Quick Masking/Cropping for scopes

In Premiere, I will often thow a preset mask onto a clip, so that I can evaluate a white balance of a particuar portion of the scene, or see how far my grade has pushes skin tones off target.
In Resolve this is easy. Make a mask and solo it, check scopes, turn off. Same in PP
In speegrade, how do I do this without having to make a secondary correction first? I just want to drag a simple mask to isolate part of the clip, then see it in the scopes.
I do this all the time in PP and Resolve.
Any suggestions?
Please dont say 'use direct link' - this is for work, not the Direct Link public beta

There are some things about the way your employing firm does things that are incredibly annoying. Such as this issue ... you're staff, right? Yet you have to tell the customer to go find the web-page to file a user-feature request. Really. Even when you agree it should be changed. Adobe's policies on such things are ... well, bizarre. If I treated my studio clients like that, well ... I wouldn't need to pay that subscription fee anymore, as I wouldn't have any clients.
And ... things like no graticules in the vectorscopes in Adobe projects ... you know, those marvy boxes for colors, the line called the 'skin-tone' line by many ... those lines? I don't know of a cine/video editing program out there that DOESN'T have these ... yet, even though you're trying to make the "suite" the big dog of editors, not only does your product NOT have this, the company will neither add it nor explain why it DOESN'T put the standard vectorscope into the supposedly high-end editor and grading program.
I hate to pick on you, as of coruse, like anyone else I am SO thrilled to see staff actually answering queries and working the problems that crop up in these forums. But ... much as these are in many respects amazing programs, and ... as wondrous as some of the new features are ... at times, your programs do feel more like toys than tools. Sadly.
Yet do pass on a thank you to your developer types for what they mostly did this last update ... and a wish they can complete actually making the DL usable in real editing and not just light little projects. It is SO much better when I can use it ... but wow, any key-framing, nope ... and other things ...

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    Thanks a lot, Sir, much appreciated. Under View options one can selected "show selection outlines or boundaries", well not in swedish, it says something completely different, but just as you said, there it was!
    Again, thanks a lot!

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    Usually when Quick Mask is set up properly, the selected (painted) areas are shown as 50% red. For example when you use a brush to paint your selected areas.  By the way using ordinary selection tools while in Quick Mask mode will not show the red area, you must use the selection tools then go into Quick mask mode to see the red area.
    To see what your Quick Mask settings are like, double-click the Quick Mask icon, and the options should look like this:
    The 50% red comes from olden days when graphic designers would apply a red film called "Rubylith" to mask off areas in artwork and tailor it with an exacto knife.

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    Currently running Lightroom 2.4 on PC and Mac

    It would be nice to be able to selectively add your to your adjustment while viewing the quick mask.
    You can paint, while viewing the overlay (quick mask, as you call it).

  • CS3: Quick Mask trouble

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    Has anyone else experienced this and or/know of a way to fix it?

    Soft for the greater part of the work. However I did no work on the background layer where this line has appeared, only on the other.

  • Doubt on quick mask mode?

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    The following is the tutorial that led me to this confusion

  • CS 4 Quick mask problem

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    Any tips?

    Thanks for quick replies.
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    Will examine this further,
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    Thanks for your help.  Your solution didn't solve the problem, but taught me something very useful about toggling between masking and inverting the mask.  But I did find the answer in the "More like this" column on the right.  I had to trash my preferences, which had apparently become corrupted.  Now everything's back to normal.

  • Quick Mask Bug found (Mac OS 10.6.8)

    Hello there!
    I found a bug using the quick mask while editing a layer mask.
    You have a document with a layer that has a pixel mask.
    Then you alt-click the layer mask to display it in black and white, to be able to paint on it for example.
    If you now make a selection, while you see the black and white layer mask (eg. rectangular marquee or whatever) and then enable the quick mask mode, to modify the selection (display it in ruby mode), the red (ruby) mode displays wrong.
    It will not only mask everything red that is masked (or selected, depending on your preference), but also everything from the pixel mask that is black.
    This is wrong and has been different in all versions before. It makes no sense to display the layer mask in quick mask mode while editing a selection.
    Usually only the selection (or mask) should be displayed in the quick-mask-color (here: red) regardless of being in the pixel layer mask or not.
    I can reproduce this error in a new file. I can post a video to illustrate it, if my english is not precise enough to describe the bug.
    Could you please fix it soon? Thank you a lot!
    System Info:
    Adobe Photoshop Version: 13.0 (13.0 20120315.r.428 2012/03/15:21:00:00) x64

    no it does not change it. But I found out what causes that bug. It's not a displaying issue. Photoshop does something it did not do earlier, this is:
    My quick mask color is the same as the layer mask color.
    Photoshop displays the (colored) layer mask as well when switching to quick mask (selection) mode.
    Using another color makes it easier to differenciate between the layer mask and the quick mask but here's the problem:
    When pressing q (to switch to quick mask mode) photoshop will not only display the quick mask, but also the layer mask in their respective colors.
    But displaying the layer mask in a color overlay while already being in the b+w layer editing mode makes no sense.
    Look here:
    Now i set my layer mask color to magenta to make it distinguishable:
    New file: Just a colored layer with a pixel mask (the center displays the transparency grid):
    This is the layer mask in mask editing mode:
    Now if i press Q, not even having made any selection or so, "quick mask" mode will also display the layer mask in its resp. color:
    That makes no sense, because I am in layer mask editing mode and I can already see it in black and white.
    Is it normal, that in quick mask mode the layer mask is displayed as a color overlay as well? I can't remember seeing this behavior earlier!
    Thank you!

