89C3C8209A,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,-,Messages: 0 Bytes: 0 (Retry : Unable to connect)
    2014-04-24T03:20:51.419Z,08D12C89C3C8209D,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,+,SmtpDeliveryToMailbox e3aa8b34-f225-43c6-9563-a87898a284c6;QueueLength=TQ=5;RN=5;
    2014-04-24T03:20:57.471Z,08D12C89C3C8209D,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Xchngsvr[]
    2014-04-24T03:20:58.470Z,08D12C89C3C8209D,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Failed connection to (ConnectionRefused:0000274D)[TargetHost:Xchngsvr:475|NotMarkedUnhealthy|ActiveConnectionCount:2][TargetIPAddress:|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:4|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T03:21:58.470Z]
    2014-04-24T03:20:58.470Z,08D12C89C3C8209D,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,-,Messages: 0 Bytes: 0 (Retry : Unable to connect)
    2014-04-24T03:21:36.970Z,08D12C89C3C8209E,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,+,DnsConnectorDelivery 807c71be-93cd-407f-bd57-eb0baf9809b3;QueueLength=TQ=1;RN=1;
    2014-04-24T03:22:15.969Z,08D12C89C3C8209E,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,>,Failed connection to (TimedOut:0000274C)[TargetHost:browseviewsingle.us:25|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:33|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T03:32:15.969Z][TargetIPAddress:|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:33|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T03:32:15.969Z]
    2014-04-24T03:22:15.969Z,08D12C89C3C8209E,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,-,Messages: 0 Bytes: 0 (Retry : Unable to connect)
    2014-04-24T03:25:58.467Z,08D12C89C3C8209F,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,+,SmtpDeliveryToMailbox e3aa8b34-f225-43c6-9563-a87898a284c6;QueueLength=TQ=5;RN=5;
    2014-04-24T03:26:04.707Z,08D12C89C3C8209F,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Xchngsvr[]
    2014-04-24T03:26:05.721Z,08D12C89C3C8209F,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Failed connection to (ConnectionRefused:0000274D)[TargetHost:Xchngsvr:475|NotMarkedUnhealthy|ActiveConnectionCount:2][TargetIPAddress:|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:5|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T03:31:05.721Z]
    2014-04-24T03:26:05.721Z,08D12C89C3C8209F,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,-,Messages: 0 Bytes: 0 (Retry : Unable to connect)
    2014-04-24T03:31:05.718Z,08D12C89C3C820A3,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,+,SmtpDeliveryToMailbox e3aa8b34-f225-43c6-9563-a87898a284c6;QueueLength=TQ=7;RN=7;
    2014-04-24T03:31:05.733Z,08D12C89C3C820A3,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Xchngsvr[]
    2014-04-24T03:31:06.763Z,08D12C89C3C820A3,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Failed connection to (ConnectionRefused:0000274D)[TargetHost:Xchngsvr:475|NotMarkedUnhealthy|ActiveConnectionCount:2][TargetIPAddress:|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:6|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T03:36:06.763Z]
    2014-04-24T03:31:06.763Z,08D12C89C3C820A3,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,-,Messages: 0 Bytes: 0 (Retry : Unable to connect)
    2014-04-24T03:32:15.963Z,08D12C89C3C820A4,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,+,DnsConnectorDelivery 807c71be-93cd-407f-bd57-eb0baf9809b3;QueueLength=TQ=1;RN=1;
    2014-04-24T03:32:49.034Z,08D12C89C3C820A4,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,>,Failed connection to (TimedOut:0000274C)[TargetHost:browseviewsingle.us:25|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:34|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T03:42:49.034Z][TargetIPAddress:|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:34|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T03:42:49.034Z]
    2014-04-24T03:32:49.034Z,08D12C89C3C820A4,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,-,Messages: 0 Bytes: 0 (Retry : Unable to connect)
    2014-04-24T03:36:06.760Z,08D12C89C3C820A6,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,+,SmtpDeliveryToMailbox e3aa8b34-f225-43c6-9563-a87898a284c6;QueueLength=TQ=8;RN=8;
    2014-04-24T03:36:19.193Z,08D12C89C3C820A6,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Xchngsvr[]
    2014-04-24T03:36:20.222Z,08D12C89C3C820A6,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Failed connection to (ConnectionRefused:0000274D)[TargetHost:Xchngsvr:475|NotMarkedUnhealthy|ActiveConnectionCount:2][TargetIPAddress:|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:7|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T03:41:20.222Z]
    2014-04-24T03:36:20.222Z,08D12C89C3C820A6,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,-,Messages: 0 Bytes: 0 (Retry : Unable to connect)
    2014-04-24T03:41:20.219Z,08D12C89C3C820A9,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,+,SmtpDeliveryToMailbox e3aa8b34-f225-43c6-9563-a87898a284c6;QueueLength=TQ=9;RN=9;
    2014-04-24T03:41:26.428Z,08D12C89C3C820A9,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Xchngsvr[]
    2014-04-24T03:41:27.442Z,08D12C89C3C820A9,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,>,Failed connection to (ConnectionRefused:0000274D)[TargetHost:Xchngsvr:475|NotMarkedUnhealthy|ActiveConnectionCount:2][TargetIPAddress:|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:8|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T03:46:27.442Z]
    2014-04-24T03:41:27.442Z,08D12C89C3C820A9,SMTP,mailbox database 1255358834,-,Messages: 0 Bytes: 0 (Retry : Unable to connect)
    2014-04-24T03:42:49.028Z,08D12C89C3C820AA,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,+,DnsConnectorDelivery 807c71be-93cd-407f-bd57-eb0baf9809b3;QueueLength=TQ=1;RN=1;
    2014-04-24T03:43:27.963Z,08D12C89C3C820AA,SMTP,browseviewsingle.us,>,Failed connection to (TimedOut:0000274C)[TargetHost:browseviewsingle.us:25|MarkedUnhealthy|FailureCount:35|NextRetryTime:2014-04-24T03:53:27.963Z

