Quick Warrantee Question. (wasn't sure where to post this)

I just got a Pavilion 500-123w for christmas. What I would like to know is if I can put in a dedicated GPU without voiding the warrantee. It only has IGP Intel HD 2500. Honestly only slightly worse than my dedicated but still worse nonetheless. So will it void my warrantee? I don't have any stickers on my case stating anything about opening the case. I'm used to seeing warrantee void stickers on there. Thanks in advance!
P.S. If its in the wrong area you can move it.

You will not void the warranty unless you install a card with power supply specs that exeed those of the power supply in your PC, or cause other damage by installing the card.
See the answer to Q17 at the link below.
Now, since you plan on installing a video card on a PC that came with Windows 8, there are 2 BIOS settings you need to change before proceeding to install the card.

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    Mike , NYC
    macbook   Mac OS X (10.4.9)   HP Desktop

    Put your iTunes folder on the eternal hard drive, and make a alias to it from your home directory on the MacBook (Cmd-L). Do the same when you get the iMac.
    I didn't quite get how the two computers are sharing the hard drive, or maybe you'll put the hard drive on the iMac and share the library. There's a lot of ways to make this work. You made a good decision.

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    You will not void the warranty unless you install a card with power supply specs that exeed those of the power supply in your PC, or cause other damage by installing the card.
    See the answer to Q17 at the link below.
    Now, since you plan on installing a video card on a PC that came with Windows 8, there are 2 BIOS settings you need to change before proceeding to install the card.

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    It is illegal to make copies, under the copyright
    regulations regarding the use of keynotes
    presentations, and there is no DVD for sale with them
    (you would need a few DVDs, they go way back to the
    early 80s).
    The WWxx name is based on the name/location of the
    conference, WWDC, WWSF etc.
    Thanks for the info. A little disappointing though. I would love a compilation of the conferences and all the old commercials etc.
    Maybe they'll put together a box set in the near future.

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    Go to Settings/Mail, Contacts, Calendars.  Tap the name of the email account. If you don't see a bar labeled "Advance" near the bottom,  Tap Account.  Tap Advanced.   Under Incoming Settings, there should be an option to Use SSL.  If it is ON, tap it to turn it off.

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    If the iMac came with a rebate then you'd have to call Apple about that. As for the Office rebate, if it came from the retailer you purchased the thing from then you'd have to discuss it with them, or if it was a Microsoft rebate then you'd have to contact them about it.

  • Wrong forum I know but I don't know where to post this

    I have two accounts here.
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    When I received my macbook I created another account.
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    . If I log in with my email address I am shown questions I've posted about my macbook since receiving it at christmas.
    Both accounts use the same email address and password and yet neither account shows both acct questions.
    Is there any way to merge both accounts together.
    I know this is the wrong forum for this question, but can't find any link to email apple directly and get this fixed up.
    Can anyone help?

    Hi whyper!
    Unfortunately there is no way to merge the accounts. Just choose one that you prefer to use for everything.
    And this is the appropriate Forum to post this issue!
    ali b

  • Not sure where to ask this- printing multiple files with file names

    Apologies if there was a better place to ask this question- I'm not sure which program I should be using to achieve what I'd like to do and I'm not sure if it's even possible. I'm currently working for a publishing house preparing images that will eventually be printed inside books. Files come to me in a wide variety of formats. I save them as either tiff or eps. These files (the tiffs and the eps) will eventually be sent along to someone that is doing layout work for the book and then to the printers. Before that happens however I need to provide the editor with hardcopies of the images that will be published so that they can review them. Having the editors look at digital versions of the files is not currently an option. Our current workflow (not designed by me) entails entering all the images for any given book into an InDesign template. Then in Indesign I have to enter some information about the images (their numerical designation, their file format). Then we print the .indd file for editorial review. I find this process incredibly time consuming and tedious and I'm looking for a way to avoid it all together.
    What I would like to be able to do is select a folder of images (tiffs and eps only) and print them at 100% (no resizing, one image per page) with the file name at the bottom of the page. Due to the number of images I'm responsible for, this could save me several hours of tedious work a week and would allow me to devote more time to producing a quality product. I thought I had found a solution using the 'contact sheet II' tool in adobe bridge. However, this rasterizes the eps files and makes them look unprofessional. An hour and a half of googling this issue has taken me to numerous dead ends. I wonder if there might be some way to do this quickly in indesign (at which I am a complete novice) or possibly via an automated illustrator function.
    Thanks in advance for any help you may be able to offer.
    Please do let me know if there is anything unclear in my description. For what it's worth, I am using Creative Suite 6.