  • Adobe Photoshop Quick Mask Won't Work

    I'm using Adobe Photoshop 7. I didn't feel like upgrading.
    Ok. I'm trying to use the Quick Mask but it won't mask. Instead, it does a light red mask instead and it won't select anything. I deletes the mask. I can't figure out how to make it so it creates masks instead. I had found a way where if you double click the quick mask button, it will bring up that menu where you can decide what it shows. I change it and it doesn't make a difference. After I select my masked area with the light red and exit out, nothing happens. When I double click the quick mask when on another layer and click the other option, it will make the whole screen red. When I draw with the brush while everything is red, the blank area is the new mask. (Blank as in Un-Red. The brush acts as an eraser.) Please help. I asked a few of my friends and I posted on a clan forum. I also asked on Yahoo Answers. I scowered Google but couldn't find anything that matches my problem. I'm getting quite pissed because it was working perfectly dismorning. I could use the way that is working right now but it is quite irritating.

    Ok. I'm sorry for wasting your time. Noel pointed out that I was supposedly ignoring answers so I decided to re-read all the posts just in-case I had missed one. I am sorry for not checking this often. I check it whenever I can. emil emil. His second post was the answer. All I had to do was push D to go back to the foreground color. I even manually went and made it straight black. Sorry for wasting all of your time. Thanks emil emil. Just to answer the additional questions,
    Bill Hunt. I was trying out different colors ranging from straight black and straight white to random colors.
    MTSTUNER. Here is what happens. Obviously behind I had it inverted so, it had something to do with the brush...
    Noel Carboni. Right after I conducted MTSTUNER's test, I had not touched the colors. I went and drawn random lines using white first. Nothing showed up.
    Here, I flopped them by pushing the flip over/switch button.
    It started doing the usual..
    Sorry guys. I feel kinda like a jerk. I didn't fully understand what emil was talking about. Plus, I think I was multi tasking. Talking to some people about finances. My appologies. But, thank you all for trying to help. I really appreciate it.

  • Quick mask wont show green highlight CS5

    This is driving me mad, new to CS5 but have used various other programs with mask feature, I can select a quick mask with the colour set to white and black, on the black it will highlight in Red no problem but on the white it won't hight light in green, it does remove any red but won't hightlight in green for an area I want to keep.
    I was trying to make the whites of the eye whiter by creating a quick mask and highligting the whites in green (so with the white colour selected) and then adjusting the levels for the selected area but it just won't work.
    Looked every where for an answer.
    Apologies if this is in the wrong area as never posted before.

    You are misunderstanding quick masks. There is no secondary selection color. PS only shows the actual selecton. Read the online help.

  • Lowering brush transparency in Quick Mask Mode

    Using Quick Mask mode to add to a selection and to remove parts, how is lowering the transparency of the paint brush useful? I tried it and it seemed to make less of a selection, though I'm not quite sure why you would do this?

    For example for the edges if you want to make a very soft/blurry selection.
    By the way: With »transparency« do you actually mean »opacity« or »flow«?

  • Toggle composite and grayscale mask in Quick Mask mode : Problem

    I have a problem with this command : "Toggle composite and grayscale mask in Quick Mask mode"
    I know i have to press the tidle key " ~ " to activate it but i'm using an Azerty keyboard (belgium) and i have trouble with it.
    The only way i can use the tidle key on my keyboard is to press "Option + n" keys.
    So in Photoshop,  i load a channel  selection, turn into "quick mask mode" and then press "Option + n", but nothing happens.
    If i try with "Command+Option+n", i open the window for a new document.
    I have tried ALL combination of keys but nothing worked.
    I have also tried to change the keyboard input to Britain, Usa, etc but it still doesn't work.
    I'm using the english version of Photoshop CS6 (Subscription), and an Azerty Keyboard (Belgium) on a Mac Osx Snow leopard.
    How can i solve this problem ?

    Do you have an AltGr key on the right side of the keyboard?
    Anyway on a windows system set to your language/keyboard layout i can hold down the AltGr key while pressing the tilde key (on the right side of the keyboard up and to the right of the AltGr key)
    and that seems to work in photoshop in place of tilde key on an us english keyboard.
    Not sure what the AltGr key would be on a mac system, maybe the option key on the right side of the keyboard?
    I don't think it will work on an english version of cs6, you probably need a localized version of cs6.
    If your on the subscrition plan you can change the language version of photoshop cs6.
    http://tv.adobe.com/watch/cs6-creative-cloud-feature-tour-for-web/installing-multiple-lang uages-of-a-desktop-application/

Maybe you are looking for