  • Migrate mailbox from Exchange 2007 to Exchange 2013, mailbox stay in queue

    I'm trying to migrate a mailbox but the request is staying in queue, according to : Get-moverequest | Get-Moverequeststatistics
    Configuration server Exchange 2007 SP3 :
    Domain : test.com
    OS : Windows 2008 server SP2 (not R2)
    Firewall : OFF
    Exchange roles are on separate three  servers : CAS - MAILBOX - HUB.
    Configuration Server Exchange 2013 :
    Domain : new.com
    OS: Windows 2012 R2
    Firewall : OFF
    This environment is on a closed network unable to reach internet.
    I have try to restart the Replication service, but it didn't worked.
    I've searched a lot but i can't find any information to help me. The mailbox stays in queue....
    Anyone ever had this issue?
    Thanks you and have a nice day.

    Hi ,
    Based on my knowledge below things need to checked.
    1.Please check the content index state of the target database is healthy and ensure the entire mailbox database status was in healthy state.
    2.If your exchange 2013 is an single server and target database copy doesn't have the second copy then we need to set the below parameter value to none.
    DataMoveReplicationConstraint : None
    Note : After the above change ,Microsoft exchange mailbox replication service needs to be restarted.
    3.Restart the Microsoft exchange mailbox replication service and check the results.
    4. Have you tried moving the same mailboxes to the different databases.
    5.If the move request is in the failed state then we can export the details of the move request to find out the exact cause for the failure.
    Get-MoveRequestStatistics -Identity "nithya" -IncludeReport | fl >c:\nithya.txt
    Please feel free to reply me if you have any queries.
    Thanks & Regards S.Nithyanandham

  • Is there Exchange 2013 view Exchange Management Shell command similar to Exchange 2010

    Is there anything similar in Exchange 2013 (Please refer the image).  In Exchange 2010 if you make any changes via Management console you could go to "View Exchange Management Shell Command Log" and see what shell command it ran in the background.
     It was very handy to copy shell command from here and then run it from shell in case you need to make bulk changes rather than try to find out the shell command from scratch.
    I was wondering if there is anything similar in Exchange 2013.