    Hi Mylenium,
    I appreciate the reply. I'm not sure that I will be able to convince the powers that be to drop the EPS format. I'm fairly certain that the printer, which the press has a long-standing relationship with, expects TIFF and EPS files exclusively.  In addition, I'm not sure if I'm misreading what you're saying, or if you misunderstood something I said. Typically, the EPS format looks great and prints fine through illustrator or via InDesign (in other words, it doesn't usually look unprofessional). I use TIFF for photos or illustrations and EPS for charts or graphs (basically, in any instance I have to set type). The problem is that the only way I've found to speed up the production of hardcopies for editorial review ('contact sheet II' ) runs through bridge and photoshop, ruining the appearance of the EPS files.
    I wonder if there's a way to run a similar batch process (may not be the correct wording) through illustrator such that both the TIFF and EPS files look clear, print at 100%, print one image per page, and the file name is included on the printout. Basically, a one image per page contact sheet. To do this now, I have to place every single file individually into InDesign and manually enter information about the files.

  • Template Bug? Not sure where to post. I have a sample.

    It seems that Dreamweaver 2004 MX (version 7.0.1 on Windows
    XP) gets confused if you create a page with invalid HTML. I've seen
    some other posts on this, but I'm not sure if it's been fixed.
    If you do the following, you'll get the popup warning "You
    have made changes to code that is not marked as editable.. blah
    blah blah" even though you did not make changes to uneditable
    1. Make a remote site with a local web directory. On my
    machine, I run Apache (
    http://localhost), treat it as a
    remote site, and copy files to Apache's local directory.
    2. Create a template with 1 editable region: EditRegion3
    3. Create a page using the template.
    4. Enter in a <form> </form>tag and some text.
    5. Select Put for the file.
    Works fine at this point.
    To invoke the bug:
    1. Remove the </form> tag.
    2. Select put.
    3. The InstanceBeginEditable name="EditRegion3" tag turns
    color: from gray to black.
    4. Close and reopen the file.
    5. Make a minor edit.
    6. Select Put.
    7. Presto - warning dialogue shows.
    I attached both versions. By the way, I was able to "fix" the
    broken edit region by closing (not saving changes) and reopening
    the file, adding back the missing </form> and saving. Then
    Put works with no error message.

    So lemme understand this. If you hack a page so that it
    contains invalid
    code, you get a template error? Is that a surprise?
    Anyhow, there are several workarounds, and I see that you
    have found one.
    Murray --- ICQ 71997575
    Adobe Community Expert
    (If you *MUST* email me, don't LAUGH when you do so!)
    - Template Triage!
    - DW FAQs, Tutorials & Resources
    http://www.dwfaq.com - DW FAQs,
    Tutorials & Resources
    - Macromedia (MM) Technotes
    "fred_sl" <[email protected]> wrote in
    news:[email protected]...
    > It seems that Dreamweaver 2004 MX (version 7.0.1 on
    Windows XP) gets
    > confused
    > if you create a page with invalid HTML. I've seen some
    other posts on
    > this, but
    > I'm not sure if it's been fixed.
    > If you do the following, you'll get the popup warning
    "You have made
    > changes
    > to code that is not marked as editable.. blah blah blah"
    even though you
    > did
    > not make changes to uneditable regions.
    > 1. Make a remote site with a local web directory. On my
    machine, I run
    > Apache
    > (
    http://localhost), treat it as a
    remote site, and copy files to Apache's
    > local
    > directory.
    > 2. Create a template with 1 editable region: EditRegion3
    > 3. Create a page using the template.
    > 4. Enter in a <form> </form>tag and some
    > 5. Select Put for the file.
    > Works fine at this point.
    > To invoke the bug:
    > 1. Remove the </form> tag.
    > 2. Select put.
    > 3. The InstanceBeginEditable name="EditRegion3" tag
    turns color: from gray
    > to
    > black.
    > 4. Close and reopen the file.
    > 5. Make a minor edit.
    > 6. Select Put.
    > 7. Presto - warning dialogue shows.
    > I attached both versions. By the way, I was able to
    "fix" the broken edit
    > region by closing (not saving changes) and reopening the
    file, adding back
    > the
    > missing </form> and saving. Then Put works with no
    error message.
    > // VALID HTML
    > //////////////////////
    > "
    > <html><!-- InstanceBegin
    > codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->
    > <head>
    > <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
    > <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->
    > <title>Admin - Image Upload</title>
    > <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
    > <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->
    > <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
    > </head>
    > <body>
    > <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="EditRegion3" -->
    > <form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    > <table>
    > <tr><td>Image
    File</td><td><input type="file"
    > <tr><td colspan="2"><input type="submit"
    > </table>
    > </form>
    > <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></body>
    > <!-- InstanceEnd --></html>
    > //////////////////
    > "
    > <html><!-- InstanceBegin
    > codeOutsideHTMLIsLocked="false" -->
    > <head>
    > <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html;
    > <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="doctitle" -->
    > <title>Admin - Image Upload</title>
    > <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
    > <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="head" -->
    > <!-- InstanceEndEditable -->
    > </head>
    > <body>
    > <!-- InstanceBeginEditable name="EditRegion3" -->
    > <form method="POST" enctype="multipart/form-data">
    > <table>
    > <tr><td>Image
    File</td><td><input type="file"
    > <tr><td colspan="2"><input type="submit"
    > </table>
    > <!-- InstanceEndEditable --></body>
    > <!-- InstanceEnd --></html>