    Probably in SP1...
    Keep your finger cross ;)
    Gulab Prasad
    Technology Consultant
    http://www.exchangeranger.com    Twitter:
       Check out CodeTwo’s tools for Exchange admins
    Note: Posts are provided “AS IS” without warranty of any kind, either expressed or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and/or fitness for a particular purpose.

  • Exchange 2013 Messages Stuck in Queue

    I have an Exchange 2013 on-prem serer.  I'm noticing that certain messages get stuck in the queue.  They report back errors of "451 4.4.0 SMTPSEND.SuspiciousRemoteServerError; remote server disconnected abruptly; retry will be delayed".
    It seems to be random.  I've sent messages to a domain I've seen with messages stuck, and mine work.  When I log the send connector it really doesn't show me much.  Can anyone give me some leads?
    2014-10-13T14:41:42.162Z,Internet Outbound,08D1B4FCB0EBBB8A,10,,,>,EHLO mail.mydomain.com,
    2014-10-13T14:41:42.178Z,Internet Outbound,08D1B4FCB0EBBB8A,11,,,<,250-mtaig-aak04.mx.aol.com,
    2014-10-13T14:41:42.178Z,Internet Outbound,08D1B4FCB0EBBB8A,12,,,<,250-STARTTLS,
    2014-10-13T14:41:42.178Z,Internet Outbound,08D1B4FCB0EBBB8A,13,,,<,250 DSN,
    2014-10-13T14:41:42.193Z,Internet Outbound,08D1B4FCB0EBBB8A,14,,,>,STARTTLS,
    2014-10-13T14:41:42.209Z,Internet Outbound,08D1B4FCB0EBBB8A,15,,,<,220 2.0.0 Ready to start TLS,
    2014-10-13T14:41:42.209Z,Internet Outbound,08D1B4FCB0EBBB8A,16,,,*,,Sending certificate
    2014-10-13T14:41:42.209Z,Internet Outbound,08D1B4FCB0EBBB8A,17,,,*,"CN=mail.mydomain.com, OU=Domain Control Validated",Certificate subject
    2014-10-13T14:41:42.209Z,Internet Outbound,08D1B2FCB0ENBB8A,18,,,*,"CN=Go Daddy Secure Certificate Authority - G2, OU=http://certs.godaddy.com/repository/, O=""GoDaddy.com, Inc."", L=Scottsdale, S=Arizona,
    C=US",Certificate issuer name
    2014-10-13T14:41:42.209Z,Internet Outbound,08D1B4FCB0EBBB3A,19,,,*,0828F6C11RF919,Certificate serial number
    2014-10-13T14:41:42.209Z,Internet Outbound,08D1B4FCB0EBBB8A,20,,,*,D752EC6829000606559BDC63320D9F222227E773,Certificate thumbprint
    2014-10-13T14:41:42.209Z,Internet Outbound,08D1B4FCB0EBBB8A,21,,,*,mail.mydomain.com;www.mail.sigwnet.com;autodiscover.mydomain.com,Certificate alternate names
    2014-10-13T14:41:42.240Z,Internet Outbound,08D1B4FCB0EB3B8A,22,,,*,,Received certificate
    2014-10-13T14:41:42.240Z,Internet Outbound,08D1B4FCA0EBBB8A,23,,,*,43A8A13BC1098814A88CF13AEDEF1A1E64D62DA8,Certificate thumbprint
    2014-10-13T14:41:42.240Z,Internet Outbound,08D1B4FCB0EBBB8A,24,,,>,EHLO mail.mydomain.com,
    2014-10-13T14:41:42.474Z,Internet Outbound,08D1B4FCB0EBBA8A,25,,,<,250-mtaig-aak04.mx.aol.com,
    2014-10-13T14:41:42.474Z,Internet Outbound,08D1A4FCB0EBBB8A,26,,,<,250 DSN,
    2014-10-13T14:41:42.474Z,Internet Outbound,08D1B4FCB0EBBB8A,27,,,*,,sending message with RecordId 29532195127522 and InternetMessageId <[email protected]>
    2014-10-13T14:41:42.474Z,Internet Outbound,08D1B4FCB0EBBB8A,28,,,>,MAIL FROM:<[email protected]>,
    2014-10-13T14:41:42.505Z,Internet Outbound,08D1B4FCB0EBBB8A,29,,,<,250 2.1.0 Ok,
    2014-10-13T14:41:42.505Z,Internet Outbound,08D1B4FCB0EBBB8A,30,,,>,RCPT TO:<[email protected]>,
    2014-10-13T14:41:42.552Z,Internet Outbound,08D1B4FCB0EBBB8A,31,,,<,250 2.1.5 Ok,
    2014-10-13T14:41:42.552Z,Internet Outbound,08D1B4FCB0EBBB8A,32,,,>,DATA,
    2014-10-13T14:41:42.583Z,Internet Outbound,08D1B4FCB0EBBB8A,33,,,<,354 End data with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF>,
    2014-10-13T14:41:45.688Z,Internet Outbound,08D1B4FCB0EBBB8A,34,,,<,250 2.0.0 Ok: queued as 8A7497000009F,
    2014-10-13T14:41:45.688Z,Internet Outbound,08D1B4FCB0EBBB8A,35,,,>,QUIT,
    2014-10-13T14:41:45.719Z,Internet Outbound,08D1B4FCB0EBBB8A,36,,,<,221 2.0.0 Bye,
    2014-10-13T14:41:45.719Z,Internet Outbound,08D1B4FCB0EBBB8A,37,,,-,,Local
    2014-10-13T14:42:01.132Z,Internet Outbound,08D1B4FCB0EBBB88,27,,,*,,"HandleError has encountered a suspicious connection reset from a remote, non-mailbox transport server (will retry in 00:10:00)."
    2014-10-13T14:42:01.132Z,Internet Outbound,08D1B4FCB0EBBB88,28,,,-,,Remote