  • Lenovo 120GB portable hard drive won't disconnect (not sure where to put this!)

    I didn't see any specific forums/areas for portable hard drives, so I thought I'd try here-- if it's in the wrong place, please let me know!
    I got a 120gb lenovo portable hard drive over the holidays, and just today tried plugging it in; the only thing I did was check how much space it had free on it (111gb, but I did find out why that is!), but now I can't remove it. That is, when I try to use the 'safely remove hardware' thing, I get a message saying that the device is still being used by a program. However... there shouldn't be any program using it! I was told that normally it's not a problem to just straight-up unplug the usb cords from the computer, but I'd rather not have to do that every single time I use the portable hard drive. 

    Welcome to the forum,
    In order that members can help you trouble shoot this you may want to post some more details. Most importantly which OS you are running.
    Did you have something like Windows Media Player running when you tried to disconnect the drive? I've experienced the same with WMP running; it links to the drive looking for files it can play / add to it's playlists and therefore Windows thinks it is still in use.
    Message Edited by andyP on 01-28-2009 07:54 AM
    Andy  ______________________________________
    Please remember to come back and mark the post that you feel solved your question as the solution, it earns the member + points
    Did you find a post helpfull? You can thank the member by clicking on the star to the left awarding them Kudos Please add your type, model number and OS to your signature, it helps to help you. Forum Search Option T430 2347-G7U W8 x64, Yoga 10 HD+, Tablet 1838-2BG, T61p 6460-67G W7 x64, T43p 2668-G2G XP, T23 2647-9LG XP, plus a few more. FYI Unsolicited Personal Messages will be ignored.
      Deutsche Community     Comunidad en Español    English Community Русскоязычное Сообщество
    PepperonI blog 

  • Need desperate help, now sure where to put this

    I have a Zenworks 10.3 server that was running fine...all of a sudden, it says database will not start. I reboot and stopped and started database manually I THINK bu going to CL and typing:
    /opt/novell/zenworks/bin/novell-zenworks-configure -c Start
    I chose ZEN database and stopped and starting it, about 2 minutes later I get an error, and it says use dbsupport to virw it, but I cannot seem to invole this tool from the CL...anways, if anyone has any suggestion, I would GREATLY appreciate it as of right now I am dead in the water. PS- I do not have a zman back up....I am hopeing I can look at the log and rescue this db...I am open to suggestions....