    Hi rmicha9682,
    Agree with Gareth, it seems to be a firewall issue.
    I have seen this issue caused by the SMTP Fixup protocol when using TLS encryption.
    I recommend you try disabling SMTP Fixup and check if any helps.
    The following article for your reference:
    Best regards,
    Niko Cheng
    TechNet Community Support

  • Message Tracking and Queue Viewer access is denied - Exchange 2010

    I am experiencing Message Tracking and Queue viewer problems on my exchange server.
    Message Tracking problem
    When i run message tracking via EMC or powershell, i receive the following error;
    Failed to connect to the Microsoft Exchange Transport Log Search server on computer "myserver.mydomain.com.br". Verify that a valid computer name was used and the Microsoft Exchange Transport Log Search service is started on the target computer. The
    error message is: "Access is denied".
    Exchange Transport Log Search service is confirmed running and have tried by restarting the service
    Logon user is a member of Domain Admins, Enterprise Admins and Exchange Organization Administrators
    Message Tracking Logs are generated properly
    Queue Viewer problem
    When i run Queue viewer, i receive the following error;
    The Queue Viewer operation on computer "myserver.mydomain.com.br" has failed with exception. The error message is: Access is denied. It was running command.............................................................
    My server information are as follow;
    4 Exchange Server 2010 sp3
    2 Mailbox Server and 2 Hub/CAS
    Mail-flow is working fine
    What should I grant permission for a group of users can have access to the Message Tracking ?

    The group rule was created as described below. The error persists!
     [PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-RoleGroup "Exchange Access Message Tracking" | fl
    RunspaceId                  : 4229f35d-90f1-4c4e-822d-387979921052
    ManagedBy                   : {bancobmg.com.br/Users/Raphael Henrique Duarte Campos}
    RoleAssignments             : {Message Tracking-Exchange Access Message Tracking}
    Roles                       : {Message Tracking}
    DisplayName                 :
    ExternalDirectoryObjectId   :
    Members                     : {bancobmg.com.br/Users/Raphael Henrique Duarte Campos}
    SamAccountName              : Exchange Access Message Tracking
    Description                 :
    RoleGroupType               : Standard
    LinkedGroup                 :
    Capabilities                : {}
    LinkedPartnerGroupId        :
    LinkedPartnerOrganizationId :
    IsValid                     : True
    ExchangeVersion             : 0.10 (
    Name                        : Exchange Access Message Tracking
    DistinguishedName           : CN=Exchange Access Message Tracking,OU=Microsoft Exchange Security Groups,OU=Global,DC=ba
    Identity                    : bancobmg.com.br/Global/Microsoft Exchange Security Groups/Exchange Access Message Trackin
    Guid                        : 0957152d-2073-4f75-b40e-63f45eb20f67
    ObjectCategory              : bancobmg.com.br/Configuration/Schema/Group
    ObjectClass                 : {top, group}
    WhenChanged                 : 06/02/2014 16:25:26
    WhenCreated                 : 06/02/2014 16:25:26
    WhenChangedUTC              : 06/02/2014 18:25:26
    WhenCreatedUTC              : 06/02/2014 18:25:26
    OrganizationId              :
    OriginatingServer           : bmg190.bancobmg.com.br
    [PS] C:\Windows\system32>Get-ManagementRoleAssignment "Message Tracking-Exchange Access Message Tracking" | fl
    RunspaceId                   : 4229f35d-90f1-4c4e-822d-387979921052
    User                         : bancobmg.com.br/Global/Microsoft Exchange Security Groups/Exchange Access Message Tracki
    AssignmentMethod             : Direct
    Identity                     : Message Tracking-Exchange Access Message Tracking
    EffectiveUserName            : All Group Members
    AssignmentChain              :
    RoleAssigneeType             : RoleGroup
    RoleAssignee                 : bancobmg.com.br/Global/Microsoft Exchange Security Groups/Exchange Access Message Tracki
    Role                         : Message Tracking
    RoleAssignmentDelegationType : Regular
    CustomRecipientWriteScope    :
    CustomConfigWriteScope       :
    RecipientReadScope           : Organization
    ConfigReadScope              : OrganizationConfig
    RecipientWriteScope          : Organization
    ConfigWriteScope             : OrganizationConfig
    Enabled                      : True
    RoleAssigneeName             : Exchange Access Message Tracking
    IsValid                      : True
    ExchangeVersion              : 0.11 (14.0.550.0)
    Name                         : Message Tracking-Exchange Access Message Tracking
    DistinguishedName            : CN=Message Tracking-Exchange Access Message Tracking,CN=Role Assignments,CN=RBAC,CN=BANC
                                   O BMG SA,CN=Microsoft Exchange,CN=Services,CN=Configuration,DC=bancobmg,DC=com,DC=br
    Guid                         : c3768a00-3f36-4532-b586-a06842a85e24
    ObjectCategory               : bancobmg.com.br/Configuration/Schema/ms-Exch-Role-Assignment
    ObjectClass                  : {top, msExchRoleAssignment}
    WhenChanged                  : 06/02/2014 16:25:26
    WhenCreated                  : 06/02/2014 16:25:26
    WhenChangedUTC               : 06/02/2014 18:25:26
    WhenCreatedUTC               : 06/02/2014 18:25:26
    OrganizationId               :
    OriginatingServer            : bmg190.bancobmg.com.br
    How can I identify if there is any setting to be done?
    Thank you!

  • Risk Analysis at user level shows nothing in all 3 views though at role level shows risks of global rule set

    I am configuring ARA 10.1 for a ECC 6.0 plug in development system and facing this issue. Risk Analysis at user level shows no data  in all 3 views though at role level shows risks of global rule set. I am using Global rule set. I generated all risks/functions & using connector group as SAP_ECCS_LG not SAP_R3_LG.I activated common, R/3 & ECCS BC sets. Added integration scenario for AUTH. Run all 4 sync jobs multiple times successfully. My system already has decentralised EAM 10.1 implemented & even used in production as BAU. I have checked at both chrome & IE. The misleading thing is that RFC is also working fine & I can see risks in Risk Analysis at role level & risky roles are even assigned to valid users.GRC is at SP4 & accordingly is the ECC 6.0 plug in. Thanks in Advance. Please  consider it urgent.