    Whatever you do, backup the files before doing anything else.
    Most Likely the Transaction Log is corrupt.
    Do you have a recent database backup?
    If so, I would recommend restoring it.
    If not, you may be able to start the database without the transaction log.
    Here are some tips for an older version of Sybase that still generally
    hold true.
    On 9/15/2011 1:16 PM, Techlord wrote:
    > I have a Zenworks 10.3 server that was running fine...all of a sudden,
    > it says database will not start. I reboot and stopped and started
    > database manually I THINK bu going to CL and typing:
    > I chose ZEN database and stopped and starting it, about 2 minutes later
    > I get an error, and it says use dbsupport to virw it, but I cannot seem
    > to invole this tool from the CL...anways, if anyone has any suggestion,
    > I would GREATLY appreciate it as of right now I am dead in the water.
    > PS- I do not have a zman back up....I am hopeing I can look at the log
    > and rescue this db...I am open to suggestions....
    Craig Wilson - MCNE, MCSE, CCNA
    Novell Knowledge Partner
    Novell does not officially monitor these forums.
    Suggestions/Opinions/Statements made by me are solely my own.
    These thoughts may not be shared by either Novell or any rational human.

  • Not sure where to post please direct

    I have a document that I would like to copy cut and paste into an email.
    Everytime I paste it is automatically double spaced and a pain to edit to single spacing.
    I have checked the default settings and they are all single.
    Please advise

    You posted in the Safari forum. Go here: http://discussions.apple.com/index.jspa?categoryID=1
    Select the operating system your PBook is running. Leopard? Tiger?
    Then select the Mail & Address Book Forum.
    Post there...
    Also, in order to help you better, please click My Settings on the right side of this page and update your profile to indicate which Mac OS you are running.

  • I don't know where to post this, just like BT don'...

    Been with BT for 6 years now, recently noticed my bills were getting much more expensive as time went on although I don't use the phone, HD Films or the Music Pack BT Vision extra (which was free on sign-up)
    I finally managed to contact BT (via CS email) to cancel the Music Pack at £7.20/mnth or so, but was peeved to see you cannot simply cancel or change subscribtions online via BT.com
    Thats not a massive problem however
    What upsets me is I got a new BT contract (just because I cancelled a part of BT Vision) and had to create another online BT account, 2 days later I can now use my old account.
    As I am a green person, I use paper billing but now have two logins with two account numbers, I hope I do not get two bills?
    Annoylingly the final part is I now get email marketing spam from BT ([email protected]) trying to sell me laptops, when you click 'Unsubscribe' it simply takes you to the standard 'How may we help you page' with no clear option of opting out of marketing emails
    This frustrates me so much, I have over 7 business email accounts that I look after with precison, the last thing I need is another Spammer that you cannot delete?
    more worringly is I get billed £3.70/mnth for not using my phone, BT say on the eBill, use up your minutes to reduce this charge? I dont always want to ring someone BT? Why charge me for not using you?
    Annoyed, Lancashire

    to unsubcribe click on our products that takes you to a contact link were you can phone or email to unsubscribe
    If you want to say thanks for a helpful answer,please click on the Ratings star on the left-hand side If the reply answers your question then please mark as ’Mark as Accepted Solution’

  • Actually i don't  know where to post this, but I'm MBA student and have to do a project about the HR functions in a famous company. and I'd like to talk about Apple inc, so how can i get some information about that, and who can help me in this?

    Can anyone help me in this?

    Sara ~ Apple's mission statement is HERE. But the following statement from Apple's now-CEO Tim Cook during a quarterly earnings conference call on 21 January 2009 may give more insight:
    "There is an extraordinary breadth and depth and tenure among the Apple executive team, and these executives lead over 35,000 employees that I would call "all wicked smart". And that's in all areas of the company, from engineering to marketing to operations and sales and all the rest. And the values of our company are extremely well entrenched.
    We believe that we're on the face of the Earth to make great products, and that's not changing. We're constantly focusing on innovating. We believe in the simple, not the complex. We believe that we need to own and control the primary technologies behind the products we make, and participate only in markets where we can make a significant contribution.
    We believe in saying no to thousands of projects so that we can really focus on the few that are truly important and meaningful to us. We believe in deep collaboration and cross-pollination of our groups, which allow us to innovate in a way that others cannot.
    And frankly, we don't settle for anything less than excellence in every group in the company, and we have the self-honesty to admit when we're wrong and the courage to change. And I think, regardless of who is in what job, those values are so embedded in this company that Apple will do extremely well."

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