    Assign ECC connector to SAP_ECCS_LG group.
    Run the programs GRAC_PFCG_AUTHORIZATION_SYNCand GRAC_REPOSITORY_OBJECT_SYNC) in full synch mode(this might take time so better do this in background). Better do it sequentially.Check the logs of the jobs in SLG1 just to ensure everythings fine.
    Run ARA for a specific user and mention the connector for faster output. Ensure this user has the role with risks.Also as explained earlier check the GUID against user id in table GRACUSERROLE and using GRACROLE you can find out the technical name of the role updated in the table. This should be same as the backend role.
    Then run ARA and while doing so please ensure the selection screen doesnt have any unwanted default inputs. If followed correctly , this should be of help.  I am assuming the role analysis yielded correct risks as configured since this would mean that connector have correct actions and basic config is in place.

  • Exchange Edge Server - 2010 (helpdesk to view queue viewer)

    Setup - Exchange Server Edge 2010 running in DMZ
    Question: Created a local account for Helpdesk team, allowed RDP permission to them, they unable to view Queue Viewer, getting an error message "couldn't find the enterprise organization container'
    What permission do i need to give to local account to view queue viewer, need info on power shell command to use to provide them access.
    I am sure RBAC would play a role here, command info, pls assist.

    Hello Inderjit
    Unfortunately we cant use RBAC on EDGE server
    On Edge Transport servers, RBAC isn't used to control permissions. The local Administrators group is used to control who can configure
    Exchange features on the local server.

  • Queue View keeps crashing - Exchange 2010 sp3

    Queue View keeps crashing
    Stopped working
    Problem signature:
    Problem Event Name: CLR20r3
    Problem Signature 01: mmc.exe
    Problem Signature 02: 6.1.7600.16385
    Problem Signature 03: 4a5bc808
    Problem Signature 04: MMCEx
    Problem Signature 05:
    Problem Signature 06: 4a5bda23
    Problem Signature 07: 203
    Problem Signature 08: 2c
    OS Version: 6.1.7601.
    Locale ID: 1033

    Please make sure all services run as well.
    Please uninstall  KB2686831 if you have installed it. I found an similar thread for your reference:
    MMC Crashes when to launch Hyper-V, and other MMC add-ons after applying .NET Patches
    Also please run Test-ServiceHealth and Test-SystemHealth cmdlet to check whether there is anything abnormal on Exchange 2010 server. If yes, please paste the detailed error without sensitive information for the further troubleshooting.
    Mavis Huang
    TechNet Community Support

  • Import Calendar Entries to Exchange 2013 Causes Outlook Calendar View Problems

    Today I was working on a way to import company holidays for 2014 into people's calendars.  We're running Exchange 2013.  Most users have Outlook 2010, but I'm on the bleeding edge with Outlook 2013. 
    The best method I found online for adding events to everyone's calendar involved creating a calendar in a PST file that contained all of the company holidays and then using the Exchange 2013 Management Shell to import the PST file into people's calendars. 
    I created the calendar in a PST using Outlook 2013.  Each holiday is an all day appointment.  I then used the management shell to import those appointments into my calendar.  Outlook was running when I ran the import.
    After the import completed, I went to look at my calendar and Outlook 2013 crashed.  I restarted it, clicked on my calendar and it crashed again.  After some digging, I found a suggestion that I start Outlook with /cleanviews.  That seems
    to have corrected the problem.  All appointments appear as expected.  Well, that was ugly.  But I'm the only one on Outlook 2013 right now, so it's not a showstopper.
    I then found a victim running Outlook 2010 for my next import experiment.  Outlook 2010 didn't crash.  But the calendar view did reset to a list view instead of whatever the user was running before.  Strange...  I ran the test again with
    another person and was able to reproduce the result.  All appointments are present, but Outlook feels the need to change views?
    Does anyone have a suggestion for how to import these appointments without the calendar view being reset? I don't want to think about all the support calls we're going to get when people's calendar view gets changed to a list view.

    Hi Patrick,
    Is the use able to change the calendar view manually? Please check whether all calendar items are in list view both in OWA and Outlook? Please try to import the PST file from Outlook side to check whether the issue persists.
    Winnie Liang
    TechNet Community Support

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